
Engagement ring 0.4 or 0.5 carat


Apr 10, 2024
Hi everyone.
I have to choose between three diamonds for an engagement ring.
D IF 0.4 carat, 2500€
D VVS2 0.52 carat, 2800€
E VS1 0.6 carat, 2900€

I would go for the 0.52 carat, but I am not an expert.
which of this quality factor I should consider as the most important?
I don’t know if go for the highest size is the right choice.
What you guys suggest?
As an investment, which one would you pick?
Hello, @knculo! We need more information. Do you have certificate numbers, angles, photos or videos? A diamond needs to be seen to judge cut quality.

And never buy a diamond as an investment since prices fluctuate over time. Buy what makes the most sense in the moment. Hope this helps.
Hello, @knculo! We need more information. Do you have certificate numbers, angles, photos or videos? A diamond needs to be seen to judge cut quality.

And never buy a diamond as an investment since prices fluctuate over time. Buy what makes the most sense in the moment. Hope this helps.

All of this
All of the above since cut is the most important factor for a diamond's beauty and you will basically always lose money as a private seller so they are not a good investment for anything except investing in the joy they bring you or your partner :)

But also, is there a reason that you are going so high in color and clarity? A G VS2 stone in this size range will be very very white and almost certainly indistinguishable to the naked eye from a D IF while either saving you a lot of money or allowing you to get a bigger stone or higher quality setting for the same price.
Thanks for the answer.
I don’t have the certificate number.
The 0.4 and 0.52 diamond are certificate by IGI.
The 0.6 by GIA.
all of them has a triple EX cut.
This is the list the jewelers show me when I ask for a quote.

So do you guys suggest to go down in quality?
Basically I want to spend from 3k to max 4k (€) for the ring. I see that a 0.5 carat is good size for a ring. 1 carat seems to be too large to me to have it on the finger every day. So I see that with my budget I can go for an high quality diamond. I am used to think that quality is more important than size, but maybe I’m wrong.
What diamond you think I should go for? I can also find other jewelers or ask for other diamond. So do not restrain at the one in the picture, just suggest diamond that should be in my budget, please.

Just check my thread, I am looking for a similar weight diamond (0.4-0.5) and maybe you can get inspired from the talk going on there.

as I have discovered, the information provided in the picture you have posted only shows the tip of the iceberg, most important details that could result in a better performance of the diamond lie in the certificates (proportions) and pictures/videos.

Where are you from?

later edit: As I have discovered, some jewelry sellers offer a higher number of information regarding the diamond than others. therefore, make sure that you choose a seller that shows you upfront the certificate (e.g. GIA, IGI, AGS). There's nothing "confidential" about it.
@Vladovici thanks for reply. I will try to ask if they can show me the full certificate. Which other parameter should I check first?
I ask only for fluorescence of the above diamond and they told me that they are flawless (at least the three that I choose).

@purplesilk si sono italiano (I’m Italian).

I want to choose the right diamond for the engagement ring but the more I get into it the more doubts I have.
I’m not in a hurry so I can choose calmly. Which size you guys think is te best for a ring?
Well, I am from Romania, we are close-by.

After talking to a lot of jewelry shops around here and checking European market prices for diamonds (77diamonds ships from Europe) I have noticed that prices here are higher than the prices in the USA.

I have contacted the BlueNile ( support and they ship worldwide with UPS which also, besides shipping, also handles the import procedures and tax collecting (VAT + Duty Tax at Customs).

You may get a lot more help from the PriceScope forum experts if you can manage to get actual videos of the diamonds.

An actual GIA certificate looks like this (less the clarity characterisctics nowadays)

