
DK/BGD Custom Setting...The Home Stretch

Looks awesome. So excited to see it done.
You got it. You want those tapered prongs. I think if they were very straight (from tip to the girdle), it would not jive with the overall flow here.

I agree. Delicate talon prongs will will look better with the overall design.

You guys are my bling heroes! Always saving the day and giving me the clarification I need on these little details. I am glad to see I was picking something good for the design, lol.

My girl would be so proud. Normally when I pick clothes to wear, I choose jeans and a black shirt. Apparently my fashion design needs help too, lol. I keep telling her black is my favorite color.

Sledge-- don't worry about the yellow tint to the casting. Amy sent me a photo of mine, too, when it was first cast, looking very yellow. .but in real life it is very white! I promise!

The cast looks great! Don't worry about the yellow tint. That will disappear after the polishing process.

If you look at platinum settings pre-polish they look very dull. Almost like a slate gray. It's incredible how different metals look pre- and post-polishing. Almost like the difference between rough and polished diamonds.:)

Thank you both @TreeScientist and @CHRISTY-DANIELLE for the vote of confidence on the color! I figured as much before I asked Amy, but as someone that absolutely is not a fan of yellow gold it shook me good. My girl doesn't care for it either. So this is very reassuring to hear.

WoW! It looks great so far!!! You can see skin between the bands! Cant wait to see the completed much work has gone into this ring!

Thank you and YES! That was a BIG deal for her. While she had a hard time expressing some things she did or didn't like about the inspiration ring, that is one she had zero problems verbalizing. I think this one even has a little more skin showing than the other but I think that's because the setting is actually designed around the bigger center stone. The other element she was insistent on was the center stone couldn't bleed over onto the swirl halo melee. To do this with the inspiration piece, you had to put in about a 0.50 carat stone -- which she actually preferred. The guy at Jared's mouth dropped and said he had never had someone ask for a smaller stone, lol. Welcome to my world buddy! Anyhow, she wasn't aware I already bought a bigger stone so I had to alter the setting design or swap for a smaller stone. I kept my stone and decided to alter the setting.

Long story to say I hope she does appreciate that. She has some clothes that show skin (in a tasteful way) so I am hoping this compliments her own personal style in that manner and she loves it even more as such.
Looks awesome. So excited to see it done.

Thank you so much @rockysalamander! I am truly on pins and needles. The anticipation is about to kill me. I've looked at my phone half a dozen times already wondering what Amy and her team are doing and when I might get more updates. Then I realize it's early Saturday AM and they are probably snoozing away. It's hard being patient.
Thank you so much @rockysalamander! I am truly on pins and needles. The anticipation is about to kill me. I've looked at my phone half a dozen times already wondering what Amy and her team are doing and when I might get more updates. Then I realize it's early Saturday AM and they are probably snoozing away. It's hard being patient.

:lol: I almost don't want you to see the previews anymore so that you could be in awe when you first see the ring in person. As you're aware, diamond rings look so much better in person. This ring covered in diamonds will simply look amazing. Be sure to plan for optimal lighting where you propose - as many light sources as possible.
And when you get it do your best not to touch any stones....dont get it mucked up before you give it to her!
Wow, wow, WOW!! I loved the final CAD and the casting looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It's the inspiration ring, only elevated! Your girl is gonna flip the heck out!
You're going to love David's ring box too!!!! I won't tell you the surprise but it makes the rings look so crazy awesome! My daughter always steals the David Klass boxes and tries to take my velvet ones too, lol.
WoW! It looks great so far!!! You can see skin between the bands! Cant wait to see the completed much work has gone into this ring!
Ha ha.....yes that was one of the main criteria, to see some skin!!!!:lol-2:
I'm just a lurker but have been following this wonderful journey. I really hope you have your soon-to-be-fiance read this thread. The lengths you're going to to make her happy show how much you love her! It's so special!!!=)2
You're going to love David's ring box too!!!! I won't tell you the surprise but it makes the rings look so crazy awesome! My daughter always steals the David Klass boxes and tries to take my velvet ones too, lol.

