
Now I really did it :((


Mar 29, 2005
@missy It was a great day!! The photos don't begin to show how pretty that setting was!! Still love Bea the best though.

@PierreBear The Lion King was fabulous! So glad we went.

Hi to all!
Last edited:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, oh dear. your diamond photos are very distracting! November can't come soon enough for your dental work, as far as I am concerned.
How big IS that big OEC???

June, with those studs I don't think it matters what else you wear!

Callie, I'm glad you are feeling better. Dry socket is horrible. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

Marcy, the problem is that Marty has too much muscle mass from working out. I think you should have the temperature you want and he should accommodate you! [Hi Marty : ) ]

Hi to all NIRDIS xx!

I just ordered an ipad with a keyboard case and pen. I hope I love it. My computer is misbehaving and instead of getting a new one I'm going to try the more portable ipad first. I think it may work, as I was perfectly happy in France with just my phone - even watching Netflix at night.
My diamond fever is escalating. Do you think it's the weather and the shorter days? or just all the beautiful bling that's been posted here recently?? June, it is obvious that your fever has been taken care of LOL
Anyone else getting heightened cravings for shiny things as the days darken?? :appl:


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

:love: Bling! The photos are great and I'm so happy you and Rainwood got to ogle such lovely pieces. Bea in her elegant setting is more my taste, the setting allows her to be the star @missy. I hope that persistent headache has subsided and you're feeling better.

I hope your dry socket is feeling better @Calliecake did your dentist put that 'compost' stuff in it? (I can't think if the name if it, but that's what it reminded me of:mrgreen2:). When I had my 4 out, I ended up removing the stitches myself because the surgeon was away the week after, and I couldn't stand how tight they were. I told him they fell out on their own :lol:

Yikes to your friend being confronted by someone holding a gun:-o

Lovely that you got to see your DD at the christening @junebug17 I'm sure you looked great, how could you not with your dazzling earrings ;-) ?

We're the opposite @marcy Colin is always cold and I'm the hot one :lol: I'm always turning the thermostat down and I love getting in to a cold bed.

Glad you enjoyed your massage @PierreBear . I'm not one who enjoys a massage, but I've had sports massages when I hurt my back, and the therapist had hands like steel vises, it hurt but it did the trick. Yum to the biscuits (cookies) they sound delicious. Your DH sounds like Colin! No thank you, I don't want any, oh, I got you one, so then I have to eat it :lol:

I rarely use my laptop since getting an iPad @Jimmianne I love the convenience and accessibility of it.

Do you have anything particular on your wish list, or just suffering general bling lust? :D

Your trip sounds great @rainwood what could be more perfect than a show and bling ogling?:mrgreen:

Went to Pilates this morning and I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow after a 3 week lay off :eek2:

Big wave out to all the lovely NIRDI's :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Aw Jimmianne, thanks! Just wanted to tell you that my computer died recently and I’ve been using my iPad with the keyboard case and it has been working out well for me - I had a pen too, but I lost it. :sick:


Feb 27, 2007

Austina, well I was wishing you a Happy Birthday early then.

Scandi, my Snoopy stuff has not arrived yet but it has shipped. Woo hoo! I thought it was very responsible of me to save that much money on my shopping spree. Marty tried a free session on a Saturday one time and my girl friends and his sister went. I think he’ll try it again. He keeps telling me I should open a coffee shop and bake all the goodies to sell. Your PT sessions sound right in line with the kind of things Marty is doing.

Missy, it does sound like you can go shopping in your closet. I have so many clothes I don’t wear. Does your mom enjoy having her birthday on Halloween or does she wish it wasn’t on a holiday? I usually send holiday cards to my sisters, nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles just to keep in touch. Glad to hear your headache is better. How is your tooth doing? How fun you and Rainwood got together. I hate to sleep in the cold. When we were camping I had so many covers on me I could barely move. Then about 4 am I’d wake up boiling. Beautiful OEC’s.

Rainwood, I am sure you enjoyed your visit to NYC and getting to see Missy and Greg.

PierreBear, I hate to hear your DH’s ride got cancelled and he was out in the rain for so long. Your cookies sound good. That’s a great idea to have them in the freezer and ready to bakee. Did you try the dark chocolate cookies? If they are good can I have the recipe? They sound intriguing. It’s fun to do some binge watching on lazy weekends. I have not watched any of those shows. Marty does have a passion for astronomy as well. When we first met I took him to a few star parties out of town where he got to look through some telescopes. He was hooked. I think a family portrait Christmas card is a great idea. I send out about 80 Christmas cards every year. Habit more than anything.

Jimmianne, glad to hear your tooth is fixed. I hope it is feeling better.

Callie, I hope your mouth is doing better too. Oh no to getting a dry socket. I hear they are miserable. I still have my wisdom teeth. One of them has a filling; that was very painful to have a filling that far back in my mouth. That is very cool you would treat your nieces and nephews and treat them to a fun weekend. I am sure they will always remember that. LOL to the story about the lady buying a black dress before she murdered her husband. I remember one time watching some show about women murderers and Marty wanted to know why I was watching it. I said “ssh, I’m taking notes”. I do think I’m funny. Marty is home through Friday then he’s heading your way for the strength competition. His sister decided to join him. She is using the same strength coach and has lots of miles to use. At least evergreens stay green in the winter.

Junebug, I am sure whatever dress you wore to the christening looked fabulous and of course your earrings were the perfect finishing touch. The christening sounds like a nice time especially get to see so much of your family.

Marty and I went out to supper tonight and we even had pasta. I was getting burned out on steak or burgers.

I have my retinal exam in the morning. Wish me luck.

Take care.


Mar 29, 2005
image.jpeg Missy's and my favorite color is blue so we pooled our resources and bought this necklace at Harry Winston to share. I'm sure we'll have lots of places to wear it!!


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne, I use my laptop and iPad. I probably spend more time on my iPad but like typing on the laptop. Marty has the keyboard for his iPad and really likes it. Thank you for being on my side for climate control in the house. Of course us NIRDI’s do that. Bling fever is setting in for you. Fun.

Austina, you were brave to remove your stitches. Good one that your stitches fell out. A good friend of mine in college sawed off her cast (she broke her wrist) and she tried to convince the doctor it fell off. He didn’t buy it. I wish I was not so cold all the time.

