
Now I really did it :((


Feb 24, 2017
Good news on the kitty @Jimmianne :D

Oooo, is that a pink sapphire?:love:

The pasta turned out great @PierreBear what did you have with it? So glad the double date turned out well:razz:

I think it must've been 7 years ago that Adam announced he was giving up his great job to go and live in Thailand, concentrate on his diving and had got himself a job in a dive shop :???: You can imagine our reaction!:shock:

So off he went, lived in a grotty room, worked in the dive shop, got his Dive Master certification. His company were happy to give him a year's sabbatical. Whilst he was out there (because of the 8 hr time difference) the company gave him freelance work which he did in the afternoons. He totally loved it there, and soon picked up Thai. He doesn't get much opportunity to speak it now though.

While he was out there, the company decided to set up a US office, and offered him the opportunity to go and work there, and that's how he ended up in Austin :D


Jan 1, 2016
Hi Nirdi's-

Hardly any time, which always seems to be the case at the moment. I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well. Missy, that's some amazing bling, but at this moment, given the choice between that and PierreBear's pasta, I think I'd take the pasta... Guess it's time for supper.

Back tomorrow.


Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, how is F feeling? How is your house coming along?

Missy, I know I am copying Junebug but I noticed your pendant right off yesterday and thought - ooh pretty, what’s that? I can’t believe that spam app messed up my laptop so much. It’s working great again. Woo hoo! We both keep getting a call from someone saying “you stayed at our resort …” and they keep going on and on. I block it every time but of course they call from another number. Thank you for the kind words about missing our loved ones. I know we all go through it and deal with it in different ways. Big hugs to you because I know you are right there too. Bearnie is adorable. Of course I like the name. Loved the pictures of Bea and the 5 carat. Glad nothing happened outside with the loaner. IMO Bea can hold her own against any sized diamond.

Jimmianne, Marty has not talked me in to strength training but not for lack of trying. That is great your DD likes it so well. He does take good care of me. I hope your DD’s cat does well with chemo. Glad to hear the kitty had a good check up. Your rings and nail polish look great.

Austina, I am very anxious to see the eclipse mugs. I hope they are half as good as I envision them. It’s good to have computer experts in the family. Marty is my computer expert and since he got sick of fixing all the stuff I got myself in to with Windows he bought my a Mac. I had to look up samosas, they look good. Glad Adam’s year in Thailand ended up working out for him and it all turned out well in the end.

Junebug, thank you for the kind words and thoughts on losing our loved ones. We all get by with a little help from our friends. I know all of this is so fresh with you and your brother and I will continue to keep both of you in my thoughts. I keep toying with another trade in upgrade on jewelry but hopefully can hold out for a while. My wish list continues to grow. Procrastinating all morning is fun.

PierreBear, your pasta looks quite tasty. Your friend’s kitchen sounds like a nice set up. We have stools that set up again our island and you can face them doing dishes or working on the counter but the stove is on the other side of the room. I hope your dresses all turn out nice from JCrew. I hope you have fun at the birthday party. I get along well with girl friends that I know but tend to shy up in a crowd of people I don’t know. Marty’s strength training doesn’t have anything to do with cross fit (that I know anyway). His sister did not compete this weekend but I think she may do it sometime. She has had great results with her lifting.

Hi Jaaron. I hope you are doing well.

My computer is running great again. Only has dropped to 94% power left on the battery and i’ve already been online about an hour. Woo hoo!

Marty isn’t working out this week until Friday so he’ll be home 4 nights in a row. I won’t know what to do. He heads to LA on Sunday though.

Funny story, the Snoopy blanket was too warm for even me last night. Both of us tossed and turned and kicked off the covers. Then when I got cold about 2 am I couldn’t get the covers back because Marty was on top of them. What a short night.

Take care.


Dec 9, 2013
Oh Marcy, you had one of those nights. I hope you aren’t too tired this morning!
I don’t have a Marty, but I have an Issy and she does the same thing : (
I’ll make you a deal - I’ll start strength training if you will LOLLL

Austina, it’s a pink spinel.
I’m glad I took a photo of the nail polish as it started peeling off an hour later. Farms and manicures don’t do well together.

Missy, are you getting some bad weather? It looked quite unsettled with low temps followed by very warm then suddenly back to cold. I’m glad you are retired and can stay in if you like.

Yesterday was like Christmas. First, my DD wrote to ask me how I was doing [!] and she is doing well [!!], then her kitty got a good check up and actually gained weight [!!!] Then I got home and there were several UPS deliveries, including my iPad and the box from Stitch fix.

The Stichfix was a ton of fun to open and try on.
My review:
I checked off the highest price package [why not? It was just an experiment for fun & I didn’t plan to keep everything haha] but they sent great choices including a Zac Zac Posen bucket bag, a Lavender Brown fuzzy wine-colored boucle wool motorcycle jacket and a pair of Paige shiny black, coated skinny jeans. These are things I never would have picked out on my own, [I’ve never even heard of those designers] but I love them.
So Stichfix worked for me and I’ll use them again. The thing is that if you buy all 5 pieces you get 25% off, so it costs less to keep everything than to just get the things you like, therefore I’ll be keeping the dud - something that looks like a baggy green army shirt with big roses embroidered on the elbows. Ladies, I may have found a new addiction. I love that there is some invisible stylist named “Jess” to pick out good surprises.


Jan 23, 2016
Hello girls!
Sorry for not checking in yesterday, yesterday was horrible. Our 6 year old got attacked at school. Another pupil tried to strangle him. No reason. School says the other child might be diagnosed with autism, and is currently under review. Oh yeah. So that makes it OK for him to try to strangle my child???? Let's just say that if a post a picture of bars, please come break me out of jail.
Please send dust for my sanity to keep - well - sane.


Dec 9, 2013
So sorry to hear this!
Sending you all love.


Jun 17, 2009
Oh no Scandi, I’m so sorry! Sending love and keeping you all in my thoughts, (((hugs)))


Good morning Ladies! The birthday dinner went well. I parked at my local gym and then walked over to the venue, which was only 10 minutes away. I was pretending what it would be like living downtown in a high rise condo, whether I would really enjoy it or not. There aren’t a lot of people walking even though it’s still the heart of downtown so it didn’t quite have that charm the way it does in Europe or Asia. The weather was nice though. The restaurant gave the bday girl a little ice cream treat but she quickly blew out her candles so we wouldn’t sing to her.

Well, Happy Halloween and I think for the first time this year we will leave candy outside with a sign that says please take one. We will be packing up all our racing gear and other goodies to start our drive to Florida for the ironman race. Driving through Louisiana to pick up Grandma as she’s coming along for the ride. My in-laws will meet us there. I’m feeling nervous. I’m feeling excited. Mix those emotions in a blender and take a shot of it and repeat. All in all though, I’m ready as I’ll ever be and thankful that my body has been healthy enough for me to even take this challenge. I’m signing off for the week and hopefully will have a successful recap to share next week. Send some dust my way on November 4th as I’m thinking it will take me 14 hours to complete. Weather will be nice though!

@Jimmianne – Your pink sapphire (sorry I’m following Austina’s lead as I’m not familiar with colored stones) looks so wonderful. How fun to interchange with different colors! I’ll be honest that your nails look great but I was only focused on your bling until you mentioned your festive polish. Haha : )

So kind of your daughter to check in on you. Glad to hear her kitten is doing well. I’m always worried about my cat gaining too much weight. He loves to eat, eat, eat! Just like cat mom, I suppose.

Wow, the stitch fix package sounds fun. Can you take a picture of what they sent you? I’m trying to picture it in my head but are all those pieces meant to be worn together or are they supposed to be various outfits?

@Austina – I had some left over heavy cream since I got it to make whoopee cookies for the National Night Out and made an Alfredo sauce with it. Very simple and delicious.

Adam sounds adventurous! We went to Thailand for part of our honeymoon trip years ago. I fell in love with that country and don’t blame him for being there. We also did some scuba diving and it really ruined us for all the other places we try to dive since Thailand’s water was crystal clear and the sea creatures were so vibrant. Tried diving in Belize and it was just “ehh” compared to Thailand. Haha should have saved Thailand for last.

So neat that he got to live out some dreams but still come back to Austin. Does he still work in that industry? I actually got certified in Austin and I think the shop I went to was Tom’s Dive Shop or something similar. It’s very bizarre getting certified in Lake Travis. You learn in a pool setting but the final test is in a lake that is pitch dark. You can barely see your hand in front of you!

@jaaron – You are hilarious and too kind about the pasta. We won’t tell your husband that you picked food over bling for Christmas. Hope you are doing well!

@marcy – I’m an introvert but have to “turn it on” when I’m in a group setting. My problem is that my voice doesn’t travel well so even if I am shouting, I just can’t really be heard. It’s easier to host people in our home for dinner so that’s one way I get around those environments.

I’m glad that your computer is working well. Hope you had Marty have some fun evenings together since he’s in town. Well, hopefully less snoopy blanket fighting though right?! : )

@Scandinavian – Ohhhh goodness. So sorry to hear about the attack. How is he doing? Is he feeling nervous about being in school now? Hugs!


Dec 9, 2013
Pierre Bear what you are doing sounds amazing and you are living life the fullest:appl:
Wishing you great success ...
just showing up deserves some kind of medal.:!:

Here is The the sheet that comes with the clothes: kind of hard to tell what things really look like, but it does give an idea of the service. I ordered a second try for next week and will be interested to see what happens next time. I can’t believe I let someone pick out a bag for me usually it takes hours of looking and trying on. :roll
Ugh forget it this doesn’t show you anything:!:
View attachment 599806
Maybe this


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Apr 19, 2004

Heartbreaking Scandi--healing and safety vibes your way.

kind regards--Sharon


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Good luck @PierreBear , 14 hours :shock: Hope it all goes well, just enjoy the experience and don't overdo it.

