
Hope the President does a good job for USA

Has Fox News not reported anything about the 23 indictments that have been issued as a result of Mueller’s still ongoing investigation?

@Johnbt It was the investigations that were done regarding Hillary Clinton that didn’t end with any indictments. She also testified for hours on end.
Has Fox News not reported anything about the 23 indictments that have been issued as a result of Mueller’s still ongoing investigation?

@Johnbt It was the investigations that were done regarding Hillary Clinton that didn’t end with any indictments. She also testified for hours on end.

I think he’s more of a Breitbart and InfoWars kinda guy.
The US Embassy issued a warning for Americans to keep a low profile in London during Trumps visit. They said that demonstrators may be unfriendly towards Americans.

We will be hated in every country while Trump is President.
Of course House Cat. None of this is a coincidence. Trump picked this justice as his get out of jail free card. He’ll get his pardon.
For what crime?? :confused:

Sometimes its nice to take a rest from PS, for when you read what others have written you sort of see flaws. Since racism runs through the American society and probably other societies as well, pointing it out over and over again states the obvious. So we are all racist. Generalizations like this say nothing. I like my definitions tighter. I believe that illegal immigration is the problem, not a disdain for brown people. In fact I strongly believe that problems are tackled best in smaller parts. The only cause I'm interested in is stopping police from shooting unarmed black men. Border problems are for immigration and laws to contain- not fueled by racism. I also believe we have made great strides in opportunity for equality for Black people. We have a woman on this board that I admire and like. She represents to me the age some modicum of equality becoming real. And I know there are millions more like her out there. And I bet most of you don't know who it is. There is a class structure at work in racism, and should be considered . The Pres. definitely is a white supremacist, but this does not men his ideas trickle down. Other peoples ideas were already there.

My next thought is more important. Why are you, and others giving this President so much power in your minds. What clarity I have this morning. This Pres is going to bring down NATO? You have to be kidding. If our institutions are so weak that they tremble and fall at each statement the Pres makes, you certainly will lose your country. Stop acting like hysterical people. This man may change the future, not because he is smart or good, but because he throws a few words around and the world flutters and shakes in their boots, and moans and moans about the terribleness of it all.

We have survived many things in our history. A small man like DT, who stole an election, should be in jail. I see it as a possibility, not withstanding the new Justice.

This Pres should be mocked publicly because its what hurts him personally. DT infantile baby that he is.

Sometimes its nice to take a rest from PS, for when you read what others have written you sort of see flaws. Since racism runs through the American society and probably other societies as well, pointing it out over and over again states the obvious. So we are all racist. Generalizations like this say nothing.
I think there's a huge difference between having prejudicial thoughts about people of different races and being a racist. With the former, a person recognizes that illogical feelings don't have to dictate one's actions, and chooses compassion and empathy instead. In contrast, a racist would either have no awareness of or outright reject the notion that their prejudices are wrong, and act in accordance with that belief.

We are not all racists.

I like my definitions tighter. I believe that illegal immigration is the problem, not a disdain for brown people. In fact I strongly believe that problems are tackled best in smaller parts. The only cause I'm interested in is stopping police from shooting unarmed black men. Border problems are for immigration and laws to contain- not fueled by racism. I also believe we have made great strides in opportunity for equality for Black people. We have a woman on this board that I admire and like. She represents to me the age some modicum of equality becoming real. And I know there are millions more like her out there. And I bet most of you don't know who it is.
Given the fact that Trump has undeniably strong control over immigration policy and he openly expresses contempt for brown and black people, I don't think you can separate the two. The recent outrage over immigration was caused by Trump's decision to take children from their parents, lying that it's the Democrats' fault, then proving himself a liar by signing the executive order ending the policy to separate families.

The equitable treatment of black people is absolutely an important issue, and we can care about more than one thing at a time. It's not a zero-sum game.

There is a class structure at work in racism, and should be considered .
Absolutely, and one feeds into the other in a loop.

The Pres. definitely is a white supremacist, but this does not men his ideas trickle down. Other peoples ideas were already there.
Certainly, there were racists well before Trump became president. The problem isn't necessarily that his ideas are trickling down; it's that Trump emboldens racists to rally in the streets and spew their hateful rhetoric more openly than they have in decades.

Example from 2017:

Admittedly, the white supremacist movement seems to have lost momentum as of late, but that would be attributable to the efforts of antifa and infighting among the racists.