That was a happy surprise!!
Wishing you all the very best @sledge with the final ring and the proposal. I’m looking forward to seeing the final ring when all those little bits of compressed carbon turn that cast ring into bling heaven. The cast already looks awesome.
:eek2: absolutely gorgeous! This is probably my favorite project on PS, just because of so much effor put in from the PS community to get it just right. Looking at the most recent pics, it looks amazing! Thank you @sledge for sharing with us! :love:
Sledge, we are all waiting with baited breath to see that you receive your precious ring on time for the proposal!!!! :eek2:
Just wanted to touch base and thank you all for the continuous kind words and encouragement! It's awesome to see so many people being invested in our journey. FYI, I do plan on sharing these threads with her and letting her understand how many people care about this outcome. It's really pretty amazing. All of you just freakin' rock! :cool2:

So to provide an update:
  • No progress pictures to share. I think @blueMA talked to Amy and put me on a restricted list or something so it didn't kill the surprise, lol. ;)2
  • I have been texting with Amy throughout the week, and she assures me things are going well.
  • Reading some other threads I text her yesterday asking about the orientation the diamond and H&A will be set in relation to the claws, etc. She assured me they will do it right.
  • Also, I had a moment where I couldn't remember if we discussed making the inside polished comfort fit, and she assured me all their rings are done in a "super comfort fit finish".
  • She nearly gave me a heart attack a few minutes ago. I did my daily check-in and to confirm we were still on target for Friday, 6/29. She said they would be sending 6/29 with delivery on 6/30 and asked if that was okay. I have responded that we are taking a small weekend getaway and will be leaving Saturday morning so it was cutting me very, very close. I sent a second text asking if there was anyway she could just ship out Thursday for a Friday delivery. Waiting for her to confirm.
Maybe you can have her send it to your hotel to hold until you get there?
Maybe you can have her send it to your hotel to hold until you get there?

Thank you!

So I was talking with Amy and we are trying to find a FedEx location that will hold and allow me to pick up in my time frame. In my talks with FedEx I understand it should arrive at their main distro around 4am. It then gets sorted and processed for delivery. In this case, it would then go the holding facility for pickup by 8am when they open to the public.

All in a perfect world anyhow. We will be on the road by 9am so I don't care for this option. Too risky IMO.

I don't get warm fuzzies relying on a hotel clerk to take delivery. Admittedly this is my own bias from staying at way too many hotels with less than stellar staff. Stupid stuff happens to me. Just a few months back, checked in and walked into my room to find a girl (not my girl!) butt naked in the shower. I'm not sure who was more shocked, her or me.

But we both have family where we are traveling so using one of their addresses is a realistic option.
ACKK!!!! Okay, that's all.
Geez this is like military precision! Everyone, let’s synchronize our watches and don night vision googles! Seriously, your folks did a helluva job raising you @sledge. The love you have for your “girl” is evident in each of your posts. What a fun journey this has been to follow. So much love in this ring!
I always drive to Fed Ex to get my packages. I follow the route by tracking number & usually it’s delivered right on time. I drive to the US (2hrs each way) so timing is everything. Lol. I also find, that if you use the staffed Fed Ex location near an airport (which is where their main sorting is done), there’s a good chance you’ll be able to get your package on time without then having to chase down a truck that might have to stop often. Just make sure they put on the box to hold it at that facility for customer pick up. I always get an automated call telling me my package is ready for pick up.

It would be grest if they got the ring to you on Thursday or Friday. ** fingers crossed**
I always drive to Fed Ex to get my packages. I follow the route by tracking number & usually it’s delivered right on time. I drive to the US (2hrs each way) so timing is everything. Lol. I also find, that if you use the staffed Fed Ex location near an airport (which is where their main sorting is done), there’s a good chance you’ll be able to get your package on time without then having to chase down a truck that might have to stop often. Just make sure they put on the box to hold it at that facility for customer pick up. I always get an automated call telling me my package is ready for pick up.

It would be grest if they got the ring to you on Thursday or Friday. ** fingers crossed**
I agree! I put total trust in FED EX (no trust at all in UPS)! Fingers crossed!! Where are you going? What area? Maybe someone here is local and you can use their address. Lol never mind that would be way too risky to send to a stranger!
if you both have family to the area you are travelling to it certainly makes sense just to ship there, assuming someone will be home to sign for it.
ACKK!!!! Okay, that's all.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

LOL, kind of how I felt when I saw Amy's text about sending Friday for a Saturday delivery.

Geez this is like military precision! Everyone, let’s synchronize our watches and don night vision googles! Seriously, your folks did a helluva job raising you @sledge. The love you have for your “girl” is evident in each of your posts. What a fun journey this has been to follow. So much love in this ring!

You're cracking me up. Unfortunately, I don't think the poor girl at FedEx found any humor in the situation. I was all serious asking specific locations, times, etc. She was FAR FAR FAR from the brightest crayon in the crayola box and was way out of her depth (despite asking simple questions, *sigh*). I finally got so annoyed talking to her, I just said, "sorry, but can I just talk to your manager instead". I'm sure she went & cried afterwards. In fairness, I wanted to cry too and bang my head against a wall.

