
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014

An appraisal? Really?

.33 cts of icy white RBs with fire, set in 18kt, for under $500??????? Really, APPRAISAL???????????????

This kind of stoopidity is why a lot of jewelers and cutters equate PS-ers with cra-cra.

Keep this band, if you want to change it up, make it a full eternity. Hand it to the first DIL who brings your grandchild into world!!!

Ic you ever decide you want $ instead I'll buy it for those WHITE FIERY stones !


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I'm glad the weather cooperated enough for you and Greg to get out for a while - I was hoping it would be ok, because it wasn't too bad today in South Jersey.

Your excitement about the house has made my day! Thank you for your support! And I like the way you think - rental money means more bling lol - now I just have to get dh on board, he'll probably say rental money means a dining room set d'oh! And thanks for the encouraging words with regard to my mother - I'm just struggling a little this week for some reason and it's so nice to hear some kind words.

Jimmianne, I LOVE your new band!! :love: Wow, that is a pretty thing! :dance:

Callicake, thank you for the comforting words sweetie, as I mentioned to missy I'm just having a bad week and a few kind words can really help! My brother is still resistant to having someone come in, and I guess I've put it on the back burner because getting a home health aide would probably create other problems anyway. Easier in some ways to just plug along as usual. But I do think eventually we'll have to do it.

Are you having a good time driving your car? New cars are so much fun!

LLJsmom, thank you for your understanding, I guess I could really use it this week! :sick:

Ok, it seems like the JUC is the one! I agree that you should go for what really speaks to you - you sound very sure, which is great! That feeling of indecisiveness can get stressful after a while. It is really beautiful, and looks perfect on you - it really does suit you and seems very "you"!

Ovi, thinking of you my friend, and hoping you're feeling ok. Hugs to you.

Kristie, just checked out those bands on Liebish, they are purdy, just sayin' :devil: I guess I'm supposed to be talking you out of it, aren't I? :cheeky: And lol to Leibish looking like Santa! You always manage to make me laugh :D


Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, rats for having expenses come up. Hopefully you can work in your Cartier too. Rats that your computer is shutting down. Your Tiffany band is really pretty. It may be worth keeping if you enjoyed wearing it today. Sorry you don’t love the cuffs when you tried them on. The JUC looks fabulous on you! It’s worth saving up for.

Missy, I would probably not have worn those earrings much either but they were fun. Your weather yesterday sounds like Wyoming weather. It was probably the front that finally moved out of here this past weekend. You watching some great and classic movies. Good choices. Glad you got in a nice ride today in spite of the weather.

Jimmianne, I was hoping we were all going to get a turn at the Gracie earrings. Your wardrobe and plans sound fabulous. Great idea to take a sketch book. I am sure Marty can identify the golf clubs that are comparable to an ACA. He’s probably sad he knows what ACA means. I am glad you like hearing my routine domestic stories. I am impressed you pierced your own ears in 7th grade. I got my ears pierced in high school. I only have one piercing in each earlobe. Your band is beautiful and mmm to delicious chocolate.

Callie, I am glad you are happy with your Infiniti. What color did you get? Safety and the interior of your car are definitely important and you sound very happy with your new car. I am sure you will love it. Our wheels sound alike for sure; abused and scraped up. Someone told me they have these little spring things or something like that you can put on your wheels. I am surprised Marty hasn’t bought them for me yet. I go to Marty for advice a lot on managing employees. He sure doesn’t miss having employees.

Junebug, I am sorry you are feeling a little burned out taking care of your mom. It is hard to keep them company when they aren’t interested in engaging with you. Take care of yourself but I know on some level she appreciates you are there. Hugs to you. I am glad you’ve got a closing date but phooey your place will be rented out even after you buy it. At least you get the income from the rental to buy a new table or another band. It is nice bands are reasonably priced so we can get a few of them to swap around.

Kristie, isn’t Catmom’s band fabulous? I went and looked at Leibish too. I had my impulse band purchase down to 3 bands, picked the one I liked the most then showed Marty the 3 and he likes the one I liked the least. Now I’m torn about what to do. I think I need to go try on more bands that look similar to what I’m considering online.

Sharon, did you get your necklace?

My day began with an unexpected announcement. I have a new boss. My boss took over an additional department and now has 9 direct reports so I will be working for someone that has always been alleged to be at the same level as me. Our teams do work close together and it makes sense to try and work as one team. Generally I get along with him. He is blunt and direct which I prefer. I was upset at first but overall my job shouldn’t change much. Marty met me for lunch and I was fine by then but it was nice of him to offer to meet me somewhere.

We are getting quite a thunderstorm right now. Heavy rain, small hail and lots of sheet lightning.

Is it Friday yet?



Feb 27, 2007
Here are 3 bands I'm considering. My current bands are 4mm and I want something smaller to wear sometimes.

Left set is 3.3 mm and has 3 pointer diamonds and 5 pointer sapphires (2mm stones). This is the only ring that wouldn't be custom so I could return it if I don't like it.

Middle is shown with 1 pointers but I can have custom made with 3 pointers band would be 2.7 mm

Right is 2.3 mm band and has 1.7 mm stones (.02 diamonds and .03 sapphires)

Your thoughts are welcome!




Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, I hope the change at work doesn't disrupt your work life too much. It's always weird when they do these unexpected things with promotions and org changes. Sigh...oh well. We could definitely use some rain and water in CA. It's funny how we take things for granted until you don't have enough of it.

Junebug, I didn't know you were buying a house. Now you're selling?

Sharon, thank you. :). I would be so excited if you got something!! You will have to share. :)

Kristie, I'm gonna go look up those bands. :)


Feb 27, 2007
LLJsmom, you guys are so dry out there. We had severe drought here for about 6 years but have been getting more moisture again in the last few years. I'll try to send some rain your way. We've had quite a few re-orgs at work but usually it hasn't impacted my department. Marty went through it many times when he worked there. My new boss said he believes my team isn't broken so he didn't plan on changing things especially before he gets to know what we are doing. I think my hyper over-achiever will freak a little bit and not be happy with it for a while.


Feb 27, 2007
Callie, I just remembered this. Did they find what was in your attic and get rid of it?


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

Callie,I totally forgot about that something might be in your attic until Marcy reminded us. Did the exterminator ever come and did they find out what it was?

How is the new car handling? Pretty sweet I hope.

Marcy, I am glad Marty met you for lunch yesterday and it made you feel better. It is always stressful when change happens and especially a new boss can make things feel uncertain. I have no doubt your new boss will come to appreciate and rely on you because you are a person who gets the job done and does it will skill and efficiency and you are a gem and he will see that. I know in the meantime that you might feel a bit stressed at work and I am sending you lots of good luck dust.

LLJsmom, I love the fact that you waited and thought and took your time and now you know the JUC is the one you love and need. It looks gorgeous on your wrist and I hear you about the configuration of your wrist. I think your wrist looks beautiful though just so you know. And I could not agree more. A deal is only a deal when you are getting exactly what you want otherwise it is just another piece of jewelry sitting in the safe. So woohoo on the JUC! Now I hope you do find a preloved or great deal on the bracelet.

I love all those movies you posted. Audrey Hepburn is a star I just love and adore. She had such elegance and grace and I love all things Audrey. Thank you for all those recs though because you reminded me it is time to rewatch them. They really don't make movies like those anymore. We watched the Hustler last night (have I mentioned how good looking I think Paul Newman was :love: ) and believe it or not Greg never saw that movie! OMG, so I was glad to be there for his first time seeing it. A classic.

Jimmianne, I never heard of that Hector movie and I will see if I can find it to watch, thank you. I am always looking for good movies and books though reading hasn't been something I have been doing much of lately. I go through spells of reading lots and then not at all. I blame the internet on that because it is usually more appealing to open my computer and go online and see what is happening vs reading and that is not so good all the time. I also blame the internet on my ADD which I think for sure I have and only since I started using computers and the internet. I cannot do one thing at a time anymore and that is bad. I have to work on that because I feel as if I need constant stimulation and I need to learn to relax and chill and just be sometimes.

France is almost here Woohoo!!! :appl:

Junie, it does concern me that you are feeling burned out and I agree with Callie that perhaps just raise the issue with your brother and sister about getting some extra help with your mom? I understand that it will bring some new complications if and when that happens but in the long run it will be such a help. Are your siblings helping out more now and helping lessen your load? If not I would gently point out to them that you need extra help from them especially if they are not ready to hire someone to help.

Back to the happy house news now. I really am so excited for you and this is a good time in your and your dh's life and I hope you are enjoying it to the max. I know it is crazy but I would love to be house shopping again LOL. I love our house but this weather is getting to me and well I guess neighbors can be difficult anywhere so not counting on moving to change that but I sure would love some better weather.

I just vented to Greg and I know he just wants me to be happy we are together and off for these 2 weeks but a part of me is upset that it is not warm and sunny yanno? And after today's stiff strong winds they are predicting rain again tomorrow and then again Monday. ;( It always happens like this and I just have to accept it as there is no other choice but if I can for a moment just cry here. After that difficult year I just wanted a beautiful weather vacation so we could cycle in comfort. OK end of vent. Life is good and I have really no reason to complain!!! OMG compared to what I went through you would think I would be so grateful and appreciative just to be in relatively good health now and on vacation at the beach house. I am embarrassed for complaining. :oops:

Tropical storm Kristie? Haha I just reread that and it seems that the tropical storm's name is Kristie the way I wrote it LOL. Not that it wouldn't be a lovely name for a storm it would be but I sure hope there is no storm coming ;( ... I don't see one coming but it sure is windy again here today. LOL leave it to us to pick the best 2 weeks of vacation. I have to laugh as this usually happens but all we can do is make the best of it. Tonight we are meeting friends for dinner in Red Bank at a new restaurant and looking forward to that. Now just hoping to be able to cycle against very stiff winds today as it is double the wind speeds of yesterday and no sun predicted. Just cloudy and cold. Wish us luck!

Those Leibish bands are delish and I think you deserve one of them. They would look lovely on your hand and at 10% off well that's something to think about. :devil: :halo: :naughty:
I too love Eragem but I feel their prices are high or at least I thought that last time I checked out their website over a year ago.

