
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
GM lovely ladies. It's Lime Sulfur Dip Tuesday.

@missy Your photos are breathtaking...I know you are having a really hard time with your furries now..but I think you are in the best place to be dealing with this. The water and fresh air are so calming.
What day is your endocrinologist visit this week? I’m getting my blood work again Oct. 7. She’s doing the big blood work again...Not only is my thyroid off..but my platelets are below normal. I’m eliminating Pycnogenol and my weekend glass of wine to see if it makes a difference for two weeks. I read the longest platelets live is 12 days so I’ll see if eliminating these two things makes a difference.

Hi Joanne, yes I agree. The sea is calming and serene even when the waters are rough. I draw energy from it as I do from you lovely ladies. All positive forces in my life and I am so grateful to you lovely ladies for being such a positive force when I need it the most. I only hope I can be the same for all of you. I am always here for you and all the wonderful NIRDIs. Thank you for your lovely comments about my photos. They are amateurish at best but the beauty of nature shines through and how can one take a bad pic of ice cream or kitties or the sea? :sun: I hope your dietary changes help your platelets though I am sad you might have to give up your weekend wine. I gave up wine (for the most part) a few years ago and I missed it at first but then not at all. The hardest dietary changes for me have been giving up bread (bagels and the bread basket at the good restaurants) and dairy. I miss cheese. Anyway back to you. Good luck and please keep us posted. My endo appt is tomorrow and I am nervous because I do not want him to weigh me. Last time I got out of it and hope I can get out of it tomorrow too.

Good evening, NIRDI!

@missy The one thing I like more than icecream, are grilled mussels... Of course, there can be both! The week is very full, fully justifying complicating dinners.

I used to enjoy grilled mussels very much. I no longer eat them but will not share the story for fear of turning you off them. Suffice to say when prepared correctly they are delicious and safe to eat. Ice cream too. As for justifying complicated dinners no need. Just enjoy and mangia.:lickout:

Hi @marcy I am sorry about Marty's Denver project being cancelled and hence concern about job security. Sending him lots of job dust and hopefully this is but a temporary blip on the work radar. I am sorry your finger is so sore and I hope it is healing well and doesn't hurt much today. I hope Marty can easily fix his Apple watch bezel. Those watches are expensive and hopefully he doesn't need a new one.

@Austina glad the ship is beautiful and the accommodations comfy. Sorry about your NIRDI moment re the fall. Glad you are A OK. We NIRDIs must be super careful as some of us (not you) are Klutzes and @marcy @Mamabean and @missy (haha) you know who I am talking about :whistle:. How is Dottie feeling this AM? Did you start her on the arthritis meds? Let us know how she is doing. Sorry your conversation with Shirley was less than positive. I am with you. No way could my MIL or mother ever live with us. Luckily my MIL is a smart woman because she knew when it was time to move out of her house and then out of her townhouse and into assisted living. She is doing great and thriving. If only we were all so smart about things like that. Don't get me started on my parents. ::)

@Slick1 good morning sweet Slick. I am thrilled and so happy for you and your family. Hope you are feeling well and that life is sweet for all of you.

@Scandinavian sending more hugs and continued healing dust your and your mom's way.

@bling_dream19 any bling photos to share with us ?:love:

@Luvallgems hope your week is going smoothly and that the NIRDI collective wisdom is helpful for you. Sending you good thoughts and gentle hugs.

@Tekate dear Kate the Great, how are you? How is your sweet Autie doing? Sending you big hugs and much love. You are a warm wonderful wise woman. W to the 4. :kiss2: Hope you are having a good week.

Good morning @canuk-gal how is your week going? We are having quite unseasonably warm temps. I do not mind them. Allows us to ride in comfort. Hope you are enjoying the same.

We had a good ride yesterday despite it being a shampoo cat day and work day also. Busy day but we managed to squeeze some riding into the hectic schedule. And enjoyed some Ice Cream from Jimmy's place too. Tasty. And of course since we do not have our fill of cats (:roll:) we stopped by a cat place and admired the cats in the window. It is a place for the cats to roam free and for a fee you get to hang out with them and adopt if you fall in love. While we are dealing with RW gate we wouldn't dare go in as g-d forbid we infect any cat. But it worries me that the public can go in as kids and others can have RW and so easily infect the cats. One cat gets it and they all get infected in such close quarters. I know too much now and life will never be the same.::)


and look at the wall art where we enjoy ice cream. Is this real or am I seeing diamonds everywhere I look lol?


I see about a half dozen cats I want to adopt. :???: No worries. No cat adoptions anytime soon if ever again. PTSD (@Tekate it's true) is real.:(
But I can look and admire.


Can you see Greg's reflection?


And lastly for @bling_dream19 look at the beach on the first Monday in Autumn. It was pretty crowded for a Monday in Autumn but our weather has been unbelievably beautiful.


OK enough of my post pictorial. Hope everyone has a lovely day and please think good thoughts for our kitties this L-S dip Tuesday. Please let them do OK and start getting rid of the RW nightmare.:pray: Pretty please.
Enjoy a wonderful day girls!


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

I’m sorry to hear about job uncertainties @marcy, I hope Marty doesn’t get affected by the project cancellation. How’s your finger feeling this morning? We take using our digits and limbs for granted until something like this happens. I think it’s a good idea to keep it covered until it scabs over, it’s too deep to leave uncovered and risk an infection.

Wow, the weather looks amazing @missy, it always brightens my day to see your photos, especially when they contain, bling, ice cream, cats and you two :lol: The beach looked lovely yesterday and I hope you’re enjoying another beautiful day. Everything crossed that the dips go well today and the kitties aren’t too traumatised.

This morning didn’t start well, Dottie was still asleep when we got up, and took her time to come out for her breakfast. She was hobbling really badly today :(2 I didn’t start her on the meds yesterday as I read up about the side effects, and one was diarrhoea. I didn’t think it was a good idea to give it to her in the evening just in case. She went and sat back on her memory foam bed after breakfast and we put a heat pad on her shoulders and I gave her the meds. I went to Pilates and Colin said she’d just been sitting on her bed. I don’t know whether the meds have kicked in, or the heat pad did some good, but she’s been walking around a little, and isn’t hobbling anywhere near as much. It was pouring with rain all night and this morning, but has cleared up enough that Colin is going to give her a 5 minute walk in a minute.

