
Hope the President does a good job for USA

Rudy has revised his first statement that he released a few minutes ago. The first time he said manafort was going to cooperate and would tell the truth because trump did nothing wrong... now rudy has release a new statement taking back the part that said, manafort is going to tell mueller the truth.

I am waiting for the " he was there a short time, basically just a coffee boy" statement
Kavanaugh also accused of attempted rape. But fake news, right? :roll
Kavanaugh also accused of attempted rape. But fake news, right? :roll

Well, you know...


And, for good measure...

Kavanaugh also accused of attempted rape. But fake news, right? :roll

Oh nooooo. He's a great man! A family man. A real Boy Scout.
YES! We need to withhold judgement of Kavanaugh until we get the facts! I mean, do we even know what his accuser was wearing when the incident allegedly took place?

She was probably drinking, or worse... attending a social event without her husband or other suitable male chaperone present.
17 page cooperation agreement, but seriously, how is he going to go undercover now?
Has he done it recently cause now seems like they might know....

I dont know if kavanaugh is a sexual assaulter or not,
I do know trump shoukd not be allowed to nominate anyone who might one day be his judge.
I also never trust anyone trump thinks is a good person. When it somes to trump , birds of a feather flock together.
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Sixty five women who have known him 35 years say different.

It doesn't matter if 2 million women didn't see a rape or an attempted rape, that does not prove it did not take place. It doesn't matter if 20 million women didn't see it. How would you know for sure it didn't happen?

It doesn't matter if 2 million women didn't see a rape or an attempted rape, that does not prove it did not take place. It doesn't matter if 20 million women didn't see it. How would you know for sure it didn't happen?


It doesn't mean it did either. How do you know it did? Kinda suspect at this point isn't it? If it was credible the FBI would investigate. At this point the 65 women are to be believed just as much as the one until evidence shows different.
It doesn't mean it did either. How do you know it did?

Ah, but I didn't. I did not weigh in with an opinion on whether it happened, red, and given the dearth of information on the matter, you would have been wise not to do so, either.

Kinda suspect at this point isn't it? If it was credible the FBI would investigate. At this point the 65 women are to be believed just as much as the one until evidence shows different.

You are using flawed logic, red. The one woman asserts that a specific act occurred when she was alone with two men. All that the 65 women assert is that Brett Kavanaugh is a nice guy who doesn't seem like the kind of person who rapes people. The latter statement is not a direct refutation of the former charge.

Want to try again?

Ah, but I didn't. I did not weigh in with an opinion on whether it happened, red, and given the dearth of information on the matter, you would have been wise not to do so, either.

You are using flawed logic, red. The one woman asserts that a specific act occurred when she was alone with two men. All that the 65 women assert is that Brett Kavanaugh is a nice guy who doesn't seem like the kind of person who rapes people. The latter statement is not a direct refutation of the former charge.

Want to try again?

No not really. I never said it didn't happen or that it did. You asked and I asked back to you. Neither of us know anything. I said it's dirty politics and it is. Let the one woman come out and press charges, otherwise it is another act in the circus. The Sixth Amendment is there for a reason.
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Dirty politics by Feinstein. WTH was she doing with this letter she has had since July? Disgusting.

Sixty five women who have known him 35 years say different. 65 Women who know Kavanaugh from High School - Kavanaugh Nomination.pdf

FBI wants nothing to do with it.


They got SIXTY-FIVE Letters in one day. To quite Warden Norton "Lord it's a miracle!" The repubs knew about this. They kept it under wraps and had those letters READY. You've got to be kidding me....:roll

This is exactly why women don't ever say anything. They are never believed. Sad.

And to accuse Feinstein of dirty politics is a LONG stretch. She refused to even discuss the letter, she respected the accusers anonymity, and she sent it straight to the authorities. Exactly like she should have. She did EXACTLY the right thing.

There's really nothing anyone can say to conservatives at this point. They are in their own world. The only thing the rest of us can do is vote them out. And it's going to happen. Supporting Trump now is like grabbing a kettlebell to use as a life preserver...
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No not really. I never said it didn't happen or that it did. You asked and I asked back to you. Neither of us know anything. I said it's dirty politics and it is. Let the one woman come out and press charges, otherwise it is another act in the circus. The Sixth Amendment is there for a reason.

