
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

Hi Monnie.

Missy, another strange thing about my hair is it’s pretty curly / wavy in the back but the sides are pretty straight. That is nice you have a special restaurant with many good memories over the years. I know you always have a nice day there and of course get to see pretty bling.

CJ, that’s nice you met your family on Easter and had a nice time. Sunscreen is a pain in the butt. I use Clinique makeup and I have to watch what I buy because so much of their stuff has sunscreen in it. It feels like I wiped Vaseline on my skin. I hope you don’t have lots of quiet desperation but I know things can weigh on our minds. I am not freaking out all the time but I have a lot of angst going on inside. I’ll try not to suffer in quiet desperation. LOL about getting up early for our hair or make-up; I hardly put on makeup much anymore either. I like to sleep in as long as I can. I’d have been crazy about the tax guy too; I hope you have more details by now what he meant “I took care of you”. I am sure it’s fine but it’s not like this isn’t important.

Kristie, I hope you and Maggie are feeling better today.

I know I sound like a broken record but I swear my employees are unbelievable. They’ve made so many mistakes in the last week my boss’s boss is having an access/crystal report made to check for their mistakes. The new company is all about automating as much as possible; maybe he’ll be putting some of them out of a job. They made the same mistakes today and I fixed for them on Friday and told them what they did on Monday. I ate many girl scout cookies today from stress (or was that quiet desperation?)

Have a great Thursday.



May 27, 2010
Hi Ladies,
I just popped in here for a moment...Missy I had to say you are so cute and fashionable in your pix. Luv your style! Looks like you and the hubby had a ball.

Kristie, i hope you get well soon!!

Everyone has such beautiful Bling pix !:love:


Dec 9, 2013
AZ, I'm sorry you are sick now. Are you giving Bob hell for sharing?!
I hate it when dogs are sick. Sending you and Maggie healing dust.
and poor Finn getting attacked...ugh, not good.
I hope everything gets better in the AZ care clinic Very Soon.

Marcy, wow. my first thought seeing that photo was that it was my ring! and then I noticed the smoother hand. Whoops. Thank you for sharing. The center of your Mom's ring looks exactly like mine.

I had lunch with my DD yesterday. We've been through a lot of mother-daughter "growth" in the past year and I am happy to report that due to my learning to keep my mouth shut things are improving. We went to look at a car for her and she really wants a VW Tiguan. They are cute, but have a lower safety rating than the other vehicles in their class. I made a comparison chart for her & then shut up.

oh boy - a gem trunk show at my jewelers today. I wish my NIRDIs who are into colored gems were going to be there.


Jun 8, 2008
Hi Ladies,
I just popped in here for a moment...Missy I had to say you are so cute and fashionable in your pix. Luv your style! Looks like you and the hubby had a ball.

Kristie, i hope you get well soon!!

Everyone has such beautiful Bling pix !:love:

Zestfullybling! Hello and thank you so much! That is incredibly sweet of you to say and I appreciate it. I would love it if you would join us in our bling and life discussions whenever you feel like it. Photos always welcome but not necessary. :))

CJ ugh I am sorry your CPA didn't get back to you in a timely fashion. Is everything OK now? I am guessing you didn't owe any money and he filed it for you that day? Though that is odd. He really needs to be a better communicator especially since he is your accountant. I know how much you are missing your sweet kitty and I hope you are comfortable talking about him whenever you want to. I still talk about our sweet Billy and in fact shared a video about him here a year or two ago I think.
It helped Greg heal to make that video about Billy and it is a poignant one. I wish we had more video of him because mainly it is still photos.

Your Easter outing sounded like the perfect compromise for everyone and I am glad you enjoyed the day.

I think all of us at one point or another can identify with that quote about most people leading lives of quiet desperation. Life is full of challenges and also highs and lows. The exact quote for those of you who are interested is “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” It sends chills up my spine mainly because there is so much truth in it.

I think I shared with you my favorite sunscreen a few posts ago but just in case. I use Cotz for my face and body (when we are cycling for full protection). It is zinc oxide and titanium dioxide and so far so good. I have been using it for a few years at least and you may remember I am sensitive to everything and fingers crossed it will still not cause any hypersensitivity reactions when I start using it in full force as soon as cycling begins.

