
Need immediate advice on cat


Dec 31, 2006
Found and trapped an injured cat I saw in a parking lot.

She/he is at the ACC getting examined.

Preliminary is that she might have what they call a rodent ulcer.

One source is telling me that for a community cat, these are death sentences, as they are painful and often keep coming back. Even if the cat was able to be treated. I have to be realistic that if it requires antibiotics and she/he is truly feral I might not be able to do this myself.

I've instructed them to call me with whatever decision they think they want to make with the cat.

I am torn and scared and emotional and I am crying even though I sound matter of fact.

I need to be educated and prepared for that call. If the right thing by the cat is to let her/him go I need to be prepared to do that.

If any of you have experience with this please let me know.


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Feb 14, 2005
I'm a vet. Rodent ulcers are annoying and can be uncomfortable but aren't a death sentence. They usually arise as a result of allergies. One of my own cats would get them from time to time - they can be treated with steroids (I gave my cat a long-acting steroid injection and it worked every time).


Feb 14, 2005
Although... looking at that first photo, it appears to be her nose itself and not her lips, where rodent ulcers arise. Could be trauma / injury, infection, or even cancer.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
One of my cats was given antibiotics via injection so that I didn't have to give her a pill each day. I forget how long the injection stayed in the body, but I want to say ten days? Long enough to handle an abscess.

If the cat needs antibiotics, maybe you can ask about this option.


Dec 31, 2006
Thanks so much @ecf8503.

I spoke with a woman who regularly traps / helps cats in the area and she mentioned the steroid injections too. The problem would be administering them if it ends up being a long term thing. But I want to help this cat so if I hear that she COULD get better then I would have to look into that. I do also have to weigh the quality of life for the cat. If she is truly feral she would not be happy confined inside long term. It's something that I don't want to be true I want to think she would feel safe and then be OK but it took me a long time to try to understand that doing right by a feral/community cat is letting them live their lives (with our help of course).

One thing that made me feel better is that she did say that I can trust the ACC, that if they call and say the cat would be better off put down that I can trust them to tell me the truth. I feel like this lady knows what she's talking about and from experience so as much as that's not something I want to hear I do at least feel like if they tell me that it's truly because it's best for the cat.

Hoping this is not the case :pray:


Dec 31, 2006
Although... looking at that first photo, it appears to be her nose itself and not her lips, where rodent ulcers arise. Could be trauma / injury, infection, or even cancer.

It does appear to be more in the nose. BUT - the reason I took that picture is because I was really worried about her last night when I saw her tongue was hanging out. In all the time I observed her when I was feeding her and trying to trap her she never had her tongue like that. She wasn't panting, but it was just different than what I had ever seen her do.

So it's possible it IS in the lips and maybe the tongue just didn't have a place to rest? (I read that the bone can be eaten away if it's bad enough.)


Dec 31, 2006
One of my cats was given antibiotics via injection so that I didn't have to give her a pill each day. I forget how long the injection stayed in the body, but I want to say ten days? Long enough to handle an abscess.

If the cat needs antibiotics, maybe you can ask about this option.

Thanks HC.

Yes, I'm going to ask about any and all options when they call.


Jul 13, 2008
I didn't read all the responses but can DEFINITELY tell you that rodent ulcers aren't death sentences!!! My precious cat Tiggy was diagnosed with one when he was about 3 (the whole gnarly no lips, lost all his teeth etc) but he lived to be 11. The treatment that finally caused some improvement were steroid injections every few months, but it did lead with weight gain. I'll see if I can find a picture!


Jul 13, 2008
IMG_8366.JPG Aww here he is. You can see his tongue would stick out sometimes and he didn't have a "closed" mouth. Still cute. 11 is fairly young to pass away for a cat (possibly bc of all the steroids) but he lived 8 years with that ailment.


Feb 1, 2013
You have a response from a vet, so I have nothing informative to add.

I am writing only to thank you for the care and compassion that you are showing this helpless cat. You have restored my faith in the human species (at least for today)!


Jul 1, 2014
Love to you, CJ, and this cat. Glad to hear from ecf, Housie, and Sonnyjane.


Feb 14, 2005
Any news yet???


Dec 31, 2006
I was *just* coming here to post an update @ecf8503

@sonnyjane that's kind of what she looks like too, but with a bloody nose :( So glad Tiggy is OK.

(thank you @azstonie @freezing_in_MO I am so glad to be able to help this little girl. I keep calling her a girl but I have no idea what it is.)

I don't have a ton of information yet as in specifics. Which is a bit frustrating. It's a whole different experience than taking an animal to a regular vet. The only reason I have the little I have is because someone on the inside whose name I got from a different agency has been super helpful all along, even giving me his cell phone #.

The good news is, it got desexed, which obviously means he/she is healthy enough to not be put down. :appl:

The contact told me that it got a shot of depo (steroid, right?) and an antibiotic. And that they will allow me - which is what I requested - to return her outside myself. I have to pick her up at 11 A.M.

I cannot even begin to tell you how much this fills my heart.

