
Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repro


Sep 17, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Enerchi|1349026116|3276905 said:
Armywife I hear ya - KISS (Keep it simple stupid)!! Yes, go with my first reaction with what my heart/gut tells me, don't over think it. Good advice! I wish I could narrow down further but I feel like there are just SO MANY OPTIONS out there that I have to look at everything, then narrow down. I always tend to make decisions that way - see all potentials, then start eliminating. I'm also a pro / con or list decision maker too. You should see the papers I've got in a folder! :read:

Been trolling the net again....

adding a few more from LJN...

Don't get me wrong, I think looking at everything and then narrowing it down is a great method for finding a setting you love. I did the same, except I took it too far and complicated it by contacting vendors, getting quotes and so on, before I narrowed down what I actually wanted. Get your folder loaded up with settings you love and once you feel like you have a good selection, then start slowly narrowing them down. It may take a while, but I have no doubt you will find an amazing and perfect setting!


Jul 2, 2010
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Wow, I go away for a few days and looky what you got Missy!!! Love her she sure sparkles! Congrats on a great find and props to the Old Cut whisperer who found her!
I love the colors she picks up and throws off.

Picking a setting is such a dilemma, but a fun one.
I ditto the suggestion to keep a folder of all the rings that make your heart sing, then look for a common theme. Milgrain, melee, details color whatever, and then start narrowing down.
I have a folder for my someday three stone that i have gathered and winnowed a few times that now looks like 56 pictures of about the same ring!
BTW I may actually be up in NYC that weekend, so.....


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Elisateach|1349047754|3277073 said:
Wow, I go away for a few days and looky what you got Missy!!! Love her she sure sparkles! Congrats on a great find and props to the Old Cut whisperer who found her!
I love the colors she picks up and throws off.

Picking a setting is such a dilemma, but a fun one.
I ditto the suggestion to keep a folder of all the rings that make your heart sing, then look for a common theme. Milgrain, melee, details color whatever, and then start narrowing down.
I have a folder for my someday three stone that i have gathered and winnowed a few times that now looks like 56 pictures of about the same ring!
BTW I may actually be up in NYC that weekend, so.....

:lol: :lol: It pays to come back and check out PS, doesn't it??? ;)) I have a paper folder with pros/cons of designs and I'm now starting a photo folder on my desk top of the ones that appeal. Good idea you had, as well as Armywife. You guys are so clever!!! :appl:

You might be in NYC???? Diamond district day is Tuesday Oct 30 - are you in town then??? (hey! i'm thinking that should be declared a national holiday... but maybe its just us on PS who would celebrate it :lol: )


Apr 19, 2010
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

I haven't read through the whole thread so I don't have much advice regarding a setting but I just wanted to drop in and say congrats on your gorgeous new stone!! :appl: It's gorgeous! :love:


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

I just wanted to say that I like the idea of a halo, but I'd want it to be a vintage style and perhaps some other shape instead of round. The rounds just look more like e-rings to me for some reason. I think the Vatche Grace is a nice one that is not tooo fussy to be worn with your sleek 3 stone engagement ring. I would just want the two rings to be able to be complementary when worn at the same time!

Oh, but this might even be better for a RHR;


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

stargurl78|1349139969|3277763 said:
I haven't read through the whole thread so I don't have much advice regarding a setting but I just wanted to drop in and say congrats on your gorgeous new stone!! :appl: It's gorgeous! :love:
Thank you, stargurl! I keep it in the little ring holder and play with it daily! I can't wait to have it set and I can wear it all the time....safely!! Any setting ideas will always be welcomed :bigsmile:


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Nice choice, DS, I'm loving the ERD halo setting :lickout: gorgeous! :love: I like a vintage feel for this stone, so that's right up my alley and I could meet when in NYC.

I have emailed a few times using the contact us page, during this journey, and have never had a response. Reading others experiences, that doesn't sound typical. I'll try again, because I really like that setting! Maybe fourth time is a charm? (having a sneaky feeling it will be way out of my budget tho.... Fingers crossed!)


Dec 29, 2004
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

I don't have much to add except that she's a beaut! And that this is fun to watch. ::) Can't wait to see her set!


Nov 24, 2006
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

TravelingGal|1349192452|3278067 said:
I don't have much to add except that she's a beaut! And that this is fun to watch. ::) Can't wait to see her set!
ditto all of the above! Gorgeous Stone!!! :appl: :appl: :love: :love:


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

TravelingGal said:
I don't have much to add except that she's a beaut! And that this is fun to watch. ::) Can't wait to see her set!
Thank you so much TGal! You are another one of the "expert OEC eyes" on the boards and that means a lot coming from you! Thank you for the compliments - but it would never have happened without Dreamer!!!

And thank you Skippy!!! As agonizing as it is to flip around with ideas, it really is a complete and total joy to be faced with the task of trolling for diamond ring settings. Ya, how rough is that to spend your free time looking at rings??? I'm slogging thru, the trouper that I am ... :naughty:

Gypsy, the Zoe was one of my original choices!!! But then I thought it wouldn't be 'enough' bling for me...but those prongs... ah! :lickout:

I managed to put a folder together of 19 picture ideas... whittled it down to 7... then slowly added a few more... then took out the ones that were obviously 'too solitaire' like in design. I flip between more of a vintage feel, to more of a blinged-out look! I really think once I start to see them IRL when I'm in NYC, that will solidify what look I prefer. I want to purchase in NYC where I can see them, so the vendors I am looking at are LJN, GabrielNY at IDJ and I am looking back again at the halo idea again from JA. I can't afford custom unfortunately.

I can now pull up the pics and have them all over my screen. It really does narrow down the key things that I am drawn to - details such as milgrain, prongs, filigree, pave, curly cues and SPARKLE! I often wonder if the 1.68ct (or 7.5mm) will really look big enough on my larger hand without a halo? Of course it will... or will it??? :???:

Damn - why are there so MANY beautiful choices!!! ARGH! And why did I not marry for money??? Next time, Enerchi, next time! :lol:


May 23, 2012
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Are you familiar with Greenwich Jewelers? They have some incredible pieces. Probably not where you'll find your setting but if you end up with extra time on diamond day it sure would be fun to try on their baubles (including many Single Stone pieces!).

I LOVE the ERD ring that DS posted. Wow! Seems like a great combo of vintage and blinged out...


Mar 7, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Cookie|1348868935|3276177 said:
How about any of these?

I am guessing they are all in the $1-2K range. This place does accept outside stones, and I heard their diamond setting and engraving skills are superb.

I love Cross Jewelers. They are in my neck of the woods and have a fantastic reputation. The website is only a small sample of what they have to offer, I really wish that they would expand upon it.

Enerchi: I haven't been around much lately so I missed you most recent purchase! It's gorgeous!!! Lucky you! I'm no good when it comes to setting advice, but it looks like you've got lots and lots to consider and they are all beautiful. I can't wait to see how you decide to set your new beauty. And if you decide to work with Cross, let me know and I'll tell you about a new commuter service that can get you in and out of Maine from NY for about 100.00. Congrats! :love:


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Rosebloom - I LOVED their site!! wow - they have quite a few interesting rings that appealed to me! I wish the BevK site showed more than just the single angle of their settings - I want to see the profiles and head shots too... argh. Greenwich may be combined as a stop during our tour day... that is if I don't send DH over the edge on Diamond Day :lol:

Christina! :wavey: Glad to hear from you!!! Welcome back... and so glad you love my new baby!! We are only in NYC for 4 days so I don't think we'll make it to Crossjewellers, unfortunately, but if we ever do another trip to Maine.... :Up_to_something: :Up_to_something:


Jan 11, 2006
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

I think it is a gorgeous design, but I honestly would have Victor or Singlestone make something similar. I think they'd be higher quality.

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

That is stunning, Enerchi. Between this one and 3057-02, I prefer this one, though I do love the shank on 3057-02.


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Thanks Diamondseeker, but my issue is my budget :(( I'm limited to about $1K - max of around $1400. I don't have a lot left to spend on the setting and I don't want to get a temp now and reset later.... because - "I've met me"... I won't do it! I'll end up 'settling' for the temp forever, and I won't be happy. Do you have concerns about the workmanship of the LJN rings? or of Gabriel? I know you had sort of a ranking on another thread... can't remember which one, but if I can't go custom, would these be ok, in your opinion?

Oh - it was in regards to a BevK setting - other than GOG which we won't be able to get out to, I don't know who would carry them and if I can see them and try on in NYC, that would be great. Diamond district is for 1 day only when we are there.


May 23, 2012
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Enerchi|1349741324|3281816 said:

It's a beauty!!!! And I think it would be a lovely contrast to the rest of your awesome collection.

It's great that you'll be able to try it on too. Once you've got it on, you'll know if its the one.

One thing to look for - I've found that for me that style of ring, where there is a significant taper up to the stone, makes my finger look pudgy. I've heard others say it's elongating so I think this is just my own special situation (oh and also the fact that my finger is not exactly svelt). But I love the look and always really wish I could pull it off!


Aug 8, 2005


Sep 23, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Enerchi said:
Oh - it was in regards to a BevK setting - other than GOG which we won't be able to get out to, I don't know who would carry them and if I can see them and try on in NYC, that would be great. Diamond district is for 1 day only when we are there.

Enerchi-Greenwich Jewelers carries Bev K. If I only get to visit one jeweler while I'm in NY this is where I'm going. They also carry Van Craynest, Single Stone, Sholdt, and some Gabriel NY. Will you be in NY on the 26th & 27th? Single Stone is having a Trunk Show there that weekend!!!! I know you have a strict budget but it would still be amazing to see their rings.

I soooo wish my NY trip coincided with yours.I would love to go setting shopping with you! Boooo Hooooo!


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Woofmama, I wish it did too!!! Damn... but when I get to Chicago, we are DEFINITELY going to Diamond Zone, ok??? :appl:

Yes, someone did post about Greenwich jewellers on one of the threads and I did go to their link and LOVED so many pieces there!! I am not sure I'm going to be fortunate enough to get a second session of settings, if I'm already hogging up one of the days already! DH is an extremely tolerant man, but there's only so far I can push it, KWIM?? :wink2: I saw it was down towards the bottom of Manhattan (ha! those in the know are laughing at my tourist perspective on that!!) but if I can convince him to wander the area with me... I will pop in!

I'm going to see if there is any link on BevK's site where I could see if there are other dealers, ideally in the DD! Fingers crossed!

(you *sure* you can't hang around till Oct 30???)


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

woofmama|1349781230|3282053 said:
Enerchi-Greenwich Jewelers carries Bev K. If I only get to visit one jeweler while I'm in NY this is where I'm going. They also carry Van Craynest, Single Stone, Sholdt, and some Gabriel NY. Will you be in NY on the 26th & 27th? Single Stone is having a Trunk Show there that weekend!!!! I know you have a strict budget but it would still be amazing to see their rings.

I soooo wish my NY trip coincided with yours.I would love to go setting shopping with you! Boooo Hooooo!

Just fired off an email to the ladies at Greenwich, with questions regarding a few BevK settings, including the ones Gypsy listed above. Advised them of my budget, ring size, OEC size and enquiring which of the ones I liked, might work with that size diamond. I am not sure if their heads are interchangeable or not, so no sense falling in lust with something, if it won't work.

Bummed I'll miss the SS trunk show and a chance to meet Ari, but hopefully you'll be there, woofmama and do take pics!!


Feb 12, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Enerchi|1349741324|3281816 said:

My vote, my vote, my vote!!!!! This is one I considersided for mine.. but because my ering is so blingy I wanted very understated... but i love, love, love this one!!!!! :love: :love: :love:


Sep 11, 2012


Aug 25, 2009
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

Hey E!

Miss you on email my friend! :tongue: Wow I'm so exhausted emotionally with my OEC 3 ring that I'm very close to shelving it for now. I'm in instant statisfaction type of girl and this hunting for a setting is starting to kill me slowly on the inside!

However, I"M SO HAPPY for you! You have so many beautiful options and my favorite is the halo by ERD you posted. I think that is stunning and would look great with your 3 stone. So when you are done with your fabulous ring can i just commission you to make the 3 stone ring of my dreams?


Nov 24, 2006
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

the setting you posted is gorgeous!


Oct 4, 2011
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

My fingers are crossed that tomorrow NYC begins returning to normal post hurricane Sandy, and we can get to the diamond district as planned.

Just shouting out for some last minute ideas or input! My OEC has been all over manhattan these past few days, tucked safely in my purse, that it's time to hopefully set her and bring her out in the open :))

If you are hit by any inspiration, feel free to post any new thoughts.


Jul 2, 2010
Re: Help! 1.68 OEC needs setting ideas! Antique/vintage/repr

No inspiration just dust for good shopping. If the stock exchange can open so should the diamond district :naughty:
Have fun!!!!
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