I hope you can get the meds for Bailey @Mamabean and that they’re better than the Rimadyl. The vet said this is the next generation.

We’re going to Costco this afternoon, I’m hoping to get another memory foam bed to put in her crate. We’ve been leaving her out, but I think it’s safer to put her in when we’re out in case she falls.

Big wave out to all the lovely NIRDIs, I hope you’re all having a good day :wavey:


Feb 24, 2017
262C5D9D-4721-454F-AFC2-FE4E478E14BA.jpeg 8063248D-5266-4935-946F-99214215C3D8.jpeg
Safe to say, she likes the new bed :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
262C5D9D-4721-454F-AFC2-FE4E478E14BA.jpeg 8063248D-5266-4935-946F-99214215C3D8.jpeg
Safe to say, she likes the new bed :lol:

Heck, I'd like that bed. :lol:
Costco rocks. I was tempted to buy that for our kitties but thank goodness I didn't or we would have had to throw those out too after the RW diagnosis.

Hope the meds give Dottie relief soon. Sending her healing vibes and sending you both (((hugs))) @Austina


Feb 21, 2019
@bling_dream19 if someone hadn't screwed up somewhere I wouldn't be here and wouldn't have had to have free treatment from the OS who I don't think caused the problem at all it was the ******* Endodontist 3 years ago who screwed up a root canal and THAT was what caused this, my OS was just the guy who put a implant into the area and all hell broke loose.

@marcy well I am a member of the klutz club too, couldn't be a better club full of nice peeps who are very smart, just have an occasional slip! Marcy, I'll bet you have a great muscle tone in your arms.. if I didn't need a shoulder replacement I'd lift.. lifting to me is an exercise of endurance and intelligence and it's a constant competition between yourself and what you are lifting plus I hate group workouts et. :) xxoo

@Mamabean Hi Joanne, I hope you had a lovely time with your son and DIL, they are lucky to have you in as their mom and MIL! and your rings are so beautiful Joanne and your hands are lovely, just like mine and I think I am stunning :) xxoo

@canuk-gal Hi Sharon, and hope all is well with you! xxoo

@missy Wow that ice cream looks wonderful, I think I will have some ice cream after this! 6K+ so awesome Missy, magnificent! with all you have going on you NEED to ride, me of little exercise really loves it when I do because it always centers me. Sounds like Day's has some competition! I hope you had a lovely day, warm up here, getting ready to pack for our trip across America. Talked to both son's today, they seem well, not talked to Kate in a week. Have a wonderful and peaceful week Missy, sending my heart to yours, hi to Greg and thank you for ALL your kind words Missy, they mean the world to me. xxoooxoxo

@Scandinavian Sending a big hug and hi to you! xxoo

@Calliecake Can't wait to hear about the baby and your fun time! hope you are feeling well xoxoxo

@Austina Hope all is well with you, you are sound asleep right now, hope you had a good conversation with Shirley Austina.. sending a big hug! xoxox

Jaw seems to feel better no more pus :) seeing doc on Tuesday.. tomorrow the lawn people come to plow up the side yard to get ready for all the plants etc going in. House goes on the market in a few weeks :( :) bittersweet, missing Autie and my sons but love Maine, as my mother ALWAYS said "Catherine! there is nothing perfect in life" :) have a great week and if I forgot to say Hi I apologize - I'm tired xoxo

Oh gosh @Tekate awful to go through but the body is incredible and does heal and I'm hoping that for you're feeling better. Exciting your house is going on the market! And you're right, nothing is perfect in life - I just wish for that sometimes!


Jun 8, 2008
@Tekate how are you feeling today? How is your pain level? I hope you are healing and feeling good. Sending you big hugs and healing dust and lots of love. Thinking of you.

This is for you.

Screen Shot 2019-09-24 at 3.08.05 PM.png

and our favorite bird showed up saying hello. We call him Blue. :cool2:

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Hello @bling_dream19 this is for you.
It's another amazing beautiful day here. So gorgeous. I cannot believe how wonderful the weather has been for the past few weeks. Hope you are having a good day @bling_dream19 and enjoy this photo.

Screen Shot 2019-09-24 at 3.08.39 PM.png

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday.


Mar 31, 2018
@Tekate how are you feeling today? How is your pain level? I hope you are healing and feeling good. Sending you big hugs and healing dust and lots of love. Thinking of you.

This is for you.

Screen Shot 2019-09-24 at 3.08.05 PM.png

and our favorite bird showed up saying hello. We call him Blue. :cool2:

Screen Shot 2019-09-24 at 3.08.21 PM.png

Hello @bling_dream19 this is for you.
It's another amazing beautiful day here. So gorgeous. I cannot believe how wonderful the weather has been for the past few weeks. Hope you are having a good day @bling_dream19 and enjoy this photo.

Screen Shot 2019-09-24 at 3.08.39 PM.png

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday.
Beautiful photos @missy...Did you pick up your kitties from their lime dips yet? I hope it went well..
Your ice cream looks yummy! Blue is so regal looking!


Jun 8, 2008
Beautiful photos @missy...Did you pick up your kitties from their lime dips yet? I hope it went well..
Your ice cream looks yummy! Blue is so regal looking!

Thanks Joanne, they are still very wet. I never know when they are dipped but the staff calls us when they are ready to come home. The vet called me about 20 minutes ago and said she thinks they are all improving so I am going to push my negative worries away and go with that and hope she is right.

How are you feeling? How goes the experiment re wine and pycnogenol? I am nervous about tomorrow endo appt. But right now I am mainly nervous about how the kitties did re L-S dips today. Praying they are OK and not too upset and no eye irritations. That L-S dip can be caustic and very drying.

Blue is regal. There is a whole nest of Blue Herons near us. It's so cool.


Jun 8, 2008
@Mamabean I almost forgot. Look at this. Remember the bug I shared with you the other day that was on our door? I named her Priscilla by the way. Here she is in statue form. Cool right? Next to the ice cream shoppe. LOL so funny we saw one IRL and then bam right near the ice cream shoppe in this form. I prefer this form.

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and here's a pantascopic photo I took today.

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Bonus points if you can find Greg in this photo. ;-)


Mar 31, 2018
@marcy..Don’t put peroxide on it every day. It keeps it from healing. A doctor told me that it’s good to clean out the cut when you first get it..but afterwards to use an antibiotic. Since you’re sensitive to Neosporin like many people...try Bacitracin. My dermatologist told me that she recommends that when I get a biopsy. If you think you would be sensitive to that then try aquaphor until it heals. If you keep it moist
..then it keeps it from scarring until the skin fills in...I had Melanoma many years the dermatologist is always taking stuff off of me...
@Austina...Dottie’s bed looks so comfy! I hope her meds help her feel better...
David’s bus will be coming soon so gotta run..BBL
Hey! I’m using abbreviations! :P2


Feb 21, 2019
@missy, congratulations on breaking a cycling record :dance: Very nice of Dave to reward his loyal customers! Really lovely pictures of the beach. :love: Sending love and good thoughts to you, Greg, and the kitties.

@Tekate, very glad your jaw is feeling better and there's no sign of infection, hopefully it continues :pray: I understand why you'd be having mixed emotions... just think about how you will be able to watch Autumn grow up! You will be there for all the amazing milestones. :kiss2:

@marcy, I am so sorry about that terrible cut! I think I read somewhere it's good to keep a cut covered...I think Neosporin seems to speed up the healing a little? Be careful with it, and I hope it heals quickly for you. SO annoying having a cut on a finger, and so easy to bump it. Ugh.

@canuk-gal, such a gorgeous pic! I love those sailboats, so pretty. Sounds like you had a wonderful day and I'm deserve it after your busy workweek. <3

@Calliecake, hope you are having a great time with your grand niece!

@Scandinavian, thinking about you and your mother. XOXOX

@AV_, sorry your outing got off to a rocky start but at least you found a place with really good coffee! I'd love to hear more about your niceties :kiss2:

@bling_dream19, your ering is so gorgeous!!! :love::love::love: And I love it with the band, such a beautiful set. I have two pieces from Costco and I really enjoy them...imo nice quality and good prices! And your scarves are really pretty, I love them all...I'm addicted to scarves, I just think they are a great accessory and a fun and easy way to change up an outfit. And that mermaid is amazing :kiss2:

@Mamabean, wow, I love the sapphire band, such a beautiful color! I hope you had a really lovely time with your family.

Today my sister and her dh came over to watch football and have dinner. They are leaving tomorrow for Italy and I am excited and happy for them; this is their first big trip as a married couple.

Thinking of all the nirdis and wishing everyone well (((hugs)))

Oh thank you @junebug17 I love Costco too! Soon, I'm going to do a Costco jewelry thread. I'm getting my ultrasonic tomorrow, so going to clean everything up and find some time to post!
Thanks for your sweet comments on my e-ring and Costco band - would love to see your Costco items sometime too! And yes to scarves and bling make the outfit!


Jun 8, 2008
@marcy..Don’t put peroxide on it every day. It keeps it from healing. A doctor told me that it’s good to clean out the cut when you first get it..but afterwards to use an antibiotic. Since you’re sensitive to Neosporin like many people...try Bacitracin. My dermatologist told me that she recommends that when I get a biopsy. If you think you would be sensitive to that then try aquaphor until it heals. If you keep it moist
..then it keeps it from scarring until the skin fills in...I had Melanoma many years the dermatologist is always taking stuff off of me...

This is true. I will go one step further as my derm hates Neo and other antibiotics. Many are very allergenic. He recommends Mupirocin so that is all I use now when I have a cut or gash.


Mar 31, 2018
Thanks Joanne, they are still very wet. I never know when they are dipped but the staff calls us when they are ready to come home. The vet called me about 20 minutes ago and said she thinks they are all improving so I am going to push my negative worries away and go with that and hope she is right.

How are you feeling? How goes the experiment re wine and pycnogenol? I am nervous about tomorrow endo appt. But right now I am mainly nervous about how the kitties did re L-S dips today. Praying they are OK and not too upset and no eye irritations. That L-S dip can be caustic and very drying.

Blue is regal. There is a whole nest of Blue Herons near us. It's so cool.
That’s such wonderful news that the vet thinks they are improving! I hope they’re not too upset when they get home.
Good luck tomorrow at the endo. I know you were worried about what he would say about your weight. The doc never weighs you...the nurse does. Wear your boots...I’m not kidding...I practically strip naked when I get weighed. I have the other problem..and I get nervous too at weigh-ins..I hope it all goes well tomorrow..xxxxxooooo
Last edited:


Mar 31, 2018
Oh thank you @junebug17 I love Costco too! Soon, I'm going to do a Costco jewelry thread. I'm getting my ultrasonic tomorrow, so going to clean everything up and find some time to post!
Thanks for your sweet comments on my e-ring and Costco band - would love to see your Costco items sometime too! And yes to scarves and bling make the outfit!
I would love to see you start that thread @bling_dream19


Jun 8, 2008
That’s such wonderful news that the vet thinks they are improving! I hope they’re not too upset when they get home.
Good luck tomorrow at the endo tomorrow. I know you were worried about what he would say about your weight. The doc never weighs you...the nurse does. Wear your boots...I’m not kidding...I practically strip naked when I get weighed. I have the other problem..and I get nervous too at weigh-ins..I hope it all goes well tomorrow..xxxxxooooo

Thanks Joanne!

LOL believe me when I say last time he was practically pulling me to the scale lol. He comes in earlier than staff and my appt is 7AM. Staff gets in around that time but he took me at 6:45 AM last time and after the discussion about how I am feeling etc he said let me get you started and weigh you and then the nurse will take blood. I was like uh no need. I just weighed myself and I am 108. I added about 13lbs and thank goodness he didn't push. He said really? OK great you're stable weight. ::)

I feel badly deceiving anyone but it's a matter of survival. He would flip. He flipped when I was 102 when I first went to see him last summer as an initial patient. He was like that is dangerous. And believe me I know. But first things first and the cats have to get well for me to really start gaining weight as all this cleaning is burning a lot of calories and the stress is burning the rest. Once this is over and I pray the cats will all recover I should be good again and gain weight.

Anyway enough about that. I plan on wearing boots and carrying heavy stuff should someone insist I be weighed. His staff is pretty persistent too. Sometimes I just give in but right now at this weight I don't need a lecture or any further aggravation. And who knows what he would do re my meds. He doesn't like T3 to begin with and I had to convince him to prescribe it for me due to the fact I cannot tolerate any other thyroid med.

Hope you are feeling good and that your plan works when you see the doctor next.


Apr 19, 2004

Shout out NIRDI's.:wavey: Hope everyone is in health!

Was energized when I got up today so I rode to the pool/gym. It was brisk outside and woke me up.:mrgreen2: I swam, did some deep water acquasize and hit the gym after. My legs were a bit sore riding home after lol.



May 11, 2013
@Austina Hi Austina, we use gabapentin for Salley's arthritis in her spin, just a fyi :)Pease no more falling, I know how easy it is to miss something or be thinking and miss a step! Hope you are AOK! Sorry about how your phone call went with Shirley, it is very worrisome I know. My MIL would not have been in my home, she had money and she went from an adut living apt to the end of her life in the same place, cost 10K a month (good thing she had the money) it was worth every penny she died and knew no one or anything, I hope I have a stroke or something, her ast 15years were ugly. sending you lots of xoxoxoxo (hope Dottie is doing okay too)

@bling_dream19 looking forward to seeing that ring also, it's going to be a beauty. Thank you for our kind words about my house, I hope someone buys it and I hope my jaw get's better and beter and thank you again! xoxo

@marcy that was one helluva cut, I cut myself like that once and I swear it took a year to fully heal, hope you are feeling okay Marcy. Thank you for your sympathy pain now no more of that! I am hopeful it's something you ate in that area that irritated your gum. Keep me posted! Thank you Marcy it will be wonderful to be with Autie... I will so miss the great Northeast though.. man it is bittersweet and who knows, maybe the house won't sell, I mean this is Maine and I'm 1.5 miles from the beach on the 'other' side of 95 so it may take time :) yeah our mom's heard these things from their mom's and their mom's before who the heck knows how far back these sayings go and you know Marcy most times my mom as right on the mark! sending healing dust to you. Oh no to Marty perhaps being layed off? I hope not..xoxo

@junebug17 Wish I were heading to Italy, my FIL always loved Italy and I do too, it's so unique.. how are you? how's the kids? where are you? :) xoxoxoxo

@missy Lime Dip day, it could also be an ice cream if it won't so hard on you, I know you'd like lime dip and coconut! (Kate trying to be funny, not always working sweetie :) ) Hey, your photos are in no way, shape, or form (thank you my wonderful if not insane Irish mom) are your photos amateurish, frankly I think they are top notch and each of your photos conveys beauty and love we as women never can see what others see in us, the beauty within you and the beauty of your photography and fun of your pictures is wonderful girlie. Well I hope you can get out of getting weighed because you want to, they never let chubboes like me get away with it, I hate it for the opposite reason you do, but either way I find it an invasion of me.. please try to maintan what you can Missy, please... I'm doing fine Missy I'll post below what I'm doing on the jaw for the future :) YOU don't worry about me, I'm fine it's you who has to remember to stop step back and relax and hang out with Greg and enjoy the fall at the beach house, that beautiful white cat made me want it! Missy what you give out in life I hope comes back 100X ++ there's a special place in the universe for those who love animals, people and their husband! :) oooh to the beautiful cats Missy, I love cats.. they are so loving and if people don't know that then they have never had a cat. So the VET THINKS THEY MAY BE IMPROVING (sorry to scream but I am so happy to read this) now hopefully it's true... btw years ago we used to go to Duck Beach in the Outer Banks when the boys were babies, blue herons are gorgeous, everytime I see a pix you put up of a heron I feel happy :) sending you a huge hug, please tell Greg hello for me. I hope to put up a pix later of all the work we had between our house and the guy next door they aren't done yet :) sending happy, loving good and golden dust for your doc appt tomorrow Missy, you deserve it! xoxoxoxoxo etc !!

@canuk-gal sending hellos to Canada! hi Sharon!! hope all is well with you.. xoxoxo

@Slick1 gotta read back I must have missed a post from you.. how are you feeling, my niece's wedding is this Saturday and I think your son's is the week after! exciting times girl! xoxo

@Mamabean I must have missed your post on your tests etc.. I will read back Joanne but know this, you are wonderful, you and Missy always brighten my day and are so kind, so lucky to know you here and hope someday we can all get together in the future of course either at one of your gorgeous homes, or @missy's homes, or @junebug17's homes, or better yet, let's all go and have a get together at @Jimmianne 's and @AV_ can visit and @Scandinavian can fly down and we can all have an appropriate drink and hug each other! I hope so someday.. sending you health dust and happy dust and love girl. xoxoxoxo (I love blue stones).

Hi @Luvallgems hoping all is going good with you! xoxo

@Calliecake Hi dear lady undoubtedly I missed a post from you too :( so anyway, hope all is well and happy with you and you had a great time with the niece/grand! I'll read back, just been so busy getting this place cleaned up and teeth crap. sending you love girl !!! xoxoxoxo

Okay so I went to see my surgeon, he did his CT scan and said he say nothing to indicate infection in my eye tooth that really hurts, he thinks all the nerves in my gums etc are just swollen and cranky and as time goes on it will be better. He called in a script for Doxy to my old pharmacy in Atown so I should be okay with meds for a while, he gave me the name of a great oral surgeon in Austin that I should go see to ensure all is well, and he said he could still see some infection in my gum so there we are! I'm done with my doc here unless I have to see him when I get back from Austin for some reason, we were both happy to say good bye!!! his office all clapped for me ha! so funny, everyone knows me... that is it for now on the tooth... Bleach and I have become besties trying to clean up this house! hopefully it looks okay.. can't worry.

