
Love at first sight?

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Mar 26, 2008
In Celebration of the big V-DAY.....
Was it L
VE at first site when you met your SO?
DO you remember what your first initial thoughts were???

My friend had told me she wanted me to meet this guy... she said that he was georgous and kind..then she told me his name and i said "No Thanks" ( I still hate his name)

a month or so later my friend was moving and he was helping... i walked into the room, our eyes met, my heart started beating pretty fast, i got light headed, and i remember hearing Bridget Jones say "Ding Dong" in my head.

he is still amazingly beautiful.

i am sure all he saw was my rack!

i am not sure if it was LOVE at first sight..but i was certainly smitten.


Mar 13, 2007
I knew that I would get married to my FI the second I saw him. No question!


Jul 18, 2007
LOL I think my first thought was -- "Doofus."

He''s still doofy.

He''d prefer the term "geeky". No wait. Maybe it''s "dweeby". I forget.


Sep 30, 2006
No way
I talked about this in another thread, let''s see if I can dig it up...


Apr 6, 2005
Ha, no I hated him at first sight. We went to the same college and have music performance degrees in clarinet. We were both vying for the same positions so there was a lot of competition between us. He was also a very cocky and annoying person. I don''t know what happened, LOL.


Mar 28, 2008
I''m not sure if it was love at first sight. I remember thinking he was gorgeous (his eyes kept locking with mine), and how could I get out of the convo with his friend so I could go talk to him. It was definitely serious-attraction-at-first-sight.

Love came a little while later. I always fall for the Nuyoricans...
can''t be helped.


Mar 26, 2008
Date: 2/13/2009 3:51:30 PM
Author: musey
No way
I talked about this in another thread, let''s see if I can dig it up...
OH! has this been done before!!!???


Sep 30, 2006
Grr, can't find it. Too many threads out there. No, it wasn't in a 'love at first sight' thread (though I'm sure that it has been done
as most things have!), it was just a general relationship progression thread.

edit: found, copied and pasted the quote below...

That said: the first time I saw him? "Eww, he's wearing tapered jeans!!" Shopping for fashionable jeans was one of the first things we did as a couple


May 19, 2008
For me it was not exactly "love at first sight" but it was not exactly not, either. I thought he was gorgeous right away! I think we both knew there was something there -- but it took time for things to unfold.



Sep 30, 2006
OH NOW I find it!! Lol.

Here's the first thread: How long before you knew?
The second: Engaged Ladies: How Did You 'Know'

and what I said:

Date: 5/12/2008 8:35:26 PM
Author: musey
I 'hoped' after two months. This is when I knew I loved him (he knew that at 1 month).

I 'thought' after six months. This is when I began realizing how compatible we truly were and would continue to be (when the 'please like me' behavior--honeymoon period--began to wear off).

I 'knew' after two years. This is when I stopped having doubts that we could build a happy and fulfilling life together--and stopped wondering whether there was 'something better' out there.


Mar 26, 2008
Date: 2/13/2009 4:08:01 PM
Author: musey
Grr, can''t find it. Too many threads out there. No, it wasn''t in a ''love at first sight'' thread (though I''m sure that it has been done
as most things have!), it was just a general relationship progression thread.

Anyway, what I''ve said before and will say again, is that I thought I loved him instantly. Now, looking back, I know I didn''t. I thought I could love him right away. I knew I loved him, and hoped that it would grow into the lifelong kind of love, a couple of months in. It took me a couple of years to get to the ''this is it'' stage

That''s probably because love, for me, is about the kinds of things that you can''t know or experience in the beginning.
It''s about the things that develop through experiencing the other person, through their ups and downs (and yours, as well) and a million different situations.

That said: the first time I saw him? ''Eww, he''s wearing tapered jeans!!'' Shopping for fashionable jeans was one of the first things we did as a couple
OMG so funny!


Dec 31, 2008
Umm... it was NOT LOVE. Lust maybe... but NOT LOVE.

For both of us. To hear him tell it "she''s a cool chick, likes to drink, fun to be around, and good looking."