For my face I use the Cotz Face spf 40 (no tint) and for my body I use the Sensitive spf 40 or the pediatric spf 40. Both non tinted.

Marcy I get it. My hair is schizophrenic with MPD (multiple personality disorder). I never know what I am going to get and it is part curly, part wavy and yes like you part straight. Here is an even weirder fact. From birth to the time I was pre twenties my hair was genuinely stick straight. A curling iron wouldn't even allow it to hold a curl. Super straight. Then all of a sudden (way past adolescence so not hormonal induced) it became curly! So weird. :twirl: But I am all about low maintenance and I just wash and air dry and go. And as far as makeup is concerned it takes me 2 minutes to put eyeliner and mascara on for work and cover up where it needs to go and I am done. And on most non work days I wear nothing but sunblock. Easy peasy and that is how I like it.

Sorry you employees are behaving like babies. Incompetent ones at that. Frustrating and I feel for you. I hope things start improving soon at work. For all of us.

Jimmianne OMG I would have loved to join you at the trunk show today! Have fun! And please share some colorful photos with us later.:love:

I am glad you enjoyed a nice day with your DD yesterday and LOL on learning to keep your mouth shut. I must learn to do that with my mother cause she sure doesn't know how to do that with me and one of us better learn how fast.:cheeky:
We test drove some of the VWs and I hate the jerky way the German cars run-their stiff suspension system makes the ride in those cars feel harsh. Not for me. And I agree safety is first so I hope your DD ends up with a good car that is safe too.

And I thought the same thing when Marcy shared her mother's lovely ring with us. Looks so much like your lovely ring!

Have a great day girls! Work continues to be challenging but I am being true to my word and not stressing about it and taking it one day at a time. I know the truth of what I should do will reveal itself to me in the near future. See you later!:wavey:


Dec 31, 2006
marcy you're so funny. I haven't had Girl Scout cookies in a long time. I never answer the door so chances are I'll never have them again. lol I don't remember the ones I liked and it's making me mad for some reason.

Sorry to hear about your employees making so many mistakes. Frustrating.

I wear makeup when I'm feeling inspired. Which is rarely. But I do like wearing it, a little bit of eyeliner and mascara and some color on the lips makes a difference. Not a huge difference mind you but some. And lately I've been a huge fan of a simple pony tail with a little pouf on top. I think it looks better on me sometimes than my hair down.

Hope your day at work today is better, but that you have some reason / excuse to have more cookies.

I bought a new bread at Whole Foods yesterday and it is way too delicious so I'm not going to buy it again. The ingredients say it doesn't haven't have any added sugar, but there's sugar in there for sure. Maybe in the flour. I'm going to try rye bread. I've discovered a long time ago that if I long / crave to eat something it's a good indication there's sugar or something not great in there. lol

missy I don't know if everything is OK because the CPA still hasn't clarified anything or replied to my email from yesterday morning asking if he filed, and if he was sure he had taken everything into account. It's likely everything is technically OK. But that's just it - DH and I were pretty sure we were going to owe because of something we did, and so we thought we were going to have to make a payment by 4/18 12 A.M. to make the deadline. I don't know this seems crazy to me for him to file without checking with us, especially when that's not the way we've ever done it. And to not communicate at all when we're expressing feeling stressed because it's the last possible minute...just unprofessional. Especially after totally missing our scheduled phone call Monday night. :/ Odd for sure. I'm going to hate paying him the full amount.

I remember I think the video Greg had made, I'm not sure. If you want to post to it again I would like to see it.

I feel comfortable to a point...there's only so many times I can say the same thing you know? But I know when I really need to, or it comes up, you guys will show me love and support, and that is so comforting.

The reason I've never bought the Cotz is that it has too low a percentage of zinc oxide...from what I've read it should be more in the 10-20% that's what I look for. Which of course increases the chances of a whitish cast, etc.

Anyway - hope you have a good day at work even with all the craziness you've got going on.

