
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


May 23, 2012
justginger said:
We spent our midnight at the airport, picking up SIL, BIL, and their 4 gorgeous children. We haven't seen them since last March, amazing how much they've grown. We're hosting dinner at our place and they're opening presents today - so excited!! :appl:
I hope you're having a wonderful visit!

Deactivated member 42515

Enerchi said:
YT|1357161369|3345701 said:
Enerchi said:
YT|1357098940|3345241 said:
Hey Enerchi, why isn't your avatar working?

I don't know!! I'm sad - I took off the poinsettia one you had made me hoping that the 'generic/all bling' would work again... I saved it as a .gif... I don't know why it isn't working :((

I'll try again later tonight and see if there is something magical that DH can fix for me! - he can do ANYTHING on the computer and make it work :praise:

(but I wanna sparkle again like all the 'cool kids' do... ;)) )
Your DH is quite the catch! He cooks and he's computer savvy. I'm pretty excited for our wife swap!
I'm ready now--- get me outta this cold weather!! At 4pm, we walked the dogs and it was -17C (-23C with the windchill), so needless to say, we only did 1km, not our usual 2km walk. Lets swap - I'll take rain over cold any day!!

You're gonna love DH's cooking! and his wine pairing skills - I'm hoping for a ride on your DH's bike!!! vrooooom vrooooom!! :appl:
Hahaha omg! He will be so excited to take you! He always wants me to but I'm like "nuh uh! No way!!!" He also goes 4x4ing on his jeep and maybe you'll like that too. I go with him for that. It was a lot of fun when we took a trip to the forest wilderness and did the trail. The air was sooo crisp and fresh! But I gotta let you know that DH doesn't cook.... He will put a pizza in the oven and forget about it. I think it may be takeout for you guys every night while your DH and I have the most amazing meals of our lives!


Jun 12, 2012
Lol - this is a bit random and didn't seem to fit anywhere, but I wanted to share a conversation I just had in a retail jewellery store (a crap one I would never in a million years buy from, I am just trying to get a basic idea of styles and sizes I like on my hand, hence even going into the crap stores which is pretty much all that is available in Perth!)

Me: do you have any rings with cushion cut diamonds?
Sales assistant: what's that?
Me: Really?
SA: I've worked here for two years and never heard of that, you must mean princess cut.
Me: No. *explains cushion cut* I guess you don't have any or you would know what I am talking about. I don't suppose you would have any emerald cuts either then?
SA: No but we have some synthetic oval sapphires, like Kate Middleton's ring!
Me: No. *tries to explain emerald cut*
SA: you can't get a rectangular diamond, only a square which is what we call a princess cut.
Me: Ok.......thanks.......


Deactivated member 42515

PhillyMcGee said:
Lol - this is a bit random and didn't seem to fit anywhere, but I wanted to share a conversation I just had in a retail jewellery store (a crap one I would never in a million years buy from, I am just trying to get a basic idea of styles and sizes I like on my hand, hence even going into the crap stores which is pretty much all that is available in Perth!)

Me: do you have any rings with cushion cut diamonds?
Sales assistant: what's that?
Me: Really?
SA: I've worked here for two years and never heard of that, you must mean princess cut.
Me: No. *explains cushion cut* I guess you don't have any or you would know what I am talking about. I don't suppose you would have any emerald cuts either then?
SA: No but we have some synthetic oval sapphires, like Kate Middleton's ring!
Me: No. *tries to explain emerald cut*
SA: you can't get a rectangular diamond, only a square which is what we call a princess cut.
Me: Ok.......thanks.......

I totally know what you mean. I don't know if you read when I told Greg about my experience. I asked them if they had any asschers and they just gave me a blank stare. So I asked to see a pear and she said that they don't sell fruit. I think she thought I was trying to prank her or something, the idiot...


May 11, 2009
YT|1357198731|3346104 said:
PhillyMcGee said:
Lol - this is a bit random and didn't seem to fit anywhere, but I wanted to share a conversation I just had in a retail jewellery store (a crap one I would never in a million years buy from, I am just trying to get a basic idea of styles and sizes I like on my hand, hence even going into the crap stores which is pretty much all that is available in Perth!)

Me: do you have any rings with cushion cut diamonds?
Sales assistant: what's that?
Me: Really?
SA: I've worked here for two years and never heard of that, you must mean princess cut.
Me: No. *explains cushion cut* I guess you don't have any or you would know what I am talking about. I don't suppose you would have any emerald cuts either then?
SA: No but we have some synthetic oval sapphires, like Kate Middleton's ring!
Me: No. *tries to explain emerald cut*
SA: you can't get a rectangular diamond, only a square which is what we call a princess cut.
Me: Ok.......thanks.......

I totally know what you mean. I don't know if you read when I told Greg about my experience. I asked them if they had any asschers and they just gave me a blank stare. So I asked to see a pear and she said that they don't sell fruit. I think she thought I was trying to prank her or something, the idiot...

Oh the Perth jewelry stories are my favorite - we have all contributed to those threads in the past. My personal shining star of an experience was at Rosendorffs, where the saleswoman assured me that the cut (in regards to ideal, H&A, etc) was the "perfect Rosendorff cut". Apparently Mr. Rosendorff himself hand-selects EVERY SINGLE DIAMOND in every single shop. The perfect Rosendorff cut. :lol:


Aug 25, 2009
I know you can't train every single jeweler store sales person to me as aknowledgable about diamodns as a PSer but still..... :nono:


Oct 4, 2011
Hahaha omg! He will be so excited to take you! He always wants me to but I'm like "nuh uh! No way!!!" He also goes 4x4ing on his jeep and maybe you'll like that too. I go with him for that. It was a lot of fun when we took a trip to the forest wilderness and did the trail. The air was sooo crisp and fresh! But I gotta let you know that DH doesn't cook.... He will put a pizza in the oven and forget about it. I think it may be takeout for you guys every night while your DH and I have the most amazing meals of our lives![/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, I'll be sure to pack a seriously supportive jogging bra if we are going to be bouncing around 4x4-ing! (gotta strap these puppies DOWN!) And I'm ok with pizza - I could live on cereal and toast, if it were up to me, since I'm a total tourist in the kitchen!! Ah, you'll love your time here in the winter wonderland, you'll have dogs to walk and play with, meals to create, wine to be drunk --- but bring your long johns! Today the "high" is only going to be -17C and tomorrow --- a BALMY -3C!!! Its going to be bikini day tomorrow -- WOO HOO!! :lol:


Oct 4, 2011
..and on an unrelated note... I've been up since 230am worrying. Its 1130 now. This day is NOT going to go well... I wish I could shut my mind off. I hate it when you get all stressed about stuff that you have no control over but just can't help getting caught up in...

I wish I could control the universe to do what *I* want to see happen... but odds are not in my favour that is going to happen. RATS! :mad:

Deactivated member 42515

Enerchi said:
..and on an unrelated note... I've been up since 230am worrying. Its 1130 now. This day is NOT going to go well... I wish I could shut my mind off. I hate it when you get all stressed about stuff that you have no control over but just can't help getting caught up in...

I wish I could control the universe to do what *I* want to see happen... but odds are not in my favour that is going to happen. RATS! :mad:
Oh no! I'm sorry Enerchi! I wish there was something I could do for you! Sedatives? Muscle relaxers? :naughty:

I hope your day gets better. I've been having a tough time at life too right now with things I have absolute no control over and it's freaking me out. So I understand. When you find out a way to control the universe and the will of others, will you do my life too? Cuz I'm sure with your brains, and your puppies that you've go strapped down with your supportive jogging bra :) that you'll figure out a way. The universe has a way of beating us up but just enough for us to get back up :)


Oct 4, 2011
WOO HOO!! I got my sparkle back... I feel like Stella ... when she "got her groove back" :lol: :lol:

and I fixed it all by myself! :praise: Yay ME :appl:


Nov 16, 2003
YT|1357161446|3345702 said:
Roxy said:
YT|1357098940|3345241 said:
Hey Enerchi, why isn't your avatar working?
Do you have to be a "Super Prosumer" to have one of those super sparkly avatars? I LOVE those!!! When will I be able to ask for one?
Nope, there was a thread in the beginning of the holiday season where we had sparkly avatars made.
Oh! Okay, thanks YT. It looks like I need to get Photoshop or Elements or something like that. Maybe I'll figure it out by next Christmas LOL!!! :lol:


Nov 16, 2003
Enerchi|1357260197|3346810 said:
WOO HOO!! I got my sparkle back... I feel like Stella ... when she "got her groove back" :lol: :lol:
and I fixed it all by myself! :praise: Yay ME :appl:
Yay for YOU Enerchi!! YT sent a link to me that talks about all of your sparkly avatars. :love: :love: :love:
Do you have Photoshop or Elements? I'm trying to decide which one I need to buy in order to get sparkles too! :wavey:


Apr 18, 2012
Hey Guys! I want a sparkle avatar too!! (Boy... see what I miss when I've been gone so long??)

So... Is this the where I can post pictures of my newest "project"?? :naughty:


Oct 4, 2011
I've got ZIP/NADA/NUTTIN' Honey! My avatar was made extra special by the lovely ladies on that thread above - Marcy and YT - they were the geniuses behind the bling! The details could be in that thread, but I am not sure which program was used to do that. Sorry that I am of no help...


Oct 4, 2011
Dougsgirl|1357265169|3346864 said:
Hey Guys! I want a sparkle avatar too!! (Boy... see what I miss when I've been gone so long??)

So... Is this the where I can post pictures of my newest "project"?? :naughty:
:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: Welcome back!!!
Yes, post "HIM" here!!! WOO HOO!!!

Deactivated member 42515

Dougsgirl said:
Hey Guys! I want a sparkle avatar too!! (Boy... see what I miss when I've been gone so long??)

So... Is this the where I can post pictures of my newest "project"?? :naughty:
Oh I'm so excited!!!!! I wanna see!!!!

Deactivated member 42515

Roxy said:
Enerchi|1357260197|3346810 said:
WOO HOO!! I got my sparkle back... I feel like Stella ... when she "got her groove back" :lol: :lol:
and I fixed it all by myself! :praise: Yay ME :appl:
Yay for YOU Enerchi!! YT sent a link to me that talks about all of your sparkly avatars. :love: :love: :love:
Do you have Photoshop or Elements? I'm trying to decide which one I need to buy in order to get sparkles too! :wavey:
You don't have to buy anything Roxy! Why don't you bump the thread asking someone to help you make your avatar sparkly? I'm sure Marcy or I can do it. Marcy is better at it than me tho :)


Apr 18, 2012
OK... I realize that I have been gone for a while... but I have had other pressing distractions...

Introducing "Riggins", our Golden Retriever puppy. (If you have watched the TV series Friday Night Lights you will understand the name. :naughty: )

He was born on 11/6/12 and we brought him home at just under 8-weeks old on 12/29/12. I was not sure that I really wanted to make the commitment and get another dog (Our 11.5 year-old dog died a year ago) and my kids are almost all out of the house, and I was enjoying the freedom of my almost-empty nest. But I was also alone a lot. So... I broke down.
I will introduce him here... but I think we are probably going to need a separate thread for our newest "projects" or "distractions". :appl:

Here is mine.... :love:

And seriously... this much cuteness just does NOT get old!! I can't stop staring at him!!





Deactivated member 42515

Dougsgirl said:
OK... I realize that I have been gone for a while... but I have had other pressing distractions...

Introducing "Riggins", our Golden Retriever puppy. (If you have watched the TV series Friday Night Lights you will understand the name. :naughty: )

He was born on 11/6/12 and we brought him home at just under 8-weeks old on 12/29/12. I was not sure that I really wanted to make the commitment and get another dog (Our 11.5 year-old dog died a year ago) and my kids are almost all out of the house, and I was enjoying the freedom of my almost-empty nest. But I was also alone a lot. So... I broke down.
I will introduce him here... but I think we are probably going to need a separate thread for our newest "projects" or "distractions". :appl:

Here is mine.... :love:

And seriously... this much cuteness just does NOT get old!! I can't stop staring at him!!
Ahhhh!!!!!!!!! He's soooo cute!!! I love his adorable face and his big squishy butt and his fat legs and big paws!!!

Dougsgirl! I know we are in the same time zone, so why aren't you sleeping yet? It's almost midnight! I'm awake because I'm gonna wake DH up and surprise him with one of those huge cupcakes that I hate but got for him :)

I'm sure Riggins is keeping you up huh?


Apr 2, 2006
Dougsgirl|1357283095|3346944 said:
OK... I realize that I have been gone for a while... but I have had other pressing distractions...

Introducing "Riggins", our Golden Retriever puppy. (If you have watched the TV series Friday Night Lights you will understand the name. :naughty: )

What a cutie! :love: I'd be distracted too!

Deactivated member 42515

YT said:
Dougsgirl said:
OK... I realize that I have been gone for a while... but I have had other pressing distractions...

