
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Mar 21, 2006

Blen delurking to give you my sympathies! So sad and hard news to process. Good luck w/ recovery and another go-round.

my m/s didn't start kicking my butt until ~6 weeks. But it was rough then!


Jul 12, 2008

Blen, I'm sorry you're feeling down :(( but you have great perspective - you are absolutely right about this happening for a reason and it IS a blessing that you wont need a D&C. I'll be sending good vibrations your way in the hopes that you'll be back here very soon!

dcg - glad you're hanging in there! I know it's had to wait but monday will be here before you know it and it will be SO GREAT to see your LO.

modern, I hope your morning sickness continues to be manageable and that you do great on your boards!

basil, sorry you've been feeling queazy - hope it doesn't stick around! I totally feel your pain regarding missing having a glass of wine with DH. I miss it too. I've asked DH not to drink this time around. Last night I suggested he only drink when we're out for our weekly date night, because then I get to enjoy a night out with him as well. Whereas, when we're at home, I just feel a little sorry for myself that I can't have a drink as well.

moxie, I hope you're feeling better! That's great that your advisor is so supportive!

princess, we're glad to have you here with us!

DD, how are you feeling? Was your dept chair able to find someone to teach that class temporarily in your stead?

Did I miss anyone? This thread is so busy now!

AFM: I'm doing okay. Been sad about Blen's loss though. I hate for anyone here to suffer like that. It reminds me that it's not enough to GET pregnant... you have to STAY pregnant... ug What a roller coaster this is.

I'm still feeling fine though slightly more tired. And I've started to get some heartburn in the evenings which sucks... I had it sooo bad with my last pregnancy but it didn't kick in until much later. yuck. oh well. While I am SO GLAD to be KU, I honestly really don't like being pregnant. I hope that isn't terrible to say. I just hate all the worry and though I find the whole thing really fascinating, growing another person inside you is not always fun. I have a friend who's just starting her 3rd trimester and even though I'm so excited for her, I also have some sympathy for her because I remember so well how uncomfortable that time is and I kind of dread it myself. Why can't men gestate!?!? I say that knowing very well that I would probably be jealous if DH were in my position. Sorry to be a downer! I must be really hormonal right now... Carry on!


Ryan Claire

Dec 2, 2009

Blen - just doing a drive by to say I am so sorry for your loss. All things considered, you seem to have a good perspective and I hope that your time off allows you and your family to heal and regroup. Lots of hugs and t&ps for you.


Jun 27, 2006

Blenheim - so sorry for your loss...I hope you are healing as best as can be expected

Mrs - that's nice of your husband to not drink while you can't...DH asked me if it was ok and I said it was fine but now I'm sort of regretting it. And there aren't any good nonalcoholic options at restaurants and stuff...for me it's mostly about having something tasty to sip on rather than the alcohol. Sorry about the heartburn!

DC - how exciting for your ultrasound on Monday! Glad you're still feeling ok.

Modern - hope step 3 went well! The good thing about that one is you just have to pass and never really have to show anyone the scores. Have fun telling your parents...I couldn't keep my mouth shut so I called them after the BFP and all they kept saying was "Are you serious?? No. Really? Are you serious??" :lol:

Anyway, I'm getting along ok. I puked for the first time last night...My puppy came in and had some poop stuck in her bum so I went to go clean her up and wham, all of the sudden my dinner was all over the kitchen floor! Poor DH then had to come clean up both of us. More than constant nausea, I seem to just get heightened responses to things that would ordinarily be mildly unpleasant. Paint fumes at work the other day nearly sent me over the edge too.

DH and I are in disagreement over where to move. Our condo is in a nice neighborhood but it's 1 bedroom and we want more room for our parents to come stay with us once the baby is born. We've been saving up for a downpayment and we have a pretty good one, but I'm not convinced that I want to stay in this city for more than 3-5 I want to rent a nice 3 br townhouse, then buy our big suburb house in 1-2 years if we decide this will be more long term. Plus our downpayment will be even bigger then, and we won't have to worry about learning to take care of a home/yard while we have a newborn. DH wants to buy our dream home since mortgage rates are so good right now. I'm just worried we'll be stuck because of owning a big expensive home here. Is anyone else trying to move before the baby is born?


