
Hope the President does a good job for USA


Apr 22, 2017
Who is this guy that Obama was shaking hand with? :confused:
I see just what ‘cha try’n ta do....:naughty: lol.:praise:
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Sep 19, 2004
Who is this guy that Obama was shaking hand with? :confused:

DF; and others: I know some were upset when I said that if I found myself in the company of President Trump that I would be polite...

There is a difference between being polite and respectful and being approving and supportive.

"Big" people can be polite and respectful of those who they may not approve and support.

Among other things; it creates an environment for future discussion. Perhaps not with the party in question; but with other people who are in a middle ground between positions - and they will now deal with you because they saw that you can be polite and respectful when appropriate.

Good manners never goes out of style; and pays of big long term.

Have a great day,



Feb 11, 2006

BlueGemz-- Ill try to reconstruct my thinking on Pres candidates for 2020. Let me start with something I read about Bill Mahr. He said, "F*** Identity Politics: GRAB THE GOV'T. I Agree with this. In fact I think identity politics wlll make Dems losers. Republicans have issues, some of which I agree with. That is why this is not about Rep or Dems, its about DT. In one of your posts you get to the heart of the matter. We have to begin to agree on certain things.

Identity Politics has caused just as much toward polarization as anything as right wing conservatives have caused. When did it become the norm for Maria Teresa Kumar to be the spokeman for anything that has to do with Latinos. Aren't anglo-white spokesmen any good anymore? I reject thus approach to who can speak to what issue. What it shows are displays of special interest, which is not different than some banks and insurance companies do. White and black Americans have as much right to voice their opinion on Immigration and Latino issues without being called racist. Illegal immigration must be stopped. We have lost control of our border. A few on here have suggested they would like no borders. Would anyone think it was Ok if somene said I like your house. I think I'll move in with you. Fat chance.

Identity Politics fractures us. There are so many competing interests that the opposition has so many choices to be against. Homosexuality, abortion, womens rights, Trans sexuality, refugees, an unending myriad of rights the country has never seen before. Of course we must always be politically correct. A man can't say I don't want that many Mexicans, Indians, Chinese, to come into my country. He has a right, he lives here afterall, to say what he wants without turning him into a racist, white supremacist pig.
We must find common cause. I don't care about transsexuals. Give them a bathroom, that is it for me. If the left can't find an issue that transcends identity politics they will have DT another term.(if hes not impeached) EXPAND THE BASE.
One issue I can think of is the new budget deficit. Republicans created it-not Dems. Reverse roles. Dems should make DT take responsibility for separating the children from parents. Dems should eliminate the right of an illegal who gives birth in America to claim American citizenship for that child, thus they have been able to stay in the country. I will have to give more thought to the jobs issue.
Just my thoughts for today.


Jan 26, 2003
If you actually don't already know, that's Raul Castro, Cuba's president at the time; the photo was taken at the conclusion of the December 10, 2013 memorial service for Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg.

Naturally, Dancing Fire knew. I did not respond because I was attempting not "to feed the troll". He wanted to equate Raul Castro with Kim Jong Un and a diplomatic greeting with a love fest. He wanted to get other people hopping around all over Pricescope yelling and screaming, their blood pressure rising, while he sat back and giggled. It was an act of pure hostility.


Jun 7, 2014
How flipping tone deaf is Paul Ryan with his Fathers Day tweets? He is getting slammed on twitter. Ryan’s silence makes him complicit in this separating mess. Why isn’t he doing anything to help these poor kids? Lindsay Graham is the only Republican speaking up and saying the president could end this policy with a phone call.

Steve Bannon was on one of the Sunday news shows saying Trump doesn’t lie. To his knowledge Trump has never lied.

It was interesting to hear one journalist say they were told early on not to call Trump a liar often because if they said the word “LIAR” all the time it would lessen the reaction to the word. Lying has been made to seem the norm because of Trump and this administration.


Nov 3, 2009
I misread what you said the first time around. You did not say that that the United States wanted the Nazis to remain in power. You said how happy Germany was to be invaded by the United States. You were, obviously, trying to make the point that the Soviet Union needed help earlier in the war than it got it; that it suffered grave losses; and that by the time a second front was opened up a victory by the USSR was already assured. I had already acknowledged that. I can only add that there is no telling at what cost a victory by the USSR alone over the Nazis would have come, if it is even true, however.


Arkteia's original post:

"I don't know if our officials are well-versed in history, so ...maybe they did not even mean it like this, but D-Day was the saving grace for the Germany. (And the constant topic of contention between the US and the USSR at one point, historically. 'When we needed them to open the Second Front, in 1942, they won't. When the Soviet Army was already winning, they had their D-Day to save these Nazi').

