
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Mar 21, 2008
pretty much following up on what HH has said, I got a little brochure. in Holland we call it the combination test: NT scan (btw 11-14 weeks) + blood test (btw 9-14 weeks).

for us, a higher risk of DS is considered if your chance is greater than 1 in 200. it also says that even if there is no high risk, you can still have a child with DS. you will never know for sure unless you do the CVS (btw 11-14 weeks) or amnio (after 15 weeks). chance of m/c with one of these is 3-5 in 1000 (with slightly higher chance with CVS, according to brochure). doesn''t help any of you, but pregnancy can be ended up to 24 weeks. my SIL had the amnio and said it was hell.

the brochure doesn''t say what the measurement of the nuchal fold should be, but it does say anything above 3.5mm, you will get a second analysis, even if the combination test shows no high risk. so sounds like even if you score "high" on nuchal fold, in combination with your blood results, it might not turn out high.

lovely u/s pic, HH!


Nov 2, 2006
Thanks for chiming in Noel! It sounds like things are pretty much the same on the other side of the pond.


Jan 13, 2005
OMG Lanie!!!!!!!!! Dr. Bobo is my doctor too!! hahaha! That is tooooooo funny!!!
Wow, we could have been there at the same time and not known it!! I love it!!

re: St. Luke''s vs Women''s....pretty much all the female doctors I know who have had babies prefer St. Lukes. As far as reasons why, one I''ve heard from them is the nursing staff is better at St. Luke''s (and I figure I really wanna like my nurse, because she''s the one that''s in it with me for the long haul!!) One good reason in MY opinion to deliver at St. Luke''s is that the Texas Children''s nurseries are just upstairs one floor, just in case anything goes wrong. Nothing against the nurseries at Women''s (I don''t know much about them), but I have worked in all of the TCH nurseries (level 2 and level 3) with a lot of the TCH Neo attendings and fellows, and I totally trust them and the way they practice medicine. So that''s a big draw to St. Luke''s for me...just knowing that my baby would be at TCH if anything went wrong. I wouldn''t want to deliver at Women''s, have something go wrong, then have to go through transporting the baby across town to get him/her to the nursery I prefer. I haven''t heard anything bad about St. Luke''s from anyone, and I personally know one doctor from my program who had her baby awhile back (Dr. Bobo was her doc too!) who had baaaaaad placental abruption and literally almost died...she was in ICU intubated for over a week....but Dr. Bobo and the St. Luke''s staff saved her life. She and her little girl are perfectly healthy now.
I think it''s so cool that we have the same OB and didn''t know it! hehe!!

More later...gotta go to the gym and get some exercise!!

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007

Just a quick update from me! I had my second ultrasound today. LO looks great! Measures a week more than last week, so growth is on track.

The nurse told me that the baby measures 6 wks 6 days, which is a few days shy of my estimated 7 wks 2 days (based on LMP). This totally makes sense based on my ovulation date. No HB reading today. The nurse warned me in advance that she has trouble with the equipment and probably would not be able to get a reading, and that it has nothing to do with my LO!! I could see the HB much better today than last week.

I also had blood work and am to stay on the progesterone and come back in a week for another u/s!

I did call my OB/GYN office and asked about the NT Scan. The receptionist said, "What's that?" Ohhhh, she was supernice though and told me that I will go over all of my appointments and schedule next week when I meet the patient coordinator. Makes sense.

HMG - Congrats on great HCG numbers and fantastic doubling time!! I'm sure this information helps you feel more at ease! Crazy coincidence that you and Lanie have the same doctor!

Laila - I'm sure you'll have no worries with your scan, but my oh my, time seems to be passing so quickly! Oh, I found the cutest gender neutral blanket when I was randomly searching yesterday. I will have to post it in your nursery thread! I want this blanket even though we will know the gender as soon as we can!!!!!!!!!!!



Aug 19, 2009
yay LV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jun 25, 2007
Great news, LV!


Mar 21, 2008
yay LV! so happy for you.


Jan 13, 2005
LV - Wooohooooooo on a great ultrasound!!!
Sooo happy for you and your little one!!
It must feel so good to have not one, but TWO great ultrasounds under your belt!! Awesome, awesome news.

