
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Dec 16, 2007

Gosh RC it is totally a real baby now! So fun to see as I am only a couple days behind you, 10 weeks tomorrow! Do you happen to know where your placenta is located? Mine was anterior last time (in the front) and it means I rarely felt the baby move at all. Hoping for a different position this time.

Mrs I forgot that you had polyhydramios last time too. I had it. Did your water break when labour started? Was Sage engaged or balloted? Hunter was balloted, still an inch or so between his head and cervix, and it made labour more complex because I was not allowed to move until he engaged.


Dec 16, 2007

As proof of the ridiculous size of my belly this time, I posted a 10 week belly shot in the pregnancy thread!


Jul 12, 2008

Dreamer, you look great! Amazing how much more you're showing already. I guess all of us second timers will likely show early. I was diagnosed with Polyhydramnios relatively early and was monitored twice weekly at the hospital from then on out. DD was breech and never turned and they wouldn't try to turn her because of the excess fluid, for fear of tangling her up on the cord. So I had a scheduled C-section at 39 weeks. As it happens, she seemed to be tethered head up by the cord somehow. They pulled her out butt first... All's well that ends well but I was pretty disappointed about not being able to experience labor. I was so big though that I was pretty happy to get her out a little early. I think I'll probably just go for a scheduled C again this time but we'll see. Your labor story was inspirational. I hope you have an easier time of it this time though!


Nov 18, 2004

:appl: :appl: the u/s is sooo cute.
I love it at the stage when they start showing the nubbins ^.^

Moxie and DC--
Great u/s too ^.^

Belated congrats to L2L and princeplease!


Apr 26, 2008

Basil: Congrats on getting to 7 weeks! You are right, every day that goes by is a milestone toward decreasing the rate of m/c. Seeing a HB is also a huge milestone, from what I have read the risk decreases after you see it to anywhere from 3-10%. That is funny about your boss and the diet coke! Could you switch to real coke and make up something about wanting to decrease artificial sweetener in your diet?

DD: Thanks for sharing your experience about clothes and such. It's nice to have your experience around here! Hooray for being 10 weeks already!

DCG: Congrats on 7 + weeks now. Hope you have a great vacation and some much needed nap time! I am sure it will be so nice to see your family and share in their excitiment in person. Another bra thought, one of my colleagues who had a baby 6 months ago said when she went up a 2nd size, she actually just bought nursing bras so she could make use of them both pre and post baby. I thought that was a nice idea I would pass along.

L2L: Sorry you are sick with strep throat! I know it sucks to take anything but for that you are better off taking the medicine. Hooray for another August due date! My appt is Wednesday of this week, looks like it will be a big week for both of us.

RC: Love the pics of the LO. It is so fun to see the growth already. I am jealous of all the ultrasounds! How awful to feel so sick on the subway. I have found that ginger anything (ale, tea, candies) really seem to help. Glad you like the OB, having a good doc makes such a difference. Thanks for the thoughts about Step 3. It wasn't too bad, and now I am just glad it is over. At this point, I don't think we are going to find out the sex... It is such a fun surprise and I am hoping we can wait the 34 ish weeks.

Mrs: I love how you told your mom the news last time... I think regardless of how the news gets across, it is so exciting. Hope you are feeling better soon. Do you have an u/s scheduled? I think I am 6 wks 2 days today, but we could be due date twins depending on the u/s!

Ok... I caved. DH and I stopped by my clinic today b/c the suspense was TOO much for me. I just used the abdominal probe and sure enough, I saw the tiny little bean and the fast flickering HB!!! It is SUCH a huge relief to know there really is something in there, and in the right place. I am still really excited for our appt on Wednesday but I am not going to tell the doc I already did a little scanning of my own! The nausea is getting worse and I am really feeling the bloat and my pants are getting tighter...


Jun 27, 2006

Hi All!

Modern - so funny but awesome you found the heartbeat before your appointment! And great that your DH could be there as well. Have you told anyone at work yet?

Dreamer - thanks for the input on the clothes. You look great! I wish I could blame my pooch on the baby but I don't think mine has changed since I got KU. I ordered some "tall" sweaters that are a size larger than I normally wear from old navy even though I'm average height cause I figured they would cover down lower for later on without having to buy maternity. The arms will be long I'm sure but I can just roll them up.

