
Now I really did it :((


@Scandinavian heck no we can’t say no to more money; it contributes to shiny things. Party at Scandi’s house. Sweet. Did you get your diamond replaced yet?

@canuk-gal sorry you have insomnia; that is not fun.

@bling_dream19 gorgeous peony. We can kind of see little buds on our trees. Thank you - my sister does a really nice job on doll clothes. She has quite a following at craft shows and sells them at a Dolle Shoppe in Denver. Nice for getting your pear mailed.

@missy I got some Hoka running shoes; I am liking them so far. Eating out was fine; they used printed menus, had paper on the table, utensils were pre-wrapped in a napkin and not put out until they seated you. All staff had on masks. Sweet to get 50 miles in on the bike. Great pictures. We are soul sisters at the thrill of going fast but of course mine is faster than 30 mph and in a car. I am my dad’s daughter there. He was a mechanic by trade and restored a 66 mustang for me. My mom saw me at a stop light sitting by another classic mustang and we were eyeing each others car; so of course both of us raced out once the light changed. My mom called my dad when she got to work and told me she saw me drag racing my car and he asked her “did she win?” I am so sorry to hear about Greg’s mom; I am glad his brother is working with is doctors. I hate to hear your ankle has flared up with therapy. Nice ankle support Greg made for you. Sweet to think of moving to Montana or Wyoming; there are some beautiful places out here.

@Austina thank you; my sister makes really nice doll clothes. I am the only lame seamstress in my family; I never liked sewing. I did get some new Hoka and ordered in a pair of Brooks. I am glad you like your Sketchers; I am going to try them sometime. Yes, it is good to support the local economy. I had ordered some Asics online about the time we went in to shutdown and they send me the wrong size; I never returned them in time to I took those in with me for them to put out on the sale table; they were never worn so she gave me $50 credit for them. How exciting to get with the bracelet company on Tuesday.

@Niffler75 how exciting to have Chinese takeout available. Enjoy.

@Bayek hope they have started on your place. Marty and I are doing well thank you. How are you and John doing? Our weather varies right now, today is chilly and rainy. We’ve been in the 70’s and 80’s quite a bit. Sorry it’s so hot there already.

@junebug17 thank you for the compliments on my band. I like it more than I thought I would. We do enjoy the steaks from Omaha steaks. Oh no for a flood in your basement; I hope the insurance company is helpful and you get things taken care of right away. What a pain and chore but glad your son found it. Your pool and back yard in SC looks fabulous.

@TechieTechie good deal to be almost done cleaning out the basement. Good luck with the tool sale and that’s great news your knees are hanging in there.

Hi @springerspaniiel and @Slick1 - I hope both of you are having a good day.

@Jimmianne nice you had a pool room but I’ve heard the same thing the upkeep on them is kind of a pain.

@AV_ oh no to having to see the dentist; hopefully they got you fixed up and you won’t need to go back.

Not much going on with us. Marty and some of his clients went hiking in a state park near here yesterday. They had a good time. I got my laundry done yesterday and will probably do some more before going back to the office on Thursday. I made a loaf of bread today; it turned out okay. Marty wants me to find a sourdough recipe.

Take care.
Austina got Sketchers?? How did I miss that? They are The Best. All NIRDIs should have Sketchers. Sketchers, diamonds, pools and puppies. (Or kitties)

NIRDI shout out!:wavey:

@junebug17 Very sorry to hear of your basement troubles. We had a sump pump failure resulting in water. Such a PITA! Much success in getting it sorted out.

@missy healing vibes across the miles to your MIL.. Sad for her diagnosis but treatment is available! You should ask your PT about your ankle.

@Bayek it is 18C today! Not nearly hot enough for me LOL but I'll take it! Hope your house plans are coming along as they should.

@Jimmianne not too many people here wearing masks in the mall. Just me and a few others! Luckily it wasn't busy.

