
#TBT Help finding a diamond/setting - budget ~5k


Jul 23, 2012
Yes the ritani is higher quality.

Also, just one thing for your girlfriend to consider. Once she wears a shedding band with it Dr won't really see the side diamonds. Plus, if they were there, they would eat at the side of her wedding band.


Dec 3, 2011
Niel|1381721260|3537286 said:
ok, so im going to go back to ritani.. .

this in palladium is like, what 2600, they have it listed in 18k for 3200? Ask them to do it for you in 14k white gold and its probably around 3k... ask them to make that for you in 14k

i have had a ritani white 14k unplated white gold. it was so white you would never have to get it plated.

they have a lot of stones that would work but this is the one id inquire about, being the size it is and the fact its in a halo, i dont think the color is an issue, but theyll ship it to a local store so you can see it!

OP, the Ritani ring will be of better workmanship/quality than the Gabriel rings. I would also agree with Niel about their unplated WG -- it's just the best decision on a budget. Unless she absolutely has to have platinum for whatever reason, then I don't think I'd tie up money in it that could be used for a better center stone. I think she would be blown away with it! :love:

FWIW, the Ritani ring Niel posted is my favorite of the ones listed, and this is why:
1) you know she loves the style because it's almost identical to those she loved
2) they offer an alloy of WG that doesn't have to be plated -- ever. <--- HUGE plus in my book!
3) it will be better quality than the Gabriel settings
4) you can always have Ritani add a little something to the ring (although the pave will not be seen with a wedding band)
5) it's a big look with the halo
6) with all of the positives listed above, it's still in the budget!! :bigsmile:


May 28, 2012
Is there any reason you guys wouldn't recommend the palladium? Admittedly, I don't know as much about it as other metals, but from what I remember, it's a relative of platinum and never has to be plated. That, plus the fact that it's cheaper, makes me think it's a better option in this case. With $2500 for the center stone, I think you still be able to hit 0.75 carats.


Jul 23, 2012
Msop has a j in a halo. And I think it looks very white. When a stone is smaller it shows less color. Also the halo will Rhode the sides, and the sides are what shows the most color. However, if you don't want to have a j, they have a 0.6 ct reserve ideal I in budget too.

ETA Pearlmans is a gold idea as they give a PS discount. I've heard up to 20% but that might be a rumor so don't get excited Haha.

Also, they probably have more access to diamonds, so might be able to find you a 0.7+ I with a little searching.

And as for palladium I just haven't seen enough to recommend it. I've heard bad things, but also just haven't heard enough to say one was or the other. I've had a 14k gold ritani, so I'm more inclined to say that one as I have a good personal experience. And this 14k gold from ritani with palladium in it really doesn't have to be plated either. I'll post a pic of the metal


Dec 3, 2011
UberClaire|1381763461|3537501 said:
Is there any reason you guys wouldn't recommend the palladium? Admittedly, I don't know as much about it as other metals, but from what I remember, it's a relative of platinum and never has to be plated. That, plus the fact that it's cheaper, makes me think it's a better option in this case. With $2500 for the center stone, I think you still be able to hit 0.75 carats.

I don't have anything against palladium, but I know it's not worth as much as platinum or gold. Some even refer to it as "scrap metal," but I don't necessarily agree with that.

Platinum AND palladium are softer than 14k white gold -- both PLAT and PALL will scratch easier and will develop thousands of tiny scratches over time (developing a patina). It kind of gives the ring a dull, antique look.

Personally, I prefer 14k white gold because it is harder and in my opinion and experience stays shinier for longer. It does have to be rhodium plated (however, Ritani uses an allow that DOES NOT HAVE TO BE PLATED - Yay!!), but then again, a platinum ring needs to be repolished to look new too. If there is a lot of pave or intricate details in the ring, I was told 18K is easier to work with because it's softer than 14K and will not be as brittle.

All metals require some maintenance if you want them to stay looking like new. I'm not positive about this, as jewelers prices/services vary, but I would imagine jewelers might charge less to rhodium plate than to repolish a platinum ring, since it's a very time consuming process. If you do decide to go with Ritani's WG, you won't have to worry about this aspect nearly as much.


Aug 8, 2005
On Palladium. Many benches do not know how to work with it, or will not work with it. It's a pain. Some will try to work on it and mess up. It's not worth it to me. I bought DH's wedding band in palladium, and it's scott kay, and I always send it back to them for polishing. So if you are going to get palladium best to do with a brand that will continue to service it for you throughout the life of the product.

