
Now I really did it :((


Feb 21, 2019
Happy Caturday everyone!
Thanks for all of the dresses Love. The purple floral one is my favorite because it's a little sexy and has a little cold shoulder lol! It will look great with my lavendar spinel ring and zircon necklace. The pink one will be a great daytime dress. And you know I've got my hot pink honeymoon ring to match that one!
@missy I love a quiet weekend. I'm sure it's beautiful there and very relaxing. You are in my thoughts and prayers always. Hugs my friend.
Oh gosh, this is hard to hear your insides are flaring @mrs-b exciting things with your 2nd home and upcoming surgery and your Beloved. If you will be within driving distance of DKJ, wow how fabulous will that be not having to mail anythung anymore! You are in my prayers always. Hang in there and just stare at Beloved and you'll feel better.
@Austina it is so exciting to see your home being built and the process to move! I hope your stomach feels better too.
Our gut is our second heart for sure.
@Jemi You are helping your daughter so much and she is so lucky to have you. I'll have to check out that sleep reflex. That sounds amazing. I'm so glad baby is sleeping bc then you and mom can rest.
@Slick1 you are always so upbeat. I hope your kids and parents are super nice and respectful to you because you deserve the best.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Caturday and love and hugs to all!


Aug 18, 2013
Hallo NIRDIs - home again...again. Came home last night - didn't go well...went back and was admitted for an overnight stay. Yay! :roll: Feeling much better this morning after the prednisone (aka the silver bullet of anti-inflammation!) kicked in. Yay! I'm going to try a couple of scrambled eggs in a little bit. We'll see. I haven't eaten anything solid since Thursday afternoon, so this will be a case of rolling the dice for sure!

I have my spinel ring coming home to me next Monday, I believe. Should arrive on Wednesday. I sold it - regretted it right away - re-bought it when Dorothea put it up for sale. She'd made some changes to it and, after some thought and conversation with Amy, I decided to have it re-cast. So it was, and is back to her gorgeous self. I won't be posting that more publicly, as I don't want to look like a diva. I mean, we're just talking about 2 prongs here, but it was the two in the center of each 3 diamond triangular cluster, either side of the spinel, and it's what gave the diamonds a true floral look. Anyway, that's what I did and I'm standing by it! (...<politecough>...I'm just not telling everyone....). :bigsmile:

I also added a nice pair of silver earrings to my collection. They're the same CAD as all my other hoops - just silver and 1.25" instead of 1.75". They're more casual looking, lighter, less dressy, and FABULOUS for every day. Love 'em! (Am wearing them as I type...)

@missy - Cleopatra looks wonderful! That STALK! Love it! And rain is wonderful sometimes, don't you think? Gives one permission not to work out! I went for my first walk in a while this morning, and it was lovely, but a stretch. it was only half an hour, but brisk, and none of the area here is flat, so you're always going either up or down.

Hi @Jemi! Do you happen to have a link to this technique? I was a developmental psychologist, back in the day, and people still ask me often about kids, babies, teenagers, and all sorts of developmental issues. And sleep suggestions for babies is probably top of the list! I completely get, though, that you're overly stretched, so if my request is a pain, pls ignore till you have time. Or till never, if that works better. I get what it means to be exhausted. By the way, your photos are always lovely. You seem to live in such a gorgeous place!

@Austina! Definitely NOT complaining! I'd be completely freaked out if I checked my immigration status online and it said 'rejected'!! I don't recall any of the immigration process from Australia to the UK (tho I DO remember it had some hairy aspects!), but when we moved from the UK to the US, Deloitte did the whole process for us. And I remember when we'd been here for a year and Tim's visa had run out and he had to go to Korea for work (big job, government, covered in the press with photos of him and high ranking Korean politicians, etc etc) and he realized he'd be unable to get back into the US, Deloitte called the embassy, pulled some strings, and marched him down to their office flanked by 2 lawyers on each side! They were taking NO risks! He got in and out in less than an hour. I'd never seen anything like it and it bore zero resemblance to any of my experiences getting visas approved! It's not what you know, is it?

On the other hand - framing is wonderful! Looking forward to seeing photos when they've made some progress. I hear you re keeping the stress down; stress and Crohn's are natural enemies for sure. And alcohol. Colitis and alcohol have a mutual and mortal hatred. Which is a great disappointment to me! I've taken slippery elm - but not for years and years. I take something called...sulfracate? Something like that. It's basically chalk, from what I can see. I should try the slippery elm again. I'll let you know if I give it a whirl and thank you for the reminder!

@bling_dream19 - How lucky you are to have matching jewels for your dresses! You are a true jewelry lover!! And I Love a 'cold shoulder' - very elegant!

