
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Sep 18, 2010

Alright scanner is back online. Doesn't look like much yet, but the heartbeat is strong and the baby seems on track. S/he is peeking out in the 3D curling around the paddle hands (I barely see it to be honest...), and resting his/her head on the yolk sack in the regular image with the umbilical cord going up to the placenta which is still forming. :)


Sep 18, 2010

woah. those are huge. sorry--i plead beginner with images.


Jul 12, 2008

Moxie, yay for a great u/s and zofran! Great pics - it's amazing to see a 3D image so early! I was choked up reading your post about how your DH was choked up! It's so sweet that he has been so worried. Must be tough to do his work. I'm so glad you're feeling better and able to eat the foods you enjoy! I hope it continues to give you relief! I'll be hoping for a boy for you too!

Princess, welcome! I'm sorry to hear you've had a loss but glad you've found this thread and that you have such a good feeling about this pregnancy! try to enjoy feeling relatively well and hope it lasts! Many people don't start feeling sick until 5-6 weeks. Did you experience any morning sickness last time you were expecting?

Basil, I'm glad to hear you and you DH have some to a consensus re: moving! We had a pool at our last apt and it was so fun to bring DD in with us - she loves the water. Bummer about still feeling somewhat sick and tired - I hope it gets better! Congrats on getting an appointment so soon! That's exciting. Hope the next week flies by for you.

L2L, so happy you're here with us! It's so great that you were able to conceive relatively easily this time! I hope you continue to feel well. Were you sick at all last pregnancy?

dcg, :love: those pics are great! How are you feeling?

modern, I'm so glad telling your parents was so special! Bummer that you're feeling sick on and off. I woudl be REALLY tempted to use the u/s machine if I were you too! Try to hold off though. As others have said, it will be so wonderful to see your LO with DH for the first time. I hope the next week flies by for you!

DD, I'm so sorry to hear you've been so sick and tired and that you have to pay out of pocket for the NT scan! bummer. Hopefully you'll feel better soon so you can really enjoy your break until the 4th. Will you be doing anything fun with DH and Hunter while you're off?

AFM, I'm 6 weeks 3 days and still feeling fine despite some tiredness. I usually nap while DD does and I feel so fortunate to be able to do that! Every day that passes makes me feel better about viability and the fact that the holidays are here makes the days go faster which is nice. We're looking forward to my in laws visit next week. I'm trying to think of a fun way to tell them about the pregnancy - any ideas, ladies?

I've been thinking a lot about the last time I was pregnant and I'm wondering how similar most pregnancies are. Like, I wonder if I'll get PUPPS (an itchy rash some women get) or Polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) again. I guess only time will tell...

Anyway, I hope you're all well! Hugs, Mrs


Feb 20, 2009

Mrs- Thank you for your well wishes. I actually didn't have any morning sickness last time, just a lot of fatigue. I actually was very nauseous this AM but didn't actually get sick. Maybe you can give the in laws a Christmas card that says "Grandma and Grandpa" on it. That was my initial plan, but my big mouth couldn't hold it in, lol, so that plan went down the drain lol!!! We're due 11 days apart, lol!

AFM, feeling pretty good except for the damn fatigue. I can barely make it 30 minutes on the elliptical anymore! My (.)(.) are growing, epecially my aureolas. It's crazy!! The veins on bbs are also getting more prominent. I'm excited to hit 5 weeks tomorrow!!!!


Dec 16, 2007

OK I am 9w5d and with this second pregnancy I cannot believe how big my belly is already! None of my pre-pregnancy pants fit in the stomach at all. I have gained 5lbs, which is less than last time at this point by 3 lbs :bigsmile: , but my pre-pregnancy pants fit me when I was about 10lbs heavier than I am now!!


Feb 20, 2009

DD- I completely understand!! I feel like all I'm doing is eating and that I'm going to gain at least 5 lbs this trimester. I've never been so damn hungry in my life!! I had a muffin for lunch (was on the road for work), then ate a yogurt when I got back to the office, along with a bunch of nuts, and I'm almost "ready for a full meal" hungry again (that was about 1.5-2 hrs ago). Then my favorite baker in town sends an email for buy3 get 1 free cupcakes and my mind goes "well cupcakes are an acceptable dinner!" All I can think about is food anymore! And to top it all off, I was an exercise fanatic, but barely have any energy to work out. Oh well, it's all for good reasons though :bigsmile:


Dec 16, 2007

Oh the eating is crazy, but it was in my last pregancy too. I think I am just "showing" way earlier in the belly, it is wild.