Introducing "Riggins", our Golden Retriever puppy. (If you have watched the TV series Friday Night Lights you will understand the name. :naughty: )

He was born on 11/6/12 and we brought him home at just under 8-weeks old on 12/29/12. I was not sure that I really wanted to make the commitment and get another dog (Our 11.5 year-old dog died a year ago) and my kids are almost all out of the house, and I was enjoying the freedom of my almost-empty nest. But I was also alone a lot. So... I broke down.
I will introduce him here... but I think we are probably going to need a separate thread for our newest "projects" or "distractions". :appl:

Here is mine.... :love:

And seriously... this much cuteness just does NOT get old!! I can't stop staring at him!!
Ahhhh!!!!!!!!! He's soooo cute!!! I love his adorable face and his big squishy butt and his fat legs and big paws!!!

Dougsgirl! I know we are in the same time zone, so why aren't you sleeping yet? It's almost midnight! I'm awake because I'm gonna wake DH up and surprise him with one of those huge cupcakes that I hate but got for him :)

I'm sure Riggins is keeping you up huh?
Oops, I forgot to add that it's DH's birthday on the 4th. ;-)


Apr 18, 2012
YT said:
Ahhhh!!!!!!!!! He's soooo cute!!! I love his adorable face and his big squishy butt and his fat legs and big paws!!!

Dougsgirl! I know we are in the same time zone, so why aren't you sleeping yet? It's almost midnight! I'm awake because I'm gonna wake DH up and surprise him with one of those huge cupcakes that I hate but got for him :)

I'm sure Riggins is keeping you up huh?

I am actually always up late. Total night-owl here. Riggins is seriously cramping my style in the mornings! LOL
My kids are still off of school this week and my son had friends over watching the Fiesta Bowl tonight. (Big Oregon fans here!)

My daughter is having Riggins' kennel in her room tonight and will get up with him in the morning. But once she goes back to school I think my schedule is going to have to drastically change. Riggs is usually ready to roll at about 7:00 am, which isn't too bad (thankfully he sleeps through the night, only having to go out once at about 5-5:30) but I typically like to stay up late and sleep late. So Riggs is likely to help me get on a more normal schedule. I've been in a bad habit lately.

And yes... He is TOTALLY adorable!! Thank you for the sweet compliments!
And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your DH!!! I hope you both have a great day celebrating!! :appl:


Aug 25, 2009
Oh what a cutie!!!!! I just love him and the name!


Oct 4, 2011
Happy Birthday to Mr YT!! Hope his day is awesome, just like he is! Hey, we Capricorns are a loyal, tightknit group!! ;))

DG - I AM IN LOVE WITH RIGGINS!!! OMG!!! that is one precious bundle of cuteness!!! Look at his face---I'd be weak in the presence of that too! I'd get nothing done all day long! But those puppy teeth - I think they must have been filed sharp as needles by all breeders before they ship them out to their new families! we were visiting our breeder on the w/e and she has a litter that are also 8 weeks old. GORGEOUS, but razor like teeth that seem to rip your skin to shreds!!!

Enjoy him!!! (I think he deserves his own thread --- in the "show me your puppy" forum!! (OMG! PS so needs one of these!!!)


Mar 18, 2007
I have an optometrist appointment this afternoon and I am positive I'm going to need glasses. Booooo.


Mar 26, 2012
dougsgirl. I love riggins! Adorable puppy!!!!!

princesss awe I've been wearing glasses since the third grade :wink2: . I alternate between glasses and contacts. Glasses are fun to accessorize with!!!


Jun 17, 2009
Oh my gosh dougsgirl, Riggins is seriously one of the most adorable puppies I have ever seen! I don't think it's possible to get any cuter than this! What a gorgeous doggie! :love: :love: :love:


Aug 14, 2009
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Riggins is ADORABLE. So smushy and shmoogly and... eeep!!

We just got a puppy too, she's just half a week younger than yours! They're definitely exhausting but oh so cute ::) It's great that he sleeps through the night, ours has wanted to play every morning between 3:30 and 4am :sick: For the first couple of days one of us slept with her to make sure she was adjusting okay, but she's been on her own the last few nights and the whole household knows just how much she dislikes this arrangement!

Has he had all his shots yet?


Mar 26, 2006
5,905 days to retirement if I bail at 59-1/2... and if this damn flu doesn't kill me first... ack.


Apr 18, 2012
Dee*Jay|1357319598|3347251 said:
5,905 days to retirement if I bail at 59-1/2... and if this damn flu doesn't kill me first... ack.

You realize that's over 16 years... right?? LOL
But I think you're right, 5905 days sounds shorter than 16 years. Not sure why.
Sorry about the flu!! That stinks. I hope you can get lots of rest and have someone to pamper you a little! Get well soon!
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