
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Thanks, Deb! That bridal henna is breathtaking!
I havent been lookiing at that thread because the title says "Designer", and I was thinking it was about VCA, Tiffany, etc.
I better get over there and start posting!
-Deb (I'm Deb too!)

I am so glad you will be posting in The Gold Thread, stracci! That used to be my favorite thread when it was active, because it had such interesting and diverse and friendly women popping in there all the time and, best of all, discussing gold! The thread title is probably misleading. I was thinking of ethnic designers like Gurhan and Yossi Harari when I wrote "designer", but sometimes my best thinking is not very good. ;))

My own gold jewelry is now less "designer" (although I have some designer gold) and more custom made and bought in ethnic stalls!

I'm glad to know you are "Deb". I believe Matata is, too!

Before and after. (Before isn't all that clear, but shank is cracked in two places, prongs are worn to almost gone, gold is super dull.)IMG_20180411_223523.jpgIMG_20180427_165343.jpg

Beautiful, TooPatient. Just lovely!

I'm glad to know you are "Deb". I believe Matata is, too!
We need t-shirts. The PS Debs or the Debs of PS (ya know as in debutantes=)2).
Purging & packing a home of 12+ years ... SUCKS! The suck factor is compounded when said home has been in a state of renovation for 2+ months with floors torn up, furniture & stuff shuffled around as a result, dust (because you can properly clean subfloor), etc. We closed on our new home last Friday, and the movers come this Wednesday morning, so the pressure is on to get the various little/misc items sorted & packed.

Hubby has been an absolute saint, working on items at the new house all weekend to make the new house comfortable & welcoming for DD & my arrival on Wednesday. It will be so nice to finally actually live with and wake up with him every day in the same home, as this past 3 months (since we were married) has been non-stop shuffling back & forth between our two (current) homes ... and not always together. How we have made it to & thru this entire chaotic process without a fight is beyond me, so we really must be perfect for eachother. :lol:
Yay! So glad it worked out! Enjoy your new home.
We need t-shirts. The PS Debs or the Debs of PS (ya know as in debutantes=)2).
Which one of you is Debbie Gibson? Cuz...
"I get lost, in your ICE..."
My heart is in such an uproar about my 24 year old son. He has been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease since he was 8 years old. It has never been an easy road but since he has become an adult, getting him good care has been very difficult. We finally switched to a PPO in order to do so.

His new doctor gave us the news that one of my son’s current medications that he’s been taking since he was 8 years old can cause a rare form of lymphoma in males his age. This lymphoma has a zero percent survival rate. This doctor says he must come off of it. This cancer causing med is the same one that my son was accidentally double dosed for YEARS by his other doctor and was running levels so high that he was taken off of it completely for six months to get his levels back to normal. This drug that I asked over and over about the cancer risk and was told “well the disease itself poses a cancer risk so we weigh all of the risks.”

The drug they want to put him on is in a class of drugs that caused my son to have a 4 hour seizure that almost killed him when he was 8 years old. All of the drugs in this class have incidences of seizures. My son doesn’t respond to drugs that stops seizures quickly...Ativan, Valium, etc. This is why he almost died before. I just can’t imagine triggering another seizure.

It seems that none of the doctors are taking that seizure very seriously.

My son..well..he wants to ignore all of this and immerse himself in grad school. This is what he can control. This is what makes him happy.

He’s rescheduled his most recent colonoscopy three times. Nothing moves forward until he has this scope. I’m not really in a hurry for anything to move forward except that i want him off the drug that might kill him.

So yeah, I’m just kind of losing my shit over here. I don’t show my son that..but my poor husband.
My heart is in such an uproar about my 24 year old son. He has been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease since he was 8 years old. It has never been an easy road but since he has become an adult, getting him good care has been very difficult. We finally switched to a PPO in order to do so.

His new doctor gave us the news that one of my son’s current medications that he’s been taking since he was 8 years old can cause a rare form of lymphoma in males his age. This lymphoma has a zero percent survival rate. This doctor says he must come off of it. This cancer causing med is the same one that my son was accidentally double dosed for YEARS by his other doctor and was running levels so high that he was taken off of it completely for six months to get his levels back to normal. This drug that I asked over and over about the cancer risk and was told “well the disease itself poses a cancer risk so we weigh all of the risks.”

The drug they want to put him on is in a class of drugs that caused my son to have a 4 hour seizure that almost killed him when he was 8 years old. All of the drugs in this class have incidences of seizures. My son doesn’t respond to drugs that stops seizures quickly...Ativan, Valium, etc. This is why he almost died before. I just can’t imagine triggering another seizure.

It seems that none of the doctors are taking that seizure very seriously.

My son..well..he wants to ignore all of this and immerse himself in grad school. This is what he can control. This is what makes him happy.

He’s rescheduled his most recent colonoscopy three times. Nothing moves forward until he has this scope. I’m not really in a hurry for anything to move forward except that i want him off the drug that might kill him.

So yeah, I’m just kind of losing my shit over here. I don’t show my son that..but my poor husband.

Dear House cat, I am so sorry you are all going through tis hell. I am keeping you and your ds in my thoughts and prayers and sending healing vibes to him. And gentle hugs to all of you. Praying and hoping for a good outcome. (((HUGS))).
@House Cat , can you name the drug. Maybe someone here would know more about it, or alternatives. I'm on a biologic and a chemo drug that have a side effect of possibly causing cancer. I'm between a rock and a hard place, as I'm sure so is your son. Can't go without treatment, treatment has terrible side effects or possible outcomes. Take care.
@House Cat , can you name the drug. Maybe someone here would know more about it, or alternatives. I'm on a biologic and a chemo drug that have a side effect of possibly causing cancer. I'm between a rock and a hard place, as I'm sure so is your son. Can't go without treatment, treatment has terrible side effects or possible outcomes. Take care.
Hi Lyra,

The drug that he’s been on his whole life and causes the rare form of lymphoma in young males is Purinethol or Mercaptopurine (6mp drug.) The biologic that caused the seizure was Remicaide. The drug that is being suggested is Humira. Entyvio is being suggested too...both have incidences of seizures because they have infusion reactions and have the ability to lower a person’s seizure threshold.

I’m sorry you have to face this same reality with the drugs being poison and the disease being distructive. How are you feeling?
Oh, I haven't heard of the first drug. Remicade and Methotrexate are what I'm on. I've had a lot of hair loss. I'm doing okay. Just have new symptoms popping up like trigger finger on my right hand.

Both of my daughters have the positive gene marker for my disease which could include ulcerative colitis, psoriasis and ankylosing spondylitis. One is celiac, the other has psoriasis and costochondritis, so far. They may both end up on biologics at some point. At least they know early on (30 and 27), so they can get good care. Hope your son can find a med that works for him and isn't toxic.
@House Cat I am so sad for you, we worry enough about our kids (all kinds) and to have a serious illness on top of that is a true nightmare. My sister in law is 71 and has had Crohns all her life, she had a total take out, everything (this was 30 years ago).. she has used a colostomy bag since I've known her (met her in 88).. it cured the pain. I'm glad to read there are better solutions today. He needs his scope. Sending you heartfelt hugs to you. you are the best HC.
I'm sorry HC, worrying about a loved one's health is so stressful - I'm hoping your son has his colonoscopy soon so his treatment plan can be straightened out, sending love and support to all. (((Hugs)))
I'm sorry HC, worrying about a loved one's health is so stressful - I'm hoping your son has his colonoscopy soon so his treatment plan can be straightened out, sending love and support to all. (((Hugs)))

Yes, I hope he goes for his screening. FWIW--Humira is a commonly used biologic (here).
@House Cat so glad you changed plans and learned this now. I hope the new doctor is able to answer all of your questions and provide good information for your son to be able to make informed decisions on his care. I'm sorry he is going through this. Will be thinking of you all and hoping they find something that manages his disease well with minimal negative effects.
My heart is in such an uproar about my 24 year old son. He has been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease since he was 8 years old. It has never been an easy road but since he has become an adult, getting him good care has been very difficult.


I am so sorry, House Cat. It often takes this kind of horrible, jarring story to knock me out of my self-pity and to see that other people have it worse than I do. You do not deserve this and your son does not deserve this and your husband does not deserve this. I never, ever, cry, but I am tearing up as I write. I really do not know what to say except that the world is very unfair. I hope that medicine will advance before your son's illness does.

Big hugs,
(((House Cat)))
I have learned something about myself recently: I detest drama. While this seems simple, it's a realization that is new to me. I have for a long time avoided other's drama (backstabbing at work, PS during election season, etc), I just didn't really think too much about it. With the recent issues over funding for education, today it really hit me. I am much happier when I am not stuck in the middle of all the drama. Do I think our schools are woefully underfunded? OH MY YES! I just will not be so submersed in the drama that I've been following lately as it's made me super stressed.
@Cozystitches I'm with you. I detest drama and have known this for many decades but I am older than you. Never liked it and never wanted to have it in my life. Get rid of toxicity wherever, whenever and however you can.

Speaking of toxicity I just found out I tested positive for mercury toxicity. I am concerned and worried and not sure if eliminating certain fish from my diet will be enough or if I need to do a heavy metal chelation and if I do my internist doesn't know where I can go as he researched it before he called me last night. But he said we will figure it out. #scared
Thank you for your support and your perspective everyone. It means a lot to me. Sometimes it helps just to put things out there, but I always know that I will be met with caring and thoughtful responses when I share my stuff here. :kiss2:
I didn't know where to put this and I wanted to share it. I really enjoy President Macron.

"If you've ever seen an excessively adorable baby and gushed that you want to eat it right up, maybe you'll empathize with Emmanuel Macron. Per the AP, the French president was finishing up a short visit Down Under on Wednesday and tried to thank his host, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, for his country's hospitality. During a Sydney presser, Macron turned to Turnbull and said, 'I want to thank you … and your delicious wife for your warm welcome.' Some speculate that Macron, who the BBC says boasts 'usually excellent English,' may not have realized that although the French word 'delicieux' is commonly used to indicate both 'delicious' and 'delightful,' the word 'delicious' in English isn't used as often to suggest the latter. That seems more logical and likely than Macron accidentally airing his inner Hannibal Lecter."
@Cozystitches I'm with you. I detest drama and have known this for many decades but I am older than you. Never liked it and never wanted to have it in my life. Get rid of toxicity wherever, whenever and however you can.

Speaking of toxicity I just found out I tested positive for mercury toxicity. I am concerned and worried and not sure if eliminating certain fish from my diet will be enough or if I need to do a heavy metal chelation and if I do my internist doesn't know where I can go as he researched it before he called me last night. But he said we will figure it out. #scared

That can't be helping how you feel! I hope cutting the fish out helps enough it isn't a problem. (If you need medical care, check out Seattle as we have lots of different specialists here... Besides, we could go have so much fun around town!)
That can't be helping how you feel! I hope cutting the fish out helps enough it isn't a problem. (If you need medical care, check out Seattle as we have lots of different specialists here... Besides, we could go have so much fun around town!)

Thank you TP. Appreciate that. Definitely overwhelming all happening at once. I like the idea of visiting you and another dear friend in Seattle. I wonder how long it would take to drive there. :lol:
Thank you TP. Appreciate that. Definitely overwhelming all happening at once. I like the idea of visiting you and another dear friend in Seattle. I wonder how long it would take to drive there. :lol:

Well, I know Shreveport, Louisiana to here is 35 hours of driving. Diagonal compared to straight.. probably 40 to 45 hours of driving time?
I didn't know where to put this and I wanted to share it. I really enjoy President Macron.

"If you've ever seen an excessively adorable baby and gushed that you want to eat it right up, maybe you'll empathize with Emmanuel Macron. Per the AP, the French president was finishing up a short visit Down Under on Wednesday and tried to thank his host, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, for his country's hospitality. During a Sydney presser, Macron turned to Turnbull and said, 'I want to thank you … and your delicious wife for your warm welcome.' Some speculate that Macron, who the BBC says boasts 'usually excellent English,' may not have realized that although the French word 'delicieux' is commonly used to indicate both 'delicious' and 'delightful,' the word 'delicious' in English isn't used as often to suggest the latter. That seems more logical and likely than Macron accidentally airing his inner Hannibal Lecter."

It's obvious Deb, he was thinking of macaroons.:lol-2:
I am sorry @House Cat cat that they dont have anything that works better for your son without major side effects. I hope they come up with something
that will work for him.:pray: Just doesnt seem fair.

@missy Mercury poisoning? Yikes! I'm glad you found the culprit. Now to get to the fix! Hope it is something easy like just quit eating certain fish.
Keep us posted.