Jul 12, 2008

DD, good work on not gaining as much so far in the pregnancy this time around! I need to get my eating in check or I'll out pass myself early. I hear you on the showing soon front. I think I will probably bust out my maternity clothes much sooner this time. My abs aren't nearly as toned this time around since I think I had it in my mind that my body was going to get all messed up again sooner than later so I never did make a huge effort to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape. I did get back to pre-pregnancy weight but my shape is just different... never had love-handles before... :knockout: oh well.

princess, this will be our second LO so a card that reads "grandma and grandma" wouldn't give it away. I hope your nausea doesn't stick around!



Dec 16, 2007
Re: Re:

Mrs|1292448139|2797840 said:
DD, good work on not gaining as much so far in the pregnancy this time around! I need to get my eating in check or I'll out pass myself early. I hear you on the showing soon front. I think I will probably bust out my maternity clothes much sooner this time. My abs aren't nearly as toned this time around since I think I had it in my mind that my body was going to get all messed up again sooner than later so I never did make a huge effort to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape. I did get back to pre-pregnancy weight but my shape is just different... never had love-handles before... :knockout: oh well.

princess, this will be our second LO so a card that reads "grandma and grandma" wouldn't give it away. I hope your nausea doesn't stick around!


Get sage a onesie or a t-shirt that says "Bg Sister" and have her wear it!


Mar 16, 2007

Hi Mrs- It's funny you mentioned about a "fun" way to tell your in-laws. I'm getting ready to order this for Parker for him to unwrap and put on Christmas eve at my in-laws.



Feb 20, 2009

L2l- What an adorable idea!

DD- How much did you gain the first pg?

Mrs- I'm freaking out that I'm gonna have to bust out the maternity clothes by week 10 if I keep this eating pace up lol! I've been snacking on clementines and bananas but they're not curbing my appetite lol!


Dec 16, 2007

Close to 60lbs 8) I am hoping for more like 40lbs this time.

I did lose it all except 5 lbs by 12 months post-partum through breast feeding only, no diet or excercise. Lost another 20lbs before getting pregnant with diet and excercise. So I am starting out 15lbs lighter than my last pre-pregnancy weight. I am not worried about losing weight this time, I just would not like to be so huge when I give birth, it is really uncomfortable.


Dec 16, 2007

By the way, it is normal to gain in your first trimester even if you do not eat a tonne. Your blood vlume increases, the thickness of the uterine wall increases, your bowels move slower and thus carry more :rolleyes: Fun times.


Apr 26, 2008

Moxie: Love the photos! I am so glad you are feeling better. Your DH must have been so sweet at the ultrasound, glad everything is going great. Hopefully you can now relax a little and start to enjoy some of the holiday goodies you have been missing.

Basil: I hear you about the tired! Glad you and DH figured out a good plan for the housing situation.

Princess: :wavey: Welcome! Congrats on your BFP!! Dreamer is right, weight gain is normal in the 1st trimester, average should be about 1-2 lbs/month.

Mrs: Thanks for the well wishes, I have decided to stay away from the ultrasound machine and wait patiently for 1 more week! Glad you are feeling ok and time is passing quickly! It must be so nice to enjoy relaxing moments with your little girl! It must be so fun plotting to tell the grandparents to be. How did you tell them last time?

Dreamer: Sorry you are feeling the LO sooner this time. I think it is something like "pregnancy memory" where everything stretches out easier the second time. That is amazing you were able to lose it all the first time by breastfeeding, hopefully you will be able to do that again!

L2L: Congrats on your BPF!!! Love the shirt to tell the in-laws, so fun!

DCG: Hope you are well, basking in your awesome u/s pictures.

AFM: I will be 6 weeks tomorrow and I am counting the hours until our appt next week. I look at our u/s machine daily when I am in clinic, but I am resolved not to use it as I want that moment to be special b/w DH and I. I am actually feeling a bit more zen now, I think it has to do with telling my parents and my mom having such a positive nature and supportive attitude. She also usually has good intution about stuff and she has been really reassuring which is nice. The nausea is about the same, and I am definitely eating more to ward it off. I think I am up at least 2 lbs and my bbs are HUGE. I had to buy new bras this weekend! All for a good cause though.