Had a nice ride today but the paths were heaving!! Went to the market and happy it wasn't busy. We rode home with groceries--I like doing that. Funny, I filled up my car with petrol for the first time in months! Just no where to drive and I walk or ride everywhere.

Nice to see the greenery outside. What a difference a few days of rain makes!

Hi friends happy Sunday funday!
@Austina wow those brandy soaked cherries sound delicious! You are giving me ideas. Hope you're having a great weekend!
@junebug17 I am SO sorry to hear about your basement. So glad your son was there. I hope it gets cleaned up soon. Your pool looks so tranquil. Looks like a southern bell pool!
@marcy you go girl on your chores and laundry. I'm doing laundry and of coarse cook n freeze! Cooking and freezing is my favorite thing to do. I just finished a potato salad for us tomorrow and I'm making a MD crab soup, which will of course be frozen. Of course we will have a cup tomorrow and then freeze it. I have slip on sketchers that I wear for road trips and I just got some new balance sneakers from Costcy!
@missy love the brace Greg made for you! A man of many talents. How's your weekend? I really hope your mom is better. Hugs friend.
Hi @Jimmianne that's cray people aren't wearing masks.
Love and hugs to all! Gotta get back to making soup.
Hi girls..I hope everyone is doing well...
@Bayek I love your new name..I’ve toyed with changing mine...I’m known by Mamabean in real life by family...I don’t want anyone doing a search and finding me...haha I like being incognito!
I’m so happy you made some progress on your plans..I didn’t realize pools were so expensive! We had one when we lived in Texas..I remember coming home from grocery shopping...stripping my clothes off...and flinging myself in the pool...Yes I did take the time to put on a swimming suit.. :lol:
I was hoping that by the time I’m ready to trade in Summer at would be settled...and @Austina would have also moved to Texas. I can’t see myself flying for years...really...
How are the kids? Are you still having your groceries picked up by Mike and Cara? I’m still using Instacart..I blow kisses through the window to the Instacart shopper..They always laugh at me. Shatzie has to keep getting me cash because I’m tipping it all away...I’m so grateful I don’t have to go. I can’t leave David with my mom so I don’t really have a choice...Shatzie could shop for us but I don‘t like the idea of him being out there in the store..I also order for him and wipe down his groceries. He picks everything up when he visits me.. Big hugs..XO
@junebug17 Your pool and backyard in NJ is beautiful...I’m sorry you had a leak with mold. We have a leak in Pa from rain that comes through wall and soaks the carpet. We can’t figure out where it’s coming from. I had to cut the carpet back to expose the concrete floor. I put shop towels there to soak up the water. I hope you can get yours solved quickly. That’s so nice you got to see your son.
@Austina Your backyard is gorgeous! It’s looks like a beautiful place to relax.
The bracelet you are considering is so pretty. I agree about only using a credit card for protection...I use PayPal...It’s only set up with a credit card..I hope it works out so you can get it.
I was telling @Bayek I was hoping that by the time I trade in Summer you and Kate would be moved in so we could visit...I planned on going to Whiteflash to see the G and I side by side to see if it was worth it. I may not get the opportunity this Christmas and birthday...My husband took a half cut pay decrease to help keep his company afloat...We would still be able to do it but I think I woukd feel I should take a gift cut..:lol:
BBL Time to make the donuts! For you @Jimmianne!
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@Mamabean Aw thank you for your support, toooo many nutcases on here (not NIRDIs or most threads really, face it Missy had the guts to meet up and so did Austina and MrsB so they can attest to my insaneness and also that I am a good person), I have my granddaughter and my kids to be concerned about, as I said - if someone bothers to read ALLLLL my posts they can easily find me and that is 'such is life' but from herein and out I'm a NIRDI girl and any meetups we can hopefully do at some point will be it for me.

No Mike and Cara fell out of favor, it hard for them so we started shopping on line and JB (husband) picks them up in the pickup lane with a mask on most Thursdays or Fridays, it's been very easy. Thanks so much for asking.

I'm good and I hope you are too, I hope you DIL is feeling okay, probably hot and tired of being preggers.