So tomorrow we leave for Austin, we are stopping in PA the first night to stay with John's brother. Next day off to VA, get to VA on Thursday p.m. and Mike, Cara, Autie, and Chris also should be arriving Thursday, Friday is the big bday for Mike and his cousin, Friday is the rehearsal dinner we are all invited too and Saturday night is th wedding and we are staying in Charlottesville area till Sunday (CJ is going home Sunday) as Cara and Mike are going back on Tuesday. Then we really start the trek to Atown, we will arrive in Austin on Wed I am pretty sure.. So I won't be around much but will try to check in as I can. Please know that NIRDI's is my most favorite place and I am honored to have you all as my friends, and as I said to @Mamabean I hope we can all get together someday.. :) sending love, healing dust and just plain friendship to you all.

gonna try to get a pix of the side yard when the workers leave today, total waste of big big bucks but John wanted to do it, and it's sort of like it's our gift to our home which I love and will miss..

bbl I hope!


here's Autie and her Memaw (ugh I hate that but hey it's her right call herself what she wants for our shared granddaughter) Autie is wearing this outfit to the wedding!! and Poncho Cara and Mike's dog, he's like 10 years old now, he's toughie!

Last edited:


Mar 31, 2018
I’m sitting here waiting for my son’s bus...Bailey is on the lookout...He freaks out and runs into the dining room away from the front door when he sees the bus coming....It gives me time to rush the door and get outside before he runs back to try to go out with me. We have a system...:lol-2:
@Luvallgems How are things at your end? I was thinking of you today as I was driving my mom to the dentist. She drove her car until July....We had a talk and she stopped driving. She knew she was ready so that was good. She’s 93. She takes the senior bus for going to bingo...TG....
She has an abdominal aneurysm that needs to be checked...It’s been stable for two years but I keep an eye on it. This week she gets her blood work and next Monday I have to take her to the hospital to get a CT done. My son will be excited to hear I have to pick him up early instead of coming home on the bus because her appointment won’t get me home in time for his bus.
I’m happy you have your sister to help you with your mom. Fortunately my mom is still in good health...If it comes to a point where she’s not mobile I would have to find arrangements for her. I couldn’t lift her because of my back...I also agree with Marty @marcy that at that point we need professionals...I will check myself into a home and scoot down the halls visiting my friends. Maybe we can start a home for bling addicts?
Omg @missy! I’m afraid of grasshoppers and saw Priscilla! :eek2:
I was staring at the photo trying to find Greg...I laughed because it’s like finding Waldo in the cartoon! :lol:


May 11, 2013


Apr 19, 2004

@missy try not to stress about your MD appt. He might guess your weight anyway--when I was 95 pounds, I had more than few people ask me if I was "OK/sick". I went to have an EST and the Cardiologist made a point of stating I was "very thin" (I was 105 pounds at that point) to which I retorted I was active and fit and had been trim all my life! I think he felt badly after emphasizing my weight and back peddled a bit. Seemed very judgemental to me. Ironically my own GP who cared for me during the stress that perpetuated my weight loss, NEVER once discussed my weight with me. He was supportive given my circumstances. Anyway, you know what is going on in your life and begin guilted about your weight is so unhelpful (not constructive). Hugs.



Mar 31, 2018
I spy him!
Your eyes are better than mine! Give me a hint!
@Tekate Autie is super adorable in her pretty dress! She’s such a happy baby!
Jackson calls me Nonna...What will Autie call you?


Feb 21, 2019
fall day 2019.png

A splendid day--for weather and relaxing. 22C and sunny! Fall colors and Rockies in the background, and fun on the water. Walked to the market and had a good lunch. I "heard" snow was coming but I'll reduce that to "fake news".:rodent: NIRDI shout out!


Soo pretty @canuk-gal I love those sailboats! Looks like so much fun =)2


Feb 21, 2019
GM girls! Happy Monday.

@junebug17 how nice you got to visit with your sister and her dh and wow on their Italy trip. Italy is my favorite place to visit. Hope they have a wonderful time. And hope you enjoy the rest of your time in SC.

@Tekate how are you feeling sweetheart? Yay for no more pus and may that continue. Thinking of you and sending so much healing dust your way. Greg too. (((Hugs))).
Yay for chatting with your sons yesterday and that they are doing well. Hope your niece Kate is doing well too and when we get back to Brooklyn (if we ever do) I want to make a date to see her pieces. She is very talented. Hopefully you can come too and we can make a grand day of it. The weather is amazing and cooperating albeit a bit warm for this time of year. No complaints. If we can cycle it is a good day.
I am sorry you are missing Autie and the rest of your loved ones. Nothing is perfect true. Your mom was wise. Just like you. One day soon you will see eery again though and the reunion will be sweet.

@marcy hope the cut is healing. That is quite the gash. Sending healing hugs your way.

@Austina hope Shirley made it to the video chat and that you had a good conversation with her. How was the rest of your weekend?

@canuk-gal beautiful photo. Glad you are enjoying and had a good weekend. Hope the workweek goes smoothly.

@Mamabean hope you had fun with your family. I love all your bling. If you ever get tired of it...just sayin.:whistle:

@bling_dream19 hope your week is off to a good start and that wedding plans are coming to fruition. XO
You already know how I love your gorgeous ER. And all the bling you are getting. Sweet and gorgeous all of it.

@Scandinavian hugs to you dear girl and your mom. Thinking of you.

@Slick1 hope everything is going smoothly. XO.

We had a good ride yesterday. Each day goes so fast.

Greg got a large again. LOL

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We reached 6,106 miles.

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Off to clean and then shampoo the cats. Tomorrow is L-S dip Tuesday so shampooing the day before for max efficiency of the L-S dip. Poor kitties hate that and so do we. :blackeye: But chin up. We have to make it through each day and do the best and hope for the best for our cats. One day, one hour, one minute at a time. I appreciate you guys listening to my trials and tribulations and appreciate you are here for me. Sending each one of you hugs and love and hope you have a wonderful Monday.

You are soo sweet @missy I love the pic of you and Greg - a pic of happiness, love and sunshine! And I love Days! Hoping those lime dips are curing your babies! I have more bling to post for you but I can't seem to get it together to take pics ahh!
Love and hugs to all!!!


Feb 21, 2019
GM girls! Happy Monday.

@junebug17 how nice you got to visit with your sister and her dh and wow on their Italy trip. Italy is my favorite place to visit. Hope they have a wonderful time. And hope you enjoy the rest of your time in SC.

@Tekate how are you feeling sweetheart? Yay for no more pus and may that continue. Thinking of you and sending so much healing dust your way. Greg too. (((Hugs))).
Yay for chatting with your sons yesterday and that they are doing well. Hope your niece Kate is doing well too and when we get back to Brooklyn (if we ever do) I want to make a date to see her pieces. She is very talented. Hopefully you can come too and we can make a grand day of it. The weather is amazing and cooperating albeit a bit warm for this time of year. No complaints. If we can cycle it is a good day.
I am sorry you are missing Autie and the rest of your loved ones. Nothing is perfect true. Your mom was wise. Just like you. One day soon you will see eery again though and the reunion will be sweet.

@marcy hope the cut is healing. That is quite the gash. Sending healing hugs your way.

@Austina hope Shirley made it to the video chat and that you had a good conversation with her. How was the rest of your weekend?

@canuk-gal beautiful photo. Glad you are enjoying and had a good weekend. Hope the workweek goes smoothly.

@Mamabean hope you had fun with your family. I love all your bling. If you ever get tired of it...just sayin.:whistle:

@bling_dream19 hope your week is off to a good start and that wedding plans are coming to fruition. XO
You already know how I love your gorgeous ER. And all the bling you are getting. Sweet and gorgeous all of it.

@Scandinavian hugs to you dear girl and your mom. Thinking of you.

@Slick1 hope everything is going smoothly. XO.

We had a good ride yesterday. Each day goes so fast.

Greg got a large again. LOL

Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 5.57.39 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 5.59.09 AM.png

We reached 6,106 miles.

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Screen Shot 2019-09-23 at 5.59.27 AM.png

Off to clean and then shampoo the cats. Tomorrow is L-S dip Tuesday so shampooing the day before for max efficiency of the L-S dip. Poor kitties hate that and so do we. :blackeye: But chin up. We have to make it through each day and do the best and hope for the best for our cats. One day, one hour, one minute at a time. I appreciate you guys listening to my trials and tribulations and appreciate you are here for me. Sending each one of you hugs and love and hope you have a wonderful Monday.

Ooooh just zoomed in on Greg's ring! Very nice - tell us more stats!


Mar 31, 2018
David’s bus is I took a photo of my new knife edge band from BN. I wanted to wear my eternity with my rings but it chews everything up. I relented and bought the knife band..Its not very obvious....and although I would rather not have to wear a’s okay..
Notice the block of wood on the window sill. That’s to keep Bailey from attacking the window when people pass by..He’s a crazy guy but we love him.


Feb 21, 2019
@bling_dream19 I forgot I took this photo for you. Beach yesterday.

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And here is Snowflake. One of our feral kittens who is growing fast.

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Isn't she a beauty?

I just LOVE that ocean shot - with the sun just glittering over the water! Just makes me want to swimming and floating in the water. Just gorgeous - thank you Missy, you are sweet to think of me.
FI's brother in law (soon to be my brother in law) had Whipple surgery yesterday and he's holding on for dear life today. Prayers he will recover and live many more years.

And your feral really is a beauty!


Feb 21, 2019
Hello lovelies

@Luvallgems Colin’s mum reached the stage where she couldn’t care for herself any longer or live in her home. Living with us was NOT an option (no way could I cope with her), so Colin found a really nice care home near us and she moved there. I’m sure she thought she could move in with us, but that was never going to happen. After a little while, she actually said she wished she’d moved there sooner, she had someone to get her up in the morning, help her bathe and dress, she had meals prepared for her, and most importantly, she had company. Please do not feel guilted in to having her live with you, especially as it sounds as though it’ll be extremely stressful, listen to Mamabean, she knows what she’s talking about. Our future DIL has said that she’d look after us, and we’ve told her point blank, no way. If we get to the stage where we can’t cope, we’ll go in to a home, they have their own life to live and there’s no way we’d want to be a burden to them.

I hope you’ve managed to get all the medical appts for your Mum sorted out @Mamabean and that you’ve had a good weekend without too many stresses.

I honestly don’t know what colour stones I’d go for @bling_dream19 but having seen Mamabean’s pink sapphire, it’s so pretty, I do think I wouldn’t want anything wider than 2mm as my plain plat band is 2mm and Bella’s shank is slightly slimmer. I love your mermaid, the pose is so cute, and your scarves are so pretty.

:-o @marcy, that looks so nasty, I hope it’s not so sore this morning, it must’ve hurt like hell! I had my own NIRDI moment yesterday (will explain below), but it was quite spectacular! The utility room is the last major thing we’re doing (in a non major way) in preparation for selling, as we’re intending to repaint the whole house next year to freshen things up.

Have a lovely relaxing time @junebug17 I hope the weather stays fine for you to be able to enjoy your stay to the max.

What a busy time ahead @Tekate, and I know you can’t wait to see Autie again. The latest photo is so cute, she’s a proper little lady now. I’m really hoping your pain has subsided now and this whole sorry saga will finally come to an end. I don’t blame you for never wanting another implant or bridge again, a partial denture will be much better and far less bothersome.

Wow @missy you’ve really racked up the miles this year, amazing considering everything you’ve been dealing with. Woohoo to getting your computer back so quickly, that’s good service. How’re the washer and dryer holding up? I’m so glad the weather is cooperating and you’re able to get out and enjoy the ice cream, you had me at the word coconut, one of my favourite flavours :lickout: Your little feral is certainly a cutie, and looks in such lovely condition.

It was an early start for us yesterday, we had to drop Dottie at 8.15am to head off to Southampton. We put the post code (zip code) in to the SatNav and ended up at the container area of the port! We eventually found our way to where we could see the ship docked but ended up in the wrong car park. We did eventually get to the right place but as soon as we arrived, the heavens opened and we got soaked.

We were pleasantly surprised by the ship, it’s very spacious, well it should be at nearly 150,000 tonnes, but looked better than we had thought. We asked if we could visit the kennels as it wasn’t on the itinerary, and the guide was very accommodating and took us up to have a look. That’s when I had my NIRDI moment, the deck was very wet and I went splat!!! Flat on my back and soaked :lol: We couldn’t go in to the kennels but had a word with the kennel master and felt reassured that he takes good care of his wards. There was a big doodle in the visiting area with it’s owners , similar size to Dottie, and it fitted in to one kennel. After the tour, we had a very nice lunch before setting off for home.

How’re things with you @AV_?

Sending good thoughts to @Slick1 and @Scandinavian hoping things are OK with you both.

I did manage to talk to Shirley for a little while, she was OK, tried to bad mouth her son and complain to me, but I directed the conversation away from that, so it was fine.

Not good news at the vet this morning, it looks like Dottie has arthritis in both elbows, and the vet said she’s probably experiencing pain in her back :(2 My poor little girl has been very stoic and not complaining at all. She’s on gentle exercise and some anti inflammatories for 2 weeks, with instructions to get her weight down and they’ll reassess her in 2 weeks. I hate it when they get old :cry2:

So that’s me all caught up, nothing on the cards for this week so far, but who knows if that’ll change.


Thanks @Austina! I think the vender can be flexible with the width. Now that we've seen @Mamabean gorgeous band 2.3 and soon we'll see mine at 1.8. Wow, sounds like you are on a gorgeous cruise ship! So sorry you fell and hope you alright! I've never been on a cruise but I definetely want to go sometime and feel very glamorous. I grew up watching the Love Boat and just adored it. Safe travels and hope your Dottie is ok.


Feb 21, 2019

Bling Dream, I can't wait to see your pink band. I thought our wedding was perfect, we got a lot of comments how much people enjoyed it. Around here you have to have outdoor plans in the morning because the afternoons are likely to have thunderstorms. Thank you, typing so much at work did make my finger sore. Good luck figuring out where you guys want to live. Sounds like fun to explore your options.

Missy, my finger is pretty sore. It's good we lead interesting lives. Laughter, bling, ice cream, miles on a bike (or Porsche), hugs from fur babies and people who care - they are all good medicine. Great saying you posted about life.

AV, thanks for the tip on my finger. It is certainly a chunk out of my finger. I looked around online and am going to leave it covered until the hole has filled back in and then work on getting a scab and toughening the spot up. Glad to hear your burn healed okay and the gel cushion sounds like it worked great for you. Sounds like you had a nice outing and found a good place for coffee.

Sharon, beautiful picture. I always love seeing the Rockies - I get a glimpse of them from here too.

Kate, I am glad your are feeling better and don't see any puss. I think I'm having sympathy pains for you. The hole where I had a tooth pulled years ago has been tender and the few teeth further back in my mouth from there seem weird. Could be sinuses. Who knows? Lifting is definitely a competition with yourself. Marty really pushes those personal bests. He and his clients get very excited about them. I get deciding to move raises some bittersweet thoughts. I swear your mom and my mom had to go to the same Mother's school - I can hear my mom saying the same thing about there is nothing perfect in life. Being close to Autie will be a major plus.

Junebug, thank you; that is what I read too about keeping cuts covered up so they heal slowly inside. I am allergic to neosporin so I think I'll just keep it covered and use Hydrogen Peroxide on it once a day until it starts to fill in. I can easily tell you at least 10 things I do using my left index finger. :lol: It sounds like you had a nice visit with your sister and BIL. How exciting they are heading to Italy; that is Marty's dream trip. Enjoy your time in SC.

Missy, that is awesome to reach 6100 miles. Great pictures of the ocean and love the photo and you and Greg. Hope the kitties are hanging in there and getting better.

Austina, i totally agree with everything you said about having your parents move in with you or having your kids take care of you; I found my mother got more selfish when she reached that stage and she was great at trying to make us feel guilty to get what she wanted. Before she got to that stage though she would have been the first person to encourage all of us to live your lives and not give up everything to take care of her. When they need that much help they need to be somewhere that is equipped to take care of them. When my dad would take his day or afternoon off from care giving I would go stay with her sometime but Marty beat it in to my head I shouldn't ever try to help her up if she fell or to help her get up, bathe, etc. As he pointed out I'm not trained to help her and I'd feel absolutely awful if something happened to her when I tried to help her. I am glad Colin's mother found she enjoyed her care home. Good plan to get the major upgrade done now then spruce up the house with new paint when you are ready to put it on the market. Oh no to having trouble finding where to drop Dottie off and then go poured on. Oh no; I hate to hear that you fell down. Are you okay? How do you feel today? My finger does hurt and is definitely getting my attention today. Good idea to change the conversation with Shirley. I am sorry to hear Dottie has arthritis; hopefully the exercise and anti-inflammatory will help ease her pain.

Mamabean, that sounds like quite a drive. Glad you have PS to check during times you are stuck in traffic. My finger was better when I woke up but tying all day at work got it rather irritated. As soon as I'm done here I'm off computers for the day. Gotta love those wardrobe malfunctions; the best we can do is laugh. I talked to my friend's nephew today; he works with me; he was going to tell his uncle I was really upset he didn't show up for supper the other night. That's great David found your diamonds. Glad you enjoyed the art show and seeing everyone. I hope your blood work has positive results.

Thank you all for your kind wishes for my finger. I know it's there for sure. I am sure it'll be touchy for a few days and take a while to fill in that hole. Our cleaning lady came today and Marty ate out so the house was totally clean when I got home. Sweet. I stopped and ate tacos on the way home. I am washing towels night and ran the dishwasher.