PierreBear, glad you enjoyed the massage. I have never had one but I’d think you should feel better after you have one.

Rainwood, my favorite color is blue too. Fabulous necklace!


Jan 23, 2016
Good «morning» from Scandinavia!

Coffee? Check! PT traning session? Check! More coffee? Check! Some high protein food? Check! More coffee? Check! Check! Check!


Furbaby F wanted to sleep in our bed tonight, and I was waaaaay to tired to protest. So she spent the night walking in circles on me. She is probably still a little uncomfortable from the operation, or perhaps just from wearing the “jacket” that is there to keep her from scratching on her scar until it is fully healed. Oh well. She and I was equally tired this morning, difference being that when we left for work, she cuddled up in the sofa and plain refused to even go outside. Oh well. She would only be alone for about 30 min before my mother returns after delivering the children at their school.

Any of you like mathematical “problems”? This one annoyed me, because it is not really math, more like a “nut” to crack. Anyways, it was given as homework to my DD (10 years old) and they really don’t have the necessary basic training to solve this, so I had to play brilliant mother. See what you think, way to difficult for 10 years old, don’t you think? Or is it just our school system that is lagging waaaay behind (as I normally think it is)?


A cow and a goat uses 45 days to eat all the grass in the field.

A cow and a goose uses 60 days to eat all the grass in the field.

A goat and a goose uses 90 days to eat all the grass in the field.

The grass is not growing.

How many days do a cow, a goat and a goose use to eat all the grass in the field?


I’ll give you the answer in a separate post, just in case any of you would like to try figuring it out.

PT sessions are brilliant, but very hard. Some of the other PT’s actually came over to ask if I was OK, LOL. I have told my trainer to push me very hard, not with the weights but with intensity, so that I get a good fat burning workout as well as strength training. Puh. I’m so going to regret that, LOL. Oh well. Nothing good comes for free!

Rainwood, I know, Lion King was wonderful, wasn’t it?? I loved it so much! And oh – do you have room for me borrowing that blue necklace just a little? It looks a bit heavy, so I’m sure you won’t be up for wearing it on a daily basis, LOL LOL LOL. Glad you had a wonderful time! But then again, how could you not??

Missy, I would love to come over and do some Christmas shopping with you in December, but very unsure if it is possible this year with the house and everything. I’ll come for sure (!!) in December next year though! And perhaps a trip with DD in spring But not to worry. The house will be good and ready before the summer please feel free to come and visit us any time in the new year! Summer is best though, worried you might get cold here in the winter. Ditto Jimmianne, how big is that OEC? And did you bring it home with you??

Jimmianne, my diamond fever helped by visiting Missy this summer. So I’m safe this winter. I think… What I would like – I think – is a nice flower’y ring… really big and more cocktail style. Perhaps a gigantic cluster…. Not this year, in other words. LOL. Perhaps another year. (Must not visit Missy. Must not visit Missy. Must not visit Missy. LOL LOL LOL LOL) I’m very happy with the studs from Adam’s, they make me feel better the days where I can’t use my rings.

Callie, please more Texas stories. Someone ringing the doorbell with a gun in their hands sounds even more “country” than where I live, LOL.

June, I’m sure you looked fabulous! We always look smashing, we are NIRDIs, after all. But seriously, bling lifts any outfit. And I think we mainly dress for ourselves. I’m sure my DH has noooooo idea how many black dresses I own. (hint: about 2 closets full.. LOL I love black dresses, they make such a nice contrast to my hair). Good food? At least here, that is the highlights of all such events. Eating cake!

Marcy, good luck on the retinal exam!! Hope things work out for Marty. Yes, the PT stuff is mainly good old basics, but oh my how I need it!! And it is such a luxury to have someone push me through it!! No quitting and no breaks! Just go-go-go LOL. It’s a love hate relationship. Hate going, love when it’s done. But the PT is a nice guy so that helps. It’s easier to accomplish something when you can work as a “team” and feel that he is part of the solution, not the problem, LOL. I love dresses like you love Snoopy. I might be ordering a few new ones.. Oooooo steaks. Don’t think I could ever get burned out on those….

We have decided to go away for a weekend mid-December without the children. Luxury. Might deserve a few new dresses, yes?? LOL

Oh that reminds me, Missy, I love the boots from SW. Just LOVE. Thank you

Christmas cards. Perhaps I can order them today. Like to order some nice Christmassy ones with pictures of the 4 children (please remember that 2 of them have a tale… LOL) I’ll send some by Missy so you can subscribe from her LOL. (Sorry Missy, please forgive me..)

Austina, I’m so impressed you are doing Pilates! Sounds so difficult!! I’m like a log of lumber.. My PT stretches me before lifting… LOL. How are you today? Sore? I probably won’t be able to lift my arms tomorrow. But I’ll enjoy it, kind of. LOL.

Pierrebear, how are you today after the massage? The only times I get massages are if/when my neck refuses to move… which happens only perhaps every other year? Then I go to a physiotherapist that used to work for the national sports academy and several of the national teams. He is brilliant but it hurts like *ell. Sore the day after, but then all good. Not sure that is very comparable though…



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDI girls!

Rainwood, yes, I am so pleased we bought that necklace together. There is no one I would rather share my love of blue with and I have to say it goes wonderfully with Bea and Elle or as you called them our Beaelle. Looking forward to our adventure today.:appl:

Austina thank you and yes my headache has basically subsided and I feel much better. I hope your Pilates went well yesterday and that you are not too sore today. I too had a challenging time getting back into my Pilates when we returned to Brooklyn this past week after months of really not getting to do it very much. I get sore for the first week or so and then I get back into the routine. Hope you are enjoying getting back into it.

Jimmianne I'm sorry your computer is misbehaving and I hope you love your iPad and pen. I use my iPad to stream music through my stereo speakers while I workout and text and post but I prefer my MacAir if I am home and typing. For watching movies I prefer a larger screen (i.e. TV) because my aging eyes need the larger screen and every little bit helps.

Yes I always have diamond fever 8):lol:. That is the problem LOL. I agree with you that the shorter days don't help. I like it bright and if the days are short and the sunlight meager I need bling to brighten up the days and nights. Bling it on.:appl:No sunblock required.:devil::cheeky:
Both OECs I shared here were 4 plus carats. One a bit bigger than Bea and one a bit smaller. If you'd like to check it out with us you know you are invited...8-)

Marcy I am glad you enjoyed a break from steak and burgers and dined on pasta last night and I am sending you buckets of good luck dust for your retinal evaluation today! Fingers and toes crossed... Please let me know how it goes.