Dec 16, 2007

Sooooo... who else eats lunch at 10:30am these days? :halo:


Feb 20, 2009

MS- Thank you :D I'm glad you're feeling more zen about things. I'm trying my hardest to remain cool, too, but it's tough. I'm off most of next week, though, so I'll be able to relax and sleep in a little.

DD- Glad you were able to start out at a lower weight this pregnancy. I'm not too concerned about weight gain as I always have been heavier than average, and I figure if I'm going to gain weight, I should be able to eat things I enjoy that I've resigned myself off of these past years while trying to lose/maintain. I've found myself eating lunch at 11, then a snack (which could be a second lunch, ha!) around 2.

AFM, 5 weeks today, yipee!!! BBs are getting more tender, and I'm peeing a lot more today than I have the whole time so far. I've gone to the bathroom 8 times since 3 am, and I used to go around 2-3x/day. Morning sickness isn't too bad in that I just get nauseous, so I'm hoping things will stay that way!


Jun 27, 2006

Mrs - I like the idea of the tshirt for your older daughter cute! I've been wondering if I should think of some cute way to tell my extended family but I kind of don't want all that attention, so I wish my mom would just tell people before I get there. But I'm sure she won't.

Dreamer - scary about the pants thing, but kudos to you for losing the weight so quickly!...since you've BTDT, when did you have to start wearing maternity clothes your first pregnancy? Or did you buy bigger sizes of regular clothes? I'm on a shopping moratorium cause I don't want to buy something only to outgrow it soon, but I didn't buy any winter work clothes last year so I'm already wearing the same outfits over and over again. Could I make it to March or so? Or will I be bigger by then?

Princess - I'm hungry too. But I was hungry before I was pregnant. And every day of my life before that! I figure as long as we're eating nutritious things, it's all ok. If you're hungry your body is telling you that it needs more food. Not to say stuff yourself, but it sounds like you follow a healthy diet anyway which is great! That said, I'm really loving sugary drinks right now. Izze soda is my new addiction.

Modern - way to go on the willpower of not using the u/s machine!

Anyway, I operated on little babies today. I had to hold one for a few seconds before the anesthesiologist looked at me like I was a moron and asked me give him the baby before I dropped him :rolleyes:. It was a weird feeling thinking that in a year or so I'll have one just like that. But that hopefully won't need an operation :(sad.

I think I'm about 7 weeks now. Am I correct in thinking that every day the risk of miscarriage goes down? Rather than a drop off at some point?

My boss keeps buying me diet cokes since we were kind of diet coke buddies, but I'm trying to drastically reduce my consumption, if not totally give them up. So when is he going to notice that I keep stashing them in my bag or taking just a few sips?


Dec 16, 2007

basil First go around I was wearing the pants at 10 weeks. This time it was more like 7 weeks. My lower abdomen is so sensisitve when pregnant I cannot stand anything pressing on it, that is the main reason. This time I am also wearing pregnancy tops already, since my stomach is already extended and I don't want people to know I am pregnant or wonder until the new year.


Jun 27, 2006

Oh wow! Thanks...I guess I won't buy any new clothes since 10 weeks is only another 3 weeks from now!


Jun 27, 2007

So sorry to hear of your loss, Blen... :(( ! ((HUGS))


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Re:

Dreamer_D|1292539591|2798972 said:
basil First go around I was wearing the pants at 10 weeks. This time it was more like 7 weeks. My lower abdomen is so sensisitve when pregnant I cannot stand anything pressing on it, that is the main reason. This time I am also wearing pregnancy tops already, since my stomach is already extended and I don't want people to know I am pregnant or wonder until the new year.

I should say it is different for everyone. some women are in their regular clothing until 20 weeks!


Aug 15, 2008

Hello my preggo ladies,

Sorry for not posting in a couple days, but I have been kinda busy this week. Looks like a lot going on though :wink2:

L2L - Welcome to the Barley Preggo thread :wavey: We are happy to have you here and look forward to sharing in your journey. I love your littie onsie/announcement method.

Moxie - You are too funny girl. You had my DH LOL. Thanks for the name recs. We will take them into consideration :tongue: HUGE congrats on your excellent ultrasound, I love the pics! That's a great heartbeat too! Poor DH. It sounds like he has quite a difficult job, so I'm sure he was very glad to see all was well. Good deal on the Zofran, I hope it does the trick.

Basil - Sorry that you got sick again, but maybe you can get something for it. As for the tiredness, I totally feel ya. Sleepiness, ugh. It sounds like you and your DH have come to an agreement on the housing thing, so that's good.