Mrs - sorry you are feeling under the weather and hope you are feeling better by now!

RC - what a gorgeous picture! We are definitely going to find out the gender if we make it that far. DH says that he thinks we should hold off on buying any baby stuff until then, but I have a feeling that once we've had our appointment and start to relax, my mom and I will be unstoppable :D

L2L - Bummer on the strep throat. Hope you feel better soon! I'm an eye fortunately most of our patients are otherwise healthy but it's still hard to see little ones with problems.

Blenheim - thanks for the clothes advice. I will have to seek out these bella band things that people keep mentioning!

DC - yeay for vacation week! Hope you are resting up and feeling well!

Anyway, I'm hanging in there. Nausea comes and goes - sometimes comes in the middle of the night which is weird and annoying. I'm sooo exhausted. Fell asleep on the floor in the living room last night around 7. Woke up achy and put myself to bed at 9. Slept til 6. I'm counting down the days til my appointment on Thursday afternoon...which also happens to be the day that I have a meeting with the chairman to ask him for a permanent job, which is a big deal. I'm bargaining with myself that if either of those things go well then I should be happy. I think the worst case scenario would be if either one or both were uncertain...but I need to not worry about it since that won't change the outcomes! :rolleyes:


Jul 12, 2008

hi ladies. it's so quiet around here... I guess every one is focusing on the holidays instead of PS.

basil, I'll be thinking of you on Thursday! I hope your meeting and dr's appointment both go well!

Modern, I love that you and your DH went in to use the u/s at work! I'm so glad you got to see the heartbeat! Can't wait to hear more after your appointment tomorrow - I hope it goes great! I have my first dr's appointment scheduled for Jan 4th. I don't know if they'll do an u/s then or not. we'll see. Thank for asking though!

hi everyone else! you all hanging in there?

AFM, I'm okay but that yucky feeling the other day turned into a pretty nasty cold. My nose wont stop running. I'm just hoping no one else in the house gets it and that it goes away before my in laws get here!

Last week I met with my neighborhood book club where we all drink wine and as soon as I said, "I'd just like a glass of water for now," one of the women said, "WATER!?!?!?" So then all the other ladies around her were asking questions, etc. I'm the youngest member and the only one who would likely have any more kids so I guess the pressure is on... Anyway I think I played it off but I'm glad our next meeting isn't until Feb when I should be far enough along to be open about it.

Then we had DH's Christmas party for work so on our way there I suggested he get me a shirley temple in a martini glass so it would look like I was drinking a cosmo. But then they were only serving wine and beer so it just looked so absurd - everyone wanted to know what I was drinking. Ug! I wish DH had realized how lame it would look when he went to the bar and saw the only had beer and wine!

Anyway, I hope you're all well!


Ryan Claire

Dec 2, 2009

Mrs - sorry about your cold... but I just had to tell you that the image of you drinking a shirley temple in a martini glass at a wine and beer only party made me laugh out loud. Cute attempt by your DH though :)


Mar 16, 2007

Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop on and say we saw one little grain of rice today at the ultrasound. No HB yet but he said that'll hopefully happen in the next few days. We're able to go back next week just to check that out! I love my OB! :appl:

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! Those of you with queasy tummies I hope it subsides a little to enjoy the next few days. What a special holiday this is for us to share with our expanding families! ::)


Jul 12, 2008

L2L, so glad your u/s went well and that your OB said you can come back next week to see the heart beat! :appl:

RC, glad I could provide a laugh :tongue:

hope everyone else is well!



Apr 26, 2008

Yay L2L, glad your appt went well!

A quick post to say our appt yesterday went great too. Baby is measuring right on track, 6 wks 5 days yesterday, with a due date of August 12, 2011!!! Hearbeat was 130's, nice and strong!!!

Happy Holidays everyone.


Jun 27, 2006

Modern and L2L - yeay for the good ultrasounds!

Mrs - so funny about the Shirley Temple!