I hopefully won't turn you one way or the other BUT I have given considerable thought to turning in the EVER and getting a G.. I find that there are times that either I have liver disease or my stone looks dingy yellowish, now I would prefer a K-M color for yellow, then it shows, not dingy and I could set it in 18K gold or rose gold, so right now approaching JB about a change would cause a R U C K U S here as we are over budget on everything MB so mentioning anything like this would cause JB to sorta put me in the freeze zone :) :) which at times I do love but right now - not so much. So if your I stone bothers you then I can understand. BUT is it worth the money to upgrade color (then I will have to go down in weight) not sure yet :) xoxoxoxo (and we will meet up eventually).

@marcy wellll it's sorta started :) (the house) if look on IG you can see some beer can pix! and some sand.. and wood! new sneaks? I need sneaks.. but right now I'm just chillin with my iced tea (sugar free). hope all is well in your neck of cool America.! xoxoxoxoxo

@bling_dream19 how's that soup?? hope you are welll! sending a huge hug to you and yours! xoxoxo

@Jimmianne Sketchers? !!! Yes I love sketchers! all NIRDI's requirement 1) Sketchers and a stone like Missy's :) xoxoxoxoxo (miss ya hope all is well in your part of the world girl)... xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Pools are so expensive here, God somebody is living a life of Riley here in Texas, yes a lap is great Jimmi but I'm too old to lap anymore ;-) again miss ya and wear a mask, something is going to go down with all this opening up too early, mark my words (channeling my mom there!)... axoxo

@missy hope you are having a great Sunday. loves you girl totally! xoxoxoxoxo (hi to Greg too and kids).. xoxoxoxo

off to cook some cod!

@Bayek here's some soup for you girl! 20200524_191112.jpg we are having a cup as our appetizer and then tonight is a steak!
@missy that was an awesome day when we met at Days! Hope we can enjoy icecream and jewelry together again sometime!
Girls..I bought the most comfortable slip on clog shoes from amazon. They have holes in them to cool your feet. I bought one pair..loved them so much that I bought another pair. They are cheap too! I keep one pair outside each door..I think they are rubber or something similar. I don’t think I’m allowed to post a link but here’s a pic. I love Sketchers. I have a few pairs in Pa!
Austina got Sketchers?? How did I miss that? They are The Best. All NIRDIs should have Sketchers. Sketchers, diamonds, pools and puppies. (Or kitties)

I have a pair of old Sketchers that I just can't toss. They are a black/metallic blend I just can't find anywhere; style not repeated. They are so comfy at work, but are now looking shabby.... :(
Cool girl known as “B”...meetups!! Someday. Does my meeting Missy and your meeting Missy mean we almost had a meetup? Let’s just say we have been vetted by the best. Hi Missy!!

Sharon, do you wash your Sketchers in the washing machine?? I have bought a plethora of flats and most survived the machine.

Austina, looks as though things are opening up a bit between England and France starting June 3rd. Still not perfect as one must do a two week quarantine. How are things between England and the states??

I bought a “parasol” for the garden and set up a seating area after my French teacher said this week’s lesson would be in MY garden.
Most helpful to have the pressure ON. It’s in the area hidden from the street where I was storing junk and garden trash, so yay.
The ‘funny’ thing is...the metal railing to the right?? That is my neighbor who hardly ever comes, but decided to visit this weekend and clean out her garage and cut back trees. Then she piled everything right behind that metal fence and left town again. But I’m still smiling. At least my side of the fence looks tidy now : )8634E110-7B18-45B7-8C18-2D739039172A.jpeg
Cool girl known as “B”...meetups!! Someday. Does my meeting Missy and your meeting Missy mean we almost had a meetup? Let’s just say we have been vetted by the best. Hi Missy!!

Sharon, do you wash your Sketchers in the washing machine?? I have bought a plethora of flats and most survived the machine.

Austina, looks as though things are opening up a bit between England and France starting June 3rd. Still not perfect as one must do a two week quarantine. How are things between England and the states??

I bought a “parasol” for the garden and set up a seating area after my French teacher said this week’s lesson would be in MY garden.
Most helpful to have the pressure ON. It’s in the area hidden from the street where I was storing junk and garden trash, so yay.
The ‘funny’ thing is...the metal railing to the right?? That is my neighbor who hardly ever comes, but decided to visit this weekend and clean out her garage and cut back trees. Then she piled everything right behind that metal fence and left town again. But I’m still smiling. At least my side of the fence looks tidy now : )8634E110-7B18-45B7-8C18-2D739039172A.jpeg

Jimmianne, that look just wonderful! So idyllic, could be the cover of a book!
GM lovely ladies. Happy Memorial Day Monday

@Jimmianne did you say sketchers? I think I got all my sketchers because of you!


I have them in many colors all thanks to you. Love them.

Your garden is idyllic and I love parasols. I carry one around often. And yours is my favorite color. Teal blue is bluetiful.

And haha yassss we have all met in some way haven't we? But of course nothing beats in person and I am so looking forward to the day we can meet up again. And perhaps Greg and I will throw a NIRDI shindig for all those who want to and can come. It will be a blast. And you can be the cohost to make sure you will come! It would not be a part without you sweet Jimmianne.

@Mamabean those look very comfy and stylish too. I like them. Thanks for helping me search for things I need. It's crazy how challenging it is to get some products.

@marcy yay for getting some great running shoes. Hoka is a great brand. I am glad eating out is safe by you. They are taking the necessary precautions. We are soul sisters. Let me tell you going 35 mph on a recumbent feels super fast. I am not exaggerating and one day maybe you can try that when you visit. I will let Greg take you for a spin haha. Yummy you baked bread yesterday and sweet that Marty got to take a hike with his clients. Nice you got laundry done. You are always so productive.

@Bayek awww you are da best Kate the Great. You are the furthest thing from crazy. I mean we are all crazy in a way but crazy good and crazy loving and crazy caring and that kind of crazy works IMO. Luck of the Irish rocks and thank you for all your kind wishes. My MIL is in good spirits and she is a strong lady. We speak often now and isn't it funny how a few decades changes things. I actually love her and I think she loves me and if you had asked about that in the nineties the answer would be a resounding no on both parts. So I never say never and I am always open to changing my mind and in this case it sure was changed. Yes she lacks emotional awareness and she isn't a touchy feely person but I have grown to love her and her me and for 85 and a half she rocks. Hope the house stuff is coming along and I am getting more excited for you by the day. So glad your rosacea med is helping and that you were able to get it. It's nice when things work out. Love you too Kate the Great and wise and wonderful.

@bling_dream19 that soup looks awesome. Yummmm. Thanks for your kind wishes and for asking about my mom. She seems to be feeling better knock wood. How was your weekend? Did you see your family? Hope all is going well.

@TechieTechie lots of good luck dust being sent your way for a successful sale. Exciting times for you guys.

@springerspaniel hope you are having a good holiday and all is well.

@Slick1 hope yesterday's drop off went well and that you are doing as OK as possible under the circumstances. Sending you continued gentle hugs and much love.

@canuk-gal yay glad you enjoyed a wonderful ride and we had a good ride again yesterday. The bathroom thing is challenging and I had to stop at a public restroom yesterday but no one was around and so hope I didn't get infected by stopping. There was no way I would have made it home. We did 50 miles again woohoo. Hope the weather continues to cooperate for all of us and you enjoy another good ride today. Thanks for your good wishes for my MIL and I will ask my PT about my ankle thanks.

@AV_ how did it go at the dentist's office? Thank you for all your good wishes. We need them. If you knew half of what we were going through...but I am sparing you that. Suffice to say life is not less challenging than last year at all. But one day at a time.

@Scandinavian thank you sweet girl, I appreciate all your good wishes. And sending you lots of good wishes too. You and your entire family.