(And remembering how Himmler was pursuing separate peace with the Western Allies, how Germans hoped for it, even failed Hitler's assassination coup, when the conspirators planned to immediately start separate talks with the West), one could say that the D-Day saved most of Germany from the Soviet occupation and what came with it. So it is a complicated issue, but I assume, old Germans are very thankful for the D-day. And most of the young ones, too, although I feel that the very positive attitude towards the US in Germany changed after Iraq invasion.

I agree with the rest of what you have posted. But it is true that the Soviet Army would have been able to end the war by itself, after it took Berlin, the rest would have been easy, and the D-Day and the invasion of Germany by the Western Allies was the saving grace for the most of Germany."

Oh, sorry, AGBF! I put it in parentheses. This is not what I think, and it is not to “save the Nazism”. It is the common belief in Russia, maybe not now as Russia and Germany are much closer than Russia and the USA. They used to mention US as ally in the war in my time, too, but now, less and less.

Now, to save the Nazi is not to save the Nazism. But I can remove the parentheses. Because the Germans imbibed Hitler’s ideology, so towards the end of the war, they could be called Nazi. It took Germans a lot of work, own work, long and hard, to raise the next generation in hatred of the Nazism. For this, they must be really praised. And they are a very, very different country now. One to admire.

And of course we can not generalize. It is another bit of common knowledge that when Germany occupied Poland, the war for the Germans turned into something uncivilized for the first time. And the ones who took “Nazism in action” the worst were older soldiers and generals, especially Catholics. The same attitude persisted in Germany, where Catholic congregation did not exclude their converted ethnic Jews as long as it was possible.

But the young people were raised in Hitler’s ideology so they were pretty Nazified.

(Nazism was not only about Jews, not even close. Not to forget. I watched one documentary movie, about an 18-something year-old couple, a German boy and Polish girl who loved each other and had a relationship. That was a “public mock execution”, their heads were shaven, they had plates “Polish pig” on them. I think she eventually died in a camp, and he was killed at the Eastern front. But it was pretty ugly. I can try and find a link and post so people could see what Nazism in action was).


Jan 26, 2003
@AGBF , Thank you Deb. I realize we are not all bad. I’m disgusted by this administration. I’ve made a donation to the UCLA.

@Dancing Fire , Taking children from their parents is morally wrong.
These children are going to complete strangers. Can you not imagine how tramatic this is for these children and their parents? I will never understand people who lack empathy and compassion. :wall:
I seriously doubt JFK would rolling in his grave because of the democrats.

My father died in 2017, but after I read your post about Paul Ryan, Calliecake, I thought that my gift to the ACLU today (not made with Father's Day in mind at all) could be construed as my Father's Day present to my late father. There is nothing on earth he would have wanted more than to stop the separation of children from their parents if he were alive today. Bless you for being you! No one has a better heart!

Deb :wavey:


Apr 22, 2017
@smitcompton, thank you for expressing your thoughts! I agree, too much PRESS about “identity” politics tends to mislead and obscure the issues. However, the fact is that, in regards to human rights, until there is absolute equality of opportunity and treatment of ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE, there is no other kind of politics!!

Following your identifying the identity politics as a red herring, I would suggest that the immigration “problem” is actually a red herring orders of magnitude larger than just about any other current issue. The fact is, the US has better control of its border than just about any other 1st world country, based solely on our geography, much less on border patrol efforts. The boarder is to DT as the ‘Jew’ was to Hitler. Distraction, divisiveness to unify, us against them...etc. ( that does not mean I don’t agree with tighter control, as it seems the world is in a fight for resources with a population which we will not be sustain if it continues this exponential growth. ) Malthus said on 1798 in ‘An Essay On The principle Of Population’, that “Population grows exponentially with time. Resources grow linearly with time.” What this suggests is that without some rational policies governing population, and preservation of resources, we will ALWAYS be pushing up against a scarcity of available resources for the population. This is the bigger issue.

I personally believe that creating a society with stellar treatment of each individual human being is, hands down, the only truly worthwhile aspiration. When we degrade another, we degrade ourselves. The divisiveness and ugliness that seems to define the political landscape these days I think serves only to diminish us all.

The real issues can be found using the old dictum, “Follow the money.” As an example, consider DTs statement about trans people costing $8M, to the military, but “tactfully” leaving out the FACT that military spends more than $80M on Viagra!!! Yeah, let’s steal lunch money from little kids (read “least powerful”) to give to the men already with the power... NOT honorable in my estimation!
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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004


Jun 7, 2014
Deb, Thank you for your kind words. You have written many posts about what great parents you were blessed with. Today had to be a difficult day for you. I can’t think of a better way to honor your dad. He would be proud. Hugs


Feb 11, 2006
Bluegems---This is exciting for me for a change. I too, appreciate your thoughts and I too, would like to achieve fulfillment of many of your concerns. However worthy your philosophical expressions are, they are not a strategy to get Trump out of office. That was my point. You want your Utopia for everyone. The Dem party is leaning your way more and more. I say you will lose . I have a story to tell. I think it fits but not positive.

