
#JOTW It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upgrade

Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

Sooo beautiful! Wow! Congrats! :love:
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:


Just - WOW.

Haven - that could *not* be any prettier, it really couldn't. It's delicate and charming and utterly exquisite, what a captivating piece :love: And the setting you designed suits the stone perfectly!! The yellow surprise stone under the culet is an adorable little touch btw :bigsmile:

Enjoy it!! :appl: :appl:
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

I love it!! I'm glad you went with YG. It's just perfect with the warmth of the stone. Absolutely brilliant. gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!

*this ring is now added to my favs!!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

Wow Haven, your new ring is seriously stunning! It could not be any more gorgeous, seriously! I love the diamond (obviously!) and the setting is absolute perfection. Congratulations and wear it in good health!

P.S. I think I speak for everyone when I say we wouldn't mind more pictures...just saying. :cheeky:

ETA of the bands you posted, I like the simple eternity band the best. It really lets your ring shine and complements it perfectly. Or you could also do one of the JBEG eternity bands with the french cut baguettes... (I think that's what they are.)

I'm so in love with your ring!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

G :love: RGE :love: US

:appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

It's drop dead gorgeous! Love it so much. Enjoy wearing that beauty!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

I'm so glad you went with this stone Haven. It is utterly, totally gobsmackingly *gorgeous*. The cut is killer, clearly. And the soft cream color with the rose gold was an awesome choice. I adore the setting- the teensy millgrained detailing under the stone is so cool! And the surprise diamond- another fabulous touch. You did so good! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

Freaking Ah. May. Zing. The rose gold works beautifully with the warmth. It would be gorgeous with an eternity band of rose gold, pink sapphires and diamonds. I love that round and Marquis eternity band or French cut baguettes and rounds. Spectacular!!!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

Thank you so much everyone for your supportive replies! I'm so glad my PS friends love the design--you are, after all, the most discerning jewelry lovers I know. If YOU all like it, I know I done good. :cheeky:

MishB--This ring is a size 6. I technically should wear a 5.5, but I like my rings loose. This is actually a bit too loose, though. I think it's because the shank is so thin, and I'm going to give it a week before I make a decision to size it down or not.
ETA: I think a different colored stone would look awesome as a surprise under the basket. I don't know how much the color really shows through the diamond, so that would be a consideration. One of my favorite of Leon Mege's designs has a purple surprise stone set under the basket, and I think it looks amazing:

So, I've only been wearing this ring for about ten hours but I must say that I am totally and completely in love with it. My thoughts so far:

The stone. This stone is so fun to watch. She looks different every time I step into a new space. I don't see as much warmth as I had hoped and thought I would see, what I really see is CRISPNESS. I can't really explain it, and I can't get it to show in pictures, but this stone is CRISP. I am so loving this flat culet, too, I really am. Oh, she also looks a lot like the small OMCs that I have in my grandmother's ring, so I love that. Her table is small and tall, just like those little stones. Yum.

The rose gold. I was most nervous about the rose gold, and now that I have the ring I am so happy I went with it. It's a really subtle rose gold, not pink at all, which I love. It makes the ring feel antiquey, somehow.

The setting. When I first saw the actual ring I was a bit shocked because it looks so much like what I had envisioned when I drew up that crappy sketch. I knew our jeweler would come up with something beautiful, but to see a concrete, REAL representation of the image I had in my head, it was really a strange moment. I also think it is so cool that someone made this entirely by hand--the way they push the gold through ingots of increasingly smaller sizes until they have a "wire" of just the right width, that is so interesting. I like that our jeweler created the entire rose gold part out of one piece of gold, I think that really helps with the flow of the ring. I love the tiny milgraining, and the little surprise stone in the bottom is like the icing on the cake for me. I think it's so special that he thought to put that little diamond in there. (AND, the setting turned out to cost significantly less than he originally thought it would, so that was an additional piece of awesome today, too.)

Oh, and one thing I really like is that the stone is SORTA set east-west. She's a teensy bit longer on one side, and so the effect is this small east-west action that I really like. I don't think it shows in the photos, though.

I'm going to take many more pictures tomorrow. I wish I had more skills in that department, to be honest, but I'm sure I'll just continue to post a huge quantity and hope that something ends up looking okay.

I really love the input about the bands. I agree that a simple, thin eternity OR a simple plain band will be best. I'm thinking I'll end up with a few different thin bands so I can play around with different looks. I really like the idea of a very thin twisted rope band, too, probably rose gold, as well. We shall see--I plan on having lots of fun trying on different options and taking more pictures. :bigsmile:

Thanks so much for sharing in all of my excitement over this new ring, everyone! I'm so happy to have something jewelry related to contribute to PS--it's been a long time!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

tyty333|1301696988|2885531 said:
It is lovely Haven...that dreamy buttery warm color that I just love. You seem like the nicest person and you deserve
the ring of your dreams.
Congratulations and job well done by your jeweller!
tyty--This is so nice of you to say, thank you. 8)
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

:o I just fainted and fell off my chair...I'll pull myself together and come back for comments later...
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

This is my favourite ring on PS! Seriously... the rose gold (I really love the softer 18K), the milgrain, the thin shank...... ahhhh it's BEAUTIFUL!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

Ok, I've already saved these images in my favourites folder.

