
Need immediate advice on cat


Feb 1, 2013
How's the little lady? I've been sick and offline, or you would have heard from me sooner.


Mar 2, 2012
I just looked in on this section of the forum so I'm late to comment. I just want to say bless you for all you have done for this cat. If there were more people like you in the world it would be a better place.


Sep 26, 2011
I hope all is well with you, CJ, and your new fur baby! Have you named her yet?


Feb 14, 2014
How is pricescope's little pumpkin kitty doing? And you, CJ? Hanging in there?


Jun 8, 2008
I hope all is well with you, CJ, and your new fur baby! Have you named her yet?

I think CJ has named the sweet kitty and it is a wonderful name. CJ come back please and share an update...I hope all is well with you and your sweet kitty and sending good wishes and hugs your way.


Jul 1, 2014
Yes, CJ, please do come back to let us know how you/kitty are. We think of you both.


Dec 31, 2006
Hi guys.

I am so sorry I haven't updated you on this little girl.

I'll keep it short for now.

She is OK.

But she's FIV+. :(sad

And she has hookworms. Which we're treating.

I am educating myself on FIV and in the process of realizing that the best home for her might be a sanctuary where they accept FIV+ cats. So I am starting to wrap my mind around that idea.

If you guys know any such sanctuaries - anywhere in the country - please let me know. Even though it may take me a while to actually start reaching out the sooner I know the options the better.

I have not named this little girl. I had come up with a name that FiMO made me feel great about and it had felt so right. But after saying it outloud a few days in a row it just didn't feel right. Then I came up with another name but again, it didn't feel right after saying it outloud a few times. And then there's the last one - the one that I thought was it. But I have not called her that except maybe once or twice and something in my heart stops me.

It's probably the knowledge that I'll have to let her go.

So I just call her "my girl" or "my little girl". At the vet, she's "no name" plus my last name.

But it's just a name. She is my little girl.

Thank you all so much for checking in and thinking about her.

It means so much.


Dec 31, 2006
Thanks for that resource, @LAJennifer I really appreciate it.

A few reasons...

I know the best thing I can do is start thinking of the best place for her to go.

Thanks again.


Jan 29, 2012
I'm sorry to hear that she is FIV positive. I believe you have other cats (right?), which is a pretty good reason that you can't keep her. :blackeye: It's sad but I understand.

I hope others chime in with a good home for her. As I understand it, her best chances at a longer life would be fully indoors and in a home without other cats (since it is transferable).


Dec 31, 2006
Thank you @elle_71125

Based on my research so far, in homes where the cats are properly introduced / don't fight the chances of transmission are low. (but yes I do have 2 kitties of my own)

It was always the intention to socialize her and find her a good home. Now it may just be a little bit harder with the FIV.

I want to find this lovely girl a loving appropriate home or a wonderful sanctuary where she can be safe, happy, and accepted just as she is.

ETA: I don't know her enough to say whether she would be better off in a home as a single/only cat, even though that would ensure 100% she couldn't pass on the FIV. I'm just talking personality wise. When she was out in the streets and I would observe her interacting with the other cats she always seemed kind of reserved, and in the background.

Poor sweetheart I hate that I still can't tell you for sure what she's all about. And sadly I might have to let her go before I find out. That's why I need to make sure she goes to someone / somewhere that will have the patience to let her develop at her own pace, on her own terms. Safely.
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Jun 8, 2008
CJ honey I'm so sorry. We're in the car right now traveling back but just wanted to say we visited a wonderful cat sanctuary in NJ last year called Tabbys Place and they take FIV+ cats. They're wonderful and it's a terrific place. I just don't know the availability since they have a limited number they can take at any given time. Please call them and speak to them to see if they can help. (((Hugs))).


Jul 1, 2014
Good going, Missy, re Tabby's Place, maybe that's the place...:saint:


Sep 26, 2011
I am so sad at this news about the FIV. :(2 What a gut wrencher. How is the wound on her nose doing? And thank you so much for the update, and everything you are doing for her!


Aug 6, 2014
I'm so sorry to hear this. I know you have gotten attached. I would not feel comfortable taking the risk with existing pets in the house (I can only imagine how terrible you'd feel if one of your furbabies got sick from exposure to the virus), and I imagine treatment can be expensive. I still think you are giving her the best chance at life if you are able to find her a shelter environment that will accept her. Plus you've treated her wounds, given her a safe place to rest, and offered regular food. If you did nothing else, it would be more than anyone else has done.


Jun 8, 2008
CJ here is a link fyi.

Tabby's Place is a cage-free sanctuary that provides refuge to cats in hopeless situations. Our residents come primarily from public shelters where they had once been scheduled for euthanasia.

This one-of-a-kind facility serves as:

  • An Adoption Center, finding loving homes for cats;
  • A Hospital, providing medical and surgical treatment for sick or injured residents;
  • A Hospice, providing palliative care and a warm, loving environment for chronically or terminally ill cats to live out their lives in comfort.
Cats with Special Needs
Tabby’s Place does not turn cats away due to age, medical need, or “lack of adoptability.” It is, therefore, a safe haven for several older, chronically ill, or handicapped cats. These cats have special needs such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or blindness. At Tabby’s Place, these cats are able to live full and happy lives with the medical care, love, and affection they deserve.

