
Now I really did it :((


Feb 24, 2017
How awful for his son, hopefully he has many good memories of what a wonderful father he had. I hope whoever had the awful task of telling him, did so gently.


Apr 19, 2004

Such unsettling news Missy. Never easy to hear and comprehend.:cry2:

I don't how tightly those boots can synched around your narrow calves. There is a draw string (to prevent snow from getting in) and the tab in the front does tighten as well. Good luck! I wore mine the other day as the ground was pure ice. I was secure!!

Your new earrings Missy are sublime. Right up my alley!:love:
Hello to all the gangarooni:wavey:. We are enjoying very lovely weather to all those who asked. I am happy with this because I truly am allergic to cold temps and snow.:saint:

I used my Birthday (yesterday) $$ to buy a "good" hair dryer. Thanks @Jambalaya for the thread.



May 11, 2013
@missy Oh God, this is tragic, only 62.. it's so so painful to lose people we love and mean the world to us. I send you love and true caring thoughts. I suppose remember the best of him the love and fun etc. Time heals but oh it hurts. I am truly sorry for the loss of a good and dear friend. :( I'm here Missy :) anytime for you. I mean that.

I am so glad you enjoyed the MET with your friend and I wish I was there too. The exhibits are so wonderful at the MET... I look forward to going again when I get back to Brooklyn. :)

We booked a winter week in the caribbean today.. using up points we had on an old credit card we have.

Hope everyone is having a good week!

sending love to all.



Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I am so sorry about your friend. Hugs to you. It's never easy to lose someone we love, you and Greg are in my thoughts. I imagine jury duty there would be more of a hassle; maybe one of your doctor's will give you an excuse. I will tell you the one only break in the am and pm is tough. I have cut my water back to a minimum. As well as food; I don't want to eat something that makes me queasy. We are adapting to our temporary short bed. Our new furniture can't get here soon enough. I did enjoy Argo and of course like the funny line that made out of "Argo . . ." :lol: It looks like you saw some great pieces of jewelry.

AV, my BIL is definitely a gardener as his youngest son. Funny I like my nephews tomatoes better than my BIL but they are both fabulous! I bet adjusting to a different growing season will take a learning curve. That is pretty cool your grandmother grew a lemon tree from a seed.

Kate, I'll answer to most any name as well. Just don't call me late to dinner. :D I can't talk about the trial yet but I'll let you know when it's over. I told Marty I have sure led a sheltered life. And boy can trial lawyers talk and talk and talk. Good idea to escape to the Caribbean during the winter.

Austina, it sounds like you might have found a good home for Barney. I hope it works out. Oh no to cold and rainy weather. I think Marty plans on putting the plywood in our new bed too; the guy at the store suggested we do that even though it's a platform bed. Marty might have to trim it a big; he said it would lay better in the new bed anyway. I doubt my parents bought high quality furnture when they got married but things were probably just made better in those days. The top of the dresser's could stand to be refinished in a few spots but dresser scarfs take care of that. Yes, some people make it hard to be kind to them. What did you get fun at Costco?

Sandeek, thinking of you and wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery.

Sharon, I am glad your books worked great on the ice. Always a scary thing. Happy Birthday!

So I've decided this jury duty is mentally and physically taxing. All 8 of us today were saying how worn out we are when get go home at 5. The chairs are typical office chairs so you start getting sore from not moving much. We get an am and pm 15 minute break plus and 90 minutes lunch. Other than that we are just setting there. My right knee has to move or stretch at least once an hour if not sooner. If I don't then the entire leg starts hurting. Plus this is day after day walking doesn't allow my legs / knees to recover so I'm pretty sore already. The parking lot is a block away then you walk to the middle of the building, take an elevator and go to the far end of the building. They are making me leave at lunch so I go back to the middle of the building (it covers an entire block) and go back downstairs and walk to south side of the building for a cafe. Today they finally decided they'd let me stay in the juror's room during lunch which will save me some walking. And I still can't believe they won't let us bring our cell phones or tablets. Ugh. The other jurors are all very nice and friendly.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!

@canuk-gal Happy Belated Birthday dear sweet Sharon.:kiss2:
A short but sweet belated birthday poem for you dear.

Happy belated birthday dear @canuk-gal
You're so smart and kind and you are always a pal

Always here for your NIRDI friends
to lend a helping hand
and a sympathetic ear
You're a treasure and a find
our very own Sharon dear

How wonderful you are in so many ways
Wishing for you present and future days
with great things in store
Happiness, health and love
and so very much more



@marcy that is tough only one break in the AM and PM. I don't know if I can do that...and well it is impossible to get out of here so I am not even bothering to ask. If I have to use the restroom I am going to. And if the judge doesn't like it too bad. If he puts me in jail for that well I imagine I can figure something out lol. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. And what? NO cell phones or tablets? OMG sounds like torture and I wonder who the criminal is because feels like we are being treated as the criminals. :nono: I am sorry you are on a case and hope it is over soon. Please stretch as you need to and just too bad for the judge. If you need to move you need to move and I dont want you suffering compilations like DVT or something. Gosh it does sound torturous.:blackeye: Glad you are adjusting to the shorter mattress. Thank you for your kind words about losing our dear friend. I am still processing. I had to call one of his good friends yesterday to let her know and it was hard to do. Hope the week gets better for you Marcy. ((((Hugs))).

@Tekate aww thank you sweet Great Kate. And I am here for you too anytime you know that. I am excited for you and your upcoming Caribbean vacation. How wonderful that will be and something lovely to look forward to. Even sweeter you used points for the vacation. :appl:How is your shoulder doing? Thinking of you and hoping all is going well. (((Hugs))).

Dear @Sandeek hope your week continues to go smoothly and by this time next week you will be well on your way to recovery. Sending you continued healing vibes and dust and good thoughts and love. (((Hugs))).

@Austina thank you. Hope you are enjoying a nice week. I appreciate all your warm wishes. XO.

@AV_ hello there and hope you are having a good Thursday and enjoying a happy week. Hugs.

Thinking of all you lovely ladies and you know who you are. Also looking forward to the new year when I another NIRDI is visiting us. Yay.:appl: I have to say the NIRDI girls are the best. You are all so warm and kind and loving and thoughtful and sweet and I truly cannot express how much your friendship means to me. Anyway just reflecting back since it is almost the end of the year. Wishing for all of you the best of health and happiness and love and of course lots and lots of bling if that is what you want.:bigsmile:

Leaving you with a photo we just received from the woodworker whose class Greg took a few weeks ago. He put this photo on his blog...can you find my sweetie?8)

Screen Shot 2018-11-29 at 8.51.10 AM.png

Doesn't he look ruggedly handsome? :kiss2: Course, I am biased I know.:kiss:

Enjoy a lovely Thursday girls!!!


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Jun 17, 2009
Hi Nirdis,

@missy, love the pics of you and your sister, just lovely and the one of you as kids is really adorable! I enjoyed seeing your pics of the jewelry exhibit and I'm glad you had a good time. Great pic of Greg at his class too.

Sending comfort and strength to you, the days following a loss are difficult.

@Sandeek, I'm sending you lots of positive vibes and good thoughts for your surgery on Monday. Totally understandable you are feeling anxious but keep reminding yourself you are in very good hands, you are going to be ok! And yay to getting a new sparkly, bling is a great distraction!

@av, I love that your grandmother grew a lemon tree indoors! I also love gardens and I hope you can have one soon. Your comment that Texas is exotic made me smile...yes, I guess it is! Congratulations on finally finishing your work, 10 years is a long time.

@Tekate, I think the hardest part of a long trip is the anticipation! Once you"re on your way it's not so bad. I love to read too, and it really helps to pass the time. Your trip sounds very exciting and fun, you"re going to have a blast! And how wonderful to be heading to the Carribean this winter, it will be great to escape the cold.

@marcy, very sorry jury duty has turned out to be so uncomfortable for you and that the trial is so long, ugh. Hang in there, the weekend is almost here so at least you'll get a break for a few days.

@Austina, so glad to hear the potential owners checked out well and I hope Barney is in a loving home very soon. I would love to visit England...I want to go to tea with you! :dance:

Hi Sharon! Happy belated Birthday to you! How great that you're enjoying some nice weather. Yay to a new blowdryer!

Not too much going on here, I'm starting to put up some Christmas decorations and we'll put up the tree this weekend. DS is moving to an apartment on Saturday so I'm sure dh and I be lending him a hand with that lol!

Have a great Thursday everyone!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi @junebug17 thank you so much Junie. How exciting your DS is moving to his new home Saturday though I know you will miss him. Enjoy putting up Christmas decorations. Sounds like so much fun.

@marcy to cheer you up look at what our friend A shared with us and he said it is OK to share here with you. A's nebula photo.
Cool right? Hope jury duty is going OK and that the case is almost over.

m27  L channel only ASM LX200-8.png

@AV_ that is so cool your grandmother grew a Lemon tree indoors...I love lemon trees. And one of my favorite songs (hokey I know) is Lemon Tree sung my Peter Paul and Mary.:sun:


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Happy belated birthday @canuk-gal, hope you had a lovely day.