Jul 12, 2008

Basil, so sorry to hear you've been sick! Re: moving. Thats exciting that you're going to buy some time soon / in the next few years! We wanted to buy a new home before we had our first child but for a number of reasons we ended up waiting and I'm SOOOO glad we did. Had we bought before she was born, I think we would have chosen a house based on very different values, simply because we hadn't ever experienced parenthood before. I didn't realize how much would change in terms of what I find important in a house/neighborhood and even though I hated renting as long as we did, I'm really glad it worked out the way it did. Also, we BOTH lost our jobs after our daughter was born and it would have been even more stressful if we had already bought a home! We moved into our first home when our LO was a little older than 1 and that was perfect timing for us. In some respects I wish we had waited longer since the market has continued to drop where we live but I would have hated being in our apartment when she started walking (when she really did want/need more space).

You will indeed want more space for when relatives come to visit but you may only need one extra bedroom. We had a 2 bedroom which was tight but it allowed us to save more for a down payment and it works fine since our LO would just sleep in our room whenever we had guests. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you and your DH get on the same page soon - I know how stressful it can be when you are wanting different things.


Apr 26, 2008

Blen: I am sorry again for what you and your family are going through. You have an amazing attitude and I hope after your break you will be back here soon.

DC: Monday is almost here!!! I imagine you must be SO excited! Thanks for the well wishes for the boards. I am thrilled to have them over and the nausea wasn't too bad which I am very grateful for. I am thinking good thougths and sending lots of dust for you tomorrow.

Mrs: Sorry you are starting to feel unwell. You are so right, pregnancy is so full of emotions and although I am still thrilled now, I am trying to be cautious as the whole staying pregnant thing is weighing on my mind. Sometimes knowing too much is a bad thing!

Basil: I love your story about the dog and your first vomiting! I am sure it was awful, but I can just picture your poor hubby trying to clean up the both of you! Strange smells are the worst, but a ramdom movie last night where a guy got an arrow through the foot sent my dry heaving to the bathroom... it was the strangest thing since I am not usually swayed by blood. The next 8 months should be interesting...
It is awesome that you are looking to move and start in a new place with the LO. I guess I would be in the camp of buying a place now, even if it maybe isnt the big dream house you want, perhaps settling with a ncie but smaller home that would fit both of your desires. It is a great time to buy and if you end up staying or expanding your family sooner than you thought, it might come in handy. DH and I love 30 mins from my parents and we bought a 3 br townhouse with a great little yard. DH works from home so 1 BR is his office, which means our now guest room will be come the nursery. I LOVE our place, but I think we are only going to end up staying another 2ish years before we will need to move.

AFM: My parents are on their way over and I am so excited to tell them the news. Instead of the balloons, we bought a small stocking and some grandparent ornaments to put in it which we will give to them to open. We wanted to video tape their faces and figured this might be easier to capture! The nausea is getting a bit worse, but the exaustion is really the awful part and i am so grateful to have weekends off for the next few weeks for much needed naps. DH has downloaded some podcasts from NPR called "A pea in the podcast" which is all about pregnancy and the baby and I love how excited and interested he is! They are also great for the car if anyone has long rides or wants more info in a different perspective.


Sep 18, 2010

Hi ladies!

Mrs: I feel you on the "not liking" being pregnant thing. I am so so excited for a baby, but the constant nausea and vomiting is the pits. I have to fight off the a case of the woe-is-me's almost daily as a result, even though at my core I am really really excited and looking forward to everything to come after the pregnancy.

DCG: SO excited that you get an ultrasound tomorrow. The hours must be dragging by... So funny--my boobs seem to be relatively unfazed. I was actually looking forward to a bit of growth and so far nothing much--just occasional pain/sensitivity... I am definitely not ready for a size upgrade yet.

Basil: The housing thing is tricky. We bought a house about 16 months ago because rates were awesome and we finally knew where we would be for my husband's job/my PhD. I LOVE being a homeowner unless something breaks. Then I yearn for the days of handy landlords. We have a big yard and it's not too bad maintenance-wise, although I don't love shoveling sidewalks at 6 a.m.

Modern: Congrats on Step 3! Almost there... I've taken 3 and 4 hour tests, but never had to struggle through the 8 hour type. Good for you getting through it, while pregnant no less. I am nauseous with the most random stuff too... it's so strange. Then again, I'm nauseous all the time, so maybe I'm putting two and two together when it's really nothing. Have SO MUCH FUN telling your parents--it's the best. I love that you'll capture their reactions, too.

