
My Experience and Recommendations on Round Brilliant Diamond purchase



I have just gone through diamond buying process multiple times and would like to share my experience with future newbies, before I leave this forum.

The reason for this post is that while I was going through learning process, I started to realize some information from internet or forums is biased or incomplete and could mislead people.

I don't have any sponsorship from any vendor so my view should be neutral and is solely based my own shopping experience. My sole intention for this post is to provide some information to future new shoppers.

I don't ask for full agreements from everyone. I don't expect anyway because a lot of things are subjective anyway.

I just hope the time I spent here will be helpful to some others.

For a given budget, you have 4 knobs to play: SIZE, CUT, COLOR and CLARITY. They all affect the price.


CARAT number doesn't automatically translate into size. I look for diameter numbers from the certificate and compare among different diamonds. However, I don't think small diameter difference such as 0.05mm would make any visual difference in reality.


CUT is very important. It has direct impact on the overall appearance of the diamond (scintillation & sparkle). It also affect the size of diamond (spread). It also affects face up whiteness (excellent cut diamonds returns more light and hence face up view looks white).

I search diamonds with these filter values relevant to cut:

Cut: Excellent/Ideal
Symmetry: Excellent/Ideal
Polish: Excellent/Ideal
Depth: 60%-62%
Table: 54%-58%

Then, I request/download GIA/AGS certificate and check Crown angle & Pavilion angle values. I look for these (GIA values as example):

- 34.5/40.8
- 35-35.5/40.6
- 33-34/40.8
- 35/40.8 (if pavilion depth <= 43% and Total depth <= Crown height + Girdle + Pavilion Depth)

Then, check and ensure:
- Table: 55%-57%
- Lower half length: 75%
- Girdle: 3.0-4.0%
- Culet size: none

Then, Look at face up picture to ensure arrows are clean, crispy, contrasty, and with good symmetry such as:

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James Allen provides pictures/videos under very controlled and consistent lighting to help objectively see the nature of the diamond and compare. This is one reason I highly recommend James Allen.

I personally don't care about "Super-ideal cut", "Hearts and Arrows", or whatever fancy marketing terms and I will not pay any premium for these labels (see Price section). I think any cut difference beyond my selection criterion will be more likely personality difference (more fire vs more brilliance for example) than anything else.


While cut quality can affect face up whiteness due to the level of light return, cut quality cannot replace color rating entirely! Otherwise GIA wouldn't grade color. No matter how ideal the cut is, it will not hide color from side view or tilt view, especially under very common diffused lighting condition such as office environment. People actually don't always look at your diamond top down. A lot of times, people look at your diamond sitting next to you and that view could be a tilt view. You will also look at you diamond in the car when the hand on driving wheel as tilt/side view. Office/diffused lighting condition is very common and side/tilt view is also very common. Keep that in mind and color does matter !

I learnt hard lesson to be finally convinced that I personally would not go below H, especially for diamonds over 1ct.

Even with the same color grade, there could be some difference and only James Allen's side view picture can help determine that. This is another reason why I recommend James Allen.

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For example, in the above picture, left most one has the lightest color and right most one has brown tone. So, don't just settle for a color rating and you should compare your candidate diamond with other diamonds with the same rating to ensure you are not getting one at lower end of the rating.

I personally only pick Fluorescence None or Faint. I know many people are happy with higher. Higher fluorescence may offset some yellow tone and reduce price but keep in mind it wouldn't help in very common office lighting condition where color is manifested the most.


This is more subjective. Some people are ok with any eye-clean diamonds but "eye-clean" is subjective in my opinion. I also noticed that clarity rating doesn't affect price as much/consistently as color or carat ratings. To be safe, I search at minimum VS2 and usually consider VS1 or higher and prefer VVS or higher.


There are many online vendors such as James Allen, Blue Nile, WhiteFlash, with Clarity, YADAV, Ritani, just to name a few. However, I have found that James Allen pretty consistently provides the best pricing as a whole (especially when you also buy a setting).

Just as an example, between this James Allen one at $8270 (which I bought) and WhiteFlash one at $11934, an apple to apple comparison (in terms of color/clarity/size), I simply cannot justify over 40% price difference, not to mention the cut quality is lower on WF's one.