Ooooo, when and where are you going @Tekate :mrgreen2:?

Anytime @junebug17 you’ll be more than welcome :D

Ugh to the jury duty @marcy do you know how long this case is due to last? You’d think they’d at least provide comfortable chairs if you’re expected to sit for so long.

I think the good looking, multi talented one is Greg @missy :lol:

Sorry for the quick post, I’m zonked, I was so hot last night, I slept really badly.

Big wave out to all you lovely ladies :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sharon :wavey: I hope you had a fabulous day.

Missy, they sure do have some silly, archaic, strict rules for jurors. The least they could do is have us put our cell phones in a box or something then we can check them on break or over lunch. I am sipping water so I don't have to raise my hand and ask to be excused. :lol: i am sure it was a difficult conversation with your friend to let them know what happened. That is tough. Great shot of Greg and his classmates. They are all very intense working on their projects. Tell your friend great shot of the Dumbbell. Does he take a lot of astrophotos?

Junebug, have fun starting to put up Christmas decorations. That's pretty exciting about your DS moving to an apartment. Is it near you so you can visit frequently?

Austina, oh no for a short night; hopefully you don't have that same problem tonight. When will they start on your gate?

We had about 3 inches of snow last night; Marty offered to take me to jury duty and I didn't say no. I left my phone at home because I have to lock it up at the court house in little boxes between the inner and outer doors - it's freezing in there this time of year so I left it home. Naturally we got out early and I don't have my cell phone to call Marty. Phooey. They honestly would not let me use one of the many visible desk phones in the offices by the court. They told me to go down to the county clerk's office. :wall::wall::wall: Anyway I called Marty and he was lifting so he finished the sets he was on and got there in about 20 minutes. If I am lucky we'll get done tomorrow. There are 3 more witnesses, summations, instructions from the judge and then we deliberate. Cross your fingers for me.

Take care.
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Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy last day of November 2018.

@marcy archaic indeed. Yes A takes lots of astrophotos. And he is a member of a radio telescope network. It's just a hobby of his like it is for you and he enjoys it very much.
Ugh to more snow for you and glad Marty took you to jury duty yesterday. Good idea to leave your phone at home due to the freezing conditions it would have to be locked up in at the courthouse. I cannot believe they wouldn't let you make a phone call that was more convenient to your location. Wow. Like I said who is being treated like the criminal here?:blackeye: My fingers are crossed for you that you are done today with jury duty. Jury phooey.:knockout:

And yay it's Friday and the weekend is almost upon us. :appl:Do you have anything interesting planned for the weekend?

Hahaha ding ding ding you are right @Austina. Sorry you slept badly the other night and hope you slept better last night and are awake and refreshed and enjoying a lovely day.

Oh no dear @Sandeek I am so sorry you have the stomach flu/virus and hope you recover quickly so that by Monday you are 100% better and ready for your surgery. Sending you more healing vibes and hugs and hope you are feeling much better today. (((HUGS))). Keeping you in my thoughts.

@Tekate how is your week going? Any weekend plans?

I woke up late and am just having coffee now and before I know it the day will be half over. Greg's off to Costco but I am being lazy and remaining inside I think for the day. It's cold out there. Hope everyone is feeling well and have a wonderful day girls. :wavey:

Leaving you with a photo of a Driver board. It amplifies the signal from each channel left and right of the receiver. Greg continues (one of) his stereo project(s).

Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 8.50.22 AM.png


May 11, 2013
Hi Niridis!

@junebug17 interesting things have popped up on our danube trip. Well there isn't a lot of water in the Danube! who knew, not me, why would I check on that ha!, we received email(s) that said we will have to be motored to one place and MAYBE they will have to change destinations since the water is so low and they can't get thru. I used to get really upset about changes, but enough changes have happened in traveling that I think WTF! it may be an adventure.. I can't worry about it and basically I will see the area and have some time on the Danube! it is what it is and we will do our best to have a lovely time. :) thank you for your kind words btw :) Having your son move to his own apartment is wonderful! I know :) :) hope you are enjoying putting up decorations! xo

@missy so.. how are you? I'm good. it's cold here in ME so I bet it's chilly willy in the city! Wow to the nebula and wow to Greg.. you and he are such a lovely couple and happy and make me happy, it's a happy time.. xoxo. And I'm with Jimi, MANBLING!! totally cool. have a great weekend stay in, baby it's cold outside (yes I have been listening to Christmas music, on headphones, drives John to distraction when I play it out loud!).. Happy Chanukah if I forget, or I'm not here.. I know it starts late Sunday, so sending you and your family on this festival of rededication of the cleansing of the temple, love, peace and caring. I always thought that being Jewish has such wonderful and cultural history, with a lot of pain (not you per se you know what I mean? I hope) but the pain of always being singled out because of jealousy I think. Not to be debbie downer sorry. In these times I think it's important we all feel Jewish, we all stick together and we support each other. Mucho love on this festival of light and love Missy.

