
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread

Can a Fit Bit count more than 350 million steps? I'm about to find out since I'm tempted to break a PS rule today re: verboten topics. Perhaps a long walk will keep me in the proper lane.

The question is, can it do 500 million because that's what we're talking about all together.:mrgreen:
Some of you may remember the story of when I bought @mrs-b 's Bodicea. I had nagged DH for about a decade about remodeling his bathroom and he is loathe to do it because it means sharing my bathroom which means he can't be his usual pig sty hygiene self. He tricked me when I bought the ring because after it was purchased he said the tradeoff was I couldn't nag him about the bathroom for 3 yrs.

Today my contractor was here in the early a.m. to assess and make a plan to repair a room that was damaged when our roof leaked. He asked me if I was ready to do the bathroom because it's been on his list of projects for 10 yrs and sure enough when I counted on my pinkies, discovered it's been 3 yrs this month since we bought the ring.

Knowing DH was fighting off a migraine, I stuck my head in his office and said "remember when we bought the ring yadda yadda yadda and the 3 yrs is up" and he said to go ahead with the bathroom. Since he was in pain I'm not sure if he knew what he was actually agreeing to but payback is a bitch, right? Trick me about the ring and I take advantage of his pain, evens stevens :P2

In early p.m. DH came wobbling out of his office almost over the migraine and I told him he gets to make all the choices about color, fixtures, etc., and he got excited about that because he considers that bathroom to be the only territory in the house over which he has any control. I'm waiting for my interior designer to call me back and off we go.
Some of you may remember the story of when I bought @mrs-b 's Bodicea. I had nagged DH for about a decade about remodeling his bathroom and he is loathe to do it because it means sharing my bathroom which means he can't be his usual pig sty hygiene self. He tricked me when I bought the ring because after it was purchased he said the tradeoff was I couldn't nag him about the bathroom for 3 yrs.

Today my contractor was here in the early a.m. to assess and make a plan to repair a room that was damaged when our roof leaked. He asked me if I was ready to do the bathroom because it's been on his list of projects for 10 yrs and sure enough when I counted on my pinkies, discovered it's been 3 yrs this month since we bought the ring.

Knowing DH was fighting off a migraine, I stuck my head in his office and said "remember when we bought the ring yadda yadda yadda and the 3 yrs is up" and he said to go ahead with the bathroom. Since he was in pain I'm not sure if he knew what he was actually agreeing to but payback is a bitch, right? Trick me about the ring and I take advantage of his pain, evens stevens :P2

In early p.m. DH came wobbling out of his office almost over the migraine and I told him he gets to make all the choices about color, fixtures, etc., and he got excited about that because he considers that bathroom to be the only territory in the house over which he has any control. I'm waiting for my interior designer to call me back and off we go.

Yay! I hope it's everything you hope it will be! And your patience is to be commended!
We're currently in the process of getting bids to install solar panels and a couple of batteries to store extra energy for about 2 days. The cats eat a whole prey diet, and I don't want to lose hundreds of dollars in frozen food and we want to have enough energy stored to run 2 fridges, a freezer, the hot water heater, and either air conditioning or furnace depending on time of year.

Last month our electrical stations were sabotaged and the entire area was without power for a total of 36 hours over 2 days. In addition to that, power outages of shorter length have been increasing here over the past 3 yrs.

We're trying to get the house as energy efficient as possible. Tankless water heaters are next and I think that will be the extent of what we can reasonably do in addition to what we've already done these past few years.
I sing this song to our furry babies often- usually as they are sitting on my lap...I am weird I know.
But they seem to enjoy it despite my tone deaf singing voice :)

