
Now I really did it :((

Hello, everyone!

Thanks for your kind words, @Austina and @marcy!

I’m sorry to hear your son had to have emergency gallbladder surgery, @MMtwo. I hope he’s fully recovered now. Congrats on his passing his test with flying colors. I hope he can see it as the big achievement that it is!

I’m so glad to hear that Greg had a successful surgery @missy! Sorry to hear about his stent discomfort though. Hopefully his surgeon will remove it sooner rather than later.

I hope you and Greg both get definitive diagnoses soon relating to your hormone levels/possible PHPT. I can relate to your frustration. Hang in there :)

Well, have a great remainder of your weekend ladies. And thanks for sharing all of your wonderful photos!
GM lovely ladies and happy (I hope) Monday.


We decorated at ground level today. We have this ridiculous weeping spruce at the side of the house we had planted two years ago. It is growing very well, but it looks like a bent up old man. It's a charlie Brown Christmas tree. Hubby draped it in lights and we added giant ornaments. I'll post a pic in daylight. Here is where we are now. The front door and sidelights are glass, so we draw drapes at night for privacy. I need a candle in the side window, I think.


@MMtwo your house looks gorgeous. Love the warm holiday cheer emanating from it. Thank you so much for all your good wishes. Wishing you only sweet and good and happy holiday cheer now and all through the new year.

Here is our Charley Brown tree. It needs a grinch or something.

Haha yes. What a sad yet hopeful Charlie Brown tree. Optimistic and not yet giving up. Just like all of us. One day at a time. Hugs and hope you have a wonderful Monday.

@missy Hi sweet friend! How is your darling Greg? He's been on my mind. I love your tree! You can keep it up all winter! My parents decorated a treat for my wedding last December and have kept it up all year in honor of us. 20200209_143101.jpg
Love and hugs to all you wonderful peeps!

What a splendid tree @bling_dream19. Love it. Very cheerful and beautiful. And how amazing of your parents to keep it up all year in honor of your wedding/marriage. I just love that. Thanks for asking about Greg. He is in considerable discomfort from the stent. The cure is worse than the disease when it is like this. Not sure when he can get that stent out. Calling the urology office this morning. They are hard to get in touch with always and their patient portal is always down but even when it isn't it is useless to get in touch via their patient portal. Anyway at least the kidney stone is out. He does have many more in the kidney but they are smaller and please let them stay that way.

@missy the kitties look comfy. Glad to hear surgery went well for Greg. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Ouch to a 9mm stone. I hope HRT helps you; I used the patch for a while but they bothered me (shocking I know) so quit. Oh no that you might have hyperparathyroidism too, I hope it turns out that isn’t so. I hate to hear your numbers are going up. Gorgeous cloud pictures. LOL to Count Graciela. Love the tree; it looks great. Too funny the picture of Gracie in the tree and yes I am surprised the tree is still standing.

All but one of the parts for the Christmas lights outside arrived by yesterday. We have the lights on the house now but the connecting wiring to plug them all in won't be arriving until Monday. Marty was working for over 6 hours getting everything up. I was out there for over 4 hours. I put all the bulbs in the sockets and "helped" hand things up to Marty on the ladder. It was cold too for me at a28 degrees when we started with a very chilly wind. I get nervous when Marty is on the roof. I call it the "death zone" like that zone on Everest. Ha Ha.

I had to come in the house for about 20 minutes to change the 4K game with about 25 minutes to spare. Nothing like a last minute change. At least I warmed up for a while.

After the lights were all hung up we went out to eat lunch.

I am working on laundry but I decided (or my right knee has decided) to put off Christmas baking for another day.

I did get my Christmas cards ready to mail this week. Woo hoo!

We went out for breakfast this morning, mailed our Christmas cards on the way home and picked up the wiring to hook up all the plugs and cords so our Christmas lights will have first light tonight. I am so excited to see how they look. I just know that the bulbs I screwed in crooked will be on the highest peak and Marty will have to climb up there again to fix them. Time will tell.

My sister stopped by for a visit and to bring us some farm fresh eggs. After she left I did my lifting and plan on reading the rest of the day.

Woohoo! You guys have accomplished so much and the house looks just gorgeous. Yeah I would have been freaking out I think if Greg was on the roof decorating. We have no need to add any more trouble to this year lol. Glad Marty is safe and sound and on the ground. I am sorry your right knee is acting up. Bad knee. I hope it behaves better today. Yay for Christmas cards being mailed. We never send holiday cards out but I always admire those who have their act together enough to do holiday cards. Yes to farm fresh eggs and seeing your sister. Glad you got to lift. I did weights yesterday too. I cannot call it lifting per se as my weights are quite lightweight compared to yours haha. I wish one day I could lift like you. Hugs to you and hope the work week goes smoothly. Are you taking time off between Christmas and New Year's?

@canuk-gal thanks dear Sharon. One day at a time is my mantra and then one hour when that gets to be too much. So much on our minds one must compartmentalize. I hope you had a lovely weekend and are off to a good week. Hugs.

@Slick1 sending you many good wishes and lots of love. Good luck to J this week and to you too. Hope it all goes smoothly. XOXO.

@Austina I hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend. How is Breakfast doing? Hugs.

@OdetteOdile how are you doing? How is holiday prep going? Any plans? Thinking of you and sending hugs and holiday cheer your way. XO.

@springerspaniel yasss! I know your paper will be done soon if not already.

This week was interesting. We had more COVID patients than beds for a bit, and each day I came to work there were a few new faces (and yesterday, a basement full of backed up sewage, with toilets and water not working! Yoiu haven't lived until you've told your patients not to flush...) While I would not wish this pandemic on anyone, given that it exists, I am learning new things all the time, but I do come home exhausted.

And I know you have heard me say this before, but I am hoping this is the last weekend for writing this paper. Just the Discussion section left. Happy weekend to all the NIRDIs! I hope you and your families
keep doing safe stuff and remain symptom free.

Ugh I hate you are dealing with more Covid patients but they are lucky to have you. Hope your weekend went very well and you got a restful sleep each night and are ready to face the week. Hugs to you.

@Polabowla I hope you are feeling better and getting answers and have much good health and holiday cheer to look forward to. Sending you continued healing dust and gentle hugs and good wishes.

@MamaBee hugs to you. Hope your weekend went well. XOXO.

@Keeliamira how are you feeling? How was your weekend? You are a warrior g-ddess and that's all I want to say. Hugs and love and bucketloads of healing dust.

@MJ_Mac keeping you and your DH in my thoughts and hoping he is all healed. Hugs.

@Sally Brown how was your weekend? Thanks for your continued good thoughts and well wishes and I am keeping you in my thoughts as well.
I don't think we will get answers this month (that would be quite optimistic and IMO not realistic given I have been dealing with these issues for years) but oh that would be sweet. I would be happy just to get answers for both of us within the next few months. Pretty please and fingers and toes crossed. And I hope all goes well for you and only good things come your way. We have all had our fair share of not great things. Time for the sweet.
May January bring us all good news and good cheer. Hugs.

@Scandinavian hope you all enjoyed a fun and snowy weekend and perhaps engaged in some winter activities. Hugs.

Hi to everyone else. I am sorry if I didn't mention your name but I am thinking of you and sending good vibes to all of you.

We had a restful weekend. Poor Greg is uncomfortable due to the stent so that limited our activities. We did get to take a bit of a walk yesterday as it was sunny and bright yet very cold. So I bundled up. @bling_dream19 I wore my Hanukkah leggings for the first time. I couldn't wear my blue hiking boots due to my toe so I had to settle for the red Olang boots. I hate not matching but hey comfort comes first. And I was wearing all blue and white with just a dash of red with the red boots. LOL.