Unique Features of the Sanctuary:
  • Provides communal living environments for cats, with plenty of horizontal and vertical space for exercise and play.
  • Provides outdoor enclosures for cats to enjoy fresh air and sunlight.
  • Contains special group rooms for cats who are FIV+, overweight, or on prescription diets.
  • Contains an in-house medical facility.
  • Uses specialized materials to facilitate cleaning and encourage a disease-free environment.

Alternatively you might remember what my parents decided to do when they rescued an FIV positive kitty last (or was it 2 years ago) year...though they have a few healthy cats of their own they couldn't find a home for this FIV+ kitty so they took him in and so far so good knock wood. They did the research just like you did and came to the same conclusion you did. It was a risk adopting this FIV+ kitty since they have other kitties but a smaller risk than they initially thought and there are vaccinations that help protect their kitties and they felt they had to take given the hopelessness of the situation for the FIV+ cat. I am in no way advocating this as an option but just sharing what they decided to do. I don't think I would do it but honestly since I am not in that situation I cannot say but the info out there does show that depending on a few things it might not be as risky as one would think. Again though I will emphasize I am not saying this is a good idea. I honestly just don't know what I would do under the circumstances.

In any case I agree the best situation for this cat would be to find someone who does not yet have any cats in their family and who wants to open their home and heart to this sweet kitty. And barring that perhaps a place like Tabby's Place is the answer. They offer a safe haven for cats just like this kitty. That would be my second choice if you cannot find a family who wants to adopt her.

Sending you and kitty more good thoughts and PS ***DUST*** for her to find a good and safe loving home. Thanks for doing everything you can CJ. (((Hugs))).


Jul 1, 2014
CJ, hugs and love to you.

If you find a sanctuary type of place who will take her, I'd be happy to donate to the place to help with her costs. Just let me know via Missy.


Feb 14, 2005
they couldn't find a home for this FIV+ kitty so they took him in and so far so good knock wood. They did the research just like you did and came to the same conclusion you did. It was a risk adopting this FIV+ kitty since they have other kitties but a smaller risk than they initially thought and there are vaccinations that help protect their kitties

This. FIV is not a death sentence, and your current kitties are at low risk. She may have contracted it from her mother. If she's as gentle as she seems, the risk of her biting and transmitting the virus is low.
You can google FIV vaccine and get a lot of info about it and whether or not you feel you want to vaccinate your current kitties against it. Honestly, if it were me, I'd keep her even with her FIV status.


Dec 31, 2006
Thank you Missy for the resource <3

Thank you all for checking in I can't tell you how nice it is to see your posts and know that you're thinking of us. @PattyCo I just love to see you because I know for a little while you were just liking my posts so it's so nice to "hear" you too (even though you can go back to just liking any time :) that was nice too.) @azstonie I am so touched, thank you and hugs back to you. Let's see what happens once I start figuring things out.

I confess, I feel a bit...paralyzed. I'm afraid to call. I think part of it is I want more time with her so I can give her the best chance. Part of it is they'll tell me they're full. Or some other reason.

I'm afraid but I don't know of what.

Yet I *know* the best thing is to set things in motion and start looking for places for her to go.

@ecf8503 Her FIV status doesn't help, but for reasons other than the FIV the best thing for her would be to go to a different home. As precious as she is this is something I know and the sooner I start looking into options the better it will be. As much as I am conflicted because I want more time to work with her.

And I agree missy that ideally, she'd to go a home with a family, where she could look out the window, maybe have access to an enclosed / secure patio so she could still see a little bit of the outside. It would of course be so awesome if she went to someone's home.

ETA: just realized that another option might be a home with another FIV+ cat. My instincts tell me this little girl would be happy with another cat friend (as long as he / she was also gentle), although I cannot say for sure.

But I could also be happy if she went to the right sanctuary, where I may even be get regular updates, or even go visit her.

Anywhere where she'll be loved, and not outside or at risk in any way, would be just so great.

She is just so precious.

ETA2: missy I had actually forgotten that your parents kitty they had found was FIV+. How awesome are they. <3
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Dec 31, 2006
OK guys, I emailed Tabby's Place.

I emailed instead of called them because I felt that way I could explain her story a little bit better.

I don't have high hopes. :(sad

But it's a step in the right direction for this precious girl.



Jun 8, 2008
OK guys, I emailed Tabby's Place.

I emailed instead of called them because I felt that way I could explain her story a little bit better.

I don't have high hopes. :(sad

But it's a step in the right direction for this precious girl.


That's a good step CJ and I agree explaining it in an email is a good thorough introduction. What I might do now is call them because it is easier to reply no to an email vs a plea for help in person (which obviously you cannot do) or on the phone (which is what I would suggest). And see what they say...I mean they might be overwhelmed with special needs cats right now (heck all the time) but you never know what an individual personal plea could do. There are exceptions made of that I am sure. I am also sure they will reply to your email with helpful resources for you to explore and that might lead you to other possibilities to explore but I think a call could only add to the possibility of you finding a home for her there... Just a suggestion.