PierreBear your pad thai sounds very delicious and YUMMMM to tofu scrambler. I LOVE scrambled tofu and sadly my favorite vegan restaurant closed and I miss it terribly. Angelika Kitchen. I cannot believe it closed. It was an establishment in the East Village for as long as I can remember. And in my neighborhood all of the vegan places but for a few have closed over the past 20 years. I guess millennials aren't embracing the vegan lifestyle that was so popular when I was in my twenties and thirties.

I don't care for massages and have only had a professional massage twice in my life. Both times a gift and I felt them to be too rough for me. Despite asking for a gentle massage. I don't think it was the fault of the masseuse but rather the nature of my body to bruise rather easily.

Scandi yay I am so glad you took my rec and got the SW boots. They look great on everyone and I am pleased you are happy with your purchase. And your plans to visit me again sound wonderful...see you next Christmas! Gives me time to save some $$$ for bling. Hahaha. I will read your math problems another time. Lots to do this AM. Love brain teasers though some could argue my life is one big brain teaser.:bigsmile:

Have a lovely Wednesday ladies. :wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
Marcy! Look what I found!!
bear dress.jpg


Hi PSers! Baking class today but I didn't take a photo as the products weren't finished. I'll miss class next week because of the race but we were making all these mini pastries to set up for a buffet table. So we started prepping for mini eclairs and mini puff creams etc. Very quiet class today of 6 people when we usually have 10.

I got my blood results the other day. I was surprised to see that my cholesterol went up even though I am still in the healthy range. I thought it would go down because I'm eating more plant based but not fully vegetarian. I did start eating 2 eggs every day in a salad though. I really don't understand if my changes are a good thing or a bad thing. Wish DRs would be more personal instead of virtually sending a message that "results are normal" and then to wait next year to discuss further. Any thoughts on cholesterol? I'm not worried about mine by DH has terrible cholesterol due to genetics. My father in law has had several attacks and had stints put in despite his diet and exercise and medication. Oh those cajun genes... filled with years of sausage and gumbo I suppose.

Anyhow, hope everyone is doing well this Wednesday!

@Jimmianne – Glad the ipad is working out for you. Keep your diamond fever to yourself this season. Hahaha… I want to be a good girl the rest of the year. What is on your wish list that you have been thinking about or are still wanting to collect or build into your repertoire?

@Austina – Good job on going to Pilates. Just think about how easy it will be the next time you go! I’m sure those ladies missed seeing you in class.

@marcy – Yes I think the dark chocolate cookies turned out well. It’s not my own recipe so I can’t take credit for it. I’m a big fan of the blog below as Sally seems to test out her recipes pretty well. Please let me know how it works out for you!

Good luck with your retinal exam. I heard having inside out cookies help with results. : )

@rainwood – Wow… that necklace. I can’t even imagine being invited to a party or an event that would warrant quite a statement piece. Can we each just take a sliver and turn it into either a ring or an earring instead? I was watching one of my shows the other day and it mentioned that this lady (could be pure fiction) was in a prison camp. Every day she would swallow her ruby earrings and then discrete it out. She would go into the bathroom and dig through the feces and fetch the piece just for the chance to leave the prison camp one day and be adorned once more with her precious jewels. Wow… now that’s a true bling lover as it eventually causer her internal damage. Side commentary that was a bit morose but the extravagance made me think of that story.

@Scandinavian – Poor Furbaby F. Hope she gets better soon and stops scratching. It’s hard not to be able to “talk” to your animals and explain why things are happening.

Gosh I haven’t done algebra in ages but it does seem challenging for a 10 year old. I hope I don’t embarrass myself but just gave it a spin but is it 97.5 days? Umm just seeing the half day made me think I took the wrong approach but I thought the method was to convert the convert the goat and the goose into cow values and then solve for cow. Maybe it would be easier if instead of cow, goat, and goose, it was OEC, MRB, and emerald. Hehehe

Good job on your PT session work. I got the compliment the other day that they thought my physique improved since I was training for my race. I actually have gained weight so this whole process has been messing with my head.

The massage didn’t leave me sore at all. Sorry to hear you have neck problems. I get that when I sleep funny but it usually goes away mid-day.

@missy – I’ve received massages before when I was vacationing overseas. Gosh for $10 in Vietnam or China I think you would get an hours worth of a massage. I told DH in hindsite, why didn’t we just do a massage for 4 hours straight. Hahaha. But overseas I remember it being extra rough and I would get some bruising as well. I’ve got that sensitive skin.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies

Wowser at that necklace @rainwood, did it have its own armed guards :mrgreen2:?

I hope your retinal exam went well @marcy, and that there's been no deterioration. What do you think of the dress Scandi found you, do you have an occasion you could wear it :D?

So glad that pesky headache has subsided @missy, hopefully you're feeling back to normal now. My hip sockets are aching this morning from all those leg exercises yesterday!

I was reading the other day that eating eggs doesn't affect your cholesterol levels @PierreBear Your weight gain is more likely muscle than fat, you exercise a lot, and probably don't have any fat on you! You and @Scandinavian are really making me think I need to exercise more :oops: I know I'm old compared to you two youngsters, but I really need to start shifting some of this flab!

Have any of you bought from IDJ? A friend of mine was burgled recently and lost all her jewellery. She's looking for a 7 stone diamond half eternity in Rose gold, and I notice they have some at good prices. I've started a thread in RT, but who knows what response I'll get.

It's been a really beautiful day here, ridiculously mild for this time of year. We took Dottie to the meadows and she had a good runaround. There were lots of horses in fields, which she finds fascinating. She's such a funny girl :P2



Feb 27, 2007

Scandi, you are starting you day well. It sounds like you enjoy doing your PT once you are done. I hope you aren’t sore tomorrow. Marty is off doing his training now. Sorry to hear you and F had a restless night. I am sure she’ll be happy to get that jacket off. I always hated story problems but I can usually figure them out. I did give up on that one though. I sent a friend of mine at work a Far Side comic the other day that showed the library in hell. That is what was on all of the book shelves - story problems. So his response to that joke was he hated story problems. I came back with “If Timmy has 6 diamonds in his band and Marcy has 1 diamond on hers; how fast will she drive her Porsche going home?” We both thought it worked. I can’t say I am surprised you love dresses as much as I love Snoopy. I know you always post pictures of very pretty ones. I think you definitely need lots of new dresses for your trip in December. That teddy bear dress really made me laugh. I need one.

Missy, I am glad to hear your headache subsided. Bling it on! I Love it. Gorgeous diamonds can brighten a dark day. I hope you and Rainwood had a blast today.

PierreBear, mini eclairs and cream puffs do sound delicious. I remember making those in home Ec in school. I hate to hear your cholesterol went up; I know one of them is good cholesterol and one of them is bad but I don’t know which. Agreed it would be nice to get an explanation on your results. I think genetics sometimes plays a big part in what you body does and how well it handles things. Marty eats 6 eggs a day and fatty foods. I worry about that on his health. He buys the 80% lean hamburger and I can’t stand it. I find it way too greasy. Thank you for the recipe. I think I’d have those or something similar; they are quite tasty. I have a cocoa cookie recipe somewhere I used to make and either put nuts in them or white chocolate chips. I must agree with you on cookies being helpful for good test results. I picked up some donut holes after my exam and have been craving sugar all day. I like your conversion to OEC, MRB and emerald for the story problem.

Austina, I would certainly have fun with that teddy bear dress. That was a great find! Oh no to a friend having her house broken in to and items stole from her. I have read many good reviews of IDJ on here. Glad you had a lovely day and Dottie got to enjoy some of the great outdoors.

My retinal exam went okay. He feels my eye has improved. Comparing images and numbers tonight isn’t exactly convincing me of that. Some things are better; some aren’t but of course I am just guessing. My vision has definitely improved a little bit more. I told him I’ve been having minor pain in that eye and occasional a feeling of pressure in that eye. I also am having trouble with the eye drops making that eye goopy. He suggested I throw the rest of that bottle out or mix some drops from a new bottle. I think I’ve used it for about 2 months so I’ll just throw it out. It’s pricey but it’s lasted longer than you’d believe looking at the size of the bottle.

Take care.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, The diamond rings are beautiful, but I'm sorry, I still love Bea best!

@Scandinavian , You did great with a bear scarf and a black dress for Marcy and I want that black dress. Hey @marcy will you please share the black dress with me. Your story about your fur baby was cute. I'm sure that jacket she has to wear is uncomfortable. She probably doesn't understand why she has to wear it. I wish she could wear a sweater. At least that would feel soft and protect her while it heals. My little furbaby decides about 30 minutes after we fall asleep that she wants to get under the covers. She smacks me on the face with her paw until I wake up and let her under tge covers. My brother and his wife say their dog does the walk around the bed in circles thing often.

@Austina , I have no idea what the oral surgeon packed the area with before they stitched it back up, but it tasted awful. It worked and is healing great now so I can't complain. Is your friend okay? That had to be scary for her. She is lucky she has you to help her pick out new jewelry. Dottie sounds like such a sweetheart! Your comment about shifting the flab really hit home for me. Why the heck does every pound settle around my middle now and if I lose weight it leaves all the places I want it to stay, but the middle stays the same...Large!

Junie, I get what you mean about shopping and not finding what you are looking for. Most of the things I really like I feel as though I'm too old to wear. I went shopping this week and found a couple cute dresses but they are a little too dressy for my lifestyle. I bought one anyway and told my husband he needs to take me out somewhere fancy so I can wear it. Shopping was so much more fun 10 years ago when I had a different body LOL. How has your brother been feeling? Does he like his new home?

@rainwood When you post a picture of a necklace, you don't mess around. Wow is that necklace gorgeous! It sounds like you are having a great time!

@marcy, I'm glad your eye is doing a little better. Do they know what is causing the pressure feeling? I had to laugh at your comment to Marty about the Dateline type TV show. One of my friends is addicted to these types of shows and always tells her husband he had better continue to be a great husband because she has learned a lot from them.

Pierre Bear, I bet you are building more muscle. You exercise a lot and I'm sure you look incredible and are in great shape. Did the doctor seem concerned that your cholesterol was higher? If you google pictures of fat vs muscle your head with quit being messed with. Don't judge by the number in the scale, judge by how you look.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Callie awww thank you sweetie. You have your own "Bea" now and it is just as gorgeous and just as special!:love:

Austina love your sweet Dottie. Please give her lots of hugs. So sorry about your friend being burgled:blackeye: and yes I have bought from IDJ before. I got my long DBTY necklace from them. I dealt with Luann who was wonderful. However she no longer works there but all the IDJ family are wonderful and Yekutiel is a lot of fun. I have been there several times with other PSers and he never disappoints. Just specify exactly what you want i.e. terms of color and quality and don't just say PS quality. It's mild temps here too but that is ending today. It has been very warm for this time of year but I am not complaining. While I have been sweating a bit and we have been sleeping with the AC on it is very nice not to have to wear layers and layers of clothes and coats. But that is all changing now I think...get the coats ready girls!

Marcy I am so relieved for you that your retinal evaluation went well! :appl: When is your next follow up?
Yes, it is a good idea to throw that older bottle out and don't mix it with the other drops. Before bed gently cleanse your lashes/lids with a warm compress so you won't wake up with any discharge (aka goopiness). Also I am sure he checked your intraocular due pressure right and assuming that is good just apply a cool compress to your eye when it feels heavy with "pressure" and see if that helps. (((Hugs))).

Junie sending you more good thoughts and vibes for the closing to be scheduled and over with and for it to go smoothly. Thinking of you sweetie!

PierreBear what is your cholesterol breakdown? HDL vs LDL? I would not focus too much on the total number. I always have quite high HDL and my LDL is usually OK but high normal. The more you workout the higher the HDL (good cholesterol) is and what is critical is the *size* of your cholesterol molecules so again don't place too much importance on the total number. If you want a more detailed eval with your physician you should make an appointment and I am sure he/she would be happy to discuss your specifics. And as for weight muscle weighs more than fat and I know you are in super good shape with all your working out/running/cycling etc so I wouldn't focus on the weight number either.

In fact I don't even own a scale and don't think weighing oneself often (unless you need to lose weight for health reasons) is a healthy preoccupation. I think focusing on the actual number can fuel eating disorders etc but that does NOT apply to you I know. Just speaking from experience seeing many of my friends dealing with ED up close and personal. ;(

What you weigh is not as important as so many other factors. There are many skinny "fat" people walking around who only care about that weight number vs being healthy and they are setting themselves up for so many health problems as they get older...sorry for the long speech. I just see so many wonderful women struggling with weight issues and it breaks my heart. This society is so cruel to women and so focuses on appearance I really get upset about the whole thing. I am shutting up now.:cry2:::)

Scandi love that dress and collar haha perfect for Marcy.:lol: I would wear one with kitties on the collar...8)

Yesterday was wonderful. Wonderful company, wonderful day and wonderful food. :appl: Being retired and having friends visit from out of town does not suck I have to say. :cool2:

I hope everyone has a good Thursday and sending hugs to all of you.:wavey:


Hi NIRDI friends! Thanks for the affirmation that numbers are just numbers. Ya’ll are so kind to assure me that I’m in healthy condition and the scale isn’t a judge. I do have a healthy body image and could never dip into that underweight range even if someone paid me. The other day I forgot my lunch at home and I thought hmmm maybe I’ll fast until early afternoon. Haha it’s too hard and I gave in and ate my back up plan, which was a package of ramen I keep at work. No nutrients at all but it’s still my comfort food and I love it. For me, I just wish I could justify a big change about my body given all this work out. To be honest, my body really hasn’t changed much though putting in 2X the work. It’s ok and I’m not worried about it but heck…. if it doesn’t transpire in terms of medical results or physical improvement, I’m REALLY looking forward to dialing it down and just waking up on the weekend and going to brunch instead of squeezing in a workout first. Actually some of the impact on all this working out has been more negative than good like ugly tan lines (I have these bizarre triangles on my back and some saddle sores. Ugh!) I think I'm just trying to find more reason of why I’m doing all this again?! Hopefully it will be worth it Nov 4th for the race!

Made some curry yesterday evening. Having it for leftovers for dinner again. Not sure if ya’ll have an Asian grocery store nearby but some of those curry pastes they have taste really fantastic. It’s quite the cheat to have something that I would have thought was purchased at a Thai restaurant.

Was a good girl this morning and polished up my rings. Should do it more often as it does make a big impact. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

@Austina – Thanks for sharing your knowledge on eggs. I’ve read conflicting articles regarding eggs and cholesterol levels. It seems that is the case to have opposition and support on various medical topics.

I haven’t personally bought from IDJ but from what I’ve seen on PS, it seems to be of high quality and is affordable. Sorry to hear that your friend lost all her jewelry. Gosh… was she ok or did the intruder come when no one was home? Hope it was insured so she can slowly build it back up but nothing can replace those sentimental items.

I wonder if Dottie thinks she’s one of the horses when she runs around? Glad the weather is nice for ya’ll!

@marcy – Your home EC class sounds pretty advanced. I know what you mean about the 80% hamburger meat. I used to buy 80/20 blend during my post college days but it was very greasy. However, I’ve tried making spaghetti or chili with less fat like a 90/10 or 95/5 split and it was honestly too lean and didn’t taste as good. Hard to find that balance of healthy and delicious.

I’m glad that you feel like your eyes are improving. Minor pain though is scary. Hope the new drops are effective.

@Calliecake – I don’t get to interface with the DR after the annual physical since the blood work and analysis is done after the visit. I get an email to check my results online. It only says “tests are within normal range” so I don’t think there is much analysis even if there is a change.

@missy – Below are the results and at the time I read it, I googled what each category was but honestly wasn’t able to gleam much about it and the changes. Thanks for emphasizing that an increase in HDL is a good thing and can be explained with all the extra working out this year. Just would have though the HDL would increase but LDL would decrease? Perhaps it doesn’t correlate this way. Thank goodness I’m not a DR as I keep forgetting what these categories mean.

Medical Tests.PNG

How is the tooth pain? Kitchen reno? Other skin issues? Hopefully the friend visits are a good distraction from all those other to dos!


Dec 9, 2013
Rainwood, I think Marcy's husband would approve of the necklace you and Missy ... bought. He is really into strength training with weights!

Pierre Bear - I hear you! I will try not to infect anyone with my diamond fever. Each time it is worse because the diamonds have to be larger. Why can't we just be happy with what we have??
the answer: We are Pser NIRDIS! The more diamonds, the merrier. Whoops. I will stop saying things like that. OK?

I had a magical thing happen yesterday. My yoga class is in a hut in the woods. I was heading for the hut when a large white mule walked out of the woods and came up to me. I petted her nose, then she went back in the woods and came out with eight beautiful black sheep. Apparently she is their babysitter and they got out, so she found a human to help with her situation. They were adorable and were following behind her single file. I found their owner, she yelled at them and they all ran home : )
sadly I did not have a camera with me.

Happy day to you all. The weather here is perfect and I hope it is perfect for you too!


Jan 23, 2016
@PierreBear You exercise sooooo much and muscle is a good thing to have! But if you are worried about weight / BMI (I think you mentioned in another post that your doctor had talked about BMI etc?) just do a "body scan" where they measure the amount of fat on your body, including the "bad internal fat" thing. Weight and thus BMI is really not a good measure of health. Re cholesterol, don't know what the numbers are supposed to be, but let me google it..

Looks like you are just within normal, just like the good doctor said :) But if you are worried, google has a lot of ideas to how you might reduce your numbers, LOL. Can’t you just call him/her?

@callie, at least F does not want to get under the blankets, I’m dying from heat just having her next to me LOL. So glad your tooth is better! My weight is the same, never leaves the places that I want it to leave. Only way to make it go away is to get way too skinny. So now I’m trying to replace some of it with muscle instead, to keep my DH from calling my dad which he always does if I go too skinny, LOL. I don’t stand a chance when those to gang up on me! But please don’t worry. I have a feeling you look just amazing just the way you are!! And if you love the clothes, wear them! You are in no way too old! I have seen pictures of your nails LOL. And heels. LOL. Like @missy told me re my new studs – you are too old to care what anyone else thinks! (She said it a lot nicer though! LOL)

@missy, how could anyone not have fun diamond shopping with you?? So sorry that some of your friends have struggled with eating disorders! Must have been really hard for you to watch. No need to ever worry about me, at least. I am way too hungry to stop eating…. LOL. Even had a second lunch just now because I got hungry again… Couldn’t wait for dinner? Nope. Hmmmmm… LOL

@marcy, If I can’t find the lean version of hamburger meat, I just fry it hard and pour out the fat that starts swimming in the pan. Helps a little. Especially if you drop the burgers and go for taco instead… LOL. Cholesterol is scary. My granddad had issues with that, as well as several heart attacks. Makes me very sceptical of saturated fat, but I think a large part of it is genetics, and not only food. My poor dad and DH get tested regularly to stop me nagging them.

Oh and the math answer is 40! (less than 45 as one more animal is added – but that is why I don’t like the “nut”, you can’t calculate it like a normal equation! Grrr.) If cow and goat uses 45 days, they eat 1/45 (=4/180) of the grass in one day. Cow and goose 1/60 (=3/180) in one day. Goose and goat 1/90 (=2/180) in one day. Add them all up, and they eat 9/180 in one day. Equal to 1/20. Too many animals, as there is one of each kind, so divide by 2. Makes 1/40. So cow, goat and goose eats 1/40 of the grass in 1 day. In other words, 40 days to eat the whole thing. Stupid problem for 10-year olds!! Rant done.

@Austina, I have seen pictures of you. You do not have “flab”!! But if you want to exercise more, a PT is really great! I never thought I would say that!!!! But it is soooo easy, no thinking involved. Just go there and that’s it! And it makes me go, because I can’t very well pay him to stand there and look at himself in the mirror, now can I??? LOL LOL LOL And for me, a total novice with weights, it is gold to learn and thus hopefully avoid injuries Plus he is paid to be nice to me and tell me I’m doing a good job! Can’t beat that! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL Please give my best to Dottie, I find horses very fascinating too!


Jan 23, 2016
Oh that sound just like a fairytale!! You and Snow White! Animal whisperers! Too adorable and out of this world cute. Really.


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne awww so sweet :kiss2: and magical indeed!

Haha Scandi believe it or not we are actually enjoying many more activities *gasp* just diamond shopping. :lol::lol::lol:
Lol come to think of it when you visited we didn't do any bling shopping (Other than Adam that is haha)! :o Ummm you know what that means...must make up for that as soon as possible :whistle::cheeky:

PierreBear good to know you feel better about your "numbers". :appl:
And your total cholesterol is low lol. And the difference from one year to another negligible so please don't fret my dear. Hugs.

Adding a photo. Greg ordered some shelving for his brooklyn "man" cave lol to organize *some* of his shoes. And one two three just like that he reorganized his room. Omg I want to clone him for all my closets and spaces. My shoes will be next. He promised. :appl:Though I swear that man has more footwear than I do harumphhh as HRH would say. 8):lol:

Poor dh though. Feral kitties will unexpectedly run out of food at beach before our next trip (sometimes they eat way more than other times) there so now he must make an emergency beach trip tomorrow in the middle of everything else he has to do in order to fill the feral feeders. Before work. Predawn. Oh well thank goodness he can make the trip early AM for the feral kitties. Love that he loves them and doesn't mind.


Ok I'm offline again and probably out for rest of day so enjoy and see you soon! Some of you sooner than others...:whistle: :sun: :wavey:
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@Jimmieanne – wow I can’t imagine a yoga experience in the woods. It is very magical to see a large white mule. In college, they would say if you saw an albino squirrel pass by then it was good luck! Glad you got to experience it even if there wasn’t a camera to capture the moment.

@Scandinavian – Thanks for your health comments. I’m not worried enough to call the DR just perhaps wish I was more educated about things in general to not have to blindly rely on experts and googling gets me in trouble as it’s an endless journey sometimes.

Your math explanation completely makes sense. Over thinking things gets me in trouble. Had I even taken a step back I would have realized that trying to solve for X made nonsense since 3 animals eating grass must surely take less time than 2 animals eating grass. Though when I plugged the numbers back in for the equations it still added everything up right. Sometimes too much knowledge or background is a deterrent for progress. I read a study where they were asking kids to solve a problem. I can’t remember the problem but it was a hands on physical activity. Can’t recall the percentage either but the kids were more successful at solving the task than the adults. The adults were so used to using their past experience and could only think in one way. Trying the same thing over and over again… “it only makes sense if you do it like this.” The kids, with lack of rational experience, or perhaps the better way to say it, less inhibited by constraints, were more creative in their problem solving and were able to figure it out more than the adults. Anyhow, long story to say… you are a great mom!

@missy – Quite the shoe collection for Greg! Does he wear all of them for different occasions? DH was about to replace one of his Frye shoes but realized that it was 1/3 of the price to resole the shoes than to purchase new. Haven’t seen the results yet as it’s still being done.

Can’t wait to see your reorganized shelving! I wish I could say I loved shoes more if they were comfortable. I think I rather be barefoot half the time. Bad habit of taking my shoes off in my office. : / Still haven’t learned my lesson when one time a cricket crawled in and I didn’t know it… ughhh sorry TMI!


Feb 27, 2007

Callie, sure I will share my bear dress with you. I keep chuckling thinking about how funny it would be to get that dress. I am glad to hear your mouth is healing. I’ve had some awful tasting stuff put in my mouth before too; it’s nasty. Good plan to buy a fancy dress so you have an excuse to go to a fancy place. I’m guessing it doesn’t have a neckline of teddy bears. The eye doctor skipped right over my mentioning the pain and pressure in my eye. It’s not long but I notice it. It could be sinus related as well. It’s good to keep our DH on their toes.

Missy, enjoy your warm weather while you can. Winter showed up here this morning. The forecast called for temps in the low 40’s so I didn’t wear one of my coats thinking my fleece jacket would be enough. WRONG. That wind made it really cold out there. We had flakes of snow but no accumulation. I noticed the eye drop last from the new bottle made me face kind of tingle and itch again so yes that other bottle should have been thrown out a while ago. Maybe I’ll just use it for a month then get a new one. I know it’s pricey but I probably will get more benefit if I’m getting all of the medicine, I go back in a month again. I’ll try the warm compress before going to bed. They do check both my eyes for pressure every time I go in. Thanks again for your help and suggestions. You are right that weight is not as important as other health factors. I am delighted to hear you are loving retirement and having fun with friends. Greg’s shelving looks great.