Screen Shot 2020-12-07 at 7.13.58 AM.png

And I was playing around with my newest alternative hair. :lol:


Have a happy Monday lovely ladies and warm hugs to all of you.
I have to share this photo here. I did share it in the Christmas thread but she looks so angelic and adorable I must share with you girls in case you didn't see it in the Christmas thread. Our cousin thought she was an actual ornament I kid you not. :lol:


Princess Gracie in the tree
Is she for real
Or just a doll
Help us settle this
Once and for all

Hello lovelies

Glad you managed to get all the lights working @marcy, it looks fabulous. In our house, it’d be me dangling off the roof as Colin has no head for heights at all! :lol:

That was really great to be able to give your stepson your car @bling_dream19, I’m sure he must’ve appreciated that very much. The tree looks stunning, is it really a whole year since you got married? :-o I keep saying this, but the time has really gone by so quickly bearing in mind we’ve been stuck inside for most of it.

Oh dear @MMtwo your Charlie Brown tree is looking a little bedraggled, I‘m half expecting it to start walking! You must be very proud of your DH doing such an important job, no wonder he has a head for heights and doesn’t mind getting the lights up. It looks really festive and cheery. The first thing I said when I saw a photo of Breakfast was what lovely toofies he’s got :mrgreen: I’m glad to be rid of my skunk street that’s for sure.

I wish @canuk-gal, but if I left it to Colin we’d be living on beans on toast!

It’s a date @OdetteOdile, once we’re through this and all vaccinated, we’ll plan a NIRDI GTG.

Nearly there @springerspaniel, your paper will soon be finished, Oy to such a stressful work situation, I was going to say it sounds like you had a s**t week, but I wouldn’t do that to you :lol:

Gracie is so cute playing peek-a-boo in the tree @missy . Poor Greg being so uncomfortable, when’s his post-op check up? Hopefully soon so he can get rid of the stent, the main thing is that the op is over, the boulder removed and he’s home safely with you to care for him. I really wish you could both get some answers to all the issues you’re dealing with, it’s always easier when you know what’s what. I have to say that I absolutely :kiss2: your alternative hair, the colour, the style, and most of all, that it looks so natural. It’s incredibly youthful, not that I’m inferring you’re not already!:mrgreen:

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs have had a good weekend, how can it nearly be Christmas already?

I painted all the door frames of the doors I painted last week, and tomorrow we’re starting on our bedroom. I think Colin will have to do the ceiling in 2 parts, because I don’t think he’ll manage it in one go. I’ll do all the coving and around the lights, so it’ll be another busy day.

Leaving you with a photo of Breakfast, he’s just too cute, and look how handsome he is in his smart coat.


Take good care all you lovely ladies. xx :wavey:
GM lovely ladies and happy (I hope) Monday.

@MMtwo your house looks gorgeous. Love the warm holiday cheer emanating from it. Thank you so much for all your good wishes. Wishing you only sweet and good and happy holiday cheer now and all through the new year.

Haha yes. What a sad yet hopeful Charlie Brown tree. Optimistic and not yet giving up. Just like all of us. One day at a time. Hugs and hope you have a wonderful Monday.

What a splendid tree @bling_dream19. Love it. Very cheerful and beautiful. And how amazing of your parents to keep it up all year in honor of your wedding/marriage. I just love that. Thanks for asking about Greg. He is in considerable discomfort from the stent. The cure is worse than the disease when it is like this. Not sure when he can get that stent out. Calling the urology office this morning. They are hard to get in touch with always and their patient portal is always down but even when it isn't it is useless to get in touch via their patient portal. Anyway at least the kidney stone is out. He does have many more in the kidney but they are smaller and please let them stay that way.

Woohoo! You guys have accomplished so much and the house looks just gorgeous. Yeah I would have been freaking out I think if Greg was on the roof decorating. We have no need to add any more trouble to this year lol. Glad Marty is safe and sound and on the ground. I am sorry your right knee is acting up. Bad knee. I hope it behaves better today. Yay for Christmas cards being mailed. We never send holiday cards out but I always admire those who have their act together enough to do holiday cards. Yes to farm fresh eggs and seeing your sister. Glad you got to lift. I did weights yesterday too. I cannot call it lifting per se as my weights are quite lightweight compared to yours haha. I wish one day I could lift like you. Hugs to you and hope the work week goes smoothly. Are you taking time off between Christmas and New Year's?

@canuk-gal thanks dear Sharon. One day at a time is my mantra and then one hour when that gets to be too much. So much on our minds one must compartmentalize. I hope you had a lovely weekend and are off to a good week. Hugs.

@Slick1 sending you many good wishes and lots of love. Good luck to J this week and to you too. Hope it all goes smoothly. XOXO.

@Austina I hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend. How is Breakfast doing? Hugs.

@OdetteOdile how are you doing? How is holiday prep going? Any plans? Thinking of you and sending hugs and holiday cheer your way. XO.

@springerspaniel yasss! I know your paper will be done soon if not already.

Ugh I hate you are dealing with more Covid patients but they are lucky to have you. Hope your weekend went very well and you got a restful sleep each night and are ready to face the week. Hugs to you.

@Polabowla I hope you are feeling better and getting answers and have much good health and holiday cheer to look forward to. Sending you continued healing dust and gentle hugs and good wishes.

@MamaBee hugs to you. Hope your weekend went well. XOXO.

@Keeliamira how are you feeling? How was your weekend? You are a warrior g-ddess and that's all I want to say. Hugs and love and bucketloads of healing dust.

@MJ_Mac keeping you and your DH in my thoughts and hoping he is all healed. Hugs.

@Sally Brown how was your weekend? Thanks for your continued good thoughts and well wishes and I am keeping you in my thoughts as well.
I don't think we will get answers this month (that would be quite optimistic and IMO not realistic given I have been dealing with these issues for years) but oh that would be sweet. I would be happy just to get answers for both of us within the next few months. Pretty please and fingers and toes crossed. And I hope all goes well for you and only good things come your way. We have all had our fair share of not great things. Time for the sweet.
May January bring us all good news and good cheer. Hugs.

@Scandinavian hope you all enjoyed a fun and snowy weekend and perhaps engaged in some winter activities. Hugs.

Hi to everyone else. I am sorry if I didn't mention your name but I am thinking of you and sending good vibes to all of you.

We had a restful weekend. Poor Greg is uncomfortable due to the stent so that limited our activities. We did get to take a bit of a walk yesterday as it was sunny and bright yet very cold. So I bundled up. @bling_dream19 I wore my Hanukkah leggings for the first time. I couldn't wear my blue hiking boots due to my toe so I had to settle for the red Olang boots. I hate not matching but hey comfort comes first. And I was wearing all blue and white with just a dash of red with the red boots. LOL.

Screen Shot 2020-12-07 at 7.13.58 AM.png

And I was playing around with my newest alternative hair. :lol:


Have a happy Monday lovely ladies and warm hugs to all of you.

My weekend was good. Thanks for your kind words Missy! I hope you get answers soon. But in terms of surgery I’m wondering if many hospitals will even be performing non-emergency operations come January. COVID cases will be through the roof after Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s. I’m just hoping that if my operation is postponed they let me know before I go in for my pre-surgery physical/blood draws in a couple of weeks. Ugh.

I have to share this photo here. I did share it in the Christmas thread but she looks so angelic and adorable I must share with you girls in case you didn't see it in the Christmas thread. Our cousin thought she was an actual ornament I kid you not. :lol:


Princess Gracie in the tree
Is she for real
Or just a doll
Help us settle this
Once and for all


Someone needs to turn this photo into a Christmas card! Amazing!:love:
GM girls!

@Austina Breakfast is a love. What a gorgeous boy. I hope and pray he gets a forever loving home soon.
Thank you for the lovely comments. I am not yet brave enough to go out in public with it but maybe one day. Greg called (well I called and then the surgeon called back and spoke to Greg) the surgeon's office yesterday first thing in the AM and the surgeon needs him to keep the stent in til at least Thursday or else he might wind up back at the hospital with kidney stone pain. So for now Greg's appt is this Thursday afternoon. How lovely you are accomplishing so much fixing up the house and painting. You are making the most of this time at home. Very nice. Sending you hugs across the miles.

My weekend was good. Thanks for your kind words Missy! I hope you get answers soon. But in terms of surgery I’m wondering if many hospitals will even be performing non-emergency operations come January. COVID cases will be through the roof after Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s. I’m just hoping that if my operation is postponed they let me know before I go in for my pre-surgery physical/blood draws in a couple of weeks. Ugh.