I think this is a stunning design for a solitaire, don't be surprised if someone copies it (sadly it won't be me!)

Simply gorgeous faceting on the stone too.

I can't fault this ring.

10/10 haven, enjoy it!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

I love the stone and the setting. Pure perfection!!!!!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg


That is all.

Except, can I just mention how much I completely adore the profile? And the rose gold? And the milgrain?


Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

There's really nothing I can add, your ring really is pure perfection. I think it's possibly the prettiest setting I've ever seen. Do you have a future in jewelry design?!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

Haven, it is delicious!! I love the setting and I am in awe that you designed it. That makes it so much more meaningful to me (seeing as I can't draw a stick figure!)'s truly divine!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

Absolutely the prettiest ring I've ever seen!!! So feminine and delicate!! :love: Love, love the stone!

Excellent design. Congratulations! :appl:

Enjoy your new ring!

Cachette :))
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

Gorgeous :love: im so glad its on your hand, Haven, i followed your thread about it :wavey:
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

Haven - I sent DH to this thread and he gawked over your stone, and he doesn't care one bit about jewellery on the best of days!

It really is a beauty. As if you don't already know that ::) I can definitely see culet reflections in your angle pics, so I would imagine the yellow suprise is having quite a bit of effect!

And under budget, too - that is a very nice surprise indeed 8)
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

Egads, Haven! It's stunning!!!! :love: :love: :love: I love the surprise diamonds, especially the yellow one. Your jeweler did a great job! What a fantastic piece!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

NewEnglandLady|1301696857|2885529 said:
Oh wow. Wowee wow wow. Haven, it's absolutely stunning. That stone is hypnotizing. The pattern is amazing. And I am loving everything about the design of the setting: the rose gold, the subtle milgrain, how fluid it looks, the way it really makes the stone the center of attention while also being beautiful itself. You, my friend, may have missed your calling as a jewelry designer. Please wear it in good health and ENJOY!

ETA: I have to admit that this is one of my favorite things about PS--watching the journey of a piece like this from the creator's head, to paper and finally into reality--it's really fun to watch it all come together, especially when it turns out this beautifully!
DITTO! This is almost exactly what I wanted to say. Additionally: this is one of the most stunning rings I've EVER seen around here ... or ... just EVER. :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something: (That's my envy showing it's ugly self. :tongue: )

ETA: The East/West shows in pictures! It DOES! It was one of the first things I noticed and I ADORE ADORE ADORE it. My previous fave cushion around here was slightly east/west ... (that one was about an "M" in color I think ... but yours WINS!!!!)
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

LADIES! You are all so wonderful to come in here and say such nice things about my ring!

Can I just say how amazing it is to hear such nice things from all of you? And, I see so many of you giving wonderful expert advice to others about settings, so the fact that you like my ring is really heart-warming. THANK YOU!

So, I tried to get some more decent pictures today. It's so frustrating to lack photography skills when I really want to share this stone with everyone. I'm going to see if I can get some decent video, that might be better. Anyway, more pictures!

I like the way you can really see her shape here:
Some outside shots. The rose gold looks pretty true to life in these pictures:
Fire! I love the way rings look in a black velvet ring box, I really do.
I really love the profile of this ring.
Looooook into my facets . . . you are getting blingy . . .
This is what I see when I look down at my hand:
I like the way the camera lens looks like my little ellie's eye here:
Some more attempts at photos indoors:

If you managed to make it through all that--thanks for looking! You are a very patient person! :cheeky:
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

The stone and the facets are mesmerizing - beautiful!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

I don't think it would be safe for me to have a stone this gorgeous - I'd run into people, cars, sides of buildings, because i wouldn't be able to stop starring at it! So awesome. Just awesome.
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

I love it Haven! I love the soft rose color, and the stone is gorgeous. I'm really happy that you love it so much.
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

I'm sitting here trying to come up with the words to describe how I feel about your ring. I'm going to give up now. The best I can come up with is:

Holy S**t!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :appl: :love: :love: :love: :cheeky: :twirl: :twirl:

I think that about does it.

Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

That is one beautiful ring! I loved your old set, but this one is gorgeous. The rose gold is so pretty and the stone is amazing!
Re: It's Here! It's Here! My 2.30 ct OMB Antique Cushion Upg

The new pictures are TO DIE FOR! Love love love your ring! And I also noticed it was E/W right away-I meant to say that before! LOVE IT. Have I mentioned that yet? :cheeky: