
Healthy Living Thread


Feb 27, 2007
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Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, your pictures look like they are constructing a site on the moon! Super cool! Sell your ACA... ??? Ohhhhhhhhh Curby... let's think long and hard on that one before you do anything... It's good you got your boss to a better process. At this company we are 100% against any sort of process improvement. :lol:

So our head of sales quit today. I knew it was coming. He invited me, my boss, and two of my closest colleagues to breakfast. I showed up with two bottles of prosecco and tequila. No joke. We had quite the morning!!! I wish *I* was quitting today too. But sadly, no. I do have an interview next Friday with a firm for a remote role, so maybe that will turn into something.

I just got back from a Starbucks run where I picked up something for everyone on the floor who was working (only six people). I figure everyone can use a little pick-me-up on a Friday afternoon. The upside is now I am AWAKE. The down side is come two in the morning I may well STILL be AWAKE, ha ha. But I have some things I want to get done tonight so that might be OK.

Alright, off to see if there is anything else I can crank out before I call it a day.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

How was your weekend? Mine was busy.

I am sure I won’t actually sell my ACA, I just hate taking money out of savings. Of course, it’s for the new house. We had snow and cold so they have only done a bit more. The footers are filled with concrete and the forms are just leaning in the hole. I’ll keep an eye on it while Marty is off “working” for 2 weeks. Party at Curby’s house.

I noticed the boss is already kind of backing off her new process. I am not surprised.

Sounds like a big party for the head of sales quitting. Remember our “sorry for your loss cards?” I can always make you another one. Maybe that interview on Friday will be IT.

We had about 4” of snow but the world was an ice skating rink. On Friday, we slid out to the lot to see if they’d done anymore. Marty decided to skip going to the gym since it was so bad and recommended everyone else stay home as well. Saturday, he was meeting someone at the lot who “said” they were interested in building the observatory. The guy never showed up and hasn’t answered any emails. Guess he’s no interested. I’m betting Marty will be building it himself. You know, in all his spare time.

I worked a bit this weekend, but not much. Skipping the boss reviewing my shorts enabled me to get 3 done in less than one day. Woo hoo! I got my vest done and HATE it so bad, it’s in one of the bags I gathered up for Goodwill. Stockinette stitch rolls so bad, I hate it. The yarn was only $6 in total because it was on closeout. I’ll find a different pattern for my next one. I wore it some today, too bad I didn’t like it, it was warm.

I dropped Marty off at the local airport at about noon. I was about a mile from the airport and he texted me he forgot his ear buds. I came home, found them and ran them back to the airport. On the way home, I cruised through Culver’s to get lunch. Then I got busy. I have about 7 boxes of paperwork I’m going to have Shredit pick up. I moved crap here 10+ years ago and then accumulated more paperwork. Glad things now are all electronic.

After rounding and boxing all that up, I got two bags of things ready for the Goodwill. About then, my body reminded me I’m not 20 anymore. My next big project is going through my thousands of photos and dozens of photo albums and cleaning them out. I’ll maybe make a few albums, stash some in a drawer and through the rest out. If I was ambitious, I could scan them all, but that sounds like a big chore too.

I finished watching the cold HBO series Band of Brothers and the Pacific. I like watching TV while I knit.

Take care.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, did you have the day off? My job has no holidays. I worked 9 hours again, but got a lot done.

Had a phone call from the national Shredit company to schedule my one time pickup. What a grouchy guy and wow, they are proud of their services. I walked by a Shredit box at work every day for years, I should have been shoving all that paperwork in there, one stack at a time. And when they call to arrange a pickup, I have to put it all outside and with no steps. They probably won’t call me until next week. We will see.

I couldn’t dish up the hard PB cup ice cream (what’s leftover in a pint) so naturally I am working on finishing it now. I did lift though.

Marty’s rental (let’s hope he doesn’t do a hit and run in CA again being in KS and all) is a BMW 5 SUV. He’s having fun with it. He did say it’s not quite a Porsche though.

I was going to run out and see if they did anything else on the house, but it’s dark now. Maybe I’ll get out there tomorrow.

Think I’ll start on a blue vest tonight. And not use a pattern stitch that rolls.



