
Now I really did it :((

Dear PS: not sure I like this "upgrade"...

Missy, fantastic green pictures :-)
Jimmianne, I really do hope it is only up-up-up for you from here :-)
CJ, nope, sorry, no leopard LOL (did have a belt but gave it to a friend... LOL)

Been a hectic weekend. Been away with friends skiing. And another friend was in a really bad car accident and is very badly hurt (broken both upper arms, both wrists, pelvic bone several places, collar bone, many ribs, and cannot remember the rest but you get the idea..)g, and is a single-mom, so the "village" is trying to help and of course I can not let that happen without me..

Forgive typos, talk to you tomorrow! Hugs!

I see my post from last night and this morning is gone. Ha Ha. You’ll never know all the secrets I spilled in that post. Darn. Never mind Missy quoted them and you know it’s my usual boring stuff. I am so much more exciting in my own mind.

Missy, I know it’s hard to leave emotions out of such an emotional situation. When they let me go from teaching I cried for days. I love the feel of fresh sheets. I thought my neck shot was funny. Every time I try a selfie of it I look all funny and distorted holding my arms out then my neck is all scrunched and wrinkled. I don’t need help there. I was debating renting Manchester by the Sea. I’ll check it out. Thanks for the recommendation. Greg’s pictures are gorgeous, the sky is so clear and blue.

CJ, Hugs.

We had a pretty nice day weather wise though the clouds looked “rainy”. Naturally it will rain since my car is clean.

My #1 problem employee texted in sick. I swear she has a 6th sense when I am going to get after them (in this case “her”) for not getting their work done. I am sure her buddies have already relayed info to her that from now on if your days aren’t done when we are ready to go over them, I am going to write you up. Done deal. Ha!

I noticed on our manager’s weekly report that some people have messed up vacation hours so I logged in and checked mine and wow did I hit pay dirt. It says I have 503 hours of vacation. I said I’ll see you in June.

I took tomorrow off to stay here for my rings to be delivered and my sister is coming to town and it’s her birthday. Since I didn’t get a call or tracking number yet I just called the jeweler and they said oh it’s just coming out of the shop now and it won’t be there till Wednesday. Grr. She is checking with the manager to see what she can do for me. I say gift card! But no one asked.



The jeweler in Denver just called me. They are refunding my shipping fee and the $381 they charged me to mount that sapphire. I will get my package on Wednesday.
Great new pendant pic, Marcy!

I'd like to practice posting a pic...Here I go:

OMG, its huge! Lemme try another one...20160912_112240.jpg
Okay, the second pic, rose quartz from H. Moradi, that is the "thumbnail."
I had an exhausting day, I apologize for not being responsive to my fellow NIRDIs. Housepainters came today, reversed the paint color location. I have 2 colors, one is an accent color, the other is the main body of the house color. Yup, they put the accent color on the house and presumably would have put the main body color on in the accent spots.

Everybody have a good Tuesday, as good as humanly possible considering the constraints of OTHER PEOPLE around us :P:whistle::boohoo:
Playing with avatar. Decided to give Finn's sister, Maggie, some time as avatar!
Lol, self-preservation is more like it! I like your new avatar, LD!!!
Hi, all. I switched my avatar too as the other one was too fuzzy looking. Swamped right now so just stopped in to say hi. Work is crazy, life is crazy, and getting ready to go on vacation Saturday to our nation's capital. Wrong president in the WH, but we're going anyway.
Lol, self-preservation is more like it! I like your new avatar, LD!!!
Thanks! I have a tattoo of a phoenix, so I'm a big fan of them :)
Good morning everyone! We made it through! :appl:
Love everyone's new and improved or original and improved avatars. Nicely done.

Scandi, it takes time to get used to change and as you know I am usually change challenged LOL but we will get used to it together! :halo:

I love the phoenix avatar and love what it represents. One of my closest friends named her first cat Phoenix for what she had been through and for the hopeful new beginning the kitty now had. Wonderful sentiment and wonderful avatar. Would love to see your tattoo if you felt comfortable sharing.

