
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Just for you @bling_dream19


Enjoy a beautiful day and hang (haha) in there! Enjoy your calming lavender spinel ring too. :love:



Mar 31, 2018
@missy I got long winded in the other thread so cut and pasted it
There are a few cases at the beach town next to ours so....and I don't have my Pilates Reformer there either so am reluctant to not to any strength training now given my latest diagnosis. Ugh it's not an easy decision. Plus the new kitty and bringing her to the beach before we get it entirely RW free is scary too. Joanne there are no good answers here. Guess we all have to do the best we can and remain calm no matter what. Because everything is better when we all remain calm. Sending you hugs and good thoughts and we will get through this.

@missy I forgot that Greg has to pull the rug up in the other room. He’s in no condition to do that now...I was thinking about it a while ago but didn’t mention it...I’m worried that when he pulls it up the spores will become airborne and get into the other rooms. I thought maybe spraying the carpet down with something first would keep the spores from becoming airborne. He could cut small sections and put them in bags. The logistics sound daunting..but I’m sure it will be fine...
I was thinking you guys could just go to the beach house and just hibernate. You can do that on NY as long as you have enough supplies and don’t go out except for necessities...
I have no idea what I’m going to do...I emailed David’s psychiatrist asking if we can skip this appointment in April 1st as I would have to drive four hours instead of staying over. She hasn’t answered me yet. I just need refills on his meds. I can’t just pick up and leave with David working at his workshop..He has Social Security and the county tied into his job..I can’t just pick up and leave. It’s not like leaving with an underage child...It affects his benefits. I have to be sure its the right decision before doing that. Also, I have the same problem as you with med refills...


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I’m really surprised and so sorry they don’t have the treatment in the US @missy, someone is seriously missing a great opportunity to help so many people. Ugh, to your appt being cancelled, even worse because you had to cancel Greg’s too, all for nothing. Very disappointing that they could offer no alternative appt that was suitable, let’s hope the other one works out and you can start on a regimen that helps.

Aww to the kitties playing with their new toy, how are they getting along? They seem content enough in the photo, and yay to them sleeping nearby again last night.

Thinking about the cleaning situation, I never have had a cleaner because I’m one of those people who’d go around cleaning before they came, but I think in your situation, I know you feel you can’t have anyone in before you tidy up, but you’re paying them, so let them earn their money. I’m sure any professionals will have seen all sorts, so wouldn’t think anything about coming to you.

Keeping your parents in my thoughts and hoping they (and you) stay well.

We‘ve had a particularly wet winter @Jimmianne, so I’m not surprised you’re finding the weather dreary there.

I had to :lol: at your comment in the other thread @Mamabean about getting your husband to strip off before he comes in to the rest of the house, and not wanting him getting any ideas. I hope you can sort everything out so that if you do decide to decamp to your other place, you won‘t have any problems with David or the your meds.

Your lavender spinel is enough to brighten any day @bling_dream19, it’s such a pretty colour and a beautiful setting.

How’re all the other lovely NIRDIs doing? Sending good thoughts to you all, and wishing you good health.

We met our friends for lunch today, and are all excited about going away next week, just praying nothing stops us going. Colin and I went to the driving range, and he hit a few balls while I had a lesson. I’m feeling a bit sore from the PT yesterday, she ramped up the intensity of the road drill, and then gave me a good pummelling, but it’s helped, so it was worth it.

Meeting Sue tomorrow as we’re getting our eyelashes permed, and she’s having a mani/pedi. I’ve already done my pedi, and I’ll do my mani on Monday, as my nails grow so quickly, I want to leave it till the last possible minute.



May 11, 2013
Hey everyone,

@missy the Marvelous! thank you for the correct info on New Rochelle, I called Chris in a freak out call telling him to come here! he's freaked out because he has NO INTERNET, and therefore cannot work from home, I said go to Danny's, he says, I don't want to get or give all the kids there the virus!, I was thinking of texting Daniel and telling to help Chris but then again WTF wants a 67 year old helicopter mom? Altho Danny and Chris both had buzzsaw mom's! so they are aware of nutzoid moms. Chris was great, today he texted Mike and asked him to take care of Mom and Dad and get Mom and Dad's food for them! I am indeed lucky to have my sons.. (((MICHAEL & CHRIS))) they can't see that but I can! :) OMGosh the kittens! so so so cute with their new toy.. you have to love them.. Thank you for your sweet and kind words about my first marriage, I think I was no trip to Atlantic City for him Missy, he really thought I was lower class than he was (especially my Dad, good old Blue Collar Bob!), his dad was an mechanical engineer at Grumman, his grandfather was NYC police chief, his Italian grandparents were highly educated and authors so I really - over the years in thinking and going over things in my mind - think he wanted me to jettison my family, he was livid when my parents sobered up and I went to AA meetings every Wednesday with my parents to support them, it was a dream come true for us 4 kids! and he told me that HE was my family now, not my parents and I should stay home with him, I said to him that was hurtful and I loved my mom and dad and why did he not come too? he was so 1000X so angry at me.. my mom and dad were good people but had many many problems, but Tommy was from upper middle class LI, oh well so long ago, but I am so glad I married him because of how things went I was able to meet John! he's my forever and ever and ever.. :) as I am his. you are wonderful! thank you for caring, and listening. xoxoxoxox

@Austina no CV here!, I read that the US government is asking oldsters to avoid cruise ships IF they can, I think the Caribbean is such a warm spot that people will not be huddling on the decks, on warm cruises John and I are up and out! I do not think at this time you have anything to be concerned with as far as the tropics are concerned, I might cancel an Alaskan cruise myself, everyone huddled around the coffee machines, the hot chocolate! tea.. The virus is nominal in Caribbean countries I read, I think you will be fine and have a wonderful trip! xoxoxo hello to all in your family btw :)

I have to tell ALL the NIRDI's, John and I were just walking salley and John said "you know Kate, I think EVER is really NOT FOREVER" haha I laughed, so far EVER fills in all the boxes and circles, but as we ALL know, resetting! is a career! at least for me :).

So I will give an update on CV here in Austin: there is no CV here.. none, nada etc. you can find TP anywhere etc.. so maybe we are off the hook !!! here's hoping.

@junebug17 Hi June!xoxoxo

@marcy getting any springlike weather?? xoxoxo

@Mamabean Joanne, you take care of YOU and David, MrMamabean will be fine and your mom? I think she will be great, you are such a wonderful, fantastic mother, wife and daughter girl.. but REMEMBER MAMABEAN! she needs her health before she can help anyone.. sending you love Joanne, and a hella amount of respect from one woman to another. xoxoxox

@bling_dream19 you sing! oh I wish I could, lovely.. there's nothing like a choir in church to mellow me out! xoxoxo

@missy I think Greg is getting all his strength back, I too found P/T not helpful after a while, I mean how many times can you stick those buzzy things on my leg and how many times can I do the treadmill!? Greg I am so happy for you.. When I see Greg I want the skinny on how much he really feels better.. I'm so glad he did this, and I'm thrilled at how you handled it all Missy.. two fine, wonderful people! xoxoxo

@AV_ yes I too want to hear about all Missy's wonderful furkids, that was a really kind, lovely and caring thing you said to Missy, show's true caring for another.. lucky us to know you AV! xoxox

@Niffler75 Hi Mamalion! how's that kddo! how's you and the Mr.? sending hugs xoxoxo

also BIg night for dinner! Tuna Fish and pickles, arugula! and chips.. it's hot here..

NOTHING NEW ON THE HOUSE PLANS FYI, meh. xoxoxo to you all, here's to friendship of like people, kind people, and caring people.. we are special. :)


Jan 3, 2020
@Tekate @Austina @missy @Mamabean and everyone. Sorry to have been quiet on this thread. Just feeling a bit out of sorts and anxious about all the developments.

We are fine here. I had another get together at my son's new school with his teacher and met the head teacher who is awesome and a really nice guy! Had a chance to meet some more of the teachers and kids. Everyone is so nice and I am feeling very hopeful.

Other than that I feel like I have been a bit obsessed with the recent news and covid 19. It is quite anxiety provoking thinking about how we would cope if we are ill. Self isolation in one room would not be an option if one of us was ill. My son who has additional needs just would not cope. I think we would have to stay in as a family and ride it out together.

I hope everyone is ok. Take care everyone and I will check in tomorrow. x


Mar 31, 2018
@Tekate @Austina @missy @Mamabean and everyone. Sorry to have been quiet on this thread. Just feeling a bit out of sorts and anxious about all the developments.

We are fine here. I had another get together at my son's new school with his teacher and met the head teacher who is awesome and a really nice guy! Had a chance to meet some more of the teachers and kids. Everyone is so nice and I am feeling very hopeful.

Other than that I feel like I have been a bit obsessed with the recent news and covid 19. It is quite anxiety provoking thinking about how we would cope if we are ill. Self isolation in one room would not be an option if one of us was ill. My son who has additional needs just would not cope. I think we would have to stay in as a family and ride it out together.

I hope everyone is ok. Take care everyone and I will check in tomorrow. x

@Niffler75 I’m in the same place...I would have to pull my son out of his job...and leave my husband to fend for himself...I’m just watching and reading as much as I can so I can make the right decision...
@Tekate..Thank you for your kind words...You are the best...xxoo
My brain is fried...I only had two hours sleep last night...
@Austina Haha Yes I decided against having him strip...I predict I will have a headache..:lol:
Last edited:


Feb 27, 2007

@junebug have a nice time in SC. That’s nice DS’s girl friend seems very sweet. I am glad they came to visit.

@Jimmianne I like the idea of Vodka before going to the dentist. I hope the radiators help warm up your house. It’s nice your place is cool in the summer.

@missy nice you have some little heaters snuggling up to you while you are sleeping. I definitely wouldn’t want an arrogant PT. Darn that your appointment was cancelled. I hope you find a PT that works well with and for you. I think those flu numbers were since October; we were looking at work today. I hadn’t thought about that you need to throw out some things at the beach house. That sounds like work. How fun 3 of the kitties enjoyed the new toy, they are sure intently watching it. LOL your computer has CV; IT asked me to bring in my work laptop tomorrow and I asked them if they were worried it had CV. Great pictures of you and Greg plus of the cute kitties.

@AV_ I think more things are going to be cancelled. Unsettling times.

@Mamabean that would be my luck too; take a nip to head to the dentist and get pulled over for something. Can David do his appointment online? I hope you don’t have any issues filling his medicine.

@Tekate I can’t imagine how rough it would be to lose a parent when you are that young; I am sure it would definitely alter your life. Glad you found John and have wonderful children and Auti of course. How cool John said Ever is not Forever. Marty hears more about you ladies and diamonds than he probably “Ever” wanted to know. Oh no it’s hot there. Our per Thanksgiving iceberg finally melted. I still see some piles and drifts around town though.

@Austina it is exciting to think you’ll be shopping for a new place near Adam soon. We do have an ever changing sky around here. I took a picture of some cool looking clouds earlier for @AV_. Nice that you and Colin “graduated” from physio. I hope your plans don’t get changed.

@bling_dream19 things are getting weird and or scary and it remains to be seen if it’s smart or overly cautious. Ooh pretty spinel.

@Niffler75 the teachers and school sounds great for your son. I think we are all suffering angst and anxiety over the unknown. Hopefully it’s as bad as it will get and on the downhill slide.

My knee is still talking to me but loosens up as the day goes by and or after taking 2 Advil. I did pick up 92 pounds 15 times tonight though.

My company is talking contingency plans if we have to work at home. My job is sports related so with college games canceling and NBA suspending games who knows if we’ll have any work to do.

Marty is springing for internet at his gym. He can afford it with the new clients. His landlord said he could use his internet from next door; but it’s been flakey. Then Marty’s PC hops to his cell phone hot spot and bam we get charged for data overage. Oh well. Yay he has enough money to pay for his own internet at the gym.

Stay safe and healthy.


Apr 19, 2004

My Mother used to say "if you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all". Well since I've been 2 years old, speaking has been a CHALLENGE!


My DH had some curious thing lopped off his ear today...sutures, bandages..honestly, my professional work and personal obligations knows no bounds, but on the bright side it prevents me from buying D IF diamonds and TP.. Not sure which one is of more "value" these days...….

I offer a grand and broad NIRDI shout out, :wavey::wavey::wavey: because it seems the only "safe" way we can communicate these days is via the interweb. Who knew?