Please don't be mad at me or worse yet disappointed in me OK but right now I am leaning towards no go on Miami. I just don't have it in me to fly and leave the kitties with goodness knows who. You will all have an amazing time and I want you to have a blast and come back and share the adventure with me. It won't be as good of course as me being there but I will be happy knowing you are having a wonderful time with the girls.

Sharon, hello, hope you are well and I am looking forward to seeing any of your new bling projects if and when you decide to share with us. How is the weather by you? I hope you are enjoying a good spring to summer!

Ovi, hope you are feeling better.

I am attaching a few pics of the ducklings and goslings we saw on our cycling adventures yesterday. You know I had to check on them haha. So freaking adorable and precious. :love: I was guarding them as they were crossing the road. OMG they just jump into the street without looking and now I understand why the term bird brain exists lol. The ducklings are still short so they have to hop back up on the curb vs just stepping up like their momma. Watching all of them hop up on the curb was so cute. LOVE them. Now I just want them to remain safe!






Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, I found your rec on Netflix. Thanks! After we watch From the Terrace (Paul Newman sigh... :love: )
we will watch Hector and the search for happiness.

Marcy, I love all those bands. Would the thicker band be different enough in width from your current bands however? Since you are looking for something thinner I might go with one of the thinner 2 bands vs the thicker one. I think I like the one on the right best for that reason.


Dec 9, 2013
missy|1433419980|3885032 said:
Jimmianne, I found your rec on Netflix. Thanks! After we watch From the Terrace (Paul Newman sigh... :love: )
we will watch Hector and the search for happiness.

oh good. it had 5 stars, which made me slog through the first few "set up plot" scenes to the amazing part : )
A super-feel-good movie. A few scary parts.

Def. a lurker this morning. So much information to process while coffee kicks in : ) ... so random thoughts...

I am happy about the Cartier choice. Maybe we can find a 15 over time...I had not realized that the nail head is the clasp. Very cool.

The Leibish band is stunning on. I want one. The pre-Vegas photos didn't thrill me, but the on-hand shots have me lusting.
I had a nice conversation with David earlier this year when I found a DBL brand yellow cushion ring. [Joy won that time].
He was so nice and so down to earth, I would really like to do business with him sometime.
I also feel that way about Wink.

Glad to see you are keeping the duckies in a row. Ducklings are THE cutest baby birds on earth! I would love to have some, but the foxes here would too. I have a wild goose family on the pond right now with goslings about the age of yours. If I need a wrangler, I have your contact information!

More catch-up with everyone later. We are having a case of the "grey and cold" here too. Missy, I'm sorry it's happening on your vacation : (
why oh why?
I don't usually post things like this, but I had to : )


Jul 1, 2014
LOL, Jimmianne, the *W* word????????????????? :angryfire: :evil: :angryfire: He's polite when you're shopping but remember what happens once he gets your Visa #. One rude excuse after another. You'll take what he's selling or tough nougies.

Marcy, shoot, ALL those bands are what I'm looking for MYSELF! I love them both although I have to admit I always like good stone presence so of the three you show, I like the one with the smallest stones the least. The other two, you can't go wrong there I don't think *unless* the irregular versus smooth outline of the band wouldn't feel good on the finger. I've kind of wondered that about bands with alternating geometric shapes versus a smooth round band/edges. ETA: The square bezels, would the edges of those feel pointy? I don't know!!

Anyone have one of those and can tell me and Marcy?

Missy---it's just June. November (when you would make any reservations) is a looooong way away. You might could change your mind. You might feel even more strongly that you don't want to go. Either way, we love you and we support whatever you decide. Will we be bummed if you don't come? Of course we will! We'd have a great time and I hope all the NIRDIs come on down to Miami for some lovely weather, some good food and drink, and HIGH QUALITY ANTIQUE JEWELS AT SHOW PRICES!!! Add in NIRDI camaraderie and how can you MISS? Honestly, Missy, if I'm lucky enough at that time to be in the market for the 2-3 ct OEC I was hoping you'd advise re the stone.

Good news so far with Finnie Boy: The ugly fix to the pool ramp is working. Finn and Maggie aren't cutting the ramp any more. I've also shortened the swim workout for the dogs from almost 45 minutes to 15-20 minutes. I've doubled Finn's Wobenzym dose too. He's happy and active so even though it's hard to see him age and lose function I have to accept it and give him love and joy every day he's here with us.




Oct 24, 2012
Why does a few pictures of a family of ducklings just start my day off just right?! Thank you Missy! You're like the bike riding fairy godmother of that little family now.... :angel:


Oct 24, 2012
Kristie, Finn is soooooo cute!!!!! Being the fierce guard dog that he is. L :love: VE...


Jun 7, 2014
Kristie, A big WooHoo that Finny Boy is feeling better. the ramp was a wonderful idea and thank goodness it's worked out well!!! Happy, Happy News!!! I went shopping after meeting my friend for coffee yesterday. Found a cute skirt to bring to Miami! I found out a girl I am friendly with tried to commit suicide very recently. Should I try to contact her or wait for her to contact me? Our mutual friend also doesn't know what to do. Any suggestions? I'm actually closer to the mutal friend and she seems to be at wits end with her.