Princess - Don't worry too much, it sounds like it will all be ok. As for the lack of symptoms, everybody is different, so you don't need to have one thing or another. I have the tiredness and peeing, but that's about it, oh and the LARGE BB's too, lol. The hunger is a symptom too, so that's one for you. I can't say I am hungry all the time, but I get a yearning for a particular type of food, which can be hard to solve, lol.

Mrs - Thanks for asking about me. I am pretty good thanks. Oh, I am jealous about the naps. I sooo wish I could take a nap during the middle of the day, especially when I catch myself falling asleep at work :knockout: It looks like you are progressing well. Enjoy the holidays with the inlaws and the rest of the family.

Dreamer - I sympathize with you. I weigh myself all the time, and I haven't gained any weight, but MAN do I have the baby bloat! By the end of the day, my pants are always tight and I have a definite pooch, lol. At least you have the maternity clothes already to fall back on, I am going to have to get me some soon rather than later, in addition to more bras of course.

Modern - Congrats on getting to 6 weeks! Good on you for keeping up the ultrasound resolve, it will be worth it. That's nice that you got your mom in your corner. That definitely helps out! I also hear you on the bras. I bought one at Target last week, but I really need to get some more b/c the girls are getting suffocating :tongue:

AFM, I am officially 7 weeks today, yeah! My little ninja turtle seems to be growing well and is definitely sucking a lot of my energy, since I am tired all the time, :sun: I am very much looking forward to the next week though as I am going home manana until Christmas. Yeah for no work and NAPS! I am also so very excited about going home since I haven't been back since April. Plus, my mom is all excited to see my baby belly, lol. Well, I need to get packing here, so I will catch up with you ladies soon. Nighty night!


Feb 27, 2006

Sha - thank you!

Basil - I am going to give a different opinion. Last time, I went straight to maternity clothes and I went relatively early. What this meant is that I was SICK of them by the end of the pregnancy, and I outgrew them because I bought them based on how big I thought I would be and not how big I actually got. And then, after he was born, I was bigger than normal and I ended up having to go buy clothes two sizes up from normal and then one size up before I could fit into my pre-preg clothing. And I hated buying those clothes, because it was admitting that I couldn't fit into my pre-preg clothes and that it would be long enough until I did that I needed to buy a new wardrobe. In retrospect, I would have bought a size or two up early in pregnancy, and then waited until I was bigger to go for the maternity clothing. Oh, and I'd also recommend Bella Bands. (I think that's what they're called.) That's just me though. :))


Mar 16, 2007

I feel bad for just poping in and not properly posting! Thanks for the warm welcome! You all seem like a great bunch of ladies to be going through this with. So exciting that we are all due around the same time! I didn't get an official due date from the Dr since it was just the blood test but when I plugged in my O date on the online calculator it's saying either the 22nd or 23rd of August. Not too far from you PP!

Moxie- What a great ultrasound! It's always such a beautiful sound to finally hear the heartbeat!

Mrs- I wasn't sick as in having to run to the bathroom but I would have waves of nausea off and on throughout the day. It made it hard to have an appetite espeically at dinner time. I too have been thinking about my last pg and wondering how this one will compare. I keep thinking of some of the symptoms I had and I keep reminding myself that many of them were when I was much further along then I am now. Are you and DH hoping for a boy this time? I'm so indifferent- I really don't think we're going to find out again this time. Have fun coming up with something to surprise your in-laws!

pp and DD- I've had an increased appetite too! I'm really hoping it subsides some. Dreamer- I'm following your other thread about the transition to a big boy bed. I have the same fears as you! I already told DH I think we're going to have to put a lock on his door and lock him in! No way am I ready for him to have free reign of the house while we're all in bed.

modern- :errrr: about the having to get new bras! I'm in the same boat. I don't remember them growing this much so quickly last time. I needed new bras anyway, but still! When is your ultrasound next week? Mine is Thursday and I can't wait!

basil- :blackeye: - having to operate on babies today. I hope they're all going to be well now thanks to you. What kind of surgeon are you (if you don't mind me asking?) Funny about your boss and the diet coke. Maybe he already has suspicions? Congrats on 7 weeks! :appl:

AFM- I just got home from an ofter hours clinic and I have strep throat. I just can't get over this hump of being sick. I guess the antibiotics I was on last week weren't quite strong enough. Thankfully both Dr's have assured me that they're completly safe for bebe. I just hate taking stuff, especially this early on.


Mar 16, 2007

dc- I posted the same time as you and I wanted to say HI!! :wavey:
congrats on 7 weeks! :appl:


Dec 16, 2007
Re: Re:

Loves2Laugh|1292553253|2799214 said:
pp and DD- I've had an increased appetite too! I'm really hoping it subsides some. Dreamer- I'm following your other thread about the transition to a big boy bed. I have the same fears as you! I already told DH I think we're going to have to put a lock on his door and lock him in! No way am I ready for him to have free reign of the house while we're all in bed.

haha... we will most likely put a portable baby gate in the door frame rather than a lock.


Feb 20, 2009

DC- YAY for 7 weeks!! Glad ninja turtle is on track!!! Of course, I'd get the voracious appetite symptom :lol: :lol:

L2L- Yay for close due dates!!! I'm 8/18, so we're very close!!


Mar 16, 2007
Re: Re:

Dreamer_D|1292557037|2799262 said:
Loves2Laugh|1292553253|2799214 said:
pp and DD- I've had an increased appetite too! I'm really hoping it subsides some. Dreamer- I'm following your other thread about the transition to a big boy bed. I have the same fears as you! I already told DH I think we're going to have to put a lock on his door and lock him in! No way am I ready for him to have free reign of the house while we're all in bed.

haha... we will most likely put a portable baby gate in the door frame rather than a lock.

DD- You know what's funny- and I didn't even think of it before- is we already do this! Not because of him but because of the cat scratching at his door throughout the night. That sounds like a better solution then locking him in. We'll just have to get another gate since we'll have to keep the one for the nursery as well. Darn cat....

Ryan Claire

Dec 2, 2009

Moxie – I am so sorry to hear how sick you had been feeling. I can’t even imagine being that debilitated by m/s. So glad you got Zofran and are feeling better. I haven’t had salad in 2 months… blah! Glad you’re little one is getting those nutrients though. Congrats on the great ultrasound! Sounds like it was a huge relief for you and your DH.

Princess – Welcome! So glad this thread is filling up. How are thinking going?

Modern – Hope the Step 3 went well! You are a rockstar to endure those while pregnant. Your big reveal to your parents was so sweet. So glad you were able to tell them in person. And you really do have incredible self control not to use the u/s machine when you have access to one.

Basil – sorry about the dog/sick episode! What a disaster. Sounds like your DH is a sweet guy though. We are also thinking of moving – potential in the months before or right after the baby.,, both ideas are stressful and have their pros and cons. We are looking to move from a 2bd apartment in NYC to a house in the suburbs of Jersey. It’s A LOT of change to contemplate. Glad you think you convinced your DH to rent.
And kudos for you operating on little ones… that is amazing.

DC - CONGRATS on the one ninja turtle! So glad the ultrasound went well. Very cute pics – can’t wait to see how much he or she grows! Were you at all disappointed it was not two.

Mrs. – Glad your Christmas decorating helped lift your mood… How old is your DD? Love the gender dreams. I think one of each would be ideal too. Are you gonna find out the gender at your 20 week scan?

Dreamer – sorry about the continued m/s. I am definitely eating lunch at 10:30 and also again at 12 and 2:30… So I am up to about 3 lunches a day : ) Congrats on finishing up the semester, it must feel like an even bigger relief that usual. Sorry about the high cost of the NT scan. I have mine Dec. 30th so we’ll be right around the same time. I hear 2nd time moms show earlier, so I imagine that is the case for you. I have no excuse but I am already in my maternity jeans and have to wear my “fat” work pants that sit lower on my hips. The bloating/beginning of bump is definitely making a different in my clothes.

Loves2Laugh – Congrats and welcome. So happy to see you got your bfp but very sorry to hear about the step! That is the worst… hope you are being taken good care of.

Blen and Lil – you guys are in my thoughts.