@Poodles4me sending good wishes to you and your DH and hope everything is proceeding smoothly.

Greg and I had another crazy busy day. Cats, working out (me) and then cycling. It was a glorious day despite being a bit cool and windy. Just loved cycling by the sea and while the shore is more crowded than before it is still relatively empty. I only took a couple of pics because it was an action packed day and I was loving being in the moment no camera. But I didn't forget about you guys so I managed a few pics for you.

We are going to cycle today again so getting ready soon because I have to work out first (darn OP making me do weight bearing exercises in addition to cycling-it's exhausting) and then we will go cycling. Hope everyone has a good Memorial Day Monday and big hugs to you all.

Red Bank streets empty yesterday. Normally they would be bustling.

Screen Shot 2020-05-25 at 8.00.20 AM.png

Greg's hospital (where he had the kidney stones removed and where he has the upcoming procedure to remove some more in June fingers crossed). Empty.

Screen Shot 2020-05-25 at 8.00.49 AM.png

Have a good day girls and big hugs.
Missy, I just got those same shoes in pink-ish! Great minds think alike, except for color choice. Lol
NYC, sophistication? Black
French gardening shoe? Pink.

Ps. I HEAR you about restrooms!!
It does interfere with outings for sure.
Missy, I just got those same shoes in pink-ish! Great minds think alike, except for color choice. Lol
NYC, sophistication? Black
French gardening shoe? Pink.

Ps. I HEAR you about restrooms!!
It does interfere with outings for sure.

Oh I want them in pink now!!!

Happy Memorial Day! Shatzie is coming again so I’ll be cooking soon..I hope you all have a wonderful day.
@Jimmianne I wash my Sketchers in the washing machine and air dry them.
I love your parasol and table set. I would love to sit there to have a glass of wine or coffee.
@Bayek We’ll be looking at the same diamonds..haha I don’t see it happening for me for a while. They have the same four diamonds up in the higher size range.. I don’t want to get to 3 carats mainly because of the price. I may consider the less than super ideals to get me the color. They’re usually off... missing the super ideal designation by a tiny bit. You can also upgrade them. I’m past the age where I need to say I have a super ideal. If it’s close and in the color I like I would go for it.
Hugs to all! XO
Hello lovelies

Beautiful day here, we thought about going out for a walk, but everywhere was crowded, so we went for a drive instead.

Good to hear that safe measures are in place so you can eat out again @marcy, I know that this hasn’t been too bad where you are, so some return to ’normality’ must make it seem less surreal. Glad your shoes are comfy, mine are Skechers-a-like, and I’ve even managed to get a purple pair! I’m now a VIP customer of the company I buy from and get an extra 15% off :lol: I figure my feet aren’t going to get any bigger, so it doesn’t matter if I have a few pairs in reserve. I‘ll wear them eventually.

I think we’re Persona non grata as far as travel to the US is concerned at the moment @Jimmianne , don’t know when that will change, but we don’t think we’ll be going in August, not just because of things here, but if the situation there isn’t safe, there’s no point us going to sit at Adam’s then have to stay in for 14 days when we get home. Your spot looks very serene, the perfect spot to sit and relax.

Enjoy your second visit of the holiday weekend @Mamabean, how’s Shatzie coping with the separation? Is your mother behaving herself?

Glad you were able to enjoy your ride and it wasn’t too crowded @missy, it was a bit windy here too yesterday but today it’s been lovely and still. I’ve set up Zoom so I can rejoin the Pilates class, I have been incredibly lazy lately, I really haven’t had much enthusiasm to exercise. With everything you’re dealing with, you’re still getting in your PT and workouts, so I really have to get off my ever increasing a*$e and get moving :lol: How’s Greg feeling, are the stones behaving themselves, can’t believe it’ll be June next week, keeping everything crossed everything stays calm with him till he can have the surgery? Glad to hear your Mum is feeling better, one less thing to worry about.