Missy, Next year is a long way off. You may still change your mind about Miami. Kristie and I can still hope you change your mind! I love your pictures of the baby ducks. That is one great thing about where I live, every spring I get a new batch of babies to see and enjoy. Their little personalities are so sweet. I can't believe the weather you have been having. The past four days have just been gorgeous here. At least you have a fun evening with friends planned. I hope you have a good time on your ride today. I completely forgot about the traps in the attic. I haven't slept much this whole week with worrying about the car and I haven't heard any noises at all since the day the exterminator came. I was supposed to call him Monday or Tuesday and he was going to come back out. I'll have to call him today.

Marcy, You can't go wrong with any of the bands you posted. They are all beautiful! Would the thinner bands be nicer for stacking? It sounds like everything will be fine at work especially since this person seems to like how things are set up in your department. In my experience the problems seem to come when someone comes in and doesn't like the way things are going and set up. Of course when this happens the new person in charge often knows nothing about what the people in department actual do. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it all goes well. It's always an adjustment period when something changes in an office organization. Im sure you will be calming down a couple of your employees. I got the gray color because it had the black interior. I kind of feel like I'm driving a boat. It seems so big compared to my old car which is kind of crazy as it doesn't take up much more space in the garage. I know it was the right decision for us but I do still think about the Audi.

JJLsmom, If your heart is with this bracelet don't let anyone change your mind. You will regret it. It's beautiful! Thank you for your comments about your wrist. Mine are small, bony and flat as well to so your remarks were very helpful. I didn't get the bracelet because I want something I can take off everyday. Now I have doubts that the cuff will work for me. How exciting you have a trip planned. Have you decided what clothes you are going to pack?

Junebug, It is completely understandable how you are feeling. It so hard to be a caregiver. I'm sorry you have been feeling a little down. Does your sister plan on making a vist to your mom soon? I wish you were able to get more breaks as I know that seemed to help my MIL the most when she was taking care of my FIL. I wish I lived closer. I could at least help you on the days you are feeling bad. If you didn't want to leave your mom, I could at least bring you coffee and some flowers. Do you have decorating ideas for the beach house? Pinterest is full of wonderful decorating ideas.

Jimmianne, I'm so excited for you about this trip. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time and it's so nice you get to spend time with your daughter. I can't wait to see what you come home with. I will bring my gold band to our get together. It sounds so similar to yours. I also forget I even have it on when I wear it. You find the best rings. I had the batteries all charged on the hedge trimmer this morning and was going to tackle trimming everything this morning. The darn battery died after a half an hour. So much for getting that job completed this morning.

Sharon, Please guit teasing me. I know you are up to something fantastic!!!


Dec 9, 2013
I stand corrected, even more than you know LOL


Feb 27, 2007

I'm Marcy. And I'm a jewelaholic.

I just emailed my choice for a band off to Whiteflash. Now I’ll read all of your comments and suggestions then second guess my choice.

Junebug, I think my work routine is going to be chaotic and boring. We met with the new boss today and my team’s mouths pretty much fell open when I said I wasn’t running our group schedule anymore and I wasn’t doing updates anymore. That adds work on their plates for sure.

Missy, thank you for the good luck wishes. I feel like I could be putting myself out of a job stepping out of daily stuff but it gives all of us a chance to grow. Hustler is a great movie! Audrey Hepburn is a totally classy and elegant lady. I don’t like that commercial they did recently for Dove chocolate using her in it. Sorry you are having a frustrating week with bad weather. You can vent and complain here all you want. After all we are NIRDI’s hear us vent! I LOVE your pictures of the cute little ducklings. I can see them waddling down the street now.

Jimmianne, I definitely want something under 3mm for my band. That is the primary reason I’m looking (and okay because I can’t stand not to be looking for new bling). LOL about keeping duckies in a row. We have goose around here and one day I was leaving and had to wait for a long row of geese to walk across the street. I thought to myself it’s not only ducks who get in a row. The Leibish band is awesome.

Kristie, I think the geometric shapes might be bothersome. The one with squares was almost the same width as my other 2 bands. I can’t wait to see what bands get your attention. I am glad the doggie ramp is working for Finnie. Uncle Marty and I are delighted to hear Finnie is feeling better.

Callie, I must worry about varmits more than you. I doubt I’d sleep a wink worrying about critters in my attic. I am glad you are enjoying your pretty new car. Have you taken the corners on 2 wheels yet? I hope you haven’t had any curb incidents yet. I am being optimistic my new boss will work out well for my team and me.

We had a new team meeting today. Things generally went well but there were a lot of questions and I am sure things will be chaotic for a while.

I was leaning towards the larger Danielle (round bezel set) because it is 2.7 mm so it will be close in size to my ering. Also I tend to like symmetry so once the novelty of the geometric rings wore off I might regret going that direction. My goal tonight was to look at Danielle bands with solitaires and found this shot. The original band has 1 pointers and this diamond is .77 carats. The custom Danielle I am getting has 3 pointers (5 pointer sapphires) and my diamond is 1.52 carats. So after finding this picture I emailed Whiteflash saying I wanted to go with the larger size Danielle. I am excited. Then I SWEAR I’m not buying more jewelry until at least July.