I think Kim did her training at Lake Travis, it's very nice up at the lake. Yum to the alfredo, it sounds delicious. Adam is, by profession, a 'penetration tester' i.e. an ethical hacker. He's taken time out to develop his app which is for online coaches and their clients to track and monitor their progress (it's more complicated than that, but that's the only way I can describe it).

Your pink spinel is lovely @Jimmianne, such a pretty colour. I like the sounds of your clothes box, and I especially like the jacket. You'll look da bomb in your new togs :lol:

So glad things are going well with your DD.

That's completely unacceptable @Scandinavian, what are the school proposing to do about the child who attacked your DS? Poor little thing, how upsetting for him. They have a duty of care, which they've obviously failed miserably at. I feel outraged on your behalf.

If you send out an SOS, we'll collectively bake you a cake with a big file in it to break you out of jail!

I hope your son hasn't found it too traumatic.

Enjoy having Marty home for a few days @marcy. Why is it always 2am when you wake up freezing cold? I hope you manage to get a better night tonight, lack of sleep really wipes you out.

I'm sure the mugs will turn out great, the eclipse pictures will really look dramatic against the black background.

I'm sorry some of you are having a hard time with the losses you've suffered :(

Hope everything is ok with @missy

We went to a financial planning seminar today. I don't know if any of you have seen Mr Selfridge, but they used the venue, Hedsor Place, as his home. It's a beautiful house in lovey grounds.

Big wave to @junebug, @canuk-gal and @jaaron :wavey:


Jun 7, 2014
Scandi, I'm so sorry. Hugs, hugs, hugs. I can only imagine how upset both you and your husband must be. Is your son okay?

Don't worry honey, I'll come bail you out if you end up in jail.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls! Sorry I can't reply at length. Typing from my phone as we don't have internet. It really is always something.

Scandi sweetie I emailed you. I hope your ds is OK and not traumatized and I am so sorry.

Junie thank you and hugs! Hope things are going smoothly this week. Thinking of you and sending good luck vibes for projects and closings to wrap up easily and painlessly.

Jimmianne yay your DD's kitty is doing well. Thank goodness. And so glad things are looking up. ((((Hugs))).
What a beautiful pink spinel. Just lovely.
Glad you like stitch fix. It's funny Greg didn't get anything interesting or new in his trial with them but he is quite the fashionable stylish guy so I guess one cannot improve upon perfection...bwahahaha JK. Seriously he isn't perfect. But he is pretty close!

Jaaron haha I dont blame you. Depending on how hungry (or hangry lol) I am at the time I might be right with you re that decision. You should have seen me last night. I cleaned each of the courses we ordered right off the plate. Who needs a garbage disposal when you have me around.:lol-2:

Marcy glad your computer is running. Now ours is not. LOLOL. You cannot make this stuff up.
Hope Marty is hanging around for a good long while to keep you company. Sorry he stole the Snoopy covers but glad they are snuggly warm.
Thanks for noticing and complimenting my pendant. It is an old cut surrounded by old cuts. I love it but never wear necklaces. Or my bracelets or watches come to think of it. :oAre you girls going to deNIRDI me? :P2 I'll try to do better I promise! It's just I am a simple girl!:kiss:

Austina how are you? We are well. Just having connection issues. Or I would go into lots of details. Suffice it to say I am having a bling crisis atm and don't know what to do. But we are healthy and good and it is (GASP) just bling.:lol:
Thank you for the bling compliments and I think all of the NIRDIs should rock a tiara. Hmm that could be a group project we undertake together. I like this idea. :bigsmile:

PierreBear love the pasta and glad you enjoyed the birthday party. Adam told us he is making your you know wants from scratch. Very excited for you and cannot wait to see the finished product. It will be spectacular!

I already miss all the NIRDI visitors very much. Hope this isn't too sappy but I really love you girls!!! :kiss2:When are you coming back?:whistle:;)2:sun:

Hope everyone is having a great day!:wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
Thank you all so much for all your support!! We are meeting with the principal and the "county's " head of school tomorrow morning. I think DS is OK, but I am worried that he will not be OK if this happens again. School is washing their hands a bit. But we will see tomorrow.


Oct 24, 2012
Thank you all so much for all your support!! We are meeting with the principal and the "county's " head of school tomorrow morning. I think DS is OK, but I am worried that he will not be OK if this happens again. School is washing their hands a bit. But we will see tomorrow.