Feb 27, 2007
Yes, @worljewels I have been busy. I am making this new vest with double seed stitch. It lays much flatter.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, any contact from the alleged builder of the observatory? I really don't know why contractors so often behave like this! That's awesome that Marty had a BMW rental! When Liam and the ferals were out west last summer he got a Q5. Somehow when I rent a car I always end up with something like a Kia, LOL. Every once in a while I bring a bunch of paper into whatever office I work in and shove it in the shred bin. When I moved out of my townhouse back in 2012 I spent an entire week cleaning out the garage, much of that time was used up pushing things through a tiny consumer shredder. Never again!

I'm behind! On Saturday I finally got some listing pics done and then I went on a big returning / shopping spree. Sunday I wanted to leave for my work trip early, but I had four orders come in and I had to get those out the door since I'll be down here in southern Illinois until late Thursday. Yesterday was a big all-day meeting. I'm trying to get some work done today and tomorrow in between other meetings, and I hope to head out pretty early on Thursday if I can. So really nothing interesting to report at all!

Alright, all of chase some folks down...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, no word from the alleged observatory builder. Marty usually gets some tiny car he barely fits in, so he started reserving SUV’s. He’s decided he likes the Curbymobile better though. Yay. One of those little shredders is what we have too. I can maintain the current collection but not the pile of stuff we have. Bank statements and deposit slips and pay stubs. Every bit of them have your account numbers or social security numbers on them. Glad most things are electronic now.

Darn those pesky meetings, I had one of those today and guess I’m gong to be doing interview podcasts. In some new format I’ll have to learn. I will also have to take my desk setup apart. My 32” monitor that I hook up my laptop to does not have a camera or audio. I really don’t want to be on camera either. We were almost going to knock off the daily videos and yesterdays and todays had good numbers so we’re back doing those.

A friend came over for supper, wine and cards. It was fun. we ordered in two different Italian dinners and split them so we have a variety plate. I had to hit Alka Seltzer since I don’t usually eat that much. I was going to run out to check on the lot / house progress but after two glasses of wine, I thought better of it.

I started on a new vest. Yay.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I hate to say it... but I think Marty really will be building the observatory in his "spare time." At least now they only print the last four digits on credit card receipts and stuff, but still. Too bad the numbers were up on the videos. Doncha hate it when you think you're about to get out of something and then it rears its ugly head again?! What color is the new vest going to be?

What a long week... and it's only Thursday! We had the big operating committee meeting yesterday and I didn't get out of there until about one o'clock. The drive into the city took almost four hours and then it was another two up to The North Estate. But at least I checked on my place and got my big bag full of mail.

I packed up two orders when I got home and stayed up a littler later than I wanted. This morning I was dead asleep when I my alarm went off.

Today I need to finish the review for my employee and get some actual work done. Ugh.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

What a day! I had wine and pizza for supper, plus ice cream. I feel better. A bit anyway.

I DON’T want to do interviews. We’ll see what happens. Then my “Karen” sister found out her daughter is doing the program for our astronomy club tomorrow night and wants to listen. They live 30 miles away, just drive in a listen. I spent over an hour trying to figure out how to record it through FaceTime. I guess you can record video on FacetTime but not audio. So, next I find out deleting the boss’s Chrome set ups that got installed on my laptop logging in under her name in the interview app, removed my account as well and I couldn’t get in to my gmail to confirm it was me trying to log in. And on and on … So the leftover wine from last night didn’t go to waste. #ventover …

I ran errands this morning and decided to drive by the Teddy Bear Estate to see the progress. There was a lot of activity there, so I just turned around and left. On a cul-de-sac with only one house at the end, you can’t just casually drive by. Then again a car on a deserted side road stopping and turning around is rather obvious as well. So I ran back out there before sunset and got this picture. It looks like the basement cement walls are poured.

I have about 4 inches done on the bask of my next vest. Yay.



Feb 27, 2007
That was yesterday’s post that I didn’t submit.

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes, I am betting Marty builds his observatory. At least it’ll be right.

And I do hate to think I’ll get out of doing something, then BAM - just kidding. Oh well, the boss and the lady editing videos were very complementary of my last interview today. Sucking up. They must sense my lack of excitement about doing them.’

My new vest is a variegated shades of aqua and white. I’m liking it so far.

That was a long drive home yesterday. Nice to pick up your mail. And it’s Friday!

Did you get the employee review done? I don’t miss doing those.

My day was better than yesterday. I have the astronomy meeting tonight. It’s the PITA that keeps on giving.

We had snow today but it all melted.

And it’s almost the weekend. Woo hoo!




Feb 27, 2007
:lol:And I’m such a brat. I sent Marty a shot of the house we’re in when it was all framed out. I wonder how long it’ll take him to figure out it’s not the Teddy Bear Estate.


