
I just wanna say -- the random comments thread


Deactivated member 42515

My mom is have another one of her meltdowns. I don't know what to do when she is like this. She gets angry for no reason. Starts yelling at the top of her lungs, throws things, bangs things, and I can't talk any sense into her because she doesn't listen. She just screams in my face. It makes me feel so upset seeing her like this. She can't control her anger. My brother and I have tried so many things to help her... None work. I'm just at wits end...


Jun 17, 2009
YayTacori|1353979035|3316088 said:
My mom is have another one of her meltdowns. I don't know what to do when she is like this. She gets angry for no reason. Starts yelling at the top of her lungs, throws things, bangs things, and I can't talk any sense into her because she doesn't listen. She just screams in my face. It makes me feel so upset seeing her like this. She can't control her anger. My brother and I have tried so many things to help her... None work. I'm just at wits end...

I'm sorry YayTacori, must be so upsetting to see your mother like this. Is there another adult in her life who could talk to her? Her behavior isn't normal. Does she do this often? Is she under a doctor's care? Have you tried talking to her about this when she's calm? Hugs to you, I'm sure it's really scary seeing her act like this.

Deactivated member 42515

junebug17 said:
YayTacori|1353979035|3316088 said:
My mom is have another one of her meltdowns. I don't know what to do when she is like this. She gets angry for no reason. Starts yelling at the top of her lungs, throws things, bangs things, and I can't talk any sense into her because she doesn't listen. She just screams in my face. It makes me feel so upset seeing her like this. She can't control her anger. My brother and I have tried so many things to help her... None work. I'm just at wits end...

I'm sorry YayTacori, must be so upsetting to see your mother like this. Is there another adult in her life who could talk to her? Her behavior isn't normal. Does she do this often? Is she under a doctor's care? Have you tried talking to her about this when she's calm? Hugs to you, I'm sure it's really scary seeing her act like this.
Thank you junebug. She doesn't have anybody to talk to. She has distanced all her friends, she thinks they are only friends with her for her money or something crazy. She probably has a meltdown at least once a week. When she's calm, she apologizes for the way she acts and says she doesn't want to e like this. But once she gets angry, there is no way to stop her from reaching the point of insanity. I've tried to take her to a doctor, she doesn't want to go. She doesn't believe in psychological sicknesses or telling other people you have one. She always feels that everyone is out to get her and that everyone is lying. It's just been such a struggle and it seems to get worse. I'm sorry for venting... My heart is just aching right now. I wish she could just be my mother.


Apr 2, 2006
VRBeauty|1353382806|3310732 said:
justginger|1353381766|3310724 said:
VRBeauty|1353379777|3310708 said:
Someone left what looks like a theater (or maybe puppet theater) set piece propped up against a tree in front of my house... it was just sitting there when I got home from work this evening. :confused:

Does anyone want a 4X5 foot-ish cutout of the Old London skyline in the fog? It could would probably make a nice - albeit unusual - headboard... :mrgreen:

:confused: This is just bizarre. Maybe your local elementary school would like it?

Great idea! I'll send a note to my local elementary school to see if it might be theirs! I live less than 2 blocks from a community theater, and already sent them a note. I want to put it on my porch in case it rains tonight, but I really don't want to get stuck with this - LOL!


The local community theater company came and took the set (which turned out to be 6 ft X 5 ft! :shock: ) away today. It wasn't theirs originally, but they were glad to have it, and I was glad to be rid of it! :mrgreen:


Jun 17, 2009
YayTacori|1353980841|3316104 said:
junebug17 said:
YayTacori|1353979035|3316088 said:
My mom is have another one of her meltdowns. I don't know what to do when she is like this. She gets angry for no reason. Starts yelling at the top of her lungs, throws things, bangs things, and I can't talk any sense into her because she doesn't listen. She just screams in my face. It makes me feel so upset seeing her like this. She can't control her anger. My brother and I have tried so many things to help her... None work. I'm just at wits end...