Although I now have to deal with knowing this cat will be out there day in and day out, living outside. I feel attached to it just from going to feed her (and the other cats) since Saturday. I am not sure how I will cope with this. I hope @missy can help me.

So I just wanted to tell you guys that so far all is going in the right direction.

The contact said he's going to try to reach out to the vet directly since they're friendly and see if he can get more information.

I'll keep you guys updated.

Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart for being here and for your advice. This has been an incredibly emotional experience.

ETA @ecf8503 a special thanks to you for sharing your knowledge so freely. Thank you. ((((hugs))))


Feb 14, 2005
That's all great news! You have a big heart - I can see it. :)


Jun 17, 2009
I don't have anything very constructive to add CJ, I just want to offer my support. It was so wonderful of you to go out of your way to help this kitty. I'm glad she was able to be treated, as well as neutered.


Jan 29, 2012
Poor kitty. I'm glad to hear that he/she is in good hands.
You're clearly a loving person.

Both of my cats were strays. My second cat, Sophie, was just about a year old when we found her. She was sick and we brought her to the vet, who fixed her right up. She was definitely more on the wild side and it took quite a while for her to warm up to us. Now, she is happy to live out her days inside, where she is lavished with love and affection. :lol-2:


Dec 31, 2006
That's all great news! You have a big heart - I can see it. :)

Thank you I just have always loved animals ever since I can remember.


Dec 31, 2006
I don't have anything very constructive to add CJ, I just want to offer my support. It was so wonderful of you to go out of your way to help this kitty. I'm glad she was able to be treated, as well as neutered.

Junie! Thanks. Yes, SO SO SO glad she got some medicine and get sterilized. I cannot wait to see how pretty she looks when she's all better.


Dec 31, 2006
Poor kitty. I'm glad to hear that he/she is in good hands.
You're clearly a loving person.

Both of my cats were strays. My second cat, Sophie, was just about a year old when we found her. She was sick and we brought her to the vet, who fixed her right up. She was definitely more on the wild side and it took quite a while for her to warm up to us. Now, she is happy to live out her days inside, where she is lavished with love and affection. :lol-2:

OMG I love this story.

(the 3 cats I've had were all rescues too. But mine were all pretty tame, even when we found them. Although my boy is a little...nutty. So I do believe he was maybe weaned too early too something.)


CJ2008 - you're a wonderful person. So glad the kitty found you, such a heart of gold.


Dec 31, 2006
Thank you @Queenie60

I know many of you would have done exactly the same.


Dec 31, 2006
Guys I need help.

I am really really conflicted about releasing this little girl back into the wild.

I feel like I don't know FOR SURE that she is feral. I feel like I don't know for SURE that she can't be domesticated.

I have very little information. :( and my contact on the inside never called me last night so I have no "inside info." from the vet.

If she is truly feral, it would not be right for me to keep her in a cage until I can figure some things out. From what I've read the stress levels increase the longer they're in the cage/trap. I would imagine this also applies to non ferals but for ferals it's even worse.

I really want to do the right thing by her but I am having a really hard time thinking I'm going to pick her up at 11 am and then just let her out outside. Even though I know that is the purpose of TNR and what trappers do day in and day out.

DH tells me to take her to a regular vet and have her looked at where I have more control over the appointment and I can ask more questions and she can also possibly be "evaluated" as far as friendliness/willingness to be handled. But again, she has now been in a trap since Tuesday evening, plus a surgery. I want to do the right thing by this cat not put her under undue stress.

I am starting to think - not starting, actually, I've had pangs of this feeling a few times now - I am not the right person for this job. I don't want my inexperience to cause this cat problems I shouldn't be causing.

I tried reaching out to the trapper in the area but she never called me. I think she would give me good advice but I don't want to bother her too much because I could tell she is completely overwhelmed trying to help cats. Which I think is what probably happens if you get into this too deep.

If you any of you have any experience with this or suggestions, please let me know what you think.


Jan 29, 2012
I'm on the try to domesticate it side of the coin. I know there will be plenty of people who disagree with me but I don't think there is a cat who would rather be outside struggling to survive than inside a loving home. You can't save everyone obviously but you can save one.

To be fair, I'm not the kind of person who could trap and release anyway. I'm too soft. I can't even go to the pound without crying (it can't just be me. right?). :cry2: I will always try to "save" animals. That's just who I am. That doesn't make me right or wrong. It's just me.

I'm attaching a couple articles I found. I hope they help.
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Jun 8, 2008
CJ thank you for taking care of this little kitty and for doing everything you can to help her. Don't release her yet until you know if she is feral. Ann (the woman who helps us do TNR) has kept kitties that might not be feral for weeks and weeks (she even kept 2 kittens for a few months while they were nursing their babies and while she was evaluating if they could be socialized) before releasing them if we weren't sure they were truly feral. And they were none the worse for their time in captivity.

Some thoughts.

