
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Sometimes I think there’s something wrong with me. I’d rather stay home than go to a big fancy gala where we get dressed up and dance. I love dancing. I don’t like crowds though and I sort of wish I could just stay home tomorrow evening. I’m such a stick in the freakin mud sometimes. This weather makes me want to hibernate though. ::)
I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about! This weather does make me sluggish...I saw a funny cartoon recently that showed someone getting a phone call that the party they were going to that evening got cancelled. They were so happy..jumping up and down...That’s me...I used to go to a lot of black tie affairs for my husband’s job. I got to the point where I retired from having to go...Fortunately some of the other wives felt the same way and would occasionally skip them. I had a great out using my son as an excuse not to go..Now I NEVER go..I don’t like crowds either..hate the mall during the holidays, etc.
Nothing wrong with you! I feel that way too. Even if it is something I know I always enjoy, it is just so nice to be home snuggled with the cats & dogs.

I know EXACTLY what you’re talking about! This weather does make me sluggish...I saw a funny cartoon recently that showed someone getting a phone call that the party they were going to that evening got cancelled. They were so happy..jumping up and down...That’s me...I used to go to a lot of black tie affairs for my husband’s job. I got to the point where I retired from having to go...Fortunately some of the other wives felt the same way and would occasionally skip them. I had a great out using my son as an excuse not to go..Now I NEVER go..I don’t like crowds either..hate the mall during the holidays, etc.

Thanks @TooPatient and @Mamabean. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in how I am feeling. To make matters worse the people they seat us with are usually all strangers and well suffice it to say they are not the warmest bunch lol. But we will see. Generally we have a nice time and we enjoy dancing so that’s something. But I swear if given the choice I’d choose staying home in a heartbeat. Especially on a snowy cold night as is predicted tomorrow evening.

I’m a homebody through and through.
Thanks @TooPatient and @Mamabean. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in how I am feeling. To make matters worse the people they seat us with are usually all strangers and well suffice it to say they are not the warmest bunch lol. But we will see. Generally we have a nice time and we enjoy dancing so that’s something. But I swear if given the choice I’d choose staying home in a heartbeat. Especially on a snowy cold night as is predicted tomorrow evening.

I’m a homebody through and through.
Me too..I like my body at home..:lol:
I HAVE LIPS!! Woo hooooo. Did lip, cheek, and marionette line fillers yesterday for the first time. Today I bought 2 new lipsticks because I NOW HAVE LIPS!
Next up -- PicoSure laser treatment on face to even out skin tone, refine pores, diminish wrinkles. Accidentally stumbled on info about PicoSure when I was searching for laser treatments with minimal down time. PicoSure has no down time. I can't wait to try it.
I HAVE LIPS!! Woo hooooo. Did lip, cheek, and marionette line fillers yesterday for the first time. Today I bought 2 new lipsticks because I NOW HAVE LIPS!
Next up -- PicoSure laser treatment on face to even out skin tone, refine pores, diminish wrinkles. Accidentally stumbled on info about PicoSure when I was searching for laser treatments with minimal down time. PicoSure has no down time. I can't wait to try it.
What did they use? I have a permanent crease between my eyebrows..At this point in time Botox wouldn’t work..It’s too deep. How safe are those fillers?
@Mamabean, she used Juvederm Voluma (which has been known to last for 2 years so I'm hoping mine lasts that long). The risks include allergic reaction, swelling, bruising, bumps under the skin that could be permanent, blindness. Risks are dependent on the type of filler used. The skill and experience of the injector is also crucial. There's a ton of info available on line. I have two small bruises. The swelling in my lips was gone by this morning. I made sure to ice my face several times yesterday and I also took Arnica for a week prior. Arnica is supposed to reduce bruising and swelling. I don't know if I'm lucky or if the arnica helped.