In all seriousness, I think about all our healthy, happiness and safety. And maybe I should be thinking about my own, since 20 cms of snow and -25C is predicted for the weekend. Because it has been like Spring here. And because WTH. Actualy I meant WT$.



Feb 27, 2007
@canuk-gal LOL at what your mother said. I heard the same thing - many times. I didn't always follow that advice. :lol:

Oh no that your DH had something cut off his ear; it sounds painful too. Hope he has a speedy recovery. I think TP is more highly coveted these days.

That storm coming your way sounds serious; stay safe and warm. That much cold and snow has to kill all of those CV germs.


Dec 9, 2013
Good morning, dear NIRDIs!
I’m so glad we have pricescope to come to when things are tough, especially comforting is this forum :)

It’s nice to have a digital community isn’t it? At this point in time all of my interactions are online. Sociable but safe :)

I don’t know Sharon, still pondering the question of whether the flawless diamonds or toilet paper are more coveted :lol:

Marcy, yay for Marty with his growing business! Having reliable Wi-Fi will be a terrific addition.
How are the winds there? Strong enough to blow away any viral bugs?? but you can still keep your footing… I hope.

Niffler, I think we are all obsessed right now. It’s such a weird and terrible situation for the world.

Austina, yes, your winter must have been very wet. The river is flooded out of its banks here, and I must say I far prefer that to the drought we had last year.
How are you being impacted up where you are? I just saw that only people in the UK out of all of Europe can fly into the States.

I feel badly for my summer friends here who live in California virus hotspots and don’t know if they will be able to come here as planned. There are only four Americans with houses in village so we are a gang, usually, and I’m the only one here. I realize that disrupted travel plans are much less serious than what is going on with many people, but it’s still upsetting to have the world change so much so quickly.

Missy, Thank you for your advice about not going to a large public place like IKEA. I will take that to heart.
Greg’s knee has done so well, and he has recuperated so quickly, he must be a very healthy strong person. I hope things go well for you in the city. Are you stocking up on favorite foods?? Your kitties wanted me to ask. LOL

Kate, tuna and pickles! You are living the good life lady :) that’s what I had for dinner too. We have got it going on.

As usual, not much going on here. Took my little car up to the garden and washed it, removed all the dangling moss that had grown over it during the winter, along with its residents spiders, who will be happy to live in the garden now instead of on a car.

Will check in during the day to see how everybody is doing :)

Nothing terribly exciting, but things are greening up and some trees blooming.
That funny triangular building is the top floor of my Kids’ house.


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies!

@missy the Marvelous! thank you for the correct info on New Rochelle, I called Chris in a freak out call telling him to come here! he's freaked out because he has NO INTERNET, and therefore cannot work from home, I said go to Danny's, he says, I don't want to get or give all the kids there the virus!, I was thinking of texting Daniel and telling to help Chris but then again WTF wants a 67 year old helicopter mom? Altho Danny and Chris both had buzzsaw mom's! so they are aware of nutzoid moms. Chris was great, today he texted Mike and asked him to take care of Mom and Dad and get Mom and Dad's food for them! I am indeed lucky to have my sons.. (((MICHAEL & CHRIS))) they can't see that but I can! :) OMGosh the kittens! so so so cute with their new toy.. you have to love them.. Thank you for your sweet and kind words about my first marriage, I think I was no trip to Atlantic City for him Missy, he really thought I was lower class than he was (especially my Dad, good old Blue Collar Bob!), his dad was an mechanical engineer at Grumman, his grandfather was NYC police chief, his Italian grandparents were highly educated and authors so I really - over the years in thinking and going over things in my mind - think he wanted me to jettison my family, he was livid when my parents sobered up and I went to AA meetings every Wednesday with my parents to support them, it was a dream come true for us 4 kids! and he told me that HE was my family now, not my parents and I should stay home with him, I said to him that was hurtful and I loved my mom and dad and why did he not come too? he was so 1000X so angry at me.. my mom and dad were good people but had many many problems, but Tommy was from upper middle class LI, oh well so long ago, but I am so glad I married him because of how things went I was able to meet John! he's my forever and ever and ever.. :) as I am his. you are wonderful! thank you for caring, and listening. xoxoxoxox

Your sons are great Kate just like their mom! And you are always going to worry about them because you are always their mom. And boo to your ex husband. He was lucky to be married to you for the time he was and he didn't deserve you. And yes marrying him was the way it was supposed to go because then you met John and he is your forever and ever as you are his. :love: Hugs to you and to Chris and Mike and everyone's family and loved ones. It's going to be OK.
LOL to Ever not being forever and yes resetting is a lifetime endeavor (sometimes) and much of the fun is in the journey. Sorry there is nothing new re house plans but patience is key and we are all patiently waiting for good news. XOXO.

@missy I got long winded in the other thread so cut and pasted it

@missy I forgot that Greg has to pull the rug up in the other room. He’s in no condition to do that now...I was thinking about it a while ago but didn’t mention it...I’m worried that when he pulls it up the spores will become airborne and get into the other rooms. I thought maybe spraying the carpet down with something first would keep the spores from becoming airborne. He could cut small sections and put them in bags. The logistics sound daunting..but I’m sure it will be fine...
I was thinking you guys could just go to the beach house and just hibernate. You can do that on NY as long as you have enough supplies and don’t go out except for necessities...
I have no idea what I’m going to do...I emailed David’s psychiatrist asking if we can skip this appointment in April 1st as I would have to drive four hours instead of staying over. She hasn’t answered me yet. I just need refills on his meds. I can’t just pick up and leave with David working at his workshop..He has Social Security and the county tied into his job..I can’t just pick up and leave. It’s not like leaving with an underage child...It affects his benefits. I have to be sure its the right decision before doing that. Also, I have the same problem as you with med refills...

Hi @Mamabean have you heard from your son's psychiatrist? It seems reasonable you can skip the appointment given what is going on now. And just get a refill re the meds. Speaking of meds I got an extra 3 month supply of my most critical thyroid meds so whew. I cannot believe my insurance covered it but it did and all I had to do was pay my copay and shipping from the NJ pharmacy as they have my preferred supply of Cytomel. That is one worry off my list. Of course who knows how long this will last but one hopes it won't be too long...I hope you can get your meds easily too and that we will be out of this situation sooner vs later. Sending you big hugs Joanne. And speaking of good news...any Ashlee updates? Did I miss it?