Have a great evening and Friday.



Jul 1, 2014
Thank you, Marcy, for ordering up some quality bling! Looking forward! :appl: :appl: :appl:


Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, you are a jewel-a-holic. It's ok. You're among good company. I think your band will look perfect with your solitaire. I can't wait to see it!

Missy, I hope the weather gets better. It is super disappointing not to have good weather for your rides. I would be really disappointed too if I were you. :( I hope it stays nice enough for you and Greg to keep going out there.

Jimmianne, so excited for you. Has it really sunk in yet? I am not there mentally yet, still very much in the planning stages. I probably need to think about packing. Have you been following the thread on taxing the sanitary products? My biggest concern was whether I would need to take up luggage space for my "supplies". I think I'm in the clear. I should know by the end of this month. Maybe I should add that to the thread too.

Junebug, I haven't been up to date on your house buying and selling. It's a super exciting and stressful time. Life gets like that huh? Almost anything that is exciting and worthwhile is always accompanied by stress. I guess I just need to learn how to roll with it.

Kristie, are you going to take some great pics to share from the show? Can you do a Top Ten for us?? Then we can feel like we went too. ;-) Of course, if get too dazzled to remember, I certainly understand. :love: And btw, I took your advice. I'm not selling. Stones are really white (you know I'm a color whore) and sparkly. I just checked on bluenile and see what you are saying. Replacing it would cost a lot more. I'll just give it to my daughter when she finishes college. (I don't like the idea of her wearing a diamond ring in college. Necklace ok. Ring, no.)


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmianne, do all the biz you want with He Whose Name Must Not Be Mentioned BUT...

When you are in France be sure to have both croissants and chocolate croissants at least 3 times per day. Hot chocolate there is TDF. "Patisserie" and "Boulangerie" must be visited, there is ALWAYS time for this!!! :twirl:

The only bad habit you cannot bring home is smoking. :naughty:

Bon Voyage, cher Jimmianne :wavey:


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, I'm glad to hear you're keeping that lovely ring. I didn't know you also have a daughter!


Oct 24, 2012
Sorry, had to post b/c my computer shuts off and I lose everything...AGAIN...

Ovi, hope you're doing ok. Thinking about you...

Callie, that is a hard one. If it were me, I would just reach out to let them know I was thinking about them and that I am there. Other than that, I probably would not do more unless I was very close. I am so sorry. Taking the step to consider and attempt suicide means she is in a very bad place. I really would not know what to do... Mental health is such a tough issue.

Speaking of mental health...
Update on the sugar situation. Going on finishing my fourth week. Had part of a baked pork bun. Some sweetness in that, but not much.. I've been really so much more balanced, and less reactive and just more even keeled all around. It's been good and worth the effort to cut out processed sugar. The weight is still pretty much where it is. Maybe I will see some change after a month. But if cutting out sugar isn't getting me to lose weight, I guess my body is where it's supposed to be, so I can mentally chill.

Ok, so I've given the bracelet some more thought. I do love the JUC. However, I would wear it on my right hand, which is my "mouse" arm. So for most of the day, I am at the computer, and my arm is resting on the desk b/c I'm using my mouse. So my JUC would rubbing against the table all day. I wonder if that would bother my hand. I just thought of something. I have a couple of 24K bangles that I could wear and test it out to see if it would bother me. Would the bracelet being pressed between your arm and your desk and it rubbing on the desk all day bother you guys? Anyway, so instead of the bracelet, maybe I consider the ring... If I got the ring, I would definitely want diamonds...

So the other option is to wear it on my left, but I would feel weird with yellow gold with my ering. I'm too matchy-matchy and that would bother me.

Decisions, decisions. I did tell my DH that he has until April 2016 to make the purchase. Aren't I considerate, to give him so much advance notice? ;-)


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, I am continuing to send you work dust so everything goes smoothly during this transition and beyond. You know I understand what you are saying and how unsettling this change can be. No matter what though I know the new boss is so lucky to have you on the team leading the way. Lots of good luck and hugs being sent your way!!!

I never saw that Dove commercial with Audrey Hepburn and I am glad I did not. I would have hated seeing her being used that way. OMG the ducklings and goslings are so adorable with everything they do. Even just sitting there it is so much cuteness overload. :love:
Our friends showed us pics from their Ecuador trip and so many beautiful birds, iguanas and turtles etc. :love:

I LOVE that band. It is going to look amazing with your ring. The one you chose is my favorite of all the bands you posted no doubt. :love:

I'm with you on needing the bling. I desperately *need* bigger diamond hoops now. I have a few pairs of diamond hoops right now but only 2 pairs get worn on a regular basis. My almost everyday wear diamond hoops are 1 inch. Then I have smaller diamond huggies that I also love and wear second most often. Then I have medium size diamond hoops (3/4 inch perhaps) that I rarely wear and then very blingy pave diamond hoops that are probably around 1/2 to 3/4 an in inch in diameter but too heavy in weight. They are my most blingy and I wear them for short periods of time for special occasions but unfortunately I haven't worn them for over a year or 2 at this point as they are just too heavy for my delicate earlobe comfort. And then I have the huge diamond hoops that are also too heavy to wear and not sure what I was thinking when I got them years ago. They are large-not sure how large but well over 2 inches in diameter for sure. I don't like the way the diamonds are situated around them. Both larger and smaller diamonds around the hoops. A few larger diamonds and in between the larger ones are smaller ones. I never saw any other pair like these before. Anyway I NEVER wear these anymore and have not for well over 10 years.

