
Favorite Solitaire Setting 2011?

Which Solitaire Setting for a 2.7?

  • Custom Vatche Swan with single row pave

    Votes: 27 31.8%
  • Vatche Swan

    Votes: 22 25.9%
  • Tiffany Replica

    Votes: 25 29.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 12.9%

  • Total voters


Aug 19, 2009
Just a thought, but is there anyway that Vatche could make you a single row pave Swan but without the "alien eyes" (I will never look at the setting quite the same way again:) Maybe it could just be a metal curlique there? Then it wouldn't stick out so much, wouldn't rub on your gorgeous eternity band, and would not have alien eyes:)


Jun 23, 2005
Previously posted this in another thread but I still like the Tiffany replica from Excel Diamonds - those six prongs with their 'swoop' makes the center stone appear large!

tiffany replica.jpg


Feb 3, 2008
Here is mine with a 2.57 with the pave:

And the one I am still in love with: the Michael Bondanza medium size or large Madison. I had Pearlmans send me a sample and it is beautifully made and substantial. I was afraid I would want more bling than just a plain solitaire so I didn't end up choosing it, but it still calls me from time to time. I wish you could change your setting easily like one of those costume pendants where you pop one stone out and put in another one!




Feb 3, 2008
I would have a hard time choosing between the Vatche Swan with pave and the tiffany. Both are great!


Sep 30, 2010
The gap is one of the reasons I love the Swan! :love:
I have purposely looked for settings that would leave a gap. LOL. I love the look of 2 separate bands.

When I was thinking of the Julia by JBeG (also leaves a small gap), I typed out instructions for my SO and put: "Not particularly interested in a design where my WB can sit flush. I actually like (& want) a little gap-- within reason."


Jul 25, 2011
I always love a Tiffany repro!

Have you seen the Vatche settings in person? I love the Swan in photos, but I was disappointed when I saw it in real life. The surprise stones stick out really far. If you want swoopy, what about the Vatche Royal Crown?


May 27, 2010
Your 2.7 Beauty will look Gorgeous in either setting!!! But the Tiff Replica gets my vote. :wink2:


Feb 25, 2009
Hi Bliss,
I read your post a yesterday and actually needed a day to think about this decision! The swans are so pretty with their swoopy-ness. I can only imagine how you must be going back and forth will all the options there are for your gorgeous stone.
I vote for the tiffany replica. It is sleek, elegant, and timeless. You said you've outgrown your halo and I say you go completely the other way. You have lots of pave on your ring now, I say go without for a while. I also have compared stones on PS (for my own "education") and I think, and this is only my opinion, that plain shanks make the center stone pop the most. Not that your 2.7 stone needs any more popping.
One of the long-time PSers (I forget who exactly) changed her setting from a pave band to plain because she said in certain lights, the melee would sparkle, but her center stone would look dull and vice versa. She just got frustrated that she couldn't have sparkle all around in the same lighting.
Anyways, my two cents. :wavey:
I cannot wait for the makeover pictures either way!


Dec 16, 2007
I voted Swan wit hno pave because I think it will give you the biggest feeling of *different* and because pave is not very practical! Mind, neither is a 2+ carat RB, so perhaps this last point is not a consideration! LOL!


Jul 25, 2008
I voted "other" as my current fave is the JBEG Julia. I am an infrequent poster but I remember your original ring and then the halo, and while I love the halo, I am glad you are going back to a solitaire - that amazing stone doesn't need any enhancement, it is stunning all by itself :love:


Apr 4, 2008
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the thoughtful responses and for voting. Thank you thank you thank you!
Good karma dust to all of you kind PSers who took the time to help me decide! Oh thank you!!! :appl:

Ame - hope you get your ring issue sorted out before it gets too cold! I do looooove your set. Clean crisp lines with bling. Yum!

GYPSY!!!! Hehehehe, thanks for that thread. I have it bookmarked and read it many times before creating this thread. I figured with new designers, new settings out there maybe the best enablers out there could weigh in with fresh perspective! :naughty: I should slap some prongs on your gorgeous Aurora and be done with it! Lucky Dreamer! Ahhh the Durnell you posted is MAGICAL. The side view is captivating!!! Thanks!!!