So I had my first appointment today...they did not do an ultrasound which I was a little disappointed in. I got bloodwork, etc., and an exam and she said she thinks that I might be as much as 10 weeks along based on the size of my uterus! So she recommended an ultrasound early next week...but then we had trouble scheduling it because they were all after calling multiple offices on the phone we went back to the doctor's office and complained and they pulled some strings to get us in on Monday afternoon. The appointment sheet said to bring a blank DVD - does this mean we get a movie? :love:

We got a laundry list of all the possible prenatal tests we can do...we haven't really talked about it yet. What are you all opting for? It seems like we need to make a decision rather soon.

Also, I talked to the chairman of my department and he said he would be glad for me to stay on permanently! So I will defintely have a job...I didn't tell him yet about the pregnancy and wanting to start somewhat later than he probably expects, but I don't think it should matter to him anyway since I'll be in between positions so not on payroll or receiving benefits, etc.


Jul 12, 2008

Congrats on a good u/s modern! August 12th sounds like a great day to be due

Glad your appointment went well too, basil! Sorry you didn't get to have a u/s though. that's great that you were able to get one scheduled for monday though. And congrats on a successful meeting with the chairman of your dept! re: prenatal tests, since you're not "of advanced age" when it comes to fertility stuff, I'd suggest you do whatever tests your dr thinks make sense but no more. I think we did the NT scan and full anatomy scans at the appropriate gestation but no more than that the first time around. I don't plan to do more this time either.



Dec 16, 2007

I am 32. In this pegnancy and the last we did the blood test (called a triple screen) and NT scans to look for genetic abnormalities. We did the anatomy scan at 18-22 weeks which is recommended as well.

Most people think the only reason to do the early scans like NT and the blood work is if the results would change your plans for your pregnancy. If you would not abort under any circumstances, then the odds of a false positive from those screens (which is in ther 5% range) would, in my opinion, make the risk of the tests much higher than any benefits -- the risk being the worry and then having to follow through with amnio to definitively know the answer.


Feb 20, 2009

RC- ADORABLE babe!!!!!!!

Ms- How amazing that you saw the HB!!!!!!

Basil- Glad the appointment and job asking went well!!!!!!!!!!!

L2L- Your ob sounds great!!!!!!!!!

AFM, just crusing along at 6w2d. I feel more "accomplished" at 6w for some reason, lol!! I am getting my "food baby" as I call it, major bloating after eating to where I actually look like I have a tiny bump. It's kinda cool, lol!!! Nausea hit this am for the first time, but not actual vomiting, but the fatigue and insomnia is just sticking around and is getting worse, aargh!! I hope everyone had an amazing holiday!!!!!!!


Sep 6, 2007

Hey. Remember me? I disappeared quite a while ago... and here I am almost a year later... married for a year, just bought and moved into our house in November... and pregnant?!

2 weeks ago I was having serious cravings and would get extremely nauseous one minute and then feel completely normal the next. Around the time implantation would have occurred, I also experience pinching like feelings in the pubic area... like right above the pubic bone. I remember I came home from food shopping one day and said to my husband, "I'm calling it now, I'm pregnant."

So here I am. My period was due Christmas Eve. I had been having extreme fleeting menstrual like pains for the last week so I thought for sure AF was coming. In fact, I am still having them. They are LIKE menstrual cramps and yet, so different. When I say extreme. I mean extreme. Like someone is ripping apart my uterus and then bam! It's gone just as quickly as it came.

So on the way home from my parents today I looked to my husband and said well, do you think I should test or wait a little longer? He immediately pulled into the pharmacy and we bought the Clear Blue Easy Digital.

I didn't waste a second... as soon as I walked in the door I went and took the test. Waiting for the hour glass to stop felt like an eternity. My husband walked in just in time for us to both look at it, look at each other and then back at it again. PREGNANT. It. Said. PREGNANT. I immediately started crying.

I am still in shock. I knew it. I felt it. But so many times I thought I've felt it just for the test to say not pregnant. So now, it's like, unreal.

So I waited til I had to potty again so I could take the other to "make sure" and yup, that was positive too! Guess there is no denying it now! lol

I am calling tomorrow for an appointment to confirm but for now, I have used a due date calculator and EDD is Sept 2, 2011! :)

Here is the test...



Mar 16, 2007

Congrats inhisarms!!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007

Congratulations, IHA!!!! Such wonderful news!


Feb 20, 2009

Congrats IHA!!!!!!!! Welcome!!!!!!!!