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, did your Karen sister come and listen to the program? I have my employee's review allllllmost done. She rated herself "exceeds expectations" and she certainly didn't exceed MY expectations so I'm trying to figure out how to convey that in a what that won't get ME fired or result in HER quitting. LOL on sending Marty a pic of a framed out house! How long did it take him to figure it out?

I had an extremely detailed and vivid dream last night! I hired a couple (I think from somewhere Scandinavian) to put together a tiny house for me. I left everything up to them, including the location. When it was finally done and I got to see it it was in a neighborhood that I was NOT happy about. Somewhere down south. There was also too much pine in the house -- it looked like a woodchuck's w@t dream! I was trying to figure out if I could have the whole thing moved to a new location. Somehow I think your new house adventure is responsible for this dream! :lol:

Well yesterday was a clvster****. Liam talked me into going to an auction about an hour and fifteen minutes from here. There wasn't that much stuff in the pictures that I wanted, and he'd mentioned that every time he goes to an auction in that location people steal stuff that he's bought. Like, he'll buy things, make a big pile so he can come back with the truck at the end and load up, and then there are thing taken from the pile. He'd also said it was in an indoor heated building, so that's what I dressed from. SOME of the stuff was inside, but of course everything I wanted was outside and I was freezing my a$$ off in no time flat, let alone six hours later when it finally wrapped up. I missed out on two things I wanted to bid on because there was so much going on I didn't even realize they were being sold. I did get two lots I wanted, but I paid WAY more that I should have just because I was MAD at that point, and the thing I wanted the most I finally let go because the price went crazy high. Annnnnnd... when we were packing up the most expensive best thing that Liam bought was -- you guessed it -- MISSING. We had a big pile on a hayrack with all of our stuff together and someone had to have moved things off of the top of this box and then piled stuff back up. Seriously. I hope karma gets people like that! We stopped to eat on the way out of that town, and when we got home Liam promptly fell asleep on the couch and I washed up a bunch of stuff to today. I haven't even gotten out of bed yet and I'm EXHAUSTED!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

My Karen sister joined in on the FaceTime call to watch the program. It was a very interesting program. Good luck with the PA, I don’t miss doing those at all. Marty didn’t sucker for a minute the picture I sent him was the new house. I was out there this weekend, just the basement foundation is done.

What a dream you had. If the Teddy Bear Estate triggered that, let’s hope our house is nicer than the one they picked for you. It will seem tiny for awhile after this house.

And that sucks about that something Liam got was missing off your stack of stuff at the auction. I always like to believe karma pays back those type of people. I have an admirable faith in karma, stupid, but admirable. :lol: Darn you had to be outside in the cold too.

I had a long, boring weekend. We are having more high wind warnings and a grass fire started south of town yesterday. At least they got it put out, but had to close 2 major highways until it was out. I went and picked up some more yarn for the new vest I started and got groceries while I was out. Today a friend brought pizza over for lunch and I ran her out to see the TB estate. I worked a bit both days and watched TV and ate more than I should. I’ve been on a PB kick lately, so made a single batch of PB/chocolate chip cookies. At least I had an apple for supper.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I love peanut butter! My favorite "granola" bars are the Think brand chocolate peanut butter pie. I swear they are better that Reeses cups! When are you going to put your current house on the market? I'm glad they got the fire put out. I worry every year up by my mom in the mountains of Idaho about the fires. She's been pretty close to some of them.

Yesterday I got the pics done that I wanted... but I was dragging. I had an order come in for three heavy vases going to Switzerland (!) and I freaked out about the shipping cost so I bolted downstairs and packed them up to be sure it was OK. Fortunately it was, but I am always amazed when someone will pay $90 for something and another $126 to get it there.

My attempt at a nap in the afternoon failed miserably and finally I went to Costco. I meant to run by Goodwill on the way way but my brain was on autopilot and next thing you know I was most of the way to Costco so I only went there. It was a mob scene -- you'd have thought they were giving stuff away!

When I got back I cleaned up my mess from the picture taking, did a load of laundry, had some prosecco, and did my nails late. I don't think I got to sleep until after midnight.