Many years ago I was the administrator(manager) of a 375 unit retirement hotel. It was during a bad recession and so we many applicants for job vacancies. A lovely woman, previously a stock broker was hired as the rental agent. She was good at this job.

We had a particular woman resident who couldn't pay the rent and after months she received an eviction notice. The rental agent felt very bad for the woman, but even after she received the eviction notice she refused to move. I had to call the sheriff to , wait for it, throw her out on the street with her belongings. The rental agent was beside herself, told me I was a terrible person , how could I do this to this nice old woman. She threatened to call the President of the company on me, and hoped he would fire me. I was a little nervous, but I know my job.

She came marching in my office to tell me she spoke to the President and he was very sympathetic to her pleas. He would be calling me. And she marched out. About an hour later I received the call and he explained to me what she said. This was a Wednesday. He said, "Don't do this today, wait until Friday, but Fire her immediately. So Friday she was out of a job because she didn't understand, even after six months, what the job entailed or what the business was about.. Life is full of people who have problems. Of course this woman was a kind person. But she lost the job because no matter what was said to her she thought being kind was the most important thing. There are structures all over our society that require hard decisions. Gov't doesn't focus as a Utopian enterprise. Capitalism has winners and loser, at times. I just want DT out of there. I need an expanded base for that.

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
I just want DT out of there. I need an expanded base for that.

My fervent hope is that people who consider themselves conservatives or ordinary sane Republicans feel the same way you do. Of course the Trump/Bannon base that helped get Trump elected loves him. Why wouldn't they? He is keeping his campaign promises and behaving the same way that enamored him to them in the first place. The rest of us should band together. It's not even a conservative vs liberal debate; Trump has no ideology other than self interest and promotion!

I agree with you (and Bill Maher) on identity politics being a curse on the democratic party. Take back the government and let Hollywood and the arts take the lead on dealing with social change.


Apr 22, 2017
@smitcompton , Like you, I find this stimulating. It is the first time on my life that I’ve becoming so interested and involved. I truly agree with much of what you have said.

I read this today, which I found very interesting and right on in many ways. It synthesizes together some valid points which we have both, and others have made. Though it’s on the doom and gloom side, I think we are headed for a redistribution of wealth. I think the point that we will not fully recognize collapse is likely true, and finally, I like the grass roots approach ....thoughts anyone?
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Jan 26, 2003
Let us not forget that Trump is evil. Don't take your eyes off him! Excerpt of editorial from "The New York Times" is below.

"According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, if House Republicans get their way, more than two million people, many of them young children, will lose access to the food stamp program known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). The farm bill that passed by a two-vote margin on Thursday includes tougher work requirements and new eligibility restrictions that would make it much more difficult for families who need food assistance to get it.

The Agriculture Department administers SNAP. If the president gets his way, SNAP would be moved to the Department of Health and Human Services. And the name of that department, which already oversees other social programs like Medicare and Medicaid, would be changed to include the word 'welfare,' which holds about the same amount of appeal for Republicans as 'Communists' once did.

The goal of these maneuvers is twofold: to stigmatize such programs — racially stigmatize them for white voters — and to make them easier to cut or eliminate.

Let’s be clear. Welfare usually refers to a type of cash assistance that has all but disappeared. SNAP, by contrast, is a legally mandated benefit program. Just like Social Security and Medicare, it provides crucial assistance through a provision that’s been written into law.

Some 42 million poor and working-class Americans use SNAP benefits to buy groceries. A vast majority of them are elderly, disabled or children. Of the people who are both of working age and able-bodied, most do have jobs. They simply don’t earn enough to feed themselves consistently.

These working-age adults already face several requirements and restrictions on how much SNAP aid they can receive. For example, they must register with SNAP and accept any job offered to them, or any training program that they are assigned to. Unless they are older than 49 or raising children, they must also verify, on a monthly basis, that they are working or in job training at least part time (after a three-month grace period).

The new bill would expand these work requirements to include people up to the age of 59, and those with children older than 6. It would also tighten the rules so that anyone who fails to comply loses coverage for a full year the first time, and for three years each subsequent time."

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
These working-age adults already face several requirements and restrictions on how much SNAP aid they can receive. For example, they must register with SNAP and accept any job offered to them, or any training program that they are assigned to. Unless they are older than 49 or raising children, they must also verify, on a monthly basis, that they are working or in job training at least part time (after a three-month grace period).
What's wrong that? :confused: most of us must work to put foods on the table.


Jun 7, 2014
If the Dow closes low today, it will be the longest losing streak in 40 years.