I've considered Botox for forehead and frown lines but the idea of using a paralytic scares me, that's why I'm considering the PicoSure.
Sometimes I think there’s something wrong with me. I’d rather stay home than go to a big fancy gala where we get dressed up and dance. I love dancing. I don’t like crowds though and I sort of wish I could just stay home tomorrow evening. I’m such a stick in the freakin mud sometimes. This weather makes me want to hibernate though. ::)

I feel the same way. I hate crowds and do much better in small, intimate gatherings. My DH is my match made in heaven because he hates crowds too.
Nonetheless, sometimes after a major event I was dreading, I end up having had a wonderful time. I hope you have a nice time tonight! =)2
@Mamabean, she used Juvederm Voluma (which has been known to last for 2 years so I'm hoping mine lasts that long). The risks include allergic reaction, swelling, bruising, bumps under the skin that could be permanent, blindness. Risks are dependent on the type of filler used. The skill and experience of the injector is also crucial. There's a ton of info available on line. I have two small bruises. The swelling in my lips was gone by this morning. I made sure to ice my face several times yesterday and I also took Arnica for a week prior. Arnica is supposed to reduce bruising and swelling. I don't know if I'm lucky or if the arnica helped.
I've considered Botox for forehead and frown lines but the idea of using a paralytic scares me, that's why I'm considering the PicoSure.
I’m too scared to do it because it’s too close to the eyes...Darn..
I feel the same way. I hate crowds and do much better in small, intimate gatherings. My DH is my match made in heaven because he hates crowds too.
Nonetheless, sometimes after a major event I was dreading, I end up having had a wonderful time. I hope you have a nice time tonight! =)2

Thank you @Sandeek! Yes I am good with smaller intimate groups. I hate small talk. Greg generally loves parties and can chat with anyone. He really has a gift that way and I am his complete opposite here lol. But he is on the same page as me with these particular work galas. The powers that be go out of their way to seat people with people they do not know to force mingling however the reason it doesn't work out is because many (dare I say the majority lol) of his colleagues are challenging to chat with and are not super personable. I am not exaggerating.:snore: And it is too bad because I love the colleagues in his group and in fact we have entertained them at our beach house we like them so much. At least we get to mingle with them during the cocktail hour so that is something. :appl:

But we will be together and fingers crossed we have a decent evening. And I am hoping for live music this time and not just during cocktail hour. Last time they had a DJ at the dinner part and it was not good music.o_O

@Matata good luck. You are a brave woman. I cannot even color my hair these days for fear of my body rebelling against it. Looking forward to hearing of more good results for you. am I TIRED! On Sunday night, my original cutting table collapsed. MDF is not that sturdy. Monday I had my materials (well most of them). I spent hours each night working on this table. Most of today was spent making the legs and shelf (like 6hrs finishing this beast). All I have left to do is mod podge the inside some funky color or something and maybe another skinny shelf. But those things will be MUCH later. Here's the finished project! It's now full and in my house :)

ZXpQpUPqKVcGi_k5_mtNupzLD8jV7LrMPBy_c8kdEHQywdE57I4ORJGJFAfChSe_WhNEpkNs5aKkzF9q6lUclqQ2yRcbPpZbo4l54LxIzWr3XeniGjne50XHaHxOc3mpRQU-qgHqKouiHgGmgAi8kEv16uz18bZQbNxUV_5E22Gvxw6UD70LloSLA3l49JAC8oqq4kz4Aoh0SoRrKM954PEjP1b2RSD3Bxz3dKX9XCHuBrEhRPFa6guaJW941ChctlBZw6ADfRiqs_hGZhkLZXS9tYeO4uvxAAzSWcacfg2_LVjl8YFpIOgx3OJSDjcjOyd6-ykEvoZBVoxcFK27Y6c41gvVahAep0-UPKK3Et7IUdeVnm5m80Opw8wOVvlvshGABE3X-CtIx1z-WKRcgTBR1Ru7R-EJc_OlQo48CRcwsAJUEY8hNsb-uUv2wowoCethcVe0EUQOmwKD3H0YLhhdna_8rZH-iYA5gmrSC6YHpgK_DbmhN5SyoUQg2Oqz4sSL6qYgqpVsYi68SqwKAiOZSJHZiBMDxsPNxkZTYF0U-2rlN5r1XtHXYrFheu15_Qc39SYfNVauewLCMv-4bgq1UpPnIle1AAfczqaqXSqjCY4ULTzg4QeW6p4Gv2o5nT6LxwTIgTOXtm2fZ3j3mMZlVt7qYtU=w549-h972-no am I TIRED! On Sunday night, my original cutting table collapsed. MDF is not that sturdy. Monday I had my materials (well most of them). I spent hours each night working on this table. Most of today was spent making the legs and shelf (like 6hrs finishing this beast). All I have left to do is mod podge the inside some funky color or something and maybe another skinny shelf. But those things will be MUCH later. Here's the finished project! It's now full and in my house :)