I too would pick the white gold alloy that doesn't need plating over palladium. Also, resale value retention is better.

This one is GORGEOUS: and ask for 14k and see what the price is. And I do agree about Ritani quality.

In answer to your question about reputable jewelers other than GOG who carry Gabriel, ID Jewelry does, and I believe they give you a standard 20% discount off the list price on the website. Doesn't GOG??

Those diamonds in the gallery (right under the halo)of that one Gabriel setting will eat into a wedding band that sits flush with it, either they will be cracked or they will scratch the heck out of a band. Either way... you won't see half of them when you are wearing the band, as it will cover them, and two it's a safety concern if she wears a band next to it. So personally, I'd skip that.


Jul 23, 2012
Here is the ritani I used to have 14k unplated white gold. For a color reference.



Oct 6, 2013
Wow. Lots of responses since I've been able to check the thread, lol. I love the fact that Ritani's WG doesn't need to be plated. That ring looks brand new, Niel. :) As for palladium, I am leery of it all around for several reasons. It seems relatively new as far as it's use in jewelry (it's mainly industrial, right?), it's a sister to platinum and scratches more easily than gold, it's hard to work with, and the prices do not seem stable. For $100-200 more, you can usually get 14k WG and gold has been the "gold standard" for thousands of years. I don't believe palladium will retain it's value in the long term. I will probably end up going with the Ritani. I like the fact that it's a quality piece, it's gorgeous (and just what she wants), and also the name. It may sound silly, and I doubt anyone would know unless you told them, but I know that my girlfriend would enjoy have a designer ring. I'm going to look at some this week, hopefully. Unfortunately, this means I probably won't be buying from GOG since they no longer carry Ritani. They have been great so far, but it is what it is, I guess. I haven't purchased the center yet and I'm debating whether I should just buy it with the setting somewhere else. It seems like it would be a lot easier. I know the stone from GOG is high quality, but I've had offers from both WF and Pearlmans for similar diamonds at the same or slightly lower price points. The other option is to purchase everything from Ritani. They actually have some stones that are cheaper than everyone else, but I've never seen one in person. I may end up doing the in-store preview but I don't want to pay sales tax, so I'll end up having to buy it online, anyway. I'm glad you mentioned the issue of pave diamonds eating up the band because that would definitely cause some problems. Still, I don't know if a band is really necessary with the triple halo ring. I'll have to ask my SO what she would prefer. Since the prices are very similar (for 14k WG vs platinum), I'm almost positive I will go with Ritani over Gabriel.

Gypsy - I haven't had a chance to ask GOG about the Gabriel settings. My work hours and their store hours don't really work together. ;-) I'm pretty sure the price I'm getting quoted for the Ritani are the same as the website, though. Should there be a discount with the higher end designers?


Jul 23, 2012
I think Whiteflash or pearlmans is a nice way to go with it. You're right ritani has some cheaper stones but I don't think they offer ant price scope discounts like the others go with whatever place can get you the best and biggest stone. Though of you ever want to upgrade, you'd have to consider that too.

Sounds like you're making real progress. I really cannot wait to see this ring when its finished.


Aug 8, 2005
Well, I haven't bought anything Ritani myself, so I don't know what discount, if any, is offered on them. I do know that Julian or Bill at Pearlmans will give PSers a nice discount where they have the flexibility to do so. I have not bought from WF. Can you just send Pearlmans an email asking them for their best price on that setting sized for an 80 point center stone? Then do the same for WF, and see what happens?

WF and Pearlmans can both get you idealscope images of the diamonds, which you need if you are buying online. I do not know if Ritani can do that for you.

The reason I know about the Gabriel discount is because I purchased a piece for a friend through IDJ.


Jan 20, 2012

If you are okay with pre owned the center diamond in the set I have listed on loupe troop &DB is .77 the link is above which gives all the details. It may help your budget some, I'm not sure what your price range is for the center stone. You would need to check with Pearlmans or Ritani to see if they would reset it for you. Just a thought.

Also I would definitely go with 14k white gold over 18k if given the choice it will be less maintenance. I think 18k becomes "whellow" too quickly.

The settings in this thread are gorgeous! Whatever you decide I can't wait to see it. Good luck on your search


Oct 6, 2013
Ok, so I contacted WF and Pearlman's and they both responded with offers.

These are the three centers that WF suggested:,2978577,2930346. They just come with the general PS and bank wire discounts. Total price with the 3 stone all halo setting would be $5943, $5613, and $5355, respectively.