Marcy nicely played my dear and woohoo for the refund. That money can go right into your next bling project.:) Thank you for adding the teddy bear's neck pics and sharing the sunrise photo again. I love your new pendant. Just beautiful. LOL yay for more vacation days. See you in June!:lol:

Kristie, nice ring photo.:love: Glad the painters are getting back on the right track. Sheesh, I guess if something can get messed up it will. The corollary to Murphy's Law lol. Though it is not too funny.

Rainwood, hey there. Sending you lots of good thoughts and hope everything gets straightened up at your island house and also looking forward to your new project!

Callie, hope yesterday afternoon's appointments went well.

Hey to everyone else who hasn't posted recently. I don't want to say names specifically cause I know I will inadvertently leave some people out so I am just going to say a hey to all the NIRDIs who have not posted recently and everyone who is reading.
I hope everyone has a good day and sending hugs and good thoughts your way.:wavey:
Good morning all!

Missy, love the pics of Saint Patrick's Day, looks like it was a lot of fun. You and Greg look great. It's nice you had a chance to get together with some people you haven't seen for a while. Sounds like you're feeling a little better about work, I think it's a good idea to give it some time and see how everything plays out. Try not to worry too much, things will be ok no matter what happens. Have you switched to the shorter days yet? Sorry if I missed that. Love the pics of the water, so peaceful.

Jimmianne, I'm so glad to hear things are going well for you and dd. I always feel more at peace when my kids are doing well. I hope you had a great time celebrating her birthday. I'm very excited about the possibility of you getting an antique asscher. Please keep us posted!

CJ, I never tried the peppermint pills - I tried peppermint tea and let's just say it didn't agree with me lol! But maybe I should give the pills a try. I've been taking a probiotic and actually that's been helping me quite a bit. How about you, did the pills help? I'm thinking a leopard print cardigan might work for me :cool: Thanks for asking about the estate, unfortunately I'm still in the thick of it and it's very stressful due to some family issues but I'm plugging along the best I can. Love the pic of your sweet kitty, I'm so sorry for your loss :(

Marcy, love the neck shot! I just love your new pendant, it really is so pretty. Sorry to hear about Marty's upcoming travel and I hope it's not too disruptive for you. Dh has been traveling a lot and honestly it's getting old lol. I'm sorry your problem employee continues to aggravate you! The shower was very nice, it was held in a lovely place and the mother -to -be seemed to really enjoy it. She has been suffering throughout her pregnancy with severe morning sickness (forget the medical term) and I was really happy that she was feeling well during the shower. Wow, it's great that the store is giving you a refund! Missy is right, extra money for bling :dance: Hope you have a good visit with your sister.

Sunstorm, it's so great to hear from you! Hope all is well with you; you sound very busy, please make sure you take care of yourself! (((hugs)))

Scandi, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, that is just awful. It's great she will have a lot of support and help.

Kristie, oh no to them mixing up the paint colors! :wall: Ugh, what a pita, I'm sorry. Love the pic of Maggie; she is seriously gorgeous :love:

Rainwood, thanks for checking in, sorry things are so crazy right now, hang in there. I hope you have a great vacation and can relax a little while you're away.

Dh and I are attending a wedding in SC this weekend so we are heading out Wednesday night and will be coming home Sunday. This sounds bad but I really don't feel like going lol.

I tried to catch up as well as possible, sorry if I missed anybody - hope everyone is having a good day so far!
Hi Everybody: I'm holed up in the house, hoping that the right paint is going in the right spots this morning. The windows are all filmed over so I can't see outside. The painters told us 7 this morning and they got here at 8. :nono:

I was ready with my Spanish for housepainting: Light=claro, Dark=negro, color=color or colorido, correct=correcto, again=de neuvo, chandelier=arana.