Hudson - love that US pic!! What a cutie!!

sbde - I promise to come to The Preggo Thread after the 1st tri!!! I may even dip my toes in the water after I get a good ultrasound...

lilyfoot - thank you! :) I''ve been following your saga on TTC...I still think you should try another test tomorrow, maybe a pink dye test? Even though the digi said no, as you said, you may not have gotten enough urine on it, OR you could be too early for it to pick up. I had a negative digi on 10 dpo, and then a positive digi on 11 dpo! I hope you end up getting the answer you want. :)

Noel - honestly, I don''t mind if I start showing soon, as long as I look preggo and not just chubs. LOL! I can''t wait for a cute bump! I have always wondered what I will look like when I''m preggo...

SomethingShiny - thank you for the dust!! I''ll certainly take it! I will just feel so much better once I get past the point I got to with the last pregnancy.

Bliss - yeah, you pegged me. I''m pretty giddy these days.
Probaby both from sheer exhaustion and from the peanut in my tummy!! hehe!


Not much to report today...I thought maybe I was having a bit of nausea this morning, but I had some lemon ginger tea (with a GinGin drop dissolved in it for extra ginger kick!) and it settled right down! I think the bloat is starting....for the past several mornings I''ve awoken in the morning feeling really gassy (like painful bloated gassy) gets a bit better thru the day but never completely goes away. Definitely have the preggo bb''s now...tender, veiny, heavy, OMG. When I take my bra off to change clothes after I get home from work, I feel like they''re gonna hit the floor! LOL!!!!


Nov 25, 2008
You are all sooooo optimisitic and upbeat. I love it!!!!

Things have finally settled in for me, and it seems I finally realize that I really am pregnant now. However, with me and my total Type A issues, I know begin worrying..and I mean excessively. I always have been an over-analyzer, worrier, slightly OCD about things, and being pregnant is not good for me. I have been reading message boards about all the things that coan go wrong in a pregnancy (blighted ovums, blah blah blah) and now I''m seriously freaked out.
I keep telling myself NO MORE internet message boards, focus on the positive. I might try and block google from my computer (kind of like a number that keeps pranking you or a mean ex-boyfriend)

I''m just worried because we weren''t trying, and the fact that I am pregnant seems like such a long shot, I keep thinking something must be wrong.

How do you all keep the worries at bay? I have a doctors appointment in 1 1/2 weeks for a general overview/blood work, no U/S though, which is OK with me because if I don''t hear a HB I''ll freak out then and there. I''d rather wait and have an U/S when I know there "should" be a heartbeat.

Oh to keep Dr. Google at bay until naptime (not my naptime, my students) is over...


Nov 2, 2006
How to keep the worries at bay...

well don''t look up anything medical related, call your doc if you have a question or concern instead of trying to diagnose yourself.

get outside for some fresh air

distract yourself with PS or, like me, with your endless BRU registry (so fun!!)

shop for maternity clothes


Nov 9, 2005
LV - YAY on GREAT u/s!! So exciting


Mar 21, 2008
similarly, I am also getting the worries now because my next u/s is one week away. I wish there was a way you could just check every day that your baby is ok. I can''t bring myself to even talk to my baby because I just think what if there''s nothing there to hear me? okay, I have no reason to think this with a 1st u/s with a hb and all my symptoms, but I guess it''s just something m/c can do to you, as positive as you try to be.

we tried to listen for the hb with a fetal doppler machine, but can''t find it. I know you''re not supposed to expect to hear anything before 12 weeks, but I''d just so much like SOME reassurance.

hope you ladies all have more positive news to share because that helps me.


Feb 20, 2008
HOU -- No way!!! I can''t believe you have Dr. Bobo as well! She rocks! I love how laid back she is. And thanks for the words on St. Luke''s. That is VERY reassuring. I just think my friend is catty and probably heard one slightly bad experience, and therefore needs to "warn me". She''s a know-it-all. So thanks! Maybe we''ll be in a birthing/b feeding class together!

Re: worry. I''m worried too, but not as much as I used to be. I think it''s the beginning of the worry bc once the little thing is born, you worry with every cough, when they ride a bike you worry that they have their helmet on right, when they start driving you worry they will be safe. It''s never ending. I just try to tell myself that whatever happens will happen, and nothing I''m doing will change that. Doesn''t really help, but I try not to think of the negatives, and I definitely stay off of Baby Center and other sites with bad news.


Mar 21, 2008
sorry I was such a debby downer this morning.

we heard the heartbeat on the fetal doppler! I was trying to listen and could swear I heard something much faster than my own. then later I couldn't find it anymore so thought I imagined it... then DH came home and he found a spot where if he angled it one way you could hear mine and if you angled it the other way you could hear one which was much faster (though it was too faint for the doppler to pick up that it needed to count)! and if DH trusts that it's the baby's hb, so do I. yay!


Jun 25, 2007
Sorry you were worried this morning. We didn''t get to hear our baby''s heartbeat on the doppler until 14 weeks. They tried at our 10 week visit with no luck. That stunk!


Mar 21, 2008
last night before going to bed we listened again for the hb and this time it was loud enough for the doppler to pick up! it was measuring at around 145-150 bpm. of course I don''t know how accurate that is, but I''m just so happy we can hear someone is alive in there.


Nov 18, 2004
Awww....barely there bellies!
You ladies are look super cute.
Bliss, I hate to tell you this, but I doubt you'll ever be as big as a tent. You are going to be one of those hot preggo w/ the cutest little basketball belly

My sister has the same built as you, but she's alot shorter.
And she got the cutest little belly when she was preggo.
Walked out of the hospital in her pre-preggo clothes the day after she delivered.


Feb 17, 2008
I''ve been holding off on posting because of the system change (this won''t make it to PSv2), but I just wanted to say

Bliss!!! OMG, you are the cutest little thing!!!! I agree, you will have the cutest little basketball belly!!! My brother would call you a MILF!!! Hahahaha

LV!! Congrats on the u/s!!!! Sooo ecstatic for you!

Noel! Yay for the HB!!! I tried to find mine at work, with the doppler we use to find pedal pulses.... I couldn''t find anything, but it''s not disconcerting or anything. Those dopplers are OLD, and the ''listening'' area is only the size of a pencil eraser.

HOU & Lanie... so CRAZY that you two have the same doctor!!!! Such a small world!

Re: worry... I feel it all the time! I think I''ll feel much better after Tuesday (my appt to hear the HB!)

11 weeks tomorrow! I''ve got work all weekend, but I hope all the American girls have a nice holiday!!!!!


Apr 4, 2008
I''m so sorry I missed so much! I have been lying on the couch most of the time feeling nauseated beyond belief, too miserable for words. I forgot how horrid morning sickness can be and I also feel like I got hit by a double whammy because I am SO TIRED I CAN''T FUNCTION! I feel like I''ve been forced to drink gallons and gallons of Nyquil and it''s running through my veins 24/7! I sleep 12-14 hours a night and still, I wake up exhausted!!!!!
A girlfriend gave me a funny pregnancy book in which the author describes morning sickness as "progesterone poisoning!" Sounds more like it! Morning sickness sounds so benign compared to how it really feels!

OK, on to the good news!

Loves Vintage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BEAUTIFUL ULTRASOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like dancing around like a loon and throwing confetti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somethingshiny!!! Yay for feeling better!!!!!!!!!!! You look so great.

HOU!!!! Oh, how are you feeling? That''s so funny how you and Lanie are planning to deliver at St. Luke''s because I''m planning to deliver at a St. Luke''s as well! They say it has the best maternity ward/services in the city.

Hello lilyfoot! Maybe we will see you here soon!

Lanie!!! How are you doing? You''re so right! The worry never stops! Ever!

sbde!!!! What a gorgeous little baby hand with your bling! I love your avatar. I would LOVE to come over! Maybe after the first tri? Or if HOU goes first!

split_shank!!! Rest up! No more painting!
But I do looooove the color! And you look great!