Who in their RIGHT mind would come out and risk their family's lives? I am sure she would rather stay anonymous than deal with the hootin' hollerin' lock her up 3000 people didn't die in Puerto Rico build the wall brown people took our jobs speak English this is America gun-toting Trump fanatics. I know I would.
OMG I just read your link. It was ONE Letter signed by 65 people? OMG and it's not even an onion article. This is exactly why I drink. I can't believe this is my freaking reality right now. I don't even know what to tell my kids.
Who in their RIGHT mind would come out and risk their family's lives? I am sure she would rather stay anonymous than deal with the hootin' hollerin' lock her up 3000 people didn't die in Puerto Rico build the wall brown people took our jobs speak English this is America gun-toting Trump fanatics. I know I would.

Then why say anything at all?

If something happened it should have been addressed 35 years ago. In this country people are innocent until proven guilty and the accused has the right to face their accuser. Period. Rape is a terrible crime and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law - every time.
Then why say anything at all?

If something happened it should have been addressed 35 years ago. In this country people are innocent until proven guilty and the accused has the right to face their accuser. Period. Rape is a terrible crime and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law - every time.

But. It's. NOT. Do you have any idea how many times I've had to fight my way out a situation like this? If I had a dollar...:???:

If one of them were up for a Supreme Court Judge seat, I'd send an anonymous letter. Because I have kids and I SEE how women are treated by Trump fanatics. There's no way in hell I'd risk their safety.
But. It's. NOT. Do you have any idea how many times I've had to fight my way out a situation like this? If I had a dollar...:???:

If one of them were up for a Supreme Court Judge seat, I'd send an anonymous letter. Because I have kids and I SEE how women are treated by Trump fanatics. There's no way in hell I'd risk their safety.
We see crime differently then. People who are guilty of assault should be prosecuted IMO. If people let others get away with it then who knows what happens to the next person? Women should take an active role in protecting themselves as well. JMHO and you may see it differently.

Edit - the hypothetical judge should be able to face you rather than a smear from an anonymous letter.
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Ah, but I didn't. I did not weigh in with an opinion on whether it happened, red, and given the dearth of information on the matter, you would have been wise not to do so, either.

You are using flawed logic, red. The one woman asserts that a specific act occurred when she was alone with two men. All that the 65 women assert is that Brett Kavanaugh is a nice guy who doesn't seem like the kind of person who rapes people. The latter statement is not a direct refutation of the former charge.

Want to try again?



@redwood66 , Please read up on rape statistics before making ignorant comments. Out of every 1,000 rapes, only 310 will be reported. Only 6 rapists will be incarcerated. 994 perpetrators will go free.

Rapists do not rape every women they come in contact with. Many are married and their wives have no idea they are capable of committing a crime like this. They have jobs, friends and families, just like everyone else. Often all these people are completely surprised when the rapist is charged.

Rape is the most under reported crime.

@redwood66 , Please read up on rape statistics before making ignorant comments. Out of every 1,000 rapes, only 310 will be reported. Only 6 rapists will Be incarcerated. 994 perpetrators will go free.

Rapists do not rape every women they come in contact with. Many are married and their wives have no idea they are capable of committing a crime like this. They have jobs, friends and families, just like everyone else. Often all these people are completely surprised when the rapist is charged.

Rape is the most under reported crime.
Why is that? Report it when it happens and have all evidence collected. Otherwise how is anything supposed to change? It won't happen unless people stand up to it. I will try to have a decent conversation with you but you can knock it off with the "ignorant" BS.
We see crime differently then. People who are guilty of assault should be prosecuted IMO. If people let others get away with it then who knows what happens to the next person? Women should take an active role in protecting themselves as well. JMHO and you may see it differently.

Edit - the hypothetical judge should be able to face you rather than a smear from an anonymous letter.