We all start somewhere. We were completely inexperienced before we took this feral kitty project on and believe me it is worth it if you are saving lives and improving the quality of lives. No one *wants* to do this but if one doesn't step up to the plate one just becomes part of the masses who don't want to get involved and don't do anything to help the feral cat population and problem that exists all over. IOW please don't give up and please continue helping. Any help is wonderful and the only way to gain experience is to do it and learn on your feet and it isn't easy but it is worth it because remember without you this kitty (and others many others) are doomed.

Most importantly the feral cats need to be neutered/spayed and then if truly feral released and if you could provide food and outdoor shelter they have a good chance at a decent quality of life.

Have you researched if there are feral cat experts in your area who can help you with hands on help? There are many organizations all over who might be able to help with their expertise advice and even hands on assistance. IDK where you live so I cannot help you research but just google feral cat population and help and see what pops up in your area.

How old is she? Did the vet give you an estimate?

If you can keep her under observation and see how she reacts and see if she allows you to get closer to her and if she is receptive to you. If she is young enough even if she isn't domesticated/social now she could become so. However if she is truly feral you will realize it soon enough. But please if you can don't release her yet without knowing for sure. You aren't causing her any damage or harm by keeping her until you have evaluated if she is feral or has the potential to be socialized. I swear. As you know a feral kitty's life is hard and short but of course it is better than the alternative especially if you are providing her with food and shelter.

Anything we can do to help please let us know. I can send you info re how Greg built the feral feeding station and outdoor kitty shelters we have on our property. There are ways to make their lives as good as possible even if she is feral and you end up releasing her to your property. As long as they have food and shelter they can lead a good (albeit shorter than a domestic kitty's) life.

(((HUGS))) and thank you for taking care of this sweet kitty!!!


Jun 8, 2008


Jun 8, 2008
OK just sharing a few photos. We have 3 cat shelters on our property but I only have photos of one of them and we bought 2 of them and Greg made one of them. I am sharing the photos of the one Greg made. And the feral kitty feeding station that holds 39 lbs of food. You might remember this if you read it in the NIRDI thread but I cannot recall if you did so I am sharing it here and we can help you re how to do this if you are interested.

The feral kitty condo Greg made that is 2 levels. It has to be filled with straw and more than is pictured but this photo was taken as Greg was creating it. Not expensive to do at all. You want to put it where the kitties feel safe and hidden from view.


Here is a feral kitty hanging out on top of it LOL.

And then the feral feeding station that holds 39 lbs of food. It has 2 doors so cats can enter and escape 2 ways so they feel comfortable and safe. We have 3 gravity feeders in there that we fill once a week. As you know this is in our part time home so Greg makes the trip every week during the off seasons so the cats have food even though we don't live there much of the year.


OK so just sharing to illustrate it really isn't hard to make the ferals as comfortable as possible on your property where they will have food and shelter and be safer than just anywhere out in the wild. So even if she turns out to be a true feral she can have a good life CJ. Please don't give up on her or the feral kitties in general. They need you sweetheart. Not everyone has a good heart and cares about the animals like you do. You are a sweetheart for taking this on and doing your best and I promise you your best is good enough. (((HUGS))).


Jan 29, 2012
OK just sharing a few photos. We have 3 cat shelters on our property but I only have photos of one of them and we bought 2 of them and Greg made one of them. I am sharing the photos of the one Greg made. And the feral kitty feeding station that holds 39 lbs of food. You might remember this if you read it in the NIRDI thread but I cannot recall if you did so I am sharing it here and we can help you re how to do this if you are interested.

The feral kitty condo Greg made that is 2 levels. It has to be filled with straw and more than is pictured but this photo was taken as Greg was creating it. Not expensive to do at all. You want to put it where the kitties feel safe and hidden from view.


Here is a feral kitty hanging out on top of it LOL.

And then the feral feeding station that holds 39 lbs of food. It has 2 doors so cats can enter and escape 2 ways so they feel comfortable and safe. We have 3 gravity feeders in there that we fill once a week. As you know this is in our part time home so Greg makes the trip every week during the off seasons so the cats have food even though we don't live there much of the year.


OK so just sharing to illustrate it really isn't hard to make the ferals as comfortable as possible on your property where they will have food and shelter and be safer than just anywhere out in the wild. So even if she turns out to be a true feral she can have a good life CJ. Please don't give up on her or the feral kitties in general. They need you sweetheart. Not everyone has a good heart and cares about the animals like you do. You are a sweetheart for taking this on and doing your best and I promise you your best is good enough. (((HUGS))).

Missy, I just want to say you and your DH are such great people. You should be proud of everything you are doing for these kitties. I love seeing your feral cat related posts. :clap:


Feb 14, 2005
It is a tough situation. Can you bring her home and confine her to a bathroom for a bit? I have rescued several outdoor cats, and although they were scared and therefore defensive, they all turned around and are all wonderful indoor cats with no interest in going back outside. Is it possible she was someone's pet at one time and has been living outdoors for some reason? The fact that she wasn't spayed flies in the face of that theory, but just because she was out there doesn't mean she doesn't want love and safety. I think you need to get to know her. :)
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