
Down to 2 diamonds- please PLEASE help!!


Apr 26, 2016
Hi all,

It seems that I am extremely fickle when it comes to picking out my engagement ring. After reading about many experiences, I started to think sinking ~40% of our budget into a setting and having to compromise with the stone. So, we've decided instead to spend $4800-5000 to get a fantastic diamond in the 0.90ct range and get a simple, solitaire setting that is much less expensive.

I've got two diamonds reserved and am hoping you can help me choose between them. One is with WhiteFlash, the other with James Allen (both seem great to work with based on this forum!). Both score <2.0 on the HCA tool and have Idealscope images in the links below.

Ring size 3.75

1) Whiteflash Expert Selection 0.927 I/SI1 that's verified eye clean from 6 inches
Vatche 1513 "Felicity" setting (


Total cost: ~$5800

2) James Allen True Hearts 0.92 I/VS2


Total cost: ~$5500

The cost difference is not particularly important to me. I am really interested in choosing the best diamond that my budget will allow for. Thanks in advance for your help! I feel like I've learned SO much from this forum in the past week.

Hi Sherry,

Both stones look really lovely. I prefer the Vatche setting over the JA setting and I think the quality will be better as well. One thing, if you ever, ever think you may upgrade your diamond, WF has a very generous lifetime upgrade policy. I even think they'll give you credit for your setting if you so choose. That plus the Vatche setting makes me vote for the WF stone and setting!

Let us know what you decide! Excited for you!
I've tried that setting on. It's too thin and didn't look nice on the hand at all, and not just mine. A couple of other ladies there tried it on too. So I recommend you try the setting on locally, at a Vatche dealer. I like the WF stone too. I recommend this setting instead, though it has 4 prongs not six: or

Honestly if you want 6 prongs I'd go for one of these:

You can ask BGD to source a great GIA 3X for you.
I would go with Whiteflash, but I would also choose a different setting for the same reason Gypsy mentioned. I'd recommend platinum, if possible. These are some of my favorites (I am showing platinum but you can change it to white gold if you prefer):
Oh, yes! I like the Legato Sleek Line shank at 2mm!
Thank you so much everyone! I think the consensus is to go with the WF diamond, so that's what we'll be doing. I'll be asking if they can slim down the Legato sleek line setting so that I get a sleeker look.

I couldn't have done it without all of your help. This is a fantastic forum. Can't wait til he proposes sometime later this year so I can finally see it in person!

We love it when the girl gets input in her ring, because then we know for sure the surprise proposal will be a great one! Hope it will be soon! Come back with pictures for us!
Yippee!! I LOVE the Legato with the slimmer shank.....such a beautiful solitaire!

Come back and post photos of the ring and hand shots!! Congratulations!
Hi again everyone!

I'm sure that you'll think I'm nuts, but I had a little time this afternoon and have developed a bad habit of browsing pricescope/diamond inventory out of curiosity. I came across a new diamond at WF that I'm hoping you can compare to the one that we bought. WF has already assured me that since the ring isn't set yet, I can switch out the diamond if I prefer this one.

I ended up going with the Vatche Venus setting because the Legato was too expensive for me to customize (only about $300 more but I'm already pushing the budget!).

Here's the diamond we purchased:

0.927 I/SI1 Expert Selection
Wire Price $5249
Eye clean from 6 inches
Depth % 61.5
Table % 56.2
Crown Angle 34.8
Pavilion Angle 40.8
Measurements 6.26x6.28x3.86

And here's the new one that I'm considering that we reserved:

0.908 I/VS2 ACA, H&A Super Ideal Cut
Wire Price $5190
Depth % 61.0
Table % 56.4
Crown Angle 34.5
Pavilion Angle 40.6
Measurements 6.24x6.26x3.81

Based on the measurements, my guess is that I would never notice the size difference. My reason for possibly switching is the clarity upgrade (as well as saving $50!)- I was worried that from 3-4 inches, I would be able to see the inclusions in the SI1. I'm very near sighted and have no trouble focusing within that distance from my eyes. I've asked WF to take a side by side upside down picture of the two diamonds so that I can make sure I don't increase the warmth in this "I" colored stone.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again everyone!

The size is pretty much the same, I would choose the ACA! Also it's cheaper and you will know you have the best cut diamond!
That's kind of how I feel as well. But my question is WHY is it so much less expensive?

The next most similar ACA is a 0.904 I/VS2 that is listed at $5607 bank wire price.

All the angles and the measurements are extremely similar to the other I/VS2 but it's several hundred dollars more expensive. I'm wondering if WF prices based on their acquisition cost or whether there's something wrong with the other I/VS2 which is why it's listed for so much less.

Yeah, the ACA saves you a nice lunch out, so you might as well.
@Gypsy- is there anything wrong with the ACA that you can see that would explain why this ACA is so much cheaper than other ACAs listed on WF (like the last link that I posted)?

No it's perfect. Seriously. Ask their gemologist to pull both and pick the brightest most eyecatching one for you.
@istase: Thanks! The venus is just a little wider than the felicity. I've contacted the seller to see if it's still available

@gypsy: Thanks for reassuring my neurotic tendencies! I'm having them pull both today so I can see them side by side.

Once again, this community has made shopping for such a big purchase much more reassuring. Thanks!
I love the ACA. I would switch it especially since they haven't set the other stone. I'm guessing the price difference is attributable to acquisition cost. I don't think there should be anything "wrong" with the ACA otherwise it wouldn't have made their ACA criteria. What a great find!!
Last question:

I asked them to take an upside down photo of the diamonds side by side so that I could see how they fell in the "I" color spectrum. The photo is below with the 0.927 I/SI1 on the left and the 0.908 I/VS2 on the right. Is it just me or is the I/VS2 (ACA) slightly warmer? If so, which would you go with? Still the ACA?

I'm glad I got this picture because all else equal, I would choose the ACA. However, I'm afraid that I'll be able to pick up the color in the ACA and would love your opinions.


Thanks again! :wavey:
In the picture, the one on the right does look warmer, and it also looks more lively. I would choose the warmer one, but I love warm diamonds.
I agree that the ACA looks slightly warmer but livelier. I think both will be beautiful, so you just have to decide if the warmth will bother you or not! I don't think you can go wrong with either 8) .