
Love at first sight?

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It was love at first sight for him, but I didn''t really remember even meeting him!

We met at a party but didn''t start dating until two or three years after that...and it definitely took me a while, but once I knew, I knew!
No, but we were instantly friends! It was a bit of an odd situation because my parents introduced us.

When BF was in grad school, he also worked for the University in the same department as my dad. They bonded over a shared interest in wine and used to do these wine tasting dinners. I was away at college at the time. I met him a few times when I was home for breaks but never paid much attention until the summer of 2005. My parents were having one of their dinners and I started talking to BF about Mystery Science Theatre 3000. We bonded over that and a shared love of all things geeky and hung out a lot that summer. When I graduated college the next year, I lived at home for a few months working temporary jobs and saving money. We used to carpool to work and do lunch, but in my mind we were just friends. I ended up moving about 100 miles away, but would still see him on weekends when I went up to visit my parents and occasionally he''d come down to see me. A lot of people thought we were dating because we spent so much time together, but it wasn''t official.

On one of these trips down to see me, he broached the idea of us dating. It hit me like a ton of bricks--I didn''t know if I was ready for that kind of commitment. I knew him well enough at that point to know that if we did start dating, chances are I was never going to date anyone else again. I told him that I had to think about it. He thought I was blowing him off, but I honestly just had to consider whether I was ready for that. A few weeks later, I decided that I was. I conveyed this when I was home for a weekend at my parent''s wine dinner by grabbing his hand under the table and haven''t looked back since.

Now I can''t imagine my life without him--he brings me so much joy.
Nope, it definitely wasn''t love at first sight. I met him at a friend''s party and wasn''t smitten with him at all. He asked me out and I decided to go and he grew on me from there! He told me that he loved me after 3 months but I didn''t say it back as I wasn''t sure and I told him a month later that I do.
Nope. We met in middle school, and apparently had crushes on each other without knowing it. I said he was cute once in high school while I was on hiatus with my on again off again boyfriend of five years. I told his friend I thought he was cute but not to tell him. Five minutes later, he came up and put his arm around me. He was quite ballsy actually. I then broke his heart a few times by getting back together with the on/off guy--- which I told him I would. He wrote mean songs about me that his band played, but he still wrote me poetry and would record tv shows he knew I liked and hand them to me in the hallways at school. I eventually became JUST HIS FRIEND, by my own words, and we talked on the computer quite a bit. I really loved talking to him, but just didn''t have that warm and fuzzy feeling with him when we would hang out. One day my ex and I decided it was just over, that was it. (Actually, EX tried to un-do that a few times after with no luck.
) But that very same night, my now fiance came over to "help me with my computer". He looked SO adorable, he wore a long sleeved dress shirt and sweater vest over khakis to my house. He also brought over a video for us to watch (Tom Green Show) after he fixed my computer. Then he accidentally started kissing me and I accidentally liked it. He brought me roses to work every Tuesday for some reason until I told him to stop wasting his money! It did get warm and fuzzy pretty quickly, and it turns out I love love love him and don''t know what I''ve done to deserve him. Then every once in a while he gets cranky and b!tchy and I remember why I do!
I thought he was tall when I first saw him. After talking to him for awhile I thought he was very funny and nice. It wasn''t long before we couldn''t stand to be apart.
I thought he was a skinny nerd with an unpronounceable name who would annoy me by switching my Josh Groban CD with Lil' Jon and the East Side Boyz!

After I first met him, I didn't talk to him again for 6 months.
We met in a poetry class in college which he admittedly joined to meet girls. I remember thinking he was really cute and I used to get excited for that day of class to roll around so I could see him again. When I think about that class I just think about how he used to make me laugh, always. He is hilarious. He asked me out casually, and several times more than just casually(according to him) during that semester, but I had just started dating somebody else before the semester started and so I didn''t feel right accepting- plus I really couldn''t tell if he liked me or not because he just seemed like a really outgoing and nice guy (he never said: ''let''s go out on a date'' it was more like: ''let''s hangout'' and apparently I''m oblivious!).

He says that I broke his heart by not going out with him back then, and that all he thinks of when he pictures that class is me wearing a tie dye t-shirt and cut off jean shorts- I swear I didn''t own cutoffs, but I do think I wore the same t-shirt every week!

