
Now I really did it :((


Dec 9, 2013
Ringo, I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. May the treatment and recovery go smoothly so you can get out to your cabin as soon as possible.
Glad you have come to this thread to write. I hope you will write often and keep everyone up to date!


Aug 5, 2018
Sorta sad that our cute summer cottage will become a recovery den instead of our fun place.

Oh, what news... I'd be hardly writing anything at such a time! (a mercifully wrong diagnostic nearly did me in - even the idiot who did it to me got scared.) 'Recovery den' sounds good: nothing like a 'cancer free' party.

Please keep writing


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!

@junebug17 hope you are having a good week. (((Hugs))).

@Tekate your posts always bring a smile to my face they are so filled with warmth and love. Thank you for your kind cheer and support always and right back at ya. Safe trip and have fun and big (((HUGS))). No news is good news re Chris and hoping he finds a dream apartment to live. Good to hear about your friend doing well so many years later.

@Austina how did Pilates go? Everything was in order at the beach house thanks for asking. We had our new storm door installed there yesterday. Looks good. Now we just have to paint the kitchen door and figure out what we are going to do about our main door to the house as we need custom glass or just replace the whole door which Greg doesnt want to do. It's some sort of special material or something like that and he wants to keep the door. But I hate that glass so we have to figure it out.

Thanks for the update re Shirley. I hope she gets to go to California to be with her son and DIL. Sending more good thoughts her way. Hugs to you and Dottie and Colin.

@Sandeek hope you are having a good week and you and your family doing well. XOXO.

@marcy thank you for liking my lion dog with the wig.:lol: Your battle with the blankets and temperature changing throughout the night sounds just like me. I feel your pain and hope you slept better last night. Not sleeping well can do weird things to us but the more we worry about it the harder it is to sleep at times. Hope you had sweet dreams last night.

I am sorry about your nasty employees especially that negative Nellie person. Boo to her and don't let her invade your thoughts any more than you have to. And you are not a quitter. I also don't think of retirement that way but we all have our personal battles I guess. When I retired I wasn't being a quitter (in my mind) but doing something healthy and happy for myself and I never regretted the decision once I left work. I love being able to wake up when I want and go to bed when I want and do what I want with my days. I am also a pretty disciplined person (as I imagine you are too) so my days are always scheduled in the way I want them to be and I never feel like I have lost direction but have plenty of things to fill my days. They are all on my terms however and that makes all the difference to me. But as with everything we are all individuals and what works for me might not work for someone else. You know what is best for you. I say whatever you choose make no apologies to anyone. You know that saying "You do You". You do you girl and you do it better than anyone else. (((Hugs))).

@AV_ love the photo. Winter stark and bare. And you are always in our thoughts whether you post or are just reading. Sending you love and hugs and hope you are enjoying a good week.

@ringo865 just wanted to repeat one more time it is not rude to post and run here. Feel free to post whenever you want and anything we can do to make life just a little bit less challenging do not hesitate to ask. At the very least we are here to listen and support you. About your cabin becoming a recovery cabin I would think of it this way. It can be your recovery cabin while you need it to be that but then it can become your miracle cabin where you recovered and go on to enjoy it for many many many many decades with your sweet dh. (((Hugs))) to you and your DH.

28072315-E66D-4E55-91B3-8E993C4506E4.jpeg FC72A2BD-F2BF-4F71-86D0-96397B066759.png
The donut is super simple if you like it. Greg can do it for you, no worries. You just pin a little section of the hair and then turn it around the donut before pinning the next section of hair. And you need no hair at all, been doing this on my DD since she was quite young and we are very Scandinavian thin haired blondes lol.

@Scandinavian Thanks Scandi. I have tried this countless times lol. I don't have enough hair and I also don't have the ability to do this. Be it I am a klutz or just because my hair is so fine and thin. I bought a few different bun helpers to do this but to no avail. I appreciate your input though sweetie. (((Hugs))). Hope work is going well today and you can stay awake through it haha.

