
Hope the President does a good job for USA


May 11, 2013
You know Anna, that is the problem, the religious right and their ignoring of Trumps moral (and I mean HUGE) moral flaws.. all of them. I cannot and never will. To the core, Trump is immoral. While I cannot stand Pence, I believe morally he's a better person (albeit insane). So this writer is saying: Trump is going to make America strong again, we were strong.

In another thread, I was told I couldn't be a Christian and support anything Trump. This thread seems like a more appropriate place to address that assumption/accusation.
Anyone who voted for President in November had to overlook moral flaws. I think most pulled the lever for the candidate they thought would implement the policies important to them and our country.
Supporting policies that I think are right for our country isn't supporting everything Trump has ever done or said in his life. Don't understand why that is such a difficult concept for some to grasp.


May 11, 2013
What could happen?...I remember the Reagan yrs. The economy was booming. 350K new jobs per month.

Kansas. Kansas. Kansas. You always forget that Ronnie raised taxes. Supply side does not work.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Hey DF - I'm in Barcelona on vacation.. but I did read that Kansas gave up the ghost on supply side, laffer econ the other day.. what do you say on that.. Not enough time???? psssh.
Hi. T...white privileges..;-) have fun!:wavey:
I don't know about Kansas, but it took a couple yrs. after Reagan's tax cut before we can see any effect on our economy. Will it work again?...IDK. However, We must try to put more efforts into growing our economy.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Kansas. Kansas. Kansas. You always forget that Ronnie raised taxes. Supply side does not work.
He cut corporate taxes to stimulate the economy. Jobs, jobs, jobs for millions of Americans. I know you are old enough to remember the 80's...:razz:
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Jan 22, 2017
What could happen?...I remember the Reagan yrs. The economy was booming. 350K new jobs per month.

Maybe you've gone senile in your old age and forgot that there were tax increases every year for the next 4-5 years after the tax cut was passed. Oh, and a little matter of the exploding debt -- what with smaller revenue stream and major increase in military spending. Oh hey, isn't that what Trump has proposed? Like I said, been there, done that, yet we're about to do it again.


Feb 12, 2013
Kate, Spain--cool.

I stand by what I said regarding the election. I may want fish, but if the choice is chicken or beef, I can choose one or starve.

Not sure whether or not you are questioning my faith. I hope not, as that's really low.


May 11, 2013
He cut corporate taxes to stimulate the economy. Jobs, jobs, jobs for millions of Americans. I know you are old enough to remember the 80's...:razz:

I am MORE than old eough to remember the 60s 70s 80s etc... I remember one thing clearly: raised taxes by Reagan. I remember it wasn't a boom time for me. The only thing I Reagan gave me was a tax refund of 50.00$.. The growth of jobs were in service and retail, jobs that aren't growing today. Tax cuts? meh.. I know have my social security taxed because of Reagan. It's a damn shame. In order to have growth in jobs DF there have to be educated workers. What are the growth jobs btw?


May 11, 2013
Well if white privilege is a gal who paid her own way through college with government sponsored work study, also being a cleaning lady, Pell grants (then known as basic opportunity grant) emancipation from my parents at 17, got her degree, married and got her first mortgage thru the FHA program then yes I had white privilege. I am white and life is easier for me, I'm in the majority, I'm neither dumb nor uneducated. Life has been easier for me because I am white, because at the time I was young and needing college the government was there to help. I worked hard DF, very very hard. I had fun too. Both my sons have degrees in comp sci/information and neither has a loan.. I am also a saver, a huge saver.. I am lucky that I worked at IBM during the big boom of the early 80s in programming. I am extremely lucky that I married a guy who loves me and was also a saver and was a very good provider and a brilliant programmer :) some luck in my life for sure, but surely white privilege.. I grew up lower class and there was a very strict class society in my town, I lived on the wrong side of the tracks :) I grew up looked down upon, I didn't like it. As I grew in wealth I did not disdain where I came from, but I recognized that while I acquired there was some in my town who didn't.