Periodically over the next three years I would get a message from him asking if I ''still have that boyfriend?'' which I did. I finally ended that horrid relationship, years too late, and we started talking a few weeks later. By this point we were both living in different states and all we had for contact was the phone- but we really hit it off. I knew I was going to marry him less than two weeks after our first phone call. We would literally spend hours on the phone together every day, no less than four, and we never ran out of things to talk about. One day I drove 3 hours to NJ and then 3 hours back in the same day and he spent the entire time on the phone with me while I drove

Six weeks after we started talking I spent a weekend in Chicago with him and we both knew for sure then that we had not only a great friendship, but also real love. A month after that visit he came to see me in Pennsylvania and we packed up my things and I made the leap to move to Chicago with him. Less than a month later we were engaged. Everything moved so quickly but I honestly attribute it to the almost three months of phone conversations that we had together- he knew more about me in that time than anybody ever has.

So it wasn''t love at first sight, but we both knew that there was something special between us and now almost 4 years after we met we are engaged!
It is so interesting reading about everyone''s relationships and how they evolved!

For me it was love (lust) at first sight. My junior year in college I joined a local gym (I was an athlete so it was weird that I wasn''t working out at the University) and there was a guy (my now DH) who my friend that I worked out with and I gazed at every morning. We labeled him "hot married guy." Yep, he was married. I remember one night at volleyball practice talking about him with while we were stretching...I was that in lust with him!

Fast forward a few months and I get introduced to him because it turns out he''s the brother-in-law of a friend of mine. The first time he said "hi" to me at the gym I about passed out...I was so impressed he even remembered who I was.

Fast forward another year and a half and my friend calls me to ask if she can give DH my number?!?! My friend hadn''t even told me her sister and DH had divorce. I am pretty sure I quit breathing when she asked. I said of course after the obligatory "are you sure you''re okay with that?" He called a week later. I''ve never been so excited. I was like a giddy school girl. It only got better: I knew after our first date he was the man I would marry. So yea, it was love at first sight. I''m a very lucky woman!
It was love at first sight but I fought it!!! I knew we were meant to be together but we are opposites in so many ways. hehe
We actually met at work; I was an intern and his boss told me (my hubby) is a fabulous guy. He is a great guy I must say
Love at first sight? Good gosh no. But he grew on me. And now 30 years later, he''s like a rash I just can''t get rid of....


Probably nicer to call him the "bungee" boyfriend. I couldn''t seem to completely get rid of him, so there was no other option but to marry.
Not for me, but but my husband swears that it was for him

I had already landed a job that was scheduled to start a few months later in another city. I had to do one more required rotation, and I was assigned to him as my supervisor. We get a kick out of the fact that I was originally assigned to someone else, but I switched with another girl because of the call schedule or something.

When I first met him, I introduced myself and it seemed like he totally ignored me. I remember thinking that he was cute and that it would be kind of a diversion for the next month to be working with this cute guy, since I really wasn''t interested in the curriculum at all. It''s funny the things you remember - I remember watching him push his glasses back up his nose with the crook of his hand and thinking that was so cute...and realizing that it was a sign that I really liked him that I would think such a mundane thing was cute, and thinking to myself "uh oh, I''m in trouble now" cause I liked him more than I wanted to. He asked me out the next day.

He always has sworn up and down that it was love at first sight for him. He did say that he loved me about 2 weeks after we started dating, so I guess I believe him somewhat
It took me about 3 months to realize that I was in love, and about 4 months before I knew that we''d get married. We got engaged at 6 months.
Yes, we pretty much knew from the moment we met. I was visiting the city where he lives (where we both now live) and mutual friends set up drinks/dinner at a city pub. The door opened and he walked in, and I thought ''I hope he is with us because he is really cute'', he thought ''hmmm.. cute redhead.. hello!!'' He sat down opposite me and we didn''t talk to anyone else for the rest of the night. It turned out that we had just missed meeting each other on a couple of occasions, it was like fate was going to keep trying to set up a meeting until it actually happened.

We spent the rest of the weekend together and by the time I went home I knew it was something really special, and when he flew up to my city the following weekend, we both mutually acknowledged that we knew we were going to spend the rest of our lives together.

