
Now I really did it :((


Jun 7, 2014
@missy, How is the itching on your palms and wrists today? Any progress with Francesca and the nebulizer? Is she still coughing a lot? What fun things are you and Greg going to do today? Do you have farmers markets in colder weather? We only have them during the summer months here. Our furbaby has been stuck to me like glue since our vet visit Friday night. It was much easier keeping her calm yesterday than I thought it would be. All she wanted to do was lay on my lap and sleep.

@Tekate, Hopefully the apartment will work out for Chris. I feel bad for anyone having to pay rent prices in NYC. Does Chris like his new job?

@Jimmianne , Great news about Mr. Monet being able to have the surgery in March. Do you think you will eventually live full time in France? What great news about the neighbor couple expecting! Your new brooch is beautiful.

@junebug, Sending you truck loads of dust Junie and hoping for good test results. Waiting on test results is always stressful. I hope you are having a great weekend. I was thinking of you as DH and I were sitting here watching golf this afternoon.

@marcy, The story about Marty’s friend was so sad. I’m sorry your knee is hurting again. Do you think it’s because you added the 5 extra pounds to your weight lifting?

@canuk-gal , Happy birthday to your DH. I hope you had a fun evening out celebrating his day.

@Austina, Love the cut and color of your hair. You are so lucky to have thick beautiful hair. Did you have a nice evening with friends?

@Scandinavian, Your furbaby looks like he was having a fun running in the snow. Did you do anything fun this weekend?

@av, It sounds like you had a productive weekend writing.

We took our furbaby to the vet Friday evening. She did something to her
leg and was walking as if she were In pain. Thankfully her xrays looked good and she had no broken bones or arthritis. They gave her pain meds and told us to not let her run around or jump the next few days. We stayed home all weekend with her. Thankfully she seems to be feeling better now.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!
It's super windy here today...gusts of 30 mph and wow you can hear every bit of the wind. Scary but not as scary as if we were at the beach house because when it is windy there the power lines can easily go down. Thank goodness the power lines are underground in NYC.

@junebug17 good morning. I am sending you and your dear family member so much NIRDI dust and praying for good news. It is terribly stressful dealing with heath issues that can be life altering and keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs))).

@Tekate aww thank you for those lovely comments about my dear sister. I think she is tops too. In her field and as a sister. She was #1 in her college class and in her veterinarian class but more importantly she is highly skilled at what she does and she cares so much about all the animals. That is critical. I see many vets who do not seem to care and that is sad. But she sure did not choose any easy life. Anyway thank you.

How amazing that VCA Lakeline Animal Hospital donated in Daisy's honor. That is really something. Daisy was so special and her memory lives on in your hearts. I am so glad they took great care of Daisy. I know how hard it is missing our beloved fur babies. We do our best by them and that is all we can do. Life is hard and full of sadness and death. I am reminded of Woody Allen's famous quote.

Yup Chris is young and it is OK to have champagne tastes on a beer budget at his age. He will work into that champagne budget territory hopefully and in the meantime enjoy NYC on the budget he has. The beauty about NYC is one can enjoy it at many different budgets IMO. Sending Chris much good luck for that studio in LIC! I hate fees as well and feel his pain but sometimes it is the best way to get a good place to live. And speaking of unpleasant things yes debt too is not fun Kate and that is why I saved all my pennies when single and bought my first apartment in my twenties and paid off the mortgage within 3 years. But I did give up a lot to do it but it was worth it and I never regretted it. Having that money from the sale of my first apartment allowed us to buy our big beautiful apartment we live in still all these years later. That is the way to do it here with Real Estate. I always encourage young people to save for their first home because purchasing is generally the best way if one knows one is going to live in the area for at least 5-7 years. At least in NYC. I cannot speak for the rest of the country and real estate. Anyway I am the opposite of a nomad and I like putting down roots. Not everyone does and there is no right or wrong as it does depend on the individual. But for me buying was the best way.

Thanks for asking about Francesca. We are still working our way towards gently getting her used to the mask so have not made much progress yet. I am resisting the urge to go full steam ahead because if we traumatize her with this aero chamber we might not get a second chance. Cats can be challenging creatures and very stubborn as well. Baby steps.

