
Hope the President does a good job for USA

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004


Mar 2, 2013
I am super confused by your post...

Should we be apologetic for our gang mentality/disrespect? Or should we be like you and not give respect to someone simply because they have a pulse?

It's not my objective to tell you what to do. But it would be appreciated if you correctly cited my statement when referencing it vs twisting it. :wavey:

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
It's not my objective to tell you what to do. But it would be appreciated if you correctly cited my statement when referencing it vs twisting it. :wavey:
Maybe you didn’t see the fact that I quoted you? Your entire post was included within my post. It would be difficult to twist your words when they are right there in the post.


Mar 2, 2013
Maybe you didn’t see the fact that I quoted you? Your entire post was included within my post. It would be difficult to twist your words when they are right there in the post.

You then re-cited part of it in your comment - leaving out the clarifying aspect of my statement - when asking me to comment on the incomplete statement.

Maybe that wasn't your intent, but you could just as easily have bolded the part you were confused by. If it was your intent, it highlights the types of 'debate/discussions' on here that were exactly the point of my post.


Feb 12, 2018
No. My opinions/beliefs/principles are a result of my own observations, experiences, etc. over time from having lived all over the country. I’m not an ‘impressionable’ 20-something who floats whichever way the fart blows; rather, I’m someone who grew up in a blue collar, dem-heavy area of the country, with a union-loving, die-hard dem for a father. I have read/heard what others with opposing opinions have stated on here as well as off PS (which, quite frankly, I weigh far more than I do what is posted here), considered it, but most of it really was/is not ‘convincing enough’ to truly ‘sway my opinions’. If anything, it’s just more firmly rooted my conservative beliefs.

I have no tolerance for people who make excuses for and refuse to accept responsibility for their actions, play blame-games, and resort to displays of gang-mentality, disrespect and displays of public nuisance to try to get their point across ... kinda like toddlers throwing a temper tantrum. THAT is what I see our society coming to. And frankly, like many of the “topics” you posted above, that’s what I see mostly on here, and that’s why I prefer to mostly sit back and take it all in for the entertainment value that it is, watch karma do her thing, etc. If more people practiced what they (or their party) preached, society and discussions about it might be more productive, and I might respect them as people. But I’m not of the mindset that someone deserves my respect or even my time simply because they have a pulse when the other 99% of their existence aligns with the above, which does not align with my beliefs/principles.

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.


Jun 7, 2014
I am super confused by your post...

Should we be apologetic for our gang mentality/disrespect? Or should we be like you and not give respect to someone simply because they have a pulse?

Thank you @House Cat for your above response.

@the_mother_thing Why would you waste your time writing such lengthy responses to people on the left when you clearly don’t consider or value anyone’s opinion that is different from your own?

@Matata , I was unable to open the article you posted yesterday regarding birth control. Was this article similar to one written a few months back where the right wanted the majority of government money earmarked for birth control only going to organizations if the majority of this money was spent on abstinence programs? Heaven forbid we give access to actual birth control to women who are trying to prevent a pregnancy.

Has anyone heard Obama’s speech today?
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Sep 10, 2003


Mar 2, 2013
@the_mother_thing Why would you waste your time writing such lengthy responses to people on the left when you clearly don’t consider or value anyone’s opinion that is different from your own?

My original post was in response to a respectful question posed directly to me. The unbolded portion of your question is your chosen twist of my words, is not what I stated, and just further illustrates my earlier position.


Jun 7, 2014
Thank you @Matata, I seriously haven’t known anyone who is against birth control and considers it an abortion inducing drug and I’m flipping old. This is scary as hell.

@the_mother_thing , Please read the article Matata posted above (if you have not already done so) before calling women who are concerned about women’s reproductive rights be taken away hysterical. You have daughters. How do Kavanaugh’s views NOT bother you? Have you not used birth control in your lifetime?


May 11, 2013
Do you support the right to choose what a woman can do with her body? Do you support marriage for all? Are you gay or tran etc? Are you religious? Are you a conservative christian? Do you support Trump? Do you want YOUR ideas spread throughout America and the REST of us have to live by your ideas and rules? Did you support Boehner and his antics against President Obama? Did you support McConnell and his ilk refusing to support and interview Judge Garland? Did you support Trump when he spent so much time repeating a lie, Obama was born in Africa, Obama was a muslim.

I ask these questions because one, I am none of the above, and two I would like to know where you stand on these issues because these issues and many more have brought us to where we are today.

Why is it always 'just because'?.. Trump is a very sick, amoral man, if any president before him pulled what he's done in two years, you can bet impeachment would the the rule.

