
Need help finding a bargain 1ct Asscher ($3K-4.5k)


Apr 16, 2014
Hi Everyone,

I've been reading through the forums and am excited to ask you all for suggestions in my search for a bargain asscher around 1ct. I've read the PS guide for asscher selection ( but I don't feel confident that I could select the right stone online based on staying within the bounds of some of those ranges.

There was a similar thread in 2012

I just started educating myself, and this is what I believe I should be looking for:

cut: VG or better
color: H or better
clarity: VS (perhaps SI)
carat: ? (whatever is needed to achieve minimum face up size)
minimum face-up size (to see the steps): 5.5mm+
depth: 60-65%
table: 60-65.5%
girdle: V. Thin to Sl. Thick(0.4%-4.5%) or Thin to Thick (1%-5.5%)
L/W ratio: 0.95-1.05 (close as possible to square)

I'd love to follow the asscher article's crown height % recommendation but I don't see that info available in the PS searches.

By the way, if it helps, this is the 1925 Tiffany & Co Asscher engagement ring I'm recreating and trying to find a similar diamond for:

So with all that info up front, I'd love to hear from you all and see if I can refine my search criteria a bit more to feel confident in my search. I'd also greatly appreciate direct links to some loose diamonds you may have found through the process. Thanks everyone!
No One grades asschers for cut you have to shop for faceting and light performance so you have to stick with vendors who have images and offer ASETs, you best bets are therefore JA and GOG. Your depth and table are unnecessarily restrictive and will result in too many nice stones being thrown out. Diamonds have gone up in price since 2012. You may need to consider I or even J color on your budget.

I'll look for you later.Crown height is only available through a SARIN and you aren't likely to get too many of those. But over 11% is recommended, if you do happen across a SARIN. The Tiffany stone you posted a link to is a not a well cut asscher. 99% of SI stones with step cuts will not be eyeclean.

In budget and lovely: (you can get the price by adding it to your cart, click reserve diamond). It's 4150. And I will still be white, though in some light it will have a slight candlelight hue.

I highly recommend you put it on hold. It is unlikely we'll find you too many to beat this one at JA.
admittedly i am no asscher expert but this seems to fit your mm req, ratio req, still very white, and seems eye clean ..

this one as far as i can see with the 30 seconds i was staring at it has a feather down in the corner, which might be hidden by the prong? maybe? either way close to 5.5. Im not sure as the camera isnt looking strait on like it does for other asschers but... there you go
Only three worth a second glance at JA, and none of them is without issues. I think the GOG is going to be the winner. Still you can put on hold and ask for an ASET. That large step isn't going to ASET out well. Ask why symmetry is only good.
Best one but may have a P3 angle issue;
Another with a possible p3 angle issue:

Nothing else in budget and over a carat is decent at JA. Either they are overdeep and face up too small, are K in color, or have significant issues with preformance.

Also JA's gemologists get creative when they recommend step cuts. So normally we go by the ASET and not by the gemolgist recommendations.

I will tell you flat out I would probably personally just buy the GOG stone.
I like this stone, I didn't find it because I kept to over 95 points. But if this one is eyeclean, I'd pre-empt the J stone I posted above with this one: It also may have a P3 angle issue, but we'll see that in the ASET. The spread is good and it faces up like many 1 carats.

I also picked the same I colored asscher as Neil did. Again, it may have an P3 issue as well, but an ASET would help us determine that.

That H I posted may not be eyeclean though. So ask, if it is not, the substitute the J for it.

You only get 3 ASETs at JA.
Thanks for the links Gypsy and Niel!

So I took Gypsy's advice and held that GOG diamond, but later found out that diamond is no longer available. I spoke with John at GOG and ended up transfering my hold money to another diamond he recommended at similarly priced 1.15ct J VS2 He is also going to email me a side by side comparison video to show how this diamond compares to a better color asscher. I should have that video this evening and will upload/share.

I'm still reviewing the JA links, but I'd love to get some opinions on the new GOG diamond John recommended.
Ok, wow. Interesting update. It turns out GOG does have the 1ct diamond Gypsy suggested originally after all. Jon is going to shoot a video of the 1ct I VS1 and 1.15ct J VS2 together now as a result! :D
john_john|1397669559|3654459 said:
Ok, wow. Interesting update. It turns out GOG does have the 1ct diamond Gypsy suggested originally after all. John is going to shoot a video of the 1ct I VS1 and 1.15ct J VS2 together now as a result! :D
kewl, cant wait for the video should be very interesting.
Btw its Jon not John.

In the interest of full disclosure.
I can't comment on the diamonds themselves because I have a business relationship with gog and the ps rules forbid that.
OH how exciting! I love GOG and their videos :-0
im sure GOG will would find you something lovely. I do, however, think you should still get an ASET of those stones at JA because, especially the F, if the aset is good, at that price point and color, if its eye clean id be very interested.
john_john|1397669559|3654459 said:
Ok, wow. Interesting update. It turns out GOG does have the 1ct diamond Gypsy suggested originally after all. Jon is going to shoot a video of the 1ct I VS1 and 1.15ct J VS2 together now as a result! :D

That is so awesome! I bought a 1 ct asscher from GOG over a year ago, and Jon just picks the best asschers! Both of those are gorgeous! It will be a tough choice, though, because I'd prefer I color, but the 1.15 is going to appear larger.
AWESOME news. GOG is just the best place for asschers. Jon knows his stuff. Can't wait for the video. I really like that J.

great work gypsy!

cant wait to see the video! Love GOG videos!!!
Jon just uploaded the video comparing the two asschers! There is a period of the video where there's audio only, but still offers comparison in several different light settings with the video.

Here's the video:

For reference, here's the details of the two asschers (both priced at or very close to $4,150):

1ct I VS1
1.15ct J VS2

I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks! Thanks again for all the wonderful help! :D
The j is bigger and I prefer the facetting in it.
The J is a winner for me too. The difference in size is very clear and that faceting is gorgeous!
For performance- the J is a winner. :appl: :appl:
The facet patterning= J :lickout: :lickout:

shape wise i prefer the I= octagonal v the J= elongated slightly
However, we know that the asscher that you choose is going to be set on its own, not with 2 side by side; so the shape doesnt really matter, unless you prefer a certain shape to the asscher.
depending on the setting, there MAY be a tint that is visible in the pavilion area. some are colour sensitive, others are not.

So J = hands down the winner for me in this line up..
The J is a gorgeous stone! It is hard not to love it the most considering it is so much larger and beautifully cut! My only other comment is that you can expect it to show a little tint, so I would send for it and look at it in different lighting before having it set. Then if you don't like the color, you can go for the I instead. I think it will be beautiful,though!
Niel|1397675397|3654535 said:
im sure GOG will would find you something lovely. I do, however, think you should still get an ASET of those stones at JA because, especially the F, if the aset is good, at that price point and color, if its eye clean id be very interested.

I just requested the ASETs for the three JA stones Niel and Gypsy suggested. The problem I have now though is I have a 3-5 day wait for those ASETs and I have 60 hours hold remaining on my GOG asschers.

To help keep track of things, here's the links again to the three JA stones: (@gypsy I was told it was eye clean over the phone)
Don't worry about the holds. I like the F and the I from ja
Well, my opinion is, that J asscher is going to be hard to beat, I think. It's 5.8 mm which is significantly larger than anything else you are looking at, plus the faceting is yumtastic. If you like it best from the video, then I say get it. And have them keep it for you for two days. You have a return policy. If for some reason one of the JA stones works out better, just have them refund you right there, and then they don't send it to you. If you do end up keeping it, they can send it to you then. :wavey:

Will the video be tomorrow then?
i prefer the shape of the I and the F. hmm.. nice dilemma.

The setting looks like it will cover some of the pavilion. Have a look at some of the J coloured asschers on the JA site. you can then determine if that colour is noticeable or not. or more importantly if she is going to be concerned by it.
here is an example of a J colour- not the specs just for the colour reference.

it is tough making a decision given the tight time frame, with the 60 hrs with GOG and 3-5 days for ASET from JA.

Good luck.

I see gypsy has posted and she knows! :wavey: :appl: take the advice from her about the performance and with the timing of the holds/ purchase.

Oh- DS2006 also posted! :wavey: :appl: you are in good hand with the experience of these posters.
The video confirms what the ASETs showed. To me it's a clear winner. But just in case I am biased I asked my husband (without showing him the ASETs or anything else) and he agreed that the J is the winner. And it's not just a head to head thing. In general that J is something special in terms of cut. It's a REALLY nice stone.
Alright, looks like we have a winner! :appl: :appl: I'll purchase the 1.15ct J and wait for the JA ASETs to come in during the refund period. I'll share those ASETs when they come in. Thanks everyone!
The J is gorgeous, congrats
The J is gorgeous! It just lights up and is very bright. Congrats on a lovely asscher.
So GOG is holding on to my purchased 1.15ct J VS2 $4295 (credit card price) (, but I wanted to ask you all if you think I should consider these two diamonds instead if I increased my budget to $5500:

1.07ct D SI1:$5,142
1.1ct G SI1 $5430 (no photos/ASETs yet):

I was also shown a 1.03ct G SI1 in person at Joe Escobar for $4350 which looked really nice (I believe it was around 5.4mm x 5.36mm LW). I wish I could have the same cut analysis tools GOG provides, but to my rookie eye it looked like it was a pretty nice asscher. After looking at a few SI1s I really feel comfortable going to that clarity level in exchange for better color.

What do you folks think? Is it a worthy venture to make it to G color or better? Should I still shoot for 5.5mm LW or better to have decent steps?

Just a reminder, it will be set in a reproduction of this platinum setting:
I don't like the D. And if the G Si is the same one as in the video John did for another customer, I didn't care for it either.

I really like your J, and I understand your hesitation about the color, but have it shipped to you and see what you think.