I’m really surprised and so sorry they don’t have the treatment in the US @missy, someone is seriously missing a great opportunity to help so many people. Ugh, to your appt being cancelled, even worse because you had to cancel Greg’s too, all for nothing. Very disappointing that they could offer no alternative appt that was suitable, let’s hope the other one works out and you can start on a regimen that helps.

Aww to the kitties playing with their new toy, how are they getting along? They seem content enough in the photo, and yay to them sleeping nearby again last night.

Thinking about the cleaning situation, I never have had a cleaner because I’m one of those people who’d go around cleaning before they came, but I think in your situation, I know you feel you can’t have anyone in before you tidy up, but you’re paying them, so let them earn their money. I’m sure any professionals will have seen all sorts, so wouldn’t think anything about coming to you.

Keeping your parents in my thoughts and hoping they (and you) stay well.

We met our friends for lunch today, and are all excited about going away next week, just praying nothing stops us going. Colin and I went to the driving range, and he hit a few balls while I had a lesson. I’m feeling a bit sore from the PT yesterday, she ramped up the intensity of the road drill, and then gave me a good pummelling, but it’s helped, so it was worth it.

Meeting Sue tomorrow as we’re getting our eyelashes permed, and she’s having a mani/pedi. I’ve already done my pedi, and I’ll do my mani on Monday, as my nails grow so quickly, I want to leave it till the last possible minute.

Thank you so much dear @Austina and same to you. Continuing to send good wishes and healing thoughts to all the lovely ladies here. The kitties are doing OK. Hard to say from day to day because Oliver is a handful but no bloodshed so far and we will take that! Turns out the PT owner now has the flu...but I have an appointment rescheduled for next Wed with him however I might not keep it because the flu isn't over in a week plus he said it was just the flu and he saw his doctor...umm how can they know that? They didn't test for CV and those test results aren't there in his flood well this guy has a lot going on...and I also have another PT appt that day in the city at a place recommended to me by the NOF president. Problem is getting to the city without the train. But I digress. One day at a time. Who knows what next week will bring.

Thanks for your thoughts re the cleaner. I just don't want anyone here right now with the new cats and all we have going on but I re-evaluate everything every day. It's all a work in progress.

I am hoping you get to enjoy your trip next week too and nothing stops you. Have fun with Sue today and seems you are on top of everything and very organized. I am impressed. Nice to get your eyelashes permed and do let us know how that goes. I never heard of that before and am curious. Smart getting your manicure right before the trip so it lasts. Sending you hugs and good thoughts.

@Slick1 sending you healing vibes and hugs and lots and lots of love. Hope all is well. XOXO.

@Scandinavian continuing to keep good thoughts for you. Hugs.

@bling_dream19 big hugs to you sweet girl. That ring is calming and beautiful. How are you doing today? How is your sweet DH doing? Please tell him Greg and I say hello and send our best. (((Hugs))).

My company is talking contingency plans if we have to work at home. My job is sports related so with college games canceling and NBA suspending games who knows if we’ll have any work to do.

Marty is springing for internet at his gym. He can afford it with the new clients. His landlord said he could use his internet from next door; but it’s been flakey. Then Marty’s PC hops to his cell phone hot spot and bam we get charged for data overage. Oh well. Yay he has enough money to pay for his own internet at the gym.

That is good Marcy. Hope you can work from home. That is what Cuomo is saying for NY. That if possible everyone should work from home. Trying to keep the city less crowded because the 6 foot distancing doesn't work here. Oh no about getting charged for data coverage on Marty's cellphone but yay he can afford it. Thanks for all your good wishes. Beautiful photos as always. Thank you for sharing. XO.

@AV_ hello there, hope all is going well by you. (((Hugs))).

@Daisys and Diamonds thinking of you and sending well wishes your way. XO.

@canuk-gal hoping the biopsy re your dh's ear thing turns out to be negative and all is well. Oh no to more snow. If only the cold killed CV you would all be in the clear. And yes to being able to safely continue our relationships here. Hugs to everyone in Canada and especially you and your family. XO.

@Niffler75 I am glad you and your son are pleased with his new school and teachers! And one day at a time and deep breaths when it seems overwhelming. It's all we can do and we have to keep remembering it is going to be OK. The news media sensationalizes much of what is happening and we will get through this. (((Hugs))) and comforting thoughts being sent your way.

@junebug17 hello, hope all is well by you and that your DH, son, DD and brother are doing well as are you. Sending you good thoughts.

Missy, Thank you for your advice about not going to a large public place like IKEA. I will take that to heart.
Greg’s knee has done so well, and he has recuperated so quickly, he must be a very healthy strong person. I hope things go well for you in the city. Are you stocking up on favorite foods?? Your kitties wanted me to ask. LOL

As usual, not much going on here. Took my little car up to the garden and washed it, removed all the dangling moss that had grown over it during the winter, along with its residents spiders, who will be happy to live in the garden now instead of on a car.

LOL as much as we can... my favorite foods are fresh produce so cannot really stock up on that. We are good for cat food however so the kitties can rest easy haha. Gorgeous photo Jimmianne. Sweet you cleaned up the garden so the spiders can have a nice home. You are very kind. I love spiders (in the garden and not in the house or on the car!). Everything looks green and beautiful there. Speaking of green the St Patty's day parade was finally canceled here in NYC. But Buck's pub crawl is planned to happen. We are not going however. I feel he is being a bit irresponsible since he is an MD and knows the consequences of this virus in people who are not free of other conditions. And the majority of people attending are in their mid to late 60s and many have pre-existing conditions. So what's up with that. Just hope everyone will stay healthy. Sending you hugs and love Jimmianne. XOXO.

We had a good day yesterday. Took a nice long walk as the weather was better than expected and also bought some CBD oil for me as in impulse buy. It was expensive but according to the sales person at our local store this is good stuff. I bought it for sleep and while I did wake up three times last night I went back to sleep each time so maybe there is something to this. We shall see because one night does not prove anything. I will keep y'all posted.

Have a new PT appt today at a different place. I am nervous but we shall see how it goes. Nervous because I don't want to fracture any vertebrae. And this place is further away than I would like and also they do not accept our insurance. But I hope it will work out because it would be nice to find a place I can trust and that is the main thing. Fingers crossed.

Oliver and Gracie slept with me last night again. Oliver on my right side and Gracie on my left. Have I mentioned how much I adore that? Kitty love is delicious. Speaking of kitty love...awwww

Screen Shot 2020-03-12 at 7.43.12 AM.png

On that note I will bid you adieu and wish you all a wonderful and healthy happy day. (((Hugs))).


May 11, 2013
@missy aw what a great picture of Greg and Gracie, makes me heart happy! So glad things are sort of working out for the kittenkids Missy, they deserve you, yes they do. So we got a bid on the electrical set up for the house.. this house is also turning into a clusterF... everytime we turn around it's 10k more an we are nowhere NEAR starting at this point, this is just the plans, I dunno, stock market plummets, my expenses increase, such is life! have a wonderful Thursday and glad you have a new appt for a PT Missy... how's the vibe in your part of Brooklyn? vibe in Austin is CV is something that happened in Seattle, which deserves it because it always rains there, and in Atown we have the never ending beating hot sun ;-) Next Monday I have an appt with me ortho surgeon, so I will not cancel that I have to go, I need help on this shoulder, but I have a derm appt in April I may push back, I have meds for that.. not sure yet. I feel like I'm getting a cold and the oak pollen is HIGHER than ever so it could be that, we shall see. No CV in Austin reported yet. Haven't heard from Chris, he said he'd call on Saturday, he didn't buy ANYTHING, no extra food, no hand sanitizer,I wish he'd come here, we shall see. Looking forward to all this being over and being able to visit him. Have a lovely rest of the day Missy girl. xoxoxo

@marcy Sounds like things are good your way, Marty is doing so well with the gym, it's wonderful to read, your lifting is awesome Marcy girl, just amazing, I so admire you.. and your pictures of BIG SKY! I love it, both yours and @Jimmianne and @AV_ are always so beautiful! take a look at my new picture up above that is what I see all the time, these subdivisions here in Austin puthehousessoclosetogetheryoucannotseethesky! working from home may be fun, John hated it but he's old, do not listen to him EVER ;-) xoxoxo

@Jimmianne Yes Jimmi we are on the same wavelength imho it's because we are cool! :) hope everything is going well with you still and your picture is beautiful Jimmi, such a lovely place to live.. xoxox

Well I'm checking in to say hi to everyone, making this tonight

Auti is adorable and they think she finally produced a tooth! but she really won't let them in her mouth, she's my girl ;-)

love to all.


Aug 5, 2018
@Tekate I would make mushrooms like this for pasta, especially when they are in season (Oct-Nov here), but yes, there are some dry ones in the kitchen (black wood mushrooms! - I had to try) - Thx for tomorrow's lunch!


I am writing out of an unusually quiet Granada ,( - THEY have even closed one library in my face at noon; fortunately, there are several, under different administrations, so I could spend the day more or less as intended. Tomorrow, who knows. Upside: every lunch place cheered each customer as if celebrating birthdays ,) - a little comical & rather fun. Fingers crossed that much of the city will function over the weekend, or else.
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Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Gracie looks so at home sitting with Greg @missy, I’m thinking she’s got Daddy wrapped around her little paw :lol: Good news that you’ve managed to get some of your meds, one less thing to worry about. How did the PT go today, did you gel with the therapist? I think it’s a good decision not to go on the pub crawl, you need to be careful, and who knows how many people are not heeding the advice to stay in if they feel unwell.

Woohoo, great news the gym is doing well @marcy, I hope it continues and keeps building. It’s going to be a difficult few months for all businesses but this will eventually be over. Well done on lifting 95lbs, you’re really making progress.

@Niffler75 I know you are worried, but please don’t panic, we will get through this. I know when you have a small child, you worry more, just keep taking all the necessary precautions you can to keep you all safe.

What is the situation like where you are @AV_?

@Jimmianne, my understanding of the travel ban is that if you’ve been to any of the countries on the list, you won‘t be allowed in to the US, so it seems you’ll be staying there at least until the situation is reviewed in a month. Great shot of your environs.

Hope everything comes back clear on your DH’s biopsy @canuk-gal.

Oy @Tekate I’m sorry this has all come at the worst possible time for your house plans, the FTSE took a nose dive today too, but when this is over, things will get better, it’s a waiting game. Glad ATown is clear, I think Adam is very worried, especially about us ’old folks’.

So, he wanted us to cancel our trip next week, we told him no, unless the Foreign Offices advises us not to travel or BA cancel the flight, we’re going. There are no cases there, so we’ll be safer there than here. He’s worried that we might not be able to get home, but again, if we’re coming from a clear area, there’s no reason we can’t get back in the country.

Sue and I are now suitably curly lashed, and we both had our eyebrows done too.

Off to get my roots done and a cut tomorrow.

Sending lots of healthy vibes to you all :wavey:


Jan 3, 2020
@Austina Hi, yep trying to keep calm here. I guess I am already so frazzled that it's not taking a lot to tip the balance for me!
@missy Hi, that pic of Gracie with Greg is so lovely. It has really cheered me up! How did things go with the new PT?
@Mamabean How are you? Hope you and your family are ok.
@canuk-gal I hope your husband is ok after his ear surgery!

I hope we can all keep in touch and keep each others spirits up over the coming weeks. Take care everyone. x


Apr 19, 2004

@Niffler75 : keep up your strength--you have great spirit! Thank you for my DH ear well wishes--it look pretty good for an old ear with 4 sutures!
@Austina : hope your travel plans unfold well. Goodness knows we all need a little thumbs up these days.
@Tekate : I wish I had bought some mushrooms at the market today! Those recipes look yummy and would have been welcome in my veggie quiche that I'll make later. I swear there are days I could just eat sautéed mushroom, green onion, and a strip of bacon on toast.
@Jimmianne : your pics are sweet. I hope your temps are encouraging you to lay down your hot water bottle and venture out! I really don't mind spiders---as they are like me, working folk. Then again, I never met those dinner plate sized creatures in deserts and yanno. I might not have time to ask how their day was! :wavey:
@marcy : hoping more new business comes Marty and your way! PUMP up the volume!
@junebug17 : my nephew is in a band--my family loves to share their music! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
@missy : I could not believe you had 21C for temps the other day....I was jealous! Spring before it is Spring!