Democrats and the left can never forget the disrespect shown Judge Garland. It was despicable and I wait for the day that when democrats return to power so they impeach Gorsuch and another disgusting judge, Clarence Thomas, the way Anita Hill was treated by both parties and especially Thomas was unforgivable and we've been stuck with this leech ever since. The right was unflinching in their hate of Obama, the lies about his birth, the constant barrage of harassment created what we have today, what goes around comes around.

Why did Cavanaugh bring his kids? he must have known what was going to go down yet as a 'loving' father he brought them, only he his to blame if they are upset.. I hope it teaches the children that America has a first amendment. If we have a right to HEAR what is being said in the room? then does not Judge Merrick have a RIGHT TO A HEARING himself? the republicans were disgusting.

Your description of Romper Room is wrong, what happened this week was Americans standing up for what they believe and fear, like throwing the tea into Boston Harbor, one reaches enough and one acts.

I long ago lost respect for republicans and their hypocrisy when it comes to peace, love and compassion.. started with Nixon... As to who is or isn't in the room, it makes no difference. Trump recommended this guy so in my opinion, he's unfit.

So his children don't matter ... other citizens trying to participate in government don't matter ... because TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP. :cry2:

Just because you have the 'right' to do something doesn't always mean you should. We all have a 'right' to HEAR what is being said in the room as well, but can't ... because a bunch of ignorant yahoos want to act like disrespectful children and scream nonsense over the questions of the committee and testimony of the nominee.

And of course the Dem Senators should ask him questions ... but when they turn a legitimate process into a pathetic portrayal of Romper Room, they - and those who support/cheer them on - lose my respect entirely ... even more so when they defer & deflect the behaviors & actions of those IN the room onto someone who is NOT in the room.


May 11, 2013

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Did the Rep. Senators also acted like childrens during the hearings of Obama's two nominee Sotomayor and Kagan?
I'm still waiting for the Dimms to answer my Q above.


Mar 2, 2013
@Calliecake & @Tekate I see the glow of "the gang’s" torches from a mile away, and I’m pretty sure the fumes are bad for the environment, so I won’t engage in an interrogation of my personal beliefs. I have discussed them on here previously with both of you ... you can dig them up if you need to refresh your memory.


Mar 2, 2013
@Calliecake specific to your question about Kavanaugh, the article that was posted, and the term he cited from the case when asked about it, perhaps this article will lend some perspective. I wouldn’t burn someone at the stake for citing the facts of the case ... in this case, the plaintiff’s complaint. I also read the actual case/opinions.

The Huffington Post reported today that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh described contraceptives as “abortion-inducing drugs” during his confirmation hearing yesterday when he answered questions from Senator Ted Cruz about his dissent from denial of rehearing en banc in the Priests for Life v. HHS case. This is a distortion of Kavanaugh’s testimony, as the nominee was simply describing the litigation position that the plaintiffs had taken in the case.

In Priests for Life v. HHS, various Catholic nonprofits, including Catholic hospitals, clinics, universities, schools, and social services, challenged the contraceptive mandate provision of the Affordable Care Act on religious liberty grounds.

According to the plaintiffs’ brief in the case, they offered health care coverage to their employees that excluded coverage for “abortion-inducing products, contraception [except when used for noncontraceptive purposes], sterilization, or related counseling.”


Aug 22, 2012
@Calliecake specific to your question about Kavanaugh, the article that was posted, and the term he cited from the case when asked about it, perhaps this article will lend some perspective. I wouldn’t burn someone at the stake for citing the facts of the case ... in this case, the plaintiff’s complaint. I also read the actual case/opinions.

Distortion of what someone says is the norm when you have an agenda. Especially if no one bothers to actually check the full story.


Jan 26, 2003
I seriously haven’t known anyone who is against birth control and considers it an abortion inducing drug and I’m flipping old. This is scary as hell.

I believe the Jesuits who are no longer among us would roll in their graves to hear that birth control was being called "abortion". The Catholic intellectuals are really very precise in their thinking, whatever else one says about them.

I am also, "flipping" old and I have most certainly known many Catholics who oppose birth control as well as abortion. I have also known many Catholics who oppose masturbation (see Monty Python's movie for the difference between Catholics and Protestants if you need to be educated about this) because spilling the seed is a sin.

Opposing birth control and opposing abortion are tenets of the Roman Catholic religion. The reason for that should be obvious: people engage in marriage to procreate. When they have sexual intercourse it is to have babies. Only use of "the rhythm method" is acceptable birth control. Other religions have similar restrictions. Although i am less familiar with the practices of orthodox Jews, I do know that they have huge families, with the women pregnant year after the way that Irish Catholic women in the United States used to be. And intercourse takes place with a sheet between husband and wife for the sake of modesty.