Pearlman's suggested only one center and just gave me an AGS certificate for it. I've attached it to this post. I've requested pictures of both the diamond and reflector images, but Julian said that he doesn't offer IdealScope images. He also said that the certificate has an IdealScope image on it (isn't that an ASET?). Also, the cert is 2011 and looks a little different that the current ones. Does it matter? Either way, the total price would be $5675, which is less expensive than WF for a bigger stone. He said that he included a 15% discount and that I could get a 2% wire discount. steven-page-001.jpg


Jul 25, 2005
That AGS report is current; WF's looks different because their ACAs come with an AGS report that says ACA on it. Yes, it is an ASET; no, you don't need an Ideal Scope if you already have the ASET.


Jul 23, 2012
I'd go with the pearlmans or the cheapest Whiteflash, depending on how close you need to stay to the budget.


Aug 8, 2005
It's an AGS0 honestly, good enough for me it will have ideal light performance. I would have no issue with that stone from Pearlmans, and given the price plus larger stone and higher color (largest WF stone is a J, this is an I)-- that would be my choice hands down. You get a 5.8-6.0mm stone. I color. Same setting. Great service. For less.

No brainer. And it's exactly what she wants.



Apr 21, 2011
I have that Ritani setting, but with an oval. I looooove it.



Jan 20, 2012
What a stunning ring.

Pearlmans sounds like a winner.

Can't wait to see it when it is done.


Oct 6, 2013
Thanks so much, everyone. :) I thought that Pearlman's made a great offer, too. In fact, it seemed too good to be true. And when they didn't actually give me a pic...well, lol. Anyway, I just wanted to check. I've already asked Julian for a real picture and he said that we should talk over the phone tomorrow (tonight is my last work night...yay!). The HCA on the Pearlman's stone is 2.0 - is that acceptable? I know that the HCA can be deceiving and it certainly doesn't guarantee a great stone, but it's still helpful. Pearlman's is definitely my top choice ATM since, like Gypsy said, the stone is higher in color than the others and still retains it's size. WF said that there would be a noticeable color difference with a J, but that it "should" wash out with the G/H melee diamonds. That statement worries me, though. An "I" colored stone was where I wanted to stay originally, so I'm very pleased that Julian was able to find one in his inventory that was still 3/4 ct. Overall, I think that Pearlman's is the best offer so far. I'm actually kind of surprised that they can make a reasonable amount of money at those prices. With all of the support here at PS, I have plenty of confidence that Julian will be able to deliver a great ring. :)

Spesh2011 - Wow. Just wow. That ring is incredible. It's so icy! Do you have any more pics? How big is the center? It looks huge.

Edit: I'm starting to get super excited. I definitely think that I've found the one. :)


Aug 8, 2005
You don't HCA AGS0 stones. =)

HCA is a rejection tool. Not an acceptance one. If you can get a an idealscope image you can go up to 3 reliability on anything not an AGS0. If you can't get an idealscope image you go up to 2. 2 and lower are all the same. AGS0 trumps HCA though, every time.

AGS has the most advanced grading system for stones related to light performance. They don't just take into account a handful of angles (like the HCA does), they get the stone in person and run it through its paces. Their 0 designation is at the top of a very high mountain. Very few diamonds on the market in the world qualify.

If you have an AGS0 an idealscope is nice, as an added bonus. But not necessary. It has been evaluated for light performance by the lab. HCA is irrelevant, even if the score is a 5.

As for Pearlmans, they have a great reputation on the boards (you should do a search). I myself have bought from them... 3 times. All great transactions. My wedding band, my husbands band and my diamond earrings are all from them.

They do have good prices much of the time. And do offer nice deals to PSers. It's not uncommon, though they don't post it, and you have to call to get it.



Oct 6, 2013
Well, you learn something new every day. :) I knew that the HCA was a rejection tool, but I had no idea that it didn't apply to AGS. Though, it makes sense now that you mention it. It's just one of those things where you give people a little bit of rope and they run with it, lol. I mean, if you know absolutely nothing about diamonds and then start reading about all of the different technologies, software, cutting houses, mismatched grading reports, etc., you start to think that every stone needs to be evaluated and verified 50 times. Or maybe that's just me. :cheeky:


Apr 21, 2011
It's a 1.21 and I got it for a steal from GOG. I get compliments on this ring all the time so I can tell you firsthand that it's simply lovely in person. The diamond itself is an F, but it does look exceptionally icy on that pic, but I that photo was also taken when I had a great tan. ;-) If it matters, my ring is in the white gold, not plat.