I can never keep up here but I understand that no apology is need. Come as you are.



Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies and happy (I hope) FriYAY!

Gracie looks so at home sitting with Greg @missy, I’m thinking she’s got Daddy wrapped around her little paw :lol: Good news that you’ve managed to get some of your meds, one less thing to worry about. How did the PT go today, did you gel with the therapist? I think it’s a good decision not to go on the pub crawl, you need to be careful, and who knows how many people are not heeding the advice to stay in if they feel unwell.

She is a sweet little kitty. Not sure about PT yesterday. It was an initial eval so we didn't really do anything and I am not feeling one way or another yet about it. Cost us $150 out of pocket but Greg says it is part of the process and if this isn't a good fit we will find one who is...she is nice but very young so not sure of her skill level etc. Next appt with her Monday so we shall see. Thanks for asking and yes thanks for your wise advice.

So, he wanted us to cancel our trip next week, we told him no, unless the Foreign Offices advises us not to travel or BA cancel the flight, we’re going. There are no cases there, so we’ll be safer there than here. He’s worried that we might not be able to get home, but again, if we’re coming from a clear area, there’s no reason we can’t get back in the country.

Sue and I are now suitably curly lashed, and we both had our eyebrows done too.

Off to get my roots done and a cut tomorrow.

Hope the trip goes on as planned and have a good day today.

@missy aw what a great picture of Greg and Gracie, makes me heart happy! So glad things are sort of working out for the kittenkids Missy, they deserve you, yes they do. So we got a bid on the electrical set up for the house.. this house is also turning into a clusterF... everytime we turn around it's 10k more an we are nowhere NEAR starting at this point, this is just the plans, I dunno, stock market plummets, my expenses increase, such is life! have a wonderful Thursday and glad you have a new appt for a PT Missy... how's the vibe in your part of Brooklyn? vibe in Austin is CV is something that happened in Seattle, which deserves it because it always rains there, and in Atown we have the never ending beating hot sun ;-) Next Monday I have an appt with me ortho surgeon, so I will not cancel that I have to go, I need help on this shoulder, but I have a derm appt in April I may push back, I have meds for that.. not sure yet. I feel like I'm getting a cold and the oak pollen is HIGHER than ever so it could be that, we shall see. No CV in Austin reported yet. Haven't heard from Chris, he said he'd call on Saturday, he didn't buy ANYTHING, no extra food, no hand sanitizer,I wish he'd come here, we shall see. Looking forward to all this being over and being able to visit him. Have a lovely rest of the day Missy girl. xoxoxo

Oh no I am not pleased that your house affairs are turning into a mess. I am sorry about that and hope it all straightens itself out soon as does the cost That is just crazy an extra 10k every time you turn around. And yeah the stock market is not good. We are hoping when Covid-19 quiets down the stock market will rally. Fingers crossed. But more importantly please let's survive this virus. Which is all around NYC now. I feel we will probably all (most of us) get it in NYC. The vibe here seems OK though when we are at Costco it is not that OK a vibe. But in the neighborhood all seems relatively calm. So far. Good luck Monday with your ortho surgeon. I hear you re not canceling if we are well.Same here. I have 4 MD appointments in April and I sure hope I can keep them. They are not really optional but we have to adapt should Covid-19 strike. I hope Chris is OK and please take good care of yourself. Take extra Vet C if you feel a cold coming on and just rest and relax and be well. And yes I too am looking forward to all this being over. How did your yummy dinner turn out? Now I am hungry for mushrooms and quesadillas at 6AM lol. (((HUGS))).

I am writing out of an unusually quiet Granada ,( - THEY have even closed one library in my face at noon; fortunately, there are several, under different administrations, so I could spend the day more or less as intended. Tomorrow, who knows. Upside: every lunch place cheered each customer as if celebrating birthdays ,) - a little comical & rather fun. Fingers crossed that much of the city will function over the weekend, or else.

Good morning @AV_ glad you are writing under quiet conditions. That sounds peaceful and efficient. Hope your city continues business as usual and stay well and enjoy.XO

@bling_dream19 how are you and dh doing? What is the mood by you? Sending you hugs and well wishes.

@Daisys and Diamonds hugs to you sweet lady. Hope all is going smoothly for you.

@sarahb hope everyone is well by you and that life is remaining good and calm. Sending you lots of good wishes and hugs.

@missy Hi, that pic of Gracie with Greg is so lovely. It has really cheered me up! How did things go with the new PT?

Hello @Niffler75 thank you. I am glad it put a smile on your face! That is always my hope when I share photos. PT went OK I guess. Just an initial and not sure yet if this therapist will be helpful so giving it another visit or two before I decide either way. Thanks for asking. Hope you and your family are all well and sending good wishes and hugs your way.

@Slick1 how are you doing? How is your DD? Thinking of you and sending warm hugs and healing dust your way. XOXO.

@Scandinavian glad all is well by you. May that continue. Big hugs.

@Jimmianne I will get photos soon of the SW boots. I did not get to wear them yesterday. Hope all is going well and big hugs to you and your DD and her FI and everyone you love.

@missy : I could not believe you had 21C for temps the other day....I was jealous! Spring before it is Spring!

It's miserable here now...rainy and dark. But it sort of fits my mood lol.

I can never keep up here but I understand that no apology is need. Come as you are.

Exactly. No apologies necessary at all. Come as you are because who you are is much loved. Hugs to all the NIRDIs. XOXO.

Yesterday's initial PT was OK. Not sure if I am going to get benefit from it so I will give it another session or two before I decide. Today is rainy and we are heading to PT for Greg and then Greg might go to the beach house to fill the feral feeders and get some stuff from the house we could use. Nothing too exciting today. One day at a time and one hour at a time when that seems too much. Hugs to you lovely ladies and may everyone stay strong and healthy and in good spirits.

LOL Greg snuck in a photo of the therapist showing me wall push ups.
So I will leave you with that.
Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 6.12.13 AM.png

No scratch that...leaving you with a happy kitty photo. Hope it makes you smile.



Dec 9, 2013
Austina , all the best with your travel plans!
I am probably one of the few for whom not being able to leave the country is a dream come true.