I relegate my old Skechers-a-like to garden shoes when they get shabby @canuk-gal and get out the next pair, plus I have 3 pairs at Adams, ooops I’d forgotten about those :mrgreen:

Naughty puddytat swiping Auti @Bayek I hope she wasn’t too upset by her encounter. Glad you‘ve got your online click and collect sorted out, far less risky than going in to the store. I’m not even sure we’d get a slot round here, so are really grateful for the company we’ve found who will deliver to us. I‘ve been really disgusted at some of the comments I’ve seen on the political threads, there a real s***storm going on here at the moment. A Govt advisor is the subject of a witch hunt because he travelled to where his parents live, stayed in separate accommodation, his sister did his shopping because he and his wife both had the virus, and they have an autistic child who was admitted to hospital. You’d think he’d deliberately gone out infecting people, instead of driving a couple of hundred miles so that in the event they both became too ill to care for their child, his sisters/parents could step in, rather than the child being taken in by social services. The press are camped outside his house In London, behaving like a pack of frenzied rabid dogs, lunging at him and shoving microphones in his face. Oh the irony of them not social distancing and criticising him for trying to keep his child safe.

You’re so organised @bling_dream19 getting your meals prepped and frozen. How’re things where you are? Do you know if you’ll be going back to work soon or can you continue to work from home?

Ugh, it’s always something isn’t it @junebug17. I hope the leak hasn’t caused irreparable damage, and it’ll be a relatively painless fix. Hopefully you’ve spotted it before it too bad. Your pool looks lovely, I can’t actually swim, but in the Texan heat, I’m sure I’d spend plenty of time cooling off in one.

I spoke to Shirley yesterday, they went out for dinner on Saturday night, and were going out to brunch yesterday. Things haven’t been too bad where they are, and the restaurant they’ve been going to have good social distancing measures in place by the sound of it. She sounds a lot calmer these days and fairly coherent most of the time.

We’ve been sitting in the garden all afternoon enjoying the lovely weather, it’s going to be a good week weather wise.

We’re going to have a sauna now, need to relax after getting aggravated by the media :mrgreen:

Hope you’re all enjoying a lovely holiday long weekend :wavey:
Hi, checking in with everyone! :wavey: Hope all had a good Memorial Day. We had a Bank Holiday here in the UK, not that we did anything different due to current restrictions however!

I do like Sketchers type shoes but desperately need ankle support that only lace up boots can give. Even in the hot weather I have to make sure I have good ankle support then I'm out and about or I end up with soft tissue injuries due to Ehlers Danlos.

@junebug17 I am really sorry to hear of your leak. Sorry I missed the news. I feel like I haven't been keeping up to date with things on here lately.
@Mamabean How's things at home? My son has been pretty settled lately and has taken a very 'matter of fact' approach to the covid. However with the warmer temperatures here and bugs we are heading into tricky sensory processing territory. :eek2: We have together chosed a new pair of sunglasses that he finds comfy to wear as he is sensitive to bright sunlight as well.
@missy I love catching up on your news. I hope you are not pushing yourself too hard with the PT and all that riding etc. You don't want me virtually wiggling my finger at you and telling you off! Please take care!
@AV_ I'm sorry you've had to have some dental work done. All our dentists here are closed aside from emergency work. I'm a bit concerned about my son as he needs fluoride paint on his teeth and some minor treatment to one tooth but he is now well overdue his appointment.
@Slick1 My thoughts have been with you and your family today. x
@Austina How's things where you are? We are noticing things busying up here and people not social distancing!
Will check in with everyone tomorrow. x
Hey @bling_dream19 that looks so good, wish we lived closer :) xoxoxo and thank you so much for posting your pix, I love soup!!! xoxoxoxo

Hey @Mamabean Hola girl, those shoes with the holes in them look divine, comfy and I love the color... I have had sketchers in my life too, right now I have Nikes but I'm due for some new sneaks soon! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo So glad Shatzie is coming.. he is a good husband MB :) Joanne, I had 2 ACAs and 1 ES and I couldn't tell the difference I'd consider the same size I have now but a G ES or even a little lighter maybe.. sometimes I think it won't matter, I'll ALWAYS want something different xoxo (again).

@Jimmianne you meeting Missy and me meeting Missy means you, me and Missy must have a meetup! and Jimmi the seating area looks divine... hope your lesson went well as to your neighbor, au revoir to her! ;-) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

@Austina hi Austina, yes Auti's eye is all cleared up oh to be young and heal quickly! What happened to this person in England is crazy Austina sounds like he/she is a good person, a good parent and a good son.. the world is topsy turvy, sorry to say but it seems true to me. Well we will be waiting for you here in Austin area and look forward to another meal! sending xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo to you and Colin :)

@Niffler75 Hi Niffler, so nice that your son is settled, he's so young and it's crazy times.. but he has great parents! xoxoxoxoxo

@missy the Marvelous! nice sketchers, when 2nd son was little he would ONLY WEAR SKETCHERS... so we all wore sketchers - love them and they do last.. If you and Greg throw a shindig I willl sooooo be there.. heck I"ll be up there without a shindig anyway :) soon as we can fly etc.. I am sure your MIL is in a good mood, she must be Aok Missy, she raised Greg, good mom's usually have loving kids (even adult kids ;-) ) Okay for the last few years I always always always say BE CAREFUL Missy and Greg on the road, you guys are awesome bikers, but I do worry about youthful drivers etc. and yes I know you are Greg are very smart and do what is right.. but be careful, you are loved. Thank you Missy, thank you for mentioning my rosacea and caring.. haven't I always said "Kate the GREAT" is lucky, well she is, she found Missy the Marvelous and this group.. lucky Kate.. have a safe ride tomorrow and sending you buckets of happy, loving and caring dust.. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Saw Auti today, held her, now I wasn't going to - but my son was holding her and he was about 6 feet away from me and she holds out her arms and say 'gorowoslna' or something like that and my heart melted, I hope she isn't a carrier, but she was tearing up and what could I do? life is strange, she's such a sweetie pie.. much more than I ever expected in life and her smile is melting.... oh well time will tell..

have a great evening, night to all NIRDIs!
oh dear ive missed so much
bare with me as i catch up
i hope you are all safe and well
been a bit depressing here
its been cold in our little insulated 1950s woodern box
Gary's daughter Melanie is not doing well
she was back in hospital with unmanageable pain and the cancer has spread to her lungs
on top of that she is all backed up from pain meds so has bowel pain as well
she has been transferred to the hospice which im hoping isnt as dire as it sounds so hopefully they can get her pain sorted and she can go back to living again
because of covid 19 only her husband and her mum can visit

a tiny sliver of hope is her hubbie's manager has told him when the cheese family closes down (covid 19 delayed the shut down) he will still have a job at the company -its one of NZs largest companies and the clousure has nothing to do with covid 19 lockdown - its been planmed for about 2 years but its still bad for the local economy

yeaterday we had a nasty and quite long earth quake with too many horrible aftershocks for the rest of the day and night, thankfully nothing broke but some things did fall over, not a nice way to wake up, but living on a pumis base we feel redilously light quakes but this one was felt way down south to right up north

last night had to call mouse control
im pretty tolerant of loud nusic but two different neighbours each one house away on different directions have been playing loud music since Thursday night and at 3am this morning id had enoughn- also i hate regee

then this morning after 2 hours sleep got woken up by a huge angry domestic next door (again) someone else in the street must have called the police the first time but it started up again so i called them back

soooo tired

now .... must see what ive missed...
stay safe all and hug your loved ones only if your in the same lockdown buble
best wishes Nicky
and hope our American friends are enjoying the long weekend
and heartfelt thanks to the Americans seevice personal who fought in the Pacific and the marines who were stationed here for training and R&R and helped my grandma feel safe while our fighting men where elsewear
GM lovely ladies!