Kansas was a disaster, Brownback failed.. supply side only works in boom times.


Hi. T...white privileges..;-) have fun!:wavey:
I don't know about Kansas, but it took a couple yrs. after Reagan's tax cut before we can see any effect on our economy. Will it work again?...IDK. However, We must try to put more efforts into growing our economy.


Oct 24, 2012
Hi. T...white privileges..;-) have fun!:wavey:
I don't know about Kansas, but it took a couple yrs. after Reagan's tax cut before we can see any effect on our economy. Will it work again?...IDK. However, We must try to put more efforts into growing our economy.
"White privileges"? She is allowed to go on vacation without you bringing race into it. Come on DF. Yeah I see the winky emoji but really... Doesn't make it ok and it's just unnecessary. Sorry to derail thread...

And since you don't know about Kansas you can read about it here.


Feb 12, 2013
Accusing Christians of excusing immorality? I assume that some on the left think Christians should give up their voting rights when there's no moral choice.

Some on the left think Clinton is a model of virtue, but many view her as deeply morally flawed. If Rubio, a highly moral man (as far as I know), ran against Clinton, should the left be expected to vote for him? If someone genuinely wanted the policies of the previous administration to continue, why would they vote for a conservative?

The people I know, left or right, vote for the candidate that they think will work toward effective solutions to our most pressing issues. While I didn't vote for Clinton, I understand why liberals did.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
No Trump bashing for over a week?...
. Are all the PSer liberals on vacation? ...:lol: . Are they in shock about losing more congressional elections? Pelosi will soon be history as minority leader?


Aug 6, 2014
Too busy being demoralized that the alleged "Trump bump" on my retirement savings has at last count cost me 20%. Thanks GOP. Way to inspire confidence in the economy (so much that the global markets are down).


Dec 25, 2012
I've been engaging in fascinating discussions elsewhere, and using PS mostly to squirrel away setting ideas for my loose gems.

After Drumpf's comments about Otto Warmbier, I decided to take a break. People love having an uninformed a$$ in office, well okay then. I'm going to focus on having a good summer. Maybe he can play some more golf and not blow us up in the meantime.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004


Aug 31, 2005
I mean, what else can you say about a dumpster fire that's been burning for months? Trump pours a little gasoline on every single day, and there's not much left to do but stand and watch in shock.

His Russia meltdowns continue to be interesting, though. A whole lotta tantruming over something he's completely innocent of, don't you think?


Jan 22, 2017
No Trump bashing for over a week?...
. Are all the PSer liberals on vacation? ...:lol: . Are they in shock about losing more congressional elections? Pelosi will soon be history as minority leader?

No, I'm just stunned how the Republican party, with control of the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, (and even the Supreme Court) can't seem to pass any major legislation :-o

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
His Russia meltdowns continue to be interesting, though. A whole lotta tantruming over something he's completely innocent of, don't you think?
But still no evidence of any Russian collusion "for now". The Dems are barking up the wrong tree.


Jan 22, 2017
President Trump's Lies, the Definitive List (up to June 23, 2017)

President Trump’s political rise was built on a lie (about Barack Obama's birthplace). His lack of truthfulness has also become central to the Russia investigation, with James Comey, the former director of the F.B.I., testifying under oath about Trump's “lies, plain and simple.”

There is simply no precedent for an American president to spend so much time telling untruths. Every president has shaded the truth or told occasional whoppers. No other president — of either party — has behaved as Trump is behaving. He is trying to create an atmosphere in which reality is irrelevant.

We have set a conservative standard here, leaving out many dubious statements (like the claim that his travel ban is “similar” to Obama administration policy). Some people may still take issue with this standard, arguing that the president wasn't speaking literally. But we believe his long pattern of using untruths to serve his purposes, as a businessman and politician, means that his statements are not simply careless errors.

We are using the word “lie” deliberately. Not every falsehood is deliberate on Trump's part. But it would be the height of naïveté to imagine he is merely making honest mistakes. He is lying...(for the rest of the article, click on the link above)


Feb 11, 2006

This past week I heard a comment that got me thinking about the Russia investigation.