This was May 01, I moved to his city and in with him in Sept 01 and we got married in Feb 03.
WOW! I love everyone''s stories of their love! I just love reading them! Keep ''em comin''!
FI and I didn''t start dating until the very end of college (April I think), but since we were in the same major of 65 people we had known each other for a few years. So definitely not love at first sight by any means! If you would''ve told me even in my senior year that we would get together and get married, I would''ve told you that you were crazy
eh. Sort of. We met online, so he only had a picture from the neck up but I liked his eyes and also his opening line. So when we did finally meet he was wearing a very tight black shirt and he has a very well built chest and arms. I liked it, but at the same time was like Ew I am so not into beefy guys. Then it got worse! He opened his mouth! He had the strongest Long Island accent I had ever heard and during the first part of the date I was really contemplating if I would go out with him again. Clearly he won me over and I can''t even hear his accent anymore and i LOVE his muscles!!

I met DH in August 2004 at a weekend house party my brother''s mad ex-gf was hosting at her parents.

I''d been living abroad and had come home as I was very ill and needed an operation on my spine. It was the first social event that I had been to in nearly 2 years. I was planning to move back to Italy the following year and had been looking for jobs/apartments etc over there pretty seriously.

That was blown away within seconds of meeting DH - my brother introduced us at around 12pm and by 4pm he''d taken me off for a walk round the lake (amazing house with a lake, a folly and a maze in the grounds) where he decided to get started on the kissing me bit...

We spent the rest of the weekend talking, he then took me out for dinner when we got back to London. I went up to see him at weekends after that and after 3 months he sent me a bouquet of roses and a set of house keys.
I moved in at New Year and we''ve been nauseatingly happy ever since.

I can truly say that it is almost effortless to be with him, we never fight or argue and pretty much spend all our time together. We''re very fortunate to be extremely similar - we''re both obsessive, need a lot of personal cave time and have a lot of hobbies and interests in common. The only difficulty we ever had was that I wanted to get married and have children and he didn''t - I made it clear how important this was to me and he proposed 6 months later. He then convinced me that we needed to start a family sooner rather than later... I was pg within 6 weeks of our wedding and our daughter is due in 13 weeks.

I knew I''d met the greatest love of my life that day - I told my brother and my mother the next day that I''d met the man I would marry. At 32 I''d had a number of serious relationships and been in love a couple of times - but nothing felt like it did when I met DH. It wasn''t sexual, passion or lust or anything - we just clicked, it felt comfortable and like we''d known each other for many, many years already. I feel immensely lucky.
I''m not sure.

We were both ending relationships at that time, and I think meeting each other was a bit of a catalyst. He knew he didn''t want to marry the girl he was with, and it was only a matter of time before I broke up with the long-distance, lying, cheating lame-o I was dating.

When we met my first day of work, I instantly thought he was friendly, cute, and hilarious. He says he thought I was "very cute and smiley" right off the bat, but that he had no idea how I managed to walk in such high heels (I''m short--I had to!). He says that what made him ultimately want to date me was my sense of humor ("so many girls have none," he says) and the fact that I could write a good legal opinion. I thought the latter was so lame when he told me, but he maintains that it really impressed him that I was just as smart as I was beautiful (awww). I think we quickly became infatuated with each other, but it probably wasn''t "love at first sight."

Skippy, I was also an intern where my guy worked!

Musey and Steph, my fiance is also a reformed nerd. Fortunately, his past girlfriends already convinced him that tucking in his T-shirts was not cool, and all I had to do was let him know that he doesn''t have to wear a navy blazer with gold buttons every day
. (Seriously, people ask me regularly whether he owns t-shirts/pajamas/jeans or if he just sleeps in his navy blazer.)
It wasn''t love at first sight for us, but maybe second. My best friend dragged me to B''s birthday party (a big backyard BBQ/kegger) because she was dating one of his friends. I didn''t know a single person there, but I wanted to at least say "happy birthday" to the birthday guy since I was kinda crashing his party. The problem was that my best friend told me "he''s the guy in a blue shirt and khaki shorts" and then just bolted to find her guy. I said "happy birthday" to about 15 guys in blue shirts/khaki shorts (and got totally weird looks) and by the time I actually ran into B, I was just like, "and who the hell are you?" Super nice, eh? But after a first "date" of wings and beer the following week, I was smitten.
He was known as the "brother in Guam" for a long time. There was a strange attraction when the girl I worked for just spoke of her brother. I knew I liked him and there was a connection the first time I saw him(we just said hi from across the street) but when we went on our 1st date I knew he was "the one". He proposed 11 days later..we were married 3 months later. It will be 4 years in May.
We met November 2003. It was our first year in university. I’d seen him once or twice from a distance in classes and thought he looked gorgeous, but I didn’t have the chance to really meet him for another couple weeks (he didn’t come to classes that regularly lol).

