
My seven stone ring...

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Isn't he a cutie??? He's got a fuzzy head, and a really long tail. Here's another picture, but not as good as the last, but it shows off his long tail, with its white tip. He's my cutie. But he's very skittish around electronics. He's a cuddle bug at night, but if you've got a camera... or even an ipod, he's at least 5 feet away from you. Dodo head. We sometimes use the remote to open the 'door' or the DVD player and he has the funniest reaction... it's like he's under attack, but curious too When he goes close to check it out... we close it and he goes scuttling off. We're entertained easily.

Linda, BTW Duncan is a dilute orange. He's buff color, an apricot-ey beige. I've only seen one other cat his exact color, and I would have adopted her too if it hadn't been for Hally (doesn't play well with other female cats). Most of the other dilutes I've seen are either too beige or too orange. He's my heart. I try not to have favorites, but well, he's my first born and has me absolutely wrapped around my finger.

Frodo dodo 1.jpg
Beautiful ring, Gypsy... so glad it survived! Your cats are adorable... glad you could catch one of Frodo Dodo lol.
That''s a beautiful ring, Gypsy! And I love the story behind it. My mum has a fiery temper too. Dad keeps me amused with stories about her throwing plates at him (and missing, of course!)

Frodo is a cutie, but I have to say the picture of Duncan made my heart skip a beat. He is so handsome. I love the colour of his coat. DH and I saw a very similar cat at the cat shelter... it was described as an apricot. I would have loved to bring him home but our other cat Mako doesn''t cope with change well and I think another male would have sent him off the edge
Aw Gypsy, really lovely & touching story. The ring is gorgeous & I really love the gallery. Duncan is one really beautiful! What nice colourings. Well, all your cats are nice looking. LOL LOL

Gypsy, as a fellow fur baby lover, yours look beautiful and pampered (as all fur babies should be:-))
Our Sammy sends head bonks to all three.

The 7 stone ring is lovely as well, and as an heirloom, even more special. Will it sit flush with your new e-ring setting, or do you care? Mine are not flush, and it doesn''t bother me one bit even though I tend to be OC about details.
Gypsy, very lovely ring and cutie pie cat!
Sera-- I'm happy it survived too! I've been trying to catch a good photo for my AV of Dodo for the last couple of weeks since we got the new camera. I'm very happy I finally got one! Thank you for the cat compliments.

Judy... Duncan is an exceptional looking cat, I think. Thank you for the cat compliments. Funny thing is recently Dodo (Frodo) is the one getting all compliments. I think it's because glimpses of him are rarer for our guests. He only comes our for certain people, usually the quieter cat lovers, and then looks ready to bolt at any second... it's like they are glimpsing a wild animals. LOL.

Hi Isaku! They are very pampered.They are all spoiled an indulged in different ways, each to suit his or her personality. I often say that if reincarnation is real, I want to come back as one of my own cats! My three send Sammy head bonks too!Thanks to Sammy and you for the bonks! The 7 stone won't fit flush with my new ring... but that's okay, I'm planning on wearing it on my right hand as soon as my e-ring comes back with (hopefully) two stack rings of some sort on either side. Ihaven't found anything I like, the hidalgo's I tried on didn't look right, plus I've been hearing reports of enamel chipping so I'm looking for colored gemstone stack rings now. Problem is the space between my knuckles are really short (stubby fingers) so I need very thin bands. I'm OC about details too, so I'd like the stack bands to fit fairly flush with it.

Thank you Skippy!!!
Hi Gypsy!

I love your ring, and especially the sentiment behind it.

I especially love your kitties, though...they have definitely stolen the show in this thread!
Aren''t the cats great! The''s definitely stolen the show! You are absolutely right!
It's just gorgeous. Love it.
Check out, and look at their stackable bands. I have one of their thicker stackables for a RHR, but i tried on and loved their really tiny, thin sapphire and ruby bands!
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