@Slick1 - I'll be thinking of you when school re-starts. I hope all goes well and that you can keep your head above water! And just to add - I could only see the side of your head in one of your Bear photos, but you look awfully pretty! Pls feel free to go nuts and include a photo that shows you all the way up to your nose next time; I love knowing what the NIRDIs look like! (Austina had a killer haircut, @canuk-gal is very trim and fit looking with slender hands, @bling_dream19 is a lush looking ginger with a BIG smile, and Missy has funky fashion style and a New York edge! Everyone else remains a mystery, but my brain is slowly putting together jigsaw puzzles of each of you!)

Love to everyone else and a big NIRDI shoutout to all!

Here's a photo taken of me this morning, out of hospital and back in my own home. I think I look very pleased to be here, don't I!! NB. See the new earrings peaking through? ::)



Feb 6, 2021
Mrs b glad you are home and feeling better!

Here’s the link… The technique worked so well that it was a little scary. It was like flipping a switch, and I went to the Internet to make sure that I wasn’t doing something harmful to the baby. It took a little maneuvering to get it right and get the baby at the right angle, but I’m assuming with practice it would become easier. He calls it the reverse nursing position, with the baby facing out.
Basically it’s creating the environment that the baby experienced in the womb.

Maybe this is why adults like to sleep with a weighted blanket :)

Edited to use a better video… ugh I still can’t find the video we used which was cute and showed real babies being calmed. But I guess this gives the idea.
Last edited:


Aug 18, 2013
Mrs b glad you are home and feeling better!

Here’s the link… The technique worked so well that it was a little scary. It was like flipping a switch, and I went to the Internet to make sure that I wasn’t doing something harmful to the baby. It took a little maneuvering to get it right and get the baby at the right angle, but I’m assuming with practice it would become easier. He calls it the reverse nursing position, with the baby facing out.
Basically it’s creating the environment that the baby experienced in the womb.

Maybe this is why adults like to sleep with a weighted blanket :)

Edited to use a better video… ugh I still can’t find the video we used which was cute and showed real babies being calmed. But I guess this gives the idea.

Thank you so much, @Jemi! I know a bunch of people who could use this and will be very grateful!


Feb 6, 2021
Mrs b great!
If anyone uses it with success I would love to hear .
Three people have tried it with my granddaughter and it worked every time.


Jun 17, 2009
I'll BBL but @Jemi, just want to let you know I am so glad you have found a way to bring your granddaughter (and the adults who love her) some relief! I can empathize. My dd cried almost constantly as a newborn and barely slept, and it was stressful and upsetting not to be able to comfort and calm her. This was 32 years ago...I somehow managed to stumble upon the stomach position and swinging on my own, which was a big I know at least part of this works! I sure wish I had known about white noise and swaddling. Thanks for posting, this will be a help to new moms who are feeling overwhelmed. <3


Feb 27, 2007

@missy glad you and Greg and putting more miles on your bike - what is your current mileage? There is usually a pretty heavy smoke cloud there so yes it could be causing your allergies / asthma - it sure has taken a toll on mine. Hope you are doing better! Great dinosaur! Mmm ice cream. Love the ocean picture - I can see a sail boat. Sweet. Cute puppy and kitty.

@Austina how frustrating to go for your interview and not have the right paperwork. That is so rotten submitting the documents is such a hassle; that is so rotten when your instructions don’t match reality. Hoping you hear back all documents are received and accepted. Good luck getting that all behind you. Hoping you and Colin are resting and relaxing this weekend. Your house is coming along and looking good.

@canuk-gal how fun to see some coyotes on your way to work. We used to have foxes on the ground at work but I haven’t seen them in a few years. The babies were cute. We warmed up a bit here again. Summer is hanging on.

@mrs-b good luck with the move and I am so glad Tim is going with you to get your settled. That’s great they adjusted your surgery date too. That park with the lake is maybe a 7 minute drive from my house. It has the lake and a lovely garden around our local Botanic Gardens. It’s nice to have it so close to us but then nothing is more than 15-20 minute from anywhere else in town. How fun to meet up with some PS’ers soon. Sending you healing vibes and hope you are feeling better soon - what a relief you got to come home already.

@Slick1 good luck with school starting. I totally remember spending days at school getting packets ready for my online classes. I do miss my students. Glad that got you in for a mammo now; good thing you sent a note. Sorry you have to get another one in a few months. Hi Bear!

@bling_dream19 great dresses! They are very pretty.

@Jemi sorry life is exhausting for you and your daughter right now. That is great you found a way to get the baby to sleep; hopefully that technique works great every day so you guys can get much needed rest.

@junebug17 glad you found a way to soothe your DD when she was a baby. Sleep is so precious when taking care of a new baby.

I’ve been playing with my camera today. Got some pictures of the sun with a solar filter - some sunspots actually show. I also used some closeup lenses and got pictures of some jewelry FINALLY.

We ate out for both breakfast and lunch today. Yay no dishes.