@Calliecake thanks. See above. I did try wrapping my hair around it as well but again my hair is too thin and fine. It just doesn't work. Appreciate your help thanks. Fred is not taking his meds easily. This is going to be a challenging 10 days with him.

@Jimmianne hi there. Hope Mr Monet is doing well on the meds. Countdown to the eye restoring surgery begins. (((Hugs))).

Today is a cold day and snow is on the way. Looks like March is coming in with a roar. Hope everyone stays cozy and sending you all good thoughts and hugs.

Leaving you with a photo of our new storm door. We need to repaint the kitchen door here but here it is after installation yesterday.



Aug 5, 2018
Now, that's a coffee... Locals only ever do expresso-sized, to the point that not every house contains a decent-sized cup (tea isn't a thing either).

@missy Here's one thought: I never knew why a few ladies of my clan went for alternative hair - ONLY for the serious parties. (TMI: I quit my favorite style - a ponytail, eons ago. It was certainly not as good looking & I sure took it to the nicest parts & parties of town; if I had one, I'd do the same now, IHMO - the poised look.)


Two Long days ahead (there is work - still research, but in a silly different field than thesis; it so happens) - but thesis looks good enough to show (love speaking ,) - loath writing ,( ...)


Jun 8, 2008
@ringo865 if I may just add a few more thoughts here. Remember to be kind to yourself. Remember to take things one day at a time and try not to look too far ahead and let the journey overwhelm you. And when one day at a time feels like too much take it one hour at a time. There is no right way in dealing with how you are feeling. Allow yourself to feel what you feel. Allow others to support you. To be there for you. To help you however they can. They want to help you believe me. You are not imposing on anyone. Your friends and family love you and want to be there for you. Many of them don't know how though. Let them know what they can do to make your life a little bit easier right now. Even if it is just to be there for you to listen. Or go shopping for you and prepare meals for you. Whatever it is you need let them know. When I say they want to help believe me they really do.

Hope it is OK to leave you with one of my favorite poems by Emily Dickinson. Greg and I and all the NIRDis are keeping you and your dh in our thoughts and prayers and sending you love and healing vibes.



Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Thinking of you @ringo865 and sending you warm wishes, and the strength you’ll need to deal with what’s ahead.

Take it easy @AV_ and get some sleep in between those long work days.

Glad everything was fine at the beach house @missy, the door looks good. Hopefully you can find some glass you like so the other door doesn’t need replacing. How’s Fred today, did you get the tablets down him? I’m a bit achy today, I can really feel I’ve been away :eek2:

Thanks for the good thoughts for Shirley, she’s really struggling, I feel so helpless, I try to reassure her these feelings are normal, and she just needs to get through each day, one step at a time.

Hope your day didn’t prove too stressful @Scandinavian

How was work today @marcy? Hopefully the brats behaved and didn’t cause you any stress. I need to change the duvet, I put a thicker one on when it was really cold, and now I spend most of the night kicking it off and just sleeping under the sheet! :roll2:

Did you get any further with your car selection @Calliecake?

If you’re reading this @Tekate, safe travels!

Hi @junebug17 and @Jimmianne hope all is well with you.

Can’t believe tomorrow is Thursday, where’s the week gone :shock:?

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Dec 9, 2013
Anyone else caught up in the
Cohen thing? It has taken up my whole day so far. Thank goodness they had a recess just as the brooch came.
I feel so grown up having something low key.Not exactly my regular style, but I like it.
See you guys later...back to the testamony. Austina, you are lucky to be where you are and avoid that stuff, although you do have your own govt drama going on!


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, I agree you should really like the car you get. Comfort and being user friendly for car seats certainly should take priority in your decision. It seems like cars get smaller inside all the time. I miss having a car but sure enjoy having a SUV.

Scandi, you did have a busy day. How exciting to be planning the new cabin.

