
Geological differences between Diamonds


Jun 6, 2011
I am trying to learn as much as possible in as short a time as possible. Are there differences between diamonds mined in Africa, Canada and Australia? For comparison we have to look at identical stones. Will anyone who is knowledgeable be able to tell that they were mined on different continents? If so, which continent has the "best" diamonds?


Sep 9, 2008
Nope, not with certainty especially a polished stone.

Diamond is a pure carbon with minute trace of impurities. Certain mines have more of one or other impurities but not definite.


Aug 14, 2009
Ditto - no actual differences other than differences between the stones themselves. They're not like a lot of coloured gems this way, no inherent cachet or value for diamonds sourced from one location/country over another, no notation on the report stating place of origin, because there aren't any chemical or structural differences that can be attributed to place of origin.

ETA: Canadian diamonds - is a different debate, unrelated to actual stone composition


Jun 6, 2011
Interesting. Thank you guys. So the story from a buyer that he is not interested in Canadian diamonds, but in African diamonds, because Canadian diamonds are "geologically inferior" is a lie. Maybe to procure African diamonds at a better price?

Regular Guy

Jul 6, 2004
Not sure about geological inferiority. I DO think many SEEK canadian diamonds so as to not be associated with the ethical problems associated with the diamond mines in Africa, and the mistreatment of workers.

So, I have both read here, and personally considered it good thinking to instead SEEK out diamonds mined in Africa, both to be proactive with respect to the more positive treatment workers can be given, and also, to seek to make even a minor investment in better practices, if such an example can be found, and within South Africa.

Regarding both your and Kenny's other posts...hard to say about the bad treatment of others for other products and other places. You have to start somewhere...and what better place than with an object that has little more than luxury status. Further, it has been found that a double problem has existed that not only have miners been treated poorly, but further, profits from this work has gone to finance wars. I understand that Kimberley has come forward to halt the latter problem. It may have not yet been able to address the former one.


Apr 5, 2009
Apprepcen|1307379907|2939033 said:
Interesting. Thank you guys. So the story from a buyer that he is not interested in Canadian diamonds, but in African diamonds, because Canadian diamonds are "geologically inferior" is a lie. Maybe to procure African diamonds at a better price?

I don't know if it's quite this simple. I remember having a conversation with either Paul Slegers or Wink (Crafted by Infinity owner/cutter and vendor respectively) sometime in 2009 about Canadian rough (the first Infinity diamond I bought was cut from Canadian rough). I was asking why there were so few Infinity diamonds cut from Canadian rough, and I seem to remember one of those gentlemen telling me that the rough was different in some way -- more expensive? quality? color/clarity differences? But whatever the reason, it meant that it would be unlikely that Paul would be cutting more stones from Canadian rough. Maybe John or Paul or Wink will see this and chime in.

I also think there was an old thread on Pricescope where there was a discussion about the differences in rough from different mines in Africa, and how some is definitely inferior and typically sold to companies that produce low-end commercial jewelry. But no way I'd be able to find that thread with the current search engine!


Jul 21, 2004
People mine diamonds where they do because that's where God put them. Unfortunately that leads to some fairly inconvenient places.

People buy diamonds from particular sources because they want to support those sources or avoid supporting their competitors. There's nothing at all wrong with 'crafted with pride in Botswana' and, personally, I think the Botswanans, Congloese should be pushing on this a little harder but, in practical terms, it seems to be the Canadians who are doing the best job of making country of origin part of the value equation for buyers.

In rough form there are some clues to where the stone was mined but this all changes when the stone is cut and these clues are not 'proof' in anything like a normal definition.


Aug 14, 2009
Lula I found these, any of them what you're thinking of?

All are certainly interesting reads! Though it seems to me that differences in rough quality from different locations is very much based on both what is mined and what is released, and any indicators/outcomes of location-based rough quality and associated value differences have stayed in the cutter/tradesperson spheres - the end diamond consumer most often has no clue where the rough came from, and most often doesn't care, and unlike many coloured stone consumers is not going to pay extra for a stone cut from rough sourced in X over Y. Assuming Kimberley papers. I agree with Ira that the appeal of tracked "Canadian diamonds" is not stone quality but perception of ethical superiority.



ETA: Argyle pinks - no clue what's going on there, are there important and persistent composition differences that make Argyle pinks notable? Certainly source is important in this case!


May 12, 2011
A number of colleages have asked me lately why we didn't buy a Canadian diamond for my engagement ring.
They are under the impression that Canadian diamonds are of superior quality to all others, the subject of ethics never came up, they just feel that the quality is higher.
When we first began looking for a diamond we saw number of Canadian diamonds in B&M stores and most were I1-I3 and nothing higher that SI1. We weren't impressed by them but they were very glorified by the sales staff. One in particular was an I RB 2.01ct I3 priced at $18,999+tax, it was so heavily included it looked near black, I couldn't imagine anyone buying it but they thought it was wonderful and really pushed the Canadian aspect of the stone.
I know there are better quality Canadian stones than the ones we saw, but I'm wondering if the Canadian diamonds are actually being marketed as generally superior in quality by certain vendors?


Apr 30, 2005
maplefemme|1307397964|2939251 said:
A number of colleages have asked me lately why we didn't buy a Canadian diamond for my engagement ring.
They are under the impression that Canadian diamonds are of superior quality to all others, the subject of ethics never came up, they just feel that the quality is higher.
When we first began looking for a diamond we saw number of Canadian diamonds in B&M stores and most were I1-I3 and nothing higher that SI1. We weren't impressed by them but they were very glorified by the sales staff. One in particular was an I RB 2.01ct I3 priced at $18,999+tax, it was so heavily included it looked near black, I couldn't imagine anyone buying it but they thought it was wonderful and really pushed the Canadian aspect of the stone.
I know there are better quality Canadian stones than the ones we saw, but I'm wondering if the Canadian diamonds are actually being marketed as generally superior in quality by certain vendors?

Sounds like that Tiffany nonsense. :roll:


May 12, 2011
kenny|1307402480|2939325 said:
maplefemme|1307397964|2939251 said:
A number of colleages have asked me lately why we didn't buy a Canadian diamond for my engagement ring.
They are under the impression that Canadian diamonds are of superior quality to all others, the subject of ethics never came up, they just feel that the quality is higher.
When we first began looking for a diamond we saw number of Canadian diamonds in B&M stores and most were I1-I3 and nothing higher that SI1. We weren't impressed by them but they were very glorified by the sales staff. One in particular was an I RB 2.01ct I3 priced at $18,999+tax, it was so heavily included it looked near black, I couldn't imagine anyone buying it but they thought it was wonderful and really pushed the Canadian aspect of the stone.
I know there are better quality Canadian stones than the ones we saw, but I'm wondering if the Canadian diamonds are actually being marketed as generally superior in quality by certain vendors?

Sounds like that Tiffany nonsense. :roll:

I concur, Kenny! :lol:
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