AFM, I'm still pretty sick, so I'm switching from Reglan to Zofran when I go in for an US and a weight check on Tuesday. I've lost seven pounds and I'm struggling to keep grazing all the time, especially since it only seems to offer minimal relief. I went to my sister's ultrasound on Friday which was lovely, but of course made me a little anxious that ours will go well too. I knew when I was anxious to get pregnant that that was only the beginning of worrying, but I think seeing a heartbeat will be calming and make it easier to picture an actual human being coming out of all this. Time will tell I am sure. I am ALMOST done the semester (1 report, 2 clients, 1 paper, and 1 exam left!) and so looking forward to the break and TV-watching and non-academic reading... I'm hopeful that with the Zofran I won't spend the entire time alternating between the bathroom and the couch, especially with all our families coming in to celebrate the holidays. I just want to feel like myself again and have the wherewithal to get out of the house, get things done, and let the excitement overtake the icky feeling. Alright, whining over!! Keep baking, ladies!


Feb 27, 2006

Thanks again for the continued wishes and prayers. I really do appreciate it.

Basil - We just bought a house in September, and made sure that it was one that we could grow into. If you do decide to buy soon, I would definitely bring along a friend with kids to anything that you are serious about and talk to neighbors with kids to see if the area is a good one. Pay attention to school quality, nearby playgrounds, how safe the neighborhood feels, how busy roads are. Also, things like how close the master bedroom is to the kids' bedrooms and how easy it would be to baby-proof things, and if there's an area close to the kitchen where the kid could play while you cook. You can never have to much storage space, as well. It's really hard to know what is kid-friendly before you have kids, as Mrs said, but hopefully some of that helps. Also, you may not need the space quite as quickly as you think you will. It's once they become mobile is when that extra space is really nice! My in-laws voluntarily decided to stay in a hotel room instead of with us when they visited when George was born, and it was really nice getting a break from visitors every evening and morning so I didn't feel like I had to entertain. George also slept in our room for the longest time.


Aug 15, 2008

Hello my fellow preggo's,

I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing weekend. I know that most of us are spread about the country, but the weather has been pretty icky around here, and going to get worse. Judging from Sunday football, it looks pretty yucky around most of the country, too. Oh well, all the better to take naps in :naughty:

Blen - Monday is almost here, and it did fly by pretty quickly. I guess we shall see tomorrow, but all I want right now is a healthy little turtle (or two) with a strong heartbeat. We'll see whether the symptoms worsen, but according to my mother, she really didn't have m/s. I am hoping that is the case for me too, although the naseau throughout the day does come and go.

Cara - We shall see about the m/s. Hopefully it doesn't really hit me.

Mrs - Yep, only about 12 hours to go, I'm so excited! :mrgreen: As for your symptoms, I am sorry to hear that you are feeling badly. I can't really commiserate since I have never been preggo, but I am hoping it's not too bad. Hopefully your hormones won't get you down for too long though.

Basil - Oh goodness, I'm so sorry to hear about your first (and second) bout of m/s. Ugh. :knockout: It sounds like your DH is a great support system though. Hopefully your m/s won't get much worse. I guess once your figure out what gets to you, you can try to avoid it. As for the moving thing, I can feel your pain. DH and I are kinda in the same boat. We are trying to decide if we are going to stick it out here a few more years or move somewhere else. While we have a 2 bedroom condo, I still think it won't quite be big enough. I would like to buy/rent something else but DH doesn't understand the concept of how much room babies take up and thinks we have "plenty of room". Perhaps we can swtich DH's, :lol: As far as you all moving, I think you need to find a comprimise with DH and tell him that maybe rent something until you really find what you want/need. Hopefully he will see the logic.

Modern - Thanks for the dust in the morning. DH and I am super excited indeed. I will let you all know how it goes once I get back. Ooohh, I am so excited for you to tell your parents, and what a cute way to do it! Please let us know how it goes in the morning :)) As for DH's podcast, ah, how sweet. I will have to recommend that to my DH for his commute. Btw, I hear you on the blood thing. I usually am not quesy, but I pinched my finger in the trash can the other day and got a blood blister and just about puked upon it happening. THen I tried to pop it later and the same, omg, I'm going to hurl reaction. Go figure :roll:

Moxie - I was thinking about the BB thing, and I am thinking that it might have a bit to do with the progesterone supplments I am taking, however, I know its not all the progesterone, since I've been on that a couple months now. As I mentioned though, my mum didn't have too bad m/s, although I do have almost daily naseau. I am sorry to hear about the bad m/s, but hopefully the Zofran will make you feel human again. As for the ultrasound, I'm glad your sister's went well. Btw, that is really cool that you can go through this with her. But, I totally hear you on the heartbeat. I can't wait to see my turtle's heart too. It will make me feel so much better to know everything is going well. Good luck on Tuesday!