Thank you all for checking on Marty and well wishes for him. He is truly exceeding my expectations with his arm. He sees the doctor Monday - hopefully the doctor will agree he is doing well. He really hopes they’ll tell him to quit wearing the sling and maybe move to keeping the arm straight and in a harness; we will see.

Take care.

Some ring shots - the EC was quite photogenic

The sun today


Aug 18, 2013

@missy glad you and Greg and putting more miles on your bike - what is your current mileage? There is usually a pretty heavy smoke cloud there so yes it could be causing your allergies / asthma - it sure has taken a toll on mine. Hope you are doing better! Great dinosaur! Mmm ice cream. Love the ocean picture - I can see a sail boat. Sweet. Cute puppy and kitty.

@Austina how frustrating to go for your interview and not have the right paperwork. That is so rotten submitting the documents is such a hassle; that is so rotten when your instructions don’t match reality. Hoping you hear back all documents are received and accepted. Good luck getting that all behind you. Hoping you and Colin are resting and relaxing this weekend. Your house is coming along and looking good.

@canuk-gal how fun to see some coyotes on your way to work. We used to have foxes on the ground at work but I haven’t seen them in a few years. The babies were cute. We warmed up a bit here again. Summer is hanging on.

@mrs-b good luck with the move and I am so glad Tim is going with you to get your settled. That’s great they adjusted your surgery date too. That park with the lake is maybe a 7 minute drive from my house. It has the lake and a lovely garden around our local Botanic Gardens. It’s nice to have it so close to us but then nothing is more than 15-20 minute from anywhere else in town. How fun to meet up with some PS’ers soon. Sending you healing vibes and hope you are feeling better soon - what a relief you got to come home already.

@Slick1 good luck with school starting. I totally remember spending days at school getting packets ready for my online classes. I do miss my students. Glad that got you in for a mammo now; good thing you sent a note. Sorry you have to get another one in a few months. Hi Bear!

@bling_dream19 great dresses! They are very pretty.

@Jemi sorry life is exhausting for you and your daughter right now. That is great you found a way to get the baby to sleep; hopefully that technique works great every day so you guys can get much needed rest.

@junebug17 glad you found a way to soothe your DD when she was a baby. Sleep is so precious when taking care of a new baby.

I’ve been playing with my camera today. Got some pictures of the sun with a solar filter - some sunspots actually show. I also used some closeup lenses and got pictures of some jewelry FINALLY.

We ate out for both breakfast and lunch today. Yay no dishes.

Thank you all for checking on Marty and well wishes for him. He is truly exceeding my expectations with his arm. He sees the doctor Monday - hopefully the doctor will agree he is doing well. He really hopes they’ll tell him to quit wearing the sling and maybe move to keeping the arm straight and in a harness; we will see.

Take care.

Some ring shots - the EC was quite photogenic

The sun today

Those photos, @marcy! WOW!!


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy Sunday!

@marcy wow, gorgeous. :kiss2: I don't know where to look first. That EC is SWOONWORTHY!!! And all your photos beautiful. Exquisite. Good question about the miles so far. I know we are over 5K. I will check today if (hopefully) we get togo cycling. There is a chance of rain but less than yesterday so unless the forecast changes significantly before I am done working out (weights today) we are going cycling. And I will check our total mileage. Last time we checked it was over 5K. We average about 1K a month give or take weather. Mr Marty sure looked happy. Glad he is doing well and feeling good.

@bling_dream19 all those dresses are gorgeous on you I know. And you will rock them without doubt. Thank you for your always kind and generous words and I hope you and your DH are enjoying a peaceful weekend.

@Jemi you rock. You are a strong woman and have dealt with it all. Your daughter and grandbaby are so lucky to have you. Thank you for sharing that technique. I know my mom wishes she knew about that when I was a baby. She said she didn't sleep through one night. I was a crybaby. LOL not much has changed I guess. :lol: Please take good care of yourself. You are always taking such good care of everyone else.

@Austina ugh I am sorry but I know ultimately it will work out. In the meantime it is a hassle and stressful. How exciting to see your new home in progress. I hope you are feeling better today.

@mrs-b lovely photo. You are radiant. I hope with each day you feel stronger and better and are looking forward to your home away from home. I hope the surgery can be moved up and that everything goes as well as possible and I am continuing to send healing vibes to you and Cirrus.

@Slick1 how is your DH feeling? How are you doing? Let me know if you want to read a book about hormones. I have the free pdf the author sent me personally and he is very smart. He knows more about hormones than any doctor or healthcare professional I know. Hope everyone by you is well and feeling good.

@sarahb hope you are enjoying a good weekend. We have a mixed bag weather wise but are enjoying the days as they come. Hope all is well.

Hi @junebug17 hope you and your family are having a good time in SC and are all well.