We were finally introduced to each other right before a really horrible test we had in economics while we were waiting for the professor in the hallway. I was immediately smitten. He was all I could think about during that test and it was a miracle I passed. He says it was exactly the same for him.

After the test I suggested we all go out to celebrate no matter what the results are. I just wanted to spend some more time with him of course. Our fellow students all agreed and we went to a bar the night after. It was Friday, 11/28/2003. Certainly a night to remember.

We spent the whole weekend after that texting each other and then the next two days we were inseparable. And as of 12/03/2003 we were officially a couple.

We both consider it love at first sight. Took us less than a week to tell each other “I love you” and less than a month for him to tell me “One day, I want my kids to have your eyes.” My answer was “Ok. But you’ll have to marry me first.” lol

He proposed 11/13/2004; we moved in together right after and we got married 09/09/2006 after almost two years of saving for the wedding. We were still students at the time and though he worked we were almost penniless. God bless my parents for their help.

We both have our careers now and things are completely different, but if I could do it all over again with all the things we could afford now, I wouldn''t change a thing about our wedding. It was perfect.
I never thought of it that way before, but I suppose it may have been "love at first sight," simply because I was so attracted to him when I first saw him. I was out for a drink by myself (after a crappy breakup) and he was out with his friend. His friend started chatting me up, but when he introduced me to his buddy, I was floored. I hung out with the two of them until the bar closed, and then they fought over who was going to get to call me. My DH''s buddy deferred, even though he was the one who originally spoke to me, because he''s a bit of a player/ladies man, but my DH had been looking for a real relationship, and I was the first girl he had been really interested in in over a year.

So, we always figured it was fate, meant to be. Also, I am proof that you CAN meet your future husband in a bar
No, it was love at first KISS!!!
We were very close friends for years before dating. About 3 years before we started dating, I gave him a kiss on the lips for his birthday- We were both completely in love after that!!! (Don''t ask why it took so long for us to get together...)
FI and I have a long and somewhat scandalous/dramatic story. The easy answer to your question of whether it was love at first sight is no. When we met, FI was married but the relationship was on the rocks. We were just friends, but liked each other a lot. I discovered he was married and broke things off. About 6 months to a year down the road he and his wife split up. He and I started talking again and then started dating while they were divorcing. We fell hard for each other soon after we started dating, but there was so much drama after I first met him that for awhile I had more feelings of hate towards him. That hate easily converted to love once I got to know him. Being in his life during the divorce allowed me to see the true situation with their marriage (they were married for less than 2 years), so I knew that there was more to the failure of the relationship than just something he did. I don''t think I would have been comfortable being involved seriously with him otherwise.

So no, it wasn''t love at first sight with FI for me...
Ok, I already quickly posted above, but after reading through everyone''s wonderful stories, I wanted to add my story of how FI and I fell in love.

We were in the same major, so we knew of each other in sophomore year (small major, everyone knew everyone else). In junior year I became good friends with M, my FI''s best friend. I started hanging out with M more, but he was often busy with studying, so he''d say "I''m busy. Go hang out with B!" (B is my FI). B was shy at first, but we hung out with a few others guys and started to become friends.

I dated a guy long distance from 1/05 to 1/06 and that whole time I was friends with B (and everyone else in my major; we all hung out together). When I broke up with the long distance guy I really wasn''t looking for another guy right away, but B and I started spending a lot more time together one on one. I remember on Valentine''s Day of 2006 I joked that I no longer had a Valentine. I asked B if he would be my valentine if I brought him a beer. He messaged back "I''ve already shaved ''I ::heart:: Elrohwen'' into my chest." LOL He has a really strange sense of humor sometimes.