Missy, I have never seen a kitten go so fast from being scared to death, to saying *I own these people!*
She is the bees knees. I love her already. Is she holding up against Oliver? She certainly looks as though she can.


Jun 8, 2008
Austina , all the best with your travel plans!
I am probably one of the few for whom not being able to leave the country is a dream come true.

Missy, I have never seen a kitten go so fast from being scared to death, to saying *I own these people!*
She is the bees knees. I love her already. Is she holding up against Oliver? She certainly looks as though she can.

She is doing A OK thanks @Jimmianne ! I mean yes Oliver chases her but often she turns around and holds her own. Not all the time but it is encouraging. I am hoping it continues to get better and better and well you can already guess we are in love with her so not sure we could give her back even if they dont get along. But signs point to the positive right now. Oliver is a challenging cat though. Last night Gracie slept snuggled up with me but Oliver did not. He was on the bed next to Greg's leg but not in my arms where I would have preferred him to be...

More pics just because. :love:

Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 6.30.54 AM.png

Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 6.30.01 AM.png


Feb 21, 2019
Hi lovely friends! Missy thank you as always for your sweet posts that make me feel happy all day. Wouldn't it be cool if we could all meet for morning coffee and then start our day?!
Anyway, thank you all for all the wonderful compliments on my new bling. I am really loving my calming spinel, my honeymoon ring and my cocktail ring! Hubby is good and he went to work today. I had a training today that got cancelled so I'm just catching up on things and talked to my dad. Mom is pretty much all better:appl: thank you for the prayers and dust, they worked. My mom gave me a massage membership and anyway I'm trying to use them up by end of April. I have a massage tonight, not sure if I should go? I'm going to call them soon and see what they say. I got a complaint from work that I didn't shake someone's hand. I'm over it! :angryfire: The mood just feels weird here.
@missy I hope the PT really helps you. I'm soo glad Greg is healing so well. You all make such a perfect couple. :love: Hugs!
@marcy How are you doing? Is it still really cold and snowy? Hope your knee is ok and all is shiny in your neck of the woods.
@Austina I like your spunk! Hope you are doing well! I have a sauna too but I never use it. You are inspiring me to make time to use it.
@Tekate I'm really excited for you that you are building your dream house! I hope I get to do that one day. All the time and money you are putting in will be worth it in the end. I hope your hubby is feeling better.
@Jimmianne those pics are beautiful!
@Niffler75 hope you're hanging in! Just look at your beautiful spess and that will calm you. Hugs.
@junebug17 I hope you're doing well and staying relaxed and enjoying life!
@Mamabean I'm getting anxious to meet Ashlee! Hope you are doing well.

Hugs and love to all!


Jan 3, 2020
@bling_dream19 Hi, yep hanging in there just. I was skimming through listings on Ruby Lane and came across the most beautiful vivid yellow chrysoberyl ring from 1960's. It's 14k gold and the stone measures 11x9mm, looks like emerald cut.
@marcy How are you feeling? How's your knee faring?
@missy Francie reminds me so much of my Oreo with that sweet face!
@Jimmianne How is the situation with you in France? How long are you staying for? Please take care.
Things are pretty quiet here. We have plenty of food and supplies without going totally bonkers and we are just trying to relax and not watch the media too much.
Will check in tomorrow. Take care x.


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Jun 8, 2008
@bling_dream19 Hi, yep hanging in there just. I was skimming through listings on Ruby Lane and came across the most beautiful vivid yellow chrysoberyl ring from 1960's. It's 14k gold and the stone measures 11x9mm, looks like emerald cut.
@marcy How are you feeling? How's your knee faring?
@missy Francie reminds me so much of my Oreo with that sweet face!
@Jimmianne How is the situation with you in France? How long are you staying for? Please take care.
Things are pretty quiet here. We have plenty of food and supplies without going totally bonkers and we are just trying to relax and not watch the media too much.
Will check in tomorrow. Take care x.

Beautiful! Love the ring on you.
Glad you are stocked up and feeling safe and content. Good idea not to watch the media too much. Right now Greg is watching a media update in NYC and it is making me unhappy. 154 cases in NYC and it is only getting worse and DeBlasio is insisting on keeping NYC schools open for the more than 1.1 billion students. I think it is a huge mistake. But I digress. Enjoy your evening and sending you big hugs!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi lovely friends! Missy thank you as always for your sweet posts that make me feel happy all day. Wouldn't it be cool if we could all meet for morning coffee and then start our day?!
Anyway, thank you all for all the wonderful compliments on my new bling. I am really loving my calming spinel, my honeymoon ring and my cocktail ring! Hubby is good and he went to work today. I had a training today that got cancelled so I'm just catching up on things and talked to my dad. Mom is pretty much all better:appl: thank you for the prayers and dust, they worked. My mom gave me a massage membership and anyway I'm trying to use them up by end of April. I have a massage tonight, not sure if I should go? I'm going to call them soon and see what they say. I got a complaint from work that I didn't shake someone's hand. I'm over it! :angryfire: The mood just feels weird here.
@missy I hope the PT really helps you. I'm soo glad Greg is healing so well. You all make such a perfect couple. :love: Hugs!
@marcy How are you doing? Is it still really cold and snowy? Hope your knee is ok and all is shiny in your neck of the woods.
@Austina I like your spunk! Hope you are doing well! I have a sauna too but I never use it. You are inspiring me to make time to use it.
@Tekate I'm really excited for you that you are building your dream house! I hope I get to do that one day. All the time and money you are putting in will be worth it in the end. I hope your hubby is feeling better.
@Jimmianne those pics are beautiful!
@Niffler75 hope you're hanging in! Just look at your beautiful spess and that will calm you. Hugs.
@junebug17 I hope you're doing well and staying relaxed and enjoying life!
@Mamabean I'm getting anxious to meet Ashlee! Hope you are doing well.

Hugs and love to all!

Dear @bling_dream19 reading your posts always brings a smile to my face. You are a joy and a love. Boo to the person who complained about you not shaking hands. Please continue not shaking hands right now. It is the smart thing to do!

Yay for your mom being so much/all better! Woohoo! I hope you go get your massage this evening. As long as everyone there is well it should be OK. Just call ahead and make sure.
Stay well and big hugs and happy FriYAY! Enjoy the evening. XO.