I agree with you, but it just isn't how it works. The woman is ALWAYS blamed no matter what. If this woman came forward, they would dig up all her old lovers, any misdemeanors she might have committed, her mental illnesses if she has any, publish her whereabouts and drag her family through the mud and possible hurt them. I don't blame her one bit. Her life would be ruined.
And most of the people blaming her would be women like those 65. Conservative white women cowering behind their husbands, regurgitating anything that would make their husbands happy. I know SOOOO many of them.
I agree with you, but it just isn't how it works. The woman is ALWAYS blamed no matter what. If this woman came forward, they would dig up all her old lovers, any misdemeanors she might have committed, her mental illnesses if she has any, publish her whereabouts and drag her family through the mud and possible hurt them. I don't blame her one bit. Her life would be ruined.
Yes this is true and it sucks. But there is no other way to hold rapists (or any other criminal) accountable than to go through the process.
Getting a rape kit done, and then having to be victimized again and again by almost all people from the lawyers to the prosecutors who wont believe you for any reason they can think of because “ he is a good guy who would never do that” is something no one should have to go through. Once it comes to public air, it is all people will think about when they think of you. It affects employment and how you are treated too.
It is bad enough today, but back when kavanaugh was a 18 year old.... I would bet everyone told her to stay out of public view until any bruises healed and try to forget it and move on. Back then it was even harder to “ prove” than it is today. It is easy to agree all crime should be prosecuted, but reality is that almost all rapes never result in a conviction and the penalty is minimal and they get parole way too early.

When the president grabs women by the genitals and his lawyers have said you cant rape a spouse and 1/3 of the country supports them... I wouldnt want to come forward either.
This is a lose lose situtation for her if she come forward. There are no protections for her and I guarantee you she and her family would be harassed and threatened at a minimum
And most of the people blaming her would be women like those 65. Conservative white women cowering behind their husbands, regurgitating anything that would make their husbands happy. I know SOOOO many of them.
LOL. I don't know any of those kind of women. And I am certainly not one of them.
And most of the people blaming her would be women like those 65. Conservative white women cowering behind their husbands, regurgitating anything that would make their husbands happy. I know SOOOO many of them.

The "women need to take an active role in preventing their own rapes" thing baffles me beyond anything I have ever witnessed on this forum. When rape is reported, it is seldom taken seriously or even believed. Careers ruined, lives threatened. I consider it hate speech in its most insidious form.

I would love to have a 5 minute conversation with one of these people about marital rape. They would slink away in shame.
Getting a rape kit done, and then having to be victimized again and again by almost all people from the lawyers to the prosecutors who wont believe you for any reason they can think of because “ he is a good guy who would never do that” is something no one should have to go through. Once it comes to public air, it is all people will think about when they think of you. It affects employment and how you are treated too.
It is bad enough today, but back when kavanaugh was a 18 year old.... I would bet everyone told her to stay out of public view until any bruises healed and try to forget it and move on. Back then it was even harder to “ prove” than it is today. It is easy to agree all crime should be prosecuted, but reality is that almost all rapes never result in a conviction and the penalty is minimal and they get parole way too early.

When the president grabs women by the genitals and his lawyers have said you cant rape a spouse and 1/3 of the country supports them... I wouldnt want to come forward either.
This is a lose lose situtation for her if she come forward. There are no protections for her and I guarantee you she and her family would be harassed and threatened at a minimum
I have read thousands of court transcripts and charging documents of rape and child abuse that would make the toughest person weep. Thank God those people came forward and stopped the scum from harming anyone else.

So what is the alternative?
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Why is that? Report it when it happens and have all evidence collected. Otherwise how is anything supposed to change? It won't happen unless people stand up to it. I will try to have a decent conversation with you but you can knock it off with the "ignorant" BS.

@redwood66 , Kavanaugh was 18 years old, 35 years ago. It was worse then than it is now for a woman reporting a rape.

You are being ignorant. You have no idea what a woman who has been raped goes thru. You have made comments about yourself when you were a younger person. Do you not think every detail of your life would have been brought up in court? Do you think you would have had the courage to report a rape when you were young? The world was very different back in 1983.
I have read thousands of court transcripts and charging documents of rape and child abuse that would make the toughest person weep. Thank God those people came forward and stopped the scum from harming anyone else.

So what is the alternative?

The problem is very few reported rapes result in a conviction. It’s acceptable to almost half the country that the President has committed sexual assault. He is on tape admitting it and still got voted into office.
Do you really wonder why more women do not report rape?