Hi to everyone else. We ran errands yesterday and as usual the day sped by. Like lightning. Hoping we can ride today but it is iffy regarding rain. Right now we are going to chance it unless the weather forecast changes.

Have a wonderful Sunday lovely ladies. Sending you lots of hugs and love.

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Speaking of meowww

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Enjoy a meowelous Sunday girls! XOXO.


Aug 18, 2013

So Ballin is now unwell - exactly the same symptoms as Cirrus. Diarrhea EVERYWHERE. I just spent 45 minutes scrubbing my back courtyard. Apparently campylobacter is running rampant around here right now, and I'm also able to catch it from my dog. I can also catch a bunch of other infections from my dogs, and since both dogs and I all have the same symptoms....I'm now wondering if I should bypass all doctors and simply take myself to the vet!

Either way, I'm taking Ballin to the vet tomorrow. And I'm contacting my gastroenterologist. I just feel so...soooo....classy.....



Apr 19, 2004

So Ballin is now unwell - exactly the same symptoms as Cirrus. Diarrhea EVERYWHERE. I just spent 45 minutes scrubbing my back courtyard. Apparently campylobacter is running rampant around here right now, and I'm also able to catch it from my dog. I can also catch a bunch of other infections from my dogs, and since both dogs and I all have the same symptoms....I'm now wondering if I should bypass all doctors and simply take myself to the vet!

Either way, I'm taking Ballin to the vet tomorrow. And I'm contacting my gastroenterologist. I just feel so...soooo....classy.....


OH MAN! World, get off @mrs-b back!!!!!

Healing vibes across the miles dear lady........


Jun 8, 2008

So Ballin is now unwell - exactly the same symptoms as Cirrus. Diarrhea EVERYWHERE. I just spent 45 minutes scrubbing my back courtyard. Apparently campylobacter is running rampant around here right now, and I'm also able to catch it from my dog. I can also catch a bunch of other infections from my dogs, and since both dogs and I all have the same symptoms....I'm now wondering if I should bypass all doctors and simply take myself to the vet!

Either way, I'm taking Ballin to the vet tomorrow. And I'm contacting my gastroenterologist. I just feel so...soooo....classy.....


@mrs-b please let us know how Ballin and Cirrus are doing and how you are feeling. I am so sorry and hope that things start improving for everyone. Gentle hugs and healing vibes. XOXO.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls and happy Monday. Just a quick post.
We rode yesterday and remained dry woohoo.

@marcy we have officially cycled 5,491 miles to date this year so far. Not bad. :)

@Slick1 sent again. Let me know you received it and it works. Hope hubby is feeling much better today and fingers crossed he is Covid negative.

@bling_dream19 hope you had a lovely weekend.

@Austina hope you get good news this week. Fingers crossed.

@springerspaniel hope all is well. It is almost September. Not ready for fall let alone winter. The past 2 years have gone in a flash yet also really slowly...all of it surreal.

@sarahb have a wonderful week.

@Jemi big hugs and lots of love.

Hi to everyone else.
We had a good day yesterday.
Riding, ice cream and animals. All enjoyed with my DH. My fave things.

Today is another iffy day. Rain coming in but we are hoping to get a ride in. Ida is hitting here Wednesday into Thursday but hopefully just a rain event. My heart goes out to everyone affected by Ida. One big scary hurricane. :(

One of our ferals yesterday as we were cycling.

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Ice cream yummm. Jimmy in background.
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And impatiens after we enjoyed our ice cream before we had the energy to get back to cycling haha. Just taking a moment to smell the flowers and enjoy the beautiful day. You can see our bike (and Greg) in the background.
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Hope everyone enjoys a sweet Monday filled with love and happiness and good things. XOXO.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

OMG @mrs-b I’m so sorry that you’re living this never ending nightmare. I don’t know if this help, but lots of Spinoni owners give their dogs canned, unsweetened pumpkin to settle their stomachs after a major gastric upset, and it seems to have good results. Everything crossed you’ll ALL be feeling much better soon. I’m not surprised you were glad to be home after that ordeal.

So glad you had a good day yesterday @missy, sounds just perfect. The Bizzy Lizzies are a gorgeous colour, I usually put them in my summer bedding planters. What a pretty puss, lovely smokey grey colour sat there looking so regal. Wow, you’re really clocking up the miles!

I’m glad you found techniques to help your DD and DGD @Jemi. Adam absolutely hated being swaddled and would scream until I unmummified him! :lol: We were lucky that he wasn’t a particularly unsettled baby, until he started teething. My ‘baby’ was 38 yesterday! How did that happen?

Wow @marcy your photos are fantastic, so clear and precise. Yay to eating out and not cooking, sounds like my perfect weekend, Glad that Marty is coping well and will hopefully get the thumbs up at the Drs.

Hope you’ve had a good weekend @bling_dream19, have you worn your lovely dresses yet?