Hudson_Hawk, thanks for the info on the NT scan! I''m afraid to schedule mine until we have our 7 week ultrasound! But now, thanks to you, I feel more confident about getting one. I love your NT pics!!!!!!!!!!! Gorgeous baby you got in there!

wellinism, thinking about you!!!! (hugs)

noelwr - I totally understand how you feel! I have an awesome therapist who I found after a bad breakup. I was like, "I chose that guy... I take responsibility for my poor choice in men so I want to never ever pick a dud like that again!" Well, I did some hard work on myself and examined why I picked that guy and found an AWESOME man who is now DH! She''s so awesome that I check in with her sometimes during big life events. Like this! And she said it was completely normal not to feel the bonding experience this time around because of what we went through. A lot of her clients have been through what we have experienced and it was helpful to hear that it was perfectly normal. Of course, we love the baby... but it''s different and it''s healthy to go at your own pace. Whatever you''re feeling right now is perfectly fine. (Squeeze!) YAY for your fetal doppler! Isn''t DH the best?

Lynnie!!!!! How are you doing? Ohhhh, 11 weeks tomorrow???????? You''re almost out of the first tri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

On my end, ladies... Ladies! Thank you so much for the amazingly sweet compliments!!!!!!! *blush* I was so touched and tickled by all the nice things you wrote and I will be sure to revisit them and read them over and over once my body is round or square! I wish I could say it was from dance or from working out. I think it''s just lazy genes, although I did start to work out again while TTC and I strongly believe that helped us get KTFU. I eat a lot and that has helped me keep the weight off, which sounds counter intuitive but it works! I eat good and bad things, but mostly good things! If I were to diet, I would balloon.

As it so happens, I have ballooned since last week!!! Woohoo! My waistline is definitely disappearing and I''m a bloat monster! I''ll have to take a pic! I just wish I could have a cute little belly to show I''m pregnant. Otherwise, I feel like I just look chubby. You know? Oh, I forgot how miserable morning sickness is. Eating is no longer pleasurable. It is a forced activity to fight nausea.

Some things I have found that help:
Goldfish crackers, Ginger capsules (which I open and sprinkle into hot water anytime), Preggie Pops and Ginger Ale. Any fruit juice (I drink big glasses of Pom juice first thing in the morning instead of coffee) helps. The sugar kind of jolts you out of the nausea sometimes.

Does anyone have any tips for fighting the Sleep Express? All I want to do is sleep 24 hours a day. I sleep about 12-14 hours as it is and it is NOT enough.
I don''t know what has come over me. I feel like a zombie and find I cannot function normally anymore. The sleep inertia is like laudanum! OK, I have never tried laudanum, but from how it''s described in books... it sounds pretty powerful! How are you all functioning? I can''t imagine feeling this way for another 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hear that the second tri is like the promised land! Oh, how I would love to be there eating manna and sipping Ginger Ale!

Lots of love and hugs to my preggo sisters!


Feb 17, 2008
Bliss... If you find out the cure for the Sleep Express, PLEASE let me know!!!! It''s awful, isn''t it?? I just worked a 12 hour night shift, and I''m gonna zonk out as soon as I''m done typing this. I did sit in our break room and closed my eyes for 20 minutes around 4am, but MAN!! I don''t like being this tired!! My house is a mess, and I really don''t care... too tired to clean! I hope the books are right and it lets up after the first tri.
I was really desperate one night at work, and I made myself a cup of tea (I''ve been basically cafeinne-free since the BFP), but it didn''t help AT ALL. Ugh. I wish there was a solution!!!


Mar 21, 2008
I think being nauseous all day assists in feeling tired all day. and sometimes sleep is the only form of relief so you take it willingly. I think one way to fight off the Sleep Express is to make a routine for yourself as much as you can (which is difficult for the ladies on shift work). get up at the same time every day, try to nap the same time every day (if you have that luxury) and go to sleep at the same time. I would not sleep more than 10 hrs at night because then you just get tired from sleeping too long. if you''re lucky and don''t have to go to the office, get out of the house and get some fresh air. having people around you watching you makes you really want to hide being nauseous, and also not being on your own gets your mind off the nausea. and exercising also helps give you more energy.

Bliss - thanks so much for sharing what your awesome therapist said. now I don''t feel like such an unthankful mother for being afraid to bond with my baby.