So now I feel the need for lighter weight larger skinny diamond hoops. About an inch and a half to an inch and 3/4 in diameter would be a good size I think. My main problem is finding earrings that are less than 2.5 grams per ear or else I will not be able to wear them comfortably. And the only other small issue is budget since I really have nothing major to work with given that I have bought 2 pairs of earrings since February. Still if anyone sees anything similar to what I am looking for please share it here so I can see if I can swing it. 8)

Callie, I am so sorry about your friend. I would reach out to her. Why? Because it is nice to know someone cares and is thinking of you when you are going through something traumatic and life altering. At the very least even if she doesn't want to talk to you right now she will know you are rooting for her and there for her if she wants to talk. I would send a handwritten letter telling her you are thinking of her and that you are there for her if she wants to talk or wants company, anything. And I would call her after that once a week to remind her you have not forgotten about her and that if she needs anything you are there for her. I know some might feel this is too much but I think if you do it with a soft touch and a gentle reminder she will appreciate knowing that other people actually care what happens to her and that she is not as alone as she might feel sometimes. Of course I am generalizing based on little info and you might decide this is not the best course of action. Hugs to you and to your friend too. I hope life gets better and easier for her soon and that she realizes she is loved and not alone.

Hopefully whatever was in the attic is long gone.

LLJsmom, I am with you. If the lbs don't budge and you are healthy and fit (which I know you are ms. marathon runner! :appl: ) then you are at your good meant to be weight. So glad the sugar buster diet is working so well for you and that occasionally you can eat foods that have it without bad consequences. All about moderation and lowering the sugar intake. I love nuts as a snack and they help me not crave sugar as a snack.

We went out to eat last night with friends and the meal was delicious (I had Chilean Sea Bass grilled with asparagus and wilted greens and wild mushrooms and fresh lump crab and an organic green salad as an appetizer) but I left the restaurant with a headache which I actually still have this morning. I didn't even drink but who knows what might have been in the food. It was a touch salty because I forgot to say no added salt please. Perhaps that is it but I know that I prefer eating at home because then I control more of exactly what is going into my food.

Something bothered me last night though we had a good time it is still bothering me. Our good friend (and our closest friends at the shore) J spoke rather condescendingly to the wait staff last night. Now we have eaten out with them countless times and her dh S is a doll. A real doll. J is high maintenance and can be somewhat of a pain at times but I love her still. And I never noticed her speaking as condescendingly and yes even rude to the wait staff before as I witnessed last night.

Greg and I more than made up for her rude and condescending behavior though as I was chatting and joking with our wait staff every time they came to the table to make up for her and they were happy with that we could tell. And Greg also was super friendly during the meal whenever they came over and shook our waiter's hand at the end thanking him for wonderful service yada yada yada plus a big tip.

I also smoothed things over immediately with the other servers too who were helping at our table. As I said she can be a handful but I never noticed her being as rude as last night so I was upset and now I don't even know what to do. I CANNOT speak to her about this because she is extremely sensitive and over reactive with many things and I have known her for over a decade. It is best not to talk to her about this. And her dh S knows how to deal with her and that is to do nothing. Happy wife happy life and in this case S knows that his life would be he** if he spoke to her about this if he even noticed. I guess I wonder if I ever want to go out with them again. I will give it another try and perhaps she was having an off night but she was great with us and seemed in a good mood so not sure. They invited us to the Yacht club next week for dinner and not sure we are accepting because I might need more time to recuperate from our dinner last night LOL. Though I am sure at their Yacht club she would behave better.

I will say some of our shore friends have stopped going to dinner with them and I thought it was because she is very high maintenance re what she could eat (Celiac disease) etc and I was upset they didn't want to eat with her because of her dietary requirements and also that she can be high maintenance in general but now I think perhaps they don't care for her attitude towards the wait staff. Greg and I have never noticed it at this level before however and I would have realized it believe me. She is either getting worse as she gets older or perhaps it is a one off time. We will see.

Back to you LLJsmom, try out the bracelet you have on that wrist and see if it bothers you on the keyboard. That would bother me and for me comfort is #1 in all things. Shoes, jewelry, clothing, etc. If I am not comfie I will end up not wearing it. April 2016 is a fair deadline I agree. :cheeky:

I think you made a good decision re your ring and giving it t your dd eventually. Keep it in the family!

Kristie, we chatted with our friends about the retirement issues you and I were discussing yesterday. They came up with something I am considering. 6 months here at our beach house (summer late spring/early fall when the weather is at its supposed best) and 6 months someplace like Sarasota Florida in the colder months. We would spend at least 181 days there to claim residency and pay less in taxes/insurance etc so it would make up for having 2 homes and the expenses of 2 homes. The place in Sarasota would be a condo so less to deal with on our own and I would want to be on the water there. No clue as to prices etc and I have never even been there but considering it because I have heard good things about it there re culture/people/climate and costs. Thoughts?

