
Healthy Living Thread

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty has had a beard before; I can't say I'm a fan but you are right I'll get used to it. I think it makes him look older.
Oh no that TR spilled coffee all over his hand and foot. Did he get burnt? Luckily I drink ice water most of the time but I have sure sent cups of that flying all over the place. I hope the rest of his day went better.
I hope the condo meeting went well. When is the next election?

Deegee, hi cute kitties! I am sorry to hear Max is diabetic. Hopefully the shots work great for him. i think all guys try the beards and goatees now and then. Like Matt; I am hoping Marty's beard starts itching; that is usually what happens. Once it gets longer and needs groomed or trimmed I imagine he'll think it's too much trouble as well. I know a lot of people swear by Birkenstocks; i hope the boots are equally as nice. I dug out my parka today and was glad I did. Temps were in the 20's but I don't know where we were wind chill wise. Darn that your band is already loose. Can you stand to wear your diamond ring on your left hand?

It was snowy off and on today but the ground is still pretty warm so we didn't get much accumulation or ice. It is getting a little warmer tomorrow. I was really cold at work but had on a 3rd sweater and pulled out my blanket. I hated to ever get up and go to the printer or assorted other places. I watched the Hurricane news; looks like there could be a lot of damage.
Marty must have been cold too; I noticed he had his bunny slippers on this morning. He took this picture of the snow when he went out this morning.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Hi Kids! Happy Thursday!

It warmed up a little today. Woo hoo. We were above freezing. Our neighbor sent us a note on FB he shut off our sprinkler values because water was spraying out of it. Marty hadn't blown out our sprinklers yet so some pipe broke. Darn.
We had crock pot roast and veggies for supper. It was quite tasty.

I hope you had a great day!
Marcy-I am NOT ready to see a picture like you posted with the s word in it! Does your suv do pretty well in the snow? We just walked Lily and it’s in the 40s outside. Yesterday it was 90! My back and joints are not enjoying this drastic temperature change. Funny that Marty has tried a beard before and is giving it another go. I think itching did bug Matt, and then having to trim it and all that nonsense. Too much maintenance for him. My Birkenstock ankle boots did not work out. They had a half zipper. What kind of stupid design is that? I am not about to wrestle with my shoes trying to get them on in the mornings. I keep a Snuggie at work. People laugh at it, but then ask to borrow it when I’m not using it. Oh no for a broken pipe!

Today was crazy from the get go. I had a 9am training and I never made it. There was one crisis after another from the moment I stepped off the elevator. I picked up Max’s insulin after work and Matt and I gave him his first shot at home. Bless his sweet little heart, he purred the whole time. The cleaners came today and the house is so clean and smells so nice. I wish it would last for more than a day! So happy tomorrow is Friday!!
Deegee, i'm not ready for that white stuff either but Mother Nature thinks otherwise. The Macan is great on snow and ice. Sorry to hear the drastic temperature change is making your back and joints complain. I hope that goes away soon. I am hoping Marty gets tired of his beard soon too but we will see. A half zipper for boots does sound kind of stupid. Darn that they didn't work out. I am with you on having shoes easy to get on in the morning. Marty didn't seem worried about the broken pipe; hopefully I'm worried for nothing. He always waits until the last minute to blow out the sprinklers; I am surprised he hasn't had problems before now. You day does sound hectic and crazy. I am glad Max didn't seem upset getting his shot. Enjoy your clean house.

Happy Weekend Kids! Tomorrow is going to be near 60 degrees; tomorrow night 3 to 6 inches of snow is moving in with temps in the 20's on Sunday. I hope Marty doesn't have problems getting to the airport on Sunday.

Take care.
Marcy-actual snow accumulation? Yikes! I won’t complain about our 50 degree day tomorrow! I wore long pants and real shoes today for the first time since April. I don’t like the heat, but I don’t like winter either. A 75 degree day is perfect for me. I saw a Macan in a parking lot this evening. It wasn’t as pretty as yours (your color is sooo pretty!), but it looked really nice.

I’m hoping to test drive a few cars tomorrow. I’m looking at the Audi SQ5 and the Volvo XC60 T6 Inscription. The same dealership has Mercedes and Jaguar too, so I’m sure I’ll take a look at them. Work today was a little frustrating. The network was down for a few hours this morning, and it was such a long day! I got lots of steps in this evening by walking around Target, Petsmart, Michaels and Sams Club. We ate dinner at chipotle because all of the other restaurants were crowded and we didn’t feel like waiting. Have a great Saturday. Stay warm Marcy!
Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, the condo meeting contained all the usual trauma/drama... I'm not surprised by it any more, I just drink through the whole thing and wait for it to be over!

Deegee, what did you think of your test drives? And I understand having dinner somewhere where youd on't have to wait!

So I'm irate on the car front. Poor Billy Ray went into storage yesterday for the winter... :-( And then today on the way up to TR's something flew up on the highway and put a nick in the driver's door of my Lexus. I guess I drive SO much more now than ever before, and most of it is highway, that stuff is bound to happen, but DAMN.

I went to the gym this morning earlier than I would have liked so I could accommodate a showing... and then the agent called an hour before an cancelled it. Ugh. Oh well, I guess the good news is I got my workout in. Now I'm at TR's making a pizza for the kids for lunch, and he's off at an auction buying... well... I don't really know what... !
Hi Kids!

Deegee, what color was the Macan? I was torn between the blue I got and the red. Since my A6 was red I went with blue but got the red interior. I'm living wild all right. I still think the Macan is the nicest car I've ever driven. I am still thrilled with it. Did you test drive cars today? I'll be anxious to hear what you looked at and liked. 75 degrees is my perfect temperature range too. Sorry your day was frustrating at work. They are migrating us to another network on the 22nd; that should be an awfully long day. Good plan to eat supper somewhere you don't have to wait for a table or service.

Dee Jay, glad you found a way to make the condo meetings more interesting. It's amazing how people become less irritating and annoying the more alcohol you consume. :lol: Oh no that something flew up and hit the door on your Lexus. Can it be easily fixed? I hate getting around early then have plans cancelled. But it's good to get things done early though. Making pizza for TR's kids, fun! How did it turn out?

Not much going on here. Marty got our lawn sprinklers blown out for the season then helped a friend of his take care of the sprinklers at their house and their rental house. We went to Lowes - Marty needed sand for the back of his pickup. I picked up some lotto tickets and did check out the Christmas decorations at Lowes. Marty and my girl friend are impatiently waiting for me to play cribbage so I'd best go. She is consulting Marty for strength training and diet.

Take care.

P.S. I am now obsessed with getting another solitaire ring for my diamond.
Good morning Kids! Happy Sunday.

We had about 5 inches of snow; it's hard to tell though since it drifted. It looked pretty funny on our cameras last night because the snow was flying in all different directions, it was more like a swarm of bugs flying around than snowflakes. It's 18 degrees right now and feels like 4 degrees. Marty will have an icy drive to the airport. I think he is going to pack a winter survival pack if for nothing else than to get me to quit nagging him about it.

We rented Skyscraper to watch last night. It was okay as long as you overlook those segments where they played fast and loose with reality.

I think I will brew up mini pizzas today. I haven't made those in a while.

Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, LOL on the movie being OK as long as you overlook those segments where they play fast and loose with reality! We watched the Avengers movie with the kids last night. Fast and loose -- HA! I'm not sure there even was any REALITY in that one!

I stayed at TR's for the second time with the kids last night. Honestly I don't think they care whatsoever... which is probably good! My sinuses are killing me so I ran to the store to get some meds. In princess's infinite wisdom she grabbed her gym membership card instead of her driver's license. Guess what?! They won't sell you meds in Illinois that contain pseudoephedrine with a gym membership card as ID! So now I'm back and deciding if it's worth it to me to go again -- this time WITH my license. Ugh. Fvck.

Read for a nap...
Marcy-brrr! That’s cold! Good idea for Marty to pack a winter survival kit. So what’s this solitaire obsession? I’ve decided that when I do finally upgrade my diamond, I’m going to get a solitaire. Every time I start to upgrade my diamond, I end up not going through with spending so much money on a ring. I just can’t bring myself to do it, but I WANT to! The Macan was black. I had a black Infiniti once. I should say, I had an Infiniti the color of dust once. I am not great at keeping my car clean, so a black car is definitely out for me. The color of yours is so pretty!

Dee*Jay- I imagine the kids probably don’t care. Younger kids are much more accepting than we give them credit for, I think. My sister’s adult son is furious with her about her recent divorce. He’s decided not to speak to any of us because we support my sister instead of his abusive, waste of a human being dad. I hate having to show my license every time I get cold medicine. I feel like I’ve done something wrong! Target even requires a license for NyQuil. That stinks that your Lexus got dinged! Dings are bound to happen, but it is still aggravating when they do. A rock cracked the windshield of my BMW the very first week I drove it. Grrr.

Well, I have done a big fat nothing all weekend. The only time we went out yesterday was to pick up the pizza we ordered for dinner. Car shopping will have to wait. Today we went out for brunch, and I had scrambled eggs and 2 bloody Mary’s. Food consumption this weekend has NOT been healthy! It has been 40 and rainy all weekend (better than Marcy’s weather!) I’ve been wrapped up in a blanket and my kitty Max has been curled up in my lap all weekend. So far he’s doing really well with his insulin shots, and I’m relieved. They don’t seem to hurt him at all. Too bad the weekend is over already. Have a good Monday!
Happy Monday kids!

Deegee, spending a chilly weekend wrapped up in a blankie with a furry buddy is not a bad thing!

Last night after the kids went to their mother's I sat on a chair int he living room, read a book, and had two big glasses of wine! I just not used to the cacophony... SO MUCH NOISE. And I fully recognize they are not bad kids, they are just kids. But when you live in silence... !

Anyway, I've decided to join a gym by TR, which will give me the added bonus of having somewhere to go when it all gets too much. I can just hear the kids now though... "Dad, Dee just went to work out for the fourth time today... and every time she comes back she's got another bottle of wine with her!" :cheeky:

I've been driving around with those eight big bags of clothes in my car since last week. The CB said his daughter was going to reach out and arrange to get them for her and the nieces, but how long do I wait before I just donate them... ? I would feel terrible if I went to the Salvation Army and then she called me like the next day. Ugh. I hate stuff like this...
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, too funny about the Avengers movie having no reality; I can believe that. I think you are probably right about the kids; that's good they are okay with you. I think most kids these days are very adaptable. You have a cool car, after all. When you aren't used to the noise and chaos of kids; it is quite a change. Good plan to have a gym to go to for peace and quiet but definitely sneak you bottle of wine back in the house. They'll catch on pretty quickly. I know they control pseudoephedrine purchases. The last time I bought some I had to go through the pharmacist and sign away my first born - fooled them I don't have kids. :lol: I hope your sinuses are feeling better. Do you have CB's daugher's phone number? If so, I'd send her a text to see if she wants your clothes. I'd want to hasten their departure as well.

Deegee, Marty did not pack a winter survival bag. I tried. I know you've talked about upgrading your diamond for quite a while; that would be exciting. My ring is technically a solitaire now except for those little .01 diamonds scattered around the band. I prefer solitaires for me because I think they don't compete with your diamond. I like side and accent stones with gemstones. I have toyed with getting a different setting off and on since day one; but now that i have 2 platinum RHR I really like how solid they feel. So when I noticed my band is showing wear (it's a little over 4 1/2 years old) I'm became obsessed with getting a new setting. There is honestly nothing wrong with it; it's just an excuse to look. I like the all black Macans; Marty and I say they look mean and fast. Dark cars to show dirt. My car is pretty dirty right now too. I am glad your sister divorced her husband if he is abusive. I think you are spot on about adult children being more judgemental about their parents divorce than kids. The parents of a friend of mine have been having problems and even separated for a while and she is totally freaking out about it. She is taking her mom's side and being kind of mean to her dad. Your weekend sounds perfect to me; especially staying warm from the rain. I am delighted to hear Max is doing well and the shots aren't bothering him.

Speaking of being warm; I turned my thermostat from 74 to 72. Now I am cold. I think we kept it at 75 last year. I think it is hard to heat and since the thermostat is in the center hallway I doubt it is very accurate for the rest of the house. We have 10 foot ceilings with some higher because of vaulted ceilings. Our basement is a walkout with 10 foot ceilings and it's easily 15 or more degrees cooler down there. I'm putting it back up to 74 as soon as I post this.

We reached 39 degrees today with sun so most of the streets were clear after work today. My front walk and porch are till totally icy. Our snow shoveling service never showed up yesterday and it's kind of silly to call them now. If it doesn't melt tomorrow I'll go tackle the ice.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I ended up giving the clothes to the SA last night. It's amazing how much bigger my car feels without half of my wardrobe being hauled around in it!

The gym out by TR's is much nicer than I expected, and the woman who showed me around had a fabulous a$$ -- it was very inspiring to be going up the stairs behind her, LOL. We went to dinner at a place that did nothing for me, but I made up for it at home with some chocolate ice cream and a glass of wine. This morning's drive was a serious of one accidents after another. At one point two of the four lanes were blocked and we were at a total standstill. Ugh. At least now I've got an audio book to keep me distracted! Today I've got a ton of work to do because most of our employees are going to an off-site for the rest of this week. And I am going to have a big big workout -- I've been slacking off!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yay for giving your clothes to the SA; it's nice to get those bags out of your car. That is great to hear the gym near TR's place is nice. Chocolate ice cream and a glass of wine is definitely a wonderful way to finish out the evening. Oh no to accidents driving back today. Is it icy? I definitely need to download some books or podcasts; that would be great to listen to driving to and from work.

Our snow is mostly melted. I scooped some of the ice off my walkway; it was still really icy by the porch but I got most of the ice off before the porch and will work on the porch tomorrow. We had a huge drift out there.

My supper smells done. Woo hoo. I am hungry.

Take care.
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I'm sure you, Ms. Technology, will appreciate this... so every damn time I plug my phone into either of my cars U2 starts playing. I finally got fed up with it and googled the problem. Apparently this is Apple installed music and it happens automatically unless you turn it off. WTF. Anyway, I just did it... I think -- I guess I'll know when I get in my car today if it worked!

Yesterday after work I did a quasi hard workout at the gym, and this morning I went again before I came in, so I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now, ha ha. TR came down last night but we didn't really do anything. Today I'm going to Costco to get all the stuff for my pumpkin carving party after work. If only I can keep my grubby mitts out of the candy bag until then! :cheeky:
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I remember the U2 "freebee" it really irritated me. It shot my (at the time) iPod way over the storage limit. Marty had already bought most of their music so it wasn't a "bonus" for him. I hope turning it off worked for you.
That's awesome you did some great workouts and it makes you feel good. Sweet.
Have you got your giant pumpkin yet? I'll be anxious to hear about it and of course see a picture of the finished pumpkin. How fun!

I woke up about 3:30 and never really went back to sleep. I was kind of dragging at work today plus I was really cold. By about 3 today I had on the 2 sweaters I wore to work, added a sweater I leave at work and a jacket I leave at work. I don't think it's me because i am not that cold at home; it is just too darn cold for me at work.

I had the strangest pain last night. It was somewhere in my right armpit. No kidding; it was so intense at first I honestly couldn't pinpoint the spot. It happened when I was getting ready for bed and putting on my pajamas. I mean who gets a pain in their armpit? It was still nagging at me when I fell asleep and when I woke up it was gone. Marty would say it is the evil coming out of me.

I baked one of my mini pizzas for supper and now I am baking a pan of brownies. I forgot to adjust for high altitude so now I am going to have to taste them when they are done. I can't serve food to my sister and BIL without knowing it tastes okay. They are coming to visit tomorrow. I am taking the day off simply because the cleaning lady is coming and Marty is in LA.

i dug out my old glasses to wear; I can see better with them. I don't know if I want to bother going in to get another vision check or not.

I also need a haircut or at least try to trim my bangs. I'll probably try the later then need to get a haircut to fix the mess I made. :lol:

Take care.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, every now and then I get a random pain somewhere too! And of course by the time I get done playing Dr. Google I'm on the Costco site ordering a casket, ha ha!

It's going to be a busy few days! Today I'm going to work out and then heading to TR's so I can be there when the kids get home from school because their babysitter has something she has to do. Tomorrow I was thinking I'd work out at the gym up my him before I head home, but I have a lot to do tomorrow so maybe I will just come back into the city and do it here. Yet to be determined. And then I'll need to get set up for the party! TR is actually going to take the kids back home on Friday night so I have a chance to clean up and stuff, and then Saturday I'll head up there because we're taking the boys to a concern in Milwaukee. And Sunday... I REST! Monday I'll need to pack because I head to Italy on Tuesday. Whew. I'm exhausted just typing all that out... !
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that is so funny about playing Dr. Google to diagnose your aches and pains. Then we are sure we have one foot in the grave and the other one on a banana peel. I am pretty sure I am dying of some form of cancer or have blood clots racing through my veins en route to my heart or head. Yet I wake up the next day. :lol:
Good luck with babysitting duty. I always tell people I can watch their kids if they are old enough to tell me what they want or need. Babies and toddlers than maybe can't convey those messages to me should probably not be left in my care.
Have a blast at the pumpkin carving party.
Enjoy your trip to Italy. Are you going to buy some Italian gold while you are there? Ooh.

Well my day didn't go as planned. My cleaning lady was coming about 9 so I got up at my normal time and went grocery shopping. I decided I wanted some cash so headed towards our credit union. Sadly I went 31 mph through a 20 mph school zone and got pulled over. He was way behind me with his lights on so I continued in to the credit union parking lot. He asked me if I knew why he pulled me over, I said I am sorry but I don't. He asked me if I saw the blinking school zone lights and I honestly did not see them. I explained I usually work during the week and my route to work and back does not have any school zones in it. This school is not obvious either. It's located between businesses, has a big out fence around it by the street but the school is recessed from there so you don't see it unless you turn your head to the right. I did tell Marty I won though since my ticket was higher than his. What is sad is I honestly wasn't speeding except for the flashing school zone time.
My sister and BIL will be here shortly.

Take care.
Curby / Speedy
Marty is a real comedian. Here is his post on FB
Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 6.54.03 PM.png
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, OH NO about the ticket!!! Those officers, they have no sense of humor... And BOO on Marty for that FB post. Smack him with a bear for me.

At TR's now. He just went to work and the kids are off to school. Oy. This is my first "school morning" here and the process wore me the hell out. I'm drinking coffee... but I want a martini!

Now off to downtown to workout and get ready for the big party!
Hi Kids! Happy Saturday! :wavey:

Dee Jay, Marty is thoroughly enjoying the fact my ticket cost more than his. I didn't point out if we add "all" of tickets he'd win. I'll gladly smack him with a bear for you. :D
Too funny about needing a martini after surviving the first "school morning". I've often said if we'd had kids I'll make everyone stay in bed until I've had my bloody Mary. :lol:
Good luck with the big party.

Five pm finally rolled around yesterday; I was so excited. We had our astronomy meeting last night so I picked up window food for supper. A few of us go out afterwards for coffee, pie, breakfast, etc. I had a Belgium waffle but couldn't eat it all since I'd had supper. I enjoyed what I did eat though.
Marty met some friends at the gym to coach them and is working out in his gym downstairs now.
I am catching up on some DVR'd programs and working on laundry.
I was crushed to see my 11 quick picks for the Mega Millions didn't have the winning numbers; but I guess no one else did either. I'll have to pick up some more tickets before the next drawing. All of my bears are going to get ACA collars when I win.
i just paid my speeding ticket online and I am worried I'll be hearing from them again. The ticket says $210. The cite pay site has the ticket as $200. I guess if I get a notice in the mail I owe them $10; I'll have to pay that. The ticket that keeps on giving. Or maybe they'll arrest me and impound my car. Who knows?

Have a fabulous weekend.
Curby / Speedy / Marcy

I had a bear and rabbit to wait up for Marty the other night. They were fighting over $20 though.
6D5EC8E1-CAF9-45C5-9975-CBD1436B983E.jpeg Marcy-oh no for a speeding ticket! I had to drop Max off at the vet at 7:45 Friday, which is a good hour earlier than I usually head to town. I kept reminding myself to not forget the school zone, and I forgot and zipped right through there anyway! I’m going to assume school had already started because I would surely ha e gotten a ticket otherwise. We didn’t win the lottery either, darn it. My kitties and Lily have been promised ACA collars too. We stopped by the Audi dealer Friday after work, but they were already closed. They have an SQ5 in the color I want, and I really want to take it for a test drive. The picture is from their website.

Dee*Jay-I don’t know many people who say, “I’m heading to Italy on Tuesday.” That’s awesome!!! I hope you have a wonderful trip, and your post wore me out just reading it. I hope your party was a blast!

I am so excited, my insurance finallly approved one of my eye drops they decided to stop paying for after I have used it for 2 years. The cost has risen to over $600 for a one month supply without insurance! Until I started using it again, I didn’t realize how much not using it has messed up my vision. We didn’t do much this weekend. Matt slipped with the lawn mower Friday and hurt the knee that has had ACL repair surgery on. It’s swollen and he’s hobbling around, but he had already committed to taking his youth group to a Mercy Me concert tonight. I told him not to grove too much. I’ve been doing laundry and watching Netflix. Weekends are simply too short. Have a great Monday!
Deegee, I hate to hear Matt slipped and hurt his knee. Poor guy. I know you've said your place is steep; that is pretty scary. I hope his knee feels better soon. Good deal your insurance is going to help pay for your eye drops again. I used Llevro for quite a while; they were $349 a bottle before insurance. I am sure it's the same size as your eye drops - a tiny little bottle. Those prices are CRAZY! The first time I used them I followed the instructions of shake well and then of course when I opened it at least $50 worth of drops blew out of the top. :wall:
I hope Greg had fun at the concert with his youth group.
That SQ5 is beautiful. The color is very close to mine. I decided against the Q5 because it was a bit tall for me and since I am short I had a hard time seeing around the side view mirror and how wide the part is between the windshield and the windows. You are tall though so neither of those should be a problem for you. I hope you get to test drive it soon.
School was already going when I got my ticket but they leave the lights flashing until 9 am. I'll probably remember that now.

Happy Monday kids!

Deegee, LOL on heading to Italy on Tuesday! The party was OK, but a lot of people were no-shows because it was pretty chilly. It's so hard to plan for this party because it happens outside... and it's October... in CHICAGO. UGH.

Cruby, I love the idea of making everyone stay in bed until after that first (or second... or third...) cocktail has worked it's magic! I swear, it's like Grand Central Station there in the monrings!

This weekend was crazy! The pumpkin turned out great! It took me quite a while to clean up after the party though on Friday night and Saturday morning because a lot of people hung out inside since it was so cold out. Saturday afternoon I headed to TR's and we took the boys to Milwaukee for the concert. They LOVE it! It was great to see them have such a good time! Yesterday I slept in and then went to the new gym up there, which I really like a lot. After that I went to Marshalls where I bought some more workout tights (which I needed) and some sweaters (which I didn't!) and a few other things. Then I did my nails and TR made us steak for dinner. Around ten o'clock we decided to bake an apple pie that had been hanging out in the freezer. Why not -- right?! So we had that with ice cream and then went to bed. :rolleyes: But :lickout: ! Today I've got a bunch of work to do and I need to organize my packing tonight.

Busy busy busy!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, outdoor activities can be challenging in October. We went to a outdoor wedding in mid October in Vail; there was snow on the patio and deck. And very chilly. i am glad the pumpkin turned out good in spite of the cold.
I bet mornings are hectic getting everyone ready for school. I had 2 older sisters and we had one bathroom; it was always insane in the mornings growing up.
Apple pie sounds delicious. Marty had a piece of apple pie the other night after our astronomy meeting. It sure looked good.
Good luck packing and have a fabulous trip.

We migrated to another domain at work today. My PC didn't take long or have issues but I lost some vital tidbits of info I didn't think about. Rats. We'll see how well my memory works now. One of them contained all of my assorted passwords. Oh well, not much I can do about it now. My laptop had issues migrating though so I left it at work.
I kind of over extended my right knee early this morning (it's on the hairy edge of needing replaced) and I was doubting the sanity of going to work. The knee cap or a tendon catches when it bends just right and it gives me a lot of grief. I put on some aspercreme and took some Advil and did make it through the day.
It was near 60 here today; very nice after our cold and snow.

Take care.
Marcy-I would be in bad shape if I lost my list of passwords! My friend who moved to Seattle left me her work laptop, and I SHOULD turn it in, but it is so much better than mine! I think I can move everything from mine to hers myself, and ask forgiveness instead of permission. Of course, I’d want to turn in my old laptop so someone else could use it. I think I’ll probably cave tomorrow out of guilt and beg the IT manager to let me switch them out. Oh no for hurting your knee. How’s it feeling today? I’m not out of my weather body ache funk yet. I keep forgetting to take my medicine every 6 hours, so I am not getting it under control. You’d think I’d remember, you know...since I hurt! Prescription eye drops are ridiculous. I have 4 eye drop prescriptions, and insurance stopped covering 2 of them all of a sudden. The most ridiculous one comes in individual doses, 3 doses to the tube. They used to contain 5 doses so I could stretch it out 2 for each eye per day. They raised the price and shrunk the amount!

Dee*Jay-glad the kids enjoyed the concert. Matt’s youth group loves it when he takes them to concerts. I don’t go because 1) not a fan of teenagers and 2) not my kind of music! Do you find good things at Marshall’s? I’ve all but stopped going because I can’t find anything. Enjoy your trip!

Is today Friday? It should be Friday. I brought my, um, borrowed laptop home to do work tonight. I have a meeting on Thursday that I am NOT prepared for. I have about 1,400 files to review for the meeting and I’m not quite done. I split the list amongst some of my staff so they could review and make notes for me, and I’m going back through the notes. Lots of data, and I don’t want to look at it! But I must. After I make a tasty homemade pizza for dinner. Have a great evening.

So I caved today and asked for permission to keep the new laptop, and it was granted. Yay! I ended up not working last night and started reviewing the data this morning, and discovered right off that someone had saved a bad sort and my spreadsheet wasn’t salvageable. I had no choice but to run a new batch and pull fresh data. Now there are 1603 members on there that have to be reviewed before my meeting with our deputy director. Since it’s not possible for me to get through all of that in one day, I asked her to move the meeting to Friday, and I’ll be doing some mad research tonight and tomorrow. That’s what I get for having too many people using the spreadsheet without me locking some things down to begin with. Dumb move on my part. Tonight is Matt’s youth group night and he gets home late, so I made myself a scrambled egg, toast and fresh pineapple for dinner. Now I’m off to research. I should get in bed because this may put me to sleep! Have a great day tomorrow!
Hi Kids!

Deegee, I think you should definitely use the better computer and woo hoo they agreed with you at work.
Oh no for still hurting and forgetting to take your medicine. I hope you feel better soon. My knee was better yesterday just back to the normal not good at all.
Those eye drop bottles and tubes are tiny. That is too bad they are so expensive. Good luck with that. Do you always have to use them?
Oh no to having so much data to review before your meeting. That's good the meeting got pushed back at least until Friday. I hope you have all the info you need for the meeting.
Have you driven that SQ5 yet?

Speaking of driving it takes me SOOOOOOOO long to get to work and back home now that I go the speed limit. WTH?
i finally got my work laptop working on the new domain yesterday. I tested it last night to make sure I can get in to my desktop PC if necessary.
Marty is kind of under the weather - he didn't sleep well, has a sore throat and sour stomach. Poor guy.
I went out to lunch with a friend of mine today and am meeting another friend tomorrow. I love that break from work.
Sadly, didn't win the Mega Million lottery.

Take care.
Marcy / Curby

Here was yesterday's sunrise.
IMG_6398 2.JPG
Here is the rabbit who collects money from my bears for "protection'. Marty says he is saving money to buy him a Christmas present.
Hi Kids!

4 days down, 1 to go and then it's the weekend. :appl:

i met a friend for lunch today and enjoyed visiting with her. Marty has been eating a lot of deli meat this week rather than cooking and grilling so I got the dishes done quickly tonight. Sweet. I am baking one of my mini pizzas for supper.

I hope you are having a fabulous day!
Curby / Marcy