Scandi I’m so sorry. So traumatic for the whole family. My son also got beat up during soccer practice once, by two boys he considered friends? What?????? And then ganged up on in the school yard, threatened and almost had his arm broken off. We talked to the principal and he said that it was a learning experience for him and that he should not look like or behave like a victim. Both attacks were totally unprovoked. Right. I’ll tell you what I learned. School wasn’t gonna do $hit. After that, We started him in martial arts at 7 and told him that if he was physically accosted again, defend himself in whatever way necessary and I will be in the office defending him to the hilt should he get in trouble. Get sent to the proncipal’s office? Fine with me. I didn’t send my kid to school to be some other brat’s punching bag. My son is now almost 15 and a junior black belt. I started my daughter at 7 as well and she is 12 and a second degree brown belt. That was my way of dealing with it. I guess I’m saying schools really suck at dealing with this stuff and I am a proponent of first protecting my child at whatever cost. If the fvcking school won’t do it, I’m teaching my kid to take it into his own hands. And I ain’t apologizing for it either. After the martial arts lessons started, it never happened again.


Feb 27, 2007
Scandi, I am so sorry to hear another student attacked your son. Hugs to all of you.


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Halloween.

Jimmianne, I am sure Issy moves around while you guys are sleeping. Marty was having a muscle spasm or something about 2 am this morning and kept tossing and turning. I am yawning right now (I could be tired or it could be too much sugar today). I don’t know if I would do well with the strength training. My hands generally really start hurting from hand weights so I can’t imagine what the bar would do to them. I know my knees could take much standing but maybe setting I could things. Marty keeps telling me he could find things for me to do. I should give it a try. You did have a nice day yesterday. A friend of mine does something similar to the Stitchfix. She has sent everything back before or bought it all. I think she gets 40% off the price. She wears the stuff and can send it back.

Scandi, I am so upset for you and your DS. I hope they school district does something to deal with that bully.

PierreBear, glad the birthday dinner went well. Good luck on your ironman race. I am so excited for you and your DH. What an experience. Cool that both of you will have some family there to cheer you on. My computer continues to work great. Right now it’s only down to 97% power left and I’ve been on it off and on for an hour. I took the Snoopy blanket off for now. It’ll come back out when it gets colder. Give that a few more weeks and I’ll double it up for my side of the bed if Marty thinks it is too hot in here.

Austina, Adam’s job sounds interesting. Sadly I didn’t have a better night last night. I did have my heated mattress pad on though. Marty actually slept until 6 am which was unusual for him. Let’s hope I sleep well tonight. I hate waking up really cold in the middle of the night because I just don’t want to get up and dig out a blanket. Thank you for the kind words about my parents. I appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed the financial seminar. At least it was at a nice place.

Hi Junebug, Sharron and Callie.

Missy, I sure hated to hear about the horrible attack in Manhattan today. How completely awful. Oh no that your computer isn’t working. Did it completely crash? My flannel blanket is toasty warm. I’ll use it frequently this winter. Your pendant sounds pretty. I dug mine back out; my nails were too short to clasp it easily so I put it up until they grew out a bit. We would never deNIRDI you - you are our fearless leader. Glad you enjoyed your NIRDI visitors.

LLJsmom, I am sorry what happened to your son but I think it’s smart to start both of your children in karate.

We had enough snow last night to make it icy this morning. I didn’t have any trouble driving to work today but the sidewalk was sure slick.

We probably had about 100 trick or treat kids tonight. I bought more candy that last year and ran out by about 8. We started handing out 3 or 4 pieces at first and got down to one each. We saw some cute kids. There was one group of little girls that were loud and giggly. They were funny.

Take care.


Jan 23, 2016
Scandi I’m so sorry. So traumatic for the whole family. My son also got beat up during soccer practice once, by two boys he considered friends? What?????? And then ganged up on in the school yard, threatened and almost had his arm broken off. We talked to the principal and he said that it was a learning experience for him and that he should not look like or behave like a victim. Both attacks were totally unprovoked. Right. I’ll tell you what I learned. School wasn’t gonna do $hit. After that, We started him in martial arts at 7 and told him that if he was physically accosted again, defend himself in whatever way necessary and I will be in the office defending him to the hilt should he get in trouble. Get sent to the proncipal’s office? Fine with me. I didn’t send my kid to school to be some other brat’s punching bag. My son is now almost 15 and a junior black belt. I started my daughter at 7 as well and she is 12 and a second degree brown belt. That was my way of dealing with it. I guess I’m saying schools really suck at dealing with this stuff and I am a proponent of first protecting my child at whatever cost. If the fvcking school won’t do it, I’m teaching my kid to take it into his own hands. And I ain’t apologizing for it either. After the martial arts lessons started, it never happened again.