YAY for the ramp for Finn and Maggie. A great solution and LOL funny Bob.

As for me helping you with an OEC decision I would be honored to help any way I can! Even if I decide I cannot go to the Miami Show there are ways to hook me up when you are looking at a piece for serious consideration. So we can figure that out. But you know my heart will be there with you guys no matter what I decide. As I write this Bobby is rubbing all against me getting cat hair on my face and in my mouth. LOL Kitty love from Psycho kitty. Love it.

Jimmianne, hey there. Wise decision. We NIRDIs look out for each other. (((HUGS))).
France is a few days (or less!) away. OMG excited!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
We weren't home last night so no movies were watched. Perhaps tonight. I will let you know when we get up to your Hector recommendation.

Ovi, hello! Hope you are enjoying your week and have a good weekend planned and I hope you are all better.

We have decided to go to Lambertville today and skip cycling as it is cloudy, cool and windy again and truthfully it is not so much fun cycling when one is freezing and fighting the winds. I have done enough of that this week and now it is time for my favorite bling store. :appl: Unfortunately Toni is away these 2 weeks at her family vacation home in Maine so we will not see her today but the other lovely ladies should be there. Have a great day girls and perhaps I will see you later. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Oh Missy, I would be so embarrassed if my friends did that to the wait staff. My Mother was always quite rude and it was very uncomfortable. But at least you and Greg tried to make up for it and I'm sure the waiter appreciated your efforts.
This is one of those things where you wish you could say just the right thing to wake up the rude person. Obviously she is not a happy camper.

AZ - I was admiring your Fantastic Fanta over on the "rings in flowers" thread. I tried to find photos to post and had hardly any, so I think some flower-based shots are in order. Just looking through my OWN photos to finds a good one to post gave me bling fever. argh!!!

Callie, that is a tough one. I agree with Missy...just showing up for her in some way. She will either be OK or she won't and all we can ever do is show up for people. Hopefully it is just depression that can be dealt with and is not a race to the cliff for her. Some people just don't want to be here no matter what. :((

LLJsmom - Yesterday the woman who owns the apt we rented on AIRB&B wrote to say that she is sending a Taxi driver she knows to pick us up at the airport. That was a concern - being taken "the long way around". She said he does not charge for waiting for us or extra bags, and I'm sure he will be nice. If he gives me his card I will pass the information along to you.
Going on a trip is a lot of work - I've been in a "state" for the last month. I am nervous about odd things, like getting to do what I want [our hosts have planned things for us], and spending time in the home of a family that does not speak English, because it may be exhausting on top of everything else.
The B&B apt we are staying in is on a quaint-looking street in the 6th with lots of shops, etc. Wow - the internet is amazing, isn't it?!
I've already explored all the places we are going : )
My friend Tony just got back, now it's my turn, then yours!

Off to a Bon Voyage breakfast at the "Small Cafe" with friends. Then a truckload of hay & feed and clean the barn. I keep thinking of that old WW1 song "How you gonna keep them down on the farm after they've seen Paree?" Perhaps the same could be said for NYC!


Jun 17, 2009
Ok, I've got some catching up to do!

Missy, I think it's perfectly understandable you're a little disappointed about the less than great weather, so I say vent away! If you can't vent in this thread, where can you vent? You're staying through next week though, right? I checked Accuweather and the weather is supposed to be much better next week. A trip to Lambertville is a great idea, have a good time!

I personally think having 2 places makes a lot of sense, that way you have the best of both worlds in terms of weather. My husband and I have talked about this, my concern for us is SC is going to be too quiet and desolate during the winter, even though the weather will be better than NJ. We'll have to see once we're down there during the winter to know for sure I guess. I guess the downside is taking care of 2 places, but we're both doing that now anyway lol! And if it's a condo, less maintenance to worry about.

Love the pics of the ducklings!!! :love: They are so cute they almost don't seem real, if that makes any sense. I guess they overloaded my cuteness sensor :cheeky:

I understand how being with someone who is rude to wait staff is very awkward and uncomfortable. I've been in that spot too, and I do the same thing - I'm extra nice to try to diffuse the bad behavior! I support you in not saying anything though - in this case I truly don't think it will do any good, and might even put a strain on your relationship. From your description of your friend, I can tell she probably wouldn't take it well and might even become angry and defensive, which you definitely don't need lol. Fingers crossed this was a one time thing, since you've never really noticed it before.

Thank you so much for your concern for me missy! Yes, something is going to have to be figured out - but I am feeling much better now thankfully. Had a rough couple of days, just feeling kind of overwhelmed and depressed, but my spirits are much better today. My sister is coming for a week in July, so I'm looking forward to that. It was very helpful to just share my feelings in this thread, I so appreciate everyone's kindness and understanding.

I will keep my eyes open for hoops for you! I am exactly the same way when it comes to heavy earrings, I just can't tolerate that feeling of heaviness…when I first put them in, it doesn't seem too bad and I talk myself into thinking they'll be ok but they end up really bothering me.

Jimmianne, omygosh you are going to have such a great trip! It sounds wonderful! I do get what you're saying about the planning being a bit stressful, but once you are there everything will fall into place and it will be a great adventure. Have fun at your bon voyage breakfast!

Marcy, I completely understand how hearing such sudden news about getting a new boss could be unsettling and upsetting. That is a big change to be thrown at you out of the blue. It sounds like it should be a pretty smooth transition though and even though I know there will be some changes and adjustments, it sounds like things will work out. You sound like you're feeling better now that you've had time to process it. I'll be thinking of you and hoping that things fall into place.

Marcy, thanks for your nice words…so comforting that you "get" it and understand how I feel, seriously it really helps. As I said to missy, I'm feeling so much better today and I appreciate just being able to vent a little from time to time.

You are in good company with your bling addiction - I'm now dreaming of a double halo colored stone ring, which unfortunately will have to wait until the dust settles from all this house stuff lol! Probably a pretty long wait ;( I was too late to weigh in on your ring choice, but I think you made the best decision! Can't wait to see it! :dance:

Kristie, I'm so glad you've figured out a way to keep your doggies from doing that short cut to the ramp! Whew, that must be a load off your mind. LOVE that pic of Finn, he is adorable and I want to reach into the pic and just cuddle the heck out of him!

LLJsmom, I'm so excited that you are planning a trip! It's so nice to have something to look forward to. Yes, we're selling our house in SC and buying a slightly bigger one so we can accommodate more guests and be closer to the beach woo-hoo. I've been in a slump lately but feeling better now and more excited about the new house.

I see your dilemma about the bracelet, comfort is an important factor for me too and it would be a shame to get the bracelet and then find out it's driving you crazy lol. I think wearing some bangles to test it out is a good idea. I think it's good that you're thinking of these things.

Calliecake, thanks to you too for your thoughts, you are so sweet and I get comfort just from your nice words…Luckily I'm feeling a lot better, I think some of the problem is I've been very tired this week, and I slept well last night and I think that's helped.

Sounds like a friend is going through a tough time and I'm so sorry about that…I agree with missy's suggestions, I think people are comforted by the fact that others are thinking of them, and are there for them. I know you make me feel better!

Hope everyone is having a good day!


Oct 24, 2012
Hey girls, just wanted to post a quick pic of how the solid JUC may end up pushing up on my wrist.

See what I mean about it being pressed between my arm and the table? I'll see how it feels if I have it this way all day.



Jun 17, 2009
LLJsmom|1433521584|3885606 said:
Hey girls, just wanted to post a quick pic of how the solid JUC may end up pushing up on my wrist.

See what I mean about it being pressed between my arm and the table? I'll see how it feels if I have it this way all day.

Hmm, yeah, I see what you mean LLJsmom…another consideration is these bracelets are flat, the JUC is more rounded right? A more rounded bracelet might press into your skin a little more and bother you that way, I don't know. I'm wondering if you should try to find a costume bracelet similar to the design of the JUC to test it out, just a thought.


Dec 9, 2013
I just unloaded more bales of hay than I cared to count and am headed for some ice cream and a bit of a movie
I could not resist adding my 1 1/2 cents about bracelets. I don't think I'm a bracelet person at all. I just wrote down the ones I have and what they are like - obviously I haven't found the right one yet. So here goes...

I bought 3 round Tif twist bangles at Provident Jewelers [fun website] in Naples as a reward when I was working on my parent's estate. I love them so much that I bought a 4th on eBay this year... despite the fact I never wear them...they slide up and down my arm too much. They "chime" a lot - fun but annoying for a day out.

Then I bought a wide Tif cuff and returned it - totally uncomfortable - hurt my bones whenever I turned my wrist.
THEN I fell in love with a REALLY wide Tif cuff on eBay, bought it and NEVER wear it - it is super uncomfortable. My wrist bone keeps getting caught in the opening. I still love looking at it though lol.

The only thing I've been able to wear are thin cuffs. I have one I wear on occasion that says "Be Happy" : ) It's polished brass from a street vendor, $10.

I would love a WF oval diamond bangle and would probably have one already, but they don't come in small sizes. I think this [or a thin Grace wire cuff] might be the only comfortable way to go.
So now that I've been so encouraging about the Cartier...I think they look outstanding, but I could never wear one.
Bracelets are tricky to me. They can seem OK , but like shoes, the true comfort level cannot be assessed until they are worn for a while.

whoops - that was more like 15 cents
and here's one more
I wore another bangle - kind of heavy silver peretti free form - to breakfast. I was considering wearing it on the trip. But every time I put my arm down on the table it made a loud clunk. I love it. It is staying home.


Oct 24, 2012
Jimmianne I can't thank you enough for your detailed account and description. Thank you for taking the time and effort. I a really appreciate it and will go back and read it many times. Gotta go for now...


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, you might reconsider wearing a bracelet while operating a mouse.

Mouse is already bad for your physiology. It might not be smart to add to the compression you are already subjecting your wrist to...

I used an ergo mouse for years from Kinesis---not fake ergo but really ergo, you grab it sideways and very little of your wrist is compressed and your fingers aren't clawed either. A sideways grip almost like a handshake.

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