My eczema is improving knock wood. But I am going to taper the topical Eucrisa and hope it doesn't flare up like it did last week when I stopped the med. Fingers crossed. Hope John is doing well and not having any flares. Being itchy is not fun. Hope you are having a wonderful Monday. (((HUGS))).

@marcy girl we have each other's backs in NIRDI land;)). Our farmers markets are all year long. One 2 blocks away every Saturday and one about 15 blocks away every Sunday and if we are in the neighborhood we check out both. Love our farmers market and love supporting local businesses. Wishing Marty a safe flight. Yumm to blueberry muffins. Darn your knee is bothering you. Did you ever check out CBD oil for your knee? It really does help Greg and you have nothing to lose. Sending you healing vibes and hugs. Have a good Monday in M&M land and hope your M is coming home soon.

@Jimmianne good morning sunshine. Thanks for letting me know what was up yesterday. As I wrote above to M we are here for each other no matter what. I am excited for your upcoming travels and new living arrangements so to speak and of course Mr Monet remains on my mind and sending him lots of healing vibes and good thoughts for a successful cataract operation. XOXO.

@AV_ sweet AV, how is your Monday going? We are always here for you. I cannot eat tomatoes as they are on the list of verboten foods for me. Tomatoes No, Nightshades No, Legumes No, Grains No, Dairy No, Soy No, Gluten No. LOL the NO list goes on and on and on... but I adore fresh veggies and fruit and buy organic when I can and no worries I eat plenty despite the NO list. Where there is a NO there are always plenty of YESs. 8)

@Calliecake no changes since yesterday afternoon. As I wrote we are taking baby steps with HRH. Relieved for you that your sweet pup is doing well and hoping that continues. She might have just sprained something or have a minor soft tissue injury that would not show up on X-rays. Hoping she is continuing to do well. I did not watch the Oscars last night but did TIVO the red carpet fashion preceding it so when I get a chance I will watch it so we can chat about it. I did catch Lady Gaga's dress though and all I can say is WOW!!!! She did not disappoint me. LOVED her dress.
We do have farmers markets here all year round in Brooklyn. At the beach I am not sure but I do know they are there during the warmer months at the beach.

@Sandeek thinking of you and sending warm hugs and good wishes and as always bucketloads of healing dust your way. (((HUGS))).

@rainwood sending hugs your way. Hoping the snow is all gone.

@canuk-gal speaking of snow hoping yours is also melting as we speak and that everyone by you is doing well. Spring is truly around the corner and now let's hope Mother Nature agrees.

@Scandinavian did you have a fun weekend? Before we know it July will be here.

@PierreBear thinking of you. How is the leak fix progressing? We still have a ways to go. Hope work is going well.

Leaving you with this wise saying which I am sure most of us can easily relate to.

Yup, been there done that and trying not to think about all the $$$ that adds up. Hey if it provides us a little bit of joy than it is all good.

Oh, one question if I may. Can I wear my hair in a casual ponytail for the gala?
I washed my hair yesterday morning (always traumatic because so much hair loss occurs as I am shampooing and conditioning and combing) and it was super humid so it almost made my hair look "normal" density wise. Who knew I would be embracing the frizz but yup I sure am embracing anything that makes my hair look more "normal" thickness wise. I am so undecided on how to wear it for the gala Saturday evening. My hair is so gray but I cannot color it. Not worth risking losing more of it but it looks sloppy gray. I will probably wear it in a pony tail as I do not have enough for a bun which would be more sophisticated. Sigh.

@marcy I wish I could borrow some of your hair. Haha. I was initially planning on wearing one of my wigs but as Greg wisely points out it is not the time to wear it for the first time since I have not worn any wig for more than 10 minutes so far. LOL he is right. I can just imagine wearing it and 15 minutes into it I start becoming uncontrollably itchy or otherwise uncomfortable. Nope not the best idea.

Photo of my frizzy hair yesterday after I washed it in my bathrobe. LOL I am always taking selfies when not wearing the sharpest attire. Sorry about that but I was waiting for my hair to dry to get dressed and decided to take a photo to see how the back looked with it being all frizzy. I swear my hair shows scalp but the frizz helps disguise it when it is humid out and yesterday was a humid day. Who knew frizz was a good thing regarding hair. It never was before.:wink2:

Screen Shot 2019-02-25 at 7.29.49 AM.png

In a ponytail after I got dressed. IDK can I wear a ponytail to a gala? I cannot do anything sophisticated hair style wise (and do not have enough hair for a bun plus I cannot do anything complicated remember I am Lucy) so it is a ponytail or risk wearing a wig for the first time out. Can I get away with this? I will gel my hair down to take care of the flyaways. What do you think?