And actually my grandparents raised me, but I will pass on your thanks to grandma (grandpa passed a few years back :(2).

Glad to see the love is coming out. I felt mostly anxiety and frustration earlier today, lol. But on a serious note, yes, this is all done with lots of love for her.

I always drive to Fed Ex to get my packages. I follow the route by tracking number & usually it’s delivered right on time. I drive to the US (2hrs each way) so timing is everything. Lol. I also find, that if you use the staffed Fed Ex location near an airport (which is where their main sorting is done), there’s a good chance you’ll be able to get your package on time without then having to chase down a truck that might have to stop often. Just make sure they put on the box to hold it at that facility for customer pick up. I always get an automated call telling me my package is ready for pick up.

It would be grest if they got the ring to you on Thursday or Friday. ** fingers crossed**

There is no shot it will make it to me tomorrow, Thursday. From what Amy was saying, she has her best setter working on everything and will try her best to get shipped out tomorrow so I can have on Friday; however, she will not rush it out the door and sacrifice quality. While that jams me up, I can honestly respect that approach and have told her such.

So best case is it ships tomorrow and I receive Friday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but based on Amy's comments I really think it will ship on Friday and deliver on Saturday sometime.

I agree! I put total trust in FED EX (no trust at all in UPS)! Fingers crossed!! Where are you going? What area? Maybe someone here is local and you can use their address. Lol never mind that would be way too risky to send to a stranger!

Definitely keeping my fingers crossed that DK can get it shipped out tomorrow so all this headache goes away.

It's only about 2 hours away from home. If push comes to shove, I can let her drive ahead of me and follow up after I get the ring. But honestly, since I have friends & family in the area we are traveling I will use one of them if needed.

if you both have family to the area you are travelling to it certainly makes sense just to ship there, assuming someone will be home to sign for it.

That is what I'm thinking too. Probably her parents house as I will see them Saturday for sure. Just seems too risky to hold at FedEx on Saturday. It only gives me an hour or so of time to figure it out, or we have to drive separate vehicles and while I can do this, I really don't want to.
Gosh, just like any project, this is a final crunch time and we're kept on our toes!


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Gosh, I'm also waiting for my current ring (which is at WF) to be reset with a new stone and expecting it to go out via fedex tonight. However, I'm way more on pins and needles about you getting your ring.:pray:
Really hoping operation Get Engaged goes off smoothly this weekend!!!

I think you are going to need a couple days to recover from all this afterwards.
LOL @blueMA.

Awww, thank you @shoechick. I'm really hoping that WF takes good care of you, and your ring ships back tonight. Fingers crossed! :pray:

So another quick update. I texted Amy a few minutes ago. Being anxious, I was curious how things were going and if she had any pics to share. Also, to let her know I spoke to my girl's parents and they would be able to accept delivery on my behalf so I don't get jammed up on the whole Saturday delivery deal.

Amy said the ring is set except for one channel side and that it looks beautiful! All words, no pics, so no bling to share....yet. But given the fact it's only 13:20 PST and they are that far along, it gives me hope she might get it shipped out today! :pray:

I sure hope so. I'm so excited and ready for it to be here!
LOL @blueMA.

Awww, thank you @shoechick. I'm really hoping that WF takes good care of you, and your ring ships back tonight. Fingers crossed! :pray:

So another quick update. I texted Amy a few minutes ago. Being anxious, I was curious how things were going and if she had any pics to share. Also, to let her know I spoke to my girl's parents and they would be able to accept delivery on my behalf so I don't get jammed up on the whole Saturday delivery deal.

Amy said the ring is set except for one channel side and that it looks beautiful! All words, no pics, so no bling to share....yet. But given the fact it's only 13:20 PST and they are that far along, it gives me hope she might get it shipped out today! :pray:

I sure hope so. I'm so excited and ready for it to be here!

EEEEEEEEKKKK!!!! I can't WAIT to see this ring!!!!!
@sledge I'm viewing my ring model with Amy at 7pm pst... if I'm able to get pics of yours do you want me to post here?
@sledge I'm viewing my ring model with Amy at 7pm pst... if I'm able to get pics of yours do you want me to post here?

Assuming Amy is cool with it, I have no issues with that. LOL, I honestly thought maybe @blueMA had me on lock-down so I couldn't see anything until the real thing arrived. :lol-2:

Man, the anticipation is really building today. Can't wait!
Amy just texted and confirmed the ring will not ship until tomorrow. Apparently David still wants to do some more polishing on it.

So looks like Saturday delivery after all. Glad I went ahead and talked to her dad about having it shipped there.