@AV_ a lemon tree! very cool.. lemons make everything taste better, truth, my pea soup calls for some lemon juice and it perks it up immensely.. I'm for lemons!

@marcy hello dear lady! and archaic is such a nice term for a bunch of old sh--. Sorry about the snow but it is winter! sorta.. we didn't plow our driveway this last snowstorm and now it's frozen, now it's hubster's domain so I feel nothing but laughter! for him (and a dirty look). Hope the trial is ending for you.

@Austina how are you? how's your weather? sorry about the sleep.. I sleep well then not so well it's the nature of old age I guess (for me that is). Next Thursday we are leaving from Beantown to Budapest then a sorta cruise! (new info see above), then end up in Prague spend 3 days in Prague and then back to Boston on 12/19 we will finally get home by midnight 12/20 :) then get our dog and get a tree, decorate, food shop be merry etc, hopefully we are having company at Christmas, our second son is coming we hope and my Brother and SIL will stop by we hope.. we should be jolly tired I suspect! :) Then in February to early March we are going to Dominican Republic, there we are staying at the Ibeostar Dorada, we all using up all our points on CC that we only usually use in Europe because we don't have to pay a charge to change dollars to euros and our Costco card we do :) .. then in April we are going to Austin for the grandbaby! staying a month in Austin, @Austina if you are coming to Atown then we should meet up! :) then as far as I know we are not traveling anyway, anyhow, just typing these things makes me feel tired and sick ;-)..

@canuk-gal Another belated birthday greeting here! hope you are well, happy and warm!

So I have a little info to share. My older son has been hired permantly for the state of Texas as a Java Programmer! for the last 3 years he's been employed as a consultant thru HP and then another company I forgot their name, soooo he's losing 20K a year BUT gaining health insurance, 403b acct if he wishes, I'm not so keen on them vs 401k, vacation time, holidays, retirement plans! health savings acct, and they tell him he will be promoted next year and he will gain 10K of that back! he's silly dilly happy and I'm sillier dillier happy for him, he's my little guy forever in a 6ft frame :) so he and DIL and brother-in-law, SIL and 3yr old nephew were here for 3 days at gobble time, it was wondrous! it snowed and they are all TEXANS! and the 3yr old wanted to live in the snow, it was truly amazing to see people who don't know snow react to it.. especially the little one, we have a GREAT time all of us, (my younger son was here too).. I am truly blessed by something in my family. The older son and entourage left to spend a day and night in Boston and my younger son was taken to the airport to get back to Bentonville, it's arduous for him in a way, he flies from Boston to Charlottesville to Tulsa and drives 2 hours home, I mean he's 27 it's NOT that arduous but it's long.. he's special, my little guy. He's still trying to get to the big apple for a job.. someday he will.. competition his fierce MIT, Harvard, Yale, RPI, great high tier one schools, he went to TX State U, good local college. He needs to study math more, but he's doing that. So proud of my boys and their choices! My older son and wife sent us a Roomba! for Christmas, it's amazing! of course due to dog hair we will be running it every day! ha! but while nice we still def need the cleaning ladies and me vacuuming etc.. they are nice little things but they are an addition not a replacement to vacuuming I think so far anyway.

@Sandeek my mom had a saying "It never rains but it pours" and having a stomach bug on top of work and your jaw is a pain in the butt, so sorry and I truly hope you are feeling much better.. think of you every day!

So I'm busy doing next to nothing but different than the day before! (Yes I quote Prince!).. really we are gearing up to get my new instapot I got on Black Friday from Wamart, and planning our packing.. so I wish each and every one of you a happy, fun, no snow, good weather weekend.

all love to you guys,



Aug 5, 2018
@AV_ a lemon tree! very cool.. lemons make everything taste better

This, they do! I am indulging, for sure... Love the green lemmons in everything, and young lemmon leaves in the coffee & tea... And lemmon sorbet (wild-ish lemmons grown through drought hardly have any juice, but they sure do jelly). Sure enough, my taste comes from the lemmon tree of once upon a time.