I've heard it said that it's good Trump helped to expose the racism that was always there, under the veneer of political correctness, and I think there's truth in that. We can't deal with something if we insist on pretending that it doesn't exist.

My next thought is more important. Why are you, and others giving this President so much power in your minds. What clarity I have this morning. This Pres is going to bring down NATO? You have to be kidding. If our institutions are so weak that they tremble and fall at each statement the Pres makes, you certainly will lose your country. Stop acting like hysterical people. This man may change the future, not because he is smart or good, but because he throws a few words around and the world flutters and shakes in their boots, and moans and moans about the terribleness of it all.
I can't speak for anyone else, but my choice to make donations to the ACLU/Planned Parenthood/RAICES/SPLC/etc., call my representatives, attend protests, and challenge those who would defend Trump is based on several factors:
  • Trump's power is real, as are the consequences of his decisions. It's our duty as patriots to protest unjust policies and speak up when he's alienating our major allies and making nice with dictators. Will he single-handedly bring down NATO? Maybe not, but he sure can sow distrust and bad blood that will make our allies hesitant to look to the US as a world leader or take our word seriously.
  • While there are supposed to be checks & balances, we've yet to see Republicans truly stand up to Trump. Sure, a few Congressmen might give a feeble response to the press here and there, but at the end of the day they'll continue to support Trump as long as it serves their own interests.
  • The Supreme Court is going to be reshaped as a conservative stalwart for another generation at least. This directly impacts LGBTQ and women's rights, to name two.
If you think that amounts to hysterics, then sure, I'm hysterical.

We have survived many things in our history. A small man like DT, who stole an election, should be in jail. I see it as a possibility, not withstanding the new Justice.
I hope you're right.

This Pres should be mocked publicly because its what hurts him personally. DT infantile baby that he is.

I agree!
I can't speak for anyone else, but my choice to make donations to the ACLU/Planned Parenthood/RAICES/SPLC/etc., call my representatives, attend protests, and challenge those who would defend Trump is based on several factors:
  • Trump's power is real, as are the consequences of his decisions. It's our duty as patriots to protest unjust policies and speak up when he's alienating our major allies and making nice with dictators. Will he single-handedly bring down NATO? Maybe not, but he sure can sow distrust and bad blood that will make our allies hesitant to look to the US as a world leader or take our word seriously.
  • While there are supposed to be checks & balances, we've yet to see Republicans truly stand up to Trump. Sure, a few Congressmen might give a feeble response to the press here and there, but at the end of the day they'll continue to support Trump as long as it serves their own interests.
  • The Supreme Court is going to be reshaped as a conservative stalwart for another generation at least. This directly impacts LGBTQ and women's rights, to name two.
If you think that amounts to hysterics, then sure, I'm hysterical.

Actually, you can speak for me, JPie. I agree 100%. And I deny being a racist although I agree with you that I surely have unconscious racist thoughts. I would never in a million years want anyone to have access to my unconscious. I believe that we, ourselves, are protected from having access to most of our unconscious thoughts. They would be far too upsetting! I think we lead our lives in the dark, blind to what is really driving us.

Deb :wavey:
Calliecake had written: "Trump picked this justice as his get out of jail free card. He’ll get his pardon."

Dancing Fire replied below:

For what crime?? :confused:

He probably wants to be pardoned for all of them.
And I deny being a racist although I agree with you that I surely have unconscious racist thoughts. I would never in a million years want anyone to have access to my unconscious.

You and me both, Deb! Mine aren't all subconscious. :mrgreen2:

I certainly wasn't suggesting you do nothing to support your views. That is not hysteria. But, this morning when I turned on the TV all I heard was that DT said Germany was dependent on Russia due to the construction of a gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. You would have thought the world fell apart. He's trying to destroy Nato- really stupid stuff. Kelly looked embarrassed, and in this case its news media that makes these statements important, which I am saying ought not be.

You also, JPie, take what DT says about black and brown people and extrapolate that all who agree with his actions on the border are those racists you keep talking about. I disagree. Someone on here said they did not want their Pres to say a country was a shithole, or people are animals.
People say those things all the time. I call people animals at times. Because he says it, it becomes so terrible that we must criticize that for days. No people are not racist because they want border control. There is no country that is less zenophobic and more embracing of "others" than the US of America. These people are not hated. These people do come for a better life and when they come legally are welcomed here.