OK enough hair talk...Have a Not hairy, Not scary, but ooh la la Cheery Monday!

And stay warm, stay safe and stay out of trouble OK... And have fun too! XOXO.


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Dec 9, 2013
Yes to ponytail. Maybe add a something or other??? Special ponytail holder or braid a little strand of hair and wrap around the rubber band and pin? (Greg?) You can’t go wrong and whatever you do will be perfect. When I do a ponytail for a formal event I like to do something like the above to tell the world ponytails are tres chic. Because of course they are and people will envy all that beautiful hair being shown off.


Jun 8, 2008
Yes to ponytail. Maybe add a something or other??? Special ponytail holder or braid a little strand of hair and wrap around the rubber band and pin? (Greg?) You can’t go wrong and whatever you do will be perfect. When I do a ponytail for a formal event I like to do something like the above to tell the world ponytails are tres chic. Because of course they are and people will envy all that beautiful hair being shown off.

Great suggestion, thank you sweet Jimmianne. I do sort of have a special ponytail holder. It is called Pony O and it is now too late to order a fancier Pony O unfortunately but the one I have makes my ponytail look not as rats tail like if you kwim.

Before and after on someone else.


I know this is not fancy though but it does make a ponytail look a bit less anemic and I have to make do with what I have I guess. The enemy of good enough is perfect or something like that and I realize perfection is no longer (was it ever) in my reach. Thank you dear friend for your valuable input. (((Hugs))).


Jun 8, 2008
@Jimmianne Thank you for your suggestion because I just ordered a fancier Pony O and though it might not get here in time it is worth a try! Fingers crossed.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

@missy - just go for it and wear one of your fabulous wigs, you’ll look sensational and no one will guess :love: Glad your eczema is a little better, I really didn’t like using the steroid cream either, but my face looked so awful, I was desperate.

Love the photos of your outings, they’re always so interesting.

Poor little Francesca, I hope you can get her used to the nebuliser soon, I hate to think of her not being able to breathe properly.

Don’t get blown away by the strong winds!

It sounds like things will work out really well with your caretakers while you’re away in France @Jimmianne, now just to find a magic machine that’ll shrink your possessions :P2

Thanks @Calliecake I am lucky that I have thick hair, and that it grows so quickly. We had a nice evening with our friends, and it was a bonus not having to cook. Aww, poor pup, glad to hear there’s been some improvement , one of ours would limp from time to time, I think he would twist or sprain it when he was running around like a loon!

Sorry to hear your knees are protesting @marcy, my right knee was really achy while we’re away, but fortunately it’s been ok since we got home. Must feel good to be on top of your newsletter, I hate to leave things to the last minute. That’s so sad about your friend, I still don’t understand how it’s not law everywhere for crash helmets to be compulsory. I know it wouldn’t save everyone, but it’s got to help. I hope the working week has got off to a good start and the brats are behaving themselves.

Did you enjoy the snowy weekend @Scandinavian ?

Aww poor Daisy @Tekate, we almost lost Dottie to hermangiosarcoma 3 years ago, it’s apparently particularly prevalent in deep chested dogs. How lovely to find such a caring vet, who obviously thought so much of her.

I hope you had a lovely birthday meal out for your DHs birthday @canuk-gal .
Sounds like you’ve had a productive weekendc@AV_

Thank you @junebug17 I did find the emails comforting to know how much they were looking forward to our visit, and future visits. Glad your relative is doing ok, and sending good wishes for continued recovery.

I hope I haven’t missed anyone. The weather here is glorious, so bright and sunny and a very reasonable 16 deg C today.

We went to see the film about Ruth Ginsburg today, and both really enjoyed it, I’d thoroughly recommend it. There were only 7 of us in the cinema :lol:

I don’t know if this will work, but this is one if our pet insurance adverts at the moment :D



Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDI’s! I hope you are having a fabulous day.