I am totally in love with listening to our baby''s hb. we do it about 2-3x a day. it is extremely addictive. we don''t think it sounds like a galloping horse but like a train. we call it "The Little Engine That Can".

so when are they finally going to update to PS 2.0?


Jan 13, 2005
Wellinsm - I have been following your posts on the TTC thread and I just wanted to say that I''m so very sorry for your loss. :*( Whether early in your pregnancy or later on, it''s never easy. I like your positive outlook about getting pregnant easily...that''s one of the things that made me feel better during my miscarriage, and sure enough, it was *almost* as easy to get pregnant again once we started trying (it was the second month of trying again, instead of the 1st month trying like my 1st pregnancy). Take good care of yourself right now...allow time and space to grieve your loss, and feel whatever you''re feeling. There are many of us here who have suffered losses as well, so feel free to ask us any questions or just vent if you need to. Here is a thread that was started a few months ago when a lot of us had MC''s around the same time....there is a lot of info there about our own experiences and the feelings that came along with them:

Big big hugs to you.

Lanie - yes, I love how laid back Dr. Bobo is too! She''s great! :) I also like that she''s fairly conservative in her management strategies, so things won''t get missed or left for later. I really have heard all good things about St. Luke''s, so I don''t think we have anything to worry about. :) That would be too fun if we were in a prenatal class together!! :) :) :)

Noel, how cool that you''re hearing the HB!!!
Now I want a doppler!! That must help so much to put your mind at ease in between ultrasounds!! Did you guys buy one, or rent one? Which one is it? Any recomendations on buying vs renting and what kind/where??

Lynnie, congrats on 11 weeks!!
RE: caffeine to help with sleepiness/sickness....I''ve been mostly caffeine free, but allowing myself some (i.e. a tea, one cup of coffee, or a soda) every now and then, and sometimes it really does wonders to perk me up or get rid of a headache or even help with a little nausea. I think anything less than 200-300mg per day is safe, from what I''ve read.

Blissie!! (heh, when I call you that it makes me think of Bessie and the Milkmaid....LOL!!) I am so sorry you feel so sick, but it''s all rather exciting at the same time! hehe!! Progesterone poisoning is no fun, but at least it means you''ve got good hormones coursing through your system helping to grow a healthy baby!! YAY!!!
I am feeling pretty good....definitely riding on the Sleepy Express with you, but not sick yet...I''ve only had little waves of nausea here and there, in addition to bloating/gas. Boobies are big and nips are exquisitely tender.


Just got home from my LAST 30 HR CALL IN THE PICU!!!
It was a pretty decent night...I slept for about 3 hrs between midnight and 3am (interrupted by several phone calls) which is good for the PICU. All i have to say is WOW do I need a nap. You know what''s funny? Had my first pregnancy worked out, I would be almost 8 mos preggo right now, and at this point, I cannot imagine having been that pregnant for this month in the PICU. WOW. I don''t know how I would have managed.

OMG, so I decided I am going to be a fit and toned mama, so I ordered Shiva Rea Prenatal Yoga and Summer Sanders Prenatal Workout DVD''s...each one has special workouts designed specifically for each trimester. Cool, right?? So I did the Summer Sanders full length 1st trimester workout night before last....and ohmygosh I am about to DIE from sore muscles. LOL. There were sooooo many squats and lunges....apparently my quads, hamstrings, and glutes are outta shape because DAAAANG I''m feelin'' the burn. You guys would laugh if you saw kidding, I can''t walk right, I can''t walk fast, and when I sit down I have to put my hands down on the seat 1st and slowly lower to avoid searing pain in my thighs. I can''t get up off the toilet without using something to push/pull up on....I need some of those silver bars on the wall to use!!! And the worst part is, Advil is off limits, and Tylenol doesn''t TOUCH this kind of pain.

I think the DVD''s will be great, but I think I need to ease in a bit more. OUCH!!

I want 2.0 to hurry up and get here!! I''ve been hesitant to post because I don''t want everything to get erased, but I got impatient and had to post today! :)

Off for naptime.....ahhhhhhhhh.