Great job! I did furniture refinishing when I was younger..but never built anything! am I TIRED! On Sunday night, my original cutting table collapsed. MDF is not that sturdy. Monday I had my materials (well most of them). I spent hours each night working on this table. Most of today was spent making the legs and shelf (like 6hrs finishing this beast). All I have left to do is mod podge the inside some funky color or something and maybe another skinny shelf. But those things will be MUCH later. Here's the finished project! It's now full and in my house :)


Had a wonderful time this evening. Met some amazing and special people and we had a blast. So glad we went.
Thanks @Sandeek and @TooPatient and @Mamabean for your encouragement.

Had a wonderful time this evening. Met some amazing and special people and we had a blast. So glad we went.
Thanks @Sandeek and @TooPatient and @Mamabean for your encouragement.


I need a ‘Love’ button option for you and your hubby’s picture.
What a fabulous picture of a beautiful and loving couple. Love your dress! (Was it chilly with a sleeveless?) You look so elegant!
Thrilled that you enjoyed yourselves! Thank you for sharing! :kiss2:
I need a ‘Love’ button option for you and your hubby’s picture.
What a fabulous picture of a beautiful and loving couple. Love your dress! (Was it chilly with a sleeveless?) You look so elegant!
Thrilled that you enjoyed yourselves! Thank you for sharing! :kiss2:

You both look amazing and so happy. So glad you enjoyed yourself!

Thank you @Sandeek and @TooPatient!
@Sandeek, I feel the love so no love button necessary though I have often wished there was a love button option too.:bigsmile:
Had a wonderful time this evening. Met some amazing and special people and we had a blast. So glad we went.
Thanks @Sandeek and @TooPatient and @Mamabean for your encouragement.

I’m sooooooo happy you had a great time! You both look fabulous! The dress looks gorgeous on you @missy!
I’m sooooooo happy you had a great time! You both look fabulous! The dress looks gorgeous on you @missy!

Aww thank you sweet Mamabean. I searched high and low for a dress that was NOT black but of course nothing materialized. I swear next time I am finding a dress that is not black!
Aww thank you sweet Mamabean. I searched high and low for a dress that was NOT black but of course nothing materialized. I swear next time I am finding a dress that is not black!
What color would you have wanted? I think it looked so elegant on you...I remember going to galas and if you wore a color you just stood out because EVERYONE was wearing black..I wore a midnight blue to one and I loved it..The best time to find a dress is when you’re not needing it right away..
I’m so happy I’m not going to them anymore..but I did love when they had them in a museum or art gallery...I think that dinosaur was checking out Bubbalah when you had your arm around your hubby! :mrgreen2:
What color would you have wanted? I think it looked so elegant on you...I remember going to galas and if you wore a color you just stood out because EVERYONE was wearing black..I wore a midnight blue to one and I loved it..The best time to find a dress is when you’re not needing it right away..
I’m so happy I’m not going to them anymore..but I did love when they had them in a museum or art gallery...I think that dinosaur was checking out Bubbalah when you had your arm around your hubby! :mrgreen2:

Hahaha yes I thought that was dinosaur drool I felt on my arm :lol:

My favorite color is blue. All shades of blue. My wedding color was blue. And my preference is always blue. But as you wrote almost any color I look OK in I would have been happy with but there are so many more choices for elegant gowns in black it seems. I have succeeded in the past in finding non black elegant evening wear but not in the last few years. Next time.
Hahaha yes I thought that was dinosaur drool I felt on my arm :lol:

My favorite color is blue. All shades of blue. My wedding color was blue. And my preference is always blue. But as you wrote almost any color I look OK in I would have been happy with but there are so many more choices for elegant gowns in black it seems. I have succeeded in the past in finding non black elegant evening wear but not in the last few years. Next time.
:lol: “dinosaur drool”!
Warning: Pity party ahead