AV, I am putting off reading my 2 page article; I can’t imagine proof reading what you are doing. Ugh.

Junebug, I am sure your brother has learned how to juggle some things in his place. We more than doubled the size of house when we moved here plus added a mostly finished basement. I have a few spots left where things can “grow” but it is amazing how you can fill up a place. Mega dust for your family member on the test results. It is so stressful waiting for news. That golf course was a bit brutal on putting this weekend. Even the best of them were missing their putts. I love BB muffins too. I am always excited when Marty doesn’t eat his little tub of blueberries because I make a batch of muffins from them.

Callie, I am glad to hear your sweet furbaby didn’t have any breaks or injuries. I hope she is doing better today. That is sweet she is sticking by your side. i don’t think my knee was from adding a few pounds on lifting. That knee is out of alignment and it kind of catches if I bend it wrong; once it catches I can only walk straight legged for a while. It usually gets better in about 6 hours.

Missy, good idea to pay off your first apartment in a few years. Real estate is usually a very good investment. I with you on staying in one place. I resist change. That is good news your eczema is better and I hope cutting back on the meds doesn’t flare it up again. I feel so bad for HRH and I would do the same thing and not force it on her; I’d worry about stressing her out too. Hug her for me and Karl. How nice to have farmer’s markets year round; we have them for about 3 months of the year. I did not look in to that oil but I should check it out. Overall I do think the lifting has helped me. I always scroll through the red carpet photos; Lady Gaga’s pendant was huge. I saw on your other thread it is from Tiffany’s. Love your remedial math; I would hate to add up our Kindle and iTunes amount. i think a ponytail for the gala would look great. Like Jimmianne suggested you can also dress it up too - a sparkly scrunchy or bow. I hope the pony 0 shows up in time.

Jimmianne, good luck if you decide to swap places with your neighbors / friends. It is tough to downsize but way easier to take care of a smaller place.

Austina, i took today off and haven’t checked my work email once. Ha! I am so sick of and stressed about my impossible ongoing battle with my brats, I actually started crying talking to Marty about them yesterday. I didn’t know I had that much stress built up over it. Retirement looks better all the time. I am glad your knee is doing okay since you returned home. Marty studies anatomy for his coaching and he was saying the knee isn’t as well designed as other parts of the human body. That is awesome you are having nice weather. we are in the 40’s here. Sweet.

Thank you about what happened to Marty’s friend. We stay in touch with his parents and I think that helps them and Marty.

My knee is better today - just back to its normal irritated self.

The cleaning lady was here this morning. I met a friend for lunch then tried the app to order my groceries online and pick them up at the store. Worked like a charm. Quickest grocery shopping trip ever.

BTW I am not very observant; Marty shaved his beard off Wednesday night or Thursday morning and I didn’t notice until Sunday. I told him I honestly don’t picture him with a beard so seeing him without it didn’t trigger any thoughts he looked different.

Take care.
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Feb 27, 2007
Speaking of windy


Feb 27, 2007
I feel like I just wrestled a pig. We got our new blankets today so I am washing one and decided to change sheets. I got out our 2nd set of flannel sheets and grunted and huffed and puffed but that fitted sheet was NOT going to fit on our new mattress. In the trash that non-deep pocket sucker went. Then I got out our one and only summer cotton set and put the fitted sheet on the mattress and uttered "oh sheet" when I realized I put it on wrong. Pulled that sucker off and spun it a quarter turn and finally got it on the mattress but since we have plywood under the mattress it is a PITA to get the corners under the mattress. I will have that tall guy with long arms get those corners on next time. I needed to rest after that chore. Who's idea was it anyway to order new blankets? :D
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Aug 5, 2018
02:27 AM - NIRDI! ... Of course, this can't get to be a habit ,) ; I couldn't put down work & what else is new; roughly two thirds done & a short day tomorrow .)


Feb 27, 2007
:appl:AV, 2/3 done is awesome. It’s all downhill from here.
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Jun 17, 2009
@missy, I think a ponytail would be fine for the ball, and I hope your dressy pony o shows up in time. You are going to look absolutely lovely! Fingers crossed your eczema continues to get better. Sorry to hear that it's still rough going with Francesca and the nebulizer, and I'm really hoping she starts accepting it soon. I was looking online and saw some nebulizer chambers that people made for their cats. Would your sister have any suggestions or tips? There's got to be a way to do this!