Jan 13, 2005

Hello, IHA!! Welcome back, and huge congrats, mama!!! :bigsmile:


Apr 26, 2008

Congrats IHA! The digi tests are the best, there is no mistaking that awesome PREGNANT reading! Hope you are feeling ok so far.

Basil: Congrats on the good news from your dept chair about your job, that is wonderful! Glad your appt went well, despite the lack of ultrasound. Good luck today, hopefully you will get a good video of the little bean and due date too! As far as tests, I think DH and I are only going to do the quad. I am 27 and I just don't think we really need to do the integrated or sequential screen. I thought I would feel differently, but if anything was abnormal I would want to wait for the quad and anatomy scan anyway, and an amnio since the risk is lower than CVS... So, just the basics for us.

Princess: Yay for 6+ weeks. There is something about the 6 week mark that makes it more official. I love the pic in the other thread!

:wavey: to everyone else, hope you had a wonderful holiday.

Once the 7 week mark hit, the nausea has been out of control and I feel like I am dry heaving constantly :( A few people at work now know due to the constant presence of my ginger tea and ginger ale, which is only slightly helping. ALL I want to do is lay on the couch. I just keep reminding myself it is a GOOD sign, but hopefully it won't last too long.


Jun 27, 2006

Hey all,

Just a quick stop my ultrasound today. I am measuring 9w1d, due date 7/31/11. They printed us out photos and made a DVD so we have a record of the first view of the heartbeat (172 bpm)!

Stupid paranoid question - if the tech saw anything wrong on the scan, she would have called someone to confirm or given some indication, right? I didn't get any vibe from her that anything was off, but I'm really paranoid. But she wouldn't have made a DVD, told us the EDD and the age, and then said congratulations if she thought something was wrong...right??


Sep 6, 2007

Thanks so much, ladies!!

I am so excited. So far I have only had the stretching-like cramps. Sometimes I feel like there is a ball in the center of my lower abdomen and others it just feels like my uterus is doing all sorts of funny things. And then today I was sitting at work and I felt this tingling in the same exact spot. It was so weird. My boobs feel fuller but don't look it. Otherwise, no other symptoms.

I made my appointment today for confirmation and they can't get me in til January 14th! I'm so sad! I don't know if I can wait that long. Not that I'll get to see the baby that day or anything but still, I just don't want to wait that long for a definite answer.

So tonight I went and bought some folic acid to start off with... and bought some more comfortable pants since I feel so ridiculously bloated it's unreal. Haha.

We already had a boy name picked but today we chose the girl name... it will probably change a million times before the baby comes but oh well, for now, he or she has a name picked. :)

I hope everyone is doing great!! I'm so happy to finally join you all! :)


Nov 9, 2007

Yay for you guys! Honey, if the tech sees anything at all they get all quiet and call someone else in to talk to you. It happened to us several times with different techs (hmmm, even at diff hospitals) going all silent, smiling and saying something phony like, "everything is going to be OK" and then running out the door and getting a doc or perinatologist to tell us iffy news. Not even bad news just not great (He only had one kidney for a bit, then the placenta wouldn't descend, then a rib of mine that the baby broke was causing some damage), from what I understand techs can't give much news if its off the beaten path, but they jump to go get someone else since further imaging would be needed.

So far lady, you are good to go! Get some sleep and enjoy the ride!


Mar 22, 2008

The tech would have gotten someone if there was something wrong. They aren't allowed to say if anything is wrong but normally their body language is enough to tip you off.


Aug 15, 2008

Hello ladies,

A belated Merry Christmas (to those of you who celebrate)! Sorry for being away so long, but I think I took a vacation from everything, including posting :tongue: . I did pop in to check in on everyone and was glad to see that you all had nice holidays. I definitely enjoyed my time off, and also definitely enjoyed the warm weather in FL, but alas, back to the cold in the Northeast now. Boo.

L2L - Sorry that you were sick, but hopefully your cold has cleared up by now. Yeah for seeing your little bean. When is your appt this week? I bet you are all excited for munchin #2.

Princess - Congrats on hitting 6 weeks. I get you on feeling like you are somehow more pregnant, lol. Just wait till you hit 8 weeks, it's crazy! So how are you feeling lady? I saw your BPF in the Preggo thread. So cute!