Have a great day everyone :wavey:


Dec 31, 2006
missy I just double checked because I realize that the Cotz you use DOES have 20% zinc oxide. The one I had always looked at was the tinted one. I think I did try it at some point though and didn't like it. But I can't remember. I should try it again sometimes what didn't work one time may work now. I've tried so many I lose track. I should really start a spreadsheet. :| have you ever tried their lip protection? that's another thing that's hard to find that's not drying.


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, I think my mom’s ring looks a lot like yours. Cool! I really like your rings together; they look fabulous. Good call giving you DD a handy chart but just left it alone; it’s hard not to give advice sometimes. I’d love to go to the gem trunk show with you. I got a 1/3 carat diamond solitaire pendant one time and that was one of the liveliest diamonds I’ve ever seen. I wish I’d kept it for a side stone but oh well at that time I didn’t realize what I had.

Missy, I agree that quote has a lot of truth to it; sad but true. LOL your hair has MPD. My hair never looks so good as the day I am going to get a haircut. It’s like it knows it’s end is near. I quit wearing mascara when I was wearing contacts; I was always getting chunks of it under my eyelids making my contacts miserable. I just got out of the habit. I hope work gets better for all of us. I know your days are challenging.

CJ, I picked up my 2 boxes of GS cookies coming out of the grocery store. We have an audio doorbell that rings out phone. I love it. I should start putting on a bit of foundation and blush; I think it looks better. I am glad you like your hair in a ponytail. I wish I had the luxury of a ponytail. My hair is so thick it just doesn’t work in a ponytail. I know it’s a nice looking, quick and easy hairdo. I’ve been buying a cracked wheat bread; it’s good too so yes it probably has sugar in it. That is kind of funny about the zinc oxide; I can totally see why sunscreen is hard to wash off with zinc oxide in it. I use zinc oxide for mosquito bites. One time I had about a lot of mosquito bites on both legs and after I got home from work I put zinc oxide all over them. Later a friend called me to come down to the bar. So I get there and I am walking across the dance floor to get to the table where my friends are and they are all looking at me kind of funny. I get to the table and I hear “what the hell is on your legs?” Oh yeah, I had a nice bunch of white polka dots all over my legs. Oh well – it was a bar no one probably cared.

One more day of work. Woo hoo!
It’s raining now and we are expecting snow tomorrow. I knew you Mother Nature wasn’t done with Wyoming yet.
I met my friend for lunch today and I let out a lot of my inner quiet desperation, it was nice to vent.
I’ve been listening to Monk at work. That was such a great show.



Feb 27, 2007
CRAP! The rain is coming right at our window in the living room and it's leaking like crazy. Oh no! :(


Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, I'm so sorry. Leaking is the biggest headache. HOpe you figure out where and fix it soon!


Mar 29, 2005
I'm sorry I haven't checked in lately. I've been busy getting ready to leave town again! I got this crazy notion that I should go somewhere every month so I have for the last 7 months (except January). And I'm excited to go on this latest adventure while at the same time wondering what I was thinking - traveling every month!!!! Did I lose my mind??

So I'm off for 8 days. Don't want to say where yet as it's a very specific location but I'm going to a healthy, relaxing place as a birthday present from me to me. I won't have internet access or even phone much of the time so will be even more absent than I have been. Sorry about that. I will be better when I return and will tell you all about it. Stay well, everyone!!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

CJ I used to use Vanicream spf 60 sensitive skin but I find the Cotz to be so less difficult to apply and remove though yes the zinc oxide makes it more difficult than chemical sunscreens but I cannot tolerate any chemical sunscreens whatsoever. I get a horrible hive reaction wherever I apply the non physical sunscreen and so far I highly recommend the Cotz. I have yet to burn while wearing it and while no sunblock keeps the sun out entirely it does a good job. Just (and I know you know this already) remember to apply enough and to repeat as necessary. Most people don't apply enough and don't remember to reapply. But I know you are not most people! And just adding it for anyone who might not be aware but reading and interested.

What I also like about the Cotz face is that it evens out my complexion so I feel OK not wearing any makeup. This is the non tinted Cotz face without anything added.