This is the GIA report and web screen for James Allen one:

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This is the GIA and web screen for WhiteFlash one:
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One may argue WF's flagship is ACA diamonds, but I don't belive I can get a ACA from WF at the same level of combination of 5 factors: price, cut, color, clarity and size, even if I drop clarity from IF to VVS.

**edited by moderator, no referral links per our rules please**


Get educated but don't get easily influenced and make up your own mind with all 5 things consciously considered (price, cut, color, clarity and size).
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Mar 23, 2021
mx5_dvr this is just my personal opinion, so take it for what it's worth, but I don't think you should leave the forum over the war that broke out in that "ACA vs Excellent cut" thread. Having a range and difference of opinions on a subject is a *good* thing. :)

So long as things don't get personal between posters on a subject, there's no reason why everyone can't respect everyone else's views


Sep 3, 2000
I think you have done an excellent job explaining your own method for finding a very well cut diamond and an excellent price. It won't be the same for every customer. There are many minor variations on your own approach which may provide equally good final results.

You said you use 54 to 58% table size in one place and then later say you use 55 to 57% tables. Maybe you can point out if there is a reason for the two sets of ranges. I think 54 to 59 really is an equally good range for searching, before weeding out ones you might not want.

In the search for the best group of well cut diamonds, it pays to use the "HCA grade" and the "Looks Like" size reference within the HCA as tools to automatically control elements of the search so the angles and percentages work well together. You can still limit the table and depth manually, but the HCA result of "EXC" in a PriceSope search will provide reasonably correct limits on the coordination of crown angles with pavilion angles.

John Pollard has been writing for Pricescope on this topic. Below is in a short quotation of just a tiny part of John's efforts to educate PriceScopers about diamond cut. Likely, many of you have not yet found these writings. Diamond Education on Pricescope is a deep shortcut to knowledge. John's expertise in diamonds and written communication are concise, complete and unbiased. Below is just a short part of John's contribution to Education on Diamonds. It is a the initial description of the PriceScope Ideal cut diamond.

"A PriceScope Ideal is cut with proportionate angles which successfully reflect and return light back to the viewer’s eyes as brightness, fire, contrast, and sparkle. Some specimens emphasize brightness over fire, or vice-versa, depending on specifics, but all have robust light return. A PriceScope Ideal scores Excellent on the Holloway Cut Advisor: When removed from bright lights it will remain brilliant and lively. Only 20% of round brilliant diamonds graded ‘Excellent’ or ‘Ideal’ meet our definition of PriceScope Ideal (PriceScope estimate)."


Jan 8, 2019
Just as an example, between this James Allen one at $8270 (which I bought) and WhiteFlash one at $11934, an apple to apple comparison (in terms of color/clarity/size), I simply cannot justify over 40% price difference, not to mention the cut quality is lower on WF's one.

This is the GIA report and web screen for James Allen one:

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This is the GIA and web screen for WhiteFlash one:
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Screen Shot 2021-04-25 at 13.01.46.jpg

I just want to point out that this is not a fair example of pricing. The diamond you posted for WF is a “virtual” diamond that they do not own and set the price for beyond their markup which I’m sure isn’t a huge markup as the same diamond is listed on two other sites for $13k+ and $14.5k. One of the reasons JA quit posting the certificates is because you could find the same diamond somewhere else for less.



@Avatar345 I learnt a lot from this forum, I really respect some experts here and appreciate their help. Of course, I also see some people being unrespectful and biased. That's also the nature of our society anyway.

I am not an expert on diamond and I have no intention to become so. My life has to go on and I have a lot things to do so I figured I may just leave this forum rather than going cycles on something here. On the other hand, I also want to give back something to this forum, hence this thread as shortest length as possible, to share some learning to future new people.


You said you use 54 to 58% table size in one place and then later say you use 55 to 57% tables. Maybe you can point out if there is a reason for the two sets of ranges. I think 54 to 59 really is an equally good range for searching, before weeding out ones you might not want.

Some websites increment search size by every 2% hence 54%-58%.

In the search for the best group of well cut diamonds, it pays to use the "HCA grade" and the "Looks Like" size reference within the HCA as tools to automatically control elements of the search so the angles and percentages work well together. You can still limit the table and depth manually, but the HCA result of "EXC" in a PriceSope search will provide reasonably correct limits on the coordination of crown angles with pavilion angles.