I am just dashing this off. I welcome additions from others who know more about the birth control practices of other religions. I am sure that there are thousands of them. I am aware only of the few that I have run into in my own limited culture.

Deb/AGBF :wavey:


Mar 2, 2013
Distortion of what someone says is the norm when you have an agenda. Especially if no one bothers to actually check the full story.

I imagine regurgitating falsehoods is a treatable condition covered under the ACA.


Apr 22, 2017
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May 11, 2013
You are using a red-herring which is no answer. I asked you questions and I answered my stance on them so we can discuss from our viewpoints, not Callie's or whomever. Altho Callie and I are on the same page on everything, she does a very good job of supporting her opinions without me. There never has been a 'gang' here, BUT there are many like minded people who share the same views, when you say the 'glow of the gang's torches' is a troupe which you are implying you are being ganged up on, not so. BUT I decided after the crazy assed Trump was elected I would stand up fervently for my beliefs, because I feared and still fear fascism.

I showed you why Democrats and women are so pissed off at republicans - there are many more by the way. I told some of the reasons why I think Cavanaugh was interrupted and treated in your opinion classless.

Also dismissing the argument shows you have no viable argument on the other side.

Frankly I am able to change my opinion, I too grew up with a working class Dad, alcoholic and a drug/alcoholic addicted mother, Irish. My parents were a reflection of the times as we were quite Irish in thought, food and our beliefs (catholic). I abandoned all of that by the time I hit up Catholic high.

This tactic you used is common with conservatives, redirect, red-herring and then quit in disgust in a superior manner. Boring.

I can change my mind and in reading @redwood66 Red I did change my mind, I learned from Red that people are not necessarily as empathetic and sympathetic but can be good.. that a conservative/republican/libertarian has a right and actually must be heard.

I don't won't dismiss you. It is sad you can't substantiate or debate WHY I think what happened to Cavanaugh was the republicans own doing.

@Calliecake & @Tekate I see the glow of "the gang’s" torches from a mile away, and I’m pretty sure the fumes are bad for the environment, so I won’t engage in an interrogation of my personal beliefs. I have discussed them on here previously with both of you ... you can dig them up if you need to refresh your memory.
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Jun 7, 2014
We have all had a front row seat to Trump’s chaotic presidency. Comparing Trump to past presidents is ridiculous. What we are witnessing is not normal.

Many Republicans want Row vs Wade overturned. Look at the strides they have made in making it extremely difficult to obtain an abortion in some states. Women fought for years for women’s reproductive rights. If you think we are going to not use our voice regarding this issue you are sadly mistaken.

For a group of republicans to seem to care so passionately about the unborn is extremely hypocritical when they could care less about making sure actual children are safe and provided for in this country.

Schools are back in session. We will be hearing of more school shooting soon. They happen every year. Kavanaugh does not agree that AR-15’s and high capacity magazines should be banned. Hell why should he, it’s not like it’s ever been a problem in this country. We are coming up to the one year anniversary of the Las Vegas shooting where 59 people were shot dead and 851 people injured in 10 minutes. A student from Stoneman Douglas spoke at the Kavanaugh hearings explaining what she went thru as she was underneath the bodies of her dead classmates. Kavanaugh has school age daughters. Do you really think he would not want to see changes to gun laws if it were his child’s dead body laying on top of students. Kavanaugh didn’t even have the decency to shake Fred Guttenberg’s hand. The majority of Americans agree we need common sense gun laws.

I agree with @Tekate that @the_mother_thing seems to feel superior to others in her posts. The condescending tone is getting old. No one has a perfect life at all times during their lifetimes no matter how hard they want others to believe so. I would like nothing more than this counrty to come together for the good of all citizens and realize life can be hard. All Americans are not treated equally in our country. We can’t ignore that fact.

@Tekate , you are correct we see things very much the same way.
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Jan 13, 2006
I believe the Jesuits who are no longer among us would roll in their graves to hear that birth control was being called "abortion". The Catholic intellectuals are really very precise in their thinking, whatever else one says about them.
Deb/AGBF :wavey:
Just ducking in to say, actually, they still are.



Mar 11, 2013

The article linked above doesn’t provide a direct quote of Kavanaugh’s statement. On questioning from Ted Cruz about a specific dissent, he did say:

“That was a group that was being forced to provide certain kind of health coverage over their religious objection to their employees. And under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the question was first, was this a substantial burden on the religious exercise? And it seemed to me quite clearly it was," Kavanaugh said.
"It was a technical matter of filling out a form in that case," he added. "In that case, they said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objected to."

“THEY SAID” being the important distinction. Kavanaugh was quoting the Plaintiff’s terminology and their objection.