Totally agree and we will do the same. Thank you!
Here, the other child is probably autistic and has problems understanding his actions. Great.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

So Greg being the handy guy that he is managed to fix the internet (for now) yesterday late afternoon. He bought a new router and did a few more things and spoke with the cable vision tech as well and voilà internet connected. We are off to the beach house soon so I won't know if it is fixed for good for now but fingers crossed.

One positive aspect of him coming home early yesterday to take care of the internet was that he was not in the area of the Tribeca terrorist attack yesterday. What a tragedy. It never ends. The terrorists hating our guts. Wanting us all dead. Anyone who doesn't embrace their thinking and their way of life. :cry2::cry2::cry2: My heart goes out to all those affected. These senseless terrorist attacks and killings will never end.:cry:

Scandi hope the school meeting goes well today. I agree completely with LLJsmom. The best defense is being able to protect yourself. Martial arts is a great and very smart way to do that. Hugs to you and your ds.

Marcy, thank you. I would hate to be deNIRDI'd.:cheeky: I need a warm and toasty flannel blanket and glad you have one to keep you comfy now that your cold weather is here. Ugh to snow and ice and please drive safely!
Wow to 100 trick or treaters. Oy that is a lot of kids and sorry you ran out of candy. The NYC crowd is tough so if one runs out of candy one better run and run fast. :bigsmile: Hope you can start wearing your pretty pendant soon. Darn nails. Even with my short nails I cannot do the clasps easily. But I am uncoordinated that way.

Leaving you with a funny pic Greg sent me last night. LOL.


Have a good Tuesday girls and stay safe! :wavey:


Feb 24, 2017
Just a quick hi and bye, will catch up later,

Just wanted to wish @Scandinavian good luck at the school today and say how glad I was to see you check in yesterday @missy. When I heard the news yesterday, I was worried in case you were caught up in it.

Laters ladies :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
I agree with you. My DD got hit in the face at age 12 when she was wearing glasses and that caused a circular cut around one eye.
She was not traumatized as she felt the boy could not have done it on purpose.
I did not say much to her but went to the principal who told me to let it go as the boy was a good kid.
Six years later he was arrested for violence against a female.
So, Scandinavia, I share the experience to give more support. I have always regretted not standing up to the principal.


Dec 9, 2013
Missy! You are back! When you didn’t write yesterday I was worried. I had not yet heard about the attack, I just thought something had gone wrong. I’m glad Greg came home early and that you are both safe. It’s just so horrible how life can be changed in less than a minute by some crazy person. It’s very sad and scary.
Sending you hugs just for being you!xx

Marcy, when my Apple Watch bit the dust the tech guy art apple actually told me to check out Fitbit [I’m sure Apple would be THRILLED about that].
So I was on Amazon looking at the Fitbit and discovered from the reviews that you can get a free phone app that tells you how you fare sleeping. I tried it last night [you have to sleep with the phone on the bed] and it told me I had quality sleep last night. It sure doesn’t feel like it, but I think I will get the Fitbit with the sleep app to experiment more.
No more Issy on the bed : (. I guess it wouldn’t go over too great with Marty if you got one LOL

My little bling package arrives from Oakgem today. Fingers crossed that it’s in good vintage shape.
This Stichfix thing has me all excited about gettin’ some style on. I have NOwhere to wear great clothes, but like wearing Joy to the grocery store......does it matter where you are going? I wore my new outfit to the local yokel diner and then the horse feed store yesterday and the three men who load trucks there told me I looked beautiful. So even the feed store is worth dressing up for LOL

Another beautiful day in NC, and off to Yoga!

Ps. Here’s a funny - I signed up for a new dating website made for “conscious and enlightened” people and said I was looking for friends. I “liked” one man’s profile and he wrote back to say I was too short.
LOL pretty enlightened guy, yes? I can't be friends with a 5’3” woman?? OK : ) Thank you for taking the time to write and tell me that!

Have a Great Day, NIRDIs


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, omg, I am so very relieved Greg was at home during that awful attack. It is just so horrible. It is incomprehensible to me how someone could have so much hatred in their heart. The truly scary part is that these terrorists think they are doing something noble. :cry2::angryfire::(2 I’m really glad you and Greg are getting away to the beach house for a while.

Yay to Greg for fixing the internet! he definitely is a man of many talents:appl: That picture is so adorable and funny, love it! I think Zoe might have looked like that as a kitten. Have a wonderful time at the beach with your sweet hubby.

PierreBear, I love pasta and yours looks so good! Glad your dinner date went well and it’s nice to find people you enjoy being around, sounds like they are good company. Your JCrew purchase sounds nice, I’m glad you are happy with it and I hope you like the other things that are coming.

I hope you are still checking into this thread because I want to wish you all the best this weekend! I wish you success but most of all I hope you have a great time! You should feel proud for working so hard and doing your best to get ready for this race. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and am looking forward to your recap.