After that, we spent more and more time together and started flirting a bit. I remember being down in the computer lab working on our senior project and I''d get really cold, so B would offer to lend me his jacket. My best friend, C, would tell me not to lead him on because he obviously liked me, but I said it wasn''t a big deal and the flirting didn''t mean anything. Apparently it was a big deal because in April we started "hooking up" and within a month we agreed to be official when we learned that we got jobs an hour away from each other (we had agreed to split up if our jobs were on opposite sides of the country). Within 3 months we said "I love you" and a few months later we talked about moving in together and getting married. Now we''re approaching our 3 year dating anniversary and planning our wedding in September. M is the best man, and C is the maid of honor

I seriously would''ve thought you were crazy if you told me that we would be getting married, but you really just never know who you''ll click with! Our relationship has been so easy and so fun. We never get sick of each other.
With my BF, it definitely was NOT love at first sight. I actually kind of hated him. He was obnoxious, loud, and a pain in the butt. (He still is, I just find it funny now.)

After about 4-5 months of being friends, we realized there was something special about us. After about a month and a half, I knew I loved him, and after about 6 months I was pretty confident I would end up marrying him eventually. At this point, he''s my best friend and the hottest guy I''ve ever seen
, and the only person that is a match for me. Same sense of humour, similar desires about traveling and what we want out of life, and heaps of respect. It''s the perfect mix.

Now, this isn''t my story, but it''s one I love hearing and telling. My parents have one of the most romantic stories I''ve ever heard.

When my mom was 18, she was part of a girl''s group, and she was in charge of it for a year. At the dance celebrating the start of her "reign", there were only 2 guys in attendance. Her friend''s brother, and his friend that was coerced into showing up. So for my mom''s first dance, the brother''s friend danced with my mom. The guy was my dad. He was instantly smitten, and my mom obviously felt something pretty special, too.

Dad asked her out on a double date with some mutual friends. The date went really well, and he asked her out again. Mom tells me she was intimidated by how intense my dad was about her, but really flattered. (Sidenote: She found out later that the couple they went on a double date with were only pretending to be dating. Dad wanted Mom to feel comfortable with him, so he proposed a double date to these friends so that Mom would know people there and wouldn''t worry about going someplace alone with a guy she''d just met.) I think (if I remember right) the next date they ended up coming home around dawn. On the third date (at ages 18 and 19), he said, "What would you say if I asked you to marry me?" Mama, fully intending on saying, "I''d say no, we''re too young, we don''t really know each other," said, "Yes," instead.

They were engaged long distance for 3-ish years, and have been married for 25 1/2.
I''ve been spoiled getting to watch them. They''re one of those couples that will be holding hands and still ridiculously in love when they''re in their 90s.
No, not love at first site. Well, maybe for him.

I first "met" FI on the softball field. We were both playing in a casual summer league mostly filled with grad students at my school. I pitch and am always on the look-out for guys who have a scary swing. FI grew up playing baseball and still has lots of his skills. The first time I remember seeing him was when he was in the on deck circle. He was doing practice swings and I noticed that they were VERY scary fast. My first thought was "OMG he is going to decapitate me!!
" (I''ve had enough line drives come back at my face in that league) and then I thought "Wow, hes sorta cute. Nice arms and butt.
" I was dating someone (a horrible horrible a****le) and wasn''t really thinking anything beyond that. My first pitch to FI resulted in a homerun over the right field fence onto the train tracks running through campus. Thankfully that was the only one I gave up to him.

So the season ended and our last game was against his team. As we were all walking away I had overheard him talking to his friend about going out for beers on Main Street. I really wanted to join them but I didn''t want to invite myself. By this time I had dumped the a****le and moved on. Apparently part of the conversation I *didn''t* hear between him and his friend was how he probably would never see me again and was really sad about that. Mind you, at this point we had yet to speak to each other and I had NO idea what his name was! (He knew mine because it was on my shirt and had even asked the other guys on his team if they knew me).

A few weeks after the season ended we started to play casual pick-up games. His friend showed up at the first one and FI wasn''t there. Well, the next game two days later who comes strolling onto the field when I was there by myself waiting for the rest of the guys? FI!!! We talked awkwardly for about 20 minutes before anyone else showed up. It was raining but we decided to bat around anyways. FI and his friend spent the next hour sliding around the outfield like seals attempting to make crazy catches (FI is an outfielder and pretty darn good at it!). The rain started to pick up but FI stuck around and talked to me some more. Eventually it was DOWNPOURING and we had to make a run for it.

Over the next couple of weeks I found myself really looking forward to seeing him at our games. We would sorta flirt with each other and then finally we made some plans outside of softball. He invited me to a party at his apartment and I invited him to a grad student happy hour (even though he was only a senior in college). That was the weekend we started dating.

