
Intermittent fasting


Feb 2, 2011
I’m wondering if anyone else is trying this? I decided to give it a go and am on day 3. Wondering what your experience has been like if you tried it or are doing it as a life style change.

I’ve put on some weight - mostly belly fat - after menopause. Not a lot of weight but enough that my clothes are tight and getting tighter. That combined with a back injury and suffering the pain/tension cycle makes it hard to exercise like I used to. My hot flashes and pain cause sleeplessness which makes my cravings go thru the roof. So, after careful consideration I’m giving 18:8 fasting a go.

I’ve suffered from hypoglycaemia most of my life but it has settled down in menopause, or I’m not sure I would attempt this. Currently I’m fasting between 6 pm and 10 am, sometimes 7 pm to 11 am if supper runs late. For a fairly slender gal who is used to snacking whenever it’s needed, this is a big change. I do find my cravings have settled down considerably and I eat with more focus and appreciation. I always did, but that’s kicked up a notch.

I do get hungry in the morning. Drinking lots of herbal tea and so far no headaches although some mild grumpiness during the fast phase. I still am not getting enough sleep and mild grumpiness is my normal, so hard to say it’s the fasting. Strangely my energy level seems fine, and I’m not feeling confused or light headed. That’s a big surprise.

I’d love to hear from others that are doing this as well!
Me!! Me!! Me!! I started Friday and was down 6 pounds as of yesterday.

With my stress fracture and my knee, I don’t have the luxury of time. So I have to maximize my weight loss, even if it’s water weight.

I read the obesity code by Jason Fung (he has you tube videos) several months ago and it’s all about suppressing insulin. So on Thursday when the doc said I had to lose weight for the surgery and the rehab (need total knee replacement), plus it would reduce my pain levels, I thought all Thursday about what method to do.

I decided to calculate my basal metabolic rate (BMR) which for those who don’t know is the amount of calories your body burns at rest just existing (which is exactly what I am doing right now, elevating my leg and resting it).

It was about 1970 calories, so I decided to make my daily calories 1500.

I deviated from Fung’s approach a bit because he says don’t count calories, just eat normally. But because I’m in a spot right now, I decided to count calories to get more feedback.

I put myself on an 18:6 schedule of IF, which is fast for 18 hours and then eat all your calories in a 6 hour window. Fasting burns up your glucose stores and without glucose, your body will burn fat.

A beginner schedule would be 12:12 then 16:8, then 18:6, then 20:4 etc

I may have sort of made up my own rules here, but it’s working so far.

From what I can tell, during those 6 hours, I can either eat two meals or even graze all 6 hours.

The amounts of weight the people on the FB page are lose is incredible.
I've lost enough weight to be able to wear my really old but beautiful fancy clothes. I did make an effort to reduce carbs though, but otherwise, 16-8 schedule.
Intermittent fasting? Isn't that just called 'sleeping'? :D lol

I decided to calculate my basal metabolic rate (BMR) which for those who don’t know is the amount of calories your body burns at rest just existing (which is exactly what I am doing right now, elevating my leg and resting it).
Is there an easy guide to doing this??

I've always wondered what mine might be!

Fasting burns up your glucose stores and without glucose, your body will burn fat.
I have always wondered how much muscle your body 'eats' as well - and that is hard to gain so I always try to maintain protein intake, even if cutting out the crap! lol
I meant to say 16:8 fasting!

So happy to read of others doing this!

I started in July and I have dropped 80 lbs. doing mostly 16:8. I recently joined Jason Fung's FB group. Tons of info there and they post a fasting challenge every week for beginners, intermediate, and advanced so you don't even have to figure out a fasting schedule if you don't want to and can follow one of theirs.

Have you figured out the whys and how of when they turn off replies?
@OoohShiny The ration 16:8 has fasting hours first, "eating" hours second. Pretty sure no one sleeps for 16 hours unless they are quite ill, or a cat.

I have practiced intermittent fasting for years. It wasn't a "diet" nor was there really a name for it that I ever knew of. It works! I've stayed pretty slim my entire life, but when the weight creeps up because I'm stress-eating and/or consuming more calories, I have to make amendments. Last week I started cutting calories in the 8 hour window in which I eat, PLUS began walking 5+ miles/day. 9 lbs down so far. That's the Big Shock weight loss week, so going forward I'll probably drop 3-4 lbs a week. In June I'll slow down on the walks and add in weights again.

Food=all fruits and veggies, very little grains, some legumes, beans, power bars, almond milk, oil/vinegar dressings.
Have you figured out the whys and how of when they turn off replies?
Mostly if there are too many product endorsements, too many pics uploaded, or someone gets out-of-line.
I have always wondered how much muscle your body 'eats' as well - and that is hard to gain so I always try to maintain protein intake, even if cutting out the crap!

It's a myth that one loses muscle when dieting or fasting. It's also not optimum for some people to eat a lot of protein in an attempt to build/maintain muscle. The, Fung's books and the FB group mentioned earlier contain information explaining all of this if you're interested. It was and still is an eye and mind opening journey for me.
Can you drink coffee or tea during the fasting hours?
Can you drink coffee or tea during the fasting hours?
Yes, you can even add a little cream or milk if you don't like them plain but it's best to drink them without.
Yes, you can even add a little cream or milk if you don't like them plain but it's best to drink them without.
Ty! It sounds like you have really been successful! Do you think it’s just a matter of getting used to or are there special tips for not going hungry between the fasting hours. Also, do you find that you eat whatever you want or are you eating a healthy balanced diet?
It sounds like you have really been successful! Fasting has changed my life. If only I had known about it years ago, it would have saved me from a lifetime of yo yo dieting. Do you think it’s just a matter of getting used to or are there special tips for not going hungry between the fasting hours. There are a number of techniques such as eating high fat foods the day before a fast, cutting carbs for a week or two prior to a fast. There is a ton of info at and in Jason Fung's books as well as Fung's FB group. Also, do you find that you eat whatever you want or are you eating a healthy balanced diet? I started eating what I wanted and my body rather quickly decided it wanted a cleaner diet. I'm low carb, getting all I need from veggies, fruits, the occasional sweet potato, no longer desire sugar laden and bad fat foods, get all my fats from oils/avocado/nuts, etc. Fasting also diminished my taste for alcohol. I used to look forward to girls' night out for dinner and cocktails but now rarely have a drink. A lot of people combine paleo or keto with fasting. I do a dirty keto whereby I occasionally eat bad carbs and other non keto foods but try to adhere to the healthier side of things.
I have done it since high school (eons ago, lol). I eat one large meal a day and rarely snack. I am only a few pounds more than when I graduated high school so it works. I don't get hungry. In fact if I go to lunch with a friend and end up eating 2 meals in a day, I really feel terrible. People have always told me that this is bad for me but I go with what makes me feel best. I am glad others are starting to see the benefits.
I do not usually lunch. Does this count? It has become a habit in school & that was ages ago... For blood suggar revolt there is dark chocolate which is sort of magic; putting suggar in coffee might be similar, but I can't stand it (teinted expresso!)
AV - others more knowledgeable than I can chime in but if you eat breakfast and go without lunch and eat dinner, it may not be the same thing unless you go for a long period of time after dinner to breakfast. Perhaps you do?
I started just after Christmas doing 16:8, and now do 18:6 (most days). I usually eat from 2-8pm, but on days I'm working it's 12-7/8pm because my breaks dictate the only chances I get to eat. I don't eat bread, potatoes or pasta, as I find I really don't feel like heavy stuff anymore. I really need much less food now, so I tend to fill up fairly quickly on rice cakes, greek yoghurt, fruit, veggies, small serves of meat, and a daily hit of 90% cocoa dark chocolate. I only drink water during my fast as I'm not a huge fan of herbal tea. I don't weigh myself so have no idea how much I've lost, but I've dropped 2 clothing sizes and just generally feel better...more energy, not sleepy during the day, and never feel over full.
I just looked it up online and there are plenty of calculators. You have to enter some very basic info.

Mine was 1317.
Thanks for the link!

I'm sure there's a lot of simplification in that, and one really needs to take account of muscle mass / body fat percentages, but it's a useful tool :)

I'm quite pleased - my BMR is apparently a bit over 1800 :D lol

Even if I am super-sedentary (which I am, thanks to my commute and my job :( ), that means I'm still good for 2160 calories a day, according to the equation thing :D
Thanks for the link!

I'm sure there's a lot of simplification in that, and one really needs to take account of muscle mass / body fat percentages, but it's a useful tool :)

I'm quite pleased - my BMR is apparently a bit over 1800 :D lol

Even if I am super-sedentary (which I am, thanks to my commute and my job :( ), that means I'm still good for 2160 calories a day, according to the equation thing :D

Mine works out to 1,580 calories to maintain. Dang it. Guess I'll have to stop eating potato chips and jelly beans, if I want to lose a few pounds. Just kidding...kinda. :shifty:

ETA: My DH is good for 2,800 calories a day (to maintain). Do you think he could switch with me? :lol-2:
I tried IF and I didn’t lose any weight.

I want to get the jist. You guys are doing IF, but you also made dietary changes, correct? Is it possible that the dietary changes are the cause for the weight loss and not the IF? I recently saw a study that stated that IF is not effective. Now I’m seeing your results and I’m feeling confused.

I guess what I’m saying is that if you had a high carb diet and you eliminated carbs, you will see weight loss. If you had a very unhealthy diet and then started eating much better, you will see weight loss. Is there a reason why you feel IF is the catalyst for your weight loss?

I am asking because I’m really intrigued by all of your stories and would like to lose weight too. I have some weight that has hung on for five years now and no matter what I do, it won’t go away. Maybe IF is the answer. Maybe I didn’t stick with it long enough or do it right when I tried it before.
When I started, I did 16:8 with no exercise and no change in diet. I saw results but it was slow.

After a few weeks, I added exercise but no change in diet. Weight didn’t move, which isn’t surprising because I was building muscle mass.