Isn‘t if funny when you’re living through things, you manage to find what works for you @junebug17? I used to lay Adam across my legs after feeding, then drop one knee and slowly raise him up to wind him, and it seemed to work really well.

Hope you had a smokeless weekend @canuk-gal and got out in some fresh air.

We went out for a couple of walks over the weekend, Colin’s cleared out the shed and I’ve posted a few more things on the free site.

The only good news we’ve had is that the framing’s been done, boy that went up really quickly. It’s actually starting to resemble a house.

Public holiday here today, so we’ve had the day off! :lol:

Hope you’re all having a good start to the week. :wavey:


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Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!

@Austina glad you had a lovely holiday yesterday and enjoyed a walk with Colin and that the shed is all cleaned out. Woohoo the house framing looks good. It is coming along nicely.

@Slick1 update on your DH please.I hope his second test turns out to be negative and I am keeping all of you in my thoughts. Good luck today. I cannot believe it is the first day already. Sheesh, where did summer go. Sending you lots of good wishes.

@mrs-b speaking of good wishes, I hope all is going as well as possible with you. You remain in my thoughts as do your sweet pups. How are Cirrus and Ballin doing? Please let us know. I have been thinking of them all day yesterday and this AM and hope things are improving all around.

@bling_dream19 good morning, hope your week is going well my sweet friend.

@marcy hope all is continuing to go smoothly and you are enjoying a good week.

@Jemi thinking of you and your wonderful family. Life has been challenging but you have made the most of everything and turned lemons into lemonade. Truly you are an inspiration to us all. I think the world of you.

@canuk-gal I hope you enjoyed a lovely weekend and that the week is going well for you. Sending you lots of good wishes. Always.

Hi to everyone else. Yesterday was a good cycling day. Warmer than the weekend but bearable. Lots of rain heading here midweek for a couple of days. But today looks to be good for cycling.

I hope everyone enjoys a terrific Tuesday. Lots of hugs and love. XOXO.

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Gracie assumed her position last night haha. She is daddy's little girl.:love:
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Aug 18, 2013
Hi ladies. :)

Well, it seems I've caught what my dogs have - most likely campylobacter. I've been unable to get an appt with a dr (gastro or PCP) and when I finally got an appt with the physician's assistant and she spoke to the dr, they decided they wanted me to do a stool study before they'd prescribe anything. Keep in mind, I've eaten almost nothing since Thursday afternoon.... Follow up appt this coming Thursday....

But patient portals can be a wonderful thing and the results for the main thing they were testing for (C Diff. which will make you very, very ill if you're given antibiotics) came back negative. So I called my gastro's office after hours service again last night and asked - for about the 6th time - for antibiotics. The message was conveyed to the dr on call and he called me back. Unusually, he calls me back within 60 seconds. Keep in mind - that NEVER happens. This was the ensuing conversation, and this is everything wrong with the medical profession....

Dr starts...and right away, I can hear he's eating. I'm not stupid, and I realize right away, he's called me DURING dinner because he thinks this will be a 30 second phone call. He does not intend to help me. This is clear IMMEDIATELY - even before he speaks.

He begins:

"Hallo. This is Dr C." I hear the 'tone' and know he's annoyed and I'm being treated like a naughty, demanding child who clearly doesn't understand the procedure.

"Hallo Dr C. This is Mrs B. Are you familiar with my situation?"

"Yes. I know who you are." A LOT of tone this time.

"Oh. Ok. Well, Dr S suggested I get a stool study before I get antibiotics. The results are back and they're negative for C Diff and I was wondering if I could get s prescription for antibiotics please?"

"You have to wait for the results before we" (notice the royal 'we' - I am now an individual coming up against a GROUP) "can prescribe you anything!"

Ok. So what do we notice as of right now. A) He's called to brush me off and really doesn't have time to talk to me. B) He has a pre-prepared mental template of what he intends to say. C) He is not listening.

NB - and apologies for being graphic - my stool sample was 100% mucus and blood.

"Yes, I understand that. But the results are BACK. And they're negative. And I was hoping you could now prescribe me some antibiotics."

"They can't be back. It's too soon."

"Dr C, I'm looking at the results right here on my patient portal." (Reads them out)

"I'll have to check your notes. Just wait."

THIS time, he's gone for 10 minutes. Think it's through... It takes about 30 seconds to access my patient portent and to read these results. So - what's he doing? Obviously - he's FINISHING HIS DINNER - because NOW he's realized - he's going to actually have to DO something.

He comes back.

"I'm happy enough to prescribe you antibiotics, but that's not going to help Crohn's disease."

"I'm sorry, Dr C - but I've been trying to make this clear to everyone - I don't think this IS Crohn's disease. My Crohn's has been wonderfully controlled and I've felt the best I've felt - Crohn's-wise - in years for the last 3 months, since the Humira kicked in. But both my dogs are sick and I think...." He cuts me off.