I had another vivid dream between the time I got up to pee at 4:45 and when I woke up again two hours later. I went to a store like a Walgreens or CVS and bought just a couple of things... and the bill was over $5,000. ??? Is this my subconscious telling me I shop too much? :lol:

Today MANY things need to get DONE here in the office!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, yes, Idado, Montana, Wyoming and Colorado are very prone to kindling spots. We had another fire up north yesterday and the winds are relentless. My house sounds like a cardboard box sometimes. It's nuts out there.

Mmm PB pie.

They obviously wanted those vases, to get it there safely is probably worth the money to them.

I try to avoid shopping on weekends, stores are generally packed. Well, as packed as they can be here, but more packed than I prefer. Did you still go in to Costco? They might have been handing out gold coins or something.

What's up with strange and vivid dreams. One you start analyzing them, they'll get more strange. I had some strange dreams, but I don't remember them now. I was thinking when I woke up that was weird and then "poof" they were gone. Sometimes, I think that's a blessing.

I got up quite early and am about ready to sign off work. I'm yawning and very cold. Time to get up and move around. I lifted this morning while the cleaning lady was here. That worked great. I said hi and went down stairs. She likes to chat which is distracting while I am working. And she misses things because she isn't paying attention. I might look in to someone new when we move.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I always used to leave when the cleaning lady was at our house. No gold coins at Costco, but lots and lots of samples being handed out. People line up in the aisles and leave their carts totally in the way to get a bite of something that they're not going to buy anyway. It's nuts! I had another vivid dream last night, but I've forgotten it so maybe it wasn't as crazy as the other ones the past few days.

Yesterday was a little hectic and I ended up at the office until about 6:30. I had an order to pack up to the UK after dinner. Fvcking Etsy charged me an off-site add fee (which is when someone doesn't come directly to Etsy to buy, but googles something and then clicks on a link that takes them into Etsy -- if that makes any sense). So my fees on the order were 20.5%. And I am charged that fee on EVERYTHING... the price of the merchandise, the shipping and the VAT. So I have to pay 20.5% on the shipping and the tax! On a $49 set of glasses I netted $22. #HateEtsySometimes

Anyway, I just did my review with my employee and she seems OK with it (no tears, no yelling, no quitting on the spot... ) so I've just got to get it closed out in the system. There are a ton of other things that need to get done today too. Oh joy...


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, it is nuts how people line up for free samples. I don’t think I’ve ever taken one sample. Too bad Costco wasn’t handing out gold coins. I’m sure you would have got one for me too. Ha Ha.

I have some strange dream last night too and I remember thinking, I’ll have to tell Dee Jay about this and then I woke up and poof it was gone.

What a cluster on that charge at Etsy. That’s pretty poor.

Good deal your employee didn’t hit, kick, bite or yell getting her PA. I remember how fun those were to give.

I was up quite early so I had 8 hours in by about 3 p.m. I can add a new thing to my resume, editing videos. It was pretty easy. Then I found out the boss expects titles on the final interview videos. It didn’t take me long to do them, but it would have been nice to know these things before. Now I know … Glad I have a large hard drive,

We had snow overnight and it was frigid today but the sun came out and melted most of the roads. I picked up a friend of mine and we went out for supper then I dropped her off to pick up her mother’s car. On the way home I noticed Orion looked good so I ran out to TBE to see the stars. It was definitely better than in town and I only looked out my rolled down window. Our neighbors had their outdoor lights on, but they were shielded down anyway. I couldn’t tell if they’ve done anything on our house in the dark. A tractor was right by the foundation though. The roads were pretty snowy and icy out there if they were facing north to south, going east to west were clear.

I got the back of my vest done tonight up to the armhole. It’s going quickly.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, of course I would have gotten a gold coin for you! The next step in the performance review process to to approve my employee's compensation plan. I can't make any changes to it or affect it in any way, so I'm not even sure shy they make me click through it LOL. 4.25% raise -- I hope she doesn't spend all that in one place -- like on a pack of gum!! You're really cranking right along on that vest! Yesterday and today we've had your weather; it's CRAZY windy!

Last night I left around 5:30 because I thought I was going to have to give Liam a ride back from the garage after dropping the Trans Am off, but one of the guys there did it. Since I didn't have any orders to pack I decided to start working on the cowhide bag lady's tax info. I actually got through all of her Chase stuff and just need to pull down consolidated reports from Square and Shopify. Speaking of taxes, I have an appointment next Thursday with a new accountant. It's one that Liam has used for years so he'll know all about the online selling thing.

Speaking of online selling, I had two sales on Ebay this morning, which is a rarity since I only have about twenty things listed! BUT... when I went on there I had a big red banner than I need to verify my business information. This is all part of the Inform Act process similar to what I went through with Etsy. The differences though are that Ebay didn't shut my whole store down while the verification was taking place and it was done in a couple of hours as opposed to days. Still though, my heart about stopped when I saw that message. I thought, "Oh no! Here we go again!"

I'm getting some good work done today. Good thing because when I look at my calendar for tomorrow NOTHING will get done due to all the meetings. Ugh.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I had that same problem on raises as well. Why they bother to include us when we have no say in it, I have no idea. It’’ll rough to spend that raise in more than one place. Ha Ha. I saw where the CEO of Kelloggs said for people who can’t afford groceries, to eat cereal for supper. Nice.

I didn’t send our wind your way, we’ve still got it here. It almost knocked me over getting in my car this morning, luckily I was already sitting down.

So the Trans Am went in for a tune-up? The Curbymobile is getting extra miles running out to TBE. I didn’t venture out there today.

I hope the new tax accountant works out. Sounds like he’ll know how to handle your stuff since Liam has been using them. Nice of you to get the cowhide bag lady’s taxes going.

Good deal EBay didn’t shut your site down. Those big red flags are kind of terrifying when they pop up. I’’m like “what now?”

Have fun at your meetings tomorrow. I’m doing 2 back-to-back interviews. One I’m being interviewed and the other one I’m doing the interview. Fun.

I got my hair cut today and work. Not much else exciting. Marty’s class went well so he didn’t have to arm wrestle anyone. He sold two watches so paid for a new mount for his 8” scope. Guess we’re going to Denver Tuesday to pick it up. Then we need to take it to a software company get an update and transfer the license. I might drop off my bracelets to get some links removed and get one or two of my bands sized for my left hand. I don’t now yet on that. I promised I wouldn’t shop, but you know how that goes. I am toying with getting a new monitor that has a camera and speakers. That’d be easier for these stinking interviews instead of taking laptop, monitor, microphone and backup drive apart all the time. It’s a PITA.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

I survived both live videos today. The one for work was very brief. He either got what he wanted right away, or didn’t like what he saw. He did have me take my glasses of and do it again. The lady I interviewed rambled on and on, but it was easy to edit since I made sure not to talk or comment while she was talking. It still took a while to edit it though.
I lifted and ran out to the TBE. More dirt was moved around and there were more tractors there. Not much else to see. The house by our being built by the same builder had their framing started. I picked up Culver’s on the way home and now hope to have a quiet evening knitting and watching TV.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, with all this fabulous interview experience you'll be hosting your own TV show soon! Forget Oprah.... It's Currrrrrrrby!!! You need a hard hat and a clipboard to go out to TBE. Just stand on the perimeter pretending to take notes. It will make them very nervous! How's the vest coming?

The wind here is so bad if I didn't know better I'd think I was in Wyoming. :lol: A few weeks ago (or maybe longer now... time just all melds together... ) the metal pole for the table umbrella bent in half but the umbrella was stuck in the up position. Today the wind moved the entire thing (umbrella, table, and heavy cement filled base) across the deck. Liam and I decided it might be wise to go out there and take it apart LOL.

I swear Curby, I'm either dying or I HOPE I'm dying. This cough just won't let up and if I take Mucinex the runny nose is like a faucet. There's no winning. I make Liam take me to Walmart yesterday to get those tissues with lotion in them because I'm blowing my nose about a hundred times an hour. Ugh.

On the motivation front, over the past few days I've bought new bed pillows at Costco, washed the mattress pad and sheets, and gotten new pillow covers (part of the Walmart trip). The part I keep forgetting to do is wash the duvet, but getting that thing on and off the comforter is like wrestling a pig.

This week I was going back and forth with a lady who wants some quilts... well... I've had about a dozen quilts in the dining room for around a year now. Not anymore! Between yesterday and today I have photographed and listed them all! They're up on my site, but not on Etsy yet because if she buys I want her to do it through there. Who know if anything will come of it, but at least now I can take them downstairs and store them out of the way.

Alright, off to see how prosecco mixes with cold medicine. I figure if I'm going to live I might was well have some bubbles!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Here’s Currrrrrrby. I can see it now. LOL. I love the idea of showing up with a clipboard and taking note. And pictures. I am almost with the back of my vest. Yay.

The umbrella story sounds all too familiar. We tried several umbrellas with crazy heavy bases that did the same time. I swear one of the snapped poles made me very nervous it was going to come through the big window right behind me. Good idea to take it all apart.

Sounds like you’d have to feel better to die. I hope that cough gets better. Marty had a lingering cough for almost 2 months. He couldn’t sleep without having a coughing attack. I hope you get over yours soon and it doesn’t linger. I switched to tissues with lotion the last time I had bronchitis for the same reason. After we bought a fake Christmas tree, I’ve never had another bout of bronchities, but I still buy Puffs. I am sure prosecco mixed well with cold medicine. Or at least it made it so you didn’t care. I swear DayQuil drops my IQ 40 points.

Funny about doing up the bed this weekend. I did that too and yet it is like wresting a pig. I swear the fitted sit got put on wrong, but I left it.

I hope that lady buys all of your quilts. That would be great and easy to pack. I huddled under my thick ESPN blanket most of the weekend. One of my swag presents from my former life of ruining people’s ability to watch a live game because we blacked them out in their area.

I have an unproductive day yesterday. Unless you call polishing off a bottle of wine productive. I met a friend of mine (another drinker but not part of the drinkers) and we split a bottle of wine during lunch. Then we came back to Chez M&M and went through another bottle of wine. I had the too much booze rapid heart beat going on when I went to bed. It subsided in a few hours. I was at least sober by the time Marty’s plane landed in town at about 9:30.

Today, I spent time working. I have 2 more videos in the can. I’ll check them in the morning again and then have the boss approve them before I record the audio.

We had a brief snow storm roll in.

Big excitement on Friday. I noticed a huge smoke cloud to the west of us. It ended up burning over 6,000 acres of semi rural area and was within a few miles of where our TBE is located. A few houses were damaged and some out buildings lost. We drove by the north end of it this morning. Pretty scary.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, will you have a desk and a couple of guest chairs to the side? Will your show include a band for opening music and people who bring on their pets for stupid animal tricks? I'm so excited for the debut Is TBE close to areas that sometimes get fires? That would be so scary! I consider polishing off a bottle wine VERY productive! I'm down to about three bottles of prosecco from all the cases I bought on sale around Thanksgiving (to be fair, I did give a bunch away at Christmas!) so I need to keep an eye out for the next time the big liquor store has a sale and stock up again.

Last night I finished packing up two orders that I'd started on Saturday but held off because the people were thinking of buying more things (one did, one didn't). While I was doing that two more orders came in. I have a love / hate relationship with my Sunday night orders! Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the Monday morning deposit... but when it's 11 pm and I'm just taping up what I think is the last box and my phone screams CHA CHING! I have to confess my heart sinks a little. Anyway, I got it all packed up and ready to go.

I can't figure out what's going on with this never ending illness. I thought I was starting to feel better in terms of less coughing, but I sound worse when I talk. Who knows.

Alright, off to do a bunch of things!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I’ll definitely have a classy set for my talk show. With teddy bears EVERYWHERE. I’ll make people say hi to them all too. I seriously used to do that at work. Of course, I think I’m funny.

Yes, the area where the TBE is located would be in a high wildfire danger area (dry prairie so lightning or carelessness can start fires) and it also seems to be a draw for tornadoes.

Definitely watch for another sale of Prosecco. It’s good to stock up when it’s on sale.

I totally get that sinking feeling of you think you’re done with something and another thing comes along. When I was teaching, I’d have to just set a time to cut it off so I could get to bed before midnight.

Sorry that crud is lingering. Marty seems to come home from Kansas sick all the time. The crud he had around Thanksgiving lasted for weeks. I hope you get better SOON.

We have a fun day playing hooky. We ate at Cracker Barrel where I found a Joe Cool Snoopy sweatshirt that naturally I bought. We hate the jewelry store first. I had 39 pieces of jewelry to clean and check so I knew that would take a while (earrings count as 2 pieces). Good thing I counted how many things I had to each, she didn’t bring back 2 of my rings. I did like the ruby band that has been teasing me online, so I traded a pair of pink earrings I never wear toward it - 50% instant down payment.

Then we went and got Marty’s mount at the astronomy store. Funny, it is red too. Then we called the software store about 30 miles away to see if it was a good time to bring the mount over to get the software license transferred on the mount, buy their software package and get a few missing pieces for it. She said they were going to lunch so wait an hour, so we did that too. After they got that done, we decided to take the back route to Boulder and came home that way. It was a fun day.

Once we got to town we ran by TBE and they were packing up the bobcat and tractors. The next door house had guys putting up the trusses for their framing. We’ll be next.

It was nice not working today.

Here’s a better picture:


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Mar 26, 2006
Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, I love the new band! And good idea to trade the earrings you're not wearing anyway. I was talking with a friend who has also been sick for several weeks. Her doctor told here this is a "bad cold" like thing going around that lasts for about 6-8 weeks. Ugh. Given the big lot sizes and the orientation of the house will you actually be able to see your neighbors at TBE or will it just be all cool scenery?

Yesterday wore me the he!! out! I got up around five and went downtown for a chief compliance officer meeting. After that I headed to my friend's house to do her taxes. It took two solid hours and there were a bunch of new things in her scenario this year. It hurt my brain! On the way back I decided to stop at a big mall and see if I could pick up a suit that actually fits me so I can fly out east next week for a job interview. The message that I got about booking the trip was confusing so I'm waiting for details before I get an airline ticket. I stopped at the local mall on the way home to see if I could get an alternate pair of pants, but they store closed at seven and it was just after that so I'll see if I can swing by at lunch or after work. Liam was at a movie with a friend so I did my nails and when he got home we ran over to the garage to get his Trans Am since it was done. By the time I fell into bed I was ready to drop!

Today is going to be a SLOG. Plus I have to finish getting all my info together so I can meet with the new accountant tomorrow. I've still got a fair amount to do in terms of downloading transactions and getting my expenses in order.

Alright, off to get another cup of coffee and make something happen!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, if you get that job you are interviewing for, is it a WOC position. Or will it be a heck of a commute for you? Good luck, no matter what you decide.

That's what I've heard about the crud going around - that the cough lingers and lingers ... I hope you prove them wrong.

You did have a long day, I hope you slept well and cough-free. Yay the Trans Am is done.

I hope the meeting with your new account went well. I am anxious to hear our damages, but who knows when that will happen? That was nice of you to do your friend's taxes.

Thanks about my band. I am enjoying it. It's not quite as solid as my Tiffany band - but it won't fall off my finger like that one will - and it's pretty sold and chunky. I think I'll like it. And I needed to have more wedding bands to wear and swap out. NOT!!!!

About the lot and acreage, even on 5 acres, it does seem like houses are close together. I think it's easier to run power, fiber, gas, etc. They have it all at the edge of each lot and have an allotment how far they'll run it without an additional charge. Seems like it is 100 feet off the road is max before they charge you extra. The HOA also insists the front of the house faces the road. The house to the north of us will be fairly close. Not like in the city next door, but it doesn't seem far away. The house directly across the street might be closish too. The good thing is, if we are trying to see something on the horizon, we walk 20 or more feet to the left or right. The more distant houses won't really block much of the horizon. We'll be on a well and septic. That kind of makes me nervous.

Marty is so excited about his new mount he can hardly stand it. It might result in MORE money too (shocking, I know). He was going to use an old Mac to run the software for it, but it's so old (maybe 11 - 12 years old) and it won't upgrade the IOS enough to run the software. He grabbed his current laptop but he uses that when he travels and it's maybe 5-6 years old. I have a year-old laptop. Maybe he should take that for his laptop, move his current laptop to run the telescopes and get me a cheaper laptop. This one he got me last year was specked out and I don't need that much. We will see ...

And since he wants to try the new mount, it's been cloudy since we got home. Curse of new astronomy gear.

Marty also ordered some new security cameras, motion detectors, door bell and control panel to test out with the cameras he installed here about a year ago. If they work with our current stuff, we can move them instead of buy all new gear. I guess the neighborhood punks are having fun ringing doorbells late at night and running off. I hope they do that hear, I'm going to turn on the siren and flashing lights and scare the little creeps. There's been a big thread going on Facebook in our community group and it. It ventured in to it's harmless and then people brought up egging houses and slashed tires. I stayed out it but I sure have assorted comments running through my head about it.

Well, I best go lift.



Mar 26, 2006
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, all of the jobs I'm looking at at this point are definitely WFH. The accountant yesterday took my stuff and filed extensions for both my personal and corporate taxes (on the personal side I am waiting for some K-1s, which don't typically come until after tax day, and on the corporate side I like to have the extra time to make a contribution to my SEP). So really all he did was put in the bare minimum info to get that done. Once I have the other stuff he and I can sit down and go over numbers with more specificity. Now I understand about how the houses will be set up. And it does make sense that they want them oriented "close together" for things like running utilities. I didn't know the eggers also slashed tires. That's BS and if they get caught their parents should really make them pay for any damage they cause.

Yesterday was kind frantic! I still had to finish my biz info for the account when I got up so I had paper as far as the eye could see for a couple of hours while I wrapped it all up. I had a standing meeting just as I got it all finished, and then I had to run to the office to sign some things. That was no problem because it's pretty much right across the street from the accountant's office so I wrapped that all into one trip. Then I zipped home and ran stuff the post office. While all that was going on I had a guy messaging me about a bunch of glass. Ultimately I combined some things into one $500 listing, which he bought. Sweet! Now I have to pack it up... Liam swooped me right after work and we went to a trivia night event. Two people this morning came up to me and said they saw me in the picture posted for Liam's bank. They wanted to know what the heck was goin on LOL!

Alright, lots to do today and not enough hours to get it done!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Saturday kids!

Yesterday flew by and I worked a lot but didn't actually get much DONE. At lunch however I ran over to Goodwill and made a score! I was walking out of the kitchen area disappointed and I saw one of the ladies who works there with the cart putting stuff out. Well my little eye spied a set of Christmas tumblers! She hadn't even put the out yet and I moved those babies into my cart so fast there were flames shooing off the partridge AND the pear tree, LOL. I've sold a couple of sets of them over the past few years so I know they'll go, and I'm doing my best to build up Christmas inventory early this year. When I got home I finally finished the cowhide bag lady's stuff and sent it off to the accountant. Next up, the jewelry lady!

I got the big glass order all packed up and ready for the post office. I'm going to run by the post office on the way to the local auction this morning. Hopefully either there's nothing I want or there's a ton of stuff I want and it goes quickly because I don't really want to spend the entire day there. There's also an estate sale with some clear stemware I'd like to pick up since it it will be half off today and I'm completely out of clear to list.

It just occurred to me that if I ever get around to selling the few things I've been talking about I can put them on my site to people can use credit cards if they want to. I'll have to make it clear that I'm not in the business of selling jewelry because I don't want to have to put the "trade" designation on my profile here, but I think it would make it easier for people.

Alright, off to get this Saturday started!


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Sunday kids!

Yesterday turned our pretty well! I had a lady order a cake stand early and she needs it right away so I packed that up quick and got it to the post off too before the auction. At the auction the thing I wanted was on the first table -- which is a refreshing change! I paid a bit more than I wanted, but when I got home and looked it up the set is worth more than I thought, so it all works out in the end. I also got three other things for $3 each on that table since I was standing there. Two of them will only go for about $25, but they will add some diversification to my page. The third one I had a feeling about it it so I bought it on a lark, and it has some pretty good value too (likely more than $100, maybe as much as $150-$175). Liam keeps telling me I should try auctions on Ebay so maybe that will be my first attempt, and if it goes well the set I overpaid for can be my second attempt.

Anyway, after the auction I ran to an estate sale and picked up some clear stemware pretty reasonable. Then I went to another sale that had some really cool stuff online, however I figured the prices would be high because I could see a price tag on a couple of things in the pictures so I had a clue. Yep... too high. I asked the lady if they would be half off today (the last day, which is when people traditionally mark stuff down) and she said she might do 20-25% off today, but she has and antique store in town and anything that didn't sell she'd take to her store. Well she's going to have A LOT to take there because at those prices no one is going to buy it there, even at 20-25% discount. I scooted by three salvation Army's on the way home but didn't get anything, else.

By late afternoon I had to take a nap! Liam and YF ran out and got us window food (<-- see, I'm channeling you!) for dinner, and then I washed up a ton of stuff for listings today. If I get my lazy a$$ out of bed here soon-ish I should be able to get all ten listing done before the light moves over the house.

Liam is on his way up to Wisconsin this morning to get a new dash pad for his Trans Am. A guy had one of FB marketplace and he's pretty excited because his has a crack in it but he didn't want to pay $$$ for one so this is a good deal. And me... well, I'll be here with the glass LOL.

Alright, that was a long boring post all about buying and listing crap. Sorry! I should really try to make my life sound more interesting. :lol:


Mar 26, 2006
Happy Monday kids!

Yesterday I took listing photos, packed up three orders (but I was done with that by about 7:30 so I didn't have it looming over me late into the night), and did a little organizing downstairs. Other than that, nothing much to report.

I'm downtown today and it's gorgeous in the city! Mid 60s and sunny.
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