Marty's Denver project was officially cancelled. At least he'll be in town but again job security is another thing.

Marty called Apple today about fixing the bezel that fell off his Apple watch. They don't have his model in stainless anymore so they offered to replace it with aluminum for $229. He said no. He thought he'd try to glue it back on but he was just messing with it to see if it might work to glue it back on and it snapped back in place. I am betting it stays put; if not I guess he'll get a new watch.

Take care, hug your family and furbabies for me.


@marcy you're so sweet. So, you did your wedding at the park and the the catering folks came to the park for the food part? Did you do the dancing or just lunch? Thanks! Learning lots from others and appreciative for all help. I really hope your finger is healing quickly and soo sorry it's sore. Rest your finger girl:)


Feb 21, 2019
GM lovely ladies. It's Lime Sulfur Dip Tuesday.

Hi Joanne, yes I agree. The sea is calming and serene even when the waters are rough. I draw energy from it as I do from you lovely ladies. All positive forces in my life and I am so grateful to you lovely ladies for being such a positive force when I need it the most. I only hope I can be the same for all of you. I am always here for you and all the wonderful NIRDIs. Thank you for your lovely comments about my photos. They are amateurish at best but the beauty of nature shines through and how can one take a bad pic of ice cream or kitties or the sea? :sun: I hope your dietary changes help your platelets though I am sad you might have to give up your weekend wine. I gave up wine (for the most part) a few years ago and I missed it at first but then not at all. The hardest dietary changes for me have been giving up bread (bagels and the bread basket at the good restaurants) and dairy. I miss cheese. Anyway back to you. Good luck and please keep us posted. My endo appt is tomorrow and I am nervous because I do not want him to weigh me. Last time I got out of it and hope I can get out of it tomorrow too.

I used to enjoy grilled mussels very much. I no longer eat them but will not share the story for fear of turning you off them. Suffice to say when prepared correctly they are delicious and safe to eat. Ice cream too. As for justifying complicated dinners no need. Just enjoy and mangia.:lickout:

Hi @marcy I am sorry about Marty's Denver project being cancelled and hence concern about job security. Sending him lots of job dust and hopefully this is but a temporary blip on the work radar. I am sorry your finger is so sore and I hope it is healing well and doesn't hurt much today. I hope Marty can easily fix his Apple watch bezel. Those watches are expensive and hopefully he doesn't need a new one.

@Austina glad the ship is beautiful and the accommodations comfy. Sorry about your NIRDI moment re the fall. Glad you are A OK. We NIRDIs must be super careful as some of us (not you) are Klutzes and @marcy @Mamabean and @missy (haha) you know who I am talking about :whistle:. How is Dottie feeling this AM? Did you start her on the arthritis meds? Let us know how she is doing. Sorry your conversation with Shirley was less than positive. I am with you. No way could my MIL or mother ever live with us. Luckily my MIL is a smart woman because she knew when it was time to move out of her house and then out of her townhouse and into assisted living. She is doing great and thriving. If only we were all so smart about things like that. Don't get me started on my parents. ::)

@Slick1 good morning sweet Slick. I am thrilled and so happy for you and your family. Hope you are feeling well and that life is sweet for all of you.

@Scandinavian sending more hugs and continued healing dust your and your mom's way.

@bling_dream19 any bling photos to share with us ?:love:

@Luvallgems hope your week is going smoothly and that the NIRDI collective wisdom is helpful for you. Sending you good thoughts and gentle hugs.

@Tekate dear Kate the Great, how are you? How is your sweet Autie doing? Sending you big hugs and much love. You are a warm wonderful wise woman. W to the 4. :kiss2: Hope you are having a good week.

Good morning @canuk-gal how is your week going? We are having quite unseasonably warm temps. I do not mind them. Allows us to ride in comfort. Hope you are enjoying the same.

We had a good ride yesterday despite it being a shampoo cat day and work day also. Busy day but we managed to squeeze some riding into the hectic schedule. And enjoyed some Ice Cream from Jimmy's place too. Tasty. And of course since we do not have our fill of cats (:roll:) we stopped by a cat place and admired the cats in the window. It is a place for the cats to roam free and for a fee you get to hang out with them and adopt if you fall in love. While we are dealing with RW gate we wouldn't dare go in as g-d forbid we infect any cat. But it worries me that the public can go in as kids and others can have RW and so easily infect the cats. One cat gets it and they all get infected in such close quarters. I know too much now and life will never be the same.::)


and look at the wall art where we enjoy ice cream. Is this real or am I seeing diamonds everywhere I look lol?


I see about a half dozen cats I want to adopt. :???: No worries. No cat adoptions anytime soon if ever again. PTSD (@Tekate it's true) is real.:(
But I can look and admire.


Can you see Greg's reflection?


And lastly for @bling_dream19 look at the beach on the first Monday in Autumn. It was pretty crowded for a Monday in Autumn but our weather has been unbelievably beautiful.


OK enough of my post pictorial. Hope everyone has a lovely day and please think good thoughts for our kitties this L-S dip Tuesday. Please let them do OK and start getting rid of the RW nightmare.:pray: Pretty please.
Enjoy a wonderful day girls!

@missy I love your fall beach pics - wish I was on the beach reading a book! And I loove that cool diamond art - I saw some with hearts a few weeks ago too. I have bling pics and I am just behind!!!
Yes, to getting RID of RW!!!
And YES to PS and this forum for friendship, love and beauty!


Feb 21, 2019
David’s bus is I took a photo of my new knife edge band from BN. I wanted to wear my eternity with my rings but it chews everything up. I relented and bought the knife band..Its not very obvious....and although I would rather not have to wear a’s okay..
Notice the block of wood on the window sill. That’s to keep Bailey from attacking the window when people pass by..He’s a crazy guy but we love him.

I love your beautiful ring and eternity and you hardly notice the spacer - I think because it's knife edge you just don't notice it much. Classic stellar combo - diamond eternity and 6 prong diamond bagette setting - knockout combo!
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