To my knowledge, HCA tool is not free with unlimited use.

I think my criterion of Depth, Table and Girdle ensures that spread will be very good. So, I don't need "Look Like" from HCA. If it's always free, sure I will use it but still proper search criterion will be more efficient to begin with.


Feb 12, 2011
Good for you!!! @mx5_dvr I wish I couldn’t tell the difference... sadly I can :cry2:
Some people also can tell the difference but don’t think its worth the premium. Usually people who think “other people can’t tell the difference anyway” won’t think the premium is worth it. Unfortunately, I don’t care what other people think. I buy it for my own enjoyment and I do care and it bugs me if I know there’s something better and I didn’t get it and settled for the good enough.... I’m already in it for couple tens thousands dollars and I won’t save couple thousands and settled for less.... even within super ideals I can tell the difference now, I’m digging my own hole... its good that you didn’t get into the hole :lol-2: it save your money... just let yourself not knowing the difference and be happy, don’t dig your own hole like me and other PSers here...

btw, I think you picked a good one!
what I’ve learned from this all diamond buying experience. We can’t just judge it solely based on numbers. Numbers is one indicator, because nowadays we buy diamond online, thats one way to start our search. But even if the numbers looks similar, in my experience, it might looks different in real life. The facets, every corner and all can be different. Thats why I always say with buying diamond we got to see it with our own eyes to make the judgment. If our eyes love it then its a good buy.
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Mar 23, 2021
@Avatar345 I learnt a lot from this forum, I really respect some experts here and appreciate their help. Of course, I also see some people being unrespectful and biased. That's also the nature of our society anyway.

I am not an expert on diamond and I have no intention to become so. My life has to go on and I have a lot things to do so I figured I may just leave this forum rather than going cycles on something here. On the other hand, I also want to give back something to this forum, hence this thread as shortest length as possible, to share some learning to future new people.

Yup and I totally respect that -

I completely understand your use of the word 'biased' as well but it implies people closed off to a different way of thinking; I think rather than that, what it is is people who advocate for a feature/quality in a diamond that they feel will bring the singular greatest benefit to a purchaser, a purchaser who is, ostensibly, purchasing a diamond for that sparkle/fire factor to begin with, *even* when viewed from a cost/benefit perspective (understanding the cost is higher). And that thread... that thread went south because people started feeling that their own views were being devalued and/or misconstrued (and I absolutely include you in that as well as a victim - everyone was victimized lol!)

Anyway just something to think about; I wouldn't have written any of this at all if I didn't feel it was worth saying! :)


@munchee , I may or may not tell the difference. I was able to tell the difference between the diamonds I bought and returned (not for cut reasons). But I don't have a such "hole" because even if I can tell the difference, I cannot tell which is better. They are just so slightly different. That's why I said personality difference in my original post.


Feb 29, 2012
@munchee , I may or may not tell the difference. I was able to tell the difference between the diamonds I bought and returned (not for cut reasons). But I don't have a such "hole" because even if I can tell the difference, I cannot tell which is better. They are just so slightly different. That's why I said personality difference in my original post.

Asking innocently.

Would you be willing to disclose what super ideal diamond brands you have seen?

edited: HCA is free and unlimited to non trade


Feb 12, 2011
Asking innocently.

Would you be willing to disclose what super ideal diamond brands you have seen?

I’m also curious, I’m following.... because all my families that doesn’t know a thing about diamond cut noticed and confidently said my ACA is better than my SIL GIA 3ex within ideal parameters. Whether or not they’re willing to pay the premium is totally different case.


Feb 29, 2012
I just want to point out that this is not a fair example of pricing. The diamond you posted for WF is a “virtual” diamond that they do not own and set the price for beyond their markup which I’m sure isn’t a huge markup as the same diamond is listed on two other sites for $13k+ and $14.5k. One of the reasons JA quit posting the certificates is because you could find the same diamond somewhere else for less.

Also, the James Allen one has wonky arrow tips, which is fine if you don’t care and would rather the cheaper price.

With whiteflash, you would be getting perfect hearts and arrows.

Thank you for pointing out that Op wasn’t comparing the JA diamond to an ACA. Whiteflash upgrade policy doesn't apply to virtual inventory.