Today I went to a kitchen and bath showroom to order all the stuff for DHs bathroom reno. As I was waiting for the consultant to finish a phone call, I walked down a long section of display toilets that I didn't realize were motion activated. As I sauntered down the aisle the toilet seats began to slowly rise as though they were paying homage to royalty. I felt so special :lol-2:
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Bill Maher is an awesome human.
That's all
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Shoooo, dish hapened. Hic. Met frends for lunchies. On way to eating place, ran into neighbhor and invited her to join for lunch. She came late; others left. I had to stay so she could eat. She didnt want to eat. Wanted to drink. So what else would a good friend do, I stayed to drink. Then big group were seated near us, birthday party. So i bought round of drinks for them. Hic. So 2 top shelf margaritas, one marg shoooter and one espresso shooter later, I am drunk posting here in an effort to reach 10,000 posts and super ideal rock status before I die. Time is runnning out.

P.S. the eating place is 90 second walk from my house so I didn't drive for those who may think me irrespen...irresponsa...a danger on the road.
My spirit animal

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Another terror attack. This time in Moscow.
This world is doomed

I learned I am a deadbeat. This is the term banks use for credit card customers who pay their balance off every month before interest is accrued. It's not that the bank isn't making money off my use of a credit card. They charge the vendor 3%, give me 1.5% cash so they do make some money. But since it's not enough money, I'm a deadbeat.
I learned I am a deadbeat. This is the term banks use for credit card customers who pay their balance off every month before interest is accrued. It's not that the bank isn't making money off my use of a credit card. They charge the vendor 3%, give me 1.5% cash so they do make some money. But since it's not enough money, I'm a deadbeat.

Then DH and I are also deadbeats. And proud of it! :lol:
I learned I am a deadbeat. This is the term banks use for credit card customers who pay their balance off every month before interest is accrued. It's not that the bank isn't making money off my use of a credit card. They charge the vendor 3%, give me 1.5% cash so they do make some money. But since it's not enough money, I'm a deadbeat.

Then DH and I are also deadbeats. And proud of it! :lol:

We are as well :)
I learned I am a deadbeat. This is the term banks use for credit card customers who pay their balance off every month before interest is accrued. It's not that the bank isn't making money off my use of a credit card. They charge the vendor 3%, give me 1.5% cash so they do make some money. But since it's not enough money, I'm a deadbeat.

Us too! Deadbeats unite!

But…….how did you come to find out banks use this term?
I learned I am a deadbeat. This is the term banks use for credit card customers who pay their balance off every month before interest is accrued. It's not that the bank isn't making money off my use of a credit card. They charge the vendor 3%, give me 1.5% cash so they do make some money. But since it's not enough money, I'm a deadbeat.

I used to be a deadbeat.
I was so dead that several years ago I completely stopped using my credit card altogether.
The banks must hate us!
Us too! Deadbeats unite!

But…….how did you come to find out banks use this term?

It was in a news article. I looked it up and found out it was true. I know banks like to make money, but was surprised at how negatively they view customers that don't make them enough money.

@Lisa Loves Shiny Cash back? From a CC???? What is this holy grail?


@Lisa Loves Shiny Cash back? From a CC???? What is this holy grail?


Yes! :) Many cards offer 1.5% on regular purchases, and 3% on dining without any annual fees. There are some that offer 2% but I haven't found their terms attractive for my use. I find it safer to use a CC.
i dont belave in hosriscopes and such like but i found this a bit of a crack up because im a virgo (a bad messy virgo)

Why am I so drawn to moss agate?

Moss Agate Meaning: Healing Properties & Everyday Uses

Moss Agate makes for a great companion birthstone for all those Virgos out there. Moss Agate is considered to be the stone of new beginnings and is all about attracting abundance and tapping into deep-set creativity.

i am right now having fun with my bead board with leftover moss agate and pearls
i really have no idea what a bad or good moss agate looks like, i seem to just love them all
This is really a small thing but made me smile.

Was at Aldi’s this morning walking to my car, this guy was pushing his cart and offered it to a woman walking in. She said she didn’t need the cart but she would take it and put it back for him.

Something about two complete strangers being nice to each other is comforting with all the bad stuff happening in the world.