Do I have more pics? That's a silly question. ;-) Let me know if you'd like to see anything specific. Unfortunately, all I have is an iPhone camera.





Oct 6, 2013
It's definitely a beautiful ring. :) Do you have any profile shots? Also, do you think Ritani would have any problems with customizing the ring a little? I was thinking of asking for pear shaped side stones to give it something a little different, but I'm not sure. Also, how long have you had the ring? How has it held up over time? Have any of the pave/melee stones come loose?


Apr 21, 2011
I do believe that Ritani will do some customization, but at a cost. Can't hurt to ask. I think pear shape would look great! I've had the ring for almost two years and its held up beautifully. I wear it all the time and have not had any issues. I used to take it off when I slept, but I don't even do that anymore.

I clean it with windex. Keeps it super sparkly!

Here is a profile shot. It's not a good one. Sorry about that. It's pretty low profile so I don't have the issue of it getting snagged on stuff, etc.



Oct 6, 2013
Thanks for the profile pic and info. I figured that it would be a little more, but hopefully switching to oval sides wouldn't be too much.


Oct 6, 2013
Well, I tried to purchase the AGS 000 certed stone, but it was in a virtual inventory and someone bought it a few hours before I put in my request. :( Oh, well. Julian just gave me another option. It's a little bigger and it's the same price, but it's a GIA triple ex instead of an AGS 000. Obviously, they are both very reputable, but this one has no other proof of light performance. At least the AGS stone had an ASET on it. It has an HCA score of 1.0 (Gypsy - I know that you said <2.0 is all the same), but does that really prove anything? I asked Julian if he could pull the stone into inventory and have Bill (or someone else) evaluate it. I don't want to risk losing another good center, but I also don't want to buy something without having an idea of how it looks. There's always a return policy, though. It's just a matter of tying up funds. This is the GIA cert for the new stone.



Jul 23, 2012
Can you type out the numbers? I'm having trouble reading it.


Oct 6, 2013
GIA Round Brilliant - 0.81 ct - 5.96 - 6.00 x 3.68 mm

Color - I
Clarity - SI1
Cut Grade - Excellent

Clarity Characteristics - Cloud, Crystal, Feather

Polish/Symmetry - Excellent
Fluorescence - None

Table - 56%
Depth - 61.6%
Crown Angle - 34 (15%)
Pavilion Angle - 40.8 (43%)
Girdle - Medium to Slt. Thick (4.0%)


Jul 23, 2012
Hmm well I like the numbers. He can guarantee its eye clean? And he isn't willing to provide you any pics or anything? I like that its 6mm


Oct 6, 2013
I'm not sure yet, Niel. We haven't had a chance to speak about it. He just emailed it to me as an option. I asked for pics and/or idealscope, if possible, but he probably won't respond until tomorrow. The last stone was SI1 as well and he said that the vendor told him it was completely eye clean. All of the vendors offer a 5-10 day return policy, which is enough to evaluate the stone. They also usually allow 24 hours to examine it before buying, I believe. It just depends on the vendor. I'm sure that Julian would be more than happy to take pics once it's received by Pearlman's.

Edit: yeah, the diameter is great.


Oct 6, 2013
Alright, so I've been talking with Julian at Pearlman's (and with Ritani) and here is what we've come up with. I requested that the diamonds under the gallery be removed because my girlfriend definitely wants a wedding band. I also requested pear shaped sides to give the ring a unique touch. I've posted the CAD images sent by Ritani below. A couple of questions, though. I was told that the current ring has been designed in proportion to a 0.75 ct center and a 4.5 ring size (as I requested). However, the pear sides are only 0.10 cts each. Does that sound right? I thought that it sounded a little small, personally, but IDK.

Unfortunately, neither me nor Julian have been able to find an AGS 000 center that meets my specifications and is within my price range. :( I've already ordered the GIA Triple Ex stone below and asked if Pearlman's would evaluate it and send me pictures. The only problem is that they do not have the capability to take ASET, IdealScope, H&A, etc. images and neither does the vendor. The measurements look good to me and it gives an HCA score of 1.5/AGA of 1A. Still, I'm a little concerned about the lack of imaging. How much faith should I put in Pearlman's to evaluate the stone? Is it worth buying without an ASET/IdealScope image or should I try and hold out for an AGS certed stone? I've posted the GIA cert below.





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