So, its a long story. Started last year maybe before may remember that my hubs bought a Louis Vuitton bracelet was for valentines/birthday. Long story, too thin/dainty, not something I had EVER asked for or hinted at wanting, had to be returned after much anxiety/tears on my end. Fast forward, Christmas time, he asks what I want. So I send him an email. The thing I want (fancy hand made quilting hoop) is pricey (like $200) and I said in my email, that was the only thing I wanted, but was fine if I didn't get anything (or even just a here's $50 toward your thing). Christmas morning, nothing under the tree (ok, wasn't really expecting anything), kids all open presents, he turns to me kind of snarky well you're thing won't be here for like months, I hope you're happy. WTF So I'm both super excited because he actually ordered what I wanted, but super upset because why the hell the snarky comment? Later on he says that's for your birthday, valentines, and basically everything for the year. I speak up because he had JUST spent a lot more on a gun and watch for himself. I remind him of my SHITTY 40th birthday last year. Fast forward again to this week. He buys me a mug off Amazon for my birthday (which was yesterday), super cute, right? Until he says to me later last night that he hopes I'm happy that he got me a present and essentially he bought it so I wouldn't be mad at him. WTF again. He has no problem buying something for a co-worker because it made him think of them, but apparently not me. Yesterday I get to hear the crap from several middle schoolers about how old I am (were you there w/the dinosaurs, how many times have you seen Jupiter orbit the sun, etc). This is typical crap, and most days I can deal with it. This morning really set me off. We're doing spirit week at school. I'm dressed in 50s garb and try to pin my hair back on one side w/a flower. I've spent quite a bit of time getting ready. I come out, and I get the comment that some styles shouldn't be brought back. I am just so hurt. He doesn't comment about how I look (good or bad typically) and then to say this. I don't feel supported, I feel knocked down on a regular basis. Lots of things are said sarcastically and this has always been the case, we have bantered back and forth forever, however I feel that it's been getting worse and worse.

Sorry this is long, but today has just sucked. I cried on the way to work today and crying again. This just sucks.
Warning: Pity party ahead

So, its a long story. Started last year maybe before may remember that my hubs bought a Louis Vuitton bracelet was for valentines/birthday. Long story, too thin/dainty, not something I had EVER asked for or hinted at wanting, had to be returned after much anxiety/tears on my end. Fast forward, Christmas time, he asks what I want. So I send him an email. The thing I want (fancy hand made quilting hoop) is pricey (like $200) and I said in my email, that was the only thing I wanted, but was fine if I didn't get anything (or even just a here's $50 toward your thing). Christmas morning, nothing under the tree (ok, wasn't really expecting anything), kids all open presents, he turns to me kind of snarky well you're thing won't be here for like months, I hope you're happy. WTF So I'm both super excited because he actually ordered what I wanted, but super upset because why the hell the snarky comment? Later on he says that's for your birthday, valentines, and basically everything for the year. I speak up because he had JUST spent a lot more on a gun and watch for himself. I remind him of my SHITTY 40th birthday last year. Fast forward again to this week. He buys me a mug off Amazon for my birthday (which was yesterday), super cute, right? Until he says to me later last night that he hopes I'm happy that he got me a present and essentially he bought it so I wouldn't be mad at him. WTF again. He has no problem buying something for a co-worker because it made him think of them, but apparently not me. Yesterday I get to hear the crap from several middle schoolers about how old I am (were you there w/the dinosaurs, how many times have you seen Jupiter orbit the sun, etc). This is typical crap, and most days I can deal with it. This morning really set me off. We're doing spirit week at school. I'm dressed in 50s garb and try to pin my hair back on one side w/a flower. I've spent quite a bit of time getting ready. I come out, and I get the comment that some styles shouldn't be brought back. I am just so hurt. He doesn't comment about how I look (good or bad typically) and then to say this. I don't feel supported, I feel knocked down on a regular basis. Lots of things are said sarcastically and this has always been the case, we have bantered back and forth forever, however I feel that it's been getting worse and worse.

Sorry this is long, but today has just sucked. I cried on the way to work today and crying again. This just sucks.