Its appears to me that everyone, both dems and reps, thought that Hillary Clinton would win. The Trump campaign believed this as well. It was just as much of a surprise to them that they won as most others. If this was the case perhaps the individuals like Flynn and Kushner behaved as they did only looking to better position themselves while they had the attention and possible clout for the time the campaign was over and they went back to private life.

Flynn wanted to grow his consulting business. If they lost the election we wouldn't even had known he got paid by Turkey. We wouldn't know Jared met with the Russian bank on behalf of his family and looking to re-mortgage their billion dollar N>Y> property, which by the way he did get better terms for that building. So, all positioned themselves as if they were going to lose. So, it might be that there was no real collusion, or intent to do anything nefarious It may expose them to how they used the campaign, but maybe not to get Trump elected. They thought he was going to lose.

Yes, they lied and Trump is a pathological liar, but their surprise may be what this behavior is all about.



May 11, 2013
I'm resigned to waiting till 2018 for a change or 2020. Just hoping Trump doesn't get kids killed in more war, that the old people who will have to pay 5x more for their health insurance aren't ruined. That Trump will shutup and work on keeping our electoral system safe from Russian hacking instead of berating Obama who at least tried. Hoping that our environment will not become worse, education isn't taken over by the religious right, that womens rights are not taken away. So I have wishes and hopes and I'm just basically resigned to the mess the republicans alwys make, till democrat/progressive rise again.

No Trump bashing for over a week?...
. Are all the PSer liberals on vacation? ...:lol: . Are they in shock about losing more congressional elections? Pelosi will soon be history as minority leader?


Jan 22, 2017

This past week I heard a comment that got me thinking about the Russia investigation.

Its appears to me that everyone, both dems and reps, thought that Hillary Clinton would win. The Trump campaign believed this as well. It was just as much of a surprise to them that they won as most others. If this was the case perhaps the individuals like Flynn and Kushner behaved as they did only looking to better position themselves while they had the attention and possible clout for the time the campaign was over and they went back to private life.

Flynn wanted to grow his consulting business. If they lost the election we wouldn't even had known he got paid by Turkey. We wouldn't know Jared met with the Russian bank on behalf of his family and looking to re-mortgage their billion dollar N>Y> property, which by the way he did get better terms for that building. So, all positioned themselves as if they were going to lose. So, it might be that there was no real collusion, or intent to do anything nefarious It may expose them to how they used the campaign, but maybe not to get Trump elected. They thought he was going to lose.

Yes, they lied and Trump is a pathological liar, but their surprise may be what this behavior is all about.


What are you talking about?! There would have been an investigation into the Russian interference of the election no matter who would have won because what the Russians did is a HUGE deal. Flynn may have been spared having to lie in his disclosure forms but his activities with Russian entities, and Kushner's as well, would still have been scrutinized.


Feb 11, 2006

Yes, of course, an investigation would have been done about Russian interference in the election.
However the Trump campaign would not have been looked at closely if Hillary had won. Pres. Obama knew about the Russian hacking into the election process, but he and/or the intel agencies didn't connect it to the Trump campaign until after the election when there was a chorus of lies from them.
There are three separate tracts for the investigation.
a. Russian hacking
b.Trump campaign interference
c. Pres. Trump obstruction of investigations.
I was speaking to (b.). I think I was clear. I am sorry you didn't understand. Stop talking to people as if they are stupid.



Jan 22, 2017

Yes, of course, an investigation would have been done about Russian interference in the election.
However the Trump campaign would not have been looked at closely if Hillary had won. Pres. Obama knew about the Russian hacking into the election process, but he and/or the intel agencies didn't connect it to the Trump campaign until after the election when there was a chorus of lies from them.
There are three separate tracts for the investigation.
a. Russian hacking
b.Trump campaign interference
c. Pres. Trump obstruction of investigations.
I was speaking to (b.). I think I was clear. I am sorry you didn't understand. Stop talking to people as if they are stupid.


