
My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendant!


Apr 21, 2010
I just collected these from my jeweller this morning and I am beyond excited to share!

The studs were inspired by Yssie's old studs, Chunky and Lopsy. Yssie showed me that it is not always necessary for diamonds to be an exact match if they are going to be studs. :) So, nearly two years later, allow me to pay homage to Chunky and Lopsy by introducing my .86tcw old cuts set in palladium bezels... :)

Mine are not at all well matched, when unset they clearly revealed that they are completely different in terms of colour and the one is about half a millimetre smaller than the other... However, they look perfect on my ears because it turns out that one of my piercings is slightly higher than the other! Who would have thought? I was initially intending to keep searching for a match to one of them and then just reset the other as a pendant, but since discovering that I am lopsided, I think I'll keep it exactly the way they are for now. :)

I never, ever thought I'd own diamond studs this big, so this is a huuuuuuge thank you to PS for being such an awesome resource!

The pendant... Well, the pendant is a bit of a silly story. For the longest time I have had an unhealthy obsession with Amethyste's Lemony. One day, when I'm all grown up, I hope to own something as beautiful as Lemony. *sigh* In the meanwhile, PS, please meet Rae. :)

Rae is a little .21 that I bought while on holiday in Cape Town last year. Looking at her reminds me of Cape Town's summer sunshine. :) The little .03 above was part a Christmas gift from my dad and stepmom. The actual gift was a yellowwood jewellery box my dad had made - the little diamond was inside it, keeping it warm. :)

Rae is set in 18kt yellow gold and her little three pointer friend is set in palladium.

Without further ado...

ETA: Waaaaaaah! PS won't let me post pics! ;(
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

The yellow diamond pendant :)

ETA: Ugh, please excuse my disgusting hands... Winter came early to South Africa this year. :(

Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

I just love your pendant! It's perfect for everyday and who couldn't use a bit of sunshine every single day! Looking forward to seeing your studs as well!!
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Thank you so much, Amys Bling and Christina!

I have a ton of pics but for some reason I can't post them. :(

Big rugby game on now (DH's team vs their arch nemesis) and after that it's bedtime for me, so I guess I'll try again in the morning!

pendant and studs.jpg
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Very nice Trekkie!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Love the design of the pendant and the YG bezel really pumps up the size of RAE! (love her name!)

Great looking studs too! Hope you can post ear and neck shots in the morning!!
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Love Rae and love her name! (it's my nickname in real life) I'm looking forward to close ups! You can already tell that she's very yellow indeed.
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Your little ball of sunshine is gorgeous! Congrats!
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Love them Trekkie! Wear in health and happiness!
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

I love them!!! I am glad you thought outside the box with your earrings and achieved a great result.
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Oooh awesome!! Delighted to be of service :cheeky: Isn't it funny how things sometimes so unexpectedly work out for the best? We definitely need some earshots - I'm guessing they look *gigantic* in your ears w/ those bezels! :sun:

Rae is adorable and perfectly set in yg, but the story of the lil' 3pointer totally outshines her I'm afraid ::) How sweet of your dad! Did he make your jewellery box himself? Can I request some pics of the box too? :love:
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

oh trekkie your pendant is gorgeous!! i look forward to more pics :)
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Thank you, Enerchi!

Thank you, Rhea! I am glad you approve of her name! :) I must admit that initially I was a bit worried about her colour. She isn't "fancy" yellow or even "fancy light" yellow. She's an EGL "R"! *gasp* But I absolutely adore her colour and I'm very glad that I could buy her as cheaply as I did!

Thank you, AprilBaby and Missy!

LisaRN, That's all due to Yssie! I never would have dreamed of owning earrings this big!

Yssie, thank you so much! I felt very special when my dad and stepmom gave me that little diamond. They've had it for years and years and could have given to to either of my brothers or their respective wives, but chose to gave it to me instead because they know I love diamonds. Of course that makes me love it all the more. :)

Slg47, Thank you very much! You have no idea how I stalked your bezel studs thread until I got my studs, wondering, hoping and wishing that my studs will have the same ear presence yours do!

Let me try this picture thing once more...
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Let's try this again...




Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Ear shots of the studs.

Yes, I took this in bed. 8)

I can't stop looking at them... :oops:


Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Trekkie|1333437128|3162296 said:
I can't stop looking at them... :oops:

Nor should you! We all love our bling.

They are fabulous!! Serious ear presence!

Congratulations and thanks so much for sharing the story. You give me new hope for my 0.40 ct pendant (that I never wear). Maybe I can find it an almost match and bezel it into studs too. I dearly love my 0.50 ctw studs, but even from day one I had DSS.

BTW - what colour is Rae? Did you say and I just missed it? Any idea?
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

You so should! I love my new earrings and wear them all the time now! I only take them off to clean them. :)

Rae is an EGL R... I know, I know, I bought an EGL diamond... But look at that colour! I couldn't turn her down. :)
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan


They are :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

We need fire shots!!! Get those beauties into the sun!!!

Or even better, pop over to Perth so I can get my sticky fingers on them!!! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

susimoo|1333449677|3162325 said:

They are :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

We need fire shots!!! Get those beauties into the sun!!!

Or even better, pop over to Perth so I can get my sticky fingers on them!!! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:


I would love to!! But it's practically winter in my part of South Africa. :(

I would happily hop on the next plane to Perth but only if I can stay there permanently! :bigsmile:

ETA: It's a pity "bling model" isn't on the skills shortage list, or else I'd be there in a shot!
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Trekkie your studs look great on you! they definitely have as much ear presence as mine if not more! (now all you need is some pearl drop jackets :naughty: :naughty: )

your jewelry box is beautiful and how special that it was made by your dad!

enjoy your studs and pendant! I always feel 'fancier' wearing diamond studs :)
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Trekkie they're lovely!! The studs look fabulous in your ears - they definitely have presence!! And your dad's box is so beautiful :love: :love: :love:
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Both the pendant and earrings look amazing on you! good size for both items! Yippee!!
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan

Both pieces are lovely on you Trekkie! The earrings look much bigger than .86! I would have said they were closer to a carat each!
I am in love with Lemony too! She is definitely a beauty. In her spirit, I have purchased a couple little bits of lemony myself. Your pendant is just perfect! I hope you enjoy it every day. Your dad did a fine job on that box for you too! What a wonderful thing for him to do!
Re: My new .86tcw studs and itty bitty yellow diamond pendan