Jimmianne, your pendant is beautiful. It looks fabulous. Such a deal! It just glows.

Hi AV!

Missy, glad to hear things are okay at the beach. Your new storm door looks nice. Did you have a good night’s sleep? It is funny how the bed and covers have to be just right for us to sleep well. I slept pretty good last night. I did have sweet dreams - we were in Arizona and met up with Dee Jay who had a new 3 stone EC diamond ring. That’s about all I remember of that dream. Please don’t think I thought you were a quitter for retiring; I wouldn’t view anyone that way for making that decision. I think it’s awesome you are enjoying your retirement. As long as I decide to keep working I will definitely try to help my employees. I am too soft hearted to be a boss. I so agree it’s important to be true to yourself in any decisions we make. We are having a winter storm starting Friday night too. Winter. Pshaw!! How are Fred and Francesca doing?

Austina, you are being a good friend to Shirley just being there for her and keeping in touch. The brats did behave today; unusually quiet. Probably because they are mad at mean ole Marcy. i hate that when you get warm sleeping and start kicking off the covers. Those are the days all the covers are twisted up like a big pretzel. I was fine with just the top sheet and blanket last night. I slept until 5 am. Woo hoo!

After having a lovely day yesterday I was sad to see frost, snow and wind when I opened the garage door this morning. Another bitter, cold day. We are expecting 6-10 inches of snow this weekend.

A friend came over tonight and we lifted. Marty was so proud. I made soup for supper since I ate late and it is cold.

Take care.
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Jun 17, 2009
@missy, I'm glad Francesca isn't in distress and fingers crossed she gets more comfortable with the nebulizer. So sorry about Fred though and I hope he improves soon, poor thing. Zoe is doing well, although she's due for a check-up and she is definitely not going to be happy about that. The storm door looks very nice!

@Scandinavian, you definitely had a busy day today! Hope everything went well and you got some things accomplished.

@av, very pretty picture! It's nice you are having such warm weather. I wouldn't be happy with an expresso sized coffee cup! I'd have to have ten cups of coffee each morning!

@Austina, I hope your Pilates class went well and you're not too sore! I'm glad Shirley's son is helping her, and I hope she does get to go to California.

@marcy, I'm sorry you didn't sleep well, it's frustrating to be uncomfortable all night long and I hope you had a better night last night.

@Calliecake, sorry you're still struggling with the car decision and I hope you find one you like!

@Jimmianne, that brooch is gorgeous! It's a work of art, and it looks fabulous with your outfit :love: I didn't watch the hearing but I've been reading about the highlights.

The test results came in and thankfully they show my family member is ok and won't need any more treatment. It was a fairly serious situation so this is such a HUGE relief! Thank you nirdis for your good thoughts and support! Xxx


Jun 17, 2009
Marcy, we were posting at the same time! Glad you had a better night, and your employees didn't give you any problems. Oh no to snow this weekend! We're supposed to get some too but I don't know how much.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Junebug, that is awesome news for your family member. What a relief. We seem to post at the same time occasionally. :D No, Zoe won’t like getting a checkup. The lady at work has to trick her cats when she is taking them to the vet. If she gets the carry case out they hide. Too funny.


Jan 23, 2016
Good morning from a Scandinavian coffee shop LOL

Ringo, Hope things are going as well as possible. I second Missy’s poem with the ending from The Count of Monte Christi: “All human wisdom is contained in these two words: Wait and Hope.”


“Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes.”

The meeting yesterday was a success I think. The weather willing, the foundation work will start next week. BUT :cry2: when we came to the old summer cabin (will be next to the new one) there was a major water leak there and it is going to cost a fortune to fix, like a total renovation. All flooring and the roof and ceiling must be replaced. The water has apparently been in free flow from the roof for some time. So not what we needed right now. Must have been one of the winter storms.

Missy, how is HRH doing? Poor sweet baby! Love the door, can’t wait to see it with paint!

June, oh thank goodness! And keep us posted re Zoe.

Marcy, work any better yesterday?

Callie, follow your heart! Life should be fun whenever possible!

AV - I know re coffee! On holiday I have to get both Americano and Espresso to see me through the mornings LOL

Kate, how are you doing?

Jimmianne. That brooch is amazing!

Austina, I will never stop being amazed by people who do Pilates!!



Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, I’m proud of you for lifting and how cool that you are now doing it with a friend.

June, thank you. Good to hear your family member is OK! I watched every single minute, ie., the whole day because I got drawn in. Some of it was very hard to watch. Cummings’
was remarkable...and his speech at the end!!

Scandi, yes. Where would we be without coffee?! I hate to think : )

Austina, you are such a good friend. Shirley is lucky in that regard. Really, there is nothing we can do when people are mourning except be there and engage them, so I suspect you are doing a lot for her.

Happy Purrsday everyone! <3
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Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Last day of February 2019...Spring is coming!

@junebug17 what a HUGE relief about your family member and the good test results! So happy for you all and sending continued good wishes your way and big (((hugs))). Thanks for asking about Francesca and Fred. Fred ate most of the pill yesterday after I coaxed him for a long while and last night too and this AM. He isn't eating it all but doing the best we can to get most of it into him and hopefully that is enough. Unfortunately right now he just developed a bit of a cold which is never good.

As for Francesca we have not yet started the inhaler meds because every time I touch her face with the mask she gets very skittish and backs away. She lets me get to about an inch or so away with the mask and I am just working on getting it closer. If I push it to her face and try to administer the meds that might be the last time she lets us do that and I am hoping this strategy works. She is having a few episodes at least (that I am around for to witness) of coughing/breathing issues so I am eager to get this going but know I have to proceed cautiously.

Good luck with Zoe's upcoming checkup. Hope it goes well and easily too. Cats can be easier than dogs in certain ways (ie not walking them etc) but so much more challenging in other ways.

@Austina sorry you are a bit achey from Pilates but that isn't too bad for being away from it for 4 weeks. I would be in a lot more pain after 4 weeks of no pilates which basically happens every few months since I do not do Pilates at the beach house. Honestly thinking about getting another Reformer but there is no good place to put it at the beach house. My exercise room there is full.

You are so right that Shirley is absolutely normal in her reaction to the traumatic loss of her dh and I fear she will be struggling for a very long time. She just lost her best friend and partner in life. Devastating and short of losing a child I cannot imagine a worse loss. Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers and she is fortunate to have good friends like you Austina to support and love and comfort her. But nothing can make up for the loss of her very best friend.:( My heart goes out to her.

Fred is doing better with the meds, thanks for asking.

@Jimmianne love your new brooch. Very rich and elegant and grown up.:kiss:

@marcy yay I am glad you slept better the other night and had sweet dreams. Yes everything must be just right for our sleeping conditions. Greg refers to me as "The Princess and the Pea" LOL. But not lol. I wish I was different but now realize it really does come down to genetics for so many things. Oh no worries about the retirement comments. I know you did not mean that at all about me. Just trying to reassure you that it is not (IMO) giving up if you decided to retire anywhere in the near future. Sometimes things just run their course and it is time. You sure deserve it and you are a wonderful boss. I hope most of your coworkers and employees realize it but if they don't too bad for them. I am sure those that have common sense value you very much.

Thanks for asking about the 2 Fs. We are hanging in there and taking baby steps. Fred is taking most of his meds at the moment thank goodness and working our way towards Francesca tolerating the mask. Not there yet.

Good for you for continuing the lifting... You rock girl!

@Scandinavian love those poetry additions thank you. Wise indeed. And yes to coffee.
I am not supposed to have any coffee with my adrenal issues but honestly I feel like life would be so much less nice without my one cup of coffee that I allow myself each morning so yes I continue to have (just one) cup of coffee. That one cup is 20 ounces but that is surely not too much right?:P2

Oh no about the leak in your cabin, I am sorry Scandi. Glad your meetings went well.

HRH update in my comments to Junie. Thanks Scandi.

@Sandeek (((HUGS))) and more (((HUGS))) and of course as always keeping you in our thoughts and prayers and sending bucketloads of healing dust your way.

@ringo865 just wanting you to know I am thinking of you.

@AV_ hope your week is continuing to go well and that you are enjoying nice weather. We are not enjoying nice weather. Well actually it is OK today but we are getting storms almost every day now through next Monday at least. Yup March is here tomorrow and she is the Lion she promised she would be.
(well hopefully not that bad with that much accumulating snow but you never know).

My green St Patty's wig was delivered last night. Fun. I have not yet tried it on as I had just washed my hair and it was still wet but here's a quick photo of it.
Screen Shot 2019-02-28 at 7.33.59 AM.png
Now that is Green.

I have plans today with my girlfriend and looking forward to it despite the chilly temps. Though if it is too cold we might just stay in. We will see. Hope everyone enjoys a good Thursday and is feeling well. Sending you all (((hugs))).


Jan 23, 2016
OMT @missy, I love that wig !!! Perhaps you must use it every day… And no. One cup of coffee can't possibly be too much. LOL. My 10ish cups however…


Jun 8, 2008
Haha thanks @Scandinavian. They say it isn’t easy being green but I’m like it’s as easy as pie. Green lime pie pretty please.

@Tekate hoping your trip is off to an amazing start!:appl:


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

‘our’ brooch looks even better on your coat @Jimmianne it really is a piece of art. We’re sick to death of all the faffing about over Brexit, just get on with it for goodness sake!

Oh noooooo @Scandinavian how awful and what rotten luck. We’re you intending to sell the ‘old’ cabin before the new one is complete?

That is such good news for your relative @junebug17 , what a relief for the whole family. Good luck with kitty wrangling Zoe into a carrier for the vet visit. It’s a lot easier with Dottie, she jumps in the car thinking we’re off somewhere fun :lol:

Glad the brats behaved themselves @marcy and tough if they don’t like you doing your job properly. Well done on lifting, you’re really getting in to it. Oh no to heavy snow this weekend, that really doesn’t sound like much fun. Our temperatures have dropped a bit, but it’s still really mild here. I’ve been using an ioniser the last few nights, and I don’t know if it’s coincidence, but I’ve actually slept a bit better.

:lol: Love the wig @missy, can you imagine turning up in that to the black tie do!

Hope you had fun with your g/f, did you stay in or go out in the end? I’m not feeling at all achy today, and I did miss not doing Pilates while I was away. I don’t seem to have the motivation to do it on my own :oops:

Shirley is going to California in a couple of weeks, then her DIL is giving up her job and going back to Texas with her at the end of May. After that, I’m not sure what’ll happen. I think it’ll do her good to get away for a while, and it’ll be better to have company in the evenings, She’s very fortunate that her neighbours have said they’ll keep an eye on the house for her while she’s away.

Did the food shopping today and the gate people came today to check that the paint they’re going to use, matches the railings. Hopefully by next weekend, we’ll have working gates again :dance:

Big wave out to all the NIRDIS :wavey:


May 11, 2013
@Nirdis!!! Hi everyone, just checking to say HOLA! and to say the weather is gorgeous and I'm
sleepy! since I am on doxycycline I can't go in the sun - but I sit in the shade.

I will take pix soon and post some if I can.

My love and support to you all.

@missy xo to you!
@Scandinavian doing fine lady! hope all is great with you :)
@Austina thank you Austina, we had great flights.. first one an hour second one 3.5 hrs.. can't beat that..xo
@junebug Hi June!

off for a massage! this is the first time I have stayed on an island in the Caribbean that is Spanish, always b4 it was either French (Martinique) or Caribe (Jamaica, St Croix, St Thomas.. good food here! every I send happy and good vibes.

Kate the GreaT !!


Jun 17, 2009
@Tekate, so good to hear from you, and glad you are having a wonderful time!


Feb 27, 2007
i stopped at the mall for supper and noticed Kays was having a remount show. I naturally looked at everything and decided to run home and get some oval earring jackets I have to have them mount them on lever backs. When I got back I was visiting with the 2 girls and showed them a picture of how many teddy bears I have from them (their St. Jude's Christmas Bears) and told them how the killer rabbits try to eat the bears. They gave me one of their Valentine's dogs to protect the bears. Too funny. :lol:



Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, I am glad the meeting yesterday was a success. Oh no to having a major water leak; how awful. Work was okay; but I did eat more chocolate than I should have. I’m a stress eater.

Jimmianne, happy Purrsday to you as well. Thank you for being proud of me for lifting. I am optimistic it will help me feel better.

Missy, i am glad to hear Fred ate most of his pill. I hope his cold gets better. I hope Francesca gets less skittish about the mask. I chuckled at you being a princess because you like things a certain way. I am so bad about my blankets that if Marty moves them at all I have to rearrange things. Thank you for the encouragement on lifting; i actually don’t mind it and as long as I can get stronger then it’s a win win. Your wig is fabulous and fun. I hope you had a nice time visiting with your friend today.

Austina, I am kind of surprised I like lifting. It was fun lifting with a friend of mine too. Glad to hear the ioniser is helping you sleep. I slept solid last night from about 10:45 to 5:00 - but then I couldn’t go back to sleep. I did go to work early since I was bored. I’m tired now though. That will be a big help for Shirley having her DIL with her for a while. That is pretty exciting they are getting so close to finishing the gates.

Kate, it sounds like you are having a great time. Sweet. I will look forward to your pictures.

Junebug, I hope you had are doing well.

Marty is on his way home from the airport now. Woo hoo!

Take care.
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Jun 7, 2014
@missy, Glad you were able to get Fred to take the medicine. Hopefully this round of meds will work and he will begin feeling better. I hope you had a fun afternoon catching up with your friend today. Did you end up go out or stay at home? That wig will be a big hit at the St. Patrick Day pub crawl. It will look great on you. Are they still forecasting snow for Saturday?

@junebug, Great news about your relative. It’s always wonderful to get good test results. Such a relief. Trips to the vet are never fun. Does Zoe realize where she is going before you arrive at the vet? Our furbaby knows as soon as we turn down a road near the vet. It breaks my heart because she immediately starts crying. Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend?

@Austina, You are a great friend. The next few months will be hard for Shirley even if she has company much of the time. It’s a major adjustment and at times like this all we can do is be there for them and help in any way we can. I’m sure she is very grateful for your friendship. Great news that the gate will finally be completed. That sure took a long time!

@Tekate, Glad to hear you are enjoying your vacation. Enjoy that warm weather. Please post pics. I take vacations vicariously thru you and Austina!

@marcy , Yuck on getting another 6 to 8 inches of snow. At least Marty will be home before the next storm hits. Does your friend like to lift weights too?How is your knee feeling?

@Scandinavian , Oh no about the leak. That was a surprise you could do without. How exciting that they are starting on the new house so quickly. I can’t wait to see lots of pictures.

@Jimmianne , You weren’t the only one who got sucked into watching the Cohen hearing all day yesterday LOL. I wonder what future generations will think of this time in American history.

@Sandeek and @av , I hope all is going well with you.

I had a doctors appointment this morning. We went to AT&T and got new phones later this afternoon. It turned out to be a good thing the store was busy last week because I think we got one of them for free. DH wanted to go look at cars afterward. We went to dinner instead. It’s just a thrill a minute here.


Aug 5, 2018
Good morning! (by my count)

Yesterday was one more local holiday - dully transformed into a four day weekend (as usual). IHMO, anyone worth their salt around here must have been to the beach - the town was otherworldly quiet (as I wish it stayed). I happen to have work to do over the weekend, although these will be shorter days, sure enough; have a few bits of fun in the works too for good measure.