I'm sorry YayTacori, must be so upsetting to see your mother like this. Is there another adult in her life who could talk to her? Her behavior isn't normal. Does she do this often? Is she under a doctor's care? Have you tried talking to her about this when she's calm? Hugs to you, I'm sure it's really scary seeing her act like this.
Thank you junebug. She doesn't have anybody to talk to. She has distanced all her friends, she thinks they are only friends with her for her money or something crazy. She probably has a meltdown at least once a week. When she's calm, she apologizes for the way she acts and says she doesn't want to e like this. But once she gets angry, there is no way to stop her from reaching the point of insanity. I've tried to take her to a doctor, she doesn't want to go. She doesn't believe in psychological sicknesses or telling other people you have one. She always feels that everyone is out to get her and that everyone is lying. It's just been such a struggle and it seems to get worse. I'm sorry for venting... My heart is just aching right now. I wish she could just be my mother.

I'm so sorry sweetie, this is such a tough situation and of course very difficult for you. I guess there's not much you can do at this point if she isn't willing to get help. but I do think the next time she behaves like this you should calmly say "I don't want to be around you when you act like this" and leave immediately. There's no reason you have to be subjected to her irrational behavior.

I'm really sorry you have to deal with this :(sad , I hope eventually she realizes she needs help.

Deactivated member 42515

junebug17|1353991928|3316242 said:
YayTacori|1353980841|3316104 said:
junebug17 said:
YayTacori|1353979035|3316088 said:
My mom is have another one of her meltdowns. I don't know what to do when she is like this. She gets angry for no reason. Starts yelling at the top of her lungs, throws things, bangs things, and I can't talk any sense into her because she doesn't listen. She just screams in my face. It makes me feel so upset seeing her like this. She can't control her anger. My brother and I have tried so many things to help her... None work. I'm just at wits end...

I'm sorry YayTacori, must be so upsetting to see your mother like this. Is there another adult in her life who could talk to her? Her behavior isn't normal. Does she do this often? Is she under a doctor's care? Have you tried talking to her about this when she's calm? Hugs to you, I'm sure it's really scary seeing her act like this.
Thank you junebug. She doesn't have anybody to talk to. She has distanced all her friends, she thinks they are only friends with her for her money or something crazy. She probably has a meltdown at least once a week. When she's calm, she apologizes for the way she acts and says she doesn't want to e like this. But once she gets angry, there is no way to stop her from reaching the point of insanity. I've tried to take her to a doctor, she doesn't want to go. She doesn't believe in psychological sicknesses or telling other people you have one. She always feels that everyone is out to get her and that everyone is lying. It's just been such a struggle and it seems to get worse. I'm sorry for venting... My heart is just aching right now. I wish she could just be my mother.

I'm so sorry sweetie, this is such a tough situation and of course very difficult for you. I guess there's not much you can do at this point if she isn't willing to get help. but I do think the next time she behaves like this you should calmly say "I don't want to be around you when you act like this" and leave immediately. There's no reason you have to be subjected to her irrational behavior.

I'm really sorry you have to deal with this :(sad , I hope eventually she realizes she needs help.

Thank you Junebug, I appreciate your responses. Unfortunately, walking away from her is something that I have tried. When I walk away, she just keeps yelling by herself. She needs professional help... I don't know what to do anymore.

But, thank you for your kind words :)


Oct 4, 2011
oh no... YT I feel so sorry for you. It is so hard to be helpless when we watch a loved one self-destruct. I'm thinking of you and wishing you all the best... it is so hard. Emotions take over and you can't think clearly or logically because you are so invested in the person. No idea about state/county services, but if she is completely out of control, calling the police could lead to an apprehension under a psychiatric form where she is taken to be assessed for a fixed number of days. Depending on that assessment, a treatment plan could be devised. This is only if she is threatening to harm herself or others. If in doubt - when she is going thru these episodes, for your own safety, call the police and have them attend. They can advise you after that.

This is painful - I'm sorry you are going thru this, my friend. Know we are here for you... (((HUGS)))

Deactivated member 42515

Enerchi said:
oh no... YT I feel so sorry for you. It is so hard to be helpless when we watch a loved one self-destruct. I'm thinking of you and wishing you all the best... it is so hard. Emotions take over and you can't think clearly or logically because you are so invested in the person. No idea about state/county services, but if she is completely out of control, calling the police could lead to an apprehension under a psychiatric form where she is taken to be assessed for a fixed number of days. Depending on that assessment, a treatment plan could be devised. This is only if she is threatening to harm herself or others. If in doubt - when she is going thru these episodes, for your own safety, call the police and have them attend. They can advise you after that.

This is painful - I'm sorry you are going thru this, my friend. Know we are here for you... (((HUGS)))
Thanks for the advice Enerchi. Unfortunately, if I call the cops, that'll be the end of my relationship with my mother. She apologizes when she's calm, BUT doesn't think what she is doing is wrong. She is just apologizing for getting upset, she doesn't realize that the amount that she gets angry is not normal. She has already made DB and me well aware that we are ungrateful children and have no respect for her when all we do is drop what we are doing and cater to her needs. (So that the rage doesn't start) I have actually stopped for the last couple of years of trying to cater to her every whim because it feels she just expects it. But now, she is wanting more and more from my brother. If he doesn't stop what he is doing and do exactly as she says... Ugh, all hell breaks loose.

Calling the police is more complicated because of my mom and dad's past history that I won't get into. But I'm sure that's why she will never forgive me even tho what she is doing is wrong.

It's just such a stressful time. She never listens to reason. She has such a twisted view of the world.


Nov 28, 2011
YayTacori ... so sorry it's so tough with your mom. We have a family member who also won't listen to reason or admit that there is anything psychologically wrong with her. It's terrible, and sadly, we've distanced ourselves and she has distanced herself to the point of practically no contact. It's very painful, but not sure what can be done when the person does not want to be treated or go through therapy. :blackeye:


Nov 28, 2011
It's persimmon season! :lickout:


Apr 2, 2006
GemFever|1354043282|3316642 said:
It's persimmon season! :lickout:

Fuyu or Hachiya? I've been eating fuyus for the past two weeks or so thanks to a generous friend who has a tree in his yard. Yum yum! :twirl:


Apr 2, 2006
I didn't get approved to attend this conference until the last minute, so I'm staying not at the conference site but in a high-rent hotel in a low-rent district a few blocks (culturally, a few miles) from the conference. Right off Market street, serenaded by the sounds of traffic and audible crossing signals and streetcars and people shouting and oh-so-noisy plumbing.

I hope the front desk stocks ear plugs! :lol:

On the bright side, I'm within a few blocks of Little Saigon. I think I'll go exploring a little for dinner!

Deactivated member 42515

GemFever said:
YayTacori ... so sorry it's so tough with your mom. We have a family member who also won't listen to reason or admit that there is anything psychologically wrong with her. It's terrible, and sadly, we've distanced ourselves and she has distanced herself to the point of practically no contact. It's very painful, but not sure what can be done when the person does not want to be treated or go through therapy. :blackeye:
Thanks gemfever. I'm sorry about your family member and the things your family had to go through.


May 23, 2012
YayTacori said:
GemFever said:
YayTacori ... so sorry it's so tough with your mom. We have a family member who also won't listen to reason or admit that there is anything psychologically wrong with her. It's terrible, and sadly, we've distanced ourselves and she has distanced herself to the point of practically no contact. It's very painful, but not sure what can be done when the person does not want to be treated or go through therapy. :blackeye:
Thanks gemfever. I'm sorry about your family member and the things your family had to go through.
I'm so sorry you're going through this YT. Take care of yourself. And if she won't get help, maybe a little counseling for you would help? Just someone to talk about it with who can help you get perspective on how to best move forward. Of course you can always vent here too.

Deactivated member 42515

Rosebloom said:
YayTacori said:
GemFever said:
YayTacori ... so sorry it's so tough with your mom. We have a family member who also won't listen to reason or admit that there is anything psychologically wrong with her. It's terrible, and sadly, we've distanced ourselves and she has distanced herself to the point of practically no contact. It's very painful, but not sure what can be done when the person does not want to be treated or go through therapy. :blackeye:
Thanks gemfever. I'm sorry about your family member and the things your family had to go through.
I'm so sorry you're going through this YT. Take care of yourself. And if she won't get help, maybe a little counseling for you would help? Just someone to talk about it with who can help you get perspective on how to best move forward. Of course you can always vent here too.
Thank you for your concern rosebloom. PS is such a nice community. I never thought about counseling for myself... It sounds like a good idea. Someone to talk to that isn't biased or anything.
I feel bad for venting here. I was actually gonna erase my first post about my mom's meltdown but I let it go. Whenever I talk about her, I always feel like I am burdening others with my problems...


Nov 28, 2011
YayTacori|1354073198|3317046 said:
Thank you for your concern rosebloom. PS is such a nice community. I never thought about counseling for myself... It sounds like a good idea. Someone to talk to that isn't biased or anything.
I feel bad for venting here. I was actually gonna erase my first post about my mom's meltdown but I let it go. Whenever I talk about her, I always feel like I am burdening others with my problems...

I think it's good that you kept your post and got to talk about it, even a little. PS is a very sympathetic community, and having some outlet to share your anguish over such a tough situation is important. I think it may even be better to talk about it here than with your close friends who may know your mother. At least I would feel that way. PSers can give advice and words of encouragement, but you and your mom also have your privacy.

I think Rosebloom's idea of talking to a counselor sounds like a very good one. Definitely you should do something to be better able to cope with this over time without it having a devastating effect on your own life.


May 23, 2012
YayTacori said:
Rosebloom said:
YayTacori said:
GemFever said:
YayTacori ... so sorry it's so tough with your mom. We have a family member who also won't listen to reason or admit that there is anything psychologically wrong with her. It's terrible, and sadly, we've distanced ourselves and she has distanced herself to the point of practically no contact. It's very painful, but not sure what can be done when the person does not want to be treated or go through therapy. :blackeye:
Thanks gemfever. I'm sorry about your family member and the things your family had to go through.
I'm so sorry you're going through this YT. Take care of yourself. And if she won't get help, maybe a little counseling for you would help? Just someone to talk about it with who can help you get perspective on how to best move forward. Of course you can always vent here too.
Thank you for your concern rosebloom. PS is such a nice community. I never thought about counseling for myself... It sounds like a good idea. Someone to talk to that isn't biased or anything.
I feel bad for venting here. I was actually gonna erase my first post about my mom's meltdown but I let it go. Whenever I talk about her, I always feel like I am burdening others with my problems...

It's so important to take care of yourself. As the old adage goes, you won't be able to change her, you can only change the way she makes you feel. And that is what therapy can really help with. Speaking from experience here.

Deactivated member 42515

GemFever|1354117273|3317354 said:
YayTacori|1354073198|3317046 said:
Thank you for your concern rosebloom. PS is such a nice community. I never thought about counseling for myself... It sounds like a good idea. Someone to talk to that isn't biased or anything.
I feel bad for venting here. I was actually gonna erase my first post about my mom's meltdown but I let it go. Whenever I talk about her, I always feel like I am burdening others with my problems...

I think it's good that you kept your post and got to talk about it, even a little. PS is a very sympathetic community, and having some outlet to share your anguish over such a tough situation is important. I think it may even be better to talk about it here than with your close friends who may know your mother. At least I would feel that way. PSers can give advice and words of encouragement, but you and your mom also have your privacy.

I think Rosebloom's idea of talking to a counselor sounds like a very good one. Definitely you should do something to be better able to cope with this over time without it having a devastating effect on your own life.

Rosebloom|1354118241|3317366 said:
YayTacori said:
Rosebloom said:
YayTacori said:
GemFever said:
YayTacori ... so sorry it's so tough with your mom. We have a family member who also won't listen to reason or admit that there is anything psychologically wrong with her. It's terrible, and sadly, we've distanced ourselves and she has distanced herself to the point of practically no contact. It's very painful, but not sure what can be done when the person does not want to be treated or go through therapy. :blackeye:
Thanks gemfever. I'm sorry about your family member and the things your family had to go through.
I'm so sorry you're going through this YT. Take care of yourself. And if she won't get help, maybe a little counseling for you would help? Just someone to talk about it with who can help you get perspective on how to best move forward. Of course you can always vent here too.
Thank you for your concern rosebloom. PS is such a nice community. I never thought about counseling for myself... It sounds like a good idea. Someone to talk to that isn't biased or anything.
I feel bad for venting here. I was actually gonna erase my first post about my mom's meltdown but I let it go. Whenever I talk about her, I always feel like I am burdening others with my problems...

It's so important to take care of yourself. As the old adage goes, you won't be able to change her, you can only change the way she makes you feel. And that is what therapy can really help with. Speaking from experience here.

It is getting so much harder. My brother, my sister in law, and I went to go see my mom today. She wouldn't let us have any conversations that she felt wasn't important and we were not allowed to talk unless it was an approved topic. :nono: How are we supposed to talk to her if she won't even let us speak? She talks about wishing she had people in her life to talk to, someone to tell her when she's doing something wrong. Is it because we are her children that she feels like our opinions mean nothing?


May 23, 2012
YayTacori said:
GemFever|1354117273|3317354 said:
YayTacori|1354073198|3317046 said:
Thank you for your concern rosebloom. PS is such a nice community. I never thought about counseling for myself... It sounds like a good idea. Someone to talk to that isn't biased or anything.
I feel bad for venting here. I was actually gonna erase my first post about my mom's meltdown but I let it go. Whenever I talk about her, I always feel like I am burdening others with my problems...

I think it's good that you kept your post and got to talk about it, even a little. PS is a very sympathetic community, and having some outlet to share your anguish over such a tough situation is important. I think it may even be better to talk about it here than with your close friends who may know your mother. At least I would feel that way. PSers can give advice and words of encouragement, but you and your mom also have your privacy.

I think Rosebloom's idea of talking to a counselor sounds like a very good one. Definitely you should do something to be better able to cope with this over time without it having a devastating effect on your own life.

Rosebloom|1354118241|3317366 said:
YayTacori said:
Rosebloom said:
YayTacori said:
GemFever said:
YayTacori ... so sorry it's so tough with your mom. We have a family member who also won't listen to reason or admit that there is anything psychologically wrong with her. It's terrible, and sadly, we've distanced ourselves and she has distanced herself to the point of practically no contact. It's very painful, but not sure what can be done when the person does not want to be treated or go through therapy. :blackeye:
Thanks gemfever. I'm sorry about your family member and the things your family had to go through.
I'm so sorry you're going through this YT. Take care of yourself. And if she won't get help, maybe a little counseling for you would help? Just someone to talk about it with who can help you get perspective on how to best move forward. Of course you can always vent here too.
Thank you for your concern rosebloom. PS is such a nice community. I never thought about counseling for myself... It sounds like a good idea. Someone to talk to that isn't biased or anything.
I feel bad for venting here. I was actually gonna erase my first post about my mom's meltdown but I let it go. Whenever I talk about her, I always feel like I am burdening others with my problems...

It's so important to take care of yourself. As the old adage goes, you won't be able to change her, you can only change the way she makes you feel. And that is what therapy can really help with. Speaking from experience here.

It is getting so much harder. My brother, my sister in law, and I went to go see my mom today. She wouldn't let us have any conversations that she felt wasn't important and we were not allowed to talk unless it was an approved topic. :nono: How are we supposed to talk to her if she won't even let us speak? She talks about wishing she had people in her life to talk to, someone to tell her when she's doing something wrong. Is it because we are her children that she feels like our opinions mean nothing?