What may be a good point to start filtering out diamonds that may underperform are the characteristics listed here (Proportions).
You may input the proportions found in GIA report from above and as shown under to exclude some potentially poorly performant diamonds. it is more of a rejection tool, like to exclude some diamonds that have a score of 2.0 +
Ciao, anch'io sono italiana.
Personalmente preferirei:
- dal mezzo carato in su,
- colore F/G (io indosso diamanti colore F)
- purezza non meno di Vs1 (io ho diamanti da IF a vvs2),
- no fluorescenza
- il taglio (cut, che è diverso da shape ossia la forma) è la caratteristica più importante perché determina la performance ottica di un diamante: tieni conto che ogni laboratorio (IGI, GIA, HRD,...) ha il proprio range di parametri, quindi un diamante che è classificato ex per un laboratorio, può rientrare nel vg se certificato da un altro laboratorio.
Ciò che ti viene suggerito dai membri di Pricescope è:
- di fotografare il certificato con i parametri (misura table, depth, crown angle, ecc),
-di chiedere se è disponibile ASET image cioè una certificazione della performance ottica,
- di chiedere eventualmente un video reale del diamante che stai considerando.
Con queste informazioni, i membri ti aiuteranno a capire se è un bel diamante; sicuramente ti verrà suggerito di acquistare online da siti americani: fai bene i conti, visto che devi pagare anche IVA, dazi doganali e spese di spedizione.
Per esperienza, nelle gioiellerie italiane difficilmente troverai diamanti con allegata ASET image e nessun gioielliere toglierà il diamante dal blister per girare un video.
Però puoi pretendere di vedere il certificato completo: non accontentarti di quello che c'è scritto dietro il blister!
In alcuni certificati IGI potresti trovare tra i commenti la dicitura Ideal o addirittura Heart and Arrows: fai comunque la foto del certificato e sottoponilo all'opinione dei membri.
Non acquistare d'impulso in negozio, perché in Italia il diritto di recesso con restituzione della somma di denaro pagata vale solo per gli acquisti online; se acquisti in negozio puoi solo effettuare il cambio.
Stai lontano dalle gioiellerie nei centri commerciali, perché vendono schifezze a prezzi esorbitanti.
Se hai l'opportunità, fai un giretto in gioiellerie tipo Damiani, Tiffany, Bulgari, Cartier: non spaventarti dei prezzi, chiedi di vedere anelli solitario con diamanti sul mezzo carato, mettili l'uno accanto all'altro e confrontali, allenando così i tuoi occhi a vedere bei diamanti (chiedi di vedere i diamanti togliendoti da sotto le luci artificiali e avvicinandoti alla luce naturale della vetrina/finestra).
Se la tua fidanzata è favorevole ai gioielli rigerenerati, considera l'acquisto da un comprooro dove puoi trovare buone occasioni.

My opinion as an Italian woman:
-half carat or above,
-F/G color,
-vs1 or above,
-no fluo,
- cut is the most important C,
-the ex parameters differ from laboratories (what is ex for IGI might be vg for GIA)
- avoid mall jewelers
-ask for full certificate; ASET image and video of the real diamond if avaible.
- no impulse buying: for Italian laws, if you buy at brick and mortar's, you can't have your money back, you can only change with something else.
- if you have the chance, go to big brand jewelers (Damiani, Bulgari, Tiffany, Cartier) and get your eyes trained to look at diamonds
- if your girlfriend is open to preowned, explore second hand rings
- post the diamond certificate on PS: the lovely PS members will surely comment and help you to find a beautiful rock.
@Vladovici did you order from bluenile at the end?
@purplesilk tu hai mai acquistato online? Da un sito americano magari? Lo consiglieresti?
@Vladovici did you order from bluenile at the end?
@purplesilk tu hai mai acquistato online? Da un sito americano magari? Lo consiglieresti?

Not yet, just started considering this option given the quotes I have received from the local vendors.
If I do, I'll let you know how it went.
I explore the bluenile websites and it seems good for me to order there. But I don’t know how to do for the ring size… If it don’t fit well on my girlfriend finger, what can I do?
Well, given that the rings (without diamond) are a lot cheaper in Romania, I will just purchase the diamond and have it mounted locally on a ring.

Check local jewelries around place, just give them a call and ask if they also mount the diamond on a ring, how much would the setting (ring) cost and what warranty do they offer, including warranty of damaging the stone during the installation.
@purplesilk tu hai mai acquistato online? Da un sito americano magari? Lo consiglieresti?
No, personalmente non ho mai acquistato online da siti americani per i problemi di IVA, dazi doganali, spese di spedizione ed eventuali resi.
Ho acquistato online un orologio Cartier e un anello Cartier da due diversi comprooro italiani e sono rimasta molto soddisfatta: su richiesta, entrambi mi hanno inviato video e certificati prima dell'acquisto.
Se vuoi, prova a dare un'occhiata al sito di ed eventualmente manda una mail specificando cosa ti interessa: hanno delle buone occasioni ed è tutto accompagnato da certificato.
Previo appuntamento presso un gioielliere di fiducia che vende solo diamanti certificati, quando voglio acquistare un diamante chiedo di visionare i certificati di alcuni diamanti confrontandoli con i parametri (table,depth, crown angle,...) consigliati su Pricescope...mi sono resa conto che sono in grado di scegliere belle pietre!
Molti PSers europei acquistano da Blue Nile: fissato il budget (tra IVA e spese varie, calcola che spenderai il 30% in piu' del prezzo netto sul sito), stabilite altre preferenze (colore, purezza, caratura minima), puoi chiedere ai membri di Pricescope di aiutarti a scegliere bel un diamante.
I never purchaised online outside Italy.
I bought online from Italian cash for gold shops and I was very satisfied (I got a Cartier watch and a Cartier ring).
I bought my diamonds from a local reputable jeweller: I chose diamonds within PS recommended parameters and I was able to get beautiful stones.
Blue Nile is the preferred option for European people (for VAT and shipping, add 30% to the online price): just fix a budget and ask the lovely PSers to help you to select a beautiful stone.
I explore the bluenile websites and it seems good for me to order there. But I don’t know how to do for the ring size… If it don’t fit well on my girlfriend finger, what can I do?