Cozy, I am so sorry. I remember that bracelet and return and so much disappointment after that. How horrible he treated you that way for your birthday. Same old him, but that doesn't make it easier to take.

I also hate those old person "jokes" people make. Not funny and can definitely hurt.

Your spirit week outfit was probably awesome. I love the flower pinned in one side look and wish my hair would hold one for events like that. I hope everyone at school appreciated how great you looked!
Warning: Pity party ahead

So, its a long story. Started last year maybe before may remember that my hubs bought a Louis Vuitton bracelet was for valentines/birthday. Long story, too thin/dainty, not something I had EVER asked for or hinted at wanting, had to be returned after much anxiety/tears on my end. Fast forward, Christmas time, he asks what I want. So I send him an email. The thing I want (fancy hand made quilting hoop) is pricey (like $200) and I said in my email, that was the only thing I wanted, but was fine if I didn't get anything (or even just a here's $50 toward your thing). Christmas morning, nothing under the tree (ok, wasn't really expecting anything), kids all open presents, he turns to me kind of snarky well you're thing won't be here for like months, I hope you're happy. WTF So I'm both super excited because he actually ordered what I wanted, but super upset because why the hell the snarky comment? Later on he says that's for your birthday, valentines, and basically everything for the year. I speak up because he had JUST spent a lot more on a gun and watch for himself. I remind him of my SHITTY 40th birthday last year. Fast forward again to this week. He buys me a mug off Amazon for my birthday (which was yesterday), super cute, right? Until he says to me later last night that he hopes I'm happy that he got me a present and essentially he bought it so I wouldn't be mad at him. WTF again. He has no problem buying something for a co-worker because it made him think of them, but apparently not me. Yesterday I get to hear the crap from several middle schoolers about how old I am (were you there w/the dinosaurs, how many times have you seen Jupiter orbit the sun, etc). This is typical crap, and most days I can deal with it. This morning really set me off. We're doing spirit week at school. I'm dressed in 50s garb and try to pin my hair back on one side w/a flower. I've spent quite a bit of time getting ready. I come out, and I get the comment that some styles shouldn't be brought back. I am just so hurt. He doesn't comment about how I look (good or bad typically) and then to say this. I don't feel supported, I feel knocked down on a regular basis. Lots of things are said sarcastically and this has always been the case, we have bantered back and forth forever, however I feel that it's been getting worse and worse.

Sorry this is long, but today has just sucked. I cried on the way to work today and crying again. This just sucks.
@Cozystitches I feel so bad for you..I wish I could give you a hug...Have you tried talking to him and asking him why he’s been upset with you lately? There is no valid reason he should be talking to you that way... I would talk to him when you’re both in a good mood..not when either of you are feeling upset. {{{{{{HUG}}}}}
Middle schoolers are terrible with the wise cracks..My own children would say things like that. They think they’re hysterical..but they’re not..most of the time...
Cozy, I am so sorry. I remember that bracelet and return and so much disappointment after that. How horrible he treated you that way for your birthday. Same old him, but that doesn't make it easier to take.

I also hate those old person "jokes" people make. Not funny and can definitely hurt.

Your spirit week outfit was probably awesome. I love the flower pinned in one side look and wish my hair would hold one for events like that. I hope everyone at school appreciated how great you looked!

Thanks, TooPatient. Middle schoolers can be brutal, but thankfully they're typically decent. I took the flower hair wasn't cooperating so I just left it pinned back on one side.

@Cozystitches I feel so bad for you..I wish I could give you a hug...Have you tried talking to him and asking him why he’s been upset with you lately? There is no valid reason he should be talking to you that way... I would talk to him when you’re both in a good mood..not when either of you are feeling upset. {{{{{{HUG}}}}}
Middle schoolers are terrible with the wise cracks..My own children would say things like that. They think they’re hysterical..but they’re not..most of the time...
Thanks, Mamabean. I am not sure if I'm able to talk about took everything to say about the bracelet last year. Ugh....I may try, but it's doubtful.

It's not like he's a big ass all the time, but it just seems a lot recently
Thanks, TooPatient. Middle schoolers can be brutal, but thankfully they're typically decent. I took the flower hair wasn't cooperating so I just left it pinned back on one side.

Thanks, Mamabean. I am not sure if I'm able to talk about took everything to say about the bracelet last year. Ugh....I may try, but it's doubtful.

It's not like he's a big ass all the time, but it just seems a lot recently
I don’t know what happened with your bracelet..but I’ve had issues with my husband early on in my marriage concerning presents I couldn’t wear because the jewelry was I’m thinking it must be like that. I got a Norman Rockwell calendar one year instead of jewelry because he was so offended. I am much older than you so this happened a long time ago...but it really hurt me..I hope you guys can talk it out..
Warning: Pity party ahead

So, its a long story. Started last year maybe before may remember that my hubs bought a Louis Vuitton bracelet was for valentines/birthday. Long story, too thin/dainty, not something I had EVER asked for or hinted at wanting, had to be returned after much anxiety/tears on my end. Fast forward, Christmas time, he asks what I want. So I send him an email. The thing I want (fancy hand made quilting hoop) is pricey (like $200) and I said in my email, that was the only thing I wanted, but was fine if I didn't get anything (or even just a here's $50 toward your thing). Christmas morning, nothing under the tree (ok, wasn't really expecting anything), kids all open presents, he turns to me kind of snarky well you're thing won't be here for like months, I hope you're happy. WTF So I'm both super excited because he actually ordered what I wanted, but super upset because why the hell the snarky comment? Later on he says that's for your birthday, valentines, and basically everything for the year. I speak up because he had JUST spent a lot more on a gun and watch for himself. I remind him of my SHITTY 40th birthday last year. Fast forward again to this week. He buys me a mug off Amazon for my birthday (which was yesterday), super cute, right? Until he says to me later last night that he hopes I'm happy that he got me a present and essentially he bought it so I wouldn't be mad at him. WTF again. He has no problem buying something for a co-worker because it made him think of them, but apparently not me. Yesterday I get to hear the crap from several middle schoolers about how old I am (were you there w/the dinosaurs, how many times have you seen Jupiter orbit the sun, etc). This is typical crap, and most days I can deal with it. This morning really set me off. We're doing spirit week at school. I'm dressed in 50s garb and try to pin my hair back on one side w/a flower. I've spent quite a bit of time getting ready. I come out, and I get the comment that some styles shouldn't be brought back. I am just so hurt. He doesn't comment about how I look (good or bad typically) and then to say this. I don't feel supported, I feel knocked down on a regular basis. Lots of things are said sarcastically and this has always been the case, we have bantered back and forth forever, however I feel that it's been getting worse and worse.

Sorry this is long, but today has just sucked. I cried on the way to work today and crying again. This just sucks.

@Cozystitches, I am so sorry! You have definitely had a rough couple of days, (((hugs))). I hate hearing you're so upset. I think you should have a talk with dh about how you're feeling unsupported and hurt by his sarcastic comments. And I think the kids are out of line joking with you like that, it's disrespectful imo. I'd call them on it the next time they do it. The little stinkers :x2

I'm sending lots of love and hugs your way, and hope tomorrow is a better day for you!
Cozy - it hurt to read about your husband’s recent interactions with you. I’ve been thevrecipient of that kind of sideways anger and passive-aggressive bullshit, and it always hurts. It sounds like whatever is going in your husbands mind could be pretty serious, and I’m sure it’s wearing you down too. I hope he’s able to come clean about what’s really bothering him, and soon. Just speculating here, but you’ve met a lot of big challenges and goals in the past few years. Could his attitude have to do with fears or jealousy around that?
Missy - you looked absolutely stunning, dahling! I’m so glad you had a wonderful time!
@Cozystitches, sending you a big hug. I've dealt with a husband who had some definite issues (throwing things when mad, making mean comments) and it kind of slowly chips away at your spirit. In our case he didn't realize it wasn't normal behavior (learned from MIL) and also didn't realize the impact it had on me until I threatened to leave. Well he got help and I got help and now things are much better, I am no longer afraid to speak up and he is very self aware now and most importantly he never meant to hurt me.

Definitely consider talking to him so he knows how you feel, maybe he doesn't realize the effect these comments have.