FI confessed to me a few weeks into our relationship that he had been so taken with me the moment he saw me out on the mound in my ugly tie-died knee socks and sunglasses. He told me he spent the entire softball season trying to figure out a way to talk to me without coming off as a cheeseball.

I do have a confession to make- I did wonder if he was gay for a few hours one day. It wasn''t obvious to me that he was interested (though, not like I expected him to be but I was just trying to figure him out). Apparently I''m not the only girl to ever wonder that about him.
Date: 2/16/2009 11:29:27 AM
Author: Clairitek
No, not love at first site. Well, maybe for him.

I first ''met'' FI on the softball field. We were both playing in a casual summer league mostly filled with grad students at my school. I pitch and am always on the look-out for guys who have a scary swing. FI grew up playing baseball and still has lots of his skills. The first time I remember seeing him was when he was in the on deck circle. He was doing practice swings and I noticed that they were VERY scary fast. My first thought was ''OMG he is going to decapitate me!!
'' (I''ve had enough line drives come back at my face in that league) and then I thought ''Wow, hes sorta cute. Nice arms and butt.
'' I was dating someone (a horrible horrible a****le) and wasn''t really thinking anything beyond that. My first pitch to FI resulted in a homerun over the right field fence onto the train tracks running through campus. Thankfully that was the only one I gave up to him.

So the season ended and our last game was against his team. As we were all walking away I had overheard him talking to his friend about going out for beers on Main Street. I really wanted to join them but I didn''t want to invite myself. By this time I had dumped the a****le and moved on. Apparently part of the conversation I *didn''t* hear between him and his friend was how he probably would never see me again and was really sad about that. Mind you, at this point we had yet to speak to each other and I had NO idea what his name was! (He knew mine because it was on my shirt and had even asked the other guys on his team if they knew me).

A few weeks after the season ended we started to play casual pick-up games. His friend showed up at the first one and FI wasn''t there. Well, the next game two days later who comes strolling onto the field when I was there by myself waiting for the rest of the guys? FI!!! We talked awkwardly for about 20 minutes before anyone else showed up. It was raining but we decided to bat around anyways. FI and his friend spent the next hour sliding around the outfield like seals attempting to make crazy catches (FI is an outfielder and pretty darn good at it!). The rain started to pick up but FI stuck around and talked to me some more. Eventually it was DOWNPOURING and we had to make a run for it.

Over the next couple of weeks I found myself really looking forward to seeing him at our games. We would sorta flirt with each other and then finally we made some plans outside of softball. He invited me to a party at his apartment and I invited him to a grad student happy hour (even though he was only a senior in college). That was the weekend we started dating.

FI confessed to me a few weeks into our relationship that he had been so taken with me the moment he saw me out on the mound in my ugly tie-died knee socks and sunglasses. He told me he spent the entire softball season trying to figure out a way to talk to me without coming off as a cheeseball.

I do have a confession to make- I did wonder if he was gay for a few hours one day. It wasn''t obvious to me that he was interested (though, not like I expected him to be but I was just trying to figure him out). Apparently I''m not the only girl to ever wonder that about him.
That made me laugh out loud! Here he''s all diggin you, and you think he might be gay! TOO CUTE!
Date: 2/13/2009 4:08:01 PM
Author: musey
Grr, can''t find it. Too many threads out there. No, it wasn''t in a ''love at first sight'' thread (though I''m sure that it has been done
as most things have!), it was just a general relationship progression thread.

edit: found, copied and pasted the quote below...

That said: the first time I saw him? ''Eww, he''s wearing tapered jeans!!'' Shopping for fashionable jeans was one of the first things we did as a couple
Oh, Musey. I can relate to poor fashion choices in men! I love shopping for clothes for FI. He has a nice body and I enjoy getting clothes that flatter him. Before he met me his wardrobe was totally stuck in high school. I don''t think that he had added anything significant to his wardrobe since graduating in 2000. After our first Christmas together I began to see where he got his fashion sense- his mother! The shirts she bought him for our first Christmas were a little out-dated looking and could be easily worn by his 55 year old father. At least FI is open to my suggestions!
I first met my DH when a friend wanted to set me up with his friend. She liked my DH, told me that he was her boyfriend (he was not and never had been) when I first met him he was not paying any attention to my friend. I thought to myself "What a jerk, he is not even paying attentin to her...I would HATE to have a boyfriend like him"!
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