Removed most but not all carbs a few weeks after 1 and 2 and the scale is moving again, I’ve lost a full ring size and dress size too. I still eat the occasional junk food, ice cream, late dinner, etc. Total loss is 15 lbs. My goal is another 10 lbs.
I do IF!!!! I have lost 16 pounds!!!!!

I am doing the 5:2 to be precise and it REALLY works for me! Has been about a year and a few months now. Have not gained any weight back.

My only disclaimer is that I walk 15000 steps a day, every day along with my 5:2 eating plan. I am pretty flexible on my non fasting days though. For example I have just polished off a slice of tiramisu cake for dessert.

Honestly though going by what I eat on my days off I would probably not lose any weight if I didn't walk 15,000 steps a day. However having said that IF has shrunk my stomach severely. Like severely. I can only eat little serves of things even though my appetite wants to eat more. I went to a buffet, pigged out and felt so much physical pain it was no joke.

I eat whatever I want on my days off but I feel like I get very full on very little food. For example today is my day off. To make room for dessert tonight all I had for dinner was one pork chop and a bowl of stir fried greens. Anymore than that and I won't be able to fit in the cake.

If I go out with the boys and have a big pub meal (say big chicken schnitty and chips) I cannot eat dinner. Like I am still stuffed by dinnertime so I have to skip it even though I want dinner.
You are so right about the stomach feeling full very quickly! That probably stops us from over eating. It’s like we had the stomach surgery?
You are so right about the stomach feeling full very quickly! That probably stops us from over eating. It’s like we had the stomach surgery?

Yes!!!! I often have great plans to eat this and that on my days off but after a normal sized lunch I am too full to follow through with eating for the rest of the day.
@House Cat, IF didn't work for me either but I also have PCOS so unless I am strict Paleo with two dedicated hours at the gym daily my weight will not move.

I also tried OMAD (One Meal a day) really liked it, I was drinking water all day and a little black coffee and then dinner. I ate whatever the family was eating (relatively healthy but with carbs included). My weight did not budge so despite feeling great while doing it and having increased energy, I had to stop. I've also read that long term OMAD can adversely affect cholesterol and blood pressure.

I'm betting if I cut the carbs out and did IF it would probably be a different scenario weight-wise but a worsening outcome with blood pressure isn't something I can take a chance on.
No weight loss yet but here’s what I can tell you...

I find that my diet has adjusted somewhat. I no longer have that large window of time to snack all day, so I attempt to make my calories count (always did but even more so now). I get really hungry toward the end of the fast so I’m learning to resist the urge to eat too quickly and too much, cuz I too have stomach shrinkage and can feel overstuffed quickly.

I find my cravings are significantly reduced and that alone will help with some weight loss as I’m not snacking on sweets and treats throughout the day. We’ll see tho. I also have a persistent 5 pounds to lose (waist, thigh and butt area).

Also thank you for the tip about Jason Fung. Had no clue. Will check him out later!
I've been doing 16:8 since childhood as I didn't get breakfast in the mornings as a kid. Sometimes it works out to 18:6 depending on how my day is going. My husband will make a nice breakfast on Sundays once or twice a month, which we really enjoy, but a funny thing happens to me! I'm ravenous the rest of the day! :sick: It's like my engines start up early and I can't keep them satisfied all day until I get back on my schedule on Monday.

So many people are sensitive to carbs, but I am not. My husband decides he wants to lose weight and will cut out carbs for a month and drop 10-12 lbs without even trying. I tried the Atkins diet few years ago and gained 8 lbs in 2 weeks. :???: But I can eat complex carbs all day and not gain weight. I've been vegan for 2 years now, and that was the greatest natural weight loss I've ever successfully completed, and maintained. Funny thing is, I didn't even have weight loss in mind when I decided to stop eating all animals and their byproducts, but I dropped 30 lbs in 3 months SOOO easily!! I also went off my BP meds in the first month. That was a delightful bonus to my decision to stop supporting the torture and abuse that is agricultural farming.
Is there a reason why you feel IF is the catalyst for your weight loss?

Well for one thing, it's what I did to lose 80 lbs. I didn't start IF to lose weight although I was hoping that would happen. I started it because I was intrigued by the other health benefits associated with fasting such as autophagy -- the process whereby cells repair themselves. There is evidence that autophagy improves metabolic function, reduces risk of neurodegenerative diseases, assists in fighting infectious diseases, and improves muscle performance among other things.

If you want answers to your questions about this WOE (way of eating) you have to read The Obesity Code and The Complete Guide to Fasting. Explore and also. Weight is the product of insulin resistance; hunger is the product of hormone activity. Understanding how these 2 processes work and their effects on one's body is crucial. Understanding how foods affect weight and hunger is crucial.

The most important thing to know is that there is no panacea that works for everyone. When one begins this WOE, one has to learn to identify the factors causing weight gain and retention and then find which tools work best to permanently change the situation. Some are successful with IF, some with EF (extended fasts), some combine keto or paleo with a fasting protocol.