I spoke with the head painter when he arrived, to ensure he knew what paint went where, and he seemed irritated with me. WTF? Every mistake they make makes this job take longer, Bob takes more vacation days from work and I'm stuck in this house. I have an HOA which means if the colors aren't applied properly I'm out of compliance and I get fined. GAH!

The dogs go bonkers barking over the noise and shadowy figures in the windows. GOOD TIMES!

This was only supposed to take 2 days. Today is day 3.

The contractor who owns the painting business is an American guy/English speaker. The painters who actually do the work are immigrants from Mexico/non-English-speakers. The contractor did not do a good job of ensuring his workers knew which paint went where. Two colors, light and dark. The contractor comes at noon to deliver their pizza lunches and presumably check progress. Other than that, its the painters.

So this experience took me right back to working at Mayo Clinic/Hospital, where a good percentage of the medical providers are non-native-English-speakers. (I taught ESL at high school and community college and I know that the first words ESL speakers learn are "No problem" and "Okay." This avoids embarrassment, no one wants to say "I don't understand.") This led to problems in patient care, inter-provider communications, and in recordkeeping.

So here's where I'm going with this: The United States has a growing immigrant population. How do we ensure an adequate level of communication as we go about our lives, getting medical care, having our houses painted (LOL) or built or worked on, etc etc?

The common stereotype regarding immigrants and work is that they do the jobs Americans don't want to do, or don't require a lot of English---janitorial, fast food, food, etc. I believe, based on my recent experience, that this is true but its also NOT TRUE in that immigrants are also doctors, nurses, pharmacy assistants, HOUSE PAINTERS and building trades, etc. This is a problem if your medical care goes wrong, your house is built not to code or expectation, etc. etc.
I second probiotics!

I started having trouble with my stomach about 5 years ago. I started probiotics and not only does my GI system work way better, but my mood has improved (studies document mood improvement) and so has my immune system.

Certain probiotics work on certain issues: If your GI issue is discomfort and some pain, you look for a formulation that addresses that. If you are constipation dominant (sorry), you get specific probiotics for that. Same thing if diarrhea/loose is your issue. Then there are probiotics to address the nuclear effects of antibiotics on your gut flora.

Peppermint is an irritant, the GI docs I worked with at Mayo did not advise peppermints or peppermint tea for that reason.
Rainy, have a lovely vacay in DC! I hope you see come cherry blossoms and also the Smithsonian's exhibit on gems is mahvelous including the Hope Diamond, which is pretty cool (I saw it a couple years ago when it visited the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show).
I have not bought either of the sapphire bands yet. :blackeye: I am torn because I want an OEC soli or bypass ring and I feel like when I spend on something other than that, I am bleeding resources away from what I really want.

But I would totally wear a sapphire stacker with an OEC soli! And a sapphire band would be a total pick-me-up, not that I deserve it (I've gained back some of the weight I lost, :wall::angryfire::wall:I hate that).
An interesting update. I guess it's time to get a new avatar and figure out the upgrades.
CJ, I'm sorry I am just now answering your question. I have never heard of putting Botox around marionette lines. I remember hearing Botox was not generally used in that area as it could affect how your smile looks. I wish I could remember where I heard this as I have no idea if it's true. I would think fillers would be used for that area instead (again not sure if this is also true). I don't want to give you misinformation. If you would like, I can ask my doctor the next time I am there. I am also going see what I can find out on google for you. Well this was a pretty worthless post on my part. Sorry CJ!!

ETA. I did a quick search and from what I could find It appears fillers are used in this area. And after looking in the mirror I think I also may need this!!!
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It's fillers in the marionette lines.:D

Kristie, great picture of Maggie. I had a Teddy Bear up as my avatar for awhile yesterday. I love your ruby / diamond band. I was glad you posted a picture of it for us. Hopefully they get your painting done and in the right place this time. Tough call on whether to get a sapphire band or not.

Rainwood, sorry to hear life and work is crazy right now. Hope things slow down for you and that you have a nice vacation.

Missy, I found my original photo of my avatar and loaded it up; it looks fine. I did like my Teddy Bear avatar though. I didn’t even act mad when the manager called me last night; I just sat there silently waiting for him to talk. I don’t think the lady in HR thought it was funny when I said “see you in June”. Some people have no sense of humor.

Hi Lovedogs.

Junebug, I hate to hear you are having some family issues with the estate. It’s hard enough as it is without that stress added. Hopefully things get better soon. Good luck getting the house on the market soon. It can get old when your husband is traveling all the time. That one year Marty was gone more than he was home. Hopefully you husband will get to stay home a bit more this spring. Glad to hear the shower was nice; that is too bad the mother-to-be has been so sick with her pregnancy. I hope you have a nice time at the wedding this weekend. I usually hate to go places but then I enjoy myself when I get there.

Jimmianne, I will be anxious to see your new avatar.

Callie, how are you doing?

I got up at my normal time but went to bed late. Dumb idea!

We dropped off the pickup for a tune-up and oil change. We went out to breakfast then went to Sam’s Club. My linen closet is once again full of paper products.

My sister and BIL got here about 11:30. Today was my sister’s birthday so I picked up a cake for her this morning. We all went to lunch at Olive Garden then came back to our place and had cake.

I finally got a call from the jeweler with my tracking number this afternoon. I asked what the delay had been so she put a manager on the phone. Apparently the pink sapphire / diamond band took them a long time to go through and tighten all the stones. They were very apologetic they hadn’t notified me of anything. I guess after checking my account they decided they want to keep me as a customer.

Do I have to go back to work tomorrow?
Take care.

Here are the 2 rings my sister picked up today for 2 of her co-workers.

I'm a few pages behind by now I'm sure so I'll post what I already had I'll catch up later. I feel like I must have missed a lot already!

Awww what a sweet baby. (((HUGS))) CJ. I know it is so hard. :blackeye:

Thank so much missy.

I still can't believe we think about him. DH has him on his screen on his phone (first time EVER I've seen DH put a picture of anything on his phone, much less an animal) and we're not ready to change it yet. I still grab his phone once a while just to look at him.

I push myself to do more social things because of DH too. He is way more social and has many more friends than I do also.

I have to try to do more things outside in general LOL this is why I guess we end up staying inside so much. It's just so...cozy. But then when I see people's pictures doing things outside, I'm like, yeah, that's nice too. :rodent:

hi marcy thanks for your kind words. I won't share all your secrets that I read. Marcy did your teddy or rabbit not give you permission to post his face? :lol:

kristie I hope you had seen I had sent you a kiss and said hello! Did I read somewhere that your new avatar is Finn's sister? She's so cute too. The peppermint pills seem to be helping me but now you're giving me pause with what you said about the Mayo clinic doctors. What do I do? :eh:

june does that mean you're going to purchase a leopard cardigan and share it on here. If you do I'll share my shoes and belt. :rodent: The peppermint pills do seem to be helping I take them twice a day. But now that Kristie's saying they're an irritant I'm double thinking it. I don't know. And huh...not wanting to go to a wedding is perfectly normal. :P Hope you have a wonderful time.

scandi sorry to hear about your friend that's terrible. :blackeye: So no leopard for you I see. I hope I don't look ridiculous I do trust my sense of style but it's definitely something I had to talk myself into since it's funky. I'll know when I go wear it if I can pull it off or not.
CJ, thank you for the friendship! You're the best :saint: I definitely needed some supportive feedback after my PS probation!:knockout:

Re the peppermint pills: If they work for you, no need to stop. Definitely try the probiotics. If you tell me if you're constipation dominant, diarrhea dominate, I'll look on my Consumer Labs membership to see.what your bes Bet is.
CJ, thank you for the friendship! You're the best :saint: I definitely needed some supportive feedback after my PS probation!:knockout:

Re the peppermint pills: If they work for you, no need to stop. Definitely try the probiotics. If you tell me if you're constipation dominant, diarrhea dominate, I'll look on my Consumer Labs membership to see.what your bes Bet is.

kristie were you banned from PS? I had no idea. What happened? (if you don't want to rehash it don't worry.)

huh...I don't know what I am...I'd say more diarrhea dominate though. I do feel bloated a lot too...but I don't think I'm usually constipated. (sorry NIRDIs you're getting to know me a little too well lol)
Missy, good morning! Hope today *is* a good morning :-) And I hope you - and Greg - stop working so you can come here and stay a while :-) The guest room should be finished by summer :-)

Marcy, LOVE the new pendent!

Kristie, of course we love you! Silly PS, good Kristie! And love the rings :-)

CJ, have missed you, hello :-) very sorry about kitty.

Jimmianne, how are you? And how is your new ride? I'm kind envy you that car :-)

Hugs to all! The days are going a little too fast for me!
Good morning girls!

Junie, thanks for your good wishes. I am glad you are getting away today through the weekend and have a wonderful time at the wedding. I know what you mean about not looking forward to attending but my guess is once you are there you will enjoy yourselves. Such a happy occasion and it can't but help make things seem brighter when one is attending a wedding IMO. Have a lovely time at your beach house!

Marcy, happy birthday to your sister and I am glad you had a good time with everyone. It sounds like a lovely day. I am sorry you have to go to work today and I am dreading it too but I think for different reasons lol. Glad the jewelry store valued you enough as a customer to make the situation right. I am with you. I miss your teddy bear avatar but the one you have now is pretty nice too. Hope work goes smoothly today!

CJ, yes I still think about our beloved fur babies who are long gone and still miss them lots. Totally normal and I hope as time goes on the sweet and tender memories remain and the sadness and pain is less. I won't lie though-It is still painful at times for me when I think of my loved ones who are now gone. My Billy, my Butch, my Buster and my grandmother Bea. It still sometimes hurts and I still miss them dearly. Sorry I didn't intend to go on about this. Just want you to know you are not alone and sending you more loving hugs dear CJ.

I would like to add a recommendation for fermented vegetables in addition to the probiotics. My GI doc told me that we just don't know what is absorbed and what is not and there is a better chance with fermented veggies to get what we need in terms of good bacteria etc. Just throwing that out there. I eat fermented veggies every day.

Hope you continue feeling better CJ!

Jimmianne, any updates on your antique asscher search? I am getting excited for you!

Good morning Scandi!

Have a good day girls!:wavey:
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Since reading about peppermint, I wanted to share; I eat candied ginger for "stomach issues".
Also drink GTS Kombucha tea every day for a probiotic boost. Both are tasty and seem to help.

Who is going under the needle?? I will never be able to get botox or fillers, although I would like to. For me it's kind of like having a custom ring made. I'm too picky and if "things" were one quarter mm off - oh the suffering...that and the needles [[[shudder]]]. I must rely on poorly lit mirrors and smiling a lot lol

Marcy, I love the way your new pendant looks. Good job on diamond and setting! Wear in good health!
Thanks for writing about your day. I love living vicariously. Now, if you want to hear about my day on the mower...

AZ, glad you are back. I can't imagine you being banned : (
Stuff happens. Maybe we can have a "saving for big bling" club. It's hard once you want to buy something big to back off and not fill in with "small". I mean, if we were big kitties in the jungle and hungry we would eat the little mousie if there were no big game in the area. yes?

Missy, I was going through the "Iconic PS jewelery" thread last night and saw Ms.Bea. That was a terrific photo - and it's a great thread.

Still looking for a new avatar -& I've noticed I'm not alone - lots of blue squares!

[hi everyone! I just lost half my post into the ether [[[sigh]]] apparently that is one issue that is hard to fix.]
Marcy, great neck shot, it is GORGEOUS on you! :clap::love: