
Final Decision Time... Which Diamond?


Feb 23, 2010
I can't thank everyone here enough for all your help, both on my topics and on the hundreds of threads I read to try to understand enough about diamonds to make an ER purchase. Anyway, I'd really appreciate any last minute thoughts as I am down to two stones. I'm including links to the previous threads:

The BGD Blue 2ct H SI1 AGS Ideal:

The Abazias 1.73ct F VS2 AGS Excellent:

Today I got to look at both stones in person at a local appraiser, and I've had the BGD diamond in my possession for about a week. Looking at the diamonds in various lighting conditions, I was struck both by how obvious the color difference was to me, even face up, and also by how much bigger the 2 carat looked next to the 1.73. Perhaps more interestingly, even though the 1.73 is outside AGS ideal proportions and got a 100 cut grade, I could swear that it sparkled more than the AGS000 BGD diamond. The two appraisers seemed to agree. It just "popped" more, although it definitely looked smaller. I think a comment in the other thread may have been right about it having more brilliance at the expense of fire, but it certainly wasn't lacking for fire either. It also just looked "brighter" to me, although I'm not sure how much of that was the cut and how much was the icey "F" color. The appraisers were really helpful in pointing out things about both stones, but they were split too. One said go for the 2 carat because you won't see the nuances that much once it's set (and the girlfriend brag value of 2ct vs 1.73ct), and the other said take the smaller one. Help???

I tried to subtlely feel out the color/size preference again with my gf, but she less subtlely indicated that it was all in my hands at this point and that she would love whatever I choose. I believe this as her preferences have been all over the board every time we looked at diamonds together. I know that BGD has the upgrade policy, etc., but I don't plan on ever replacing this stone. The 1.73 is very slightly cheaper, but not enough to influence me in any way. I need to make a decision soon!!! Thanks again :)


Jul 27, 2010
When presented with the choice, although I would LOVE to have a BGD Blue, I'd pick the F. Unless you think that she needs a 2ct stone, I'd go with the smaller one. I have a 7.5mm stone (not diamond, HAH) and I think its HUGE on the ring finger. Then again, with the PS stories of how DSS sets in, you never know...

Can't entirely say why, but when all else is more or less equal, I'd choose the higher color.

Hope that remotely helps!


Dec 17, 2008
Wow, thats really a tough call! Did the F outsparkle the H enough to compensate for its size? In my opinion when you are looking
at 2 very sparkly stones (however one being more sparkly) the size will be noticed more than the lack of sparkle.

Since you have the H with you how do you feel about it being your GFs forever stone? When ever my DH and I have to make a
decision we are having a hard time with we flip a coin. That really makes our true feelings come out. For some reason it makes
you feel relieved the way the coined flip came out (and thats the item to go with) or it makes you feel uncomfortable or
bummed...then you know you really want to go with the other item that the coin did not pick. Does that make sense? The point
is that you dont have to go with what the coin picked it just seems to help our true feelings come out. Maybe give that a try :cheeky: .

I have a BGD stone and would be inclined to go with the bigger stone.


Feb 23, 2010
tyty333|1307570056|2941029 said:
When ever my DH and I have to make a decision we are having a hard time with we flip a coin. That really makes our true feelings come out. For some reason it makes you feel relieved the way the coined flip came out (and thats the item to go with) or it makes you feel uncomfortable or bummed...then you know you really want to go with the other item that the coin did not pick. Does that make sense?

I'm trying it, and my true feelings come out... Why can't I just afford an ideal cut 2 carat F VS2?!?! ;-) Seriously, though good point.


Mar 15, 2011
personally I would go for the 2 carat- because for me in this case I prefer size over color. I think the differences will be small between the 2, even in size, once set. You won't be comparing them side by side every day, so even the size difference won't be a big deal, kwim? If you really feel that the smaller stone is more beautiful, go with that and know that you picked a good stone that spoke to you. If you go with the 2 carat know you still have an amazing excellent stone as well. Your girlfriend will love them both because they are from YOU and you have put much effort into this purchase, more than a lot of guys would!
Best of luck. Either way you are a winner!

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
I think the big factor it has come down to is the size versus color. What is more important, the bigger size or whither color. Keep in mind that color will be white looking for both and you probably wont be able to tell the color difference unless it is next to a whiter stone.


Feb 23, 2010
Thanks again everyone! After much soul searching and another trip to compare the two stones in person, I have decided to keep the BGD Blue :) The more I look at it, the more I love it, and absolutely worst case scenario, if for some reason she is bothered by the color (and I can't honestly imagine that she will), then the BGD upgrade policy has my back for a smaller whiter stone. And I think the 2ct will look amazing on her size 5 finger. Now time to start sorting out a setting! :)


Dec 16, 2007
I am glad you made a decision!


Mar 15, 2011
I think you chose well. I have a 2+ ct stone and a size 5 finger and it's a great combo :love:


Jun 26, 2010
I was going to say the same, I'd pick the bigger stone!! Small fingers + big rock = fireworks!
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