ImDanny, thank you!!! You have exquisite taste so that means a lot. Thank you for helping me with so many projects. Truly.

Mary Poppins - good point, gracias!!! I must confess that I have many wedding bands. The one I wear most often now is an eternity made up of 40 pointers. If I got a new setting, I would probably just get the matching band to have handy! I think!

Beeeellaaaaa! Lovely mama! THANK YOU! You do know me too well! :naughty: Wait 'til you see what I brought home from Yekutiel's? Heehee. How is your gorgeous son? Awww, too sweet! He is so handsome! You guys are one good lookin' bunch! I wish the Swan could be made without the "alien balls" but it's such an integral part of the design...then we'd just have decapitated Swan heads with no bodies. LOLOLOL!!! Typing that out made me laugh!

diamondseeker!! GAH, that BK setting is insane. SO GORGEOUS!!! I have always always longed for a solitaire after seeing your avatar and others. It just hits you BAM! So beautiful. Aahhhhh, the BK setting is divine... must not be tempted! :love:

Laila!!!! Lovely Laila! You have the BEST advice! Hello beautiful mama! I like both the Swan and the SC Tiff. I find it INSANE that DH has an opinion on solitaires! You'd think he'd just be like, "Oh, one rock no other diamonds. We're good." He actually vetoed the Swan due to the "monster alien balls." Humph. If those are monster alien balls, sign me up for some because I think they're GORGEOUS! And then today he said he didn't like how 4 prongs square off the stone - just like you said!!! Also, he said he didn't like wide shanks and didn't like the taper effect of the Scott Kay I brought home. The look he had was priceless when I showed him - he was aghast. "Is that your diamond? THAT'S THE SETTING?" You'd think I came home and set our stone in Lopsy. My gosh!!! Pics down below!

AndGabe...HUBBA HUBBA...LOVE your solitaire. SO timeless. So classic. LOVE

MissGotRocks....your setting has always made my heart leap into my throat. And with your new gold Tiff channel set band...HEAVEN. I agree! The swoopy Tiff head is so pretty. Do you think they set their diamonds too low, though? Some of them look squashed in and I prefer my diamond to sit higher than most. Yekutiel advises that setting the diamond high will make the prongs more vertical, thus losing the "swoopy" effect. Decisions, decisions!

luv2sparkle, you are KILLING ME!!!! :love: Your ring is TDF!!!!! Nice rock!!!!!! Ahhh pave calls my name. My halo had so much going on so now I crave nekkid settings. But seeing yours makes me change my mind. It's so elegantly done.

Twinkle Twinkle, I cannot WAIT to see what you get!!!!!!!!!!! It's going to be soooo gorg! Why is it so hard to decide? Like you, I don't mind a small gap!

LITTLERIVER, your setting is TDF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH HOLY MOSES. Heart stopping perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Off to see who made it...*scampers away*

ZestfullyBling!!!!!! You are too kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am leaning toward the Tiff repro more and more lately!!!

Sharon!!!!!!!! Ahhhh, the Niwakas are my favorite. I despair with you over all the settings we shall never own!!!!!! Why can't women get engaged every year with a new ring? :naughty:

TIGIAN!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU for taking the time and energy to think about this for me! This means so much. I love what you said and agree... I have been stalking threads, jewelry stores and hands...and also think a solitaire with no side stones is the look for me. It does pop more, more than my halo ever did. Also, while the melee (2.5 pointers) sparkled madly, they took AWAY from my main dazzler. As a whole, the effect was POW but over time, it just looked like a giant pimptastic ring. So heavy and ornate. I loved it dearly and got at least 3-4 compliments a day on it. But after having a baby, suddenly it just didn't fit me anymore. I wonder why? Also, the fact that DH didn't love it bugged me. Every time I helped one of his friends (4 in the past 8 months) choose a ring, he would always pick the solitaire. I'd exclaim, "But the halo makes the stone look so much bigger!" And he'd say, "That's not what it's all about for me." That also made me reconsider. He also said the halo was "too much." Ha! Well, I sure did enjoy it a long time! About 3 years! My only regret is how much we spent on the very heavy custom plat setting. OOF!!!

Dreamer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you, lovely? I love reading your opinion! You are so level headed and have flawless taste. How are you enjoying the Aurora???? So pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh, I was all set to go with the Swan until DH brought up "monster balls." Ptooey.

Oneam THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! You have an amazing memory and great advice! The JBEG Julia is amaaaaaazing. I've been ogling it for the past few days now. Ahhhh, the side profile. SWOON!!!!



Apr 4, 2008
So I went to Yekutiel's today and brought home this Scott Kay to try out with my bands. I FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS!!!!

It looks so great with my larger eternity band....just seamless in a way the thinner shanked solitaires could not emulate. Also, I love how solid it is. Very heavy platinum setting with euro shank...



Apr 4, 2008
Oops! Sorry, double post! :rodent:


Apr 4, 2008
This stone is smaller than mine - 2.5 carats, I think. But I think it just FITS, what do you think? DH haaaated it when I showed him. MEN!!! Gah!



Apr 4, 2008
I came home all happy and relieved to have happened upon this perfect setting. But when I showed DH, he recoiled! I'm shocked the man didn't just look and nod obliviously. I had no idea he noticed the minute details - like how many prongs there are. He said he didn't like four prongs because it squared off the diamond. Then he said he didn't like how the band tapered in. Then he said the band was too thick. I was like, "Geez! Who knew you even noticed these things?" In a way, I am SUPER glad he's speaking up now. In the past, he would just be happy if I was happy. This time, since it's the e-ring, he knows I want him to be 100% as in love with it as I am.

However, now I fear I have created a monster! He's worse than the most anal PSer! WHO KNEW????!!! :errrr:

Hmph. I still love this setting.



Apr 4, 2008
For all you diamond oglers, here is a Real Life Perspective shot! Please excuse the yoga pants!!! (Hangin' at home on the Panda Playmat with my baby!) She's under the red heart saying, "Daddy, I like the Scott Kay!!!" :naughty:

Oh well, maybe it's the Tiff replica! Back to square one! I'm just ready to have my e-ring back. Yekutiel was so funny. I said, "So I can take this home?" He goes, "Yep! I have your ring. That would be one awesome trade!" Haahahahhaha! I love ID Jewelry! I've been there tons of times and always get the best service. :appl: They are patient people!!!!! They have so many settings, it's hard to choose and I always end up changing my mind. AAACK!!!

DH is right, I guess. The stone does look square here. Not having your ring cures DSS because I thought this was 3 carats after not having my ring for 2 weeks! I was overjoyed when Yekutiel said, "Your stone is bigger than this!" I was like, "No way." Then he brought it out and it was! That or he has been force feeding it burgers from Shake Shack in his vault and fattening it up. Eat! EAT diamond!!! Grow big and chubby for me!!! :naughty: :devil: :naughty:



Jan 21, 2008
Thank you, Bliss! You're very kind!

Ok, down to business. I think both of you are right about this setting in different ways.

But basically I love it!

Just a thought- have you considered getting a Cartier 1895 reproduction?

If you like the 1895 (they've been making it since 1895!) on Cartier's website, maybe you could get him to see its irreproachable elegance and STILL get a ring very much like this one.

It's my favorite setting. Cartier is SOO good at engagement rings and wedding bands.

Thank you again for your kind words! You are always charming and positive! You inspire me! :appl:


Feb 3, 2008
Bliss, I tried on that setting one time and I loved it too. I kinda loved it for all the reasons your DH hated it!!! How great for Yekutiel to let you take out a loaner! Boy, would I love to do that!

I think it looks FABULOUS with your band!


Apr 28, 2008
Blissie, please don't shoot me lol, but I honestly think 4 prong setting makes a diamond look smaller than a 6 prong! :o Not that your gorgeous rock isn't HUUUGE already *but* I think a 6 prong will make it look massive!! I do think that SK setting is pretty, but it definitely looks a bit square, have to agree with your hub! You can see the squareness in the real life perspective shot I think pretty well.


Aug 19, 2009
I think the solitaire is going to be gorgeous! I prefer 6 prongs (or 8 prongs :Up_to_something: ) and I think the Scott Kay prongs are a little clunky, but I do think the Scott Kay is lovely.

So, basically your DH's preferences are:

1. no alien eyes/monster balls
2. no taper
3. 6 prong head
4. band not too thick

and you want a plain setting (no pave, no side stones) but fluid and with some presence....

In addition to the superb cert Tiffany (which I think is gorgeous!) or the Vatche Royal Crown (which your DH might think is too thick, though I think it's awesome!) what about:

Vatche Serenity/felicity (not totally sure of the name...):


Apr 28, 2008
The Felicity is nice! Or what about the Royal Crown, it's very similar?


Jun 23, 2005
I certainly don't dislike the mounting that you like but I do think it squares off the top of the stone. I have a four prong center too in my ring so please don't think I'm picking on that. I notice though that the prong tips are somewhat large and their placement is relatively close together on top and bottom. I think that's what lends itself to the 'squareness'. I also think ID Jewelry is correct - if you set a stone high, you loose any possibility of swoopy prongs. Your stone is so large that it doesn't have to be set high for it to be noticed - it's noticed based on its size alone!

Keep looking and trying on - you'll find the right combo sooner or later. Men can be frustrating at times - just when you're sure they don't really care they pop up with very detailed reasons why they do care -ha! At one point I was seriously considering pear sidestones and while there are many different sizes and looks to them, I showed him one picture and he said, 'no, they look like wings and I don't like that at all.' Really? And there I was thinking you didn't have THAT much of an opinion and of course, it ruined the idea of pear sidestones for me! I didn't want a ring that he hated! In the end it all worked out and it will for you too. You have a beautiful stone to work with - and you'll just have to muster all the patience you have while trying to decide and compromise! It will be lovely when all is said and done!


Apr 28, 2008
MissGotRocks|1320188593|3052050 said:
At one point I was seriously considering pear sidestones and while there are many different sizes and looks to them, I showed him one picture and he said, 'no, they look like wings and I don't like that at all.'

:lol: Haha, MissGotRocks! Men are funny. We should complie a list of all the things our husbands have said about rings.

My husband has said a few gems: he told me that one ring looked like it had tire treads. He said another setting made the diamond look look like a golf ball perched on a golf tee. Yet another good one was when he said the profile of a halo I liked looked like a flying saucer. :roll: :bigsmile:


Jan 11, 2006
If you liked that setting, I'd take a look again at Victor Canera's Trueste solitaire. It will have more delicate pointy prongs and a medium size shank. It's very much like the Cartier solitaire.

But truthfully, I love the Tiffany repro setting with an eternity ring. Nothing is more classic or timeless. I still want one of those for myself.


Sep 13, 2010
Hi Bliss! I'm a little late to the conversation. I love my Swan but the shank is pretty narrow and dainty, sometimes I wish I went with some diamonds along the shank but I do love the simplicity of it. I think the Scott Kay from IDJ looks great next to your eternity ring. I like how the shank widths match up and how it tapers when it meets the head. But I'm big a fan of 6 prongs it feels more protected and somehow looks feminine. I have a 4 prong on my right hand and it makes the RB look squarish and that bothers me. Maybe just get an inexpensive 4 or 6 prong stock setting and think about it for a few months.

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
I would go with the plain Vatch- I think its a nice compromise of the designs you are deciding between.

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Bliss|1320174787|3051868 said:
So I went to Yekutiel's today and brought home this Scott Kay to try out with my bands. I FELL IN LOVE WITH THIS!!!!

It looks so great with my larger eternity band....just seamless in a way the thinner shanked solitaires could not emulate. Also, I love how solid it is. Very heavy platinum setting with euro shank...

I think I would like this with a double claw prong instead :)
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