Most groups have problems initially. Irish, Italian, Russians, Jews, Mexicans, Jamicans, Chinese, Korean, Indian, Pakis, and so many others. They make it through. They will keep making it with or without Donald Trump and his policies. Donald Trump is not as tough as they are.

I have to throw this in. Where are the SJW on Southern Sudan. or Darfur when that was happening. Didn't hear you all loud and clear on that.

Your racism doesn't hold up for me, although you did explain better above. I believe we, most of us, are less racist than you think. DT doesn't represent many. He represents himself.

Less hysteria for me. But actions are good.

Please feel free to speak for me JPie! I agree with everything you stated. I realize some of my posts have sounded hysterical as I usually come here and vent about the latest thing Trump has done that I find upsetting.

I call my local representative and senators and donate money to Planned Parenthood and the ACLU and I vote.

I watched Don Lemon’s show on CNN last night. Three of the commentators had different views on what we have been witnessing with race since Trump took office.. One woman of color was almost in tears due to how this President treats anyone who isn’t a white male. A white man stated the Republican Party is at a crossroads and they need to make a decision. They will either reject the white supremacists or this will become their party. One white woman said she will support the Republican Party no matter who they pick.

@AGBF I thought of you the past two evenings watching Don Lemon’s CNN show. Tuesday night Don had a deputy director for the ACLU immigration rights as a guest.

I would not be nearly as upset if Trump only represented himself @smitcompton . There seems to be no line in the sand Trump can not cross. At what point does human decency matter to the Trump supporter?
We live within an hour of each other Annette. How many times have we seen police officers kill a black kid for stealing a car? A black kid walking away from a cop gets shot. Of course I believe any one stealing should be punished but no 16 yr old kid should lose their life over stealing a car. Hate crimes have increased since Trump. Just this week a forest preserve officer did nothing as a white man was harassing a women in a Puerto Rico T shirt.

In fact Calliecakes, you were not a person that I was speaking about. In fact, what I like about you is your authenticity. There is nothing convoluted about what you write. Its straight forward, without pretensions and you are not making a comment to win an argument. You state what you believe and move on. I wish everyone was like you in posting. I accept that is how you feel and think. I can also accept what others feel and think that may differ.
I have been thinking about the word liberal. It used to mean something quite different than how it is used today. Having a liberal education was supposed to expose you to differing points of view to gain understanding of the different facets of the world to become more tolerant of those views. It seems we have gone from critical thinking to this permissive society where "the liberals" have ruined our schools, dummied-down our kids, made them snowflakes who whine, and created demands that the society can not fill. Thus we have identity politics. Thats what liberalism has come to.

I don't disagree with most of what you write. I know we have been through much worse things and we will come through again. DT can not be blamed for everything. Chicago breaks my heart really. Children and babies killed every day. I want the National Guard there.

I'm interested in the Russia probe. DT is street smart. He will do anything to protect himself from any fallout, what ever that is. I think I'm extreme. I think he is a criminal, stole an election with the enemy, and needs a good jail term. I do mean it. I just won't get caught up, unless its funny, in every last word the man says. Too much power to give him. Many on here want to blame DT for throwing a brick at an old man. That's a crazy woman.
Maybe I should go back to sleeping late.

PS-JPie does not speak for me.

That was a crazy woman for sure who attacked that poor 91 year old gentleman. Racial attack? Maybe. She is black he is Hispanic.

Yesterday my DS and DIL were riding the train home to the burbs from Chicago. They had been attending her naturalization ceremony. She is from Poland. (Very proud U.S. citizen now :appl:) They were both dressed up, my DS wearing a suit and tie. Across the aisle from him sat a 30ish black woman who out of the blue started to verbally harass my DS. He calmly answered her questions for 15 - 20 mins. She went from asking him what he was reading to threatening to pepper spray him at which point DS and DIL got up to move to a different train compartment. This unstable woman followed them and continued her verbal assault. They found a conductor to help handle the situation, luckily. My point is, there are mentally unstable people everywhere, always have been. Could this be construed as a racially motivated encounter? Sure. Harassment from unstable black woman towards perceived privileged white male, or just unstable woman harassing the closest person she could find.
Either way, bad situation to find yourself in. What would you think?