Jimmianne, I LOVE your spinel ring!:love: It has everything I love - the color pink, a halo, sidestones - gah, so so gorgeous! So glad you had a good experience with Stitch fix so far, it sounds like fun and I really like the items they sent. I just might give it a try one of these days. And I’m all for wearing bling to the grocery store! I do it all the time - and I wear my new watch for good measure lol! Very cute that the guys at the feed store paid you compliments, a few nice words can boost the morale sometimes! Your purchase from Oakgem sounds intriguing and I hope you love it.

Thank you for the laugh of the day! Omg, I almost spit out my coffee...someone ruling you out as a friend on a “conscious and enlightened” website for being too short at 5ft 3 in - You can’t get much more superficial than that! :D

Aw, so sweet dd checked in with you to see how you’re doing - that is definitely a day brightener! A call from dd, packages coming in the mail, a good kitty check-up - you had a perfect day! Who could ask for more?

Austina, love your story about Adam’s job - just goes to show even if we as parents have our doubts, sometimes our kids somehow know what they’re doing lol! I’m so glad things have gone well for him, he sounds like a great guy with a lot going for him and you must be so proud of him!

Hi jaaron! :wavey:

Marcy, I’m glad Marty is taking a little break and will be home for a few nights. I had to smile at Marty laying on the covers! Same thing happens with dh and me. Doesn’t make for a great night’s sleep, that’s for sure. I am so sorry you haven’t been sleeping well and I do hope you get some rest tonight. Glad to hear your computer is running well, what a relief you figured it out. Hmm, Christmas is coming, maybe a good reason to treat yourself to some bling? :twisted2: Wow, that’s a lot of trick or treaters! We had some but not as many as previous years. They were so cute, and the older kids were very polite. I got a little nostalgic remembering past Halloweens when my kids were little. Oh no to ice, please be careful!

LLJsmom, I’m sorry your son had that experience, and shame on the school for doing nothing. Getting your kids involved in martial arts was a great idea and I’m glad it has worked out so well for them.

Scandi, thinking of your son, I hope he’s doing ok. So sorry you and your family have to deal with this, hugs to you all.

Nothing too exciting going on with me - just doing some odds and ends around the house and doing a little paperwork I’ve been putting off - the past few weeks have been hectic with clearing out my mother’s house so I think I’m just a little burned out, and I just don’t really feel like doing much of anything lol. I’ll have to snap out of it at some point ha!

Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday!


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

@Jimmianne all I can say is the man must be a moron! His loss, he doesn't know what he's missing. He obviously doesn't know that good things come in small packages. ;-)

You can't tell us you got a delivery of bling and not include a photo :lol:

I hope you got a satisfactory resolution at the school today @Scandinavian . I second what @LLJsmom said about judo lessons. Adam started when he was 5 or 6 and got to blackbelt, I don't think it does any harm for children to learn self defence.

Arrgghh to not getting a better nights sleep @marcy , unfortunately I don't sleep well most of the time, but I'm used to it and it doesn't affect me too much.

Halloween isn't a big thing here, but 100 trick or treaters :shock: You must've been up and down like a yo-yo all evening :D

@missy I'm so glad that Greg and you missed all the troubles yesterday, it truly is a frightening world when there are people filled with such hatred that they commit such atrocities.

Step away from the ledge, you've got a bad case of diamond fever, and need to stop looking at bling :lol: Enjoy your time at the beach house.

Thanks @junebug17 even at 34, we still worry, but his new venture is going well, and he's picked up more clients this week. I think we'll never stop worrying, just can't switch off being a anxious parent.

It's been a lovely wintry day here, cold, crisp and bright, and we went to the meadow for our walk today. Unfortunately, Dottie didn't see any horses, but met an over amorous Ridgeback, who tried to hump her, which she hated. :-o

Hope you're all having a good day :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, woo hoo that Greg fixed the internet for you. I am glad was no where near the terrorist attack. It is so awful. The Hissing Booth is awesome. Very cute. Around here if you turn off your porch lights that is a sign you aren’t handing out candy. Our candy lasted for about 2 1/2 hours though. Have fun at the beach. I got my pendant back out today and wore it. I missed it.

Austina, sorry you don’t sleep well. I wake up a lot from about 2 am on. I am glad it doesn’t affect you. I usually do fine on little sleep too. Marty took care of most of the trick or treaters. He went in the den and read between kids. Stay warm in your wintry weather.

Jimmianne, that is awful about that boy hitting your DD and getting away with it. Marty had the fitbit and liked it. I know it told him how he rested and stuff like that. You should probably have fun with it. Issy won’t like not sleeping with you though. I think you should wear what you want when you go out - jewelry or clothes. That is cool the feed store said you looked beautiful. Sweet. Unbelievable you are too short to be someone’s friends. Some people. He doesn’t know what he is missing.