Its also worth pointing out that if someone wanted to upgrade, with James Allen you would have to spend at least double, whereas with Whiteflash you just have to spend a dollar more. For some people, upgrade is important and for some people, it’s not. People vary, as Kenny says.


Feb 29, 2012
I’m also curious, I’m following.... because all my families that doesn’t know a thing about diamond cut noticed and confidently said my ACA is better than my SIL GIA 3ex within ideal parameters. Whether or not they’re willing to pay the premium is totally different case.

Yes, I always tell the story of when I was at a party several years ago and wearing one of my sapphire side stones, a HP Diamond about .56 G si 1 or 2. My friend grabbed my hand and sat me down and asked if she could try it on and then asked why my diamond looked better than hers.


Feb 12, 2011
Also, the James Allen one has wonky arrow tips, which is fine if you don’t care and would rather the cheaper price.

With whiteflash, you would be getting perfect hearts and arrows.

Thank you for pointing out that Op wasn’t comparing the JA diamond to an ACA. Whiteflash upgrade policy doesn't apply to virtual inventory.

Its also worth pointing out that if someone wanted to upgrade, with James Allen you would have to spend at least double, whereas with Whiteflash you just have to spend a dollar more. For some people, upgrade is important and for some people, it’s not. People vary, as Kenny says.

This is the same reason why I don’t want to get from other places because I know I want to upgrade and I can’t imagine if I have to stuck with my diamond. I know next year I want to upgrade my studs clarity, which won’t cost double than what I paid now.

Yes, I always tell the story of when I was at a party several years ago and wearing one of my sapphire side stones, a HP Diamond about .56 G si 1 or 2. My friend grabbed my hand and sat me down and asked if she could try it on and then asked why my diamond looked better than hers.

I can relate!!! I have some people I know grabbed my hands too and asked me if they can try my VC ring :lol:


Feb 29, 2012
Oops, I accidentally chopped off the tip of the arrow on the left.



Feb 29, 2012
To clarify, I’m not saying the James Allen diamond isn’t gorgeous. I’m not at all judging the worth of that diamond.


Jan 8, 2019
This would be a more accurate comparison, what JA considers their “best”, true hearts AGS 0 vs an ACA AGS 0. Notice which one is cheaper



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Jun 10, 2020
Thanks for your post! I think many will find it informative and helpful.

I’d add two other considerations that can influence price: customer service and potential upgrade policies. Whether these are important is up to each buyer to decide.


Feb 12, 2011
I think what OP meant, as she also stated in other thread is that she doesn’t believe in a branded cut, which includes JA true heart. As she said:
My whole point is that, after certain point, anything better may not be significant or eye noticeable hence return on investment is diminished. This not only applies to color/clarity but also cut. It's a balance of 5 things: size, cut, color, clarity, and price.
so in her point of view, as long as its good enough, the difference won’t be noticeable, just like color and clarity. So perfect H&A, super ideal vs. As long as the numbers looks good, you won’t tell the difference. Just like you can’t tell the difference between VS2 and IF.

Thats why I said in my previous post, its good for her if she can’t tell the difference. Just stay that way it’ll save her some money. Sadly, me and many PSers here can tell the difference. Even my whole family and my husband who doesn’t know and who doesn’t care about diamond can tell the difference and can say which one is better.

I think, for the fairness of future reader. It is safe to say, Yes, there’s a difference between super-ideals and a good enough diamond. But, whether or not it worth the premium, it is up to buyers to decide. Some people don’t think its worth it, its fine, but to say they perform the same, it will lead to an extremely HOT topic discussion in this forum. Especially if you made your statement before seeing many super ideals.
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Feb 29, 2012
I think what OP meant, as she also stated in other thread is that she doesn’t believe in a branded cut, which includes JA true heart. As she said:

so in her point of view, as long as its good enough, the difference won’t be noticeable, just like color and clarity. So perfect H&A, super ideal vs. As long as the numbers looks good, you won’t tell the difference. Just like you can’t tell the difference between VS2 and IF.

Thats why I said in my previous post, its good for her if she can’t tell the difference. Just stay that way it’ll save her some money. Sadly, me and many PSers here can tell the difference. Even my whole family and my husband who doesn’t know and who doesn’t care about diamond can tell the difference and can say which one is better.