I certainly wasn't suggesting you do nothing to support your views. That is not hysteria. But, this morning when I turned on the TV all I heard was that DT said Germany was dependent on Russia due to the construction of a gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. You would have thought the world fell apart. He's trying to destroy Nato- really stupid stuff. Kelly looked embarrassed, and in this case its news media that makes these statements important, which I am saying ought not be.
It's the media's job to report on things like that, but you're right in that the way they've approached Trump since before his presidency has probably inadvertently bolstered him.

You also, JPie, take what DT says about black and brown people and extrapolate that all who agree with his actions on the border are those racists you keep talking about. I disagree. Someone on here said they did not want their Pres to say a country was a shithole, or people are animals.
People say those things all the time. I call people animals at times. Because he says it, it becomes so terrible that we must criticize that for days. No people are not racist because they want border control. There is no country that is less zenophobic and more embracing of "others" than the US of America. These people are not hated. These people do come for a better life and when they come legally are welcomed here.

Most groups have problems initially. Irish, Italian, Russians, Jews, Mexicans, Jamicans, Chinese, Korean, Indian, Pakis, and so many others. They make it through. They will keep making it with or without Donald Trump and his policies. Donald Trump is not as tough as they are.

I have to throw this in. Where are the SJW on Southern Sudan. or Darfur when that was happening. Didn't hear you all loud and clear on that.

Your racism doesn't hold up for me, although you did explain better above. I believe we, most of us, are less racist than you think. DT doesn't represent many. He represents himself.

Less hysteria for me. But actions are good.


Please reread what I've written on this topic. Nobody here, myself included, has said anything about being against border control. You can be in favor of it without being a racist. We are against the inhumane and evil ways that Trump has chosen to enforce the law. If you don't see anything wrong with supporting a president who tears children from their parents with no plans to reunify them, then you've got bigger problems than illegal immigration.

And for the record, I have never said that all Trump supporters are racists. I don't think they all are. There are people who would support a racist as long as it furthers their own interests, and lash out at those who point out the moral turpitude in that. I've already listed the real consequences of having a man like Trump as president, but it's your choice if you want to downplay the threat and pretend he's a powerless figurehead because you like how he separates families at the border.

As for Sudan and Darfur, let me get something straight. You're calling me a social justice warrior as a pejorative, and you're lecturing me for not bringing up Sudan and Darfur, two topics that haven't been in the news since I've been on this board? Think about the logic in that for a minute.
Many on here want to blame DT for throwing a brick at an old man. That's a crazy woman.

The "many" to whom you refer is one person, I believe, me. And I didn't blame Donald Trump for throwing the brick, but for creating the environment in which that brick was much more likely to be thrown than it would have been prior to his candidacy.

Ever since Donald Trump became a candidate for president he has encouraged racial animus towards Mexicans.

Calling anyone who commits an act of violence, especially a racially motivated act of violence "crazy", is the ultimate cop-out. My daughter is diagnosed with a mental illness. I am attempting to get her into a halfway house with other people who are diagnosed with mental illnesses. All of them have had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations. In other words, lay people would call them "crazy". If they are violent, they cannot be admitted to live there with other, fragile, mentally ill people. Not all mentally ill people are violent and most violent people are not mentally ill.

That was a crazy woman for sure who attacked that poor 91 year old gentleman. Racial attack? Maybe. She is black he is Hispanic.

Yesterday my DS and DIL were riding the train home to the burbs from Chicago. They had been attending her naturalization ceremony. She is from Poland. (Very proud U.S. citizen now :appl:) They were both dressed up, my DS wearing a suit and tie. Across the aisle from him sat a 30ish black woman who out of the blue started to verbally harass my DS. He calmly answered her questions for 15 - 20 mins. She went from asking him what he was reading to threatening to pepper spray him at which point DS and DIL got up to move to a different train compartment. This unstable woman followed them and continued her verbal assault. They found a conductor to help handle the situation, luckily. My point is, there are mentally unstable people everywhere, always have been. Could this be construed as a racially motivated encounter? Sure. Harassment from unstable black woman towards perceived privileged white male, or just unstable woman harassing the closest person she could find.
Either way, bad situation to find yourself in. What would you think?

We do not know she was crazy. If she was, however, we do know that Trump selected her target for her. It was not the "closest person she could find"; it was a Mexican.

We do not know she was crazy. If she was, however, we do know that Trump selected her target for her. It was not the "closest person she could find"; it was a Mexican.