"Ohhhh - I didn't realize you have a sick dog. This is probably campylobacter. it's running rampant around here at the moment."

"Yes. I know. And both my dogs are sick. The first one got sick, then me, then the second dog. So all three of us are sick with identical symptoms. I've been leaving messages for days that I think that's what I have, but obviously they haven't reached you. I'm also only able to leave messages with your answering service and your receptionist."

At this point, given that he actually IS a very nice man, he started to chat to me about dogs, and apologized 2 or three times for leaving me in discomfort for so long and for my being unable to get assistance. I explain to him that the symptoms went from vague and mild/moderate to acute as soon as I took my last Humira shot last Wednesday evening - which no doubt lowered my immune system and allowed the campylobacter - or whatever this bug is - to really bloom in my gut. He says:

"Yes. Yes. That sounds like something you got from your dogs."

I also tell him that the MAIN reason I'm calling him - and not just struggling through the next 3 days, till my scheduled appointment, unaided (because who wants to have to deal with this crap and all this attitude??) is because the ONLY treatment I was given at the hospital on Friday evening was large dose steroids - which I CAN'T TAKE because my glucose reacts to them, and even moderate steroids, which I acquiesced to take - have jacked my glucose up - from 230. I'm bright red and jittery and my kidneys ache. This is the ONLY treatment I've been given, and this is NOT OK. So we need to try SOMETHING ELSE.

He understands, tells me not to worry about the glucose readings ("Because campylobacter can do that") and to take a double dose of the antibiotics that evening then one a day for 5 days.

We say goodbye.

Pharmacy is, of course, closed by the time we get off the phone. Tim will go to the pharmacy this morning as soon as they open, and THEN, hopefully, I will get relief.

So this is a whole lot of words and I'm sorry to be talking about myself so much. I'm just exhausted, starving, discouraged, and feel as tho I'm now seen as 'the demanding patient' - which WILL impact the assistance I am given next time. Awesome system.

And let me just say - these are the GOOD guys. I have a WONDERFUL gastro. Her partners, and the dr to whom I spoke last night, are fabulous! My PCP is one of the nicest drs I've ever met, and her physician's asst is a lovely woman who genuinely tried to help. And their practice nurse is a saint. Even their office staff are lovely and helpful.

It's not the people. It's the system. But I'm here to tell you - the system is stuffed. I understand the need for gatekeepers - I do! I have a family FULL of drs - a lot of whom are pediatricians, and there's nobody alive that needs a gatekeeper more than drs who deal with people's kids. But even so - 5 days of bleeding gut and pain...not so good.

And yes. I could have gone back to the ER. But I believe that an ER is for people who CANNOT cope at home. And I *could* cope at home. So I did, for as much of this as I was able. What *should* have happened, in my opinion, was that I should have been admitted when I went to the ER. They should have done a stool study then, and I should have been put on antibiotics 4 days ago. The dr I saw there mentioned this possibility....after I'd been put on IV morphine. Here's THAT conversation:

"So, Mrs B, is there any chance you could give us a stool sample?"

"What - now? I...I don't think I could right now. I've got nothing in my gut. Do you want me to drop one up (to the hospital) tomorrow?" Keep in mind, THIS is the dr who could have ordered the stool sample.

"No - just follow up with your dr tomorrow and make sure you see them within 48 hours." (It's Friday night at 11.45pm)

Me: "Um....Ok...."

"If you want antibiotics, we'll need to admit you. Do you want me to admit you?"

Me (utterly stoned and still thinking I can get an appt with my dr on a SUNDAY): "'m fiiiine....I'm okkkk..... No, I'm good." And THEN I say - which really should have been the big giveaway that I'm stoned, "I think I'll go home now. Thank you."

And yet - even despite ALL THIS SHIT - both literal and figurative - I still love them all, Because I fundamentally believe they're trying. And I look at my PCP, who I know has had covid, and I see how tired she is, and I know she's doing her level best to help. And they've kept me alive and in my own home and moving and I've still got a life - which is more than just 'being alive'.

I just wish I wasn't made to feel like I'm being "difficult" every time I step outside the prescribed parameters of dr/patient relationship. I'm a really nice person and I'm doing my level best. I just wish they knew that.


Jun 8, 2008
@mrs-b omg all I can say is I 100% relate to what you are going through. And I agree with everything you wrote. This is a big part of what is wrong with our health care. Even good doctors. I feel you and am sending bucketloads of healing vibes your way. (((((Hugs))))))

PS. I am still bleeding. If don’t figure this out on my own I am out of luck. No doctor has a clue how to help me. I am so tired. Just to say I understand completely


Aug 18, 2013
@mrs-b omg all I can say is I 100% relate to what you are going through. And I agree with everything you wrote. This is a big part of what is wrong with our health care. Even good doctors. I feel you and am sending bucketloads of healing vibes your way. (((((Hugs))))))

PS. I am still bleeding. If don’t figure this out on my own I am out of luck. No doctor has a clue how to help me. I am so tired. Just to say I understand completely

@missy -

Good morning! Are you still considering a biopsy for the bleeding? it bothers me that this is still ongoing. Also - are you anemic? You must be so tired....

Hugs back at you! <3


Jun 8, 2008
@missy -

Good morning! Are you still considering a biopsy for the bleeding? it bothers me that this is still ongoing. Also - are you anemic? You must be so tired....

Hugs back at you! <3

I’m so turned around. If my original gyn knew she would be furious with me as she said if I had any more bleeding (after April) I needed a biopsy. But then I saw my friend who is a gyn and she is well aware I am bleeding. She has been less than responsive. See what I mean about our doctors? This is a friend. But it is beyond her scope.

So I am on my own. My endocrinologist gave me his rec for a gyn but I spoke with her and omg. She was pushing pellets. A money maker for her. That will not help my bleeding. I am exhausted. But one day at a time. I will consider a biopsy when I see my original gyn for my annual pap. If she doesn’t fire me.

Meanwhile I like my bhrt provider but she doesn’t know what to do to stop my bleeding. I know I could try non bio identical P injections but they carry a risk of blood clots especially for me with my history. I have another plan up my sleeve but it is back ordered and who knows when the pharmacy will get it in. OHPC injections. Not bio but close enough and doesn’t carry the same blood clot risks.

Thanks for caring. XO.


Aug 18, 2013
Thanks for caring. XO.

Always. ox

I wish you were up here. I have world's best gyn. I can tell you for sure, tho - she'd have you in for a biopsy pronto!

Gotta get scoped, AG. I'm glad you're seeing your original gyn. When is that? I'm hoping it's not too long....

And just because life's a circus - it's my anniversary tomorrow. 37 years. We were meant to be going out to dinner - but - no chance. :(( Tim asked me what I wanted for our anniversary and I said flowers. I can't be bothered thinking of anything else, to be honest. So he's ordered me a big bunch of gardenias, which I love. ::)

Also tomorrow - the movers are coming to ship my stuff to CA. I'll be glad when this is done! Next day, I have a mammogram scheduled at the hospital, an annual physical with my PCP, and a telemedicine visit with my gastro. I vaguely remember the days when I was more than the sum of my physical ailments, but that seems such a long time ago....


Jun 8, 2008
Always. ox

I wish you were up here. I have world's best gyn. I can tell you for sure, tho - she'd have you in for a biopsy pronto!

Gotta get scoped, AG. I'm glad you're seeing your original gyn. When is that? I'm hoping it's not too long....

And just because life's a circus - it's my anniversary tomorrow. 37 years. We were meant to be going out to dinner - but - no chance. :(( Tim asked me what I wanted for our anniversary and I said flowers. I can't be bothered thinking of anything else, to be honest. So he's ordered me a big bunch of gardenias, which I love. ::)

Also tomorrow - the movers are coming to ship my stuff to CA. I'll be glad when this is done! Next day, I have a mammogram scheduled at the hospital, an annual physical with my PCP, and a telemedicine visit with my gastro. I vaguely remember the days when I was more than the sum of my physical ailments, but that seems such a long time ago....

I am keeping so many good thoughts and prayers for you. I’m here for you always too.
My annual gyn is in December. :(



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

There are just no words to express how sorry I am that you @mrs-b and @missy are going through such horrendous trials with your health. I had hoped that as you’re paying (and I know it’ll be a considerable amount - we’ve had the quotes) for your health insurance, that you’d be getting the best treatment available. It’s a sorry state of affairs that in this day and age you’re unable to get the care and treatment you need, when you need it.

Happy anniversary to you and Tim @mrs-b, quite the milestone to be so happily married after all these years. The lady at the embassy was surprised that we only had 1 marriage between us, and for so long! I hope the packing goes well for your move to Ca., just another stress you don’t need.

Gracie is such a sweetheart @missy, and so cute that she loves her Daddy so much - I know the feeling is mutual, but still lovely to see. Glad you got out cycling ahead of the rain this week, it’s pretty dull and cool here, I think ‘summer’ is over!

Well, Colin checked our status this morning, and it’d changed from Rejected to Administrative Processing. When he checked a little later it said APPROVED :dance::appl: As you can imagine, we’re beyond delighted and thrilled. He’s got the notification that his passport has been collected by the courier and will be here tomorrow, me, nada! We’re hoping that they’ve collected both passports, but we’ll see what turns up tomorrow. Oh well, at least my visa has been issued now, so I suppose I just carry on waiting.