Well, Im sure you all are sick of hearing me talk about it, but I will let you all know how it went once I get back from the RE. I hope you enjoy the last bit of your weekend and I will talk to you manana :naughty:


Aug 15, 2008

Hello my preggo friends,

Just a quick drive by to say that we saw one little healthy ninja turtle in my belly today :bigsmile: . The little turtle is measuring 6 weeks 5 days and had a strong heartbeat of 124 bpm. DH and I are just thrilled and I am finally breathing a bit, lol. I can't scan the pics today, but I will try tomorrow.

Thanks to all of you for the dust and I look forward to hearing about your first baby pictures soon!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007

DCG - So happy to hear your update!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Congrats!! And, looking forward to that u/s image tomorrow!!! :appl: :appl: :bigsmile:


Feb 20, 2008

Yay DC!!!! What a relief! Have you told family/friends yet? Enjoy the pregnancy and attention and spoiling!!!!!


Jul 12, 2008

yay dcg! So glad your u/s went well!!! can't wait to see pics!

modern, how did it go telling your parents! It's so great that you could tell them in person!

moxie, I'm so sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. I'm glad the semester is almost over for you so perhaps you can just relax and enjoy the holidays. I hope you feel better soon!! That's great that you were able to go to your sister's u/s. do you have one scheduled for yourself soon?

hi everyone else!

All's well here. feeling a little less stress. sorry for the pity party the other day! We put up our tree this weekend and it was SO FUN putting the ornaments up with DD. She was so cute handing them to us and dancing to Christmas music.

I've been having tons of crazy dreams lately. And I had one in which a boy was pregnant... not sure what that was about but I'm hoping it means we're having a boy since it would be nice to have one of each. We only plan to have 2.

Anyway, hope everyone has a great week!


Mar 7, 2010

DC congratulations again!!! I'm so thrilled for you. It's hard to believe there's a little beating heart inside of you, isn't it? Enjoy!


Nov 18, 2004
Re: Re:

dcgator|1292254713|2795578 said:
Hello my preggo friends,

Just a quick drive by to say that we saw one little healthy ninja turtle in my belly today :bigsmile: . The little turtle is measuring 6 weeks 5 days and had a strong heartbeat of 124 bpm. DH and I are just thrilled and I am finally breathing a bit, lol. I can't scan the pics today, but I will try tomorrow.

Thanks to all of you for the dust and I look forward to hearing about your first baby pictures soon!

:appl: :appl: :appl: So happy for you!


Sep 18, 2010

DCG! Congratulations! How exciting! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

This made me even more excited for my ultrasound tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have similar results. Can't wait to see scanned pics. :)


Dec 16, 2007

great news DCG!

AFM I am still chugging along, 9w4d today. Still getting my butt handed to me on a platter by the ms. No vomiting, but just sick all the time and tired all the time. I am really hopeful it passes soon, last time I started the upswing at 10 weeks and I hope for a repeat. The semester is over so other than some stuff to take care of this week as a wrap up, I am done until January 4th so that is a real blessing.

I booked my NT scan, which will have to be done privately and paid out of pocket in this province :nono: $600 clams at Christmas was an unwelcome surprise. I go in on December 31 so should have some nice piccies in the new year!


Apr 26, 2008

fly by to say :appl: :appl: :appl: DCG!! So happy for you!!


Mar 28, 2006

Blen- I just read your news and I am so sorry. Take extra special care of yourself!

DC- congrats on the u/s, it's so fun to see them on the screen!


Feb 27, 2006

DC - congrats on the good ultrasound!!

Dreamer - yikes, that is a lot out of pocket. Booo.

Tiffany - thank you. :))


Apr 26, 2008

Moxie: Sorry you are still feeling so badly :( Hopefully the zofran will help. It must have been wonderful to see your sister's LO, I bet that makes it so much more real! When is your appointment? Congrats on being almost done with the semester! Hopefully you will get some rest and start to feel better soon.

DC: Congrats again about the u/s! Can't wait to see pictures.

Mrs: What a cute story about your little girl and the Christmas tree. I imagine it must be so fun to enjoy her and know she has a sibling in the way. Any intuition yet about what you might be having? One of each would be so fun.

Dreamer: Sorry about the pricey NT scan, but the peace fo mind will be worth it. It is nice you get a break for the holidays, hope you start to feel better soon. Already 9+ weeks, are you feeling more relaxed at all?