But, how can that be true if one hasn’t seen a super ideal cut? That is all I’m asking.

Therefore, I am asking if Op has seen a super ideal cut in person and if so, which brand (because I can tell differences between brands).

No one NEEDS a super ideal diamond, just as no one needs an ideal cut diamond, just as no one needs a diamond.

I don’t like or appreciate my husband’s Corvette. That doesn’t mean the cost and performance aren’t worth it to him

Kenny said it best when he said, “people vary”...

ETA: how can someone outright dismiss a super ideal cut if one hasn’t seen it?


Feb 29, 2012
Also, yes, in all likelihood, op’s advice will get you a diamond better than— what— 95% of people on the street.

we are discussing the nuisances because it’s PS and that is what we do here.


Jun 30, 2015
But, how can that be true if one hasn’t seen a super ideal cut? That is all I’m asking.

Therefore, I am asking if Op has seen a super ideal cut in person and if so, which brand (because I can tell differences between brands).

No one NEEDS a super ideal diamond, just as no one needs an ideal cut diamond, just as no one needs a diamond.

I don’t like or appreciate my husband’s Corvette. That doesn’t mean the cost and performance aren’t worth it to him

Kenny said it best when he said, “people vary”...

ETA: how can someone outright dismiss a super ideal cut if one hasn’t seen it?

Hi @whitewave! I have never seen a super ideal cut in person. I always follow these types of threads discussing the importance of the cut and I have learned a lot over the years on this forum. Sadly for me, my hubby and I purchased my "engagement ring" (actually, my 50th bday present) before I really understood about the importance of cut and the super ideals. I love my stone, but is nowhere near an ideal, much less super ideal, cut. I would really like to see one or more in person! Do you know how I can do that, in NYC, without commitment and just to learn?

Since I am not in the market to replace my diamond, I don't want to go through the expense and risk of ordering one just to return it. Also, that doesn't seem nice to do. Thanks so much for any thoughts on this you might have.


Sep 3, 2000
To a perfectionist, everything matters. To a negligent person, nothing matters. Those of us lucky enough to be comfortably somewhere in between those extremes, what matters and how much is very personal. How finely cut a diamond needs to be to satisfy the buyer and the intended wearer always will remain a highly personal, financial and emotional choice. Most of us participate here to be sure our fellow PriceScopers get the diamond that suits them even when it might not totally be the right one for each of us.

Trying to prove one diamond is a better value, or a better stone than another proves nothing. The attempt to prove you have not made an error can readily be undone by those who can only accept the finest cut stones and nothing less. The fact that no one can see the difference in a normal environment is not what the process of defining perfection is all about. Good enough will often look the same to most viewers. Good enough for one will not be good enough for everyone. That's why it takes diligent shopping to find the right diamond for most every individual. One type does not work for every person or situation.


I just want to point out that this is not a fair example of pricing. The diamond you posted for WF is a “virtual” diamond that they do not own and set the price for beyond their markup which I’m sure isn’t a huge markup as the same diamond is listed on two other sites for $13k+ and $14.5k. One of the reasons JA quit posting the certificates is because you could find the same diamond somewhere else for less.

Well, James Allen's one is also a "virtual diamond". So I think it's a fair comparison. I am not saying WF has the worst pricing but I am saying JA has good pricing.

Also, I wouldn't think it's that hard to locate the same diamond from other online retailer if one requests the report from online chat and get all information from the GIA report other than the certifcate number. I would think one could search a diamond by exact color, carat, depth, table, etc and narrow down pretty quickly and then match every word/value on the certificate (except certificate number).

I understand JA's handling of GIA report is annoying, but for me personally, that's not enough to not use them as benefits still far outweight drawbacks.
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Jul 31, 2014
Your comparisons dont even make sense. Why compare a virtual diamond from WF (which isnt part of any of their upgrade policies or premium cuts) and compare to the JA one?

Also, you've said about 10x in 24 hours that you are leaving, done posting, etc etc.


Apr 23, 2018
To my knowledge, HCA tool is not free with unlimited use.

I think my criterion of Depth, Table and Girdle ensures that spread will be very good. So, I don't need "Look Like" from HCA. If it's always free, sure I will use it but still proper search criterion will be more efficient to begin with.