Someone needs to turn this photo into a Christmas card! Amazing!:love:

Yay! Glad you had a wonderful weekend! And I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed all surgeries continue as planned and go successfully. And haha I agree. That would be a fun Christmas card :) Hugs to you and thank you for all your kind words.

Speaking of surgeries and surgeons guess what? I cannot believe it actually but if it happens I will be pleased. I called Greg's endocrine surgeon's office where he has an initial eval tomorrow and spoke with the receptionist asking for an appointment for me. I didn't even ask for her to try getting me in the same day. I mean it was 2 days before an appointment Greg waited to get for many weeks. I was expecting an appointment sometime in January at the soonest. She said hmm let me see if I can get you in the same day. And she did!

But I needed a Covid test at the hospital beforehand too before the surgeon would see me as well. And that is impossible to get fast. Literally the hospital takes days before they call back to schedule that because they are so back logged. They are inundated with Covid testing due to surgeries etc. Well the hospital called right after I spoke with the endocrine surgeon's office (where they were going to see what they could do re Covid testing at the hospital) to confirm Greg's 3PM appt that same afternoon for Covid testing. I was actually driving so Greg answered the phone (they called on my mobile) and told them now I had an appointment with the surgeon for Wed and he needs me to get a Covid test too and they were not pleased but they were accommodating and I got Covid tested too yesterday afternoon!

First Covid test for me (not counting the blood test from my internist for antibodies in August which I tested negative for) re the nose swab. It was nothing. No biggie. Some people (Greg haha) say it is uncomfortable but it was a big nothing for me. And now we are both set for tomorrow's appt with the endocrine surgeon to be evaluated for Hyperparathyroidism. I am hoping we both do not have it as the surgery makes me nervous though I know @SallyBrown had a successful surgery. Anyway that is my exciting update. I keep expecting something to go wrong though as nothing works out as smoothly as this has so far.

Sorry for the long winded and perhaps confusing post but tomorrow if all goes well both Greg and I will be seen by the surgeon. However we have to test negative for Covid 19 first so fingers crossed. That would be indeed a big wrinkle and put everything on hold. :/

@Slick1 hope you are having a good week. Hugs.

@MMtwo how are you doing? Hope you and your sweet hubby are well. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 hugs and love and hope you and your dear husband are enjoying a good week. Have you done all your holiday shopping?

@marcy how is work going? Are you taking some time off I hope. XOXO.

@springerspaniel I hope you finished your paper and you are pleased with it. Keeping you in my thoughts. Please stay safe and well while you are working with Covid patients. Hugs.

@OdetteOdile good morning. I hope your week is off to a good start. XOXO.

Hi to everyone else and hope the week is going well for you.
I made an impulse purchase yesterday. Not so much an impulse I guess as I had been longing for these but really wasn't planning on getting them so I guess yes an impulse purchase. I got the Olang glamour boots in white. I owe it all to you @canuk-gal thank you. For turning me onto these beautiful and functional winter boots. XOXO.


OK that's my exciting update. Off to vacuum then workout and if Greg is up to it a walk. He hasn't been up to it the past few days so hoping maybe today. Despite the literally freezing temps. It is very cold here now. No cycling in our future. I cannot deal with these freezing temps. My body cannot handle it. I wish.

Hugs and love to all of you lovely ladies. XOXO.

Leaving you with Princess Count Gracie-la laying on me as we watched a movie last night. Awww. When she is like this I love her. The rare few moments of peace. :lol:

Hello lovelies

Hooray! At last you might be getting somewhere @missy. I’m so glad they’ve managed to get you an appt with Greg and you managed to get a Covid test too. Hopefully this will be the beginning of the end in finding out whether you both have parathyroidism, At least you’ll know what your options will be then.

Good score on the boots, they look perfect for the bad weather.

Colin has a EKG gadget which has shown up an anomaly in his reading, so he’s managed to get an appointment with a cardiologist on Thursday to get checked out. After I painted the coving and did the cutting in, he started painting the ceiling, but then sat down to rest, so I finished it off. I’ll continue with the walls tomorrow, and ensure he just rests until we know if there’s a problem. Oy, one thing after another, but the good news is the reading was normal again after he’d rested.

It’s bitterly cold here, so no going out for us.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIS are keeping safe and well. :wavey:
GM lovely ladies and happy (I hope) Monday.

@MMtwo your house looks gorgeous. Love the warm holiday cheer emanating from it. Thank you so much for all your good wishes. Wishing you only sweet and good and happy holiday cheer now and all through the new year.

Haha yes. What a sad yet hopeful Charlie Brown tree. Optimistic and not yet giving up. Just like all of us. One day at a time. Hugs and hope you have a wonderful Monday.

What a splendid tree @bling_dream19. Love it. Very cheerful and beautiful. And how amazing of your parents to keep it up all year in honor of your wedding/marriage. I just love that. Thanks for asking about Greg. He is in considerable discomfort from the stent. The cure is worse than the disease when it is like this. Not sure when he can get that stent out. Calling the urology office this morning. They are hard to get in touch with always and their patient portal is always down but even when it isn't it is useless to get in touch via their patient portal. Anyway at least the kidney stone is out. He does have many more in the kidney but they are smaller and please let them stay that way.

Woohoo! You guys have accomplished so much and the house looks just gorgeous. Yeah I would have been freaking out I think if Greg was on the roof decorating. We have no need to add any more trouble to this year lol. Glad Marty is safe and sound and on the ground. I am sorry your right knee is acting up. Bad knee. I hope it behaves better today. Yay for Christmas cards being mailed. We never send holiday cards out but I always admire those who have their act together enough to do holiday cards. Yes to farm fresh eggs and seeing your sister. Glad you got to lift. I did weights yesterday too. I cannot call it lifting per se as my weights are quite lightweight compared to yours haha. I wish one day I could lift like you. Hugs to you and hope the work week goes smoothly. Are you taking time off between Christmas and New Year's?

@canuk-gal thanks dear Sharon. One day at a time is my mantra and then one hour when that gets to be too much. So much on our minds one must compartmentalize. I hope you had a lovely weekend and are off to a good week. Hugs.

@Slick1 sending you many good wishes and lots of love. Good luck to J this week and to you too. Hope it all goes smoothly. XOXO.

@Austina I hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend. How is Breakfast doing? Hugs.

@OdetteOdile how are you doing? How is holiday prep going? Any plans? Thinking of you and sending hugs and holiday cheer your way. XO.

@springerspaniel yasss! I know your paper will be done soon if not already.

Ugh I hate you are dealing with more Covid patients but they are lucky to have you. Hope your weekend went very well and you got a restful sleep each night and are ready to face the week. Hugs to you.

@Polabowla I hope you are feeling better and getting answers and have much good health and holiday cheer to look forward to. Sending you continued healing dust and gentle hugs and good wishes.

@MamaBee hugs to you. Hope your weekend went well. XOXO.

@Keeliamira how are you feeling? How was your weekend? You are a warrior g-ddess and that's all I want to say. Hugs and love and bucketloads of healing dust.

@MJ_Mac keeping you and your DH in my thoughts and hoping he is all healed. Hugs.

@Sally Brown how was your weekend? Thanks for your continued good thoughts and well wishes and I am keeping you in my thoughts as well.
I don't think we will get answers this month (that would be quite optimistic and IMO not realistic given I have been dealing with these issues for years) but oh that would be sweet. I would be happy just to get answers for both of us within the next few months. Pretty please and fingers and toes crossed. And I hope all goes well for you and only good things come your way. We have all had our fair share of not great things. Time for the sweet.
May January bring us all good news and good cheer. Hugs.

@Scandinavian hope you all enjoyed a fun and snowy weekend and perhaps engaged in some winter activities. Hugs.

Hi to everyone else. I am sorry if I didn't mention your name but I am thinking of you and sending good vibes to all of you.

We had a restful weekend. Poor Greg is uncomfortable due to the stent so that limited our activities. We did get to take a bit of a walk yesterday as it was sunny and bright yet very cold. So I bundled up. @bling_dream19 I wore my Hanukkah leggings for the first time. I couldn't wear my blue hiking boots due to my toe so I had to settle for the red Olang boots. I hate not matching but hey comfort comes first. And I was wearing all blue and white with just a dash of red with the red boots. LOL.

Screen Shot 2020-12-07 at 7.13.58 AM.png

And I was playing around with my newest alternative hair. :lol:


Have a happy Monday lovely ladies and warm hugs to all of you.

That wig is adorable on you @missy! If I lose my hair you have to tell me where to buy it! It looks so real! Hahaha
How awesome that your surgeon consult and COVID testing aligned with Greg’s, @missy! Fingers crossed that you both get answers tomorrow. Please let us know what the doctor says!

Have a great day everyone!
Hello lovelies

Glad you managed to get all the lights working @marcy, it looks fabulous. In our house, it’d be me dangling off the roof as Colin has no head for heights at all! :lol:

That was really great to be able to give your stepson your car @bling_dream19, I’m sure he must’ve appreciated that very much. The tree looks stunning, is it really a whole year since you got married? :-o I keep saying this, but the time has really gone by so quickly bearing in mind we’ve been stuck inside for most of it.

Oh dear @MMtwo your Charlie Brown tree is looking a little bedraggled, I‘m half expecting it to start walking! You must be very proud of your DH doing such an important job, no wonder he has a head for heights and doesn’t mind getting the lights up. It looks really festive and cheery. The first thing I said when I saw a photo of Breakfast was what lovely toofies he’s got :mrgreen: I’m glad to be rid of my skunk street that’s for sure.

I wish @canuk-gal, but if I left it to Colin we’d be living on beans on toast!

It’s a date @OdetteOdile, once we’re through this and all vaccinated, we’ll plan a NIRDI GTG.

Nearly there @springerspaniel, your paper will soon be finished, Oy to such a stressful work situation, I was going to say it sounds like you had a s**t week, but I wouldn’t do that to you :lol:

Gracie is so cute playing peek-a-boo in the tree @missy . Poor Greg being so uncomfortable, when’s his post-op check up? Hopefully soon so he can get rid of the stent, the main thing is that the op is over, the boulder removed and he’s home safely with you to care for him. I really wish you could both get some answers to all the issues you’re dealing with, it’s always easier when you know what’s what. I have to say that I absolutely :kiss2: your alternative hair, the colour, the style, and most of all, that it looks so natural. It’s incredibly youthful, not that I’m inferring you’re not already!:mrgreen:

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs have had a good weekend, how can it nearly be Christmas already?

I painted all the door frames of the doors I painted last week, and tomorrow we’re starting on our bedroom. I think Colin will have to do the ceiling in 2 parts, because I don’t think he’ll manage it in one go. I’ll do all the coving and around the lights, so it’ll be another busy day.

Leaving you with a photo of Breakfast, he’s just too cute, and look how handsome he is in his smart coat.


Take good care all you lovely ladies. xx :wavey:

Breakfast is totally adorable @Austina!

@SallyBrown I see the Charlie Brown Christmas is available on Apple TV; I totally plan on watching it soon. I hope your surgery can be scheduled as planned.

@missy I hope Greg is feeling better and gets his stint out Thursday. How are you doing? Nice you can get in to the doctor at the same time as Greg. I hope both of you get answers soon from your doctors and can figure out your next steps with everything. Yay for doing your weight lifting; do you feel it is helping you? I know it has sure helped my. My bad knee is almost back to it’s normal irritated self today - woo hoo! I had today off and have the 28th off as well. Marty has the last 2 weeks of the month off from work; I doubt he is closing his gym though. I like your RW&B look and your new alternative hair looks great. I agree with @Austina it looks very natural on you. I love the picture of Gracie in the tree; that is priceless. Hi Mom!! Your new boots are awesome. How sweet Gracie looks sleeping on your laps.

@Austina that’s good you aren’t bothered by heights. I totally remember being on the roof a few times in high school helping to rip off shingles; it didn’t seem so scary once I was on the roof. Are you almost done with painting? Breakfast looks great in his coat. I hate to hear Colin’s EKG gadget showed some anomaly; glad he is seeing the doctor on Thursday.

I enjoyed my day off. I slept in, our cleaning lady was here this morning then my sister and BIL came by for lunch. They came to town to pick up her latest ring she had made out of one of her Montana sapphires. It turned out really pretty. It’s a pale green in a hallow. I did brew up a batch of cookies for Christmas. I decided I’m not putting out a community cookie plate for this year’s family dinner. There are 2 families coming that day (5 people aren’t coming this year) so they will each get a bag of cookies to take home with them. I have a PB pie and will make mini cheesecakes for dessert. I think I’ll take the cupcake papers off before freezing the little cheesecakes so they are just ready to dish up. Trying to eliminate any finger foods. I think we can even work it so each family can set together to eat; glad our house is big enough we can keep space between everyone. More than half of us are mostly at home all the time so that’s good.

Take care.

Here is my sister’s new ring.

That wig is adorable on you @missy! If I lose my hair you have to tell me where to buy it! It looks so real! Hahaha
Good morning lovely ladies. It’s wonderful (I hope) Wednesday.

Awwww thanks. We can go shopping together hahahaha. Bling and wigs same day. :) How’s your family? How’s the holiday planning? Hugs.

@SallyBrown thank you. I’m nervous. From my understanding the ultrasound and other tests etc don’t always give a definitive diagnosis. I tested negative for Covid though. So that’s something. Unfortunately greg never signed up for the hospital patient portal despite being a patient there often. This was my first time as a patient and I signed up for the portal that day. Now he can’t sign up so can’t access his results. Oh well. Hopefully he’s negative as well. Anyway wishing you continued good luck and healthy vibes. May resolution soon be yours. And please may the vaccine be here for everyone ASAP. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

@Austina hows Colin feeling? Keeping good thoughts for him. Hope the evaluation goes well. Don’t you overdo. Take your time. Any updates re Breakfast? Hugs.

@marcy nice day off and I love your sister’s ring. I’m loving your menu. PB pie. Yummmm. It’s good you have enough space to host a safe holiday dinner. Lucky Marty has the time off though he’s keeping the gym open so not totally free. I’m sure his customers appreciate him. Glad you have a few days off at least. Thanks for your kind words. Hugs.

@Slick1 hugs. Thinking of you and sending lots of love and good wishes your way.

@bling_dream19 hugs sweet friend. I absolutely adore your new studs. Stunning. Like you. ❤️

@canuk-gal hello. Hope you’re enjoying the week and everyone by you is well. Hugs.

Hi to everyone else. Hope all is going smoothly.

It’s pretty chilly here but we managed to hike yesterday afternoon. It was nice and once we warmed up not too cold.

Today no time to do much. Despite the appointments being late this afternoon. Cuts the day in half. So just working out and maybe running an errand and then off to the endocrine surgeon’s office.

Have a wonderful day and be well. XOXO ❤️

Leaving you with a photo from yesterday.
They’ve arrived!

Happy Sunday sweet nirdis! I hope everyone is having a good weekend! Thanks for the shoutouts!
@Austina we had a great weekend and took my old car to my hubby's son. He was really grateful and it felt great to pay it forward. I had been wanting to give him a car for a long time. Today we put up some Christmas decor. And you are amazing in your house updates and renovations! I channel my inner you and @marcy when it comes to getting things done!
@missy Hi sweet friend! How is your darling Greg? He's been on my mind. I love your tree! You can keep it up all winter! My parents decorated a treat for my wedding last December and have kept it up all year in honor of us.
Love and hugs to all you wonderful peeps!

@bling_dream19 What a lovely gift for your step-son! I bet he's so happy. Your tree is lovely!

@bling_dream19 your tree is beautiful. That is so cool to pay it forward with your old car. Sweet.

Here is the finished product.

@marcy the house looks GREAT! That is precision work.

Hello, everyone!

Thanks for your kind words, @Austina and @marcy!

I’m sorry to hear your son had to have emergency gallbladder surgery, @MMtwo. I hope he’s fully recovered now. Congrats on his passing his test with flying colors. I hope he can see it as the big achievement that it is!

I’m so glad to hear that Greg had a successful surgery @missy! Sorry to hear about his stent discomfort though. Hopefully his surgeon will remove it sooner rather than later.

I hope you and Greg both get definitive diagnoses soon relating to your hormone levels/possible PHPT. I can relate to your frustration. Hang in there :)

Well, have a great remainder of your weekend ladies. And thanks for sharing all of your wonderful photos!
@Sally Brown thank you -my son is great. Back to normal. No after effects, minimal scarring. I hope you're doing okay.

GM lovely ladies and happy (I hope) Monday.

@MMtwo your house looks gorgeous. Love the warm holiday cheer emanating from it. Thank you so much for all your good wishes. Wishing you only sweet and good and happy holiday cheer now and all through the new year.

Haha yes. What a sad yet hopeful Charlie Brown tree. Optimistic and not yet giving up. Just like all of us. One day at a time. Hugs and hope you have a wonderful Monday.

What a splendid tree @bling_dream19. Love it. Very cheerful and beautiful. And how amazing of your parents to keep it up all year in honor of your wedding/marriage. I just love that. Thanks for asking about Greg. He is in considerable discomfort from the stent. The cure is worse than the disease when it is like this. Not sure when he can get that stent out. Calling the urology office this morning. They are hard to get in touch with always and their patient portal is always down but even when it isn't it is useless to get in touch via their patient portal. Anyway at least the kidney stone is out. He does have many more in the kidney but they are smaller and please let them stay that way.

Woohoo! You guys have accomplished so much and the house looks just gorgeous. Yeah I would have been freaking out I think if Greg was on the roof decorating. We have no need to add any more trouble to this year lol. Glad Marty is safe and sound and on the ground. I am sorry your right knee is acting up. Bad knee. I hope it behaves better today. Yay for Christmas cards being mailed. We never send holiday cards out but I always admire those who have their act together enough to do holiday cards. Yes to farm fresh eggs and seeing your sister. Glad you got to lift. I did weights yesterday too. I cannot call it lifting per se as my weights are quite lightweight compared to yours haha. I wish one day I could lift like you. Hugs to you and hope the work week goes smoothly. Are you taking time off between Christmas and New Year's?

@canuk-gal thanks dear Sharon. One day at a time is my mantra and then one hour when that gets to be too much. So much on our minds one must compartmentalize. I hope you had a lovely weekend and are off to a good week. Hugs.

@Slick1 sending you many good wishes and lots of love. Good luck to J this week and to you too. Hope it all goes smoothly. XOXO.

@Austina I hope you enjoyed a wonderful weekend. How is Breakfast doing? Hugs.

@OdetteOdile how are you doing? How is holiday prep going? Any plans? Thinking of you and sending hugs and holiday cheer your way. XO.

@springerspaniel yasss! I know your paper will be done soon if not already.

Ugh I hate you are dealing with more Covid patients but they are lucky to have you. Hope your weekend went very well and you got a restful sleep each night and are ready to face the week. Hugs to you.

@Polabowla I hope you are feeling better and getting answers and have much good health and holiday cheer to look forward to. Sending you continued healing dust and gentle hugs and good wishes.

@MamaBee hugs to you. Hope your weekend went well. XOXO.

@Keeliamira how are you feeling? How was your weekend? You are a warrior g-ddess and that's all I want to say. Hugs and love and bucketloads of healing dust.

@MJ_Mac keeping you and your DH in my thoughts and hoping he is all healed. Hugs.

@Sally Brown how was your weekend? Thanks for your continued good thoughts and well wishes and I am keeping you in my thoughts as well.
I don't think we will get answers this month (that would be quite optimistic and IMO not realistic given I have been dealing with these issues for years) but oh that would be sweet. I would be happy just to get answers for both of us within the next few months. Pretty please and fingers and toes crossed. And I hope all goes well for you and only good things come your way. We have all had our fair share of not great things. Time for the sweet.
May January bring us all good news and good cheer. Hugs.

@Scandinavian hope you all enjoyed a fun and snowy weekend and perhaps engaged in some winter activities. Hugs.

Hi to everyone else. I am sorry if I didn't mention your name but I am thinking of you and sending good vibes to all of you.

We had a restful weekend. Poor Greg is uncomfortable due to the stent so that limited our activities. We did get to take a bit of a walk yesterday as it was sunny and bright yet very cold. So I bundled up. @bling_dream19 I wore my Hanukkah leggings for the first time. I couldn't wear my blue hiking boots due to my toe so I had to settle for the red Olang boots. I hate not matching but hey comfort comes first. And I was wearing all blue and white with just a dash of red with the red boots. LOL.

Screen Shot 2020-12-07 at 7.13.58 AM.png

And I was playing around with my newest alternative hair. :lol:


Have a happy Monday lovely ladies and warm hugs to all of you.
@missy thank you! The lights helped cheer things up a little. I love your hair - it looks very natural.

I have to share this photo here. I did share it in the Christmas thread but she looks so angelic and adorable I must share with you girls in case you didn't see it in the Christmas thread. Our cousin thought she was an actual ornament I kid you not. :lol:


Princess Gracie in the tree
Is she for real
Or just a doll
Help us settle this
Once and for all


Those big round eyes look like coins. I think she is so cute!

Hello lovelies

Glad you managed to get all the lights working @marcy, it looks fabulous. In our house, it’d be me dangling off the roof as Colin has no head for heights at all! :lol:

That was really great to be able to give your stepson your car @bling_dream19, I’m sure he must’ve appreciated that very much. The tree looks stunning, is it really a whole year since you got married? :-o I keep saying this, but the time has really gone by so quickly bearing in mind we’ve been stuck inside for most of it.

Oh dear @MMtwo your Charlie Brown tree is looking a little bedraggled, I‘m half expecting it to start walking! You must be very proud of your DH doing such an important job, no wonder he has a head for heights and doesn’t mind getting the lights up. It looks really festive and cheery. The first thing I said when I saw a photo of Breakfast was what lovely toofies he’s got :mrgreen: I’m glad to be rid of my skunk street that’s for sure.

I wish @canuk-gal, but if I left it to Colin we’d be living on beans on toast!

It’s a date @OdetteOdile, once we’re through this and all vaccinated, we’ll plan a NIRDI GTG.

Nearly there @springerspaniel, your paper will soon be finished, Oy to such a stressful work situation, I was going to say it sounds like you had a s**t week, but I wouldn’t do that to you :lol:

Gracie is so cute playing peek-a-boo in the tree @missy . Poor Greg being so uncomfortable, when’s his post-op check up? Hopefully soon so he can get rid of the stent, the main thing is that the op is over, the boulder removed and he’s home safely with you to care for him. I really wish you could both get some answers to all the issues you’re dealing with, it’s always easier when you know what’s what. I have to say that I absolutely :kiss2: your alternative hair, the colour, the style, and most of all, that it looks so natural. It’s incredibly youthful, not that I’m inferring you’re not already!:mrgreen:

I hope all the lovely NIRDIs have had a good weekend, how can it nearly be Christmas already?

I painted all the door frames of the doors I painted last week, and tomorrow we’re starting on our bedroom. I think Colin will have to do the ceiling in 2 parts, because I don’t think he’ll manage it in one go. I’ll do all the coving and around the lights, so it’ll be another busy day.

Leaving you with a photo of Breakfast, he’s just too cute, and look how handsome he is in his smart coat.


Take good care all you lovely ladies. xx :wavey:
@Austina hi there. Yup - I am proud of hubby....and then there is a pilot in a flight suit. That doesnt hurt either ;) I love Breakfast's soft eyes and sweet face.

My weekend was good. Thanks for your kind words Missy! I hope you get answers soon. But in terms of surgery I’m wondering if many hospitals will even be performing non-emergency operations come January. COVID cases will be through the roof after Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year’s. I’m just hoping that if my operation is postponed they let me know before I go in for my pre-surgery physical/blood draws in a couple of weeks. Ugh.

Someone needs to turn this photo into a Christmas card! Amazing!:love:

@Sally Brown hope the hospital trip is smooth sailing and quick.
GM girls!

@Austina Breakfast is a love. What a gorgeous boy. I hope and pray he gets a forever loving home soon.
Thank you for the lovely comments. I am not yet brave enough to go out in public with it but maybe one day. Greg called (well I called and then the surgeon called back and spoke to Greg) the surgeon's office yesterday first thing in the AM and the surgeon needs him to keep the stent in til at least Thursday or else he might wind up back at the hospital with kidney stone pain. So for now Greg's appt is this Thursday afternoon. How lovely you are accomplishing so much fixing up the house and painting. You are making the most of this time at home. Very nice. Sending you hugs across the miles.

Yay! Glad you had a wonderful weekend! And I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed all surgeries continue as planned and go successfully. And haha I agree. That would be a fun Christmas card :) Hugs to you and thank you for all your kind words.

Speaking of surgeries and surgeons guess what? I cannot believe it actually but if it happens I will be pleased. I called Greg's endocrine surgeon's office where he has an initial eval tomorrow and spoke with the receptionist asking for an appointment for me. I didn't even ask for her to try getting me in the same day. I mean it was 2 days before an appointment Greg waited to get for many weeks. I was expecting an appointment sometime in January at the soonest. She said hmm let me see if I can get you in the same day. And she did!

But I needed a Covid test at the hospital beforehand too before the surgeon would see me as well. And that is impossible to get fast. Literally the hospital takes days before they call back to schedule that because they are so back logged. They are inundated with Covid testing due to surgeries etc. Well the hospital called right after I spoke with the endocrine surgeon's office (where they were going to see what they could do re Covid testing at the hospital) to confirm Greg's 3PM appt that same afternoon for Covid testing. I was actually driving so Greg answered the phone (they called on my mobile) and told them now I had an appointment with the surgeon for Wed and he needs me to get a Covid test too and they were not pleased but they were accommodating and I got Covid tested too yesterday afternoon!

First Covid test for me (not counting the blood test from my internist for antibodies in August which I tested negative for) re the nose swab. It was nothing. No biggie. Some people (Greg haha) say it is uncomfortable but it was a big nothing for me. And now we are both set for tomorrow's appt with the endocrine surgeon to be evaluated for Hyperparathyroidism. I am hoping we both do not have it as the surgery makes me nervous though I know @SallyBrown had a successful surgery. Anyway that is my exciting update. I keep expecting something to go wrong though as nothing works out as smoothly as this has so far.

Sorry for the long winded and perhaps confusing post but tomorrow if all goes well both Greg and I will be seen by the surgeon. However we have to test negative for Covid 19 first so fingers crossed. That would be indeed a big wrinkle and put everything on hold. :/

@Slick1 hope you are having a good week. Hugs.

@MMtwo how are you doing? Hope you and your sweet hubby are well. XOXO.

@bling_dream19 hugs and love and hope you and your dear husband are enjoying a good week. Have you done all your holiday shopping?

@marcy how is work going? Are you taking some time off I hope. XOXO.

@springerspaniel I hope you finished your paper and you are pleased with it. Keeping you in my thoughts. Please stay safe and well while you are working with Covid patients. Hugs.

@OdetteOdile good morning. I hope your week is off to a good start. XOXO.

Hi to everyone else and hope the week is going well for you.
I made an impulse purchase yesterday. Not so much an impulse I guess as I had been longing for these but really wasn't planning on getting them so I guess yes an impulse purchase. I got the Olang glamour boots in white. I owe it all to you @canuk-gal thank you. For turning me onto these beautiful and functional winter boots. XOXO.


OK that's my exciting update. Off to vacuum then workout and if Greg is up to it a walk. He hasn't been up to it the past few days so hoping maybe today. Despite the literally freezing temps. It is very cold here now. No cycling in our future. I cannot deal with these freezing temps. My body cannot handle it. I wish.

Hugs and love to all of you lovely ladies. XOXO.

Leaving you with Princess Count Gracie-la laying on me as we watched a movie last night. Awww. When she is like this I love her. The rare few moments of peace. :lol:

@missy wow, that's quick. What great news. Glad the test is okay. I had posted on a different thread, but some OTC nasal sprays are under investigation for also being antiviral, and may be a addition to the defence when going in public. I have no idea how well it works, but it's cheap and easy to get.

Hello lovelies

Hooray! At last you might be getting somewhere @missy. I’m so glad they’ve managed to get you an appt with Greg and you managed to get a Covid test too. Hopefully this will be the beginning of the end in finding out whether you both have parathyroidism, At least you’ll know what your options will be then.

Good score on the boots, they look perfect for the bad weather.

Colin has a EKG gadget which has shown up an anomaly in his reading, so he’s managed to get an appointment with a cardiologist on Thursday to get checked out. After I painted the coving and did the cutting in, he started painting the ceiling, but then sat down to rest, so I finished it off. I’ll continue with the walls tomorrow, and ensure he just rests until we know if there’s a problem. Oy, one thing after another, but the good news is the reading was normal again after he’d rested.

It’s bitterly cold here, so no going out for us.

I hope all the lovely NIRDIS are keeping safe and well. :wavey:
It's great that he has that and can get in to get checked. Hopefully it's nothing major. Stay warm!


@SallyBrown I see the Charlie Brown Christmas is available on Apple TV; I totally plan on watching it soon. I hope your surgery can be scheduled as planned.

@missy I hope Greg is feeling better and gets his stint out Thursday. How are you doing? Nice you can get in to the doctor at the same time as Greg. I hope both of you get answers soon from your doctors and can figure out your next steps with everything. Yay for doing your weight lifting; do you feel it is helping you? I know it has sure helped my. My bad knee is almost back to it’s normal irritated self today - woo hoo! I had today off and have the 28th off as well. Marty has the last 2 weeks of the month off from work; I doubt he is closing his gym though. I like your RW&B look and your new alternative hair looks great. I agree with @Austina it looks very natural on you. I love the picture of Gracie in the tree; that is priceless. Hi Mom!! Your new boots are awesome. How sweet Gracie looks sleeping on your laps.

@Austina that’s good you aren’t bothered by heights. I totally remember being on the roof a few times in high school helping to rip off shingles; it didn’t seem so scary once I was on the roof. Are you almost done with painting? Breakfast looks great in his coat. I hate to hear Colin’s EKG gadget showed some anomaly; glad he is seeing the doctor on Thursday.

I enjoyed my day off. I slept in, our cleaning lady was here this morning then my sister and BIL came by for lunch. They came to town to pick up her latest ring she had made out of one of her Montana sapphires. It turned out really pretty. It’s a pale green in a hallow. I did brew up a batch of cookies for Christmas. I decided I’m not putting out a community cookie plate for this year’s family dinner. There are 2 families coming that day (5 people aren’t coming this year) so they will each get a bag of cookies to take home with them. I have a PB pie and will make mini cheesecakes for dessert. I think I’ll take the cupcake papers off before freezing the little cheesecakes so they are just ready to dish up. Trying to eliminate any finger foods. I think we can even work it so each family can set together to eat; glad our house is big enough we can keep space between everyone. More than half of us are mostly at home all the time so that’s good.

Take care.

Here is my sister’s new ring.

@marcy Ohh, a pretty ring . I like montana sapphires. I think they can color shift sometimes, which I find delightful too.

They’ve arrived!


@missy so cute! They'll look great on you. Hope Greg is continuing to heal up and feel better. HUGS

@MamaBee thinking of you, ope things are well.

Hugs...and back to work for me. I may have periods MIA. Work is busy and sometimes I just become a vegetable in the evening after work.

Hey sweet nirdis!
Thank you dear @missy No I'm not far along on Christmas shopping lol but anything goes this year so I'm trying not to stress plus it's our 1 year anniversary! Thank you for your sweet comments on my studs, have I talked you into some studs lol?! I love your beayiful white boots! Super cute! And you know I love your seasonal leggings! I wore Christmas leggings yesterday and loved them! I had a dr appt and decided to wear them and they made the day better. I must expand to more patterns! I'm thinking about you and Greg always.
@marcy Hi friend I love your sisters ring! Really pretty sapphire!
Shoutouts to all and love and hugs!
GM lovely ladies.

We saw the endocrine surgeon yesterday who thinks with almost 100% probability Greg has thyroid cancer. The surgeon says the thyroid has to come out and he needs all the parathyroid glands out (3 and a half glands because they need to leave a half gland no matter what) but for part of one because he needs something to remain. Greg's getting a thyroid biopsy Tuesday. The thyroid cancer diagnosis came as a shock. In addition to the biopsy Greg needs a parathyroid scan (Sestamibi scan) and a few more tests before surgery can be scheduled.

Today coincidentally I have a telemedicine call with my endocrinologist and I want Greg to take the call and tell the endocrinologist about the results yesterday and see what he thinks. Should we get a second opinion? I mean he needs the biopsy so I think we are going ahead with that but I want my endocrinologist's take on it as he felt that Greg did not have hyperparathyroidism at the last visit and this endocrine surgeon feels confident he has that and cancer.

As for me, after Greg's diagnosis I was barely listening tbh, but the surgeon feels I might have a genetic disease called Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia and he wants me to do additional tests and feels I probably have parathyroid hyperplasia and should also have the Sestamibi scan Greg needs to get too.

But first things first and the biopsy has to be done and we shall schedule Greg's additional tests afterwards as we need prior authorization from our health insurance company for the other tests. Normally the surgeon wants the scans first but in this case since Greg's thyroid looks so suspicious and the nodule so large he wants to biopsy it asap. Covid is making it all more challenging because Greg needs another Covid test before the Tuesday biopsy and the hospital's surgery scheduling is quite behind due to Covid and of course all non essential surgeries might close due to Covid. Even cancer surgeries. Oy to the vey.

That is my unhappy update.

@bling_dream19 Happy one year Anniversary sweet friend! Thank you for enjoying my new boots too and woohoo Christmas leggings. Love them. Hugs to you.
And yes maybe I want studs. You are very convincing. It's hard though right now for me to focus on bling. All I want is Greg to be OK and everything else seems so unimportant to me right now and not proving a distraction like I wish. Sorry for the serious note and you always bring me cheer and sparkly good thoughts and for that I am grateful. XOXO.

@MMtwo hope work is going OK and that you are getting to relax and enjoy family time. Sending you good cheer and good wishes and lots of hugs.

@SallyBrown good morning. Can you remind me, you had one parathyroid gland removed right? Taking almost all of them seems so radical and it's a question mark why all of them are bad. And how can one live if they are all bad? Something has to remain behind and start working but if it doesn't? I have lots more reading to do and just talking/writing out loud. Hope your week is going well with you and your loved ones. Hugs.

@MamaBee GM lovely lady. Hope everyone is A OK by you and in good cheer. Hugs and many good thoughts being sent your way.

@marcy hope your work week is going well. Big hugs.

@Austina how is Colin feeling? Hope everything is straightened out now and he is A OK. And that you are accomplishing all you want to for the house. XOXO.

@Slick1 thinking of you and J and sending you lots of love and warm wishes. Hope all is going smoothly this week. Appreciate all your support and good wishes.

Hi to everyone else. Have a wonderful Thursday and be well. XOXO.

Leaving you with Princess Gracie this morning. On her royal tree.

Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 7.31.33 AM.png
GM lovely ladies.

We saw the endocrine surgeon yesterday who thinks with almost 100% probability Greg has thyroid cancer. The surgeon says the thyroid has to come out and he needs all the parathyroid glands out (3 and a half glands because they need to leave a half gland no matter what) but for part of one because he needs something to remain. Greg's getting a thyroid biopsy Tuesday. The thyroid cancer diagnosis came as a shock. In addition to the biopsy Greg needs a parathyroid scan (Sestamibi scan) and a few more tests before surgery can be scheduled.

Today coincidentally I have a telemedicine call with my endocrinologist and I want Greg to take the call and tell the endocrinologist about the results yesterday and see what he thinks. Should we get a second opinion? I mean he needs the biopsy so I think we are going ahead with that but I want my endocrinologist's take on it as he felt that Greg did not have hyperparathyroidism at the last visit and this endocrine surgeon feels confident he has that and cancer.

As for me, after Greg's diagnosis I was barely listening tbh, but the surgeon feels I might have a genetic disease called Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia and he wants me to do additional tests and feels I probably have parathyroid hyperplasia and should also have the Sestamibi scan Greg needs to get too.

But first things first and the biopsy has to be done and we shall schedule Greg's additional tests afterwards as we need prior authorization from our health insurance company for the other tests. Normally the surgeon wants the scans first but in this case since Greg's thyroid looks so suspicious and the nodule so large he wants to biopsy it asap. Covid is making it all more challenging because Greg needs another Covid test before the Tuesday biopsy and the hospital's surgery scheduling is quite behind due to Covid and of course all non essential surgeries might close due to Covid. Even cancer surgeries. Oy to the vey.

That is my unhappy update.

@bling_dream19 Happy one year Anniversary sweet friend! Thank you for enjoying my new boots too and woohoo Christmas leggings. Love them. Hugs to you.
And yes maybe I want studs. You are very convincing. It's hard though right now for me to focus on bling. All I want is Greg to be OK and everything else seems so unimportant to me right now and not proving a distraction like I wish. Sorry for the serious note and you always bring me cheer and sparkly good thoughts and for that I am grateful. XOXO.

@MMtwo hope work is going OK and that you are getting to relax and enjoy family time. Sending you good cheer and good wishes and lots of hugs.

@SallyBrown good morning. Can you remind me, you had one parathyroid gland removed right? Taking almost all of them seems so radical and it's a question mark why all of them are bad. And how can one live if they are all bad? Something has to remain behind and start working but if it doesn't? I have lots more reading to do and just talking/writing out loud. Hope your week is going well with you and your loved ones. Hugs.

@MamaBee GM lovely lady. Hope everyone is A OK by you and in good cheer. Hugs and many good thoughts being sent your way.

@marcy hope your work week is going well. Big hugs.

@Austina how is Colin feeling? Hope everything is straightened out now and he is A OK. And that you are accomplishing all you want to for the house. XOXO.

@Slick1 thinking of you and J and sending you lots of love and warm wishes. Hope all is going smoothly this week. Appreciate all your support and good wishes.

Hi to everyone else. Have a wonderful Thursday and be well. XOXO.

Leaving you with Princess Gracie this morning. On her royal tree.

Screen Shot 2020-12-10 at 7.31.33 AM.png


Oh Honey, this is a mountain of information for you to work through. When you have two diagnoses, I would think a tie-breaker opinion would help. Although the surgeon may have seen something that would add to the regular endo's opinion.

My ex husband had thyroid cancer. He fought it a couple of times and it was more nuisance than threatening. He was told if you had to pick a cancer to have, it would be thyroid. He would have radiation treatments with iodine when it would grow. 10 years later and he is doing fine, although we don't keep up anymore.

I am so, so sorry that this has hit you both right now. Sending hugs and hopes that your way becomes clear soon.

PS: Almost forgot...we're doing okay. Not much new. My niece and her S/O have COVID, but they are young and it is apparently hitting them in a very mild way.

Oh Honey, this is a mountain of information for you to work through. When you have two diagnoses, I would think a tie-breaker opinion would help. Although the surgeon may have seen something that would add to the regular endo's opinion.

My ex husband had thyroid cancer. He fought it a couple of times and it was more nuisance than threatening. He was told if you had to pick a cancer to have, it would be thyroid. He would have radiation treatments with iodine when it would grow. 10 years later and he is doing fine, although we don't keep up anymore.

I am so, so sorry that this has hit you both right now. Sending hugs and hopes that your way becomes clear soon.

PS: Almost forgot...we're doing okay. Not much new. My niece and her S/O have COVID, but they are young and it is apparently hitting them in a very mild way.

Thanks @MMtwo I appreciate your empathy. Did your ex husband have his thyroid removed? Or just radiation treatment?

I am glad you are all doing well. Oh no about your niece and her SO and wishing them a speedy and full recovery.
Missy, I'm so sorry friend. I'm in shock and hard to know what to say. I agree on 2nd opinions. We are here for you and you and Greg are very strong and healthy. Sending you lots of love a big hug.
Thanks @MMtwo I appreciate your empathy. Did your ex husband have his thyroid removed? Or just radiation treatment?