I have a dream - to make bitter orange jam, one of these days. The fruit are just comming along.


Feb 24, 2017
Happy Friday lovelies

Similar thing happened to us in China @Tekate the snow higher up hadn’t melted and topped up the Yangtze, so we couldn’t pick up the river boat at Chongqing and ended up on a 4 hour hydrofoil ride to pick it up further down stream. Hopefully, the lower river level won’t put too much of a crimp in your plans.

We were due to go to the Dominican Repubic on a cruise a couple of years ago, but an outbreak of Noro meant we had to return to Miami without stopping there. I hear it’s lovely, and I’m sure we’ll get there one day on another cruise.

Awww phoey, we’re in Austin early Feb, then not again till June. We’d probably have normally been there when you’re there for your grandchild’s birth, but Adam & Kim are going to Japan in May, hence our trip in June. I KNOW we’ll meet up in Austin sometime, we’ll make it happen :D.

You’ll notice a huge reduction in your food bills and laundry when your DS moves out @junebug17, not to mention how quiet it is around the place. Funny thing is, when they live at home, you worry all the time when they’re out, but when they don’t, you hardly think about it. Have you seen his new apartment yet?

Yikes, don’t know what’s happened there, the font’s just got smaller :eek2:

I hope your jury service is over now @marcy and you don’t have to go back next week. Will someone have been dealing with your work, or will you go back to it all piled up?

We bought Adam a front and rear dash cam at Costco for his Christmas present, and also got 3 LED Christmas tree lights.


I’ve put them in the sitting room near the fire place.

@AV_ Colin’s Mum used to make bitter orange jam (marmalade) every year. She’d set aside a day and spend it over a huge pot. She’d make 52 jars, one for each week of the following year.

Best place to be @missy, fortunately for us, it’s got milder again - the weather’s crazy, doesn’t know what it’s doing from one week till the next. Unfortunately, I didn’t sleep any better last night, my thermostat has gone haywire, I was boiling again :eek2: I only have a 1 tog quilt on the bed, so it’s not because of that. The joys of being a woman!

We have a busy weekend, tomorrow its the last beach walk of the year, followed by lunch in a nearby pub. All the dogs sit under the tables looking expectantly for something to fall off the table in to their mouths :lol: On Sunday it’s the Spinone Christmas party, Santa comes and the dogs all get a little present - yes, I know we’re completely bonkers, but it’s fun, Dottie’s going to be zonked. :mrgreen2:

Hope all the NIRDIs are keeping warm and safe, have a great weekend :wavey:



Aug 5, 2018

We have a busy weekend, tomorrow its the last beach walk of the year, followed by lunch in a nearby pub.

Thank you very much indeed for the lovely hint! The weekend is accounted for, but, I should do a beach walk by the EOY (methinks Cabo de Gata).


52 jars of marmelade is - outrageous!


Oct 24, 2012
@Tekate congratulations to you and your son!! That’s huge! Permanent employment. We do take those benefits for granted. Good for him.
Hope all you NIRDIs are doing well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Just popping in to say hi. Take care this December.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls! Happy Caturday Saturday!

@junebug17 hope your son's move goes well today and that you don't have to do much heavy lifting just organizing. Yes you are the supervisor and let the men do all the lifting and moving. Hope you are not too sad he is moving and more happy that he is getting out on his own starting the next phase of his life and new exciting adventures. (((Hugs))) to you.

@Tekate congratulations on that wonderful news about your son and his permanent employment. :appl::appl::appl: And your Thanksgiving sounded joyous and full of warmth and love. Just how the holidays should be. Y'all have so much to be grateful for and I am so thrilled for you! And good luck for your younger son to find exactly what he is looking for career wise as well. Hahaha a Roomba Christmas. I have a Roomba as does Ms @Jimmianne. She might use hers more than I use ours but still it's a fun purchase to have. And you are quite right it is an addition to and not replacement for your regular vacuuming. Hope you enjoy your new Instapot. And good luck packing. Have a wonderful weekend Kate the Great.:kiss:

@Austina sounds like a good weekend is planned. Beach walk with the dogs and a visit to your local pub and the Spinone Christmas party. Enjoy!
A beach walk sounds lovely and hopefully we will be doing that very soon ourselves. Looking forward to our beach vacation in December. Hope you slept better last night.

@Sandeek hope you are feeling better with each day and that Monday goes very very smoothly. Sending you so many good thoughts and healing vibes. (((HUGS))).