To hear me tell it...

At the airport I was with my friend (a mutual friend of me and my now DH, and a DUDE) we were sitting at the airport bar. It was 10AM... we started drinking large pints of beer. We were planning on moving across the country. Because friend and I worked for the same company, we couldn''t move at the same time, we were getting transferred on a delay. Now DH moved early.. and was scoutting places to live. We are getting drunk. We board the plane, I drink bloody marys and more beer of course. I am tipsy. Now in the air there is a rule.. NO CELL PHONES.. right? so my friend decides that at 10K feet he''s going to tell me that my BF(at the time) was cheating on me... with unfortunately MANY girls. He was waiting for the traditional girl freakout... it never came. I said, well i guess I''m single. He''s like, WHAT? and I laughed and said that I''d dump him when I got back... but as far as I''m concerned, we''re over.. now let''s have some FUN! So we spent the rest of the plane ride, not talking about my cheating EX, but about our move, who we are meeting and what we want to do. I ask him about (my now DH) and I think he must be an ugly toad.
"Is he ugly?" I ask - He replies "No, he''s good looking." I say " well what''s wrong with him then?"- he replies, "nothing girls always want him, but he''s shy. You should jump on him when you first see him and plant him a huge kiss... since you''re now single." I reply... "seems cruel for a shy guy"... well after a few more beers, and a successful landing... He convinces me this is a good idea.
We land, and he pulls up in his tricked out Jeep... and I think he''s like a big BOY. (I drove a Jeep at the same time, mind you." But, above all else I thought, OMG HE''S SMOKIN HOT!
So, all weekend, my friend tries to convince me to dump my ex. I tell him, I will when I get back... why ruin a vacation? he seriously didn''t understand... boys are silly.

Well anywho, my friend is aparantly a lightweight and spent the whole weekend sleeping. this whole time, me and my now DH hung out, went out, and did stuff. it was super fun. we say it was "while you were sleeping..."

So.. technically there was a 4 day layover between dumping and the beginning stages of the courtship... that and I lived across the country- DID NOT want to date my now DH and so I dated sooo many people to try to get over those feelings.. but I couldn''t I was smitten... and have been ever since.


Aug 12, 2005
Musey, the tapered jeans thing is hilarious! What year did you meet your DH?


Oct 27, 2008
Nope, took us ages to get together! Long and rather boring story, but it definitely wasn't love at first sight!

ETA my FMIL thinks we were in love with each other long before we knew it


Mar 26, 2008
Date: 2/13/2009 4:31:52 PM
Author: tlh
Umm... it was NOT LOVE. Lust maybe... but NOT LOVE.

For both of us. To hear him tell it ''she''s a cool chick, likes to drink, fun to be around, and good looking.''

To hear me tell it...

At the airport I was with my friend (a mutual friend of me and my now DH, and a DUDE) we were sitting at the airport bar. It was 10AM... we started drinking large pints of beer. We were planning on moving across the country. Because friend and I worked for the same company, we couldn''t move at the same time, we were getting transferred on a delay. Now DH moved early.. and was scoutting places to live. We are getting drunk. We board the plane, I drink bloody marys and more beer of course. I am tipsy. Now in the air there is a rule.. NO CELL PHONES.. right? so my friend decides that at 10K feet he''s going to tell me that my BF(at the time) was cheating on me... with unfortunately MANY girls. He was waiting for the traditional girl freakout... it never came. I said, well i guess I''m single. He''s like, WHAT? and I laughed and said that I''d dump him when I got back... but as far as I''m concerned, we''re over.. now let''s have some FUN! So we spent the rest of the plane ride, not talking about my cheating EX, but about our move, who we are meeting and what we want to do. I ask him about (my now DH) and I think he must be an ugly toad.
''Is he ugly?'' I ask - He replies ''No, he''s good looking.'' I say '' well what''s wrong with him then?''- he replies, ''nothing girls always want him, but he''s shy. You should jump on him when you first see him and plant him a huge kiss... since you''re now single.'' I reply... ''seems cruel for a shy guy''... well after a few more beers, and a successful landing... He convinces me this is a good idea.
We land, and he pulls up in his tricked out Jeep... and I think he''s like a big BOY. (I drove a Jeep at the same time, mind you.'' But, above all else I thought, OMG HE''S SMOKIN HOT!
So, all weekend, my friend tries to convince me to dump my ex. I tell him, I will when I get back... why ruin a vacation? he seriously didn''t understand... boys are silly.

Well anywho, my friend is aparantly a lightweight and spent the whole weekend sleeping. this whole time, me and my now DH hung out, went out, and did stuff. it was super fun. we say it was ''while you were sleeping...''

So.. technically there was a 4 day layover between dumping and the beginning stages of the courtship... that and I lived across the country- DID NOT want to date my now DH and so I dated sooo many people to try to get over those feelings.. but I couldn''t I was smitten... and have been ever since.
AWWWW love it!!!!


Sep 30, 2006
Date: 2/13/2009 4:33:43 PM
Author: monarch64
Musey, the tapered jeans thing is hilarious! What year did you meet your DH?
2003. There is no excuse.


When I finally got up the courage to say something to him about it (about a month into dating), he said "Oh, I thought jeans were just jeans - and these are Calvin Kleins, so doesn't that mean they're nice?"


Dec 29, 2004
Met him in a hostel in Cesky Krumlov.

I thought he was gay.

He wasn''t.

He thought I might be the only single woman in the hostel that night.

I was.

The rest is history.


Dec 31, 2008
Date: 2/13/2009 4:58:35 PM
Author: musey

Date: 2/13/2009 4:33:43 PM
Author: monarch64
Musey, the tapered jeans thing is hilarious! What year did you meet your DH?
2003. There is no excuse.


When I finally got up the courage to say something to him about it (about a month into dating), he said ''Oh, I thought jeans were just jeans - and these are Calvin Kleins, so doesn''t that mean they''re nice?''
If he''s hot... it''s just an excuse to get them wadded up in a pile on the floor! HUBBA HUBBA let''s burn some rubba!

Sorry... i''m feeling a bit frisky... must be friday the 13th.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 2/13/2009 5:02:26 PM
Author: tlh

Date: 2/13/2009 4:58:35 PM
Author: musey

Date: 2/13/2009 4:33:43 PM
Author: monarch64
Musey, the tapered jeans thing is hilarious! What year did you meet your DH?
2003. There is no excuse.


When I finally got up the courage to say something to him about it (about a month into dating), he said ''Oh, I thought jeans were just jeans - and these are Calvin Kleins, so doesn''t that mean they''re nice?''
If he''s hot... it''s just an excuse to get them wadded up in a pile on the floor! HUBBA HUBBA let''s burn some rubba!

Sorry... i''m feeling a bit frisky... must be friday the 13th.
tlh, from the short time you''ve been on PS, I have to ask, when are you NOT feeling frisky?


Dec 31, 2008
Date: 2/13/2009 5:06:24 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 2/13/2009 5:02:26 PM
Author: tlh

Date: 2/13/2009 4:58:35 PM
Author: musey

Date: 2/13/2009 4:33:43 PM
Author: monarch64
Musey, the tapered jeans thing is hilarious! What year did you meet your DH?
2003. There is no excuse.


When I finally got up the courage to say something to him about it (about a month into dating), he said ''Oh, I thought jeans were just jeans - and these are Calvin Kleins, so doesn''t that mean they''re nice?''
If he''s hot... it''s just an excuse to get them wadded up in a pile on the floor! HUBBA HUBBA let''s burn some rubba!

Sorry... i''m feeling a bit frisky... must be friday the 13th.
tlh, from the short time you''ve been on PS, I have to ask, when are you NOT feeling frisky?
Hmmm good question... maybe I should get that checked out! HAHA- If I did that my DH would KILL ME! hahhaha


Oct 10, 2006
Yes... We had a blind date on 1/18/03. He called his mom the next morning and told her he met the woman he would marry. He proposed on 1/25/03 and we were married on 10/4/03. We have been extremely happily married since then!


Mar 16, 2005
No way. I thought he was incredibly nerdy and a horrible dresser. But he was super sweet when I got to know him and I bought him lots of new clothes. When we got married, a lot of his old clothes got donated
. Now he has grown into himself as he has gotten older and I think he is hot stuff


Sep 30, 2006
Date: 2/13/2009 5:22:22 PM
Author: steph72276
No way. I thought he was incredibly nerdy and a horrible dresser. But he was super sweet when I got to know him and I bought him lots of new clothes. When we got married, a lot of his old clothes got donated
. Now he has grown into himself as he has gotten older and I think he is hot stuff
Steph, your husband sounds a lot like mine! Yay for reformed nerds

(And they say you can''t change a man...

LOL @ tlh and Tgal. Oh, you guys.


Dec 29, 2006
No, it wasn''t love at first sight but I knew I really liked my husband a lot when I first met him. At the time, he liked me but he was a little on the fence about what to do with an ex-girlfriend who had recently contacted him. We were dating casually for a month and a half before it became more serious, so he decided what he wanted fairly quickly.


Jul 5, 2007
WHOA, that''s awesome, jmtomaui!

I was definitely attracted to DH the first time I saw him...and it literally took him years to a) figure that out and b) make a move. But, that said, we''re not really sure when we actually met. It was either at his friend''s house playing video games OR it was while he was singing with the same friend''s band at a 4th of July small town park concert. Either way, I thought he and his sense of humor was hot.

So - not exactly love at first sight in this house, but there were some elements of it ;-)


Jan 21, 2006
When I first met my DH we had a class together in college. I didn''t talk to him as I was actually dating someone else in the class
. I did think he was cute, but didn''t think much of it at the time.

A couple of years later I ran into him at a friend''s keg party LOL. We remembered eachother and talked. We hit it off instantly and had a goodnight kiss that night. I was in love quickly and it was the first relationship I had that I felt it wouldn''t end. Four and a half years later we were engaged and living in Los Angeles and now we have been married for over a year! It definitely wasn''t love at first site, but there was something very powerful about initial attraction and chemistry when I re-met him.


Oct 9, 2007
Definitely NOT love at first sight. I met DH in freshman programming, and thought he was the height of geekdom. His wardrobe consisted of these terrible tapered Levi''s, miscellaneous t-shirts that were always too big (I''m sure he got them for free, lol), and clunky sneakers. The hair, was also pretty bad, as DH still isn''t too fond of haircuts
. I bet he thought I was an ass as well. Looking back, I wasn''t exactly fashion forward myself. I would get up in the morning and leave the house 10 minutes later. Bad hair, and eyebrows similar to Lenoid Brezhnev.

We were friends for almost 4 years before he admits to starting to like me. For me, it all started when he dressed as a punk kid for halloween one year, and put some product in his hair. I saw him and though, hey, he''s kinda hot
. Over the next few months I started having *funny* dreams about him

That January I totaled my "party bus" (1993 GMC Safari with 275k miles on it), and when DH found out he invited me to hang out. I moped that I would love to hang out, but I no longer had a car, to which DH replied "I have a car"
. So that was our first non/date, what with my not knowing it was a date.


Jan 11, 2006
It was not love at first sight for us, but that was a looong time ago (in college)! We're still together, though, so it worked!

But I am very excited because our 23 year old daughter has recently met someone wonderful! They met right before Christmas and there WAS that instant chemistry! She was so nervous because she really liked him that she practically broke out in hives! She told me that someday she hoped to ask him if he had felt the same way the first time they met. Well, they went out about a week later and he actually brought up that subject and told her that they obviously had a connection the first time they met! Ha! So she didn't have to wait to find out the feeling was mutual! He is really, really sweet to her and I really think he is THE ONE!

They've been together almost non-stop the last 6 weeks and I am very anxiously waiting to hear what happens tomorrow!!! He has said several things to her about seeing her in his future, etc., but the three important words have not been spoken yet! Lol! I feel like I am reading a romance novel or something!
I don't know if she'll join PS because she literally doesn't have a spare moment, but I might join BWW if she gets engaged as the MOB! (Let me clairfy that they are NOT going to get engaged this weekend
..I just think he might tell her he loves her!)


Mar 16, 2005
Date: 2/13/2009 5:24:42 PM
Author: musey
Date: 2/13/2009 5:22:22 PM

Author: steph72276

No way. I thought he was incredibly nerdy and a horrible dresser. But he was super sweet when I got to know him and I bought him lots of new clothes. When we got married, a lot of his old clothes got donated
. Now he has grown into himself as he has gotten older and I think he is hot stuff

Steph, your husband sounds a lot like mine! Yay for reformed nerds

(And they say you can't change a man...

LOL @ tlh and Tgal. Oh, you guys.

They do sound alike! Haha, I def. changed his fashion sense. He wasn't wearing tapered jeans, but just as bad he was wearing a tie-dyed shirt when we first met...ugh. Somehow I saw his potential for a makeover though!


Nov 27, 2007
Oooh, it's a long story. Suffice it to say, he'd halfway fallen for me before we met.

For me, I thought he was cute but not edgy enough for me! I was a snobby little 19 year old Goth, and he was soooooo not. He won me over really quickly though. From my perspective, he'd come over to my apartment I shared with my sistercousin*, hung out with a group of friends, and he was definitely a lot of fun to talk to, and very cute, but not "my type" (Read: not a jack@ss). I mean, jeez, he wore glasses and had a terrible haircut. I was sewing patches on a hoodie and paying half attention, but I do remember thinking he was cute and very funny, if a bit too vanilla for me. (I'll explain what he'd thought in a bit...)

After that, he wrung my phone number out of a mutual friend by force (actually, I think he snuck into the friend's address book) and we spent about five hours talking when he called me the next day. That first conversation was really amazing- we had so much in common, and he promised to take me to see the big kitties at the zoo
, which I'd been unsuccessfully trying to get anyone to do with me for almost a year. We also both were planning, separately, to try to road trip to Boulder, CO from Seattle. Which was a weird coincidence in and of itself. We actually did it, and stayed on the road for about three months, with the grand finale being him meeting all my crazed relatives in Kansas at a family reunion. I think we both figured if we hadn't killed each other at the end of that time, what with doing it on no budget and sleeping in the car most of the time, we'd probably manage to make it through anything.

So, this is the whole story of what happened when we first met, and why he was so intent on getting my phone number. (At least part of the story- the rest isn't fit for a forum!) He had gone to school with my sistercousin since 3rd grade. We all went to the same highschool, and even had the same friends, but didn't meet until the year after highschool which was 1996. I'd done this very surreal painting my senior year in highschool (I oil paint- I actually went to art school and have a BFA in oil painting and print) and my art teacher had hung it on the wall in the art room semi-permanently. I guess (pre)DH had studied that painting of mine endlessly and wondered who had painted it and wanted to meet whomever had done such an odd piece of work- he even asked the teacher about me. Then, when the mutual friend dragged him over to me and sistercousin's apartment, DH saw that same painting of mine hanging on our wall. He pretty much said that was IT for him- he had to find out more about me. Finally, on our first date (to see the kitties at the zoo!) he took me to a total dive in the Central district of Seattle for cheesesteaks. Being completly UnGirly, I thought that was the bee's knees and really fun- it never occurred to me to get all squicked out by the sawdust floor and whatnot. So, I think that completed the spell- me being perfectly content with eating a greasy cheeseteak in a total dive. His ex GF had been, um, well the sort who wouldn't have been caught dead doing a thing like that.

*It's a long story, why I have a sistercousin: it is indeed nearly fit for Jerry Springer, and my mom is still proud of her scandalousness to this day.
Short version, my mom married my cousin's ex. My mom and her husband are NOT related, but I'm related to his daughter- she's my cousin by blood and sister by marriage. We did grow up together with our families very close (um, obviously!) and are best friends, too, which is why she was my roommate for years.
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