Marcy Lol about forgetting the white zinc oxide spots all over your legs when you went to the bar. Hahaha I can just see it now and yes again that would be just like me to do. Sisters in spirit. Hair with MPD, forgetful and easily amused by ourselves. :lol:
Oh no about your leak yesterday and I hope you were able to contain it. And oh no to snow today. OMG and WTH. That's right. Wyoming has MPD when it comes to the weather and not "obeying" the seasons.:-o I hope everything remains quiet and dry by you.

Hope your last day of work this week goes smoothly and woohoo it is Friday!

Rainwood it is your birthday soon and I think you will be away on the day so I am taking the liberty of writing a very short birthday poem in honor of your birthday in advance of the special day. Hope that is OK and I hope you have a lovely vacation and enjoy. I like your plan of going away every month for a respite and I think it was an excellent plan given all that you were and still are dealing with it is a great way to just get away from it all in reality and in your mind. The perfect mini adventures to allow you exciting new experiences! OK onto the short ditty I wrote for you. Wish I could add confetti and balloons to this message like you taught me to do on the iPhone! (((HUGS))) and have a good trip. XOXO.

Dear kind and lovely Rainwood
you are so wise and good
You represent the very best
of the humankind brood

And next week is your birthday
so we just had to come here to say
wishing you the happiest and brightest
day of all days

Next week on your birthday
You will be away
no way to connect with us
and that's why today

without the big fuss
and a bit in advance
sending you happy healthy
birthday wishes and vibes
from your warm and caring

bling loving NIRDI tribe


Jul 1, 2014
Happy Birthday, Rainy!!! Hope you're having an amazing time!!!:dance::clap::appl::mrgreen:


Feb 27, 2007

Thanks LLJsmom. It sounds like you've got some water damage problems too. Marty thinks he can fix our window; if not I guess we'll get a window company out here.

Happy Birthday Rainwood! I hope you have a fabulous trip.

Missy, my spotty legs were funny. Yes we are sisters in spirit; so many similarities. Our weather definitely has MPD; it is snowing again now. Our leak soaked up several towels but it's not dripping anymore. The rain and wind have to be just right to do it; it's happened a few times but this time the rain just kept coming.

Kristie, how is your cold? How is Maggie doing today? Is Finn okay? And tell Bob Hi; I hope he is all better now.

I left work at 4:30 ha! We had our astronomy meeting tonight then a few of us went out afterwords. I had a Belgian waffle. Mm carbs.

My sister is coming to town tomorrow to pick up her sapphire ring. I'd best wear the ring I got made with her sapphire. She is anxious to see it.
Have a great weekend.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls and happy Earth Day Saturday!

Marcy so glad you got the leaking mess under control. Water can be such a challenge and OMG when it gets into the house when it is not supposed to!
Yay for leaving work early yesterday and glad you enjoyed your astronomy meeting and Belgian waffles afterwards. Yummm.
Have fun with your sister today and enjoy your both of your sapphire rings! We wouldn't mind pics...:halo:

LLJsmom, Hope you get your water woes under control. As for power outages coincidentally we had a power outage too of sorts (on many of our subway lines yesterday) but not as long lasting as yours. Glad things are back to normal for you guys but yay for unexpected free time and of course bling.:appl:

Not completely sure what we are doing today buuuut we might be heading down to the New York Magnificent Jewels sale (preview)...not sure. I am not as excited about it as I was a few days ago when iLander kindly let me know about it in case I hadn't heard about it. So I am undecided. But thinking about it.

ETA: OK decided against the magnificent jewels and opted for some fun local event in Brooklyn Heights today. A huge flea market happening. Should be fun!

Hope everyone enjoys a lovely and healthy Earth day today. Respect for science is under attack and it is concerning. I hope somehow people get that science is the only objective mechanism we have to examine data. Regardless of political affiliation. Science matters.
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2008
This is for iLander. Thank you for asking! The light reflections made it challenging to get a straight on photo of the painting so this was the best I could do. We have a super pretty frame around it but I could not get an even shot without the reflections showing up. I will include it though so you could see what I mean. My mom painted this in the 1960s. She also did lots of photography and one of my favorites is a black and white scene in Central Park with the birds in the trees in winter but it is packed away at the beach house for now sadly. When I unpack everything I will share it here.

We have this painting on our living room wall. And a quick measurement for perspective shows it's about 41 inches by 33 inches.



Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend!
Last edited:


Dec 31, 2006
Good morning NIRDIs!

Happy Birthday rainwood! I'm so glad to hear you're going away somewhere again. Hope you're enjoying.

missy I hope you had a super fun day at the flea market. Maybe we'll get to see some pictures. :whistle:

I might order the Cotz to give it another shot. (and yes, I definitely apply enough. The one thing I slack off on if I'm doing regular things like errands is reapply, even though I keep a tube in my handbag. But if I'm out like say at a park then I'm more conscientious about reapplying.)

Do you use any type of lip sun protection?

marcy glad to hear you got to leave work a little early. Thursday night I had pancakes with syrup. So so good. Sugar and carbs and carbs and sugar. Did you have a fun visit with your sister.

And yes ponytails are life savers. Maybe give them another try, even though you think your hair is too thick. It might take the right product in your hair, or the right elastic. I bet if you go on youtube somebody out there is giving tutorials on ponytails for thick hair (plus thick hair always looks better than fine! that means your ponytail would have body!)

LOL about the zinc oxide. Yes, it's hard to get off the skin. That's why I wash with oil and then regular cleanser.

Anyway girls just wanted to say hi.

Enjoy your Sunday!


Jun 8, 2008
Hi CJ! Sorry I forgot to reply to your lip protection question. I find all of them cakey and not useful for me so I just apply the cotz sunblock to my lips directly when we are out cycling. For just hanging out and walking around I use my judgement. I don't wear lipstick ever so I hate leaving my lips unprotected without anything on them so I usually just apply the sunblock directly and rub it in and then just put lipgloss over it. I don't care for any of the commercial spf lip sticks on the market.

We had fun yesterday despite it being a very rainy day all day contrary to the meteorology reports for that day. We went to the flea market and then visited the museum in the same building. The Brooklyn Historical Society. Just beautiful architecture and we enjoyed our day very much. Thanks for asking. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

As requested a couple of pics from yesterday. We saw the exhibit featuring Truman Capote and his Brooklyn. Photos by David Attie. Love it. And Greg bought a very unique wearable pincushion from one of the lovely vendors lol. It was a fun day. I think we are exploring Coney Island today. Enjoy your day!












Jun 8, 2008
Lol I have to add one more from yesterday late afternoon when we got home and enjoyed cocktails. Look at the HRH. Omg next she will be demanding equal time with Bea. :lol:



May 23, 2010
Hi Missy! :wavey:
That's a really cool painting! I like the way she broke down the light to an almost impressionist look. I kinda reminds me of an assignment that they now give the freshmen; take a classical painting and break it out to just the tones, it helps them see things differently, I guess.
It's funny, I found a postcard on ebay, written about 1910, with a picture of the school on the front. It was written by a kid going there, complaining how he had no time to go home and visit because of the workload. It's still the same today! :lol: She was in class 9-5 ever day, then working most nights until 3 or 4 am. It's a bit much if you ask me. I think it was the prospect of a computer-all-day job that got her, she couldn't face a life of that. She was on President's list, etc., doing well enough, so it was a surprise to us when she suddenly switched. But it turns out 60% of all college freshmen do switch! They don't tell you that during college application time. :wall::doh:

I still need that little pincushion. :appl: I'll ask DH to 3D print me something. :twisted:


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone! I'm a bit behind so I'll try to catch up a little…

Missy, I love seeing all your pics…I know I'm going back a bit but the jewelry pics you took during your trip to Lambertville are just gorgeous. What a joy to see all that beautiful bling, thank you! You and Greg look great. I also just wanted to say I understand how you're feeling about your parents and please know I'm here for you if you ever feel you need some support or just want to talk. Love the pics of Fred and Francesca, soooo sweet!

Wow, your mother's painting is amazing! My gosh, she's so talented. The pics of your outing are great, such a beautiful building. It's like stepping back into the past, to another time and place. Love it. Have fun at Coney Island if you end up going!

Jimmianne, love the babushka sisters! Too cute! You have the most gorgeous hair and I love how you styled it. Your new band is really pretty and looks perfect with your other rings. So fun to get something new, I think the best part is waiting for the package to arrive ha. So glad you had a nice time with dd and things are going more smoothly between you. Yeah, I'm working on the art of keeping my mouth shut too! It's hard to do but it does help keep the peace.

CJ, sorry about the stress involving your taxes, it truly is always something. I hope it's been resolved by now. I still think of your sweet kitty, and I am so sorry you had to experience that. I know it was very traumatic for you, and your dh too. (((hugs))) I'm glad you had a good family visit on Easter, sounds like it worked out perfectly for you.

Kristie, I'm thinking of Maggie and hope she is doing better soon. And poor Finn! Please give him some extra hugs and cuddles for me!

Pintobean, sorry about the critters messing with your roof, I know from personal experience it can be challenging dealing with this kind of thing.

Marcy, I love your mother's flower ring, and it does look so similar to Jimmianne's! You're ring twins lol. I'm so sorry your employees are continuing to cause you so much anxiety and I keep hoping they will miraculously get their acts together. I was so sorry to read about the leak, such a hassle and I hope you can get it fixed soon. Have a good time with your sister, and have fun wearing that pretty sapphire ring. Your Belgium waffle sounds yummy…I treated myself to some Ben and Jerry's ice cream last night…I have a sugar hangover today but it was worth it haha.

Rainwood, sending you wishes for a very Happy Birthday and a fun and relaxing trip, just on the chance you might pop in and see this lol! Looking forward to hearing about it!

Not too much going on with me…dh is on a golf outing in SC, he'll be back later today. My daughter is on her spring break from school so she popped in and stayed over for a night, was nice to spend a little time with her. I visited the baby again too, and he's doing really well. My sister is still staying with them and we had a good time just hanging out and taking turns holding the baby lol.

Hope everyone is enjoying their day! xox


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, once we found the window leaking I checked the ceiling and all the windows. I am a worrier. I didn’t get pictures of her new rings. She had a 1 carat light blue oval mounted in a solitaire with a tulip head, the other 2 rings were for ladies at work. One was a 5mm princess cut and she had an open bypass ring with the sapphire at the end of one of the bypass pieces – I know I am not explaining that very well but it was pretty. The other ring was a 4.5mm yellow green round sapphire she had mounted in a thick solitaire band. That was a pretty cool sapphire because it is probably a color change. One of the loose sapphires she has is white with some orange sections through it. Very unique. My hunk of Yogo sapphire isn’t making much progress. Your mom is pretty talented at painting. Your outing looks fun and LOL to HRH staring at your cocktail.

CJ, I love breakfast for supper. I might do pancakes some night that Marty is at the gym – I like quick and easy meals with very few dishes. I did have a nice time with my sister. Enjoy your ponytails for me. My pigtails are larger than most ponytails. I used to pull my hair up on the side and put them in large barrettes but now I have a vein on the left side of my face and I don’t want it showing.

iLander, that is interesting the work load for college hasn’t changed in over a 100 years.

Junebug, Marty was going to look at our window this week but rain is predicted every day. Oh oh! What flavor of Ben and Jerry’s did you enjoy? I stopped at Coldstone today and had a small dish of cake batter. It was my lunch. Marty even wanted slow churned ice cream tonight so I had some vanilla with a little chocolate syrup. Ice cream overload today. That is nice your daughter stopped by to visit and you enjoyed seeing the baby. Marty is playing golf again already too. Any progress on selling your mom’s house?

We had a lazy weekend. Marty played golf today and I worked on laundry and ran some errands. We had a nice time with my sister and BIL yesterday. I am not excited tomorrow morning is Monday already.

Take care.



Jan 23, 2016
Hello girls!
Just wanted to tell you that I miss you (!) and that I'll be back soon!! The house has been chaos, so all my time has gone to fix the house project. Or rather, the builders that went bankrupt.. You are now talking to the "proud" owner of a construction firm... Oh my. Full story to follow... Hopefully tomorrow. Hope you are all well!!!