Good luck and (((HUGS))).


Dec 31, 2006
That's a good step CJ and I agree explaining it in an email is a good thorough introduction. What I might do now is call them because it is easier to reply no to an email vs a plea for help in person (which obviously you cannot do) or on the phone (which is what I would suggest). And see what they say...I mean they might be overwhelmed with special needs cats right now (heck all the time) but you never know what an individual personal plea could do. There are exceptions made of that I am sure. I am also sure they will reply to your email with helpful resources for you to explore and that might lead you to other possibilities to explore but I think a call could only add to the possibility of you finding a home for her there... Just a suggestion.

Good luck and (((HUGS))).

You're probably right missy.

What would I say? I feel kind of "weird" because I got an automated response saying "Your request has been received and is being reviewed by our staff."

So I feel like they already told me they're going to get back to me.

Silly, but true. :oops:

I was thinking of replying to that message and asking to please call me rather than respond via email but I know that's taking a chance that the person on the other end may not listen to.

Should I say something like:

I've sent a request about a cat I'm taking care of via your online form, and I received a reply that your staff is reviewing it. But I was wondering if I could also speak to someone about her, or leave a message for the staff member who's reviewing it (I have his name).

BTW this was her this morning.


First time since I took her to the vet 7 days ago that she eats in front of me (I had to take her again, her stools were black and runny). She has been retreating into her carrier almost every time I walk into the room. I lost a lot of ground with her from this last vet visit. :((

But today she took a chance.


Dec 31, 2006
Tabby's place just responded...

Their FIV+ Suite is full. And the wait list is so long that it is closed at this time.

And they sent a whole bunch of resources.

They did say I could email or call any time if I have any questions.

Maybe I should have called. :((


Jan 29, 2012
You're probably right missy.

What would I say? I feel kind of "weird" because I got an automated response saying "Your request has been received and is being reviewed by our staff."

So I feel like they already told me they're going to get back to me.

Silly, but true. :oops:

I was thinking of replying to that message and asking to please call me rather than respond via email but I know that's taking a chance that the person on the other end may not listen to.

Should I say something like:

I've sent a request about a cat I'm taking care of via your online form, and I received a reply that your staff is reviewing it. But I was wondering if I could also speak to someone about her, or leave a message for the staff member who's reviewing it (I have his name).

BTW this was her this morning.


First time since I took her to the vet 7 days ago that she eats in front of me (I had to take her again, her stools were black and runny). She has been retreating into her carrier almost every time I walk into the room. I lost a lot of ground with her from this last vet visit. :((

But today she took a chance.

I forgot how pretty she is. :kiss2:

Have you checked out any of your local pet shops? My local Petco has a monthly event where a particular cat group comes in with a bunch of adoptable cats. They have a large range of people that foster the cats in their homes, until they are adopted. Maybe a local group would be open to fostering her until they find her a home.

ETA: I would take her in a second if I didn't already have 2 cats (one of which likes to tussle).


Jun 8, 2008
You're probably right missy.

What would I say? I feel kind of "weird" because I got an automated response saying "Your request has been received and is being reviewed by our staff."

So I feel like they already told me they're going to get back to me.

Silly, but true. :oops:

I was thinking of replying to that message and asking to please call me rather than respond via email but I know that's taking a chance that the person on the other end may not listen to.

Should I say something like:

I've sent a request about a cat I'm taking care of via your online form, and I received a reply that your staff is reviewing it. But I was wondering if I could also speak to someone about her, or leave a message for the staff member who's reviewing it (I have his name).

BTW this was her this morning.


First time since I took her to the vet 7 days ago that she eats in front of me (I had to take her again, her stools were black and runny). She has been retreating into her carrier almost every time I walk into the room. I lost a lot of ground with her from this last vet visit. :((

But today she took a chance.

CJ just call the when you have time and say just that. They can really tell a fellow cat lover and will know you care and they will do their best. I answered some of your questions in the nirdi thread but just to reiterate you are doing a great job and don't second guess yourself or beat yourself up. She knows you are taking good care of you and kitties who have had rough beginnings just take a long time to start trusting but you aren't losing any permanent ground. Thank you for doing everything you can and I am reaching out to everyone I know. Please start a PS thread also asking for help just in case there is someone reading who might know someone. Hugs.


Dec 31, 2006
Thank you. Thank you so much.


Jun 8, 2008
CJ :kiss2: ((((HUGS))). Thank *you* so much.


Dec 31, 2006
I called but couldn't get an extension for the girl who wrote me back. So I left a message with the Founder/Executive Director. I didn't explain too much (did not want to leave a super long message) - but did say I wanted to speak to the person who responded to me about the FIV+ cat I'm taking care of. If he called me back personally, that would probably be the best chance I have (although I will probably blow it :() - but most likely he will just pass the message on to the girl.


Apr 19, 2004

CJ what wonderful work you are doing here! :appl:And your little furball photographs well!:love:

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