@LLJsmom hey there ho there hi there....Christmas is coming...:appl: Hope work has calmed down lots and that you are enjoying the holiday season.

Hi there @AV_ any weekend plans?

Good morning @Jimmianne hope you are enjoying this Saturday morning.

@marcy hope you are done with jury duty for at least the next decade and are recuperating and enjoying your weekend. Lucky girl. My jury duty will be starting in a few weeks...;(

Greg is at the beach house working on the automated feral feeder and I am dealing with our crazy kooky house kitties who are running around like mad for no apparent reason. Ahh such is the life with kitties.:lol:
Planning on a lovely afternoon visiting the local rescues and walking around the neighborhood. Tomorrow is Chanukah and we are visiting with my family again. Thanksgiving and Chanukah came quite early this year.

Have a wonderful Caturday Saturday ladies.:wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Just wanted to add a hey there @PierreBear... Glad you are enjoying your travels and visiting with family and seeing the sights. May your adventure continue to be fun and safe and happy travels. XOXO.
(and no I have not come any closer to a decision re the


May 11, 2013
thank you so much LLJsmom! he's ecstatic. We are pushing for him to finally buy a house.. we shall see. :)

take care yourself and happy Christmas, happy Holidays! and happy new year :)


@Tekate congratulations to you and your son!! That’s huge! Permanent employment. We do take those benefits for granted. Good for him.
Hope all you NIRDIs are doing well and had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Just popping in to say hi. Take care this December.


Jun 8, 2008
Woohoo!!!! Success!!!

Praying the kitties can benefit from this and enjoy plenty of food between our visits.:pray:

Thanks for letting me share with you lovely ladies. :kiss2:


May 11, 2013
@missy thank you !! my son is over the moon, he's a good person. He was a terrible 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -23er. He's matured up and finally finished his bachelors in 14 and has been working for HP any several iterations and then sold off and then sold off again, then he went to a contractor and now he's hired by the state, in the whole time Missy he has worked in the same place! Java Man!

Success! that is wonderful Missy.. you and Greg have huge hearts, feral kitties are so lucky to have you. My son found a feral small/kitten/cat about 4 years ago and he rescused it as the kitty couldn't walk, and he's had her ever sense, a feral is ever so much quieter than the born house cat... I love our little LUNA! she is beautiful.. I love all animals, the feeder just shows the love you have for animals, we all help best we can. Glad the updated feeder is working as it should Missy!

Happy Chanukah again Missy! and family!!!!

rain tomorrow! Gearing up for our trip on Thursday.. already tired thinking about it.

Hoping you have a wonderful rest of the weekend dear Missy! hug your hubby for me!


May 11, 2013
@Austina we will meet up eventually! maybe in the city! Hope you had fun at the pub.. Happy sunday!


Aug 5, 2018
Hi there @AV_ any weekend plans?

Not quite. Today I took the day off - off everything! Where did the hours go? Frankly, it is not bad to loose count this way ,) Will need to catch up with life tomorrow & keep things mellow before a tricky week. This year has drained me good!

I keep wishing to spend a day out of town, so there is a whole plot for Wednesday. Fingers crossed.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, Happy Chanukah.
Sadly I am going back for jury duty at least through Monday. My company pays us for 5 days of jury duty. Good thing I have about 6 weeks of vacation built up. I’d rather take it off for baking Christmas cookies though. I hope the pool of jurors there is bigger and reduces the likelihood you’ll ever be called. Good luck with that!
That is awesome your friend loves radio astronomy; there is a guy in our club that does that as well.
Nice that you slept in yesterday. Darn that is was cold and you missed a shopping trip to Costco. You saved some money that way though. Ha Ha.
Greg’s driver looks great!
Marty built a system from a little Sim card board that plays his iPad, iPhone through the speakers either in his office or in the man cave. I am sure I am not explaining that correctly either.
Woo hoo to success with the Kitty Door. it looks amazing!!!

Jimmianne, manbling. That is awesome.

Kate, I hate to hear your river cruise may require alternate routes and transportation. I guess that’s like planning a ski trip only to find out there isn’t enough snow. it will be pretty no matter what you get to do. Each day I become more aware of how archaic that system is; we actually got chastised yesterday because some of us stood up before the bailiff said “all rise.” Sounds like rules to meet the queen. Oh no to a frozen tundra in your driveway. Our last house used to get such thick ice on it you’d need a power chisel to break it up. My dad called me at work one time to tell me he’d been to our house to drop something off and to tell Marty that was a hazard and get it cleaned off. We get home that night and my dad walked across about 10 feet of 4” thick ice to drop off a magazine. Go figure. You have a crazy busy time coming up the next few months. Your boys sound great and congratulations to your oldest son for his new job. It sounds like you had a great time with your company.

AV, definitely make some fresh fruit jam. That sounds GREAT!

Austina, it’s good to have the kids at home and it’s good to see them get out on their own. I moved back in with my parents post college but tried to help pay for things. Love your 3 LED Christmas trees. I do have to go back for jury duty at least on Monday; probably no longer than Tuesday. Since I am a supervisor I don’t really do day to day work; I check things using reports so my team probably had to fix a few more errors than normal. The reports or specialty items I have to take care of my boss’s boss knows how to do and they are time sensitive so I basically won’t be behind other than if my boss and my team had problems getting along. You do have a fun and busy weekend. Dottie will be exhausted.

Hi LLJsmom! Any new pieces of jewelry?

The trial had 2 expert witnesses yesterday and that went until 4:10 pm. Both sides rested. We go back Monday morning. I told my BIL these trial attorneys remind me of politicians. They walk to the podium with a ream of paper and have a few dozen sticky notes here and there. They lead the witness to answer the questions that support their side. Then the opposing side uses the same document but have marked different points to validate their side by getting the witness to reluctantly agree or disagree with their questions. You maybe hear 1% of what is in the document from which they expect the juror to make a fair and informed decision. And yes I totally believe our judicial system is solid and works the way it is designed. It’s interesting to see how things work. Cross your fingers that we get the option to say no thanks we’d rather be excused for the rest of this session.

Poor Marty has an awful headache.



Jun 17, 2009
Hi Nirdis!

@missy, so glad the automatic door is working, Greg's hard work really paid off and he did a fantastic job. Your friend's nebula pic is amazing. Thanks for your kind words...yes, I will definitely miss ds but his apartment is fairly close by so I think I will still get to see him often. And his band practices here at the house too lol! Hope you and Greg are having a great weekend so far.

@Austina, so sorry about the trouble you're having with sleeping, hope it gets better soon for you.

@marcy, how ridiculous the office wouldn't let you make a phone call, sheesh. Hopefully this trial will end soon. My son's apartment is only 15-20 minutes away, so I think we'll still be seeing him quite a bit lol.

@Tekate, I think it's somewhat common for the Danube to not have enough water? My bil's cruise was rescheduled because of it, and dh's friend's cruise was changed a bit due to the low water. But everyone had a fantastic time, and I'm sure your trip will still be great. Fabulous news about your son! So great that things worked out well for him, I know as a mom it's such a good feeling to see our kids doing well.:appl: How fun that your family got to experience snow while they were visiting you, love it. You have some exciting trips coming up! I know it can feel a bit overwhelming sometimes but you will have a wonderful time on your adventures.

@av, I too love lemon flavored food and tea with lemon and honey, yum! I've never had bitter orange jam but it sounds delicious! Hope you were able to take that walk on the beach.

We ended up not having to move much to ds's apartment...he is going to buy a few new pieces of furniture so he'll just have them delivered. We did bring over some essentials and supplies, and a tv and stand. It's a nice place, in good condition and pretty roomy. He had a Casper bed delivered today, and it must be comfortable because he fell asleep on it after it was delivered lol! Dh has a bad cold and isn't feeling well, so we really didn't do much else today. Watched golf, and I puttered around the house. And pizza for dinner!

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!
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Jun 17, 2009
@marcy, we were posting at the same time! really is interesting how each side uses information in a way that benefits them, and how the opposing lawyers word their questions to extract the answers they want from witnesses. I enjoy reading books about trials, it's interesting to see the stategies lawyers use to prove their case.

Sounds like we both have dhs who are under the weather! I hope Marty is feeling better soon.

Yanno, was's pretty lousy your company pays for only 5 days of jury duty! It doesn't seem fair that you're penalized by losing vacation days for doing your civic duty. You have no control over how long a trial is going to be. I know you can't do anything about this policy, but it just kinda stinks!
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Sep 13, 2018
Whoa - I feel like I accidentally walked into a bedroom of people!

Was really weird reading such personal stuff in a public place ... sorry my curiosity made me stumble into this private land.

Glad you all have found bonds and friendships ... for a few years now, it appears!

All the best to you.


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls!

@junebug17 wonderful news that your ds's move went smoothly and there wasn't much heavy lifting. New furniture is good for his new apartment and how lovely he is close by. I have a feeling he might be enjoying home cooked meals as often as he wants. It's a win win situation. I'm sorry E has a bad cold and I hope he is feeling better soon. (((Hugs))).