Just another way Trump is making great again. I guess the country losing it’s morals or values wasn’t enough.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
If the Dow closes low today, it will be the longest losing streak in 40 years.
I betted $2k with my friend that the DOW would be lower on 2020 election night than on Jan. 19, 2017 (Dow 19,732.40) the day when Trump was sworn in as Prez. He is laughing at me now. :oops:


Apr 20, 2017
Trump's tarriffs are really going to screw everything up and the economy is about all that's left. I wonder how the base will react when a MAGA cap from China increases 2 fold or so. Remember, it's the economy, stupid. Trade wars start real wars. I hate to sound like a conspiracy nut. But... maybe that's what he's trying to do. An incumbent president is usually reelected during a war. And that is ALL he cares about.


May 28, 2017
I saw sarah lieabee sanders couldnt eat at a red hen.
I think is was WRONG of them to not let her eat.

They should have let her sit down, make her wait for an hour or more.
Then take her order and After each item was ordered reply “ I’ll have to get back to you on that.”

Then when the food came it should have not been anything like what was ordered and when she said this isnt right... the waiters should have said they were so tired of people reporting on fake food that clearly it was a conspiracy to make the cook look bad and how dare she say that the food wasnt what she ordered and the cook said it was.

Then they should have threatened to remove her eating privilege there if she didnt stop asking about the things they dont want to hear or talk about and if she doesnt like it she can refer all her questions to the outside council of raccoons that hit the cans at 3 am.



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Dec 25, 2012
I saw sarah lieabee sanders couldnt eat at a red hen.
I think is was WRONG of them to not let her eat.

They should have let her sit down, make her wait for an hour or more.
Then take her order and After each item was ordered reply “ I’ll have to get back to you on that.”

Then when the food came it should have not been anything like what was ordered and when she said this isnt right... the waiters should have said they were so tired of people reporting on fake food that clearly it was a conspiracy to make the cook look bad and how dare she say that the food wasnt what she ordered and the cook said it was.

Then they should have threatened to remove her eating privilege there if she didnt stop asking about the things they dont want to hear or talk about and if she doesnt like it she can refer all her questions to the outside council of raccoons that hit the cans at 3 am.




Aug 22, 2012
I think refusing people because of political beliefs is a road we shouldn't want go down. It is tribalism at it's worst and not the world I want to live in.

But they are a private business and can refuse to serve if they like. I just don't have to agree with it or eat there.


Jun 20, 2013

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
I think refusing people because of political beliefs is a road we shouldn't want go down. It is tribalism at it's worst and not the world I want to live in.

But they are a private business and can refuse to serve if they like. I just don't have to agree with it or eat there.

I agree, but Huckabee wasn't refused service because of her political beliefs. She was refused service because the proprietor did not wish to serve someone who aids and abets an immoral administration. That said, if I owned the place I would not have refused to serve her even though I think she is a disgusting individual who should feel nothing but shame for the lies she perpetrates. I would have told her exactly what I thought of her and hopefully she would leave of her own volition.


Sep 10, 2003
I think refusing people because of political beliefs is a road we shouldn't want go down. It is tribalism at it's worst and not the world I want to live in.
I feel the same about refusing people because of religious beliefs but we've already gone down that road. Restaurants have the legal right to refuse service as long as the refusal is not based on discrimination against those with protected status -- unless of course the one refusing to provide service does so based on religious belief, then that person can treat people as inferior in order to feel superior.


Aug 22, 2012
I agree, but Huckabee wasn't refused service because of her political beliefs. She was refused service because the proprietor did not wish to serve someone who aids and abets an immoral administration. That said, if I owned the place I would not have refused to serve her even though I think she is a disgusting individual who should feel nothing but shame for the lies she perpetrates. I would have told her exactly what I thought of her and hopefully she would leave of her own volition.
Tomato To-mah-to. Perhaps the proprietor needs a sign in her window so no one of the perceived incorrect beliefs enters the establishment. Is that where we want to go? If you don't want me there then I would like to know ahead of time.
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Aug 22, 2012
I feel the same about refusing people because of religious beliefs but we've already gone down that road. Restaurants have the legal right to refuse service as long as the refusal is not based on discrimination against those with protected status -- unless of course the one refusing to provide service does so based on religious belief, then that person can treat people as inferior in order to feel superior.
I saw a meme once that said "political parties are religions" which seems to be the case these days. It is very sad indeed if people choose not to interact because the other person is a member of another political party.

Maria D

Jan 24, 2003
Tomato To-mah-to. Perhaps the proprietor needs a sign in her window so no one of the perceived incorrect beliefs enters the establishment. Is that where we want to go? If you don't want me there then I would like to know ahead of time.

Again, it has nothing to do with her beliefs, it's her actions. Her actions are not "perceivably" heinous, they are objectively heinous.
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