That is a bad scene. You may have to think about giving yourself a break from all that drama. Could you find an excuse to not be able to see her for a few weeks?


May 23, 2012
In other news...

My best friend moved across the country a few months ago and I miss her so much! She was such a kindred spirit and we saw each other every day. It's so hard to find a new best friend! Sigh...


Sep 1, 2009
SO and I both got super sick at the start of October. Probably mono, but the dr didn't bother to test because it was clearly a virus. I'm doing a lot better but still pretty sick and exhausted but SO is BAD. I just found him sitting on the floor because he was so weak/dizzy that he fell.

He's out of sick time and has about 4 vacation days left for the year. He had rolled over the maximum from last year so he's been through 2 weeks of sick time plus about 6 weeks of vacation already (all used for illness! -- we both got whooping cough at the start of the year :nono: ) and isn't better yet.

I talked to the HR person this morning to find out about short term disability. It isn't great, but I think we'll be okay.

I'm SOOOoooo overwhelmed right now. I've still got the house to clean/maintain, an anorexic teenager, 4 cats and 2 dogs to take care of on top of very sick SO --- and my final exam is in ONE WEEK!

I want to call my mom and cry.... but she started drinking again and I just don't have the energy to deal with her too.

Sorry. I know it will be okay, but I'm just done for now and needed to get it out somewhere.


Jun 17, 2009
I'm so sorry things are rough right now TooPatient, you certainly have a lot going on. Hang in there, rest when you can and take care of yourself, you'll make it through this. Focus on your exam right now and just do the essentials around the house - once you're done with that you won't be as stressed and then you can deal with the other issues.

Deactivated member 42515

TooPatient said:
SO and I both got super sick at the start of October. Probably mono, but the dr didn't bother to test because it was clearly a virus. I'm doing a lot better but still pretty sick and exhausted but SO is BAD. I just found him sitting on the floor because he was so weak/dizzy that he fell.

He's out of sick time and has about 4 vacation days left for the year. He had rolled over the maximum from last year so he's been through 2 weeks of sick time plus about 6 weeks of vacation already (all used for illness! -- we both got whooping cough at the start of the year :nono: ) and isn't better yet.

I talked to the HR person this morning to find out about short term disability. It isn't great, but I think we'll be okay.

I'm SOOOoooo overwhelmed right now. I've still got the house to clean/maintain, an anorexic teenager, 4 cats and 2 dogs to take care of on top of very sick SO --- and my final exam is in ONE WEEK!

I want to call my mom and cry.... but she started drinking again and I just don't have the energy to deal with her too.

Sorry. I know it will be okay, but I'm just done for now and needed to get it out somewhere.
I'm sorry your sick and your SO is even sicker. I know the anxiety you can ge from being sick and immobile and not being able to do anything and watching things pile up. But slowly but surely things will fall back into place. I am sorry tho for your mom starting to drink again. I know it's so so hard to deal with a loved one when they have an addiction. (If this is what you are implying. If not, I'm sorry if I overstepped any boundaries) Just please focus on yourself first, get yourself allll better and then focus on things at hand. Stress is only gonna slow down your healing process! Sometimes I wish I could just teleport to PSers homes (if they'll let me) and take care of them when their sick! I'm a pretty good nursemaid! :)


Jun 8, 2008
TooPatient- so sorry you are going through this. I hope your dh gets better very soon and that things start to get back to normal. Sending cyberhugs your way!

YayTacori-just saw your post. So sorry about everything you are dealing with. Hugs your way too!


May 23, 2012
TooPatient said:
SO and I both got super sick at the start of October. Probably mono, but the dr didn't bother to test because it was clearly a virus. I'm doing a lot better but still pretty sick and exhausted but SO is BAD. I just found him sitting on the floor because he was so weak/dizzy that he fell.

He's out of sick time and has about 4 vacation days left for the year. He had rolled over the maximum from last year so he's been through 2 weeks of sick time plus about 6 weeks of vacation already (all used for illness! -- we both got whooping cough at the start of the year :nono: ) and isn't better yet.

I talked to the HR person this morning to find out about short term disability. It isn't great, but I think we'll be okay.

I'm SOOOoooo overwhelmed right now. I've still got the house to clean/maintain, an anorexic teenager, 4 cats and 2 dogs to take care of on top of very sick SO --- and my final exam is in ONE WEEK!

I want to call my mom and cry.... but she started drinking again and I just don't have the energy to deal with her too.

Sorry. I know it will be okay, but I'm just done for now and needed to get it out somewhere.
Oh goodness! I'm so sorry! I'll pray for healing for your family.


Apr 2, 2006
Happy Saturday everybody! It's raining here - not a deluge, just an extremely steady drizzle that will make a nice dent in our rainfall totals if it continues all day. A great day to curl up with a good book... or in my case, a good day to tackle some indoor chores. :wink2: Not the best for driving 20 miles out of town for a haircut, but that's on my agenda too!


May 24, 2012
...I just sneezed so hard that my puppy jumped straight into the air mid-nap.

Ahaha... I shouldn't laugh at his ruined nap but it was so cute.


Apr 2, 2006
My Miss Maya has a kitty cold.

It's only her second day and there's no gross mucus or anything and she still has a reasonable appetite, so I know I don't need to be too concerned, but I still hate to see her miserable. :((

I'm half tempted to stay home with her to make sure she's alright! :wink2:


Aug 14, 2009
So I posted this a few months ago:
Yssie|1341739179|3230427 said:
I've always wanted a giant fluffy orange cat with a squished face.

DH decided he wanted kittens a few months before I moved out 4 years ago. I, of course, was fully on board. It was the wrong season but the shelter had a pair of black boys that looked perfect, so he went to visit them. They were terrified of him, but as it happened the shelter had brought in another slightly younger short-haired pair - one black and one tortie - just that morning and he sent me pics of these two climbing him and perching on his head & shoulders and it was love at first sight.


I vowed that our third cat would be a fluffy orange giant with a squished face, but we'd have to wait until we left our very small apartment to get it.

The next fall we happened on a little grey cat in the parking lot by the apt complex. It saw us and streaked off and we figured we wouldn't see it again. We saw it again the next day though, and I don't remember why DH had Ocean Whitefish in his pocket but he got it open just quickly enough to toss at it. We spent almost three weeks moving the can closer and closer to a carrier, and finally caught it, and what we'd been calling Otto turned out to be a very pregnant Mina in very poor health. They aborted and fixed her and we took her home to get her healthy enough to re-home... a month later, after admittedly very little effort on my part, noone wanted her and she got along fabulously with Garett and Gretta and we officially named her our third.


I vowed that our fourth cat would be a fluffy orange giant with a squished face, but we'd have to wait til we left our very small apartment to get it. Mina - shorthaired grey & white & pink-nosed tabby with a moustache - was just a fluke that kinda fell into our laps.

We moved. We bought a house. The fluffy orange giant with a squished face loomed. I went to visit family and DH went to PetSmart for litter, and they were having an adoption fair. He stopped to play with a little grey tuxedo kitten and sent me photos and reminded me that we had a house now with plenty of room for a fourth, and that a kitten would probably be easier on the other three than an adult like I wanted. I said no, we're still looking for fluffy and orange and squished-faced, but it couldn't hurt to visit... we came home with Alex. Who has since turned into a black and white tuxedo.


...I want a dog.


Aug 14, 2009
A few weeks ago:
DH: If Ruby is pregnant can we get a puppy?
Me: Well let's wait and see... :-o

And now - meet Emily :bigsmile:

I think this is the moment I fell in love - she's eight days old, and she'll open her eyes tomorrow ::)

Two weeks and just starting to walk!
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