Hi everyone… sorry to be MIA, I read this thread nearly every day but I feel like I need to set aside 20 minutes to really read through the responses and catch up with everyone… I am good… nauseous throughout the day and tired and still getting overheated and faint on the subways… but other than that everything is pretty manageable (knock on wood). I am very excited to be 10w 1d – feels like it has taken forever to get to double digit weeks. I am wearing some maternity clothes and my looser regular clothes. Don’t have a bump yet, but definitely bloated and fuller in my middle.
On Wednesday, I had my first appointment with my OB and I liked her a lot. She is young and not really a hand holder but very efficient and smart. The OB offices are in a huge NY hospital, so that is kinda intimidating but I am sure I will get use to it. The best part was that I didn’t think she would do an ultrasound but she did (along with a pap smear, a breast exam, and a flu shot). So I got to have my 3rd ultrasound – I know I am super spoiled in that department : ) LO actually is beginning to look like a baby. I have to say seeing him/her this time really made it real. Unfortunately DH could not be there, but he will be there in 2 weeks for the NT scan. The doctor says they recommend NT scans for everyone, so I was happy to go along with that. She said there would only be two more scans after that though – the 20th week and then around the 36th week. Seems like a long time to go without seeing the little bean, but I guess there will be a bump and movement so that will be reassurance. I also gave blood for the NT scan so that hopefully we can get the results the same day, which I thought was awesome.


ALL THE JBP LADIES: Provided we are all fortunate enough to make it to 20 weeks – are you going to find out the gender of your little ones? We definitely are… can’t wait to find out what we are having.

ultrasound 10 weeks.JPG


Jul 12, 2008

Hi mamas/mamas-to-be,

RC, so glad to hear you're doing well! Love that u/s pic! That's so great that you like your OB. Wow, thinking about moving to the burbs from NYC is a BIG deal. I'm from NYC originally but live in SoCal now. I NEVER thought I would leave the city but I'm so glad we did. Our families are still there though so we visit a lot which is fun but having a baby/kids in the city just seems like a lot more work. That being said, I know people who feel like it's actually easier in the city to have kids, so who knows. Whatever you and DH decide will work out. My DD is 21 month old now. it's a fun age. Yes, we will indeed find out the gender! I kind of need to know in order to really get my head around how life may change with a new LO even though the gender may not impact our lives much in the beginning.

DD, thanks for the idea re: telling the grandparents. I do have a big sister shirt for Sage that I got the week after we found out but it's way too big for her... I guess I could roll the sleeves. Have you told your families yet? I'm so impressed that you've lost all that weight and then some since your last pregnancy. That's awesome. Bummer about having to wear maternity clothing already though - was your lower abdomen really sensitive last time too? I'm surprised that my stomach is already somewhat extended already as well. I just can't suck it in like I used to... oh well. I too have been following your thread about transitioning to a bed. no idea what we will do since a part of me would rather not have to buy another crib for the next one and another part of me would like to keep Sage in a crib for as long as possible. We'll see. I hope your nausea has abated some and that you're able to enjoy your break now!

L2L, I feel your pain re: the cat! Ours only does that at our door though so we just sleep with ours open. That's a bummer that your cat does it to Parker's door as well! Thanks for the idea re: how to tell the grandparents. That shirt is super cute! DH and I are indeed hoping for a boy this time but now that I know how great girls are, I'd be glad to have another. All we really care about it having a healthy baby. So you aren't going to find out the gender? did you not find out last time as well? I'm always impressed when people wait. I'm too impatient for that myself. I hope you feel better soon! Strep is no fun.

modern, glad to hear you're well! honestly, i cannot remember how we told DH's parents last time - isn't that terrible! I told my mom almost immediately but I said something like, "I think I'm pregnant." And she was all, "Are you sure?" It was rather anti-climactic. She knew we were trying so it wasn't a surprise or anything. We were all kind of disbelieving for a week or so for some reason. That's so great that your mom has been so supportive!

basil, I think you're right about the risk of loss dropping daily but I'm not sure. I do know that *I* feel better each passing day. I hope you do too! re: how soon you may show. Like DD said, everyone is different. I think I had to buy some new jeans in a size larger relatively early on last time but for work, I just used a Bella Band with the clothes I already had. I don't think I really needed maternity clothes until I was 20 weeks or so. And as Blen said, you will get REALLY sick of them so I'd suggest waiting as long as you can.

dcg, so glad to know you're well! I hope you have a wonderful (and restful!) time at home for the holiday!

princess, I hope you're still feeling well and that you enjoy your time off next week!

:wavey: everyone else!

AFM, I'm 6w5d and feel like crap today. Not sure if I have a bug or not but my head and tummy hurt and I have the chills. No fever though. I hope it goes away soon! Being sick when pregnant is not fun! Especially when you have another LO to care for. Nothing else to report other than many more strange dreams and continued fatigue. I'm looking forward to having my in laws here but I still have some christmas shopping to do - yuck.

hope everyone is well!
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