@Scandinavian Ten cups of coffee sounds good to me. It must be the correct dosis. Fingers crossed for your - two! rounds of construction work (new cabin & old); I am leery of even one.

@missy East Coast weather looks scary from here! It isn't that I dislike the cold - I wonder if I survived more than this (& I am obviously not saying much - whatever counts for winter here is over).
Then, I keep noticing any mention of anyone's love of winter! ,) - WWW

@marcy Lovely invasion of your couch! .-)

@Jimmianne Gold flowers are the greatest form of jewelry I can think of.


Sum, all is well here, NIRDIs... - thank you very much indeed!
Last edited:


Jan 23, 2016
… even a dead mouse on the floor…. hope it did not drown….
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Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Friday or should I say FriYay
and Happy March 1st!

@junebug17 hello and I hope you enjoy a good weekend. (((Hugs))).

@Sandeek you would rock that dress girl! I want to help you find an affordable alternative. Hope you are feeling OK and looking forward to a cozy weekend. This weather necessitates a cozy indoor weekend if you ask me and this is going to be an interesting Saturday night for Greg and me lol. A snowy gala adventure. (((Hugs))).

@marcy haha I love that you scored a stuffed doggie from the ladies at Kay. That is sweet. Thanks for your continued well wishes for the fur babies. I had a fun afternoon with my girlfriend yesterday. She is a true gem and I am lucky we live so close. She is a special person. Talented, funny, self deprecating and she has her head on straight. Can you tell I lover her? :kiss2: Yay Marty is home woohoo! Enjoy a wonderful weekend sweet Marcy. XO.

@Austina how are you and how is dear Dottie doing? So glad you aren't feeling achey anymore. I am impressed. Yes my friend and I had a good walk yesterday. The sun was out all day and despite the brisk temperatures the sun made it lovely. And we had tea at the end of the afternoon so it was a perfect winter's day. A good way to say bye bye to February. XO.

@Tekate woohoo you look beautiful girlfriend. Love how you are radiating sunshine and beauty and peace and relaxation already. Enjoy enjoy enjoy sweet Kate the Great and please continue posting photos because I am loving seeing your happy beautiful face.:love: Hugs.

@Jimmianne hope you have a purrrrrfect Friday and a meowlicious weekend.:sun:XO.

@Calliecake so pleased that your doctor visit went well and your fears are now alleviated. What a sigh of relief I am sure you experienced and glad you like this new doctor. Lovely you enjoyed dinner out too. Sounds like a lovely day and a thrill a minute isn't necessary to have fun. In fact I prefer peaceful happiness and joyful quiet and no surprises. But that might just be me. Kids are the same thanks for asking.

@AV_ yes it is scary weather for those who are not used to our stormy winter weather. NYers take it with stride however. We are a hardy bunch. :cheeky: I just hope I don't fall on my face tomorrow evening :oops2::lol: and will take it slowly and carefully. Fingers crossed I remain upright the entire gala. :pray:
Glad all is well by you and may that continue through the entire weekend and beyond. I love when the city empties out during a long weekend. The peace is lovely and glad you enjoyed your 4 day holiday. I think we should all enjoy 4-5 day holidays every week. 8) More leisure time and freedom and less work and hectic scheduling would be nice for everyone.:halo: Hugs.

@Scandinavian awww sweet poor mouse. I have a soft spot for rodents. What can I say? I hope he/she didn't suffer. Hope you are sorting out the mess and sending you hugs.

@ringo865 sending you good thoughts and gentle hugs.

Today we are waking up with snow on the ground and it is a lovely winter scene. Happy March first. Roarrrrrrrr.

My friend and I enjoyed a lovely afternoon outside walking and then we ended up at my favorite tea place and I had a yummy chocolate herbal tea. This cafe is a jewel. I took a few pics for my girls because I knew you would enjoy these. Yummmmm.

And haha the girl behind the counter who is in her mid twenties said to me she never met a millennial who hasn't had avocado toast when I told her I never tried that before. Hahaha I said thanks but I am not a millennial. :kiss::P2

Hope everyone had a fun Friday and is planning a sweet weekend. :wavey:

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and finally leaving you with Quinn's Laws.

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Dec 9, 2013
It’s a feline fine Friday!
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Jun 8, 2008
It’s a feline fine Friday!

Indeed it is and my felines are hanging out as I do a quick photo session with the black opal. That Tommy is a sweet baby always wanting to help. Here he is reading the aero chamber instructions for Francesca's nebulization. :ugeek:


From my furry feline fur babies to your furry babies wishing you a purrrrfect pleasant peaceful day.


Dec 9, 2013
And a flowery Friday as well.
Tommy reading??!! I think he knows well how the nebulizer works and is just setting an example for his humans.

Ps. Those eye + that opal = !!!


Aug 5, 2018
@missy I sure am laying around allot - 4 days/week? Maybe. The trouble is that I barely have anything routine to do & I cannot stand much stress at all; I am coaxing myself into doing things from the sweet end, much like you are getting Francesca accustomed to the one thing that can make her well.
(OPAL! ,-)

@Scandinavian RIP...


May 11, 2013
love the pix! the pin looks fabulous!

thank you lady, I'm going to post my 2 pix here! Tommy is regal! he's gorgeous and YOUR ring looks beautiful.. it's a stunner! have a great weekend Missy girl. Chris got a studio in Williamsburg, that's all he said really, and it's 10 minutes from Kate and 2or3 subway stop to Danny's, he really wanted to be near them, I think while this is his dream, it's sorta secure to be near the cousins who've been living in Brooklyn for 10 years and more. (actually I think they both had places with others in Soho but went over to Brooklyn).. so my baby is gonna live in Brooklyn! happy me. Hope Greg is happy and well, have fun tomorrow nite, I look forward to beautful pictures!!!! Hope the kittens are doing okay on their meds..

@junebug17 thank you June it's great to see you.. hope all is well with your family.

@Austina Hi to you lady.

@Calliecake dear Calllie I'm glad all is well with you!!!

@AV_ hello AV!! I hear you on too much stress.. I love your pictures AV, they make me serene..thank you!

@ringo865 Hi, sending you a hug and care thru the internet.. I wish I knew the right words to say that don't sound patronizing, I don't know how you feel because I have not been confronted with your situation, I do have 2 very close friends who have and one had a masectomy and the other a double masectomy, and 5 and 12 years later we are still hanging out when I get down to CT, and the other is my bestie here in Maine (or rather there in Maine since I'm in the Dominican R right now but you get what I mean!).. so while I haven't experienced this myself I have been thru it with 2 of my friends for over 50 years now and I can say neither let it define them. So know that we are here for you and while I can talk a bloody blue streak, I can listen too. Sending you a hug as I said. :)

@Scandinavian eek a mouse, and water problems in the original cabin? I am sorry, as I have observed you in my mind since you came back on board, you seem to be a woman that takes things in stride, I will bet it stinks that you are planning a new building and the old building needs all that work, I am sorry Scandi

@marcy the bears are adorable, first when I saw I thought Marty may have done that! pix of the new jacket? Hope so.. xo

Enjoying doing nada here in DR, we read, read, do a crossword puzzle, hang out at the pool and then go to the sea.. oh yes and EAT. :)

I hope everyone has a purrfect weekend. all love to you guys.


view from our room and me on the beach.. that necklace I am wearing, John was given that one time at IBM when he was awarded an Inventors Innovation award, it's solid gold and it's heavy, it's a pin and/or necklace, it has the sign of inventor in Greek on it. I don't wear it all that much but hadn't worn it in a long time. boriiiing! sorry. xo to you all.[/USER]
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