Had to go out this afternoon to get new plates for the car, we’ve been waiting before selling my personalised plate, and had to get a new number, which was done immediately online! Another job ticked off the huge list.

Sending big love to you all, thanks for being so supportive, I really appreciate it :appl:


Aug 18, 2013
Well, Colin checked our status this morning, and it’d changed from Rejected to Administrative Processing. When he checked a little later it said APPROVED :dance::appl: As you can imagine, we’re beyond delighted and thrilled. He’s got the notification that his passport has been collected by the courier and will be here tomorrow, me, nada! We’re hoping that they’ve collected both passports, but we’ll see what turns up tomorrow. Oh well, at least my visa has been issued now, so I suppose I just carry on waiting.

This is AWESOME! Congratulations, @Austina!! What a relief! I know those online glitches mean nothing...I mean, I know it, cerebrally...but...ugh!! So I'm glad this glitch has gone the way of all annoying glitches! I can't wait to say to you - welcome to your new home!

And thank you for your kind words re health struggles and marital anniversaries. :)) I really do have the best husband in the whole world, and am a very, very grateful woman.


Jun 8, 2008
Hello lovelies

There are just no words to express how sorry I am that you @mrs-b and @missy are going through such horrendous trials with your health. I had hoped that as you’re paying (and I know it’ll be a considerable amount - we’ve had the quotes) for your health insurance, that you’d be getting the best treatment available. It’s a sorry state of affairs that in this day and age you’re unable to get the care and treatment you need, when you need it.

Happy anniversary to you and Tim @mrs-b, quite the milestone to be so happily married after all these years. The lady at the embassy was surprised that we only had 1 marriage between us, and for so long! I hope the packing goes well for your move to Ca., just another stress you don’t need.

Gracie is such a sweetheart @missy, and so cute that she loves her Daddy so much - I know the feeling is mutual, but still lovely to see. Glad you got out cycling ahead of the rain this week, it’s pretty dull and cool here, I think ‘summer’ is over!

Well, Colin checked our status this morning, and it’d changed from Rejected to Administrative Processing. When he checked a little later it said APPROVED :dance::appl: As you can imagine, we’re beyond delighted and thrilled. He’s got the notification that his passport has been collected by the courier and will be here tomorrow, me, nada! We’re hoping that they’ve collected both passports, but we’ll see what turns up tomorrow. Oh well, at least my visa has been issued now, so I suppose I just carry on waiting.

Had to go out this afternoon to get new plates for the car, we’ve been waiting before selling my personalised plate, and had to get a new number, which was done immediately online! Another job ticked off the huge list.

Sending big love to you all, thanks for being so supportive, I really appreciate it :appl:

Woohoo! Wonderful update! So pleased for you! :appl:

Happy Anniversary @mrs-b to you and Tim!!! A wonderful couple perfect for each other. :kiss2:


Feb 24, 2017
Thank you! We’re so relieved.

I just had to post this, it was Bertie’s ‘Official’ birthday on Sunday, (the day he turned up at the shelter, which coincides with Adam’s b’day) and they sent Adam and Kim this photo of him from the doggy day care. He doesn’t look very impressed :lol:



Feb 21, 2019
My heart and prayers are with you @mrs-b and @missy
@Austina congratulations!
@mrs-b happy anniversary!
@marcy Your pics are gorgeous! Your emerald diamond is beautiful.
Nirdi shoutout! Love and hugs to all.


Apr 19, 2004

@Austina . Thank you for that photo. It made my day. Congrats on your great news.

Monster thunderstorm at present. It isn't Ida, but huge amounts of chubby rain and hail are not good.

Very busy weekend with family visiting. Some, but not all fun. Followed by super busy and exhausting work and Mon and Tue. WTH. Just when you think you've seen and experienced it all.

For all the folks who need healing they are across the miles.



Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy September 1st!
It's a stormy two days here so no cycling but we have lots to do anyway.
We enjoyed a beautiful ride yesterday and it has been a decent cycling season so no complaints. Thank goodness for cycling to get me out of my head for much of the day. It is definitely cathartic and healing to cycle by the sea. I know we all have our own things that do that and I am thankful we all do.

@Austina Bertie is an absolute love.

@bling_dream19 aww thank you and big hugs to you.

@mrs-b hope you got those antibiotics and they are already working. And happy Anniversary sweet friend.

@canuk-gal I am glad you had some fun with visiting family this weekend and I hope work calms down a bit for you for the rest of the week. We are experiencing a monster thunder and rain storm here for the next 2 days. Related to Ida. But cannot complain because at least it isn't a hurricane.

@Slick1 good luck today and hope your DH is feeling better and better with each day.

Hi to everyone else.
Have a good day and be well.
XOXO and lots of love.

Leaving you with our ICOTD.

Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 5.14.39 AM.png

Yummmmm. Enjoy a sweet day filled with happy treats.
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