PierreBear, I am sure you’ll enjoy the race on the 4th and all of your hard work will be worth it. Marty love curry. I think I’ll polish my rings this weekend. Get my steam cleaner out and make everything shine. I soak any jewelry I wear every day in diluted Windex so it’s generally pretty clean. I always bought ground sirloin which is generally listed as 90% lean but it isn’t as dry as hamburger. They don’t make it anymore since beef went up so much but I’ve been having the butcher shop make me 5 pounds and I make burgers out of it to freeze. I think it tastes so much better. I do notice an improvement in the vision out of that eye so that makes me think the edema is going down. I’ll take it anyway. Minor pain is scary so if it continues with the new bottle of drops I’ll bring it up next month.

Jimmianne, good point to have heavy jewelry so Marty can help lift it for me. Maybe like Liz Taylor’s 68 carat diamond ring? You can have diamond fever. I love to see the gorgeous jewelry you buy. What a cool story about the mule and sheep. Too bad you didn’t have a camera.

Scandi, good idea on getting some of the grease out of the pan. If I make tacos with the 80% hamburger I’ll take my portion of it and try to degrease it on paper towels. I think you are right that genetics makes a big difference in how our bodies functions. I know healthy people who eat poorly and sickly people who eat nothing but healthy food. All in moderation, right? I agree that math problem is a bit much for a 10 year old.

It tried to snow here today but I think our high winds just blew it away. It snowed sideways. I went out for my weekly lunch with a friend and she was teasing me that she may not have a Porsche but she can start her car from inside the restaurant. I called her a name which seemed to shock the lady at the table next to us. Porsche and Audi won’t install remote starts because it doesn’t work with their alarm system. Darn. I could use that at least 7 months of the year.

Marty is getting up at 4 am tomorrow to head to Callie’s neck of the woods for his strength training competition this weekend. I thought of taking off work tomorrow but I’d be really bored without Marty in town and nothing really to do for a long weekend.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy sideways snow. :sun:Cool. Glad it didn't accumulate. It is cool here now. In the 40s/50s warming up to the 60s. Next 2 days supposed to be crisp, cool and lovely but then there is quite the rainstorm moving in for the following 2 days. Not great timing but hey this is NYC. Wait a moment and BAM the weather will turn 180 degrees. But if the weather remains as nice as predicted these next 2 days I will be grateful.

Glad you enjoyed lunch with your friend and LOL about your friend bragging about being able to start her car from the restaurant. I like that feature but I wouldn't let that be the deciding factor whether or not to purchase a car. Rather heated seats that is (one of) the critical features I need to have in a car. And of course AC and that rules out a number of vintage (MG OMG) cars I love. But yes AC is a necessary feature no question.

Hope the tips I gave you help with your eye drops and hope they continue working well with minimal side effects. Fingers and toes crossed for you Marcy. And wish you were here for your long weekend without it too late to get a flight here? Lots of fun activities planned...just saying...

PierreBear to answer your question we both have our shoes resoled/reheeled etc whatever necessary to preserve and care for them. Greg is diligent about that (might not surprise you about him lol) and in fact he is waiting for me to gather my boots that need work so he can bring all the shoes/boots to the shoemaker. I am waiting till next week however as I don't have time to go through all my boot collection right now.

Greg is also pretty good about getting rid of shoes/clothes he no longer wears and when he buys new he gets rid of the old so he isn't a packrat like I am. Luckily he's still good with his "old" wife.:shhh::lol:

OK I have misplaced my iPhone this AM. LOL where the heck did I place it? Took it off the charger when I woke up and got coffee and now it has disappeared. Not a good day to misplace it. :oops2:

Enjoy this lovely Friday ladies. And I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! (((Hugs))).



It’s finally cold this morning and it will drop into the 30s and 40s this weekend. Perhaps we will have an opportunity to use our outdoor fire place but it gets a bit tricky if it’s windy. Invited over to a friend’s place for dinner Saturday night. First time having a double date meal with this friend so we will see how it goes. Well ya’ll married ladies know, both spouses have to get along right? Haha.. makes it a bit harder to find the perfect fit.

I was thinking about digging up the boots son but it looks like it will be back up in the 80s next week again. Ooyyy, I’m a bit ready to put away the dresses and bring out the plaid shirts and sweaters now. I have yet to get a pumpkin spiced latte but I think it will have to be done this weekend! Have a great one!

@marcy – You are right that the price of beef has went up significantly. Actually speaking of food pricing, what I’ve really noticed was the price of avocados going up. Those bad boys are so delicious though so I still piling it into the cart for salads.

Oh it didn’t dawn on me to tell you this until you mentioned the Porsche/Audi cars. A coworker friend said he was going through a midlife crisis and bought a car to celebrate or cope. I don’t know much about cars but it is a Mercedes AMG GT. Can I be honest to say it was a very beautiful looking car and I felt like I was part of a rap video or something. However, it was really uncomfortable. Perhaps it’s the racing seat and being so low to the ground. Jostling back and forth to feel the “speed” of the car in high traffic areas. Hahaha… of course if we were cruising in some other part of town it would be more fun but I think I preferred a SUV instead. I’ll include a picture though for the fun of it.


Good luck to Marty on this strength training competition. What is that like? Do you do things for speed and how much you can lift and add up the points? Hope he does well and how is his bicep doing?

@missy – Good for Greg on not being a packrat. I have a hard time occasionally throwing things away but don’t have a problem donating or giving to friends though I hope I never offend anyone by giving them gently used things. I usually send an email or a text to say “anyone interested in this before I give it away?”

Speaking of clothes, I’m behind on the times but I just discovered Jcrew Mercantile. Anyone else shop there? There is the normal Jcrew and the outlet but there is a third category which is supposed to be outlet type prices but not having to drive to an outlet mall and go into a mall. Surprised to find that there was one close by and in town to us. Ordered a few things from them but if it doesn’t work out, I can easily return it in the store.


Feb 24, 2017
Hello lovelies.

I didn't even try to solve the riddle @Scandinavian, tell the teacher it was too much for a 58 year old, let alone a 10year old :lol:. Hope F is feeling more comfortable now.

So glad the 'compost' worked @Calliecake, its disgusting stuff, but does the trick. Your own 'Bea' sounds lovely, is it for a special occasion?

Oh @Jimmianne how sweet the sheep had their own 'minder' and you got to see them while you were out.

