I stumbled on the AJS going out of business thread and saw this Morganite I am thinking of purchasing. It is my first Morganite and I have questions I hope you all can help with.
1. Is this a good price? read about them jacking up prices for the 30% off. In Nov. 2021 it was increased $4225, In March 2021 it was $3849. Looks like it was first posted in Sept. 2020, which brings me to question 2
2. It is listed as loupe clean. It is more pink than orange. Beyond that, I am unsure of how to tell if it is a quality stone. I can't really tell how good the cut is and can use advice. I think I see windows in the video. Are windows just part of cut morganites? I know I read their newer stones are not as nice as their older stones. Here is an example of something in inventory since 2014. The color bis more orange and it is bigger--is it a better quality stone?
3. Could I do better? Ideally I'd like loupe clean, unheated, precision cut rectangle, square or drop pear in as big a size and as pink a color as possible for around $3000.
Today is the last day of the sale, so thanks for any quick help! Thanks so much!
Morganite - 13.10 carats at AJS Gems
A lovely large Pink Morganite cushion over 13 carats! This is perfectly clean material with a delicate pastel color, beautifully cut with excellent luster. Guaranteed natural and untreated by AJS Gems, Bangkok. We can set this fine gem in custom jewelry

1. Is this a good price? read about them jacking up prices for the 30% off. In Nov. 2021 it was increased $4225, In March 2021 it was $3849. Looks like it was first posted in Sept. 2020, which brings me to question 2
2. It is listed as loupe clean. It is more pink than orange. Beyond that, I am unsure of how to tell if it is a quality stone. I can't really tell how good the cut is and can use advice. I think I see windows in the video. Are windows just part of cut morganites? I know I read their newer stones are not as nice as their older stones. Here is an example of something in inventory since 2014. The color bis more orange and it is bigger--is it a better quality stone?
Morganite - 18.56 carats at AJS Gems
A dazzling large morganite pear in a pastel salmon pink. Impressively sized (32 mm long), this rare stone has been fashioned in a portuguese cut to maximize brilliance. This fine morganite will make a stunning pendant. Guaranteed natural and untreated by

Today is the last day of the sale, so thanks for any quick help! Thanks so much!