“Closest person she could find.” Was a question I considered in my son’s train experience, NOT in regards to the brick bashing assault Deb. Maybe go back and re-read the context of my post. You seem to be mixing up the two.;)2
“Closest person she could find.” Was a question I considered in my son’s train experience, NOT in regards to the brick bashing assault Deb. Maybe go back and re-read the context of my post. You seem to be mixing up the two.;)2

Done. I see the second paragraph related solely to the incident with your son. Thank you for pointing that out. And, by the way, I am sorry they had that experience. It is unnerving to be accosted by people who are both mentally ill and aggrieved. I found it difficult even when I encountered it in a professional capacity; on the street (as it were) it is even more upsetting.

I don’t know if the woman who accosted my kids on the train yesterday was mentally ill. Dangerous potentially. My story was not meant in any way to negate the racism in the attack of that poor old man beaten with a brick. Racism and bigotry is ugly in any form. Ugly things go on everday in all walks of life. I shared my son’s story to illustrate that hate, anger or whatever was going on there is pervasive and not anything new.
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There is nothing convoluted about what you write. Its straight forward, without pretensions and you are not making a comment to win an argument. You state what you believe and move on. I wish everyone was like you in posting. I accept that is how you feel and think. I can also accept what others feel and think that may differ.
I have been thinking about the word liberal. It used to mean something quite different than how it is used today. Having a liberal education was supposed to expose you to differing points of view to gain understanding of the different facets of the world to become more tolerant of those views. It seems we have gone from critical thinking to this permissive society where "the liberals" have ruined our schools, dummied-down our kids, made them snowflakes who whine, and created demands that the society can not fill. Thus we have identity politics. Thats what liberalism has come to.

Annette, do you see the irony at all in wishing for people here to be accepting of others and differences in feelings, and then in the next paragraph complain about modern liberalism resulting in "snowflakes who whine"?

The term for a place where everyone's opinions are respected is "safe space":
Advocates for Youth states on their website that a safe-space is "A place where anyone can relax and be fully self-expressed, without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome or challenged on account of biological sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, cultural background, age, or physical or mental ability; a place where the rules guard each person's self-respect, dignity and feelings and strongly encourage everyone to respect others."[16] However, some people consider safe space culture as a violation of the First Amendment and a mechanism for retreating from opinions which contrast with one's own.[17]

Being unable to deal with opposing opinions is exactly one of the qualities of snowflakes:
Snowflake as a slang term involves the derogatory usage of the word snowflake to refer to a person. Its meaning may include a person perceived by others to have an inflated sense of uniqueness or an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or to be over-emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.

The problem with much of public discourse today is that people increasingly think they can say whatever nonsense they want under the cover of "Well, it's my opinion!" It's the ultimate cop-out. If said opinion has no basis in fact, then yeah, I'll call it out regardless of your feelings. If I disagree with it, I'll let you know. That's how this whole First Amendment thing works.
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The US Embassy issued a warning for Americans to keep a low profile in London during Trumps visit. They said that demonstrators may be unfriendly towards Americans.

We will be hated in every country while Trump is President.

I honestly don’t believe that demonstrators will be unfriendly towards American tourists. The protests and demonstrations are aimed solely at Mr Trump.
Trump is loving the pomp and circumstance of his meeting with Queen Elizabeth.

Mueller is issuing 12 more Russian Indictments today. A grand jury of ordinary Americans have found probable cause that Russian Nationals interfered in our election. This is no longer a debacle point on this issue. Mueller releasing this today has great significance.

How can anyone allow Trump to meet with Putin alone?
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I honestly don’t believe that demonstrators will be unfriendly towards American tourists. The protests and demonstrations are aimed solely at Mr Trump.

I agree Austina. My husband talks with multiple people in London at least 5 days a week. He has yet to talk to anyone who approves of Trump. He gets condolences on Trump being our president.
Did any of you see Rod Rosenstein press conference a 1/2 hour ago?
Thanks for the heads up Callie. I missed it but found it on youtube.


This is the kind of news I wait for. I shouted at the TV. YES! The investigation has moved forward. Long live Mueller and Rosenstein.

Our crazy lady was not charged with a hate crime. She has threatened others before and I believe she is on probation. There are a lot of crazies out there who don't need much encouragement to act poorly or criminally.

It makes perfect sense to me to discuss how "liberalism was transformed", by showing the failures its engendered. So Jpie your logic escapes me, so please don't reply to me.