We had a little visitor yesterday, it poked its head through the rhododendrons, looked around then came out and wandered around. I quickly grabbed my iPad, and got a photo.


As you can see, it was very sunny yesterday when Mr Foxy decided to visit.

Aww @missy Greg is such a sweetheart driving all that way to make sure the kitties have food. We try to have a clear out regularly so that we don't keep things we don't wear, but then I buy more when I see have I closet space :lol:

I'm glad the scan showed no deterioration @marcy, and your vision has improved a little. It's great that Missy can offer you such reassuring advice.
I only buy 5% minced steak, I find anything else too fatty, thankfully it's readily available here. Hope everything went well with Marty's comp.

Yum to curry @PierreBear, those curry pastes are really good, I find them pretty authentic tasting. We found a great Thai restaurant while we were away, the owner thought Kim was Thai, and was really surprised when Adam spoke Thai to her :lol:

Adam went for a test drive in the new Tesla yesterday, he said it was great but cramped in the back, not much headroom. Not that he's buying one, at $150,000 it's rather expensive :eek2:

No plans for this weekend, Colin will be watching rugby, and I'll just potter about.

Have a great weekend ladies :wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
Hello girls, just wanted to wish you all a merry weekend! :wavey:


Jan 23, 2016
My weekend plans below. What are yours?

Caramel pudding! with.... Caramel sauce!

Caramel sauce: take a full frying pan of sugar - heat until liquid - glace the form for the pudding


6 whole eggs
6 egg yolks
60 gram of sugar
-----> whip whip whip LOL

0.5 litre full fat cream
0.5 litre full fat milk
vanilla bean or other vanilla flavour, ( you might also add a bit of cognac or caramel flavour...)
------> heat until boiling

-------> when boiling, pour eggs in really slowly whilst stirring like crazy

Then, pour into the glazed form and cook in the own in a "water bath" (sorry, no idea what that is really called, LOL) at 180C for about 1.5-2 hours until firm when pressed with a wet spoon.

Caramel sauce: a full frying pan - heat until liquid - glace the form for the pudding. When cold, turn over,

aaaaand tada:



Feb 24, 2017


Dec 9, 2013
The morning stack
And the afternoon photo op with Bea's little sister.
The fall light is terrific and taking photos had me fall in love with Joy all over again. IMG_2579.JPG
Austina LOVE that fox photo. Are you on a farm too?

OK there is something worse here than giving diamond fever - it's giving us DESERT fever. That flan-ish looking desert is as beautiful as any bling!

Missy, Greg has a lot of shoes. LOL about 20x as many as I have, but he dresses well, so I know they are necessary!
Will we get more photos of his new organizational developments? I remember how impressive his shop was when he finished putting everything in its place.
Marcy, you got snow already?! Definitely time to turn up the heat and be warm while you sleep. [a message from your heat support group].

I actually went on a blind date last night with a cute guy. We didn't have any trouble keeping a conversation going, which seems positive, but then he got on a roll with a lengthy monologue and I had trouble staying awake. The idea that women talk more than men is a MYTH. At least that has been my experience. [now we will see if any men read this thread ...and have an opinion!]


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Jun 17, 2009
Hi girls!

Missy, wow, those diamond pics are gorgeous :love: The faceting is so pretty. That big rock is amazing but I like Bea much better! It is so sweet of Greg to get up early to feed the ferals, it is a long ride for him. I love how he organized his closet, looks great!

PierreBear, I’m glad your massage went well and you didn’t feel sore afterwards. I’ve never had a massage. My dd loves getting them. I get what you’re saying about feeling a bit discouraged sometimes with regard to working out, but the exercise is very beneficial to your overall health. I am reading so many articles these days about how important it is to be active and you should feel good about all you do to stay healthy and fit! I do think after this race a little break is in order! Thanks for the heads up on JCrew Mercantile, I’m going to check it out. Dinner with friends sounds like fun, here’s hoping the husbands hit it off!

Rainwood, sounds like you are having a fabulous trip so far! So great you saw Lion King. Could I get a piece of the action on the necklace? I’m thinking it would look great on my next trip to the grocery store tee hee.:P2

Jimmianne, I’m with you on the diamond fever - unfortunately I think these new earrings have fueled mine instead of decreasing it lol! Do you have something specific in mind? Do tell! Love your story about the mule and sheep, animals are truly amazing creatures. Definitely a very special happening. Beautiful pics of your jewelry, and your diamond looks glorious! Sounds like your date started out very well but it’s too bad he got so chatty!

Austina, I hope you made out well at Pilates! Hard to start back up after a break but nice to be get back to a routine.

Scandi, sorry to hear F might be a little uncomfortable right now and I hope she can take that vest off soon! So glad to hear you are enjoying those amazing earrings. They are fabulous :love: Sounds like you are working very hard with the PT, I can see where having someone work with you is very motivating. I think that’s why I like taking classes when I’m in South Carolina, I can’t cheat!! Lol to the dress you found for Marcy. That math problem is hard! I didn’t even understand the solution haha! I’m blaming it on a lack of sleep :kiss2: but really I’m just bad at math. Your caramel pudding and sauce looks and sounds delicious, yum.

Calliecake, I have the same issue with buying clothes, I really struggle with finding things that I feel are appropriate for my age. Most things seem too young looking for me, and what’s left over seems too old. My daughter tells me I worry way too much about it and to just wear whatever I want, and who cares. I’m sure she’s right lol. Thanks for asking about my brother - eh, I guess he’s doing ok. He’s not really thrilled with this condo - turns out there is a nursing home by his complex that is really noisy sometimes, particularly at night/early morning - delivery trucks beeping, dumpsters being emptied, car doors slamming, etc. And he has trouble sleeping, ugh. It’s the kind of thing you don’t realize until you’re living there :cry2:I keep telling him he can always move.

Marcy, I’m glad your exam went well overall and your eyesight has improved a bit. Sorry to hear about the discomfort though and I hope it lessens for you. Yes, starting the car from indoors is definitely a nice feature but your Porsche is just so pretty...and fast lol!

Austina, very cool pic of Mr. Fox! Have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. Nice that Adam took a Tesla for a spin, it’s fun checking out different cars.

Ok, guess I better call it a day here, I’ve written a novel - have a great night and a good day tomorrow everyone!
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