Feb 21, 2019
Dear @bling_dream19 reading your posts always brings a smile to my face. You are a joy and a love. Boo to the person who complained about you not shaking hands. Please continue not shaking hands right now. It is the smart thing to do!

Yay for your mom being so much/all better! Woohoo! I hope you go get your massage this evening. As long as everyone there is well it should be OK. Just call ahead and make sure.
Stay well and big hugs and happy FriYAY! Enjoy the evening. XO.

Oh yes Happy FriYAY! How could I forget that? Yes definitely getting my massage tonight :bigsmile: hope everyone has a wonderful evening!


Dec 9, 2013
Good morning everyone.
There isn’t nearly as much news here about the virus as there is coming from the States. It sounds scary there and I hope everyone is doing OK, staying calm and carrying on… And enjoying their bling and staying cheerful.

Yesterday got an email from a Reiki provider saying that she is doing long-distance Reiki until this thing blows over. I have no idea what to think about that, but it was an interesting email to get.

I’ve been having fun placing orders on Amazon to be shipped to my house sitters. Pet foods chocolate baby toys soups. It’s such a nice thing to be able to do. I could never send that stuff from here, would cost a fortune to ship, so thank goodness for Amazon on the internet.

Niffler, that’s quite a beautiful stone. I think you are setting a good example with your bling :)
A much nicer point of focus than the other things that are going on.

I am thinking of finally upgrading my kitchen (and have been organizing photos for a friend to help me brainstorm). So here is the before, when I moved in, and then what it looks like now.
The kitchen was chockablock with cabinets and stuff, so I kept pairing it down until I hardly have any kitchen at all. LOL it’s a little bit like camping out but it works OK.

Some of my friends here have completely gutted their houses and remodeled them. I’m too lazy and I am loathe to lose the quirkiness of the house, but the kitchen certainly could be more functional!
I will include a picture of the replacement piece of furniture I’m considering for this area. Also I am replacing the fridge with a cute silver and gray one.

D75AC61E-D60C-44B8-BD93-F91DB9553307.jpeg C7517265-8635-4FB2-8F92-87AB6ED4AA98.jpeg



Dec 9, 2013
And here is a photo of 5# Camille that someone took at my house in the States yesterday. I am happy to see that she is in play mode. I miss her, and Issy, and Sam the cat very much. They are my love bugs. But if I can’t be with them yet they are happy that is wonderful.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy Caturday Saturday! Meooooow and Purrrrrr.

And here is a photo of 5# Camille that someone took at my house in the States yesterday. I am happy to see that she is in play mode. I miss her, and Issy, and Sam the cat very much. They are my love bugs. But if I can’t be with them yet they are happy that is wonderful.


Awww that is enough to make anyone calm down and smile. What a sweet baby. :kiss2:
Love your kitchen remodel ideas. And how amazing one can do long distance Reiki. My friend Tom said in less than 10 years eye exams including retinal evals will be done online. How amazing and crazy is that?
We might never have to leave our homes again for doctor's appointments and such. Wow. Sweet that you can send things via Amazon to your neighbors and friends in the states. It is amazing indeed. I am using that word a lot but it fits.
Thanks for sharing that delicious photo @Jimmianne! How are you doing? Sending good thoughts and lots of love your way.

Oh yes Happy FriYAY! How could I forget that? Yes definitely getting my massage tonight :bigsmile: hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

How was your massage? Hope it was relaxing and rejuvenating both. And happy Caturday Saturday XOXO.

@Slick1 how are you? I have to catch up...I have not been on IG really for days. Must see what is going on. Sending you healing dust and lots of love.

@Sunstorm hang in there...sending you big hugs and much love and good thoughts.

@canuk-gal how are you and how are your loved ones doing? Is it too early for a quarantini now at 8:10 in the AM? I say not. Challenging times call for happy measures and if that includes an AM quarantini so be it. (((HUGS))).

@Niffler75 continued good wishes and hugs and hope all is calm. (((Hugs))).

@Austina how are you and Colin doing? All ready for your trip? Fingers crossed it all goes according to plan.

@Tekate Kate the Great hope all is well! Hugs!

@Mamabean how are you and David faring? When is your DH coming home? Sending you hugs!
Ashlee? Any info?

@sarahb continued well wishes your way. XOXO.

@marcy how are you and Marty doing? Hugs.

@junebug17 thinking of you and hoping all is well. XO

@AV_ how are things going by you? Is it still nice and calm and peaceful I hope. (((Hugs))).

@Daisys and Diamonds hope you are well and that life is peaceful. This too shall pass. Hugs to you Nicky and to your furry crew.

Yesterday was a busy day. Greg and I went to his PT session in the pouring rain early AM and then Greg went to the beach house to feed the ferals and I did my workout and then took a long walk after a good chat with my friend via phone.

It was super windy but mild out yesterday. Here is a photo of me after my walk.


Haha yes I wore my holiday leggings. I needed some Reindeer cheer yesterday and it worked.
Wearing my weighted vest too. Getting in as much weight bearing as I can but well turns out we might ned over 100lbs of weights to make any difference. Oh well.

I also did laundry. So I felt like we accomplished a lot yesterday. Feral cats got enough food for hopefully a few more weeks. We also got cat food for our cats and hopefully we won't run out of food for anyone. Though I did not shop for food yesterday because the stores were way too crowded. It was surreal. I have never seen the markets so crowded.

But the walk was good and I also ran into neighbors so forget about the 6 foot distancing. No one here is following that but it could be that it is hard to follow that in Brooklyn. There are a lot of people here lol. I also let our elderly neighbors know if they needed us we are here for them. There are a number of older people who live in our apartment building and they are alone. So I made sure to let them know if they ned us not to hesitate. Speaking of elderly- My parents so far seem fine and not nervous at all. I called my mom yesterday and her friend was over and they were baking. So all is well by them. I just hope they are using common sense because my mom is still running around like everything is as normal and she is volunteering etc. So exposed to lots of people. Hoping for the best.

Anyway today hoping for a nice long walk and that is all that is on our agenda today.

I hope everyone is maintaining a sense of calm and contentment and is doing well. Sending good wishes to all and to all a happy Caturday Saturday. And that your day is purrrrrfect.
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