RC - Wow, I love your ultrasound pic. I can't remember who said it a while ago, but it looks like a cute little gummy bear, lol ;-) . I am sorry that you are still dealing with the fainting issues, but hopefully it will pass soon. That's great that you like your OB. I have liked mine so far for the non-baby stuff, so I think I will be ok with the baby stuff. As for your question on finding out the gender, DH and I will absolutely be finding out! We can't wait :bigsmile: Oh, and for the question about twins, no, I am not to upset. I think the costs of twins in daycare would bankrupt me, lol.

Mrs - I'm sorry to hear you had a bit of a bug too. I guess the positive is that you didn't have a fever, but I can only imagine that feeling like cr*p while being pregnant and having to take care of another little one is no fun. I second you on the continued fatigue though. Ugh, it's a struggle to get through the day. Hopefully your naseau will clear up soon though. As for the drink debacle, I guess DH's heart was in the right place, even if it didn't quite qork as planned, lol.

Dreamer - I think you look great sweetie. I don't quite have the 2nd baby excuse, but I am starting to sport a little baby bloat belly, hehe.

Modern - You are too funny sneaking a peak of your little one, :cheeky: I'm sure it was great to see the HB though. Glad to hear your "real" ultrasound went well and that your little one has a strong HB. AFM, I did have a great vaca filled with almost daily naps :bigsmile: . Thanks for the bra rec. I ran into another friend I hadn't seen in a while, who just happened to be preggo too (about 5 months) and she said she had just bought some nursing bras too. I think once I get a little further, I will probably buy some of those too. I am sorry to hear about the sickness, but perhaps it's time to talk to your doc about Zofran. I know a lot of ladies swear by that stuff. Good luck!

Basil - Congrats on a great U/S and HB! Yeah for your 9 week + little bean! I am just behind you with an EDD of August 4 (based on my IUI date). And no need to worry my dear. Of course they would have gotten a doc if anything was wrong. Your little bean is just fine. Sorry about the increasing M/S, but hopefully it won't hang around too much longer. That's great to hear about the positive meeting with your dept chairperson and congrats on getting the gig! As for the tests, I am not sure which ones we will do yet, but I will talk with the nurse tomorrow at my first OB appt and dicuss options with her.

IHA - Congrats on your BFP sweetie! Of course I remember you, and I'm glad that you could come back to PS on this thread :bigsmile: As for the uterine pains, I had them almost constantly throughout weeks 5-6. It's just the uterus getting all streched out and ready for your LO. Boo on your doc office not being able to schedule you sooner, but perhaps you can get on a cancelation list, or maybe keep calling each week to see if they can squeeze you in sooner? Please let us know how it goes.

AFM, DH, turtle and I had a lovely Christmas and vacation. And, as a lovely welcome home present, I got to see Turtle on the big screen yesterday. It's amazing how much it has grown! (I will post the pics manana) The little bean now has arm and leg sprouts and it must have been facing forward because you could kinda see where the eye sockets were, so it actually looks like a little baby, hehe. Alhough I was only about 8.5 weeks, Turtle was measuring 9 weeks, with a strong HB of 172. I also have finally been "graduated" to the OB now. Yipee :bigsmile: So, I called yesterday and got my first appt with the doc in two weeks. I do have to go in to meet with a nurse tomorrow though to get some testing and some other stuff. It definitely feels real now!
The grandparents each bought us a couple of baby things, like books and blankets, so that was nice. I also got a bunch of books and stuff from my DH, so I'm excited to delve into them. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday too and got lots of fun stuff!


Feb 20, 2009

DC- I can't wait to see your pics!!! I'm feeling ok, just fatigued all the time. (.)(.) are growing a lot, and they're pretty tender to the touch, but so far, no vomiting from the nausea of MS (I consider myself to be so lucky that it's relatively mild). Tomorrow is 7 weeks, yay!!!


Sep 6, 2007

DC: Can't wait to see the pics of your little one!

So I was able to get an appointment on Tuesday, January 4th. 10 days sooner. Awesome, I'll take it! I'm so excited!! :)

How is everyone doing?!


Jul 22, 2007

Congrats to the new Mamas!!

Lots of dust for each of you!


Dec 16, 2007

My NT scan is tomorrow and we will have the results, including the blood work, by the evening. Wish us luck!
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