Dec 9, 2013
Marcy, ice cream overload sounds fantastic.
I'm sorry it is Monday. Would it help if I said it's a second Sunday and please eat ice cream and stay in bed today?? You have the permission of the NIRDIs! Isn't that all the matters?

June, thanks. It's nice when one is getting along with their children. lol. who knew kids would be such a challenge - and why didn't anyone tell us ahead of time?!
Baby-holding sounds very therapeutic!

Yesterday was in the 50's with occasional downpours, just like a mini-winter...ish day.
I communicated with my sister for the first time since the election! via text. no phone calls yet - that could get tricky. No mention of the T word yesterday, so maybe she is in the "regretful" 2%.

Good morning, Scandi : )


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

iLander, thank you. I wish I could share more of her work. As for the wearable pincushions-you can 3D print the wooden (bottom) part but I don't think you can 3D print that soft pincushion part but I am curious to see the finished product if you and your dh do accomplish the 3D printing.:twisted:

Junie, thanks so much and thank you for your caring support. I am so glad you had a lovely weekend complete with baby hugging. And also very nice that your DD stayed with you overning during part of her Spring break. Hope your dh had a good golf game and the weather sure was nice for it yesterday! We did get to enjoy Coney Island and it brought back happy memories. Hoping things are moving along smoothly for you re your mother's estate.

Marcy I am glad you enjoyed a good visit with your sister and the rings sound very pretty. I am sorry your Yogo sapphire isn't making much progress though. I am like you in being a worrier and it can be exhausting for sure. I hope none of us have any more leaks because that is not good and I hope Marty figures out where the problem is re the windows and leakage. Water can be the enemy. I love breakfast for supper too. Yummmm. And you know how much I love ice cream especially slow churned ice cream. I am not excited about it being Monday either.

Scandi, sending more good thoughts and dust your way. And LOL I like that you bought the construction company. That is one way to ensure things are done properly!

Jimmianne I am happy you and your DD are doing well and hopeful about your text communication with your sister yesterday. :appl:

We had fun at Coney Island yesterday and the weather was glorious albeit windy. Sharing a few pics and then I am on my way as Greg and I are off to the dentist soon. I am not looking forward to this dental check up and fingers crossed everything is AOK.:pray:
Be safe and have a good day girls.:wavey:









Jun 8, 2008
By the way I never received a video from you know who (or else I would have texted it to you all) but maybe when she wrote she was sending it shortly she meant sometime today and not yesterday as I interpreted it to mean. So I will keep you posted.


Dec 9, 2013
3865581-p-MULTIVIEW.jpg Hi Missy, I was wondering about your weather and glad it's pretty there. Fun to see photos of Coney Island!
Did you ever get to the O'Keefe exhibit with the clothes and paintings?


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, love the meow shoes and hopefully they are not me-ow in the comfort department. Haha get it?:lol:

My parents and aunt and uncle went to the O'Keefe exhibit this weekend as it was the last weekend for it but we decided against going. Neither Greg nor I are O'Keefe fans and while I planned we would attend somehow we ran out of time and decided it wasn't worth changing our plans. Part of me thought it would be cool to go but we have seen her pieces before at other museums (and at the Brooklyn museum too) so we didn't have a burning desire to go this time.


Dec 9, 2013
I bought a Johnny Was tunic dress for the plane - I love it so much that even though the XS fit like a medium, I kept it and shrank it a little in the dryer.
It has a golden yellow patterned yoke and blue patterns elsewhere. Those kitty shoes showed up in my "yellow shoes" search but sadly I will never find out if they are comfortable as I cannot defend spending $525 for my "wrecked footwear" collection. lol
But I did think of you when I saw them. Love the winking kitty.


Jan 1, 2016
Hi Nirdi's-

It feels like forever since I've had a chance to catch up on this thread. I've been buried in work and travel. I've been very briefly in New York, slightly longer in Paris and then even longer in Cornwall, all of which were lovely. Digging back into real life now, so I'll have a chance to read up on everyone's updates this week. Looking forward to catching up!
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