
My boyfriend just asked me for a "break"

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May 27, 2008
Date: 11/20/2008 12:55:33 AM
Author: Sunshine In Your Eyes
It''s good to hear you are doing better! I am OK. Went to dinner tonight with my friend and his gf. It was supposed to be a double date, so it was kind of sad to keep looking at the empty seat knowing he was supposed to be there.. but it was good to see my friend. After dinner I went to meet my ex to get some things that he still had of mine. He gave me the bag of stuff and turned right around and walked away. It was so sad watching him walk away. I ended up going after him. I told him that I want to continue to respect his need for time/space, but I hope that some time he will be able to sit down with me and explain because I still don''t understand what happened. I told him that I still cared about him a lot. He said ''thank you'' and walked away.
I''m glad I got to say what I''d been dying to say to him this whole past week (well, some of what I''ve been dying to say) but it stung that he had nothing to say back to me... Sigh... I cried the whole way home, but I can''t look back. If I don''t keep looking forward I''ll never get anywhere.

I am pretty excited for you about the guy who invited you to a game! I hope it''s no pressure and just lots of fun!! My friend and I had plans to go out tomorrow night and she ended up wanting to invite a guy she met recently, and then asked him to bring a friend too. I am not sure how I feel about it, but I made a point to tell her to be sure there was no expectation of me. I think it will be good to hang out with someone different as well. We''ll see...

Strength in the sisterhood!! Keep hanging in there.. Keep us updated on how you are! Thanks for your support :)
Sunshine this guy sounds like a total a-hole. I''m so sorry that you fell so hard for someone this insensitive and inconsiderate. I know it''s hard to imagine being better off, but you really are! Any person who would break up with someone, completely without explanation and act so coldly like that is not worth your time. For real!

And I agree peargirl, watch the drinking!! Make sure that you are the smarter (and hotter
) one!


Apr 21, 2008
Date: 11/21/2008 12:19:33 AM
Author: Kelli
Date: 11/20/2008 12:55:33 AM

Author: Sunshine In Your Eyes

It''s good to hear you are doing better! I am OK. Went to dinner tonight with my friend and his gf. It was supposed to be a double date, so it was kind of sad to keep looking at the empty seat knowing he was supposed to be there.. but it was good to see my friend. After dinner I went to meet my ex to get some things that he still had of mine. He gave me the bag of stuff and turned right around and walked away. It was so sad watching him walk away. I ended up going after him. I told him that I want to continue to respect his need for time/space, but I hope that some time he will be able to sit down with me and explain because I still don''t understand what happened. I told him that I still cared about him a lot. He said ''thank you'' and walked away.
I''m glad I got to say what I''d been dying to say to him this whole past week (well, some of what I''ve been dying to say) but it stung that he had nothing to say back to me... Sigh... I cried the whole way home, but I can''t look back. If I don''t keep looking forward I''ll never get anywhere.

I am pretty excited for you about the guy who invited you to a game! I hope it''s no pressure and just lots of fun!! My friend and I had plans to go out tomorrow night and she ended up wanting to invite a guy she met recently, and then asked him to bring a friend too. I am not sure how I feel about it, but I made a point to tell her to be sure there was no expectation of me. I think it will be good to hang out with someone different as well. We''ll see...

Strength in the sisterhood!! Keep hanging in there.. Keep us updated on how you are! Thanks for your support :)
Sunshine this guy sounds like a total a-hole. I''m so sorry that you fell so hard for someone this insensitive and inconsiderate. I know it''s hard to imagine being better off, but you really are! Any person who would break up with someone, completely without explanation and act so coldly like that is not worth your time. For real!

And I agree peargirl, watch the drinking!! Make sure that you are the smarter (and hotter
) one!

Hey Sunshine,

I agree, this guy sounds extremely cold and insensitive.

I''ve been broken up with, and I''ve also done the breaking up. I know what it feels like to want an explanation. But honestly, if you really think about it, is there anything he could possibly say to you that would make you feel better about the situation?
And I know it feels like some sort of explanation would put you more at ease but in reality it would probably stir up more questions and create more anxiety. (and it would take you several steps BACK and not FORWARD!!).
I know that it''s probably really hard to see this since you''re stuck in the middle of it with a broken heart, but his actions and words (or lack of words) are explanation enough.

And the truth is it will all make sense to you eventually.
When you meet that wonderful man who actually gives you the time of day when you''re spilling your heart out to him you will understand why this guy had to go...

I hope this didn''t sound harsh or anything. I know that this is sooo hard to go through. I hope you can slowly find peace in this situation. Hang in there!
Nov 14, 2008
thanks Kelli :)

today i heard that he has been pretty flirty with this one girl he works with.. apparently she has been talking about him for quite a while AND she was shocked when my friend told her he had a girlfriend. i have no way of knowing if he had been talking to her before and that was the reason for the sudden breakup, or if they just started talking this past week. (which still hurts, but is NOT the same as cheating...ahh) He won''t talk to me, so I can''t ask him. I guess in the end it doesn''t matter either way, but it still bothers me not knowing. Blah.

SO yeah. today has been kinda rough. I am going out with some friends in just a few minutes though.

Hope you are doing well OU!! Update us soon.
Nov 14, 2008
sorry didn''t see your post Namaste. Thank you so much. It wasn''t harsh.. it''s true. I''m trying to see it that way.. I really am. It''s just really tough to let go. It will happen eventually.. Sigh..
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