:wavey: to those I missed

We had an amazing time telling my parents, they both cried and were SO thrilled! It made this seem so much more real, and it feels so special to also think we are in the process of making them grandparents. I think my mom wants to start shopping for the LO already, haha! He or she is going to be very spoiled by them! I am still feeling on and off sick, it is worse actually after dinner. I also still have that intermittent uterus stretchy/crampy feeling which I guess is normal. I am just REALLY excited for our appointment next week on the 22nd. This is so bad, but I am SO tempted to use the ultrasound machine at work on myself! I know I need to relax and just be a patient, but the temptation is killing me. I guess what is stopping me is that I want DH to be there so we can just enjoy the experience. Only 8 more days....


Sep 18, 2010

Modern: God help me if I had access to an ultrasound machine... I would be using it constantly. I know what you mean about wanting to wait for DH though. I didn't even want to test without him. How fun that your parents are so excited and already planning! My mom tried to buy us a bassinet on black friday, 1 day after we told her. I put the kibosh on it (I'm superstitious I guess, although not about anything except le bebe) but I can't likely hold her back much longer.

I dreamt last night that I had a baby A baby B situation on my hands at the ultrasound today and woke up in a cold sweat. I am just hoping for healthy, whether there's one or two in there. Three o'clock cannot get here fast enough... I hope my news is just as positive as my sister's and DC's!!! Have a good day everyone.


Aug 15, 2008

Hello ladies,

Thanks for all the love yesterday, it is much appreciated! And wow, we are hoping on here again, I like it!

LV - Aw, thanks for popping in to check on me. I have attached turtle's first pic below. Btw, how are you feeling? You ready for your little one yet? I saw the pics of the nursery art and it's too cute!

Lanie - Thanks also for checking in. We already told all the immediate family at Thanksgiving, but we are starting to slowly tell a few other people right now, mainly those who knew we were undergoing fertility treatments and were waiting for some kind of info. I will most definitely try to enjoy the pregnancy love, so long as it lasts :bigsmile: So, I hear you are next in line...good luck lady!

Mrs - Thanks for the well wishes. And DD sounds way to cute. I can just imagine her doing her little dance around the Christmas tree, :saint: . Sorry that you were feeling stressed but glad to hear you are feeling better. Interesting dream about the boy. I hope it means that you have a DS baking in there!

Catluver - Thanks for popping in.Yeah, its pretty crazy to see turtle on the big screen and watching it's little heart beat. We are hoping that we may be able to hear it's heart beat in the following week too. How are you feeling lady? How much time left for you?

Lili - Thanks hun. I hope you are feeling a bit better.

Moxie - Ohh, I am so excited to see your pics too. I hope the hours FLY by today. I'm sure everything will go well with the pics. Just enjoy getting to see you little one, or ones, although I think you should be ok, lol.

DD - Sorry about the general crappy feelings. Ugh. But, I hope that with the start of your 10th week, you will start to feel better again. And that break till Jan will be very much appreciated, I'm sure. As for having to shell out $600 bucks, big boo, especially with Christmas right around the corner. But, I know it will all be worth it once you see your little one :wink2: Good luck and take care of yourself!

Tiffany - Thanks for the well wishes. I really apprecaite them. Btw, I saw your pic in the preggo thread, and you look positively lovely! Keep baking those little babies.

Blen - Thanks for the congrats. How you feeling?

Modern - Aww, that is so sweet about the parents getting so exctied and crying :)) . I bet it was so nice to be able to tell them in person and get to see their reaction. I wish I could have been able to tell my folks face to face, but 4 weeks was WAY to long to wait to do so. Yeah also for making grandparents. It is so cute how excited the rents get about that, and I'm thrilled I could do that for them ;-) As for the uterine streching, it should taper off soon. I really don't get it all anymore, even though I had it almost constantly at the four and five weeks. I know the waiting for the first ultrasound is killer, but hang in there lady. It really will fly by and you will be so glad you waited, especially when you can hold your DH's hand when you see your little one you made together :D

And, what you have all been waiting for, I now present my little ninja turtle...

Baby Turtle.jpg


Mar 16, 2007

I wanted to dip my toes in over here since I finally got my confirmation of a positive blood test today! I'm figuring I'm only 4w1d today. I hope this little bean sticks!

dc- Beautiful pictures of your ninja turtle! Thanks for sharing!