In fact Kavanaugh doesn’t believe Roe V. Wade will or can be overturned due to legal precedent.
“I would follow Roe v. Wade faithfully and fully ... It’s been reaffirmed many times.”

- Kavanaugh during his 2006 confirmation hearing for the D.C. circuit court

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I showed you why Democrats and women are so pissed off at republicans - there are many more by the way. I told some of the reasons why I think Cavanaugh was interrupted and treated in your opinion classless.
So, how many people got arrested during the Sotomayor and Kagan confirmation hearings? :read:


Mar 2, 2013
You are using a red-herring which is no answer. I asked you questions and I answered my stance on them so we can discuss from our viewpoints, not Callie's or whomever. Altho Callie and I are on the same page on everything, she does a very good job of supporting her opinions without me. There never has been a 'gang' here, BUT there are many like minded people who share the same views, when you say the 'glow of the gang's torches' is a troupe which you are implying you are being ganged up on, not so. BUT I decided after the crazy assed Trump was elected I would stand up fervently for my beliefs, because I feared and still fear fascism.

I showed you why Democrats and women are so pissed off at republicans - there are many more by the way. I told some of the reasons why I think Cavanaugh was interrupted and treated in your opinion classless.

Also dismissing the argument shows you have no viable argument on the other side.

Frankly I am able to change my opinion, I too grew up with a working class Dad, alcoholic and a drug/alcoholic addicted mother, Irish. My parents were a reflection of the times as we were quite Irish in thought, food and our beliefs (catholic). I abandoned all of that by the time I hit up Catholic high.

This tactic you used is common with conservatives, redirect, red-herring and then quit in disgust in a superior manner. Boring.

I can change my mind and in reading @redwood66 Red I did change my mind, I learned from Red that people are not necessarily as empathetic and sympathetic but can be good.. that a conservative/republican/libertarian has a right and actually must be heard.

I don't won't dismiss you. It is sad you can't substantiate or debate WHY I think what happened to Cavanaugh was the republicans own doing.

1) Not sure what ‘red herring’ you’re talking about. I simply declined to entertain what I see as a regurgitation of the SSDD that has drug this thread into near 90-pages of nonstop hatred & negativity by lefties spanning probably a thousand different ‘Trumpisms’ to feed on. For that matter, this entire thread is chock full of red herrings.

2) I responded to you & @Calliecake in my post because you BOTH asked me questions, and my response was equally applicable. Not sure why you read it so belligerently; maybe the heat from your torch?

3) It’s not that I can’t share my views, opinions, etc. or substantiate my positions. It’s that you’re under some delusion that I have to. I don’t, especially when you can dig them up for yourself if you really care to know.


Mar 11, 2013
I believe the Jesuits who are no longer among us would roll in their graves to hear that birth control was being called "abortion". The Catholic intellectuals are really very precise in their thinking, whatever else one says about them.

I am also, "flipping" old and I have most certainly known many Catholics who oppose birth control as well as abortion. I have also known many Catholics who oppose masturbation (see Monty Python's movie for the difference between Catholics and Protestants if you need to be educated about this) because spilling the seed is a sin.

Opposing birth control and opposing abortion are tenets of the Roman Catholic religion. The reason for that should be obvious: people engage in marriage to procreate. When they have sexual intercourse it is to have babies. Only use of "the rhythm method" is acceptable birth control. Other religions have similar restrictions. Although i am less familiar with the practices of orthodox Jews, I do know that they have huge families, with the women pregnant year after the way that Irish Catholic women in the United States used to be. And intercourse takes place with a sheet between husband and wife for the sake of modesty.

I am just dashing this off. I welcome additions from others who know more about the birth control practices of other religions. I am sure that there are thousands of them. I am aware only of the few that I have run into in my own limited culture.

Deb/AGBF :wavey:

Priests for Life was the plaintiff. My understating is that they believe life starts at conception, not implantation. So indeed they would define at least some forms of contraception “abortion inducing”. Kavanaugh in his reply to Ted Cruz about this case was summarizing what he understood to be their position. This was actually a case about religious freedom.
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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
What does that have to do with the price of tea in china? another Red Herring DF.. you always do it, it would be laughable if it weren't unnecessary.
So I guess the answer is none? :P2. Rep. are more civil. ;))

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
There never has been a 'gang' here, BUT there are many like minded people who share the same views, when you say the 'glow of the gang's torches' is a troupe which you are implying you are being ganged up on, not so.
Yes there is ...why do you think there aren't any conservatives posting on this thread? b/c everytime a conservative post their political views "the Radical left winger gang" would gang up on them. They can't stand the heat so they got out of the kitchen. i.e. AnnaH and JoCo. :lol:
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