@marcy arghh sorry Jury duty is at least another day but glad you are almost through with it. When I last served I never even got paid. In NYC if you worked as I did (independent contractor/consultant) the city is supposed to pay you since there is no said employer to pay us but they never did. Of course the pay is something like a few dollars a day so I didn't bother pursuing it plus I only served one day and was never chosen for a jury thank goodness and really hoping that is the case this time too. Sorry Marty is sick and hope he feels better today. I'm with you. Baking is much better than jury duty or work. And it does suck that your employer or the state won't pay you for the extra days at Jury Duty. I would check into that because it does not sound right...if you are at jury duty for more days than your employer will cover the state should pay. Or at least I think they should.

Dear @Tekate I guess wild Kate had wild children :lol: but like their momma they turned out to be stellar individuals who are kind, generous, compassionate and overall wonderful beings. Kudos to you Kate. And so pleased your son rescued little Luna and she is safe and loved. Thank you and thank your dear family for doing what they can for the animals. Good luck with packing and getting ready for your adventures starting this Thursday. Very exciting indeed. Thank you for the hugs for me and Greg and (((Hugs))) to you and your family as well.

@AV_ hahaha yes so true. The days where we have nothing planned fly by and the days where we have lots planned fly by too...I know the older one gets the faster time goes and I am a living testament for that. I honestly don't know where the hours are speeding to and I am trying to savor each moment. Truly goes so fast. I hope you do get to enjoy a wonderful outing this Wednesday and that your upcoming week isn't too tricky at all. Fingers crossed.

Which brings me to our dear @Sandeek, I am thinking of you as we all are and sending you lots of comforting hugs, good thoughts and buckets and buckets of good luck dust for tomorrow. ((((HUGS)))).

We had a lovely Saturday and decided to head into Greenwich Village and walk around. We ran into the actress from Californication and her sweet dog who had the cutest coat on so adorable. We got to visit the first Brompton cycling store in NYC (our good friend Simon in England has had a Bromtpon bike forever and just loves them). It is a foldable steel bike that is very cool. We had a fun day just walking around the Village and exploring the sights and stores and as I wrote above it went all too quickly. Missed visiting the rescues but next weekend hopefully. Today we are headed to my folks for the holidays. Thank you all for the good wishes and enjoy a fun and happy Sunday.

Leaving you with some photos of the day yesterday.

Brompton can see me inside the store as Greg took a photo for Simon.
Screen Shot 2018-12-02 at 7.27.57 AM.png

What I love about the Village...the sweet carriage homes
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And this one is for you @AV_ ...remember I was talking about The Duplex and sing's a super old establishment and still going strong.
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and lastly look at these intricate and gorgeous birdhouses. Wow.

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Have a wonderful Sunday girls!


Jun 8, 2008
Oh and just to leave you with a few holiday photos...wishing everyone a happy and joyous and healthy December!

In our lobby:

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and the tree at Rockefeller Center:

Screen Shot 2018-12-02 at 7.37.35 AM.png

Whoa - I feel like I accidentally walked into a bedroom of people!

Was really weird reading such personal stuff in a public place ... sorry my curiosity made me stumble into this private land.

Glad you all have found bonds and friendships ... for a few years now, it appears!

All the best to you.

Hi @kmoro, hahahaha a bedroom of people?
LOL that sounds a bit kinky lol and not our speed
it's more like a gathering of good friends hanging out together. Warm, generous kind and loving friends. It's a very nice place to be.
Welcome to Pricescope as I see you recently joined...hope you find PS to be everything you want it to be and there are some lovely wonderful people here.

Oh and I forgot to share this with you girls the other day...ohhh so pretty.
From the NY Times.

Screen Shot 2018-12-02 at 7.45.07 AM.png


May 11, 2013
:) well we are just a bunch of diamond/jewelry lovers who have met in real life (some of us) I don't think this is 'public' I believe one must be a member of PS to read this thread, now I could be wrong, but I think I am right.

Happy Holidays to you!

ETA: @missy ooooohhhh that emerald.. I WANT an emerald cut diamond. :) and want a 3 carat MRB and a 4 carat OEC and a Marquis and a pear! and and.. and :)

Whoa - I feel like I accidentally walked into a bedroom of people!

Was really weird reading such personal stuff in a public place ... sorry my curiosity made me stumble into this private land.

Glad you all have found bonds and friendships ... for a few years now, it appears!

All the best to you.
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