I'll be back later to catch up.... :wavey:


Sep 18, 2010

Hooray DCG! So adorable! I think you should name the bebe Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, or Donatello as an homage to his/her ninja turtle status. Michelle, Lena, Rachel, or Donna if it's a girl. Your names are done and done. You're very welcome. ;-)

DD: UGH! I hope your nausea takes a hike SOON! It still amazes me how debilitating it can be to feel so sick all the time. Hopefully you can take it easy over the break and come out nausea-free on the other side if not sooner.

Mrs: I am glad that the weekend brought you a break from the stress. I left the decorating to DH since I've been on the couch for the most part. I'm hoping for a boy super secretly (although I will take any healthy baby!) but I'll hope a little more for you too--one of each sounds like a perfect fit for you guys!

Modern: Hold off on the ultrasound until you're together! So worth it. Hopefully time will fly between now and then!

Welcome, L2L! Congrats again on the BFP.

We had a good ultrasound and saw ONE healthy little pickle in there in spite of my baby A baby B dreams--HR was 158 bpm and my husband was choking back sobs he was so relieved. I warned the tech before he got there that he anesthetizes sick babies all day everyday and because of his heavy contact with this specific population, he was extra anxious. She was really reassuring, showing us how everything was fine, saying it couldn't look better... It was a huge relief. They could only find one ovary at the moment which was interesting--they're going to try again at the next scan because there was "too much bowel" in the way. Yuckers! I also got the Zofran and I'm hopeful that things will start looking up in that department as well. Hopefully we can bring our scanner up to speed tonight--our families our demanding pics and I'll post here too if we're successful. Have a good night everyone!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Re:

moxie great news! If the scanner does not work you can always just take a photo of the us image, worked for me.


Sep 18, 2010

zofran = heaven. I feel like a new person already, and I'm one dose in. I even ate salad tonight.


Jun 27, 2006

DC and Moxie - congrats on the great ultrasounds! It must be so exciting to see everything looking good. And glad the Zofran is helping, Moxie!

Dreamer - sorry about the MS...that sounds rough. And bummer about paying for the NT scan. But at least it will be fun New Years'! Lucky you for having a long break though...I'm working Christmas and taking off just 2 days at New years so having a few weeks sounds like heaven.

Modern - glad you had fun telling your parents. Funny about the u/s machine...I would be tempted too except all our machines are set up for eyes so not really useful for bellies, plus I'm pretty sure I would have no idea what I would be looking for!

L2L - welcome! and congrats!

I'm hanging in there just waiting for my first appointment next Thursday. I admit I did a 180 between getting the BFP and wanting to wait as long as possible to now just wanting to know everything is ok as soon as possible. So you all were right :cheeky: Had another puking episode after dinner last night that wasn't particularly prompted by anything, and a little queasy today but nothing unmanageable. Discovered a stash of saltines and hot chocolate mix at work so that's helping. But the tiredness is really something else! I went to bed at 8:30 last night and slept til 6 and could barely get out of bed this morning. It's like feeling post-call when you've slept all night! And now it's 7:30 and I'm laying in bed with my laptop trying to get a few things done but I'm not sure I'll last much longer...

ETA: I forgot to say thanks to all who chimed in with housing advice! I think DH has come around to the idea of renting for a gives us longer to figure out which neighborhood, school system, house, etc. we need without having a firm deadline. I'm actually a little excited cause we found some nice places with fitness centers and pools and stuff so it should be kind of fun.


Feb 20, 2009

Blen- So sorry for your loss. Sending much healing dust your way.
Moxie and dc- Yay for the u/s! Much growing bean dust now!

AFM: I didn't know this thread existed lol, so I'll do a formal intro. DH and I are expecting our first on 8/18/11, so tomorrow I'm 4w6d. So far so good, except I'm not really having any symptoms other than fatigue, so I'm always freaking that I'm not preggo lol. I'm super duper excited about our lil bean! I feel like I'm always hungry though which is an annoyance, lol. I'm trying to be good and eat healthy, but I've been caving to cravings more than I want lol! I was preggo 6 years ago but had a mc at 13 weeks. We have our first u/s on 1/24, so I'm trying to stay off of dr google, lol! I have a really good feeling about the pregnancy in my gut, and my instincts are always on par (I just had a gut feeling we caught eggie last month, and we did. We actually conceived on thanksgiving lol!


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Re:

moxie.moo|1292373201|2797036 said:
zofran = heaven. I feel like a new person already, and I'm one dose in. I even ate salad tonight.

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