Unless you buy a subscription, I think normal users get 3 uses per day.

However, if you use the PS diamond search engine, you can filter by HCA rank and simply click on the rating in the search screen and it will pull up the HCA for you. I believe this is free & unlimited, at least for now.

Better yet, even though JA doesn't publish certifications, there is an agreement with PS so that the HCA results can be obtained. You don't see the values, but at least it lets you know if the stone is worth further pursuing.

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Well, James Allen's one is also a "virtual diamond". So I think it's a fair comparison. I am not saying WF has the worst pricing but I am saying JA has good pricing.

I believe @Txborn79's point was that you were comparing a WF H&A stone against a JA virtual stone. A more reasonable comparison would be WF ACA vs JA True Heart. Rather or not you (or anyone else) can see & appreciate the difference between a H&A stone or not is irrelevant. The point is both an ACA & TH are cut to a higher level of standards than a non-H&A stone.

Comparing the cost of an apple to an orange is pointless. While both may be fruit and fulfill your hunger, they have their own pricing structure unique to them. For your point to be validated, you need to compare an apple to an apple or an orange to an orange.

Also, I wouldn't think it's that hard to locate the same diamond from other online retailer if one requests the report from online chat and get all information from the GIA report other than the certifcate number. I would think one could search a diamond by exact color, carat, depth, table, etc and narrow down pretty quickly and then match every word/value on the certificate (except certificate number).

I understand JA's handling of GIA report is annoying, but for me personally, that's not enough to not use them as benefits still far outweight drawbacks.

What's annoying is JA's approach to the whole matter. They used to post certs like every other online vendor. However, people were onto their game that they offered nothing unique and would shop other vendors to buy the same stone for cheaper. They tried blanking out numbers for awhile, but people found work arounds. Eventually the certs came off altogether and you have to request them individually now.

I'm sorry, but virtual stones are a commodity. If they want to demand a premium, they have to offer a different level of service or invest in stones and keep in a vault so they are truly theirs or maybe just have exclusive agreements with their suppliers.

Then the exec came on here & IMO gave a weak response to why they did it. Indicating part of the reason was they learned that if their buyers spoke to CS reps they could close more sales. Sound a tad predatory? To add insult to injury, much of the advise being given by CS reps is pretty lame. And their once legendary customer service has taken a hit as evidenced by many posts here and elsewhere.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised. Signet is the parent company. The same people who own mall stores like Kay's, Zales, etc. Effectively they have done their best to take away a true online shopping experience and make it more like a mall store sales experience, except with the use of a computer.

Thanks, but no thanks. My money won't support their operations. Despite my own opinion of them I will put my bias aside and help buyers find the best solution for them. Harsh reality is that sometimes JA is that answer.
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Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
HCA is free and unlimited to non trade

Not exactly WW.

There is unlimited usage on the PS search engine to ID diamonds with HCA excellent (including JA stones even though the certificates are not published. 'We' have been friends since James started his business in about 1999 or earlier).

3 free are given to new consumers who sign up on the forum.

Trade are directed to where there are packages (consumers can go there too).

When I decided to develop Looks Like and charge for HCA we implimented a 'granmother' free usage for many of our long term helpers on the forum.

On the new developments department - it seems we are getting close to a much higher level on Looks Like. The OP who started this thread is unaware that HCA LL estimates the lakage and APPARENT diamond size as well as the spread. That is why it was granted a patent.
The current LL only works for round diamonds and is based (like HCA and GIA's copy of HCA) look up charts as estimates only.
We hope to launch a real system this year that uses real 3D models and calculates (not estimates) the peripheral leakage. This will happen online by uploading an .stl file and dozens of tilted images will be generated and calculations of the periheral light return made with a score given in visual carat size (not weight).


To the OP - you have had some very gracious comments from people with expertise and constraint.


Feb 12, 2011
@mx5_dvr please before you left this forum can you answer just 1 question everyone is curious about? Have you got a super ideal before? Can you link the specific diamond which you got and you returned because you think it looks the same? Thank you.
*all super ideal have link so it’ll be easy for you to just put the link here

and after you link it here, I’ll ask the vendor you’ve listed, because they’re all member in this forum. Why the specific diamond made their inventory if it looks the same like any other diamond.
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