I am glad you are all doing well. Oh no about your niece and her SO and wishing them a speedy and full recovery.

Hi Missy,
He had it removed. It (some lurking thyroid cancer cells) came back several years later and they killed it again with the radioactive iodine. The lucky part of thyroid cancer is that the cells always uptake matter where they go in the body. He just lives his best life and it is still in remission as far as I know.
@missy I’m so sorry you and Greg have to go through this. I’m getting David ready to run to Virginia today..but I want to mention a few things. I have Graves’ disease but I also had a tumor.
I had the biopsy when I was awake. I wasn’t sedated..I’m not sure if they do that now. It wasn’t bad at all. They couldn’t retrieve any good
cells so it was decided that I would have the whole thyroid destroyed by radioactive iodine. I had lots of scans so nothing looked like if it was cancer it spread. I had that done about twenty-five years ago. I was told the same thing that if you have to get a cancer..thyroid is the one to get. They grow so slowly.
I also worked with a friend who had it. She got monitored and all was well.
I’ll be back later..Big hugs XO
So we just had a good talk with my endocrinologist. He didn’t rush us and our call was 40 minutes.

We’re going ahead with the biopsy Tuesday but I scheduled a second opinion with my endocrinologist’s recommendation. This surgeon is at Lenox Hill in Manhattan. Appointment is December 28th. Hopefully we’ll have the biopsy results back by then.

Unfortunately this physician at Lenox Hill doesn’t do parathyroids but first things first. Our endocrinologist doesn’t like the idea of removing all parathyroids but half a gland. He said that’s a difficult way to live. Always taking calcium throughout the day and night. Removing the thyroid isn’t as big a deal but removing most of the parathyroids is a huge deal. So let’s see first about the thyroid and then see what we need to do about the parathyroids.

I appreciate you lovely ladies share info and support. It means so much and helps clarify the issues moving forward. One day at a time.

Thanks @MamaBee and @MMtwo and @bling_dream19 ❤️
@missy, I’m so sorry to hear Greg’s recent news. No one wants to hear the C word. But, as others have pointed out, it’s usually highly curable. Here is an article I came across:

As for the parathyroids, I had one removed. I had a sestamibi scan, which agreed with the in-office ultrasound. My surgeon actually examined all 4 glands during the operation, so in my case the sestamibi might not have been necessary.

The surgical opening was only 1.5 inches wide, pretty amazing given that the parathyroids are tucked behind the thyroid. As I mentioned, the surgery was really easy. I did have low calcium on and off for a couple of months after the operation. I knew this because I had some tingling around my mouth and fingertips whenever my serum calcium dropped. It’s very common after having even one gland removed. I just took calcium and vitamin D supplements and it resolved temporarily and, eventually, permanently. But having 3.5 glands removed might entail a lifetime of supplements, as Greg’s doctor said. I’m not sure. Having all 4 glands removed would definitely require that according to these doctors:

A question that comes to mind is the COVID vaccine. Is there a chance Greg could move closer toward the front of the vaccine line if he wants to?

Another question that comes to mind is, what are the pros and cons of having separate operations for the thyroid and parathyroids vs. having a single operation?

I‘ll post more if I think of things. But please take care of yourself too @missy! I’m not familiar with the familial condition you mentioned. Is it something you need to call family members about (for your benefit and theirs)? Do you need to pull out your family tree? See a geneticist? I know something about Jewish genetics (I’m half Ashkenazi by blood) and genetic health conditions can be a unique concern as you probably know.

Well, take care for now @missy. Huge hugs for you and Greg!
@missy - my friend - I just don't know where to start or what to say....

Firstly - big hugs. Big. HUGE. I mean - this is madness. I feel as tho you and I are really duking it out for worst year EVER. I don't think I mentioned that Tim was diagnosed a month or so ago with a very rare, genetic autoimmune disease that's been effecting his eyes for about 2 years now (untreated, it will send him blind. Maybe even with treatment. I guess we'll see...). He's been tested and all sorts of stuff perpetually for 2 years now and had symptoms for at least 5, getting worse over time. As for me, my back has deteriorated badly recently, so it looks like I may be getting my second round of spine surgery. And I need to start Humira - which I've really been trying to put off till i can get the Covid vaccine. But looks like I've reached a point where I just have to roll the dice and start it.

So - it's you and me and shittiest year EVER.

I just can't believe this latest turn of events for you and Greg. I mean - is there no end to this crap?? For some reason, perhaps because I was feeling pretty sore and fragile today anyway, when I read about Greg, I just wanted to put my head in my hands and cry. How did the kidney stone surgery go? I mean - seriously - on top of every other frigging thing.... My immediate response to Greg having Thy. CA. was - well - ok - thyroid cancer is one of the more manageable ones. Which is true. But reading about all the gland removal issues and ongoing treatment....yeah - not so great. So if my comments in my FB PM sounded overly optimistic, I do apologize; I am the last person in the world to minimize anyone's health issues.

So basically, I'm just going to shut up now, tell you I love you, and add this to my list of prayer topics.

Hello lovelies

I’m so sorry @missy, this is absolutely the last thing you need. I know how frightening it is to hear the word cancer, especially when it’s someone you love so much. It’s comforting to hear from the others about the positive outcomes they’ve experienced and know of, so please take heart from that. It’s good that Greg can have the biopsy so quickly, even though it’s another hospital trip, another Covid test, and more waiting for results.

You’re going to get through this, as you have all the other trials you faced, side by side and together. Sending you both much love. xxx

Happy anniversary @bling_dream19, hasn’t the year flown by?

Oh @mrs-b what a crap fest you’re dealing with too, sending good wishes to you and Tim.

I’m sorry for the quick post and run, it’s been a busy couple of days, and I’ll catch up properly tomorrow, but Colin is OK.

Take care my lovelies.

@missy healing vibes across the miles. Thinking of both you and Greg while you grapple with all this news. Big hugs. BIG.

@Austina I am glad to hear Colin is OK!!!

Icy as heck outside--almost fell wearing my spiky boots! The lady in front of me had on your boots @missy !! They looked fabu.....

NIRDI shout out!

Oh @missy sending so many warm ((hugs)) and thoughts and prayers your way. You are near the best hospitals and I am confident that he will get the best advice and care possible. Will 2020 never end? Much love and prayers being sent your way always. ♥️♥️
@missy I'm so very sorry to hear of Greg and your health issues, and sending you many tender (((hugs))). Hang in there, 2021 has got to be better.
@Austina I’m glad to read that your Colin is OK. Arrhythmias can be scary. I have a benign one that I can feel a few times a day and I still get startled after 30 years. I hope his cardiology appointment went well!

@MamaBee I hope you are doing well managing the Graves. You‘re brave to have had a biopsy while wide awake. I’m not sure if I could do that without popping a handful of Ativan!

@MMtwo That’s great news that your son is fine after his emergency gallbladder removal. Also that there was minimal scarring. Thanks for your kind words. And I’m glad your niece and her SO are only suffering mild COVID symptoms.

@mrs-b Hugs to you and your husband. May 2021 be much kinder to you.

@marcy Your delicious menu makes me want to get the darned gallbladder out tomorrow. No Christmas cookies for me this year. Maybe some low fat eggnog. I’m going to watch the Charlie Brown special this weekend on Apple+. Heck, maybe I’ll throw caution to the wind and watch it twice this year. I always look forward to it. That and pulling out my Hallmark Peanuts ornaments and picking out next year’s calendar:

Best wishes and hugs to anyone I may have missed!
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@missy I know you have so many things on your plate right now..but wanted to wish you a Happy Hanukkah. My three year old grandson will light his first candle tonight. I went to visit them today through the window. It was cold for my mom but we stuck it out for forty-five minutes. They have a Christmas tree with lights in one window..and a menorah in the other window. ❤️

I found out the other day that my son C got the wrong medicine at his treatment center. They give you your meds in a cup. Evidently there are two people with the same first name and last name initial. The other man is a heroin addict so he gets medication for that. They gave them to C and my son’s meds to the other man. He had a really bad reaction freaking out. The psychiatrist and doctor were able to figure out what happened. How could this happen in this day and age. He feels better now that the other drugs are mostly out of his system...

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