@marcy, I hate hearing your employees are bringing you to tears! I'm so sorry you are frustrated and upset, and glad Marty was there for you. Sometimes we don't realize how much we are keeping inside as we try to make our way through this crazy thing called life. I feel your pain on struggling to get sheets and blankets on! I'm always exhausted after that task lol. The grocery store by me offers online ordering and curbside pick-up, you've inspired me to try it. Grocery shopping is slowly driving me mad. LOL to not noticing Marty shaved his beard! Love that Snoopy cartoon, so cute.

@av, another late night! Congratulations on the progress, and try to sleep late tomorrow!

@Austina, so nice you are enjoying some good weather! Glad you enjoyed the movie. That commercial is hysterical!

@Calliecake, oh no to your furbaby hurting her leg! I'm so glad it doesn't seem to be anything serious and she's doing better. Give her an extra pet and cuddle from me.

Thank you everyone for your good thoughts and wishes! They really help, hugs and love to all of you.
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Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!

@junebug17 thanks. Sweet Francesca is not in any distress thank goodness so that makes it easier to take our time and go slowly. Poor Fred is back to his diarrhea though (3rd day in a row this morning) so I have to call my sister and see if we need to put him back on the Flagyl. How is sweet Zoe doing?
Hope your relative is doing well and thinking of all of you and sending love and hugs your way. (((Hugs))).

@Austina haha if only it were that easy. Now they are predicting snow for Saturday but just adds to the drama of the event IMO. Glad your weather is behaving and is bright and sunny. Nice that there were only 7 people in the cinema. And sweet you enjoyed the film. I love when the movie theater is empty like that. We used to have a theater near us that had very few people in it during the day but sadly it went out of business. It was a neighborhood mom and pop cinema there for over 40 years and poof just like that gone. They were never crowded in all the years Greg and I had been going there and I guess they could not keep up with the rents increasing and that was that. We miss them and now just have the big cinemas all around. The ones I dont like to go to because they are noisy and not super clean. Glad you guys still have nice options for movies by you. I now want to see the Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga film so hoping it is out on Cable soon.

How is your friend Shirley doing? Thinking of her.

@AV_ Two thirds complete is amazing! You go girl!:appl:Enjoy your short day today.

@marcy glad your knee is feeling better. Ugh about the fitted sheets. I cannot change our sheets and let Greg do as I do not have the strength to fit the sheets over the corners. It's tough but even tougher when the sheets don't fit. Sweet about having a nice clean house now thanks to your cleaning lady. BOO to your aggravating employees. I hate that they are upsetting you so. I am a big proponent of retirement if you are considering it my vote is yes. One of the reasons I retired is because of the stress. Health care administration and their emphasis on profits over good care (the new admin did not care a fig for our patients IMO) was my breaking point. Anyway stress is bad for our health and maybe you can find ways to manage that. Meditation, cardiovascular exercise (always helps me de stress) and just doing something you love every single day. Sending you (((Hugs))) and good thoughts.

LOL love that Snoopy comic. So freaking adorable. Who doesn't love Snoopy and Woodstock.:kiss2:

@Sandeek hi there pretty lady. How are you doing? Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and sending bucketloads of healing dust and hugs your way. (((HUGS)))

@Tekate any news on Chris? How is he doing? How is everything going? Hope you are having a nice week.

Greg is off to the beach house as we are having our custom new storm door installed today. We still have not chosen the glass for the other door (the main door) as it turns out we need a custom job for that one as well due to the size. LOL nothing is off the rack with us it seems.

We are getting more snow here mid week and this weekend. March is quite unpredictable in her weather. In like a lion out like a lamb as they say. Speaking of lions.


Have a wonderful day ladies. Sending you big (((hugs))).


May 11, 2013
I hate when I loose everything I have written 2x in the last 2 days. Sheesh.

@missy nothing off the rack about you! or Greg dear lady, total top of the line (and in doors too) I think your hair will look abso fab in a ponytail! very in girlie Not heard from Christopher so who knows, not heard from Dan either! Today is Katie's bday 39 and holding! she's spectacular as you know.. I am frantically getting ready, always leave it tll the end! fyi @marcy too, my shoulder is so bath with arthritis that John makes our bed, too painful and hard for me. We had a hella wind yesterday, couldn't even walk Salley, too scary for me, too cold for John! Missy I am sorry about Fred... I understand believe me.. hope you get it solved.. thank you Missy girl, you are so special.. sorry about your move theater but I understand why it went, I think movies are coming more into vogue again, I mean visiting the theater. I do want to see A Star is Born with Lady Gaga... Missy, I will try to log on and check here if I can with I am in the DR, we are leaving ona 6:00 a.m. flight to Newark then to DR. I can't wait to see you all dolled up! remember when people said that? funny I must have heard it from the 1930s moves or my mom! :) love you girl..

@marcy I am sorry about employees being a pain.. I understand, I never liked managing people, I am a loner at work. till I got tea or bsing, I work better alone and gripes just annoy me if it's petty and I so hate to tell somebody they are not doing a good job, let the people who love that stuff do it! glad to read your knee is doing better. xo

@AV_ how's the weather! how are you? glad you are making progress.. xo

@junebug17 Hey June, hope all is well with you and your Zoe doing and your family member good I truly hope. xo

@Austina I read your weather is nice, not so here WINDY... and cold. Leaving at 4:15 a.m.. tomorrow and it's supposed to be 0F ha! we are wearing sandals.. travel stinks today. xo

@Calliecake Hi Callie, hope all is well in your land! we are cold! xo

to you all, off on VaKATE! be back in 2 weeks, will check in if possible, will take pix.. miss you guys already.. everyone be safe, be smart and wear boots and mittens and be happy because you are all so special.

love Kate th GReaT!!!
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Jun 8, 2008
Safe trip @Tekate !!! Love you sweet Kate the great. Have a wonderful trip. And a very happy 39th birthday to sweet Katie. :kiss2:


Aug 5, 2018
@Tekate Have the best of fun!

I haven't checked, but it must have gotten up to 25C this afternoon - clearly high time to start working on a tan ,) Spring is over - almost; then again, there has been quite allot of it since mid October (by my count). Sum total: I sure did it to myself - & got this neat take on a tough lil' problem to show for it, rather as expected. I need to deliver this in good English & into good hands - then, come what may.


NIRDI... I am reading more than writing on this thread... Thank you very much indeed for any mention! WWW


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Aww, sorry to hear Fred is a poorly poopy puss, hope you can get the meds into him to make him better @missy. :eek-2: To snow, good job you’ve got your new boots, the weather is crazy ATM, temps got up to 21 degs C in some parts here, it’s February for goodness sake.

Hope Greg found everything in order at the beach house today, and got back safely.

Thank you for asking, Shirley is hanging on, just, her son is still there sorting out finances and other practicalities. Her DIL will be back soon and will be staying for a while. She did mention going to California with them, but I’m not sure when or for how long.

I’m so sorry work is getting to you @marcy and I can certainly recommend retirement, I wonder how I ever found time to work :D Fitted sheets are the devil’s work, I balance the mattress on my knee to wrestle with the corners, but it’s exhausting!

How funny you didn’t notice Marty shaving his beard off. Did I tell you Colin and I have a running joke? Years ago, I had thicker eyebrows, so plucked them thinner and he didn’t notice. Ever since then his stock response to “do you notice anything different” is “you’ve plucked your eyebrows”. That includes really drastic changes to hairstyles and colour :lol:

@AV_ well done on getting so much work done, but please get some sleep!

Have a great trip @Tekate, hopefully by the time you get back Chris will have found a place to call home.

Went to Pilates this morning, it’s been 4 weeks, I’m going to ache tomorrow :shock:

Big wave out to @Jimmianne @junebug17 and all the other lovely NIRDIS :wavey:
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Feb 14, 2014
I follow along in this thread from the beginning. I feel like you guys are friends even though I barely pop in and post here. Because this thread is literally “now I’ve really done it”, I didn’t want to put this in it’s own thread but thought I could bury it in here, among friends.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer last month and, after a whirlwind of tests, scans, blood, etc., I had a port/catheter installed and sentinel lymph node biopsy done yesterday. Chemo starts next Thursday for the next 20 weeks (every other week for 8 weeks, then every week for 12). Then surgery to remove what’s left of the tumor (and maybe both breasts, should I elect that option). Followed by six weeks of radiation. Then, should I elect, reconstruction surgery.

So my summer and fall are pretty booked. Just bought a little cabin last summer. Hope to spend recovery weekends up there this summer, but I don’t know whether I’ll feel good enough to drive (two hours) or if I’ll want to visit with friends or isolate myself. Not sure what to expect really. Sorta sad that our cute summer cottage will become a recovery den instead of our fun place.

Missy, I’ve been watching your wig trials with interest — even before I discovered that wigs will be in my future. All my hair will be gone by week three of chemo. Super afraid and nervous.

Sorry to drop a bomb like this and make a hssty exit, but I don’t really want to talk about it. Yet I do have to get it out. So that’s a conundrum.

Troubles shared are troubles halved and all that. So if you could send some thoughts and prayers or healing dust or good vibes my way. Also asking for my hubby, who is the best partner in this. He’s worried/afraid too, but being so strong. We have a long road ahead of us.


Jun 8, 2008
@ringo865 I am so sorry about your diagnosis and I am sending you bucketloads of healing dust and good thoughts and keeping you in my prayers. If there is anything I can do please do not hesitate to ask. I will message you on IG. Sending you (((hugs))) and lots of healing vibes. And darn right troubles shared are troubles halved. We are all here for you.

And if you need any wig tips I'm your girl.




Feb 24, 2017
I’m so very sorry @ringo865 you’ve got a tough road ahead of you. I hope the treatment goes well and you’ll get the all clear. Sending lots of positive and healing vibes your way, take good care of yourself.


May 11, 2013
@ringo865 hello and welcome! I as I am sure everyone will say, so sorry you have to go through this. One of my closest friends from high school, a full bird colonel retired from the Army and within 6 weeks with diagnosed with bi-lateral 3 different types of breast cancer and now that was 4 years ago! and she is starting a business and life is good, I think the same for you!

Do what they tell you to do, and remember you are your own advocate, no one else, no doctor, nurse, medical person, spouse, kids, mom/dad, etc knows what you need and feel, sending you love. (not to say you shouldn't trust your husband of course! but believe in yourself.) you are in the right place here, no better people in the universe here.. sending you kind thoughts and care.


May 11, 2013
@Austina thank you so much ma'am! I plan to have a good time I hope :) and thank you for your kind thoughts about Chris.. my nephew sent a short text to me today and he didn't mention Chris so there doesn't seem to be a problem! yay..



May 11, 2013
@missy my marvelous, magnificent, mighty Missy! love you too and Greg and your furbabies.. ((((((((MISSY)))))))). I hope to have a great time at the gala event, and Missy I saw in People (of course I read People! doesn't everyone?) I saw that ponytail ribbons, bows etc are BIG in 19! thought of you... can't wait to see pix!

When I get back we will be going to the city for sure for Danny's new baby! I think Anne will have a scheduled C-sect the last week in March.. I will let you know.. thank you so much for your wishes for Kate.. she is special.. my nieces are all perfect, like yours! off to the races at 4:15 a.m. gonna check show me thread because you never know when a new stone will pop up!

Kate :) xoxo


Jun 17, 2009
@ringo865, I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I am sending lots of love, support, and comfort to you, and to your husband too - I know this is very hard for him as well. Take care of yourself, and take it one day at a time; you will get through this. I'm so glad you have a loving partner to help you, and it sounds like you are getting excellent care. Please jump into this thread whenever you feel you need some company, sometimes a little distraction helps. (((Hugs)))


Jun 17, 2009
@Tekate, you probably won't even see this...but I wish you safe travels! Have a fabulous time in the DR!


Jun 7, 2014
@ringo865 , I’m sorry you are going thru this. Sending thoughts, prayers and healing dust your way. Please know if you want to talk, vent or are feeling overwhelmed, we are here and will try to help you. You will find lots of support here. Hugs, Callie


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDI’s! I hope you are having a great day.

Junebug, I honestly didn’t think I was that stressed about my employees but once that floodgate opened it gushed out. Oh well. It is kind of funny how changing the sheets can be such a chore. It seems like that is one of those chores they recommend staying away from after some kinds of surgery. I told Marty I think the decades of grocery shopping I did just got old so now it’s his turn. I highly recommend trying the curbside pickup. It will probably save money too because we’ll stick to our lists. Sending good wishes to your relative and you.