Junebug, glad to hear we aren’t the only ones who battle with the covers. I swear our covers often look like someone was caught inside them and had to claw their way out. I don’t see how either of us have any covers on us by the time morning comes around. I am very relieved my laptop is okay. I honestly have had very few issues with any Apple products. My hesitation to take my laptop in to have it checked was I don’t want people to have access to my files. Not that there is anything bad on my laptop but things like my checking account, etc. I know exactly what you mean about trick or treaters bringing back good memories and I don’t even have any kids. All of our older kids were very polite too. Our paper even had a story about some people complaining about handing out candy to older kids. I see no problem with it; they are having fun and not causing any problems or getting in trouble. I enjoy all of their costumes. You certainly deserve some down time after finishing up with cleaning out your mom’s house and closing on the house and your brother’s condo.

We were in the 60’s here today but it was crazy windy. Marty said our house was creaking earlier from it. My sinuses have been screaming since last night from the wind. I guess our back yard is full of trash. Hopefully it blows back to where it came from.

My flannel sheet set showed up today. I’ll wait until we get cold before washing them up and putting them on the bed.

Take care.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I love the cat picture Greg sent you. That cat is adorable.

Scandi, I still can't believe this happened to your son. I agree with everything @LLJsmom had to say. I would sign your child up for martial arts classes. It is obvious I don't have children as I would have expected the school to tell me what their plan was to ensure my child was safe in their school.

Marcy, We usually have a lot of trick or treaters but this year we only had 5. It was cold and miserable here yesterday so I only bought 10 large bags of candy. I ended up eating quite a few Hersey bars yesterday afternoon. I probably ate more than we gave out. There have been many years where we have had to go get more candy. The weather really makes a difference on the turnout. My niece was so excited to wear her costume but it sounded like she didn't like being out in the cold. She was ready to go home after she went to three houses.

Jimmianne, I can't believe this guy said 5'3" is too short. Sounds like you would have been kicking this guy to curb quickly anyway. It's probably best he showed you who he is right off the bat. Some men are unbelievable. I'm glad things are going well for your daughter. It was fun to hear what you thought about Stitch Fix. I think it's a great idea for people who don't like to shop.

Junie, I think we all have days where we can't get motivated. I've had a furbaby glued to me all day today. She has not left my side since I got home. I was teasing my husband that I had found my next car this weekend.

Austina, It sounds like Dottie's walk didn't go quite the way she would have liked. That Ridgeback better stay away from her.

Pierre Bear, Your dinner party sounded like a success. I'm so impressed by your entertaining skills. I wish I liked to cook.
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Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie good morning, hope you are getting odds and ends taken care of painlessly and that you are also resting a bit and not overdoing. We need to listen to our bodies and when we are burned out we need a break. Sometimes a long break. You have been through a lot and be kind to yourself ok? (((HUGS))). More good thoughts and love being sent your way. We are always here for you online, offline and IRL. Don't forget that and don't underestimate the power of NIRDI.:bigsmile::kiss::halo:

Marcy sorry it was super windy by you yesterday but the 60s sound temperate. I was so cold yesterday but not sure why. It was in the upper 60s here in the afternoon and not too windy but I just felt cold. I put the house heat up to 76 lol and I had the fireplace on. :confused2: Glad your flannel sheet set arrived and hope it is soft and comfie cozy. If Greg steals my covers I take them all back and then some.:lol: Supposed to hit the 70s over the next couple of days here and then get cooler again.

Jimmianne did I miss something?:whistle: Where is your blingy bling from Oak Gem? Patiently waiting for photos please. And OMG what a cuckoo bird that guy is. Bah bye. If he thinks 5'3" is too short. I am glad he judges worthiness by height. I can tell you without meeting him that his worthiness as a potential partner is on a scale from 1-10 a negative 10. No thanks. :knockout:
But I digress. We want, no we need, (bling) PICS!!!!
Pretty please...:pray:

Austina, LOL I certainly do! I am going cuckoo myself re the bling. :lol: I will say my eyes have been opened and I am super disappointed in how an issue has been managed and I sadly have to conclude the jewelry business is dirty. Dirtier than I could have ever imagined. Imagine at the tender age of cough cough over 5 decades it took me all this time but finally I see much more clearly. That is all I will say on the matter at least for now.::)

I am sorry you didn't sleep well and I hope you slept better last night. I passed out cold and woke early because I have an early dentist appointment so wish me luck. Crown placement today. I wish it was a crown for my head instead of for my mouth but oh well. :P2

Your baby is always your baby no matter the age. 34, 44, 54 and beyond...he is always your baby.

Scandi how did the school meeting go?

LLJsmom, Calliecake and Kristie thanks for the encouragement and love and support!!!

Today I have an appointment with my dentist for the crown finally to be put in place of the temporary. And then we might look at appliances. I haven't decided yet as I want to workout after my dental appointment.

