
help chooseing width/ point size eternity style wedding set


Jan 6, 2015
Hi All,
I would love any input and/or pictures! I have decided on a re-set for my pear 1.15 ct center stone to be put in a semi-eternity style matching set (e-ring and wedding band) to be work flush with one another.

I am obsessing about what point size to make the side stones and whether to make the wedding band slightly thicker than the e-ring. while I love looking at all the super skinny bands that some of you have made (!) since i am a larger person and a size 7.75 ring, I also like a little more substance. of course, though, I don't want my center stone of 1 ct or so to be overshadowed either.

I am trying to decide between 3pt or so on both bands, 2 pt or so, or 2 point on the e-ring and 3 point on the eternity wedding band.

I am probably working with eternity by yoni and I thin the stones will be of very good quality. i like as little metal as possible and lots of glimmer, but not pave- more like shared prong.

any pictures or opinions?

also as far as possibly two point side stones in the e-ring and 3 point in the band apart of me likes this because they look more distinct and for some reason I always liked slightly larger bands, but another part of me is worried it will look like they don't match. also since the wedding band would have larger slightly stones, they won't be exactly lined up with the e-ring side stones. will this look bad? I don't want it to look like I tried to match but missed. if they are different in width I wantit to look complimentary.

I could also just do 3 pointers in both for a little more substance.

any comments or pictures??

thank you!!!! you all have gorgeous rings!!!!
Re: help chooseing width/ point size eternity style wedding

I unfortunately do not have pictures of those, but I would prefer both being the same size. Be sure you wear a spacer band between them if the girdles are exposed since they can hit each other and chip stones.
Re: help chooseing width/ point size eternity style wedding

diamondseeker2006|1445466488|3940838 said:
I unfortunately do not have pictures of those, but I would prefer both being the same size. Be sure you wear a spacer band between them if the girdles are exposed since they can hit each other and chip stones.

Or - you can make sure the wedding band is slightly wider than the stones used in it and avoid needing a spacer band.

Personally, I think having the wedding band a bit wider than the shank of the e-ring could look good.

Some pear threads for your consideration:
Re: help chooseing width/ point size eternity style wedding

Thank you both! I decided on matching widths, but am now not sure if what point size from 2 up to 5 really. I see the dream set on brian gavins site is 5 pt melee and i the siamonda for eternity of WF which some users here have is about 3 pointers. Does nayone have a set - ering and wedding band in the eterbity or aemi eterbity style that they can post a picture of on their hand. Especially interested in sets where the stone is not halo and is in 1 to 1.4 range so i can get persoective in sizing. I am trying decide between more dainty or a litrle more substantial.
Re: help chooseing width/ point size eternity style wedding

You might find this thread helpful:

One more: eternity

Not many of the posts include the melee size, but once you find a "look" you like, your jeweler should be able to help you reproduce it...
Re: help chooseing width/ point size eternity style wedding

I just responded to your comment on another thread - I didn't realize you already have a pear…I don't know if you like this, or would consider it, but what about resetting your pear in a halo with a shared prong setting, then a matching wedding band in the same shared prong setting. (In general, I am not a huge halo fan; HOWEVER, I recently saw two show stopping rings - one was a emerald with a halo and the other was a pear…GORGEOUS!!) …I saw both pics online and I am sorry, I don't remember where I saw them but I am sure you can google...