Mar 21, 2008
hi HOU - I am really impressed that you are working out! and I can't believe you are working crazy hours. even if I wasn't preggo, I wouldn't be able to do it.

regarding the fetal doppler, we bought ours off the internet. we got the Sonotrax B Professional Pocket Fetal Doppler. I don't rent stuff because I like to have my own. when you do your research, please look for one that they say is also used by doctors and be prepared to shell out more than $100. if you go for the super cheap ones, you shouldn't expect to hear a hb any earlier than a dr would (compared to his doppler). there seems to be a debate on whether a 2 MHz probe is better than a 3 MHz probe. we have the 2 MHz. and also get one that not only lets you hear it, but also has a display and will calculate the bpm.

oh, and don't spend any unnecessary money on the u/s gel. you can just use non-oil based lubricant. we found that pre-seed works fine!


Nov 25, 2008
HOU- Thanks for that link. I''ve spent some time reading through it and it has helped me already. Thanks for being so kind and thinking of me. I am already feeling better physically today as compared to yesterday, so that is a good sign as well.


Feb 20, 2008
Wellisnm--sorry about your loss. Ditto what HOU said. Even if it was early, you start feeling a bond when you see that "pregnant" or the 2 lines. I''m glad your body is dealing with it on it''s own. Good luck and you''ll be back on here in no time.

Hi girls. I''m so so so sick. I thought it was bad before but when I hit 10weeks on wed, something just sparked and I''m feeling 50 times worse. Do any of you have experience with it getting worse? I am just laying around and have been for 2 days. I had to go the the store to get more food and it made me sick being out in the heat and smelling the store. Ugh. I think this is going to be our only child.


Mar 21, 2008
Date: 5/30/2010 7:23:55 PM
Author: Lanie

I think this is going to be our only child.

that made me giggle.

I know what you're feeling. my worst week was between 7 & 8 weeks where I was throwing up every other day. then once in week 9 and now not for over a week. however, just because I'm not throwing up doesn't mean the m/s feels any less. I dry heave and gag all the time. just think... only 2 weeks and 2 days to go and we'll be done with the 1st trimester and hopefully getting some relief! almost there, just hang on!


Apr 4, 2008
Lanie and all my preggo sisters suffering from ms... I just wanted to say ME, TOO!!!! This week, I have been discussing adoption with DH and how we should think about adopting our next child. I think I''m one and done!

On another note, who have you all told so far about your pregnancy? I am so mortified that in the last week, 3 people have asked me if I''m pregnant. I''m not showing yet but either someone blabbed or it''s a weird coincidence. Two people were nice about pressing me for "news" and hinting that they knew something was up by asking if I had any "amazing new developments." The third was a colleague who knew I had a mc and said I looked green around the gills, asking if I was pregnant? I thought that was an extremely personal question to ask outright, no? Say I wasn''t pregnant and was still sensitive about the subject? People! I told him no because I still haven''t had an us to confirm everything and didn''t feel it was his business!

Do you ladies have nosy colleagues who are starting to wonder? On another note, maybe I do walk around looking green and barfalicious.


Aug 19, 2009
Bliss-I hope you feel better, and that is a SUPER personal question to ask a work colleague! I probably would not say anything, if I did say something it would be if someone pretty fit looked 8 months pregnant and it was super obvious (and even then I would only ask if it was really obvious).

I hope you're not looking barfaliscious, but if you are, I think it is fair to say that you put the "liscious" in barfaliscious:)


Nov 17, 2004
oh Bliss, you poor green mama. Hehe, one of my attendings used to tell me often that I looked green when I was going through the worst of my all-day sickness. But it was not so weird since she knew I was preggo and has had her own fairly recent episodes of pregnant puking in the operating room while taking care of other people

I''m sorry you''re feeling awful, but it is sure a sign of a healthy pregnancy and supposedly means your baby will be a genius
Mine is still here (13+2), but slowly better (though I still have some horrible moments!)

Anyone else waaaaaaaaaaay annoyed about pricescope 2.0??? I have been waiting to share about my nuchal trans scan, but don''t want to write it out only to have it disappear.


Aug 19, 2009
ice, I want to hear/see all about your NT. Just post it and save a copy of your post on your computer:) ppppllllleeeaaaassseeeee.....??????:)
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