Plain settings can be easily resized.
If your girlfriend has a sister or a friend, you can ask them to investigate about your girlfriend's finger size: the sister/friend may suggest going to the mall and trying rings for fun;)2
If you’re in Italy, you might be able to get this one from It’s well cut and beautiful. Several PSers have approved it. Because @knculo is in Romania, they are unable to buy it, but maybe you are!

EDIT: @Vladovici is in Romania and can’t buy from 77diamonds, not @knculo. Oops!

F-VS2 (and many times SI 1) are eye clean. So it’s not always worth spending the extra money for something you can’t perceive with the naked eye. So going to VS2 isn’t about losing quality. It’s about understanding the industry terms and making your money go farther in ways that are practical.

Buona fortuna!

Last edited:
If you’re in Italy, you might be able to get this one from It’s well cut and beautiful. Several PSers have approved it. Because @knculo is in Romania, they are unable to buy it, but maybe you are!

F-VS2 (and many times SI 1) are eye clean. So it’s not always worth spending the extra money for something you can’t perceive with the naked eye. So going to VS2 isn’t about losing quality. It’s about understanding the industry terms and making your money go farther in ways that are practical.

Buona fortuna!


This stone is great. I would snag it
thanks very much, i like this websites and i want order. I see other two diamonds, a little bigger than the one you post.
this one
and this one
could you please tell me what you think?

I'm not an expert but seems that the price for the ring base is high with respect other websites. I also noted that on 77diamonds is 18k gold while other sites i see is 14k gold.
are the price ok or in your opinion i should order there only the diamond?
I don’t like the second ending in - 0764 bc of pavilion twist. I also took a look at this E, but I would want other PSers to comment. The other F seems to look good. I still like the 0.55, too.

EDIT: The E looks a little darker, but it might be obstruction from the camera? Again, other PSers will be able to assist.

I have no idea what reasonable setting prices are in Europe, but maybe other ppl know?

thanks very much, i like this websites and i want order. I see other two diamonds, a little bigger than the one you post.
this one
and this one
could you please tell me what you think?

I'm not an expert but seems that the price for the ring base is high with respect other websites. I also noted that on 77diamonds is 18k gold while other sites i see is 14k gold.
are the price ok or in your opinion i should order there only the diamond?

Please include pictures or else we can't help
I don’t like the second ending in - 0764 bc of pavilion twist. I also took a look at this E, but I would want other PSers to comment. The other F seems to look good. I still like the 0.55, too.

I have no idea what reasonable setting prices are in Europe, but maybe other ppl know?


Of these I prefer the G/VS2
Of these I prefer the G/VS2

Keeping in mind cultural preferences for color, do you think the F is a no-go? Or just not quite as well cut as the G? And what’re your thoughts on the E?

Appreciate you, @lovedogs! :kiss2:
@knculo : 14 karat gold is a no-no ; Italian women wear 18 kt gold or platinum.
And we prefer high color and high clarity over carat: it's a cultural thing!
So it's safer to get half a carat F IF/vvs over G VS/SI.
Just my (Italian) opinion.
Keeping in mind cultural preferences for color, do you think the F is a no-go? Or just not quite as well cut as the G? And what’re your thoughts on the E?

Appreciate you, @lovedogs! :kiss2:

Can you link them so I can see them in motion?
Can you link them so I can see them in motion?

This site is weird. I can’t, and believe me I’ve tried numerous times! The links just turn up ALL the round diamonds :nono:
The engagement ring is not an investment, it's an emotional purchase.
Italian women do not upgrade their engagement ring: they get other rings, but the engagement ring is the one and only they were proposed with, so be careful when choosing the e-ring.

This is a wonderful forum, but most of PSers are American, so they come from a totally different culture where "the bigger the better".
Again, just my opinion.
Here are two others I really like. I really wish it wasn’t so hard to view the videos.

In Italy a 18kt gold plain solitaire mounting, with four or six prongs, is priced about 500€.