@Austina hope you enjoyed a nice sauna and lol I hear you on motivation. I am not very motivated at all today and there are many days I have to fight against not wanting to do anything but burying my head in the sand if you kwim. Today is one of those days.Tommy wouldn't take his meds despite 45 minutes of me trying to coax him to take it. Doesn't help he has multiple meds to take. And Gracie and Oliver have to be penned up whenever I want to feed Tommy or give him his meds so that makes it hard on all of us. Enough of my wahhhh wahhh wahhh. Glad Shirley is doing well and enjoying her family. That is good news. Sorry the media is upsetting you. I have stopped watching the press conferences for the most part because for me they serve no purpose anymore. But to aggravate. Hope you had a good drive yesterday and that your weather continues to be nice. Hugs.

@Bayek poor dear Auti. Hope she is recovering and not traumatized by her encounter. I will be careful I promise. Greg is a very good cyclist and rides defensively and he is way more cautious than I would be if I was in the captain position so luckily I am in the stoker position. And I am holding you to your visit shindig or not! Though of course it will be some time til we are over the pandemic. But once we are we will definitely celebrate. I cannot wait. Praying Auti is not a carrier and I do not blame you one bit for holding her. I can only imagine how difficult this is on all the grandmothers. I know my mom talks to my nieces daily but it isn't the same thing. Big hugs to you Great Kate the wise and wonderful. And I am the lucky one. XOXO.

@Daisys and Diamonds oh I am so sorry honey about Melanie. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. That is good news about her dh and his job though. Ugh about the earthquake. Earthquakes are super scary. And boo to your noisy neighbors. Life is hard enough add that to the mix and it is very unpleasant. Hugs to you Nicky and I hope things start improving soon. Especially with Melanie. I am so sorry :(

@Slick1 hugs and continued good wishes being sent your way. You continue to be in my thoughts. {{{HUGS}}}.

@junebug17 hope the water issue is being fixed as I write this and that the project is almost completed if not already completed. Hope you had a decent Memorial Day weekend despite the flood issues and that everyone is well. XO.

@Poodles4me hope you had a good weekend and hugs.

@springerspaniel hope everything is proceeding smoothly and all is well. XO.

@Keeliamira thinking of you. I have a few medical appointments coming up and I hope you are able to get all the necessary appointments too and I hope you are feeling well. XO.

@sarahb hope you all had a happy Memorial Day weekend dear girl. XO.

@marcy how was your Memorial Day Monday? Hope you and Mr Marty had a blast and you are mentally ready to go back to work soon. Sending you lots of hugs.

@canuk-gal hope you had a good weekend and are having a good week. Any riding on the agenda this week? XO.

@AV_ hope your week is going smoothly. Thinking of you. Hugs.

@Scandinavian how is everyone doing? Any interesting projects happening?

We rode yesterday and it was a good ride. Cooler than the day before but perfect temps for me. It's very foggy today and I am off to PT soon. Hope everyone has a happy Tuesday. XOXO.

This is Sasha. One of our ferals. Interestingly enough she isn't scared of us as we rode back yesterday into our driveway she just looked at us and didn't move. I took this photo.

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It was a grey day yesterday but the ocean still beautiful.

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And I love our woodsy path so much.

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Happy Tuesday lovely ladies. Stay well. XOXO.
Allie’s at the hospital. The baby is coming early. If you pray..or send dust..please send it her way so they will be okay! ❤️
Bucketloads of good luck ******dust****** going to Allie and the entire family!!!!!!
@Mamabean All my good wishes to Allie!


will catch up - all is well & whirling around here [work, of course!]
@Mamabean Keeping Allie in my thoughts. Take care x
Baby is here! They are both safe! She had an emergency csection. I don’t know his name or weight, etc...Yet...OMG
Baby is here! They are both safe! She had an emergency csection. I don’t know his name or weight, etc...Yet...OMG

Wonderful news @Mamabean! So happy mom and baby are doing well! Congratulations!

Baby is here! They are both safe! She had an emergency csection. I don’t know his name or weight, etc...Yet...OMG


All our best to the momma and baby and family!!!!