Missy, love the dog with a wig. That would cause a double take for sure. i hate to hear about Fred having diarrhea. Oh no for snow on it’s way; we are getting it Saturday too. I rather surprised myself at my rant about my employees. i don’t think I’m a quitter but i just can’t seem to spur them on to helping themselves advance. I remember how stressed you were at work and I am so glad you retired. Visiting the NIRDI thread helps relieve my stress. Nice you are getting a new door at the beach.

Kate, safe travels. I am glad to hear you friend is doing well now.

AV, enjoy that warm weather. Our weather was gorgeous today. Sunny, warm and no wind. It must have been a dream.

Austina, I am glad Shirley is having help from her family. I found all the stuff you need to take care of is overwhelming, challenging and sometimes more complicated than it has to be. Then of course there are those things you didn’t see coming. I am keeping her in my thoughts. LOL that fitted sheets are the devils work. I used to pull up the corners of our queen sized mattress but that California King doesn’t budge much for me. I ordered some knit jersey sheets and was relieved they weren’t in the mail today because I might have been tempted wash them and make the bed up again. I must be a glutton for punishment. That is pretty funny to have a running gag with Colin about did you notice anything? I don’t seem to be very observant.

Ring865, I am so sorry to hear about your cancer. Mega dust and big hugs to you and your husband. Good luck with chemo. Stop by and keep us posted. As Kate mentioned I also have a good friend who is fully recovered from breast cancer and has been over 10 years now.

I didn’t sleep as well as I envisioned last night. We usually have just one blanket on the bed but I tried two. First I woke up hot so flipped off one blanket. Then I woke up cold and had to pull the second blanket back on me. Then I repeated that cycle a few more times. I put the fleece blanket up and will try just the cotton blanket tonight. I am such a creature of habit anything different takes me time to adjust.

Callie, how is the car search coming along?

Take care.
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Jun 7, 2014
@Tekate, Have a wonderful vacation and a great time at the shower. Enjoy every minute!

@missy , Is Fred feeling any better? Were you able to speak with Debbie?
I hope the snow manages to stay away from NYC all day Saturday. Walking in the snow in evening gown doesn’t sound like fun. You’ll look gorgeous but it will be a pain in the neck. If you decide to wear your hair in a ponytail you can always use a small section of your hair to wrap around the band.

@marcy , I hope things went better at work today and you aren’t feeling so sad and stressed about it. I’m sure its comical to watch anyone change sheets. A lot of pulling followed by some swearing. I still haven’t decided about the car. We were going to go to a dealer today but went shopping instead. I’m not in love with any four door car and I don’t want to spend a lot if I’m not going to be wowed. Does that make sense? I’ve pretty much ruled out the Audi Coupe. It won’t work if DH kills his back getting in and out and I can’t easily get my niece in her car seat.

@Austina , Colin’s comment about your eyebrows was funny. I used to wear a new dress and it would take about 4 times of wearing it before my husband notice and say is that new? At least I could say no I’ve worn it often and I would be telling the truth.

@Sandeek, @av, @junebug17 , I hope you are having a great week.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from Scandinavia from my phone lol. Stopped by a coffee place on my way to the gym, kind of chicken of me, I know! Today is going to be crazy with too little time and too much to do. Fist a good run and then a building meeting for the new cabin, then meeting with the company that will be responsible for the foundations. And then work. If I haven’t fallen asleep by then... lol. Sorry about the me me me. Just wanted to say hello!

Oh and Missy, a ponytail should be fine. If you wish to glam it up, I think taking a small part of hair and turning it around the scrunchie (?) is always a good idea. Builds the ponytail a little out from the head and gives more movement of the hair. If you want a bun, you could always do a ballerina version where you put the “donut “ on the ponytail and then the hair around it. Se next post.

Hugs to all!
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Jan 23, 2016
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The donut is super simple if you like it. Greg can do it for you, no worries. You just pin a little section of the hair and then turn it around the donut before pinning the next section of hair. And you need no hair at all, been doing this on my DD since she was quite young and we are very Scandinavian thin haired blondes lol.
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