I totally understood what you wrote. I am saying you're wrong. The FBI opened an investigation of the contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials in July 2016.

Remember the outcry from the Democrats when it was later revealed that the Trump campaign was under investigation by the FBI during the run-up to the election but kept this information secret even though the Clinton investigation was public.
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Jan 21, 2008
The Republicans', which is Trump's, plan to end Medicaid bt cutting $800 billion, block granting it to the states, and putting a per capita spending limit on patients, along with attacking Medicare and Social Security in his budget (two programs you have or will pay dedicated taxes for from ages 18- 65, are evil, and will result in the deaths of 10's of millions of Americans now and in the deaths of 10's of millions of Americans in the future. This is being done entirely to give the top 2% of Americans and corporations yet more tax cuts. Those of you who think that you nor your loved ones will never need these programs, which you have already paid for, should get on your knees and beg God for His forgiveness.
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Jan 22, 2017

Yes, of course, an investigation would have been done about Russian interference in the election.
However the Trump campaign would not have been looked at closely if Hillary had won. Pres. Obama knew about the Russian hacking into the election process, but he and/or the intel agencies didn't connect it to the Trump campaign until after the election when there was a chorus of lies from them.
There are three separate tracts for the investigation.
a. Russian hacking
b.Trump campaign interference
c. Pres. Trump obstruction of investigations.
I was speaking to (b.). I think I was clear. I am sorry you didn't understand. Stop talking to people as if they are stupid.


Here is an article from the New Yorker citing James Comey's congressional testimony that, contrary to what you wrote, the FBI was looking at Russian meddling and their connections to the Trump campaign even before the election, which suggests that President Obama and/or the intel agencies were also aware of that possibility:
The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July
...Less than forty minutes into the hearing, James Comey, the director of the F.B.I., provided the latest official confirmation that the “Russian story” is not “FAKE NEWS.” It is, rather, the most serious legal scandal to confront a sitting President in nearly two decades. In an extraordinary public statement, Comey disclosed not only that the bureau is investigating Russian meddling in the campaign but that it is also looking at what relationship the Trump campaign might have had to that meddling. “The F.B.I., as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election,” Comey said. “And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.” Comey, who had previously avoided confirming the existence of the investigation, acknowledged that it had become a matter of public interest to do so...
...Last year, Comey was lambasted by Democrats for releasing information during the campaign about his agency’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server—for him, Monday’s hearing solved some problems while probably creating new ones. It demonstrated his independence and credibility at a moment when many wondered if he would be free to operate under the pressures imposed by Trump. But, because he also disclosed that the investigation of the Trump campaign began in July, Democrats will now want to know more about why he decided to inform voters about developments in the Clinton probe while keeping the Trump matter a secret...

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
I'm resigned to waiting till 2018 for a change or 2020. Just hoping Trump doesn't get kids killed in more war, that the old people who will have to pay 5x more for their health insurance aren't ruined.
Like I said many times here on PS. .."there are no simple solutions on health care", either we screw the young and the middle class or the poor and elderly. The GOP doesn't need to do anything about health care, b/c ACA is dying by itself. Within the next two years there will be no health care providers left to accept Obamacare.


Jan 22, 2017
Like I said many times here on PS. .."there are no simple solutions on health care", either we screw the young and the middle class or the poor and elderly. The GOP doesn't need to do anything about health care, b/c ACA is dying by itself. Within the next two years there will be no health care providers left to accept Obamacare.

It's not "dying" in California, which means when implemented properly, the ACA can work. Much of the issues, specially the steep rate increases slated for 2018, come from uncertainties on whether the Republicans would actually fund the cost sharing reduction portion of the ACA and whether they would relax the individual mandate. So if the ACA is "dying" it is because it's being poisoned.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
If I was young I would only buy catastrophe hospitalize insurance. Don't force me into buying any other kind of health insurance that I don't want.
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