We met with the architect and also the contractor yesterday at our beach house. After much deliberation and discussion we decided we are not going to take down the brick wall and just do the best we can with what we have.

The architect feels it would be very challenging to open up that wall and remove it. It can be done but it is not worth it and would take away from the character and charm of the kitchen. Sacrificing that for the contemporary more open space isn't worth it to us.

The architect really loved our beach house and said such lovely things about it. I got a good feeling from this architect (not just because he loved our house lol) and he appreciates the architecture of our house as I do and I feel leaving the brick in the kitchen is the right thing to do. Sure we are compromising on the modern and open aesthetic of the kitchen but the function is quite efficient and it will still be prettier when we are done with renovating than it is now while still preserving the integrity of the structure and the unique character. We are certainly not like every other house that is for sure.

OK that is my update for now lovely ladies. Off to the dentist. Wish me luck.
Have a wonderful day and (((Hugs))).


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, all the best at the dentist today...soon it will be behind you and you will feel celebratory!
Very excited for your kitchen remodel. You will have so much fun putting it together and it’s great that you get along with the architect.

Callie! Disclaimer...although I LOVE to shop, it gets confusing, so much to look at and I end up with a pile of clothes that don’t make an outfit. I love having help putting a look together, and usually when I see something I like and it feels like a lot of $ I resist because
I am not nice to my clothes, which soon have hay and holes because I can’t bother to change before running to the barn or else the dogs jump on me. Ugh.
But with Stich fix the clothes are already in your house so ...that much more tempting. I would NEVER buy a more high-end bag [300 might not be high end to a lot of PSers, but for frugal me it’s a total luxury] but for some reason, I easily succumbed to the stylist’s choice of bag. LOL Stichfix = DANGEROUS shopping.

I did not post the bling because it is impossible to photograph. It’s a Tiffany plat. eternity band...the one on the bottom. Now I have two - they almost match -I think this one is slightly wider.
It is a gift for my little asscher which is being reset in a plain bezel this week.
I would definitely shop at Oakgem again. The prices are very good and the ring is in perfect condition, looking almost new and came in a Tiffany ring box inside the light blue box, which is nice.
IMG_2853.JPG View attachment 599947


Jun 17, 2009
Hi Nirdis!

Missy, thinking of you and hope all goes well at the dentist. Sorry it will be too hard to remove the wall, I know you really wanted to do that, but I’m being honest when I say I have always liked the brick wall in your kitchen, I think it adds visual interest and character. One idea is to paint it white, I think that would look very cool. Renovating the kitchen to your taste and style, and getting new appliances, is really exciting and I know you will create a beautiful space you and Greg love being in. I can’t wait to see what you do!

Oh no, sounds like you’ve had a disappointing experience with a vendor, and I’m sorry! :(2 Thank you for the support - yes, I feel like I need a bit of a break so I’m indulging myself! I agree, it’s important to give ourselves a rest (and not feel guilty about it lol), especially after a trying time.

Calliecake, too cute that your niece decided it was just too darn cold to trick or treat lol! The free candy just wasn’t worth it ha. I also ended up dipping into the Halloween candy so you aren’t alone on that one! :P2

Austina, I hear you, I worry about my kids at 28 and 25 as well, and I know I always will. What happens to our children will always affect us too, no matter what age they are. Stay warm in the chilly weather. Poor Dottie, having to deal with unwanted advances from that fresh Ridgeback!

Marcy, I agree, some people complain about older kids trick or treating and I think those people should lighten up a little - it doesn’t bother me in the least - they aren’t hurting anyone and they are just having fun. And it’s a good way to unload any extra candy I have lol. Your flannel sheets sound so cozy! I’m glad you got your pendant out and are enjoying it. I have an OEC pendant and for some reason I don’t reach for it, which is kind of silly - I think part of the issue is how it’s set, maybe I will look into resetting it. Sorry about the high winds and your sinuses! I hope you feel better soon.

Not a whole lot going on with me - still waiting to get a definite closing date - I thought it would all be over with by now, so dh and I scheduled a trip to SC for next week - I’m hoping we can still go, I’m being told I don’t have to go to the closing - but the attorney’s assistant isn’t sure she’ll have the documents ready in time for me to sign, so that’s up in the air too. Oh well, we’ll just deal with whatever happens!

ETA - Jimmianne, just saw your post - I absolutely love your new Tiffany band!!:love::love::love: IMO their channel set eternities are perfect - just the right amount of metal on the sides. It looks sooo pretty with your other rings! I love Oakgem, prices are good and they are trustworthy. Can you believe their store is just an hour away from me and I have never been there?

Take care everyone, have a great day!
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Apr 19, 2004

JA--I saw that Tiffany band and glad you snapped it up! Looks gorgeous on your hand! Oakgem is awesome!

Snow fall warning in effect here--up to 25 cms predicted. Cold, blustery day. May as well go to work!

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